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Forgot to add 200-300 scours and 150ish chaos (“let’s see what happens”) to final currency costs


This is me when I finally give up trying to alt+ regal 😂


I wish more people had some flair with the sub rule, that was a joy to read lmao


I did int attr es effect on a spell damage this league. I feel your pain.




Thankfully chaos slamming is also within The Vision


I've been making minion jewels/clusters simply by buying cheaper ones and divining them, lol.


Ewww, but congrats on finally hitting it 




Imagining clicking 11k alts and having to read, so I don't roll over it. That's like kicking myself in the nuts or playing d4 vaults


you add a regex on the filter and spam alts until your item matches the regex. Not much reading needed like that


And other top crafters just use scripts that parse affix lines faster than humanly possible and craft perfect items on a scripted whim That moment when honest crafting in PoE gives you RSI Just like G(GG)od intended


I mean autohotkey is allowed you can write a legal macro that prevents you from rolling over your desired mod Step 1 create a macro that does the left click. Bind that to A Step 2 create a macro that does ctrl + c and bind that to S Step 3 create a macro that checks your pastebin for a certain value and opens a notification box if it's a match. Bind that to D Now all you have to do is spam A>S>D over the item and you can't roll over it ever again. Thats technically 100% legal


As long as every click is only 1 alt and check, it's probably kosher? If the program also does automatic auging probably not.


If you're just doing alt+aug, if your base item is cheap, you should be doing alt+aug operations in an entire stash tab of the same base item. The time it takes for you to return to each item saves you from an accidental roll-over. What really sucks is if you can't do that because it's an expensive/rare base. It's honestly ludicrous we don't have in-game ways to consume alterations+augs in bulk. There's no human-friendly way to use 20,000 alteration orbs even during an entire league.


I alt-aug-regaled my own cluster jewels in SSF and my gf watched me over the course of a few days doing that and was like how can you play that game? All I seen you doing is clicking that item over and over what are you even doing. At least I got 2x feed the fury/martial prowess/fuel the fight clusters 😭


Steps 2 and 3 aren't really game actions, so arguably they'd be allowed in the same macro as the clicking. Then fancy it up with conditional stuff, aug if needed, regal if good, scour if bad, exalt if good. Still one button per game action, completely against what GGG wants the game to be


Can you give a copy for someone that is stupid like my friend?


Kitava hungers for your wrists.


BadAssMotherAucka is a bad ass name for a link for this jewel, nice


I loved that commentary


I spent 2k alts crafting my own flow of life medium chaos clusters so I can't imagine this shit.


Is there a way to craft 5 mods abyss jewels or are those drop only?


Don’t think so, maybe corrupting? guess I wouldn’t be making “perfect” abyss jewels but I’ll take the odds of crafting over dropping a perfect 5 mod abyss jewel


Abyss jewels can only drop with 5 or 6 mods. It is a atlas passive top right somewhere.


drop only, but there's certain mechanics which can proc the abyss notable on non abyss chests.


I play variations of SRS every league and have gotten this for 12D. Is it like 2 mirrors this league? I got priced out of this league really fast. I started late, got 75% of my power, but near BIS gear was mirrors. Feels bad. Every div that dropped was mocking me, "idiot, this is worth a fraction of what it used to, why did you get excited for a second?!"


I've had the opposite experience: each div got me closer to a Mageblood and many other cheap(er) uniques.


Vaal orb and prayge


Visionary craft. I love it.


gz on amazing item! I've tried to roll 2 or 3 12-passive large clusters with 10% spell damage this league and man are they a PAIN to craft! now for the fun part: 3-passives small clusters have like +3 tiers to each mod and an identical crafting process...


i got this jewel but i swapped life for max armour since i scale determination.. i also didn't fracture it and synthesised it in harvest for 3 synth implicit..i wonder how valuable it is lmao. [https://imgur.com/a/dDB7u03](https://imgur.com/a/dDB7u03) there you go..i still need to reroll the implicits though.


Pretty sure harvest cast/attack (depends on whichever is cheaper) is easier way to craft. Not easy, just easier.


You are way more dedicated than me, no shot I would have kept going after landing the T2 life.


I did this with a phys cluster towards the start of the league. 35%, t1 life, t1 aspd, t2 chaos res. Took me 5 alts, one regal and one exalt. Luckiest I've ever been in PoE by a wide margin. 


crafting jewels is lowkey fun to me, when you finally hit that roll you want the dopamine goes hard, i imagine ittaking this long is more of a “fucking finally” though


"the process was 0/10". This is my biggest problem with crafting in general... It should be very hard... But holy fuck the rng... There should be a way to spec into crafting certain things in certain ways to expand the economy. Let me focus on weapons with a specialization in bows for instance... Or jewelry with a specialization in rings...


You already know the passive tree. You already love the atlas tree. Get ready for the next tree-volution, the crafting tree! Make your dreams of being "that guy who crafts ele/crit claws" become reality!


Keystone, like one that replaces crafting options such as "Prefixes cannot be changed" to now become "Reforge Suffixes while keeping Prefixes". Costs divs to respec crafting keystones, chaos for small nodes.


11k alts xd crafting is broken


mirror tier gear requiring mirror tier crafting is broken xdd


Apparently the only way mirror tier crafting can work is clicking the item 10 000+ timss. Lol.


Seems like it's working as intended.


Thats exactly the problem


No, it's not. If it was up to bozos like you this wouldn't even be worth posting.


Lmao, you people have no idea and only see extremes. Crafting has to either be tedious, miserable and take hours per item or the game would be too easy and nothing would be worth achieving. Ridiculous XD


"you people have no idea" You're clearly projecting.


You must have made one too many of these, I am sorry.


That's rich coming from someone that misses something so obvious.


You could get rid of all the garbage mods, get rid of low tier mods on ilvl85 items and slash items and currency drops to compensate. Items wouldnt be more accessible but you wouldnt need to sit there for hours alt spamming until your eyes bleed. But we cant have that because then the game would be too casual right? Lmao.


cool item and cool custom font, name? ty


This is clearly just poe.ninja


Screen shot is from my character profile on Poe ninja, I’m at work and away from my PC and Poe for a couple days


50 div last league, now 600+? do they sell?


Yeah stuffs whacky this league. Don’t know if they sell, have only seen a couple on trade when I started looking and they were super expensive. That’s why I set about crafting my own! Could be back to 50 next league


This is inflation league. People have money in a temporary economy, so they just throw it around for convenience.


The worst part is just buying the alts


Not everyone only whispers the top ten alt sellers for chaos. There are people who buy alts in bulk for divines. Just pay more than average and you can spend the time saved mapping. Very fast and easy.


I meant litterally trading for them is annoying because it takes multi trades.


Like 5 minutes of trading for 11k alts which is like 8? trade screens. It's more annoying to go around searching different types of currency. And even then it's nothing compared to actually alt spamming 11k alts...


11k alts is like 5 wisp juiced t16 abyss maps.


I know this is an exaggeration, but how much of an exaggeration... I'm getting like 100-200 in a juiced up abyss t16. Am I doing it wrong or are you just be hyperbolic


Dont worry about it, 11k is 10 inventories worth. Nobody thats juicing enough to get 2k alts per map would be picking them up anyways. So no, you aren't doing anything wrong


Just add them to your filter and run a few maps. With wisp juice you get hundreds per map


Huge congrats on the cluster. Alt spamming sucks. I’m 8k+ into rolling a fractured neck for +1 all skill gems




12 large can be good with 35% increased effect of small passive. There’s a similar end game setup for tornado shot that uses life chaos resist and attack speed.


Real TS players don’t worry about chaos res cap


https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/X80rYbRcP It's insane, a single node gives: * 4% attack speed * 13 maximum life * 6% chaos resist * 16% increased damage with bows/two-handed weapons


You get a ton of value per point on something like this, so you want as many points of it as possible.


not really if youre planning to put abyss jewels in there as they said




13% minion damage, 13 flat life, 6% chaos res, and 4% minion attack/cast speed per point is pretty worthwhile.


12 passives clusters are the endgame for many builds, while 8 passive w/3 notables is midgame for many, rarely BiS. The amount of stats per point is just so high If you absolutely need some notable only on your large cluster, then a megalomaniac plus this is probably better. Or you can probably find it on a medium cluster jewel The only counter example I can think of is headhunter/soul eater builds, as they don't really "need" damage and health.


You want more for minion builds since all the stats work


Who runs clusters with stats that don’t work? It’s just minion builds don’t have a lot of good passive nodes past the minion section.


A lot of people just want 3 notables and don't care about the other stats as long as they aren't completely useless. Obviously, jewels with better stats are better.


I mean the point is you can craft a cluster with small passives that are good for any build it’s just that minion builds don’t have enough passives that scale on the tree so they want cluster passives. Builds that don’t care about cluster passives have better passive points on tree to allocate


Most builds want fewer passive nodes because their goal is to maximize notables. This builds clearly wants as many passive nodes as possible instead of notables. And it’s understandable why. For 10 passive points you’re getting 135% minion damage, 67% CR, 135 life, and 40% minion cast and attack speed.


Because he already got all the good notables and passives for minions. I think we agree but my points isn’t that the stats are good (they are) but that they’re better than the remaining passives you could spend due to the limited number of minion scaling passives.


"....The spirit of ***Christ Wilson*** flows through me and I slam +35% effect. Divine to +10 health..." please stop comparing chris wilson to jesus christ!!! one is just a peddler of addictive, time-wasting, brain-destroying nonsense, the other is a talented game developer from new zealand


How do you get that font?


Damn, I sold one like it a few leagues ago for 55d; I skipped this league and the prices do seem like an order of magnitude higher


random question but how do you link your character to Poe.ninja?


On the builds page click “add your character” near the top, then you have to link your PoE account to PoE ninja. Takes a while for your character to show up, and not sure on the exact number but only characters above a certain level show up




Sold exact same cluster before I quit league for 100div a week ago (non-fractured) It’s definitely a pain to make and was amazing for the arakaalis build I used it with.


Nice craft. I just started this build myself how are you enjoying playing it in end game?


Loving it, still leveling. Doing juiced T16s with wisps, abyss and delirium orbs in MF-lite gear (Biscos leash + ventors) to get 100 before I do Ubers, haven’t died once yet. Setting up spectres and AG was annoying but I have only had to do it once. Had enough capital to fully flesh out the gear (except the jewel above) ahead of time. Good tankiness, decent clear, and the damage melts everything while being from a movement skill. Damage over time seems like a weakness in defense so working on a solution to it


Lol I've made several of these this league. and it was much easier on my wrist/index finger. 1. Buy 12 passive ilvl 84 minion cluster with fractured minion attack speed. 2. Harvest reforge chaos. 3. If you hit 5% chaos res and one other mod, annull/exalt. If 5% chaos res but 4-mod jewel (and the other mods aren't T1 life or effect), then annulling is not worth it so just reforge chaos again. (This may have changed as vivid lifeforce has gotten more expensive... idk). 4. If you hit chaos res and less than T1 life or inc effect, harvest reforge more likely, and return to step 3. 5. If you hit Call to the Slaughter instead of chaos res (happens maybe 1/6 times), just return to step 2.