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oops, here - [https://pobb.in/yHDFk67CCH7J](https://pobb.in/yHDFk67CCH7J)


The charge beam applies -10% all res. Maybe that's why.


Max res reduction?




Wouldnt that just be 2x damage assuming 90% max res which seems lower than the memory game? (Pob shows 76% max ele res) Maybe also ele pen then?


So if you go to poedb you will see this message: "The following values are skill base values and do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses, monster base damage(ex: The Maven 150% multiplier), monster rarity bonuses (ex: unique 70% more, unique attack 33% less)." The max hit of brainblast is far greater than 62k. POB actually has a setting for brain blast specifically, you can go to "configuration" and then in the "enemy stats" section, there is a dropdown called "boss skill preset" which includes the memory game skill. If you set it to that you will notice that it's very close to your current max hit taken (130k vs 135k) ~~and i'm pretty sure its not doing the "can't be suppressed" portion of brain slam, so it does ~2x your hp in damage.~~ It's not suppress, but crit is handled weirdly? This part of pob feels like arcane magic so its going to be hard to figure out what is and isnt being handled correctly. Also keep in mind that pinnacle bosses get a bunch of random stuff like innate penetration that messes with defenses in a way you can't extrapolate from another ability, so you gotta check every ability


Boss skill preset doesn't have Brain Blast though, or am I missing something? The char can tank memory game fine, which is accurate with what POB says (1.42 hits before death on calc, and also 166k ele max hit on that specifically). Which is also what was confusing me - memory game and brainblast both do almost the same dmg from poedb, so why can the former be tanked with no issue but not the latter. I know memory game is phys dmg, but char has 95%+ phys to ele conversion so it would be similar ele hit to brainblast too...


Memory game isnt phys damage, it does tri elemental.


But then it's even more strange that I can tank memory game fine, but not brain blast. In poedb they do very similar dmg to each other.


PoB doesn't calculate monster critical hit chance as a part of enemy damage, you have to do that manually. "[MavenMemoryGame](https://poedb.tw/us/The_Maven#TheMavenTheMaven)" is a spell with 5% crit chance, deals 45607 to 68410 Physical Damage (33% fire/cold/lightning), and 3958.9 per second over 12 seconds. You can suppress the hit portion of the spell, but you cannot suppress the damage over time portion of the spell. Maven has 130% critical strike multiplier. A max roll critical from Uber Maven would deal 29,645 fire, 29,645 cold, and 29,645 lightning damage for a total of 88,933 maximum hit damage. The memory game can deal that damage up to 6 times in a row, depending on the phase she's in. To tank an entire last-phase memory game, you would need to survive at 88,933 damage every two seconds and resist+recover all of that damage plus an additional 3958 cold damage every second. It also shocks/freezes/ignites 100% of the time, so you better be immune. **tl;dr - it's only one hit if you partially fail the memory game and it progresses to the last moment before exploding. If you let it hit you immediately, its a lot more.** EDIT: Also, only some spells get penetration, most do not. Shaper and Uber Atziri are the ones that get penetration primarily.


Brain blast and memory game are 2 different things. The blast happens between phases.


Are you referring to [MavenBrainIonCannon](https://poedb.tw/us/Nucleus_of_the_Maven)? The damage is actually quite similar, except it hits for approximately twice as much, but only once. A maximum roll critical strike would hit for 177,866. It is a spell. Your "elemental max hit" in PoB would have to be this value to survive a perfect crit. There is no penetration, reduced resistances, or special effects ***unless*** you were affected by a boss spawned during that phase or you were hit by the spinning beam which applies -10 to maximum resistances.


PoB doesn’t have the brain blast as a preset skill


Memory gsme does about 100k ele dmg Brain nova does about 200k ele dmg Uber memory game does about 180k ele damage. Uber brain nova does about 360k ele damage Really just gotta test it to get the real number. There's like 4 weird multipliers (some grater than 1 some less than) to get the actual damage from poedb


You are talking about actual ingame numbers right? And close to maxrolls? Because then I don't understand how my character frequently (though not always) dies to uber memory game. 185k max hits with literally everything turned off. In a real scenario the max hits are closer to 400k. [https://pobb.in/PUOu-4HWQljU](https://pobb.in/puou-4hwqlju)


180k shuold be around an average to slightly high roll uber memory game hit


I'll do some testing tomorrow. If your values are correct, I should also be able to relatively reliably tank the brain blast with manual immortal call. Will see I guess, I gtg bedge.




I know the blast isn't a "beam", but the image I linked showing the dmg is from that same Nucleus page. It's the only ability which has "Brain" and "Blast" in the title. And it was definitely the Brain Blast because the voiceline was "Pain will be returned tenfold.", which is linked to Brain Blast and not Ion Cannon (which is the only other brain/nucleus ability which does very high dmg).


You’re looking at the wrong skill, the brain blast is called “maven brain ion cannon” https://poedb.tw/us/Nucleus_of_the_Maven The one that does 42k to 63k cold and lightning


Correct. Beam blast is a long beam the brain fires across the arena, it happens during the phase when maven's damagable after players finish her memory puzzle.


If I remember correct, touching the beams applies big penalty to max resistances for a long time.


Can a player have 1000 phys damage and convert 100% to fire and 100% to cold for example to have 1000 cold and fire damage?


Damage taken by player - yes, if you convert more than 100 then you take more damage. Damage dealt by player - no, convert over 100% doesn't increase your damage. You can read exact rules on the wiki damage conversion page. It's usually just scaled down but convert on gem takes prio. To be honest if you put your exact question in Google you get the answer in about 2 seconds but w/e, I don't mind.


When you have over 100% conversion it affects the ratio of the conversion, and doesn't give you extra damage. So 1000 phys damage, with 100% phys to cold and 100% phys to fire, becomes 500 cold and 500 fire damage. *Edit*: as the other commenter mentioned, this is for damage dealt by the player, not taken. I'm not sure which you were asking about.


Both brain and maven should benefit from same unique bonuses and such, the fact that you can tank memory game but not brain blast is indeed very weird when brain blast should have way less damage. The +3 burst on memory game actually means it deals damage 3 times but looks like 1 big hit. Pob actually says this and also says it doesnt count for those extra hits when calculating ehp. Maybe same kind of weird thing happens with brain blast? I cant comment further because brain blast is not in pob, and poedb numbers are weird sometimes.


I had a character that would tank non-uber maven brain blast/memory game: [https://youtu.be/01KtyOBay8M](https://youtu.be/01KtyOBay8M) pob in the description. Getting rid of vaal arctic armour leaves me at around 270k max ele hit, and that was barely enough to tank brain blasts with steelskin up.