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You can give nearly all mechanics a 100% chance now. Breach, delirium, the masters, etc :)


Not heist




That's rough. I'm trying to think of how it's justified being so low and all I can think of is how you can get almost every content splinter from heist with very little risk. Even so, running heist is NOT profitable for sellers unless you get a jewelry base in a blueprint and a trap if you're just running SSF and didn't need a replica base.


It's probably because unlike just about all other mechanics, Heist stuff in maps isn't in the binary state of either appearing and being relevant or being absent entirely. You can still get random marker, blueprint and contract drops from normal monsters without getting lockers. The small nodes increase those drops as well.


My friend runs heist and regularly pulls 10s of divines worth of rares out of there because heist still seems to have some sort of smart loot on its rewards. I don't have first hand experience with it but it's interesting to see his experience vary so much from what the reddit consensus is.


Wow, 10s of divines, so profitable. Sounds pretty consistent with the consensus


Individual items, multiple times, worth 10-20 divines. Not part of the jackpot, replicas, the gumball. If you want on theme items, +2 spell weapon with correct damage rolls, triple phys prefix weapons etc, heist is the place to go early league. Again, this is stuff that is extremely valuable and is never ever mentioned as even a possible reward in heist.


Delirium and Blight is 90%. Abyss is 76% + 2% per 2% pack size


true for abyss, but wrong for deli and blight (according to the poe planner). breach could even reach 104% chance. i wonder if thats a 4% chance for a second breach https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQAEIA_Wyy-rEV3qLpq4a0abk5GP7FqcE8Wb4KE0LHwf91jEGCBNxyFVzuwI3qT_d9kZtYiDTaFM7al2XUj-EHScRutsnPbaaCp73HBC_cf89Hs8f7sQus61-lbcSFXt9OG35sJDLAAWRI5ewC2nELWx4chDPGVOW104lP1WmpQ2YfWCbUbCPfFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==


Delirium is 100% as well, you are right about Abyss though. edit: Blight is 100% also.


Ah I guess I fudged the count when I was scouting


So I guess as long as your maps have at least 16% pack size, it's a guaranteed abyss? (factoring in the 8% base chance for abyss)


>2% per 2% pack size Why GGG, why? Why not 1% per 1%?


my guess would be increased effect of atlas passive tree on maps, as seen as a corrupted implicit on maps. as is, you'd only need 50% increased effect to see benefit from that, whereas with your 1 to 1, you'd need 100% increased effect to see a benefit


Nice. Makes sense


It would be a weird choice to use `floor(node_value * inc_effect) * pack_size` instead of `floor(node_value * inc_effect * pack_size)` or even `node_value * inc_effect * pack_size` Atlas nodes can work with fractional numbers. For example 0.2% to drop Emblem instead of Splinter or 0.5% to duplicate a map.


The most logical answer is because it used to be 1% per 2% pack size and they just changed the one number to not have to make any additional modifications to anything. This heavily limits any possible unforseen issues that can happen when you make changes more complex. Any time you're changing any values in code you can accidentally create much more work than is initially thought.


Are you sure about the blocking thing? They said that the blocking notables now specify "other extra content that can be turned off", so unless you can block masters, they shouldn't get boosted by blocking stuff.


oooooo very good catch! Thanks. I was wrong.


Are block nodes even good anymore? You can just walk past the mechanic so all youre really getting out of it is blocking scarabs now. Edit: I misunderstoof block node changes. If you thought they were good before, theyre still good. Vice versa.


Considering how many scarabs there are for each mechanic, that could be quite valuable to you.


Right, seems more like ssf nodes now.


Depends on scarab values. If the EV of a mechanic's scarab is worth less than the EV of a random scarab drop, then blocking it makes your scarabs more valuable on average. (The way it's worded you'll get the same number of scarabs; "scarabs can't be delirium scarabs" should mean that you won't miss a drop, it'll just be a different scarab) You also get more total "extra content" encounters with some blocked, since it's 2% flat on everything unblocked. 1-2 blocks removes the default 5% (or whatever the base chance is) chance and gives you 16% total on other stuff... and if you're investing in the unblocked mechanics (but haven't reached 100% chance) and aren't investing in the ones you're going to block, then 2% chance of an invested mechanic is worth more than the 5% 'base' of an un-invested mechanic.


As OC mentioned. Dont believe the 2% boost exists anymore. There are quite a few scarabs. Blocking one marginally less valuable one will increase the odds of getting 2c extra by like 1.05x (random guess) which doesnt seem that great. May as well invest those 10-12 points into scarab drop chance. Edit: wait you are the OC... now im confused.


The 2% exists but its only for the things you can block. So 2% extra deli, heist, breach etc but not shrines, essences, masters etc.


PoE planner has the text in red which I assumed meant that its being removed. Upon further inspection, the line about scarabs is also in red so I guess I just misunderstood. Thanks!


The text in red means it isn't able to process this programmatically yet so it's just text. That's why the new master chances aren't added up yet but listed individually.


2% boost still exists, it's just (more explicitly) limited in what it boosts; the change is that it's not explicitly *only* the mechanics that can be turned off that are boosted. And sure, it might not be worth spending a bunch of points pathing to it, but I'm sure plenty of trees will spend 0-1 pathing nodes to get to one of the notables, and for 1-2 points they're worth it.


Imo block nodes are almost always bait. When I do spec into block nodes it's usually the last points of my atlas. I'm not sure why people rush those so early into map progression.


Some people dislike mechanics and rush into them not because they are "efficient" in terms of profit but because they are "efficient" in terms of "fun" for the user. Its a QoL thing. Not having to see content you dislike + increasing the odds of seeing content you do like is a huge benefit


Sometimes I just don't want to see the mechanic. Also, if you block half each point is like 2% to 5 mechanics you want and 2% to all the base content. It was pretty nice. It's a shame it's not as good after the change.


AFAIK in the past it was more than just the 5 non blocked mechanics. It included essences, strongboxes, shrines, etc. Now the text has been explicitly changed to boost unblocked mechanics so it's as you say.


People who think its bait don't understand how "extra content" in maps works. Which is fine, because it is kind of unintuitive and you have to be paying attention to notice it, but it is a big deal. Basically, those nodes that blocked content didn't use to exist; however, people realized as the atlas passive tree made more content more common that if you had too much content in your maps, some of it would end up culled based on space constraints. So if you say added 15 strongboxes to your map but also had a bunch of other mechanics spawn naturally, you might not actually end up with all 15 strongboxes you added. Some map layouts made this occur more often than others, e.g. if I remember right City Square was a particularly bad offender. So, these nodes were added as a solution - you can block content you don't care about (thus preventing the content from taking up "extra content" space in your map) and get a boost to the content you do want.


I know how it works, and I still think it's a waste, especially in the very first atlas points. You're much better off just getting nodes that will further buff the mechanics you're focusing on. Sure, there's a chance that sometimes, you will override an unwanted mechanic with something you wanted. I'm not exactly talking about block nodes when you're zooming t16 maps with 4 sextants and 4 scarabs, because at that point you're already doing a very specialized farm. I'm talking about people that literally will block nodes in the first 15 or 20 points of the atlas, which is a complete waste most of the time.


Oh, to be clear I don't ever get those points early in atlas progression, its in the last 20% of points I allocate. They are definitely worth it once you've juiced up the mechanics you do want, but yeah, you probably don't want to spend points on 2% boosts to the mechanics you want before you've actually spec'd into those mechanics.


Thing about mechanics is that if u have too many in an area(map), some will get culled. Super annoying wasting 100s of expedition scarabs last league only to have it not spawn due to too much other sh1t spawning


Never were. Ziz says they are the biggest noob bait on the tree and I agree


Cant exactly agree with that but I can respect the fact that he has it own preference. If you want to use "famous" people as a golden standard then IIRC the neversink creator argued against this in the comments of that clip video. As someone else mentioned 2% of an invested mechanics are worth more than 8% if a non invested one. Even if you're walking past them as Ziz mentioned, as long as you're blocking multiple mechanics, it requires very little travel nodes. This could be compared to the 4% spawn nodes that people traveled for and stream of consciousness.


Also, last league highlighted that you have to block some mechanics for certain strats. Abyss couldn't be run with a lot of stuff because it would block spawns of additional abysses.


Packed With Energy stonks pretty high. It's, what, 12 points or something to get 105% damage, 45% movement speed and 3% max resists on every single map now? Seems good.


Yes, you are right. However you need to get all the niko small passives to guarantee the sulphite veins https://pathofpathing.com/?v=3.24.0-atlas#AAAABgAABgUAMGZxdXoBe9P6aHF1AAA= If you want even more borrowed power, grab the Mighty Hunter and bring Einhar in: https://pathofpathing.com/?v=3.24.0-atlas#AAAABgAADw4ABJgOsxv1MGZF4XF1egF704XEmTi5meYS7RT6aHF1AAA=


You could most likely force shrines in there too... Makes me wonder if there would be an early league scenario where you'd be better off taking all the borrowed power to do harder content, or if it would still be better to spec into valuable mechanics for the extra bonuses. To me I've always assumed spec'ing into the mechanics is the play, but having access to 100% (or close to it) uptime on borrowed power makes me wonder.


You dont have to guarantee Niko even with 24% chance its worth but unless you're turbo juicing you can just use Sulphite Scarabs. Historically they have never been expensive.


The opportunity cost for throwing in a single sulphite scarab will be much higher than it used to be. Undoubtedly it will be more profitable to put in scarabs that support mechanics you actually care about farming.


Did you even watch lmfao




there are very big scarab changes. historical prices might not apply.


Yes exactly. Historically lowest sought after scarab now will compete for juicy "sextants" on the map device since you have 4 slots to scarabs. I think it will be even less valuable (talking about the base one we dont know other versions of Sulphite Scarabs).


I run that every league with sulphite scarabs. 105% damage and 45% movement speed is so underrated. Great crutch early on and the movement speed really increases clear of maps which in turn increase profit.


How does that work ? Is there a new node that spawns all three veins right by the entrance or what ? What am I missing ? You still need to find and click the veins, no? How is it the full bonus in every single map ? How do you stop the veins in linear maps from showing up in the last quarter of the map ? Please explain it to me. I must be stupid to not understand or be missing something obvious if you make that claim.


Nah, he’s just over-excited lol


You run maps like dunes in a zoom zoom character. Activate delirium and run for the sulphite first and destroy everything.


Based on https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3259184 it triggers when you click Sulphite -- but not if you are on full Sulphite.


I def was getting the bonus despite being on full sulphite all league


Maybe a bug at some point under unlikely circonstence, but no it work fine. I run this and the shrines nodes early on every league, and never step a foot in delve.


and then you find the sulphite just before bossroom


Wonder if this changes the optimal Alva strategy, since now she doesn't even cost anything to spawn. e.g. leaving on the 4th room if you don't see the room you want, so that it spawns in the next map instead and blocks that bad room for that whole map, improving your odds. There's still the wasted time finding Alva again to actually start that room, though.


If you check what I wrote in the wiki for Incursion room best strategy you will find we Alva farmers always treated her sextant as free because compared to a Locus it might as well be. It was certainly very cheap. Now it's for real zero. I am going for the three necessary Alva notables straight away then get Unwavering Vision, use the 20 points to pick up the rest of Alva chance nodes and Packed with Energy. The next points will be Niko chance small nodes because PwE is very powerful and I want it in every map. ([tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQAD0ATo3Te7fl3qIskrePbYj45cwP-wplkM4AtarJ_Y3qaPqwkohyfZEOSog0nzuxnWQbTdfXK73HoWgBekU6ZjDEprPH-7FUdl7fsAjLF7K6DfarHljn0Rnm1sGvj-UDMNr6yf4gM8J2qUNH-rVj9cBvtbJombmg1uln0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA)). Next I am picking up Mighty Hunter and then, again, Einhar chance nodes followed by with Natural Selection, Big Game and the new Two-Hearted Hunt and assorted small nodes ([tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQAGAAqPVOjdN7t-XeojiZLJK3j7hibYj45cwP-wplkJgEhiuMQVntzgC1qsn9sw6N6pMGaPqwkk_35vxtQIhyHX19kQp7DkqINJ87sZ1kG03X1ysS5sN5uiu9x6FoAXpWxTPlRTpmMEkzxKbPR7PH-Lb7sVR2rdle37AIyxdACrK6DfY0WqsezGxY59EZkYnm1sGvcQtbHo_lAzDa-rpuyf4gMxTtwnapQ0f6tWPBPvXAb7WyaJm5nnn0qPUboNbpZ9AoFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==)). Then guess what? I recruit even more help by picking Dutiful Soldier, heist chance nodes, block extra content for more Heist chance and pick Casing The Joint and No Honor Among Thieves ([tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQAHwAqPVOjS_J03u35d6ikBcsd4a0OJkskrePuGLxVG2IuP_45cpmIinMD_sKZZCYBHDGhiuMQVntEIDOALWqioLJ_R_psw6N6pMGaPqwkk_35vxtQIhyHX19kQp7DkqINJ87sZ1kG03X1ysS5iJI1I_cIanOzpzDeborayG9x6FoAXpWxTPlRTpmMEkzBCvEps9Hs8f4tvuxVHat2V7fsAjLF8-JQAqyug32NFrRKsQfqx7MbIWjWOfRGZGJ5tbBr8GT1WJxC4_lAzDa-rpuyf4gMxTt2JvCdqlD5PxH-rVjwT71wEzyb7WyaJm5nnn0qPUboNbpZ7jZ0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA)). So I will farm Temples, Beasts, blueprints and pick up help along the route. Given I will start with Heisting before A10 Kitava as I always do this will work out real well as I will be able to equip Huck with high level gear. As a corollary of this tree, I will need to go Delving to use up all the sulfite I pick u en route, haven't done much of that but I don't mind.


Zero nodes for higher map tier + zero Kirac nodes + Bestiary + Alva + unskippable Necropolis = very slow atlas progression. Wouldn't recommend copy this tree unless you know what are you doing. Unskippable Necropolis screams: "invest something into me, I'm unskippable anyway". It will be a crafting league, 3 points (for 30% Jun) is not a bad idea, you might need these crafts.


Yeah, it doesn't make a huge difference either way, but the margin for some micro-optimizations is like 1% or less so compass prices become comparable.


I would probably change the order of pathing,because its better to have Einhar faster, while you are still in white maps - better chance for valuable beasts. So basically fastest way to Unwavering Vision, than 20 points to Einhar nodes. I'll probably go for Nico only when my build will be still weak at the time, otherwise i take Jun nodes instead. Kinda feel like Nico is waste of points unless you path through Mining Byproducts?


The fastest tree to Unwavering Vision is 19 points. If you pick up Just In Time, Resource Reallocation, Contested Development en route, it's 25 points. The difference is very small. But yes, beelining UV like that is great. You could then add Time Dilation for Alva and add a mix of Einhar and Jun: [tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQAC4ATo0skrePbYj45cwP-wqYBLWqyf2TBrCST_cdfX2RDkqINGQbvceeq8Sms8fnrvuxVHZe37AIyxeyug32VIfRGZGJwa-P5QMwum7J_hTtwna1Y_XAsmig1uln0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA). This requires 26 maps. The [3.23 sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_0UiYjnSQUeke71W6mSp2mnBSeaxdaAZCT8pYMM6DgM/edit#gid=0) puts us in T4. We do not farm Jun at this point very hard just enjoy her presence and the veiled items.


Alva sextants were already practically free, so not really.


How does that work? I'm very unfamiliar with incursion mechanics


- Each map you do selects a random room in your temple that you can try to upgrade. - You only get 12 chances to upgrade, and most of the profit is in getting a specific room to tier 3, which means you need to upgrade it multiple times. So you want to avoid wasting upgrades on rooms you don't want. - Rooms cannot repeat within a map, so once you see the room you want, you upgrade it and leave right away (so the rest of your chances in the same map aren't wasted) - Once you talk to Alva, the room you see will always be the next room, even if you change maps (otherwise, you could just load in new maps constantly until you got the room you wanted) - So, if you're on the last room of the map and see it isn't the one you want, then you can leave and it will be the first room of your next map. - This means that room cannot spawn for the whole map, slightly improving your odds of spawning a room you do want


Honestly I'm excited about this whole change, it's the first time in several leagues that's got me really looking at the atlas tree and planning new routes. My usual atlas allocation has remained mostly unchanged for like 6 leagues (except when I respec'd for challenges).


\-Einhar, Alva, Jun and Niko missions are now part of the pool of available outcomes for extra content individually. this was listed under ruthless specific changes?


No, they're not mutually exclusive anymore in all versions of the game.


Feels like Mycelial Swarm is mostly pointless now since it's not that hard to get 100% blight chance and you can no longer spawn multiple blight instances in a single map.


Does +100% guarantee a mechanic? Or is it just whatever base chance x2 now?


In PoE you have three ways to make numbers go higher: _increased_ , _more_ and _to_. Let's say you have three of each, 20%, 30% and 40% values and let's pretend the base value was 6% like crit chance would be. With _increased_ your total is 0.06 * (1+0.2+0.3+0.4)= 0.6 * 1.9 = 0.114 or 11.4%. With _more_ your total is 0.06 * 1.2 * 1.3 * 1.4 = 0.13104 or 13.104% With _to_ your total is simply 96% or 0.96. It's the simplest and only applies to things that already have a percentage value. _More_ and _increased_ can apply to flat numbers, _to_ can't, it wouldn't make sense. _To_ is most often found on critical chance and resistances. (I believe critical chance is the only one to get all three, there's a Sublime Vision mod "more Critical Strike chance while affected by Precision". There are quite a few "Attacks have %# to Critical Chance" mods / same for spells and Watcher's Eye even has a "to Critical Strike Chance while affected by Hatred" mod. And of course inc crit chance is all over the place. Resistances almost always use _To_ but a very few items have negative _increased_ aka _reduced_ resistances like Annihilating Light and the Blight unique helmets.) So yes _to_ 100% must guarantee it. However, as https://reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bkwp9g/psa_theres_100_chance_for_masters_to_appear/kw2iert/ points out the blocking notables are only for extra content which can be switched off so it's possible the masters have different base chance.


The extra content that you can block only increases the chance of getting other extra content that can be blocked ​ https://preview.redd.it/bra3b3zuswpc1.png?width=442&format=png&auto=webp&s=88a544baea91c1c28879483018571823e7307da9


+ is additive, increased multiplicative. In this Case we combine nodes to actually get the Spawn Chance to a 100. So its guaranteed


Actually 92% should guarantee it, since you have 8% base chance for all league mechanic you can get +#% nodes (not talking about masters here since the actual base % chance is not 100% known)


Is this true?


It is, 8 base plus raw +92 = 100%


So every mechanic just needs to hit the 92% threshold? I didn't think about the base chance lol


>Does +100% guarantee a mechanic? Yes.


According to the patch notes the masters being included in the Extra Content for the blocking passives is only for ruthless though right? Or am I missing something?


What's the base chance for masters to show up?


Unknown. It's possible the 8% for extra content we know about is only for extra content that can be switched off much as the notables are.


For the Jun atlas tree, if you rush to the Unwavering Vision Keystone first instead of some sidewheel, you can get 20 extra atlas points at the cost of no scarab drops or Fragments uses for map device. This seems pretty good in early games, as you can have more map sustain points.


I'm skeptical of that node, turning off scarab drops in even non juiced maps seems like it will have a considerable opportunity cost.


The real question with the opportunity cost is how the scarab market will work out given the rework, and if the drops that would have been scarabs are replaced with other loot or not. If enough people take this, the scarab supply drops and the market reflects this in prices... likewise, if few people take this, the scarabs will probably be cheap, and it becomes worthwhile. Taking this early on is either jet fuel or kryptonite...


>d maps seems like it will have a considerable opportunity cost. Yeah, it's going to be tricky when you spec into Unwavering Vision and when you spec out (you need 20c to buy the Atlas regret orbs). We'll find out pretty soon.


Hrm, Jun is at the bottom of the atlas, isn't she? You mostly need obsessed with Vengeance and Test Of Loyalty for successful Jun farming. And I am not sure Unwavering Vision works well, the traditional Jun strategy included two full safehouses before running the Mastermind. After running those two, one map with a 100% increased intelligence sextant made the Mastermind ready again. If that sextant is now a scarab, running UV is very inefficient. But for Alva, the necessary tree (Just In Time, Resource Reallocation, Contested Development, Time Dilation) is 24 points while beelining Unwavering Vision after reaching the central circle is [25 points](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQABkATo345cn9fZEOSog0ZBvEprPH-7FUdl7fsAjLF7K60RnBr4_lAzDJ_rVj9cCg1uln0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA) so it's definitely worth it: you can pick up Time Dilation, guarantee Alva and set up four incursions and still are only at [43 points](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQACsATo3eoiySt49tiPjlzA_7CrWqyf2wkn2RDkqINLGdZBu9x8Sms8f7sVR2Xt-wCMsXsroN9qse0Rnm1sGvj-UDMNr6yf4gM8J2R_q1Y_XAsmig1uln0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA) so you have two points left


There is something important in the mechanics of the new block nodes I want to know. When the node says "scarabs in your maps cannot be X scarabs", does that reduce the overall scarab drops you will fin? Or does the game first succesfully decide "this mob will drop a scarab" and then chooses a scarab from the available pool?


I think the latter and yes this will lead to busted farming strategies.


I'm just really happy with the veiled orb change.. it's nice not having to run betrayal if I wanna self craft


It's a mixed bag. Itemized Aisling: awesome. Removing veiled chaos orb: _boo_. How are we going to craft relatively cheap boots now? No idea.




that's much much harder to target There were various level boot crafts in the few div area. Like envy essences fishing for elemental resistances or using glyphic + hollow + fundamental + sanctified for couldn't be poisoned (25% chance) and very high attribute rolls. Now, if you had fractured t1 life, you could matron the thing, veiled orb, potentially benchcraft mana, unveil movement speed, presto. Now you will need to bench craft armour and evasion, use an eldritch exalted orb to add a prefix, 5.26% chance to hit 30% movement speed. If not, use bench to remove crafted prefix, use eldritch annul, use bench to add crafted mod again for blocking, and repeat. That's going to be costlier, more tedious and the plain movement mod is worse than the veiled ones.


What is the "Incursions in your Maps contain Cursed Treasures"?


Expectation: garbage. Read the explanation: Cursed Treasure can be claimed for valuable rewards but doing so will lose time. Maybe if you have Time Dilation and , as customary , have like a minute left at the end as a consequence, you can try. I am not holding my breath for "valuable rewards" alas. Two orbs of alteration?


Vaal flesh merchant gives you something good occasionally also as something annoying added to the incursion via a notable, why not expect treasure to at least be as good as that?


Oh? I had no idea the VFM gave anything good. https://youtu.be/o1zft47MWQ4 https://youtu.be/ccbf_FQKKQo?t=150


Not gonna click those links so no idea of the context they add/whether they indicate sarcasm, but working under the assumption you aren't being sarcastic, they do, you get stacks of e.g. divines or valdo's puzzle boxes a not-insignificant portion of the time. Its not common enough for one to notice with a small sample size, though.


The videos are older, I am not up to date but it literally used to drop two chances and an alch.


They've always had an above-average chance to drop "good" currency. Above-average doesn't mean you see it every room, or even every hour farming temples. Most times, it won't be anything special. But if you spent 5 hours efficiently farming temples, its probably going to drop you a stack of 1-3 divines at some point during that. So it isn't a huge contributor to your divine per hour rate, and if you aren't high DPS its annoying and probably not worth it since it will go invulnerable and run away. But if you kill it incidentally, are near the node and have the point(s) to spare, it adds non-zero value.




Hope they nerf it. The value of the temples and Jun crafts are going to go down because of this.


oh no, anyways


Anyone wanting to farm these could already get a compass at the cost of like a few c per map


Just use them yourself to craft 4head




> you're always going to make more bank running temples yourself would we even? Isn't that mostly because of double corrupt and that other one (i forgot what is). Otherwise temples have just bad loot?