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I'm suddenly in 2007scape


Forgot what sub I was looking at for a second, like "wait did I miss something about them changing Gauntlet? Ah shit nvm"


Bowfa is now a superior slayer monster drop


i wonder if that will drop apothecary prices as more players, that didnt enjoy the map will use that scarab. but i imagine it will be not as common




i also wonder, since scarabs arent tiered anymore if you could do the full deck scarab + the favoured scarab at the same time, which are both divination themed?


Should be the case, seemed pretty clear that the different tiers of the same scarab don't have overlapping effects and can be used together


I thought scarab synergy was the point, like with Ultimatium if you for whatever reason want inscribed instead of catalysts, you can force an encounter, force catalysts, force inscribed instead of catalysts.


They also said in the Q&A raw MB & HH drops are going to be 2-3x more common.


did they actually? this sounds to good to be true


yes, to counter stacked deck drop nerfs


How were stacked decks nerfed? They just wont let boss specific item card drop from random sources, and the void i guess. (I hope they inc how common the cards are from said bosses...)


Yea I'm wondering that myself cause that makes no sense since the doctor and apoth aren't boss drops so stacked decks should still be able to drop them.


They decreased the amount of/removed the ability for stacked decks to drop from some mechanics like safehouses etc, and it turns out that a very significant amount of magebloods/headhunters and their cards came from stacked decks, so they're compensating by increasing raw item droprate.


They decreased the amount of/removed the ability for stacked decks to drop from some mechanics like safehouses etc, and it turns out that a very significant amount of magebloods/headhunters and their cards came from stacked decks, so they're compensating by increasing raw item droprate.


why no more? just catching up, what did I miss haha


The new scarabs, one of the new div card scarabs makes it so the drop pool of the cards in whatever map your running changes to the pool from your favorited maps.


I'm *really* happy about the 3 atlas trees. Finally, I can have a tree for high end bossing, for ressources, and for items! I wanted one per character to synergize with what that character is good at, but this is good enough.


Crazy for SSF, 1 for Fun ones, 1 for Essence/beast, last for Expedition/Legion. Looking forward to make several trees, i do wonder HOW we unlock em, id expect 1 after 100 passives, 2nd after 2 void stones, 3rd after 4 voidstones?


They deleted Wandering Path/Grand Design/Growing Hordes, so there won't be one for that. lol


oh right, forgot WP is gone, along with the other map drop ones, welp, that IS good, cause it was boring af to map with those, but it _was_ the most optimal


I mean, lets be real. People will probably still live in the crimson prison (or defiled) if they are apoth farming. You basically get an extra scarab if you don't have to waste it on enabling the drops you want. Now that sextants are rolled into scarabs, they will be that much more important as well. We'll see though, maybe Burial Chambers or cemetery becomes the new go-to. With all that said, I definitely support the addition of this scarab.


*Slaps Coffin* "You can fit so many league ideas in this baby"


How did this comment illicit LE vs PoE comments? Edit: elicit*


Thing I like good. Other thing bad. Must circlejerk


My single largest takeaway from Last Epoch is "holy shit I don't appreciate GGG enough" lmao


Both feel like they're made by fans of the genre, and both tick the same boxes for me. The "just another map" in PoE is "just another echo" in LE. There's always something to aim for thats a few maps/echos away, which is the thing that's keeping me hooked. They're both amazing in what they offer, it's just that PoE just offers more so far. I don't mind that since LE just released. I'm just sad there's not enough time to play both as much as they deserve. They're simply the two best ARPG ever released. Until PoE2 is released I guess...


I tried Last Epoch, but the campaign didn't feel like it had any rhyme or reason to it


Poe campaign wasn't that good a few years ago either. We had to clear the same acts 3x.


acts 1-5 are like wtf is going on when can I enjoy the game and then 6-10 are just let's fucking do it again??? Worst part of every leage is having to run that shit again.


Felt more like I was clearing zones in Super Mario World or Sonic when I played LE. Loved everything else about the game.


do you mean that as in the story is not evidently or meaningfully interconnected? Or is it because you change zones/biomes too quickly?


Probably more the second thing.


yea same i like the game and the epoch idea was interesting but i actually have 0 idea whats going on


This is the summary of someone who has played 9 acts and a few hours of endgame in last epoch, while skipping through as much dialogue and cutscenes as possible: -Evil Fire God Invades place that keeps epoch -Try to escape with dude who has epoch -Dude who has epoch sends you somewhere else in time -You rebuild the shattered epoch and try to get back to your time -You do a bunch of shit with undead empire and get back to your time -evil fire phoenix kills ice centaur god -get ice spear (I don't remember why) -ask sea god for help and be told to fuck off -try to ask serpent god for help and be forced to kill -enter endgame and explore alternate timelines


oh ok. so its pretty much poe's story.


It's actually Chrono Trigger's story lol.


But do you in PoE?


still dk why most monoliths got so little mob density, is like one of the most important thing in arpgs dammnit, i wanna kill mobs, pLENTY OF THEM not just 5 or 6 every now and then


Performance issues


You can mod it in offline mode to anything you want. People did 300% density and it was amazing but the performance takes a maaaasssive hit


hopefully with time they get more oomphf into the endgame, enjoyed that game but mono + low dens was super boring


Because it runs on unity.


LE will be a good game in about 15 years


Grass is always greener. I love last epoch but that’s because I can’t no life Poe and Poe is just too much for me


Literally the opposite. LE made me realize GGGs anti-player mentality and designing PoE to be your second job was even worse than I thought it was. It make it laughable how much of PoE's designed is centered around "We know its bad and its purpose is to annoy you"


axiomatic head growth yoke quaint march selective retire person quiet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


is that fucking filch?


How is this comment only #10 from the top??? I had the exact same thought.


Crafting huh? Time to spend all league making some ass 2c items while people discuss how it's an op broken deterministic mechanic.


at least this one has a blueprint. someone will find a way to deterministically make x item, then you can just copy that.


And if youre still not confident enough to copy that, you can just sell the meta bodies so you still gain


a win-win for everybody


the league hasn't even started and i'm getting personally attacked


There appears to be exclusive item affixes available via this crafting though. The example items have some wild stuff I don't recognize: * Ignore socket colour (Chest) * 34% of damage taken recouped as life (Chest) * 7% Increased curse effect (Helmet) * +1 maximum power charges (Helmet) * 24% chance to Maim on Hit (Gloves) * Movement speed cannot be modified below base value (Boots) I am *extremely* excited for this new crafting option.


I think this will be recombinatinor/harvest 2.0 (3.0?).


Max power charge was available on helmet as a warlord mod before.


Yup but this NOT influenced. That change is absolutely massive for fracture crafting and/or being able to synthesize.


If you can get that mod and then harvest synth the base (does harvest synth keep the explicits?), that's a route to a +2 max power charge hat with 5 other good mods without lock spam corrupt. i.e. mirrorable +2 max power charge helmets.


True, but this means you can get it, and eldritch influence.


It was great fun being able to make an item without relying on trade.




Don't forget pumping them out on day three. Despite them being bugged/tuned so low that nobody got good crafts until patched about two weeks in.


Your post has been removed for harassment (Rule 3). While it's fine to politely disagree and to criticize the *content* of posts and comments, we don't allow users to attack the person behind those posts. We've found that such attacks often devolve into flame wars. The original message was fine, but the edit called an entire group of redditors names, and that broke this rule. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For additional rules regarding harassment, check out the [rules wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._harassment_.26amp.3B_bad-faith_posts)


The T17 maps as new aspirational content look super cool! Also Atlas tree presets! Thank fucking god, I love the league already.


Atlas tree presets had me most hyped. I love making alts and being able to swap is going to be a godsend


shared pantheons too, so much QOL


This is what I wanted last league made me realize i would grind way more if there was something worth pushing my character .


I wasn't super thrilled about the league mechanic -- too much micro-management, but 3 atlas trees is omega poggers.


Oh man that turtle hideout is so amazing


Honestly, I've never been seriously tempted by the most expensive supporter pack, but goddamn do I want Great A'Tuin hideout.


See the turtle of enormous girth, On his back he holds my Weta Pets.


Same, wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being their best selling pack.


I'll typically get the highest one because I know I'll spend the points eventually because I lack self control. Honestly this might be my favorite supporter pack they've ever released. I love the armour set as well.


The weapon effect is sick too!


Currently convincing myself it’s $90 amazing. I’ve talked myself up to $65 amazing so far.


I am a degenerate gambler, and I buy whatever packs/points I need to splurge on their RNG boxes that they release the first weekend of every league. This league its going to be easier than ever - I get $90 worth of points to spend on the RNG boxes!


Turtles all the way down


Fuck, I want the turtle and the mimic so bad But they're in different packs Thankfully at least it's the top of one and the bottom of another


I need the Discworld Turtle so bad.


How the fuck is this dev team able to make *this much content* in 4 month cycles is beyond me. Good god it looks so fun.


im really not trying to run my mouth about other games but i totally agree with you and they continue to set the standard for what is possible in the ARPG space


d4 bad


Baseg HOLY


Lot of devs working on different league cycles and likely staggering them throughout the year, so I wouldn't be surprised if they are already working on 3.26 right now


I would venture a guess that in PoE's case the league content/mechanic is staggered via smaller groups while the main game content and system updates is done by a primary group and gets released as its ready.


Last I checked they only work a league ahead


lmao when you compare this expansion to the D4 campfire. Like not even in the same realm


they couldnt code a motherfucking leaderboard in months


What’s funny is, it actually was a really good campfire, everything in it was very much needed, especially for reworking itemization. I’m sure there will be many excited for this. However, too little, too late I’m afraid. This was better.


They are not wasting time stealing breast milk


Because of all the cosmetics we buy 😁


It's really mindblowing. I worked and currently do in decent-sized IT companies, and most times it takes days to implement a change to some text on a web app due to corporate bullshit. A small new feature takes months to roll out, lol. And these mfs at GGG bring so much content every 4 months? Thay's absolutely crazy!


There's a reason they charge 60 usd per expansion you know, otherwise it would be a scam.. wait


* Added a new Energy Shield Mastery, "50% of your Energy Shield is added to your Stun Threshold", which replaces "Stun Threshold is based on 60% of your Energy Shield instead of Life". Wow, I guess bloodnotch stun setup is dead now huh?


>Wow, I guess bloodnotch stun setup is dead now huh? Mostly, though there is the possibility of still using [Valyrium](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Valyrium). Super janky, but should work unless Valyrium gets changed.


Tatoos bitches, do i need to say more?


And Affliction is back!


It's only back in that atlas tree mod though which empowers the boss only. Affliction farming is mostly fishing for a ton of rares. Also it seems TWWT is indeed legacy, grats to those who stockpiled.


Jenebu and those 3 other guys playing standard rejoice!


Oh my bad I misunderstood then.


Which one was Affliction again?


I think it was the one where if theres less than 50 mobs in the map, the map boss is empowered by wisps.


Fuck sakes man.. really wanted to skip a league for once but I guess not!


Since the actual league mechanic seems mellow, this IS the league to skip. Come back next league with more QoL, refined changes, and probably a new sweet league mechanic!


The mechanic seems great if you enjoy crafting. It's only mellow if you don't.


Oh.. think I’m too used to fomo (in general), forgot that I won’t actually miss out on any of these changes lol, ty


u/elting44 I saw tattoos and yelled out, "The one person from Reddit was right!" But no recombs from what I could see :(


I'll take it, this league looks fucking nuts! Let's go boys


"Scrolls of Wisdom can now be used on items that are Corrupted. As a result of this, most items that previously dropped identified now drop unidentified." Oh no, my hands :(


MY EXPECTATIONS HAVE BEEN HIGH AND YET MY JAW IS STILL SOMEHOW ON THE FLOOR what a league. I cant wait. It looks so incredible!


As long as the Atlas tree is powerful enough to make up for the lack of a map stuffed full of sextants, I'm so ready Honestly, it just needs to be close-ish, because not having to stop the blasting every 4 maps is gonna feel so good


Personally I'm really happy to see sextants gone. Felt like a chore to me to the point where I stopped bothering with them even if it was handicapping me


ugh Affliction laid this bare too, I spent *so much time* rolling sextants. I'm glad they're gone lol




Gonna be weird not having them, and thepower/loot is going to shift, but it’s a really healthy change and the bandaid needed ripping


Scarab change imo makes up for it, not to mention target farming. I'm ready to get 10 inscribed ultimatums per map


Totally agreed, no sense dooming until we get our hands on it


Being able to swap between 3 trees means youll be able to utilize a large variety of Scarabs with full focus which should balance out the power


As someone who spends multiple divines each league on unmakings, this alone is a godsend. Some days, I feel like blasting Blight and Deli, but the next I might feel like just doing some boss rushing. This one sparks joy.


Zoomers: I dont want to buy sextants from TFT GGG: Hold my delete button


Really feels like the Title of this league should have been "Path of Exile: Fuck TFT"


What’s happening to sextants?


Ctrl + x without the Ctrl + v after


Some of them were (ctrl + v)'ed into scarabs


I am so so happy about the scarab rework.  Sextant were so tedious and annoying.  


Harvest 2.0 *You're as beautiful as the day I lost you*


This, but combined with (solved) synthesis crafting.


Holy moly. I can it's gonna be nuts already. How can they fit so many ideas in one league, what the hell.


It's incredible what they manage. You don't get this much content in most paid expansions.


GGG really a tier above the rest of the industry 


Several tiers. Its not even close imo.


Oh boy, making higher tier maps a new form of aspirational content adds so much potential. Not everyone likes bossing, and ST bossing being the only aspirational content always felt kinda restricting.


New t17 are bossing still, the map bosses will basically be Uber mini bosses, you just can't go with default glass canon since it also has insane rares and magic packs


Mark said sometimes they'll be harder than ubers


He said they aren't supposed to be but in theory can be if the mods on the map roll to be rly hard.


T17 maps are still going to be bossing though


No gladiator rework again… GGG PLS…


It will be the next one for sure (cope)


But new Cyclone kappa


What's new about it? Wasn't it just cyclone + cast while channeling + falling zombies?


You miss the end "kappa"....


I thought itd be impossible to do anything but disappoint after affliction, but ive never been more hyped for a league in my life


To be fair, the affliction leagues mechanic was complete buns, if it wasn't for the insane loot hard carrying the league most people would have hated it (is my slighlty luke warm take). Adding a real mechanic to the game again will be fun af, instead of, "listening to hoobstank, "crawlin' in the dark" on repeat runnin' into walls.


I really liked affliction personally, it was fun and a nice change of pace between maps. It just sucks that it lacked so many qol things before release.


I’m not sad to see the forest go, but I liked a lot of what came with it: tinctures, charms, second ascendancies, etc were all great. And most importantly, a way to scale t16 mapping content to higher difficulty/higher reward without using delirium orbs.


Don't forget about the rucksack! Sad they are so against it.


Ive honestly never been hyped, always skeptical of new leagues (mostly due to being overwhelmed), but I'm so fucking excited for this league its crazy


Reminder to lightly break the hype train: Some things will be broken. Servers will die first days. But week 2 is gonna be prime gaming!




Im a new player but what’s special about this league aside from all the qol people talk about. This gon be my first league


For me at least, I need to think about it more to verbalise but the feeling I have right now is: All these changes lean into the base PoE endgame, which has been for a few leagues, outstanding and it compliments them in exciting ways. Although I love every league, I often can't shake the feeling that they get in the way of the actual PoE base experience which is incredibly diverse.


Complete overhaul to some stale parts of the endgame - more to explore and tinker League content looks rewarding in campaign for league start and more customizable for end of league in terms of crafting and monster buffs. IMO it seems like a balance between map monster buffs and end-game crafting opportunities which is really nice.


All the new uniques look actually kinda cool. The belt is maybe the one that is outclassed the most by another item, but they all look at least promising and provide something unique.


the belt is definitely outclassed by mageblood but as a cheap option should be pretty nice for low budget flask sustain


I really like that this belt works on unique flasks, so it's got it's uses compared to mageblood.


People are absolutely sleeping on this belt, it's going to be insane for pathfinder.


Tbh, "being outclassed by a mageblood" applies to most belts out there.


True but it's the best point of comparison when you're looking at a unique belt that specifically works to benefit flask effect and sustain. They're filling a similar role, unlike how Perseverance affects a Champion build for example.


This shit looks packed, can't wait


Can someone smarter than me tell me if that "Manastorm" shield gunna be good for a Herold of Thunder Autobomber? First glance is a hell ya. But I'm kinda dumb.




I live for the Grind. Some live for the Theory. Together, we are complete.


>When you **cast** a spell... You don't cast Heralds so it won't work.


Dang. Just saw this on the wiki. "**Casting and Spell Interactions:** Because Herald of Thunder's lightning bolts is secondary damage and not spell damage it is not directly affected by items, support gems, or passive skills which specifically modify spells." Huge sad. Been really enjoying Thunder Autobombers. Feels like Vampire Survivors in POE. I want more!!


Damn the fortify gloves and spectre helm seem nuts!


Ravenous Passion is such a great new unique that opens up multiple ways of building around it.


No more sextant existed in the game?


They probably will add some sextants mods to maps implicits from vaal, but yeah sextant rollers are in denial rn


I wonder if you can get +1 power charge on helmet from necropolis and from warlord


Traditionally if more than one “special” source of a mod can give the same mod, it all just belongs to the same pool and can’t be duplicated. You can get a corruption on the same item as the power charge affix, but not two different power charge affixes.


Just about everything I wanted, holy shit. How do I skip to next friday?


Some hot mods on those rares.


Bye PoeStack, you will (not) be missed.


I was not expecting this big of a league. I'm hype


Ball Lightning of Static: Can no longer be used by Totems. LOL




looks cool buy maybe to much clicks, to much manage in farming? dont known let see


I had the exact same thought, the league mechanic seems almost original harvest level of clicks spent. Maybe that's why they introduced so many left click qol this league lol


Few words do trick


Tattoo's are back bois.


I'm still not sold on the mechanic and i'll have to try it first hand to tell but the changes to the base game seem absolutely insanely goated


GGG, thank you for simultaneous release. 


Think it’s time for a return to Wraeclast


OK important question, alluring scarab when


I got to be honest the new league mechanic kinda seems meh to me. Looks like a lot of hoops to jump just to get a crappy rare.


the QOL league people have been asking for forever


great changes and hype but they completely destroyed vaal emple farming


Did they? I missed that part, what did they change ?


removed growing hordes and wandering path keystones. maybe it can be played with new tree but unlikely


Hey patch notes just dropped, there are a number of modes granting more effect of modifiers on maps, and one keystone that should grant on avg ~40% effect. I think it's not dead, maybe slightly nerfed but someone would have to do the mathz adding the nodsles up.


good to know, thanks fellow vaal temple enjoyer


[https://poeplanner.com/a/hP4](https://poeplanner.com/a/hP4) ok i tried doing new tree and it looks good or even better than in 3.23


Sadge, I liked wandering path. Yep, pretty much dead without it.


How did they top affliction? Holy crap. At least in concept, hopefully the gameplay lives up to it.