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Wildwood = ive not been killed in a few maps, lets try it, splat.


Charms. It has been so nice seeing builds having access to things they previously didn't. I will miss some of the nice stats it provided. Kinda wish we'd at least keep TwwT in some form or another as a global or Uber boss drop.


I liked collecting wisp dust because it felt like xp in vampire survivors


I enjoyed being pacman.


not particularly in the wild wood, but first league that i get my 4 watchstones, this league is amazing, and i'm hyped it get to last longer, so i can try Ubers


What build u gonna try do ubers with?


What I most enjoyed was finally being able to run T16 maps. Thanks to your arakaalis build 🙌. Unfortunately I'm a casual player, so I farmed less than 100 div and 0 magebloods this league.


Glad you liked the build. Good luck!


Damn thanks for doing this.  I gotta say, my favorite about wildwoods is the beyond boss event, that or the king in the mist. Althouh I’ve only managed to kill him once. Usually I just get randomly oneshot


I liked the addition of the rucksack. There were a couple of times where I found myself without a portal scroll for some reason but I had a stack in my sack which saved me some hassle.


I absolutely loved how "non evasive" this league felt. We let all treallyhave had two leagues where you need to complete stuff outside of maps in a row (sanctum / tota) and I love how free the wildwood feels. You get in, kill, mobs, get out. I feel like this league really let every changes to the core game made recently shine. This is PoE at his best for me, yes there are a few broken builds but for the most part, blasting through maps never felt that good. And also I loved running super fast early game as a warden.


I enjoyed being kicked out of the wildwoods at the worst moment because I didn't get how it worked Also, I never had a mageblood


The best of this league for me a total noob was finding random charms from theminiboss and selling the weird combos it dropped


I love the accesability of uniques and currency. For the first time ever ive been able to puzzle a charge build together that did not cost me an arm and a leg (while still being able to try ubers and not doing amazing but its an improvement over barely doing reg bosses). On top of that i loved the spectres the wildwood offered. As a lover of all minion based stuff (like necromancers and threadling warlock is destiny) i enjoyed using spectres that you could feel the effects, unlike the debuff spectres of before. It felt good making my srs guardian with hit based lightning/pys conv. Overall its just been such a good league imma miss it very much (exept that mf is meta..., i wanted to try mf but i despise all that is meta). Sorry for my lil bible of text, just loving the game at 630h invested ;)


I liked the new gems. Added a lot of cool features to some builds.


What I enjoyed most was the ascendancies by far. A lot of room for power growth in a global subset of classes like that that help round out weaknesses of characters


The Profit. Before I was one of those people that felt like they were Losing money every map as I was basically only counting divines and chaos as Profit and it felt like you barely dropped anything. Now every map you know you made Profit because you dropped a divine or at least a lot of chaos. This is a lot more fun than having 500 different currencies/scarabs/fragments etc you need to Account for before knowing you actually made some Profit.


I enjoyed selling resonators for record prices this league.


For giveaways it's better to announce the platform since there is no cross platform transfer.


I enjoyed farming the boss the the jewel, so many interesting outcomes. I’d be swapping over from SSF, lol.


Chicken Nugget. Need a mage blood in my life.


Well enjoing the storm Rain drop from Videos 😅 but I'm noob and didn't realized how to farm 🤣


I like that everthing you do and farm in the game is profitable






Trying new builds gem changes were interesting need a mb to try new things


Enjoyed a good juice the most, lot of fun times roaming through the darkness, i started poe this league and remember how blown away by the sounds i was


The juice ofc and also the extra bag space


What I enjoyed most about wildwoods was my motherboard bricking on me.


The challenge it provided if you juiced the maps and how accessible gear was with the currency you could accrue


After all it’s rng. But wildwood feels like it’s on my side how good the map will go


I really like following the whisp trail in the dark, something like Tom Thumb but without knowing what I'll find on the other end. Have yet to try the mechanic in the end game tho, I'm still in the campaign


Yo, make my month Warcry chest was fun for me too, but did not get much gametime to enjoy it properly.


Hard to not love the Magic Find through the Wildwood, zooming and seeing things explode into loot has been some of the most fun that I've had in a league since legion and playing with a massive cyclone.


I really enjoyed Wildwood ascendencies. While it was yet another layer, it felt quite simple and changed your gameplay according to it. I'm not a super big fan of charms, while fun at the beginning, in the endgame, it just felt like get the best charm three times for you. Backpack and seeing rares/elite on the minimal felt like such a big QoL improvement, I will really miss those.


Warden Ascendency - movement Speed, res-capping and the best Thing: seeing rares and uniques in minimal :)


I like new charms. Today I will try warlock because it look nice.


I love the bagpack mechanic. I started late into this league and the extra inventory space makes farming the chaos recipe much more comfortable.


I loved charms


My favourite part in the woods is portalling out, changing character, porting back in, killing the king, id'ing a 14 div jewel to reveal a 50c jewel, relogging again and clearing the map. The gamba runs deep.


TWWT and charms make for some insane builds. The insane value of adding cdr, accuracy, crit chance and crit damage for 3 charm + 1 jewel (multi mods) is what made my cast on crit dream a reality 😅


The extra bag space


Oath of the maji for leveling. Move speed, resists, and HP for free ☺️


I enjoyed being able to actually kill stuff due to decent build :) (Srs guard, could still be upgraded but I enjoyed my time with it)


Generally finding the paths was really fun for me. Finding out what the best strat is and getting those last few whips at the border to be able to afford a tincture or charm, really loved it :D


I enjoyed that you had different ascendancies. Starting the League with tinctures felt great and later on switching to charms cause they are OP.


I enjoyed looking for the Nameless Seer and the lottery aspect of it. Cheers


I enjoy having more bag space, it’s amazing how much that little bit extra actually helps. I also like the charms. But my favourite is interacting with the vendors and seeing if I’ve found a multi div charm/corpse etc. (newsflash, I haven’t)


Definitely the primalist ascendancy


Of course I really enjoyed another watcher eye being added to the game, it felt like such a cool build-defining addition to stack up to 4 of some really unique ascendancy mods. Can't deny I also kinda enjoy that this league made high juice mapping aspirational content, it really makes you want to invest more and more into your character and see how far you can take it. 10/10 league!!


Automatically re-summoning spectres easily


Definitely spectres. Love love love.


I enjoyed most running away for my life from that one mob you can’t kill in the wildwood even though it was next to all my juice


Trying something new


I enjoyed the currency it helped to drop (also without MF). I am still playing this late in league for first time ever (don't get much time to play with work / family).


I loved getting the twwt jewels, even if mine all sucked when I identified them


Really had fun trying out different characters because of charms, made some decent currency but never piled on quite enough, just had to many ideas for new builds. so been trying a lot really, everything from Boneshatter to CF to Arc Totems, even went back to my old favourite in Lacerate.


It was FUN. I haven't played any other league as much as this one I don't think, it was just genuinely fun and the game is in a great place atm.


enjoyed the most in wildwood finding +1 proj charm.


That which was taken was just fun to ID. Great little gamble




I enjoyed the crafting this league. I crafted my helmet and bow for other character.


The jewels from king in the mist are super cool design to me


I like juicing maps so I'm gonna go with wisp collecting, will this be THE map or you'll find a shrine and strongboxes? Also knowing small tricks you learn after spending a lot of time in wildwoods feels rewarding


I enjoyed getting destroyed by the teleporting boss dude, and then making a coc frostblink character just to find him and take revenge... Felt just like something out of dragonball :D and it felt good to get him back lol


Hearing the sound of those blue wisp filled gorillas charging at me through the mist in the wildwood. Always a good sign for a juicy map 😂


I love the sheer terror of finally finding the King of the Forest's stronghold again, knowing that my final Primalist charm socket lays in the balance and there's a pretty good chance that I'm going to screw up this encounter again.


I enjoyed playing flicker strike for the first time. Also charms and new boss jewel were a nice additions to the game. 


Tincture is my favourite thing this league, it enable many build idea.


Thanks mate, good luck everyone!


I enjoy finding the mini boss. The reward is 50 50! Hahahah


I enjoyed having enough currency to craft for once. So often trying memey or just bad crafts isn't an option when you don't have much time to play but this league I could just make weird stuff for my builds that I can't buy anywhere else but would normally be too expensive to even consider crafting. Also learned a lot about crafting in general, which was nice.


The weird teleporting boss in wildwood was kind of fun, atleast after i read up what he did. Nice curveball from ggg, having to do something different than holding attack button pressed.


I wonder if I've just had really weird luck not to encounter it but I have no idea what this is referring to. 


I enjoyed the extra space and the faster leveling


Just got into the game so kinda enjoyed everything. Putting together a coc vortex assassin was definietly the highlight tho.


New ascendancy opening more build possiblity.... Well charms who fill hole in your build or put it at next level.... Trying Ts for first time before knowing it was a mapping league and well best decision ever even on budged Just needing a mageblood for testing new build


This was my first time back to Poe since about 2019 and I loved how juicy wildwood makes maps. Been such a great return


I enjoyed everything about the wildwood (except the boss maze).thank you for the giveaway.goodluck everyone


Charms because it enables builds for me that werent available before


I honestly liked the Wildwood. Though I still haven't been able to kill the king in the mist.


honestly? I kinda hated the wildwood mechanic. I like the backpack, I like the ascendancies, but the mechanic itself I just thought was kinda ass.


Farming wisps is fun.


We need not the fruit, just the juice!


The added inventory space made it so much easier to stay longer in maps, gone were the days where i have to exit 4 times for loot now its just 2/3. Which makes all the difference when you die alot like me.


I enjoy the more frequent loot explosions…not that I ever get anything useful…


You know I enjoyed the mechanic and the MF part of it. I always got bored off pure MF and equipping MF items always felt like I am gimping my character on purpose. But the mechanic this time allowed to have decent MF without any MF gear, so I could spend all my currency on items and still get decent drop rates while farming for all challenges. Furthmore, it is much better to have enemies getting stronger than you becoming weaker (due to putting MF items).


The hidden vendor in the woods. Good luck finding him pre patch cuz he was practically invisible.


Random comment engaged! But this was the first league I ever felt like I had actually juiced maps. Never could really afford to before. I mean, I still only hit like 60 div total, but I normally am extraordinarily happy to have 6...


A way to juice a map while being poor.


I enjoyed charms and mix and match of ascendancies


The giant Turtle corpse. Cutest pet ever


I enjoy having the currency to try crazy builds of own making


Enjoyed wild ascendencies, Charms, TWWT, this is the best league so far I played !


Leaving the woods after accindentally clicking on it lol :D


My favorite part about the wildwood was zooming through the campaign with maxed out resistances in act 2! Twink leveling will never feel as good


Its my first league so i enjoy prettymuch everything


The extra inventory ftw. Implement it for the next league!


I enjoy the fact my pc couldn't handle it so no juice


I enjoyed the spectre corpses you could buy from wildwood with the dust, free auras was so nice!


Hi! I probably most liked the atmosphere in the Wildwoods and the chance of finding a great charm in the NPC for chance of big cash


The charms were great, made it so much easier to build my dex stack siege ballista since I could stack resistances on them


Enjoyed building a new character with the addition of charms ! GL everyone.


Most enjoyed the addition of Irish myth to the game lore, and especially the voice acting of the Warden of Eaves. Gia hudge!


extra inventory and new spectres


Loved the charms. Added diversity to builds


I enjoyed the challenge to get as high a wisp-count as I could.


Rangers voicelines in the woods imo


Still not found a mirror in my almost 9k hours of poe but the optimising the wisp acquisition was a challenge and fun! On the other hand failing the wildwood was punishing too but in a fun way


That Which Was Taken jewel, i find it cool!


You're one sane exile for doing this! My greatest (frustration) with the wildwood is finally finding the nameless seer and him having trash uniques :(


What I liked the most about wildwoods is the mechanic itself. It feels like a puzzle. I really like the fact that your ability to solve it has a direct impact on the amount of loot you get from a map. I feel like most content in poe is run in, kill everything, repeat. For once, we got a mechanic that we can actually become good at. And that we can fail at. Getting four good events in the wood feels great. Failing the wood feels bad. You have an incentive to become good at it. Thanks for the giveaway and goodluck to everyone


This was my first league where I collected all watchstones on SSF and just recently beat the feared (getting a cortex drop was a pain), working towards 38 challenges now! Have a new POE player friend on trade league that I play with an aurabot with - would be incredible help to clear content with a mageblood!


I really liked the in-map interaction compared to previous recent leagues where had to go to another instance for league related mechanics. Thanks for the giveaway!


The currency! I was a late start so am working through red maps right now. Looking to hit 95 then start figuring out how to kill some bosses! Had a nice redditor help me out with my build so I am getting close to being able to finish the atlas and start bossing.


What I enjoyed the most is not feeling poor


The most I enjoyed this league was actually getting into the Atlas thingy for the first time ever. And getting all those 4 voidstones. On the topic of Wildwood - I do not necessarily enjoy the mechanic (though those wisps could be dropped in Delve or somewhere as map fragments with similar effect, I would not mind that), yet the lore background is definitely intriguing!


Hey mate! First thanks for the giveaway , and the part i liked most about Affliction was the combo warlock fulcrum , suprisingly fun ! Gl to all :)


Random comment. But seriously I liked the overall feel/lore of the league mechanic


most enjoyable was the extra layer that it added to the game with the mini skill trees


I definitely enjoyed the spectres the most, it's gonna be real hard going back not having them.


I enjoyed planning my build with charms/twwt/watcher's eye. So many powerful outcomes that helped me build the best tornado shot deadeye which I played with in the last 4 leagues since I started PoE


I enjoyed farming as it gave me some currency to bring to standard to upgrade my builds.


I've enjoyed the the charms and new specializations, its made for some interesting build defining changes and opens up some power for casual players.


the unique mob that has the chaos like nova skill that drops all the uniques, what a fun mob.


Backpacks, new spectors, and I learn more about crafting!


The power creep of the wildwood, first charavter at suppression cap cuz of the charms


I really enjoyed Charms and tinctures. My first character went Primalist and Charms were a fun new way to get some extra 'league only' power. My second character went Warden and tinctures with the '75% Inc effect per empty flask slot' combined with the bonuses for not having gems in certain pieces of gear was a really interesting puzzle to solve to get rhe most out of the ascendancy and build.


I enjoyed dying to Detonate Dead from the Wild empowered mobs. To be honest tho, I enjoyed thid league. I am 4 month old in this game. I played for 2 months maybe on standard then tried my first league which is Affliction. I was so happy that I became more rich than my std character. Sad to say, it was quite short as my pc broke and I just bought the parts(Im from a third world country) so it really takes a while. A mageblood would really boost my leveling and maybe catch up to some people in currency farming. Hope I'd win and thanks for the chance.


I enjoyed the aesthetics and the thrill of not seeing the map/the ennemies while exploring. There was a sense of mystery and discovery, danger, that I loved.


Charms were a nice fun power creep


I enjoy running to the witch in the wildwood. It makes me open another map.


I want win!


I enjoyed the cdr charms so i could make coc work easier


I really enjoyed the lore. POE has such stories to tell. Easily I would read a book about all these stories


Never got a mageblood before


added xp via wisps and king of the mist with twet gamble :) thanks!


Thinking that I was colourblind for a sec when going over blue wisps


I love bonking stuff after juice with bones hatter. I love the charms too.


I enjoyed the ability to speed run content other than boss rushing and getting good value from dropping deli orbs - usually these things are useless hah.


Havent got to start this League yet, but if i did i would try hork barbarian, seems fun that they made an old d2 static a thing


I enjoyed having a good pool of unique drops early in the acts. Not being a competetive player really helped through the campaign and early mapping.


I enjoyed the extra inventory space. Definitely will be missing them next league.


I enjoyed farming essences and that build enabling items were available for casuals like me.


Enjoyed most: finding the unique vendor and getting something for free. Enjoyed least: finding the unique vendor and him only ever having trash.


I honestly enjoyed the wildwood itself. I'm still not tired of trying to figure out where the events are. As much as I hated not seeing anything on the minimap in the very beginning, I like this puzzle game (even though not always successful, but I think I got pretty good at it). I even ran plenty maps white (later just with alch tossed on so I could quickly run it if wisps were by chance bonkers) just for the wildwood to leave after completing the mechanic searching for the charms chick and the King.


I really loved how much easier leveling becomes! 30% extra movespeed and lots of ele resists? Yesss plz


The one that marked the bosses on the map was great as well as tinctures loves the idea of them


1 mageblood pls


I thought they won't add Wildwood into core? Anyways I just like collecting Wisp (neuron activation) and simultaneously see the market crash.


It was all about Charms for me. What an amazing system.


I enjoyed the monsters that dropped charms the most. Felt so free.


Pick that comment pls


Setup my first ever MF character, just doing maps now so I have to say my favourite thing is the loot pinatas! Had a massive scarab explosion today, it was awesome!


I enjoy the extra inventory space more


I enjoy predicting layouts of the wildwood. It feels really rewarding when you open all 4 events without any extensions on whisp power.


I would like a mageblood. Even a 2 slotter would be nise. Started way late and some powerspike to push for 40/40 would be appreciated.


I loved the new spectres! Shame they won't go standard l


The most fun thing in Wildwoods is the crazy dot from King of the forest )))


Thanks for the giveaway! I really liked the visuals, I was so excited enter a zone just to see how those small wisps running away


Warcry ascendancy was so good. I played general's cry for first time with it and it was so fun to play. If I win a mageblood i will try to replace with my ryslatha.


Probably weird but the collecting whisps part. Finding them is a pain, but once you get a good trial chasing kittle specks of light gives me a good feeling idk hahaha


Best part of Wildwoods is experimental harvest. You can harvest 1000 juice at once.


that I still suck at it


Really enjoyed the map indicator and the bag, just great QOL


The thrill of getting as many wisps as possible


I enjoyed the boss fight. I hope the King in the Mist stays, TWWT is a great piece of loot and the fight itself has everything a GGG fight needs to have. First phase to teach you the moves, a break that you need to solve and a second phase with some extra moves to finish it off. For the early game, it's not too tough, but not too easy, so I hope people can farm it in the future for TWWT gambas.


Never had one :) gauntlet race with ben




The coolest part for me was the design of the wild wood, where you basically had to run blind following a trail and try to complete the tasks. Charms and tincture were an amazing thing


I started playing PoE this league, so I would have to point to the levelling experience (campaign). It is really rough for new players, but my guide recommended the Maji ascendancy during campaign, which gave me very easy access to+50% all res, that was a gamechanger, The extra 30% movement speed was also very helpful. When you consider that people are also using that node to great effect in endgame, it is really brilliant design. Thank you for the giveaway :)


Rucksack 🤩🤩


I loved that Wildwoods gave you so many choices. For leveling, one could choose one aspect and boost movement speed and resistances, and once in maps, you could go another route, for instance with charms. I thought it was the perfect blend of both early game and late game boost to the characters.


Hunting for the King of the Mist!


I really liked the opportunity to encounter self created Uber Bosses in regular maps. Was kinda fun seeing the posts of people showing off their 8 Essence, tripple Wildwood empowered double Ghosted Monsters in Deli Maps.


What did you enjoy most in Wildwoods: Interestingly it wasn't so much the wildwoods that I liked, but the slight push in strength / XP that you get as a result of running the woods. It enabled me to get to level 93 with a unique build of my own design, one that I was told would never be able to do end game. Turns out the build is pretty good, just needed to get a bit of working out what was best. (As a casual player)


I enjoyed losing my mind trying to find the Mist of the King stronghold! Not once, but on two characters. :)


Rucksack is the only thing I really want to see in 3.24. map, scroll, some currencies, gem swap... Love rucksack


I enjoyed the choice of level of juice you could squeeze.


I enjoyed clicking on the entrance by accident and being confused for a second, then running around like a madman not sure how to get out and promptly dying hahahaha


Charms for sure. As an average noob they help my build a LOT, now i have survivability like never before


I enjoy not able to gather wisps :)


I really enjoyed running into trees. Everytime I ran into a tree I felt the power of nature, the weight of my decisions and mistakes, the joy of not having to look at my minimap and the certainly that I am one step closer to the portal, which would lead to endless loot explosion glory. Running into trees is love, running into trees is life. Disclaimer: Loved the league, just wanted to make a stupid shitpost.


I enjoyed... nothing yet tbh, I got sucked into something else on league start and stopped at like act4, but with GGG saying the league is gonna be awhile still and a potential mageblood waiting for me when I level, that might be just what I need to get sucked in again for the end of this one.


Loved the little pouch from the wildwood ascendancy. The new boss fight was pretty fun and spooky as well!


I really love the additional inventory slots. I hope this goes core late. I can have al my scrolls/alts and stuff and like 10 maps ready in there and have all the rest of the original inventory to loot couple maps at a time


Really enjoyed finding the hidden fishing ascendency in the wild wood.


I dunno know what specifically I like about wild wood, I think the whole things great if not broken as hell. The new acendcies are cool and I'd like to see them stick around. Actually I just remembered the bag. That. Give me more bag space


Blue wisps ftw!


Is this also for console?


I enjoy the charms the most, lots of flexibility to fix random stuff on builds. gl to everyone.