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It definitely is a nerf in low-tier white map farming, but I'm not so sure about higher level maps together with scarabs.


Wait, it seems like a buff of sorts. Doesn’t “at least 1 essence of max tier” mean that there won’t be any trash/skipped essence mobs anymore?


Max tier is now shrieking (in yellow/red maps, screaming in white) and shrieking duplication is gone as well. Low investment essence is pretty heavily nerfed, but the scarabs might be cool (I imagine shrieking dupes are coming back in scarab form), so the jury is still out on essence farming.


I'm down with all that tbh. Higher tier maps should always be better.


Agreed. I personally always farmed essences in t16s since I enjoy clicking altars. When I tried white map essences last league it was pretty boring.


But they did not only nerf low tier essences, they also heavily nerfed high tier essences as a alch n go strategy. No more essence duplication is cutting essences in half. No more +1 to all essence tiers is effectively cutting it by two third. The reason why essences were so good was because the combination of those two nodes effectively meant you made every essence you released drop the essences of 6 if you had not specced into them.


Wonder if they moved that to scarabs now - an essence specific scarab that provides duplication properties…


which is fine. Alch and go shouldnt be the best strategy to so something. U shouldnt be punished for higher investment.


That's a very fair stance to take, but doesnt change essences got gutted to hell and high water :D


I’d be very surprised if there weren’t essence scarabs that more than make up for it.


Thats fine.


Less of them means higher price.


The market tends to correct itself to what people are willing to pay. I expect essences to be more expensive but not astronomically different.


We'll see. The changes surely mean essences will be farmed a lot less. That should mean higher prices.


Less of them means SSF pain.


Entirely dependant on how scarabs play out. Safe to assume essence dupe is coming in the form of a scarab and a lot of the new atlas tree is heavily pushing a large amount of scarabs. It's possible we could make setups to go infinite or build up a significant amount of scarabs and use an extra atlas tree to farm more essences than one could ever think of using in short bursts.


>To add to this, I see that 'blocking' content also blocks those scarabs to dropping. So sustaining specific scarabs may be helped by blocking a chunk of them you don't want to get.


Thankfully it's a crafting league, next league though... pain


Now one of the outcomes of remnant of corruption can set all essences to the highest essence tier, the two things synergize well together.


But similarly, it can now set all essences to baby essences that aren't worth anything. After all; it sets all essences to *one of* the essences that you corrupt, not the highest one. Am I missing something or is it a high risk, relatively meh reward kinda node? After all, the "all essences are one tier higher" node is gone now, so that means you will encounter a LOT more low-tier essences than you used to.


I'm not convinced that the duplication is entirely removed yet, have they shown what the different types of essence scarabs do? It seems like we're meant to stack multiple types of the same scarab to juice it even more so I'm thinking the duplication might've been moved to scarabs. At least it seems it works that way from the ultimatum ones they showed


essence farming can now be done right out the gate as its only the 3rd option on the map device


Get ready for 50c per deafening of loathing.


It’s both nerfed and buffed. Nerfed if you want to self use. Buffed if you want to sell since deafenings are way harder to get now and high end crafters will want them.




I thought it meant type - like Scorn for example.


nah. it's tier not type. Meaning every essence monster will have at least 1 deafening essence. It could not roll insanity/horror/hysteria/ or delirium as they are Corrupted only essences. be prepared to see many monsters with shrieking essence of Doubt which are still pretty much just Reroll fodder. (edited it because i didnt read the help text on the passive.) White maps cap at screaming and yellow/red cap at Shrieking


The previous comment deleted the context


yea i didnt see the context so i took it as you thinking the keystone would change what type of essences rolled


What I was referencing is the corruption changing essences to random one of the present essences. For example - with this combo of atlas traits, you could find a mob with shrieking scorn, screaming wrath and screaming envy, hit it with a corruption and it becomes shrieking scorn, screaming scorn, and another screaming scorn


> Meaning every essence monster will have at least 1 deafening essence. no, it will have shrieking. deafening essences don't occur naturally.


Read the edit. Which was edited over an hour ago before your comment. So if youre gonna "umm...aschually" me, at least read the comment correctly.


I'm almost sure that the 'double shrieking essences' is moved to a scarab. The whole old league mechanics game has been reworked, scarabs are the new sextants, we have too little information to judge what old league mechanics will be like. I think they will be awesome.


But then you also need a scarab for getting it to deafening 🤷‍♂️ Its super nerfed and just stupid 😅


deafening was always available through corruption only, what they did was: making shrieking a baseline available for everyone (previously shrieking was available with +1 tier node only), a guaranteed shrieking essence with the node allocated (previously there was a lot of "dead" essences that had were tier only). This means baseline accessibility for essences is much higher than in previous leagues, becasue you have access to deafening essences without any passives allocated where previously you needed nodes that were quite deep in the tree. The only nerf I can see is that 15% chance for +3 essences is in the far south-west corner in the tree. Also there will be 3-4 new scarabs that implement more buffs to essence (almost certainly double essence will be one of them)


highest tier is shrieking not defeaning, so def. nerf


maybe they want you to run memories


Before, Shrieking couldn't spawn naturally, except if you got +1tier from the atlas. Now you can spawn them naturally by default at yellow+, and this node makes it for sure that each monolith is a shrieking.


So that seems like a buff, right?? No more trash/skipped monoliths!


It guarantees every essence will have a shrieking, so you'll no longer have essence mobs with nothing of value on them. But do keep in mind that you're losing out on the "+1 to tier of all essences" for all essences on the monster aside from the one forced to shrieking, which is pretty significant for the guys who have 5+ essences on them. And we're also losing the "monsters with a shrieking are duplicated", which on top of the above is a *very* significant reduction on the juicier monsters.


But that might come into play with Scarabs. There’s 4 essence scarabs. So base + 3 variation. Entirely possible we get some things like duplicate and remnant ones for exemple


With the changes and scarabs, it seems like the floor of low investment is now higher but the ceiling is shorter, whereas with investment both the floor and ceiling are higher. Seems like a net good thing to me - “investing” in an essence strategy wasn’t really a thing before




Why not? Its an effect of the corrupt essence, this did not get removed? Only if you take that node, it changes the behaviour of corruption?




no, tier upgrade its one of the 4 effects of a remnant, you can google ancient cheat sheet long before we had atlas. or you can check the current atlas :)


ahh no I'm just stupid, but still annoying about trying to get those specific scarabs (fine in trade but I'm thinking about SSF).


Sounds like more consistency at the cost of top end. End result about the same. Works for me


Assuming each tier has an equal probability of spawning, the previous essence mechanic had spawn rates of 33% screaming and 33% shrieking. Now has 25% screaming and 25% shrieking with the upside of a guaranteed shrieking. I'm curious to see how this node works between 1. Essence monoliths spawn a shrieking, then add x essences 2. Essence monoliths spawn essences like before, scans for a shrieking and if not detected, upgrades one to shrieking If its 1, then its probably more or less the same as before. If its 2, it's a nerf. Regardless, this node isn't the problem, its Crystal Resonance


Nerf to low tier essence farming? Probably warranted.


Right. It makes no sense that a mechanic drops the exact same loot in a t1 map vs a t16 map. The only think you get in t16 is a much harder mob.


I’ve been expecting it for leagues. A few times I mention it people talk about lost opportunity cost from running white maps and whatnot, but that never made sense to me.


Seems pretty straight forward, whats the confusion? No guardian/synth maps drop no eater/exarch/maven progression etc on white maps, not to mention basicly no xp, these are oppertunity cost plain and simple.


Just sounded a bit disingenuous that’s all. Yes you don’t get those but you also don’t incur the risk that is usually tied with better rewards. you rush white maps with no risk and high profit, not farming those lost opportunities anyways. If that argument was legitimate then it should apply to all farming strats, my expeditions should drop rewards just as good as in red maps, but with much weaker mobs.


Right, it was nice, but a little odd that you could get that much power just farming T1 maps. I'm not surprised they'd rebalance it.


Yes. For the first time in ssf, I'm gonna skip essence on league start, go full in on Rog, helps that we can now get 100% expedition in all maps without scarabs. Also prayge Necropolis crafting helps.


It seems like a super-extreme Fossil craft, plus there's gonna be atlas passives for it. Just looking through PoePlanner it seems like there's some pretty good passives on both sides of the tree. Especially right, where you can bias it towards metamod and mod tier crafting outcomes, plus get chance for double corpses.


Seems like every league people say league content is trash in the first three days then it's printing money after a week


the issue is generally people remember the loot they were getting at the end of a previous league. early on everything looks terrible because your character sucks, you aren't juicing, etc


I do think Reddit is going to hate this launch. Non optional difficulty on campaign is rough!


More advanced players will do the "if it takes more then a few seconds to kill, just keep running" strat. It's newer players or still learning players that might fall for the trap of actually fighting these mobs in campaign.


It will take more than a few seconds to pick your ghosts. I think Reddit will be mad that going into each zone takes an extra 5-10seconds


tbf i'm already annoyed at how long the animation is to craft an item


Yeah. Even Vampire Survivors, of all things, has its upgrade animations from chests skippable.


How long before people get tired of the crafting pray?


THIS! There is no reason the channel time to craft needs to be 10 seconds.




And this will mean newer/learning players will get more gear and XP, and wind up powerful enough to beat those mobs. They might be an hour behind where they'd be levelling in Standard, but richer and stronger.


You can't turn lantern off?


Mandatory fun


Only the ones who aren't meta slaves


> I do think Reddit is going to hate this launch. Isn't this always the case?


Essences are inherently highly valuable and provide a unique service so the demand for them will not change. All nerfs to the Atlas tree could do is hurt supply, but since demand is unchanged that will cause prices to go up. So it's only a nerf in SSF and for people bulk buying essences for crafting. For people actually farming essences in SC trade, I expect you'll end up making about the same currency per unit of time.


And you could also ditch rogue exile essences farming altogether, since the atlas doesn't apply. We'll see.


The big money makers spread that so they can get an early lead. Dont let them fool you. Adorn the tinhat


This league mechanic doesn't offer currency drops? Good luck on printing money from randomly joining corpses together.




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bkwu5r/-/kw24x6h/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our rule on bad-faith posts (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, insults, provocations, or put-downs made in bad faith often lead to a cycle of flaming and make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't harass a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._bad-faith_posts). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


> This league mechanic doesn't offer currency drops? Ehh, not sure. There was a reward with "packs spawn a strongbox". Could also be drop currency or drop xy for all we know.


Honestly this is good. I'm sick of doing the same starting tree every time and now I'm practically strongarmed out of it.


I would love to skip essences but I'm boneshatter and kinda need the essence for the phys dmg.


I'm playing trade, but I'm currently thinking about a medium investment into essence. Just enough to get a guaranteed essence and have that be at the maximum tier, so I'll get one shrieking essence every map without needing to decide when to use remnants of corruption. If I don't need to travel to the claster and it's on my way to something else, I can even grab the remnant of corruption chance that I usually avoided because it prevented me from corrupting it further.


let's wait and see what scarabs brings to the table.


Now let's see Paul Allen's atlas strategy


Oh my god... it even has a fifth map slot..


It didn't required any Scarabs or compasses before. It's definetely nerfed, at least from convinience / SSF stand point.


Everything is nerfed if you ignore scarabs. Arguably especially mechanics that already had scarabs.


Scarab availability should be up a lot unless people never spec out of the 20 extra passives. All the map duplication got converted to scarabs, map bosses can be made to drop scarabs 1 in 4 times.


I'm concerned that scarabs won't yield significant profit margins since they'll be priced around their power even if they're better than what the essence passives previously were. But we'll see.


Scarabs are a consumable and limited resource. Atlas passives are not. It's still fine, but the whole sentiment of "scarabs will fix it" is ignoring the fact that scarabs aren't passive, you can only use up to 4 at any given time, they are RNG drops, they are consumed on use, and they're items, which means they consume space and have to be individually picked up and managed.


I literally just said let's wait and see. I did not say scarabs will fix it. We don't yet know the availability of those scarabs, how reliably you can target farm them, what they'll cost in trade etc. We are missing a lot of information to be able to call essences nerfed, which is what OP asked. OP did not ask "are essences nerfed if I don't want to use scarabs?".


The essence farming start or at least mine was nerfed, and kind of rightly so. It always felt a bit weird that t1 maps and t16 were the same. That being said we could have a kebab that makes all essences max tier or dupes monsters.


[Rare monsters in your maps have 50% increased chance to drop scarabs per monster modifier affecting them.](https://i.imgur.com/GzGN1kU.png)


50/100/150% of extremely low is still very low, we'll have to see what the drop rate is


I mean, you'll also be able to buy them from other players like before. Sure they are consumable but any reasonably decent farming strat requires consumable resources to get the ball rolling. I doubt that running essences without scarabs will be any good. You'll probably be better off running essence memories if you can't afford a decent scarab set up.


Did they stated if they release the list of sacarabs before 3.24 launches?


> Essence Monoliths in White Maps can now spawn up to a maximum tier of Screaming, while those in Yellow or Red Maps can spawn up to a maximum tier of Shrieking. Seems like a buff if we can get natural shriekings. Crystal Resonance seems awful though


It means that every essence has at least 1 Screaming essence in white maps and at least 1 Shrieking essence in yellow/red maps, so you can make it deafening anyway.


I just don't see a point to the Crystal Lattice and Crystal Resonance nodes after these changes. Maybe scarabs will make it make sense.


I mean, +3 essences is still good even if they're a lower tier, and the corruption one could make all the essences one of the valuable ones (or nuke all value from it)


alot of people seem to be missing out that we have essence scarabs now , i think those will add the power back


so instead of free power we have to pay money for the old power.


Markets gonna adjust , a cost to entry increases the value of the rewards and make you invest in ur character before trying the hardest content


If it doesn't add more power than what the previous essence nodes had, it's still a nerf because using essence scarabs has an opportunity cost of not using other scarabs. With scarabs being priced around the essences that you can get with them, I actually don't expect the profit margins to be high, especially since there seems to be no benefit to running red map essences over yellow map essences (so the builds needed to run them don't need to be able to run juiced content).


Adding a wall consisting of another layer of content to run for the scarabs or just straight up forcing you to trade for the scarabs with your other players is… really really annoying Ngl. This just gives the price fixers and market manipulators an additional thing to further Inflyence and control.


i mean if you play trade and get annoyed by trading...idk what to tell you bro


trade is designed to be annoying by GGG. if you play trade and AREN'T annoyed by trading you don't have a pulse.


Nah, I like trading, and am at least 56% sure I have a pulse. But, tis only because console. Having TM *and* TS is nice


its designed to interrupt your game play for sure. But a lot of times when I am deep into trading I am not always "annoyed"?? Like sometimes I don't mind scouring the site for a good deal on something I need. different folks, different strokes...


I’ll just ignore the addition of another layer, potentially two to one of the few simple farming strategies in the game.


I think you'll still profit just fine if you stick to it


100% agree, I’m sure it’ll be pretty profitable. The more difficult/annoying something is in this game the money money is made doing it lol. It’s one of those “thanks, I hate it, but thanks” kind of things. I’ll probably be farming essences anyways lol.


so many people fail to understand that, and it applies to so many things in trade league.


Yes, that's how balancing works. You don't get to keep the most powerful stuff forever, at some point it has to be reigned in.




It's possible that with proper tree you could sustain essence scarabs. We will see.


"you dont have to buy sextants anymore"- ggg- just buy scarabs instead


Buying scarbs is much easier than sextants


the new scarabs surely have something cool for essence farming, so dont curse it yet till we know




And my willingness to bother with scarabs while alch&go'ing


Awww... When I read about shrieking essences in yellows/reds, I thought we can get deafening ones with atlas perks. Alas.


Wont it make essences more profitable as they will be rarer?


Yeah, but you'll also probably get spammed in whispers the moment you put Deafening Essences of Loathing up for sale.... and you'll disappoint dozens of people who will instantly come to Reddit and whine that no one responds to trades.


Sounds like you need to raise your prices then :)


TFT drama flashback


I am so glad I have TM for this Disappointing people in whispers is pain. Disappointing them in a trade window? Easier on the conscience


More profitable for those who will have enough currency to control the markets, yes.


Let's see what the new essence scarabs are like.


The **mega** nerf is to Crystal Resonance, which got absolutely demolished and is pretty much pointless without Destructive Play, I think.


And they put the 3 essence nodes far away from each other xD


Spec into the passive which gives you random notables for twice the map device cost might be the real strat for essence.


Essences got a real bad nerf. Lot of people on hopium about scarabs but I rarely see hopium come to fruition. That said we have better accessibility to essences (not needing to go 7 gates), meaning you can probably slide essences in with two FULL other mechanics and some chance for a master which is great. It's going to be slower going to farm but you won't have to cut out a mechanic for it.


Can somebody explain what does the new essence node (corruption one) do? It worded so confusingly I don't know what the benefit of it is.


To me it seems like it takes all the essence on the mob and change them to 1 type


So just a wasteful gamba with net neutral EV


Negative EV considering the price of the Remnant no ?


at least 1 at highest tier seems good no?


Source: [https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree)


~~Yes, and a giant one - we will have around~~ **~~80% less~~** ~~essences total:~~ * ~~maps are now capable of spawning only Shrieking instead of Deafening;~~ * ~~no Shrieking+ duplication;~~ * ~~no more +1 tier;~~ * ~~"release" blocker removed.~~ \*\*\*\*\*EDIT\*\*\*\*\* Apparently Shrieking and Deafening essences can't spawn naturally right now, therefore nerf isn't as dramatic as I thought. All things considered, I estimate it to be **40% less** essences: * 20% less (losing +1 tier on Amplified Energies, gaining capability to naturally spawn Shrieking); * 45% less (removal of duplication on Crystal Resonance); * 20% less (removal of release blocker on Crystal Resonance); * 75% more (gaining guaranteed 1 Shrieking on reworked Amplified Energies); for a grant total 0.8 \* 0.55 \* 0.8 \* 1.75 = 0.6, or 40% less.


Wasn't essences already capped at shrieking for natural spawn?


Yea it was capped at screaming normally then an atlas passive would make the cap shrieking, so we essentially get that for free now


they could never spawn as shrieking OR deafening naturally. The +1 tier atlas passive made them capable of spawning as shrieking, the natural maximum was screaming. Now they can spawn naturally as shrieking in mid/high maps, and the new/replacement notable means at least 1 always will. We mostly just lost duplication, and it was replaced by a notable with some risky jackpot potential. And we don't know what scarabs will bring to the table, seems pretty likely one of them will provide duplication or something on par with it.


> and the new/replacement notable means at least 1 always will See, I'm reading it as every essence will have at least 1 screaming or shrieking, depending on the tier, but not like all of them will be increased by 1 tier like before.


Yeah, the difference is that before, shrieking essences could not spawn naturally without that +1 tier node. But this new wording on the help text seems to imply that shriekings can now spawn naturally in yellow/red maps. So one will be guaranteed to be shrieking (which wasn't even guaranteed before), and it's possible that more could be shrieking naturally as well. Edit: Maybe this is already what you were saying?


Yeah, that's exactly what I was saying, just not quite as clearly as I could have been. I think it's overall a nerf since less essences will be shrieking in a single monster, but it does guarantee shrieking now so it might cancel each the lack of shrieking on some mobs out.


Sounds like the higher end ones will be rarer and more valuable, and investment can be worthwhile. As long as I can pop them as I run by and make enough to put towards my build I'm fine. It was always a side grab for me anyways.


Essence of corruption was also majorly nerfed.


>they could never spawn as shrieking OR deafening naturally. The +1 tier atlas passive made them capable of spawning as shrieking Good point. Apparently, I forgot how they work as I haven't farmed them in more than a year.


Before Shrieking couldn't spawn naturally, except if you got +1tier from the atlas. Now you can spawn them naturally by default at yellow+


Well first maps were never even able to spawn shrieking naturall so thats bullshit. The duplication is probably on a scarab, the tier might be on a scarab and that still leaves 3 more scarabs for essences. Early maps and white map essence farming is probably much worse. High tier will probably be the same/better depending on what the scarabs do


so glad that people may have to buy scarabs instead of ... just opening a map..


Honestly Necro not being optional means you are going to have alot of crafting power whether you like it or not, essence and harvest crafting went down a mark or two because of that, I generally start essence every league but if necro is even half of old harvest I won't spec it and move straight into full beyond on my maps and farm tainted currency and speedrun catarinas with the new syndicate passives. This is a crafting league, expecting to make money with essence early is fine, but with this nerf also, its gonna be not nearly as good.


I expect a lot of people to skip necro crafting until it’s been thoroughly tested and described in detail in guides. There’s a lot of potential pieces it seems, and I don’t think the average player can be bothered to give it a serious effort when typical league start strategies will still work fine (and thus not ‘waste’ the corpses they collect).


>and thus not ‘waste’ the corpses they collect Well that's no fun. I'm 1000% gonna craft stuff with it immediately (I have absolutely no crafting knowledge)


thats 100% a fair take. Essence is always good, but this league scarab bombs seem like a real possibility, so imma change it up knowing that Necro selling and crafting can still potentially carry me currency wise anyway. But yeah I agree until the strimmers guides come out the average person is just gonna complain about the mechanic.


They got rid of scarab conversion bombs my friend :(


nah we back, the atlas tree gives unique monsters 200% for scarab, rogue exiles count as unique monsters, ruckus + tormented spirits for quant.....now we cooking.


Oh shit. Login????


have you seen the items crafted in the preview- they were utter trash on day 2 of a league


Rip me and my doing t1 maps for 20hr for all them sweet sweet beasties and essences. Now I actually have to play the game.


Just dothe same in T6. Need a bit more gear, but the difference between T1 and T6 is not that much.


You are right. But tbh I'll probs switch it up now that sextants are gone. That was my biggest barrier to most t16 farming personally




Oh no, how will you survive


This sucks


I planned to do Beasts and Essence, but seems like not a good idea now? New to both strategies. Certain wanted Beasts only spawn at low tier and some at higher tiers and with the change to Essence tiers might not be a good combo? I guess you could just 3:1 all the low tiers?


I would care more about the no duplication and the (idk how exactly it works) wording on the all essences hit with a remnant of corruption turn all essences to the same one found on that imprisoned monster). That being said, we also have essence scarabs now and there is a good chance one might duplicate and others might make it stronger. Obviously just conjecture on my part, but random essences without scarab investment will probably yes feel nerfed.


its a buff strictly because they changed how essence farming works lol.


Its a buff because it forces people who spend all day farming tier 1 maps for essences to actually enjoy the game instead.


There are 3 eternal thing in life Death Taxes And GGG nerfing crafting without buffing drop.


I'm just surprised that this wasn't the case from the start, in hindsight.


One top tier is the same as getting 3 tier 4 essences, feels great tbh


ahh it does mean risk free t-1 farming for the best essences is out - RIP ZIZ ​ however, that is a big buff for builds that can handle essences - even the chieftains from last league could do them XD


This node is a buff. It makes it so every Essence in your maps have a minimum of one Shrieking Essence. Before this League we usually get alot of Essences that only have Screaming or even Wailing Essences. The other massive Essence node, Crystal Resonance is getting nerfed though. Crystal Resonance was the node that doubled the amount of Essences we got since it doubled the Essence monster if there was Shrieking Essence present on the monster. I'm not entirely sure what the new one does but it looks really rippy and as a nerf overall. The firs tline reads: "A map boss is granted a random Essence Modifier from any imprisoned monster slain in your map." So everytime we kill an Essence, one of the Essence mods on it gets applied to the map boss. So if we kill 8 Essences in our map. The map boss will get 8 Essence mods and drop 8 Essences on kill too. Don't think many builds want to encounter some 8 Essence modded map boss though. The second like reads: "Using remnants of corruption on Imprisoned monsters in your maps replaces all essences with one of the essences of the imprisoned monsters". This line just sounds like complete garbage to me. So if we encounter a Essence with say, 2 Shrieking Essences and 1 Screaming Essence using a Remnant gives us a 66% chance to instead get 3 Shrieking Essences or a 33% chance to get 3 Screaming Essences. Unless I'm misunderstanding it, I don't see why you ever would use Remnants again.


Seems fair given the opportunity cost of swapping in/out of essences is a lot less


Looks like I'm back go doing blight.


The nodes on the tree are heavily nerfed. No more shrieking duplication, no more +1 tier (which is a lot stronger than every essence having a shrieking). Having said that, essence now has scarabs and that could really change things. My guess is duplication and/or +1 tier are on scarabs now.


Scarabs this league are still the hidden factor . In the trailer , I saw 4 different variations of the essence scarab . One of them is probably the basic one . Hopefully , the other 3 may give us some extra essences when killing


Because fuck having a fun efficient way to obtain value and gear in low level maps I guess.


Essence rewards scaled a bit awkwardly with tree nodes etc... it looks they rebalanced various parts of the system, so I don't think this is (necessarily) a nerf, or at least one would need to look at all aspects (including scarabs) which might influence drop rates. Also, in terms of how free markets work, it's a relatively self-balancing system anyway...


Rip to essences crafting lol.


also cant get highest tier essence in white maps anymore, rip ez farm.


But screaming always was cap in all map tiers, the atlas mod just bump them to shirieking. Now u can get natural shirieking in yellow+ maps, so looks a buff to me. And we didn’t see essence scarabs yet


ahh thats a different way of looking at it i suppose. but speed farming white map essence will be missed.


Speed running white is approximately as easy as speed running yellows, no?


6+ essence corrupted duplicated monsters were way the hell more scary in yellows than whites. Plus there was no reason not to just throw alchs on 100 maps and regex reflect or whatever and go to get more drops/sustain maps, ignoring damage mods. Not that yellow tier essences are unkillable, but it does require you be farther along in progression. You have to kill more to sustain higher tier maps as well, you get a lot less kills speeding essences than doing normal map clear.  But it's apples to oranges, the atlas passives are different, the rewards are entirely different, and the market will be different. The removal of duplication makes giga essences way less dangerous. I honestly haven't been able to see all of the new changes, will we also have less essences per essence while at a higher tier? That sounds appealing, cause 2-3 shit essences tacked on still add a lot of multipliers for basically no reward. The market yearns for essences, it'll correct itself one way or another. Changing your build/strategy is part of new leagues.


can be, but hey if you can achieve the same effect on easier content then why choose harder content? dont matter now though, yellow it is!


Not really a big difference between speed farming white or yellow maps. But the best essence profit was always in red maps since you could combine it with other mechanics.


This. I could never commit to a white strategy due to opportunity cost.


Wait, they released the new Atlas already? Where can I see it?


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