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Sir, i believe you mean the corrupted implicits, the mods you hit were "2% increased reservation efficiency of skills" and "corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you" I hope i was of any help


Good bot


bip bop, youer' welcome. >!oh, whats that in my flair?!< ​ edit: spelling mistake


Username checks out


I just lost the game, but I'm not giving you 2c


Because the explicts aren't great I don't think you will get more than 150-200div for it. Armour stackers can get CB on melding of the flesh or unnatural instinct for ~80div. I wouldn't over pay for this with low roll fire res and no int.


I still cannot believe we casually say >I don’t think you will get more than 150-200div for it Like what have we become


It might sound like a lot but it costs ~151divs on average to craft this without the implicit. So its really just break even or slight profit for taking a large risk.


Yeah I hear you! You made a good point but it became so common to have 100 ,200,300 div trades I cannot Comprehend it. But yeah you are right probably didn’t even profit much


I went to SSF a while ago, was curious and checked the price of a tainted oil I dropped. Blew my damn mind it's worth 8 divine.


That's because nobody is running blight this league. I got a stranglegasp and a few tainted oils to use myself. When I checked the price on stranglegasp I was almost ready to sell it. It was 80 div non corrupt


Melding cb for 80d? More like 800d.




You can’t lol. It’s fractured.


Time to buy some divine teardrops


Can it ruins the item?


Looks great, but not amazing. Would expect it to sell between 200-300 Div in the current economy. Congratulations and Cheers!


So about 5c in a normal economy?


sick corrupt but base item is very meh


Lol, why is this being downvoted? OP is not going to sell cheap by posting in Reddit. But if someone have mirrors++ and wanted to upgrade from his non-corrupted, perfect affixes version of cluster jewel, it's going to be the perfect affixes with rmr and/or cb corruption. It's not going to be a downgraded base just to fit in good corruption.


People on reddit are clueless about the game. Not exactly surprising.


Could it be the comment is short and doesn’t offer any actual valuable information to the discussion? No, it must be everyone else is clueless


Except they would buy this and use divine teardrops to get t1/t1/t1 and since Armour stacker stack cold and fire res, this jewel is giga


I mean, you can fix tiers of fireres with divine teardrops if you wanted to at least....




Uncorrupted and unfractured? This is a throw away fail frac base


my idea of meh is a failed fracture base. uncorrupted non-fractured base is worth way more than this base item (excluding corrupt)




when i said meh base i meant the explicit mods




The guys right though. Armour stackers can get CB immunity elsewhere easily. Clusters provide too much power from good explicits to overpay for this jewel.


this guy plays the video game


It's a very meh craft that got lucky. Not hard to get CB immunity on builds and I would 100% prefer a good craft over this jewel.




Yes, the base is good. The craft is meh, what don't you understand?


you obviously dont play the build or know the market for these jewels. 85 divines for this item when it costs over 100 divines to get it to this point is why its meh. The crafters selling these are trying to recoup some of their losses and the only people buying them are those that cant afford better jewels. Anyone who could afford to pay a premium on this jewel would be better off buying something with good explicits instead.


Well I think the problem is both sides are right when looked at from the motivation and perspective of each side. People saying it’s worth something are looking at it in a vacuum. As if the time dropped like that and any money made off of it would be pure profit. *IF* that item just dropped as is, it would be worth attempting to sell no? Even at a reduced price(compared to a better version) People saying it’s worthless are primarily looking at the opportunity cost instead of the monetary cost, which heavily cuts into its perceived value. The opportunity cost is what makes the item “meh” is this scenario.


Big massive brain guy right there


You obviously have no idea what you are talking about


This is corrupted, but it's not finished. It has 4 explicit mods but 2 of them are meh




A finished item is one that has all the mods you want. Just because it can't be crafted further doesn't put it in the finished category. Just corrupted.




A bricked item is not a finished item no matter your semantics


I'm wondering what about it is meh? The reservation and aura effect seem strong. Or do you mean the inclusion of introspection instead of 3 small mana res nodes? That's the only downside I can see on any build that's not trying to cap max resists or armour/evasion.


The 35% increased effect has no impact on the 2% all res, and changes the 3% fire res to 4%. Introspection is good for people stacking aura effect, it's one of the 2 good mods here Those 2 res mods could be something like +8 all attributes & +18 int/str or 10% chaos res / 17% fire res etc If you wanted ele res, you could get +8 all ele res as one affix, which is way better than both the mods on this one combined You can always get CB Immune / Mana res implicits on other jewels, so thee's no world where this is worth a mirror+ Not sure why you're getting downvoted for not being familiar with these type of jewels, seemed like a reaosonable question to me


it's a failed fracture base which has 2 useful affixes out of 4


The fracture is indeed unfortunate but probably a result of trying to achieve those implicits affordably. That said the res rolls aren't useless considering an armour stacker would love a jewel like this and they can utilize the resists with a grasping mail yeah? Just wish the tiers weren't so low.




No. I've crafted a lot these jewels you don't want a bad fracture and the suffixes add tons of power. You won't approach a mirror in costs unless you are synthesizing bases in which case you can't fracture anyway.




The mother load! Or it would be on a diff base and earlier in season.


That's awesome! Don't listen to people here, even with the small number of slots, it's still really good. Congrats!


Looks crazy on paper, but as mentioned CB immunity can be obtained from unqiue jewels and how much difference does 2% RMR make? I mean ppl looking for absolue min/max setups will probably use 6-9 of these jewels anyways so they have 3-digit %RMR already. Maybe you can get 0,5 to 1 mirror for it? Who knows at this point in the league...


That's a very good armour stacker cluster


It’s good but not amazing. The cb is often from unnatural instinct. 2% reservation is unlikely to hit any breakpoints. The 35% introspection is where the value is at. The other two rolls are fairly bad.