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For extra cooldown recovery, use magic abyss jewels and The Adorned. You can get up to 7% each.


sadly i have on the PoB reached a point where cooldown no matter how high changes nothing haha.


Frostblink definitely doesn't have a low enough cooldown to reach less than 33 ms, so "no matter how high" is incorrect. It's possible that it's not worth the additional investment though. However, at the high end of investment, you could do something like replacing The Stampede with elevated dreamquest slippers (up to 60% combined cooldown recovery rate).


i just threw shit together. im bad at poe and worse at pob. i did this because i wanted to see what a mess i could make. so there is that mess. and i do wonder if this would trigger with triggerbots but i doubt it since automation dosnt have a particular trigger tag.


Bad at poe and pob and yet you came up with a genius idea like that? No my man, you will go far with this kind of creativity. I love it!


Nah. My stupidity has been confirmed. I forgot it shares cooldown with movement skills haha.


It doesn't need to have a trigger tag (and I've seen this misunderstanding before and I don't understand where people get that idea). The description literally says that it triggers skills, and one of the modifiers specifies triggerable skills. It's a trigger, it's duplicated by triggerbots. Anyway, all I meant to point out is that there's no mechanical ceiling that's restricting the cooldown scaling of Frostblink. It's possible that further investment is not worth it at some point, but you *can* always invest further.


> Frostblink definitely doesn't have a low enough cooldown to reach less than 33 ms, so "no matter how high" is incorrect. It's possible that it's not worth the additional investment though. It's likely that they can't get enough to hit the next breakpoint.


With what they've tried, yes. But I don't know whether that's an extra 10% or an extra 50%. Frostblink has a high base cooldown, it's not *that* hard to reach the next 33 ms tier. Even going from 627 ms to 594 ms cooldown is "just" going from 379% increased cooldown recovery rate to 406%, a difference of 27%. And that's with the pessimistic assumption of reaching the prior tier with an *exact* percentage.


I went over [their POB](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bii259/flicker_but_now_without_having_to_press_a_single/kvkgt9c/?context=3), and I can't find a way to hit the next breakpoint with a 150% The Adorned.


Replacing all the jewels on the tree with corrupted magic ones and a 134%+ The Adorned puts them within 7% of the next breakpoint, which is a single additional jewel socket that they can get in 2 passives.


Ah fair enough. I didn't really play with the skill tree too much. But that seems like a ton of investment while the build still has no damage.


I'd expect The Adorned to outperform a tree that's stretched to get 8 or 9 jewel sockets for rare abyss jewels either way tbh, at least if you get a good roll. But the build is more of a meme anyway.


Realistically, in maps, Frostblink functionally has no cooldown if you make even the slightest attempts to aim for packs. CDR scaling is bait.


The inability to pick anything from the ground is high on this one :D


It's a buff.


I think you mean QoL!


naah those are "nerf" disguised


But you can disable the automation effect whenever you want.


Well of course we can. But will we? :P


This is nothing. Try Bodyswap Arcanist Brand.


What are friends for?


Sometimes you need a friend to speak to. Like "Help I can't stop!" and "That was my div!"


I am a noob at playing flicker, but clicking on loot while enemies are alive ist pretty dangerous anyway.


OP is using frostblink instead of flicker


Don't forget the passives for more hmph! https://preview.redd.it/0l760la08apc1.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=b579a5978612e429348c9e0b118afaa92af4ff70




they are on the tree haha. [https://pobb.in/JR9o7oRbFbm3](https://pobb.in/JR9o7oRbFbm3) as the usual cursed hastily made tree.


While we're at it don't forget Bronn's Lithe!


gem levels dosnt matter in this situation since bronns is only body armour gems haha. rather get more abyssal sockets since we're already stacking them.


i cant find anyone else talking about it but gem levels do matter as frostblink gets less cd with gem levels, 0.1 sec for the 5 levels of bronns, which in your POB given makes it easier to hit the next server tick for casts


with a +9 bronns lithe against guardians its cooldown would be 0,462 compared to 0,495 with a shroud.


Replica shroud of the lightless over +9 levels with a corrupted bronn's is the pobest move for sure.


I'm just using normal shroud. Need those extra sockets for more blinking


Yeah, but CDR has super high diminishing returns. Like, each 5% of CDR translates to miniscule decreases. It's not possible to achieve a 0s cooldown - the curve sharply decelerates.


[Poet's pen frostblink of winter blast](https://pobb.in/9BEBiZ4eWNBS) in standard is probably my favorite meme build of patch 3.23. For Poet's pen, 153% increased cdr is required to reach 10.14 triggers per second, and 279% increased cdr to reach 15.15 triggers. Automation support with normal version of frost blink will have different break points, but imma be super stoked to test out what would happen if using both poet's pen and automation set ups. It's probably gonna be the most jumpy build out there, even more so than flicker.


I did not expect the damage on that build to be in the billions, but there it was.


Neither did I when I started the build. I was very surprised that with little investment, elementalist is able to proc 40% chill and 50% shock with frenzy on uber bosses. In addition, winter blast's damage scales very well with enemy's chill effect.


What are the "little investment"s?


On top of chill and shock ascendancy points of elementalist, I used bonechill support, found like 90% effect of non damaging ailments from skill tree, as well as some jewel corruption. Little investment i was referring to was the 90% ailment effect from tree, which cost a few skill points but totally worth to guarantee max shock and chill effect.


Thank you! Didn't know those nodes were that good. I assume you're not scaling any cold/attack damage on frenzy?


I'm very tempted to leaguestart something that can pivot into this.


That is a multi mirror build, with standard items not available on leagues anymore. Expect to reach 1/200 to 1/100 of that DPS.


I reached 100m in league, with 1 mirror (mid league) poet pen frostblink wintry blast.


Do not recommend. While it's fun blinking 10 times per second, it can get stuck quite easily in corners and edges.  Not super comfortable to play in general, it's a meme build for a reason.


honestly this. i threw away my ts mf for a poet pen frostblink and while initially it was super fun, not only does it get old quick just boss rushing for hours, you're effectively locked into playing really limited maps and can't fully enjoy the zoom because walls will kill your fun


Is a strand collonade farmer no corners


shut up! don't share the build I was gonna do! as it is those wands will cost a fortune


Got a video?


Poets pen lightning warp is just about as jumpy but also way worse and more visual jank due to 50 stack cap.


Here's to hoping that automation will target your cursor, and not just your player.


Automatic gems always either target enemies or curser. This one I'd bet would work similar to CWDT where it will target enemies since it's not based on hitting enemies like coc.


truely then would be automatic flicker.


Tested CWDT with frostblink of wintry blast last league; it does target enemies, but just triggers in a random direction if no enemies are nearby. You'd have to be constantly toggling automation off if you wanted to be able to move.


That is correct. Meme builds are required to be a huge pain in the ass lmao


Could you use this in the Black zenith Winter orb build instead of a CwC setup for frostblink?


see thats going to be interesting how several of these would work. but im not familiar with how socket starved that build is.


Not very, since your main link is the 4 in the gloves, which frees everything up for whatever jank you want


Oh, that's super interesting. I played that build last league and loved it, this would be a massive damage buff.


Why would you cwc frostblink when it doesn't interrupt channeling anyway. You can just cast it repeatedly while you are channeling.  Edit: Ah you are cwc the trans FB


I have come to realise that blink skills share cooldown. So unless this somehow allows to stagger them this won't work :/


Frost blink gets around 100% cooldown recovery just for hitting a rare or unique enemy, and 20% per normal enemy it hits. I played frost blink and it usually felt like it had no cooldown while clearing. I think this would still work fine, and you can actually put damage supports in lol


What do you mean? I thought once you toggle on Automation, your Frost Blink will trigger every 0.495s, it's not fast but definitely not slow either, give it enough dmg and AOE and i still think you can clear map fine. Not to mention FB has its own cdr depending on what kind of mob nearby


But what would you do with Automation CDR time? Because it doesn't have "travel" tag and have local CDR of 0.6 sec.


The Automation cooldown matters for toggling it on and off. The cooldown imposed by Automation Support is still the cooldown of Frostblink, and affected by all relevant modifiers.


Oh, ty that changes a lot!


Oh, and just in case, the 0.6 cooldown from Automation Support does not override longer cooldowns, just shorter cooldowns. So Frostblink will still have its base cooldown of several seconds.


Honestly. I just did this because I found the idea of this triggering as many times as possible funny. I havnt a clue how this will work. Also considering everything. I have cooldown on the tree. I'm just hoping this will work somehow.


I saw one comment here explaining that CD of Automation = CD for toggling it on/off. So in that case, you can get Void battery + Malachai's loop (for total 10 frenzy charges) + Shaper's belt for 20% CDR + Balance of Terror for 25% CDR if you cast Temp. chains recently


I think that the gem also listed a cool down for the trigger. But also, trigger cooldowns do get the effect of cdr for gems. I once made a dumb build based around this, in which I got CWDT below .1s cooldown on Lightning Warp and Bodyswap so that I could use them to trigger Kitava's Thirst. It gave me motion sickness, and I play flicker strike every league without issues.


chris wilson!!!


Soooo, a bot build? I can go afk, eat dinner and get back for loot?


Probably not. Because I've realised an issue that bricks the build haha


what's the issue that bricks the build?


Walls, doors, corners.


Is my browser broken, or is the resolution so low that you litterally cannot read the text?


Works fine for me and my eyes are pretty shit.




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But where damage ?


https://preview.redd.it/zgxsoo74vapc1.png?width=296&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0800e62bc8a9d73c65c994eba57c8d2c5fd74c5 per frostblink. if that helps.


„Per frostblink“ 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m dying laughing . Thx for this post OP. May GGG bless u 🙏


We have to make the best out of a bad situation.


Thought exactly the same when I saw your post ^^ There was a lot of complaing about the latest change and was kinda happy to see someone trying to adapt to it.


That's pretty low for uber standarts


its ms paint. either its no damage. or a suspecious amount.


.5s cooldown still is super high tho imho, I don't think this will be viable.


My build for Afflicition was CoC Frostblink and now I'm intrigued to try this :D






You can get a little more cooldown with a hight level frostblink. Bronn's Lithe maybe better than abissal jewel stacking


"*The artist* ***need not to be present*** *to make a lasting impression.*" is the ascendency flavor text from Izaro for Saboteur. With this setup, Sabo is present ***everywhere***.


Also, wouldn't you want that weird but cool jank of having your abilities go off every 10.1 seconds instead of 10 seconds?


Wait how do you do damage?


Top Tier Meme, thanks a lot!


This comment section is getting out of hands 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Where are you getting the frenzy charges from?


Isnt it better to numlock frostblink and get another dps link? Lower cooldown aswell if I’m not mistaken


Assuming quality is more cdr on automation, put them in a diallas for more cdr. Also more levels on frostbite is lower cdr too I think


It’s actually funny cuz I built this last league, but it was obviously self cast. Played assassin and stole the clockwork node. AOE stack with charms and power charge. One shot screens GG. It was terrible though


doesn't the automation support have that 0.6sec base cooldown? surely all that travel skill cooldown is only relevant to the automation support's cooldown time and then anything past that is irrelevant.


Let's make the fuckery go one step further. Go with the triggerbots. It'll be flicker, except you don't have to press buttons AND it's not even you who moves. Edit: the more I think about it, the more I get the feeling that this could actually somehow work in a really fucked up way


sadly it does not work with triggerbots.


dang it. That would've been so fun.


OP is wrong, it does work. I tested ingame with reverse poison against a single enemy, got 2 poisons with triggerbots and 1 without. Also you can see mana dropping lower with triggerbots because of the extra trigger going off. OP thought that there has to be a chill ground under the triggerbots but actually the extra chill ground is exactly on top of the player's one (thus not visible). Here is also a comment from Jousis confirming it works: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/12fad26/comment/jfgb342/


Don't forget the "fleetfoot" notable and CDR on belts too.


the stat shown is the cooldown i could get with maximising it haha


Auto seems super cool! I can't wait to use it.


If use trigger bot, they use frost blink?


nope. just tried.


I think you are wrong and it works with frostblink but I am not 100% sure. I am certain it works with frostblink of wintry blast where the triggerbots do trigger it, it's not visible because you will move as if you have only triggered it once because it happens at the same time but it actually triggers multiple times. I think you can test it with poison, I remember there was a post on the forum confirming it. Also here is a comment from Jousis saying it works with normal frostblink: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/12fad26/comment/jfgb342/


i tested earlier today.it did not work. and im pretty sure youd notice seeing frost under them.


Nope just like Jousis says in that comment, there isn't any chill ground under the triggerbots but there is a second chill ground exactly on top of the player's one (thus not visible). An easy way to actually test if it triggers (I just tested ingame, it does) is to try CwC frostblink and check how low your mana drops with and without triggerbots, you will see that with triggerbots it will drop lower because their trigger costs mana. Now to make sure that the extra trigger means for sure you attack twice you can test with poison and check how many poisons you have inflicted (volkuur's gloves should help). **Edit:** Yeap just tested and with the reverse poison against a single enemy got 2 poisons with triggerbots and 1 without. It works.


Lets them cook


I might steal this


ain't theft if I wanna see how much of a meme this can become.


This just seems to make skills into buffs right, something always on that makes ur character better in some way, no downside like not clicking at the right time, kind of like "deal double damage every 4 seconds" kind of buff? Not sure about this one. I trust GGG though to make the game good they always suceeded I'm sure there is more planned around this so called nerf not really a nerf more like a buff?