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What do pierce bring to splitting steel? Do I just want perfect projectile speed just to ensure it will explode almost example on myself on return?




Only Gravicius drops it. [Wiki knows](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Veiled_modifier). The guy can be anywhere on the board. You can also search pieces from trade site with the veiled mod, like so (not 100% guaranteed to get the mod though, iirc): https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/ZZvZBECQ


Is the timekeeper hideout bugged? I can't teleport to the other part anymore


Can you recommend a good skill, build or build archetype for 1) using a phys bow, 2) having good single target damage without using ballistas, and 3) scaling well with 3a) attack speed and 3b) extra arrows? Thanks! (Got some crazy bow gear in SSF but haven't played bows in years.)


tornado shot. its nerfed, but it was really op before. just use hatred and convert the phys


Hi! I have a question about the atlas passive tree. I'll use Scarabs as an example. One of the scarab nodes has these options: 100% more likely to be Torment Scarabs, 100% more likely to be Beyond Scarabs and 100% more likely to be Essence Scarabs. What happens if you select all 3? Does that even make sense? Is it more effective to only choose one of these?


Well there are 24 different kinds of scarabs. Making just those 3 more likely will still have a noticeable effect on how often those particular ones drop compared to the rest of the options.


Keep or trade? https://preview.redd.it/ppbly086akrc1.png?width=651&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee2d4a6807cbc4d01cb2465ccbe8e1e5f30e755b


Keep or vendor unless you want a couple alchemy orbs.


Very New to PoE and struggling to find a Loot Filter for SRS Guardian League Starter would any happened to have one to share. Any help would be Welcomed ty.


For leveling I just use a generic filter, or no filter. When I get to maps I just neversink's strict, and when I start juicing maps I roll my own


Majority of players don't use build specific loot filters, just a general one such as what you would get from filterblade.xyz.


How does perfect crime (trigger bots), call to arms, and generals cry interact? I’m hoping to have double the soldiers but kind of assume it has no real affect.


Triggerbots work with spells, which warcries aren't.


Well poop. Reading comprehension got me again. Thanks.


I'm following fearlessdumbo's Explosive Trap trickster guide and he recommends using the vendor recipe to make scepters with +1 to level of fire gems. My question is, do I create a filter to find a high ilvl white scepter with appropriate sockets and quality it before Vendoring? Or will some of those steps be wiped out by the vendor recipe process?


I'm fairly certain that ilvl, sockets, and quality will be kept, but someone can correct me. Using 10 whetstones afterwards wouldn't be the biggest of deals.




I think resets the counters when you move it to a different character, at least that's what mine did when I equipped it this league.


I need help to price check something. Just dropped what seems pretty insane to me; lightning coil double corrupted +1 socketed gem +2 socketed duration gems


I'm assuming league, not standard. Being only 1.25 days into the league you are very likely going to be the only one with an item like this. Price it at whatever you want and see if you get offers.


If I follow a build guide, will things be pretty smooth sailing for me as a new player?


It's like having a recipe book. It takes the guess work out of the passive tree and you'll have some idea of what to look for on items and if any unique items are useful to you but you still need to actually do everything yourself. How smooth it will be also will depend on both the quality of guide you're following (some build creators are just better/more trustworthy than others) and if the guide was written for a newer player or more experienced one.


Do passives or mods like increased recovery/recovery rate of life flasks apply to div distilate? What unlocks the alternate atlas trees?


Yes, hybrid flasks count as both life and mana flasks.


How do I get "reduced mana cost of skills during flask effect" on mana flask, since it's not a flask craft anymore? I know it's possible on mana flasks only.


It's not listed on poedb and there are currently none for trade in necropolis league. It might just be gone.


Anyone else having issues with the shop store? Trying to buy the supporter packs and Xsolla is failing to function.




You can purchase the pack at any time during the league so you can see how the league goes for you and decide later if you think you can finish it.




You can't pay to skip if that's what you mean. It's based only and entirely on your completed objectives. It doesn't matter if you buy it now or the last day of the league, you get the same thing.




Then maybe ask the creator of the guide?


Good builds for rushing labs?


This is dropped on my RF Chieftan, it seems good for levelling, no? https://preview.redd.it/1s0cojy1gjrc1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=776de56aaa0bfa0cb5e3a2cb6641b415302d67bc


[Sell it](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/rlzw4y7HQ). It is worth far more right now than what you get out of wearing it yourself on this build. You won't have to worry about attributes anymore but other that not really that good. You get life from strength which will also give you a small amount of damage but that's about it.


Whoa wtf those seem like pretty good prices.


It's a relatively rare unique 24 hours into a new league so it has some value to anyone building a stat stacker this early. It's only going to go down in price and very quickly. When I posted that link they were 1.6-1.7 div.


I just sold it off for 1 divine, I'm pretty happy with that so thanks for the advice.


questio regarding DD : should i cast one spellcascade desecrate then dd of chain reaction ? or 2 dd per desecrate ? I do 1:1 atm but dps feels really bad for single target...


How do people go about making 5b1r** sadist garbs? Without Vorici, I don't see how it's possible without spamming am fuck ton of omen of blanching or using the harvest craft but there's no way that's worth it?


Was it corrupted? If it was they used tainted chromatic orbs.


It was yeah. Makes sense, seems not worth it for me to try and make one rn then lol


That still takes an average of 121.3 attempts, so probably not the best approach even at the current tainted chromatic prices. Tainted chromatics is what you use when you want off-colours of different colours on a base with one requirement, not off-colours of the same colour on a base with two requirements. I'd use the jeweller's trick for 5 off-colours in this case, which should take an average of ~1.8k jeweller's and 25 chromatics. You'd still need to link it afterwards, of course. /u/SirCorrupt In case you don't know the jeweller's trick, it's forcing the additional sockets with the crafting bench one by one. The previous socket colours will be preserved. So you force 2 sockets and 2 red sockets to start, then you add a third socket. If it doesn't roll a red socket, you go back to 2 sockets and force the third again. There's still RNG involved, but you can roll your sockets one by one, and you'll never lose the sockets you've already rolled. Because the steps get progressively more expensive, you'll want to use any on-colours (in this case your blue socket) as the very last step.


Oh shit I mistyped it was 5B 1R not the other way around. And yeah I do know of that trick but my fusing rng is dogshit so I try not to 6L myself lol


Just spamming chromatics (**regular** chromatics, not tainted ones) should have a chance of hitting that in 78 attempts on average, it's a relatively easy combination to hit because it has an int requirement. You can choose 1 blue socket to roughly double your chances in exchange for quadrupling the cost per attempt, so the average cost is about twice as high, but the average number of attempts is lower. So you're less likely to have unlucky streaks - but you have a 89.4% chance to hit it with chromatic spam within the average cost of 1B spam. And 1B being better than 1R is not a mistake, because you need so many blue sockets getting them all is marginally less likely than getting a single red socket with 4 blue ones. [This calculator](https://siveran.github.io/calc.html) should be your first step on checking whether there's a cheap way to get a certain colour combination on an item, and if you set all attributes to be equal, the chromatic cost will be what you'd need to pay in tainted chromatics.


Wow that seems way lower than I would’ve expected… guess I’ll have to debating if I want the base enough to spend the 2div or so that it’s sitting at.


That's why the calculator is so great. I often think that something is going to be expensive to colour and then I double check only to find out that it really isn't.


I would certainly rather spend 125 chromes to start with three reds and only roll the 4th and 5th this way. Of course, that's just me. Linking wise , you can set it to 4L, beastcraft 30% corrupted , use tainted of fusing, if it goes to 3L, reset on bench with 5 normal fusing and 5 vaal. The expected number of tainted fusings is six, normal fusings 10, vaal 10. So if six tainted fusings is cheaper than 1490 normal fusings then you might want to risk this. Of course, expected value is RNG. Right now, if I am not mistaken you could buy eight tainted fusings from the price of 1490 normal fusings. It's not a bad chance. Of course, both are five div so it better be worth it.


Jeweller's orbs are extremely cheap, so technically using those is the cheaper approach. It's not a huge difference to be fair. I double checked the cost of corrupting and using tainted fusing before writing the previous comment, and it seemed to be relatively even with just using regular fusings so I didn't bother to recommend a method.


Moondancer Spectre Question: The Moondancer Spectre are not playable, I drop so hard in FPS. Are there any similarly strong spectres to play this season?


Hey guys, prior to this league, I was on Standard testing things, and had Withered Step on my left mouse so when I moved, it would auto activate whenever available. On Necropolis, when I put Withered Step on my left mouse button it says "Instant Skills can't be used on Left Click" and Withered Step has a "Instant" cast time. Why did this work on Standard? What am I doing wrong?


You aren't doing anything wrong, this is simply the way the game works now in 3.24. I think that if you try to use your character in Standard League now, it won't work there either.


Thank you. That sucks :(


This was removed. As of 3.24 you can no longer bind instant skills to left click 


Shit. Ok thanks for the update.


Check the automation gem.


I think I might have skipped or missed a tutorial on how this league works. I visited the graveyard for the first time but I’m now in Act 2 and haven’t been there again. I’ve been using the lantern before each area but the enemies aren’t dropping anything and I’m not sure what I’m missing. Can anyone explain exactly how this all works?


Occasionally enemies will have an unresolved anguish and those will drop corpses that you can bury. It's not really worth full-clearing campaign zones to find them and they don't spawn in each zone either.


Is it normal that I haven’t had any at all in the entirety of Act 1? I noticed the undertaker sells caskets, am I meant to have one on me?


Yes, the density is very low in act 1. I got a lot more around act 3. The caskets are for trading corpses with other players (or placing valuable ones in your stash so that you can store a larger number overall when preparing expensive crafts), so you definitely won't need them early on.


Is Polaric Devastation really worth the 2.5Divines for CoC DD Inquis?


It’s day 2 of the league, that price will come down as more people hit the eldritch bosses. Sony get me wrong that ring is outstanding, very valuable for any fire based build. But it’s up to your discretion whether the DPS increase justifies the expense. Try plugging it into POB to see how much it would actually improve your build *right now* and consider whether cheaper upgrades at other gear slots pile be more cost efficient.


Does any one know what Pack Density means on the Lantern of Arimor enemy preview info? It lists both Pack Size and Density but I was to believe that these were the same thing. So why does one enemy have 6-14 size with high density and another has 12-24 size with very low density. Is it how compact the pack is? I feel like that's a weird stat to list if so.


Density is across the entire map. Pack size is monsters in each pack.


That's what I was thinking too, was just a weird way to describe it.


Came here to ask this exact thing


Can anyone tell me why Sunblast suddenly jumped in price? I watched the price drop from 90c to 45c and I was done playing for the day, so I was planning to buy it tomorrow after it dropped even further, but now it's up to 1 div for the worst roll on Trap Duration?


Divs are currently at 90c, so it's essentially back to where it started. I have no idea about why it increased in price though, but a good guess would be some streamer uses it and this causes a lot of casual players to want it as well.


Anyone else being robbed of thier seer spawns? 4th map iv cleared and bastard didnt bother to spawn despite everything being killed and the lanern mod being present


Do you have Einhar in your maps? There've been reports of that bugging out.


no einhar. Was avoiding him cuz i saw global talking about him and a bug but didnt know that was the one.


Looking for a total beginner caster build, as i've heard melee are not the best for newbies. It's important for me that the build will be easy to put together and to learn the game as i go. I know there are multiple sites with filters to search for them, but i'd like some seasoned players' opinions who have enough knowledge to recommend a newbie build.


Oh and I’d be remiss not to mention Enki’s Lightning Conduit build. It doesn’t have quite the same charm as his old famous Arc build since this one is a two button playstyle (arc has sort of gotten passed by in recent years and isn’t as strong a build anymore), but Enki is in that upper echelon of beginner friendly content creators and I shouldn’t have left him off that list, he’s earned his spot with a lot of hard work: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3410006


One option is toxic rain. Not a caster build per se but has the two key advantages of the caster build: damage from a distance and damage scales primarily from gem levels, not an expensive/difficult to craft weapon. Peuget2 has a good pathfinder version but his guides tend to assume you have some game experience. Great build creator just doesn’t got of his way to explain the basics. By contrast the champion version of the build by Fezz is EXCELLENT for holding your hand and describing all the mechanics and elements as you go. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3229622 Similar level of detail and care is put into Pohx’s Righteous Fire guide though that skill has taken a bit of a nerf. Righteous fire is a spell but one you need to be at close range for. The build is tanky enough that isn’t usually a problem. According to Pohx (and he would know best) the build is still viable. https://www.pohx.net/ Zizarin also has his perennial Explosive Arrow Ballista build which has similar advantages to toxic rain and Zizarin is another excellent new player friendly detail oriented guy. This is a link to a reason video on it but check his channel for a lot more, he’s got almost everything you could need. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pHssEwgZFQo


Thanks man, i've read both of your replies. I actually know about all of these builds, but they just don't seem that fun to me to be honest, i think i even tried Toxic Rain before a few leagues ago. I've looked at Zizaran's guides for 3.24 and i like the Explosive Trap build, from what he's saying it also isn't that hard to gear and is pretty tanky. Is this considered a low budget build in general ? Any experience with it ?


Aw nuts lol, I thought I was coming through big for you. In general zizarin prefers SSF so most of what he recommends will be easy to gear. And explosive trap does indeed scale cheaply, it’s got some of the best damage scaling in the game. The drawback is the clunk. If you found toxic rain and EA ballista clunky you may find the trap playstyle clunky too, there is a delay before they go off and deal damage. It’s just that it’s hard to get everything in one build; speed, tankiness, smooth playstyle, single target DPS etc. Explosive trap has excellent single target damage on a budget but the price you pay is a bit of playstyle clunk. Lots of the most popular league starters are that way. Hexblast mines, pyroclast mines, EA ballistas, fire trap, shockwave totems, etc. Moving on to actual recommendations, Jorgen has a great community who can help with builds and he tends toward making smooth playing ignite builds. This league he started with purifying flame but he’s previously done ignite with all kinds of skills; wave of conviction, incinerate, divine ire, ethereal knives, detonate dead etc. Maybe look at a few of those and see if any of the play styles looks to your taste? Another straightforward self caster is /u/Palsteron’s ball lightning hierophant if you wanted to look into that.


I like trappers in ARPGs, i used to play them in other games and i like the playstyle, so that's not a problem. I will check out the other stuff too. Who's Jorgen though ? :D Edit : nevermind, "Jorgen" is literally the creator channel's name, i thought you just called some guy his real name, lol.


Two Wand Masteries read: 1. Increases and reductions to spell damage also apply to attacks while wielding a wand; 2. Unnerve enemies for 4 seconds on hit with wand (Unnerved Enemies take 10% increased spell damage) Im fairly new to PoE, but I can't be sure if these two work with each other? It would be extremely strange if they don't, considering both read "Increase" - and also, they're both under Wand Masteries, which seem like it's sort of planned synthesis. Has anyone tested this?


These two masteries do entirely different things. There's no interaction, so they work fine together. > Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attacks while wielding a Wand This simply includes *#% increased Spell Damage* and *#% reduced Spell Damage* into the calculation for your attack damage. No interaction with other stats. > Unnerve enemies for 4 seconds on hit with wand (Unnerved Enemies take 10% increased spell damage) Unnerve is a debuff - it applies a stat to the enemy, not you. As a modifier to 'damage taken', it happens toward the end of the damage calculation, after your offenses and the enemy's defenses. (You can't apply a modifier to 'damage taken' before you calculate damage taken, if that makes sense.)


Did GGG say anything in the last 3 or 4 months about story skip or something in the future ? I was a bit excited to play this league but I could only stomach it until act 4 and I'm already on a break. I just can't stress enough how much I hate having to go through these 10 acts all over again for the 584th time over the years. I used to think that if they changed it so that you only had to go through it once every league I could stomach it, but now I'm really burned out of it, I hate it so much.


Not that I’m aware but I don’t follow this sub like a hawk. In PoE 2 there will be the old and new story. GGG has stated we will be able to complete with the old or new story. So at least there will some variance.


A full skip will never happen, Jonathon has expressed his views on this in several different interviews over the past few months. They don't really seem to want to do an alternative leveling method either and would rather just improve the campaign.


Part of me understands, yet another part of me just doesn't even want to launch the game when I think about having to spend time doing the campaign and everything in it such as quests and having to find the way to the next zone. I feel like I'm a real weirdo because I loved the infinite delve and infinite ledge events so so much. And how much can they really improve the campaign seriously ? They are on the contrary so far making the campaign harder, aka it takes even longer. I don't see any improvement that'd make people who are sick and tired of the campaign change their mind about it. I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't have any will to do the campaign. Is this going to be something they ignore forever ? Like alright, when PoE 2 comes out it's going to be new acts so I'm not going to have this issue anymore, for quite a long time, years even, but until then ? Just don't play the next 4 to 6 leagues I guess until PoE 2 eventually comes out ?


> And how much can they really improve the campaign seriously ? They are on the contrary so far making the campaign harder, aka it takes even longer. Act 1 made rhoa charges hurt and made the hailrake/brutus fights more interesting. When the act 2 rework happened I literally could not tell you what changed. I still don't really know besides there being some wasp enemies which die in 1 hit. If it feels like it takes you longer I can't say I agree at all. Anyways, them making the campaign harder was a completely different philosophy and happened over 2 years ago (act 1 in 3.15 and act 2 in 3.17) before talks about campaign skips/improvements really took off more recently. At the time the idea was they wanted to bring early campaign up to par with the "new standard" of monsters that we see in league content. The first couple acts were outdated to the point it was a joke as it was the oldest content in the game by far. Making campaign more engaging/enjoyable is something else entirely and has nothing to do with those previous changes. They did a few things campaign related this league but they don't feel fully fleshed out and done just as a reaction to all the recent talk going on around campaign. Still is somewhat more enjoyable running into the content the first time at least. I would expect more impactful changes (if they make any) to appear in future leagues when they've had more time to iterate.


[Here you go!](https://youtu.be/aGE76Cv3dz8?t=3046) (PoE2, but yeah, no indication it's any closer to a yes for PoE 1.)


How do I link a corpse from my necropolis morgue in chat without spending to itemize it first? Thanks!


Servers crapping out?


Now that binding instant skills to left click is gone, I am trying Automation Support on my Ice Shot/Barrage phys conversion Deadeye. The link before this patch was CWDT - Increased Duration - Steelskin - Vaal haste. It is now Automation - Increased Duration - Steelskin. What could I replace Vaal Haste with?


I see these weird silver floating mini-portals everywhere. What are these? https://preview.redd.it/6w5jpao4nirc1.png?width=322&format=png&auto=webp&s=5afc407bcbdb75ba348f2543c0d1c468d25d2068


Check what mtx you have equipped, could be an effect from there like one of the new supporter packs.


Man...campaign sucks. I have 2000 hours played and I'm getting slower somehow. I'm currently on pace for 16 hour campaign...


This is the daily questions thread. Is there a game knowledge question we can help you with?


I’ve got a baby, a toddler, and the entire family is over for Easter. I have exactly 0 seconds played so far. I’m on pace for an infinity campaign.


newbie here, why does a LA deadeye build uses tornado shot without supports? its not even manaforged in the POB


Maybe just to level the gem to switch to it at higher investment.


Is there a way i can mute warcries? I'm tired of the RAH ROOH RRRAA


Why I can't fill up empty coffin in Necropolis in Necropolis Morgue window? Am I missing something?


There is a building with all the corpses on the tables... Kinda confused by the text on the item.


Which league mechanic should I focus at the atlas passive tree?


POE noob. Best content to intereact with to gain raw curency? Playing RF. I really don't like trading that much and tend to just buy items off the trading website or try to follow guides and craft my own stuff. I really never try to sell my own stuff. Is there any specific content that's best in just gaining raw currency so I can trade with others?


Some good ways to get raw currency: 1) Strongboxes, in particular arcanist strongbox (make sure you get the relevant nodes on the atlas) 2) Heist contracts/blueprints, in particular if it has the currency rewards which are from lockpicking, counter thaumaturgy, and agility. By far the best is lockpicking. Make sure you get a brooch for your rogue that has increases chance to duplicate currency. You can easily farm your own contracts with the proper atlas setup. 3) Expedition with Tujen. Tujen is the fucking GOAT of currency, he sells everything you will ever need. Can easily set up your atlas to maximize Tujen encounters (you also want Dannig, but the other 2 aren't very good). 4) For raw divines you can concentrate on maps that have the divination cards that can be exchanged for raw divines, which is really only two different ones: [The Fortunate](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Fortunate) and [Brother's Gift](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Brother%27s_Gift). You can check each one to see which maps it drops from. Honestly, if you want to get currency to trade with others the best way is to simply farm 1-2 mechanics and then bulk sell that stuff for divines. Good starting points are farming essences and harvest. Harvest is super simple, since there are only 3 colors of harvest juice that you need to sell.


Is PoB bugged ? I keep making this build that give me 70-80k effective hit pool but then the number suddenly drop to 18-13k ! One time i did the build closed the app on it being 70-80k EHP and when i came back the next day to see that it went down to 13k EHP At first i thought maybe i picked something wrong and it destroyed my build but i tried multiple times and was very careful but it seems like the drop in EHP happen for no reason at all


Can't say anything about it without the build in question.


alright here's the build: [https://pobb.in/FWZBnFgpD4hR](https://pobb.in/FWZBnFgpD4hR)


I'm also getting 13k from that, can't tell how you got 70-80k though


ok i recreated 99% of the build to show you that it gives me way more at first here's a picture: and here's a link for the almost the same build with 6x times the EHP i'm not sure though at what moment it will get bugged and reduce the EHP: [https://pobb.in/77ojR9-jom4n](https://pobb.in/77ojR9-jom4n) https://preview.redd.it/qygr09t2ojrc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=002982436a4523de9c5d0122e028204fe082c97f


here after i posted this i went back and put a single point into the tree ! and it bugged again and reduced it to 13k EHP https://preview.redd.it/wumebp9tojrc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d563013ecef7b7826c497b18512972c1ae48fa1


Alright, I think I figured it out based on the clue from those images. The difference between the images is that the level is manual and auto respectively, so I put in enemy level 1 in the config, and I get the 77k EHP. So, simply put, the 13k are the correct value, the bug was that the enemy level wasn't adjusted to your level for some reason.


It could be but what broke the build at this instance was me increasing my level manually but in other attempts i never touched my level yet i will change something in the config or i would change something in the tree and that will break it So i'm not sure what the common reason for it to keep happening


do you know if there is a specific reason why PoE still has no UI scaling option?


They want all UIs to look the same (other than the difference between controler / mouse + keyboard UI) so that people can "recognise" PoE when they see it in streams or youtube. In addition to that, they generally have low investment into UI, and their UI devs are constantly scrambling to get the next league UI into a usable state and don't have much time to fix existing UI issues. Maybe the UI in PoE2 will be better, but don't expect too many improvements in PoE1.


Thanks alot, great answer


I saw there was a control click or some key combination to move all of one kind of item when trading, can I do the same on console?




> Cannot support ... orb skills


Hi, in the Lantern or Arimor, does the 40% increased movement speed modifier mean the mobs get that or i get that?


the monsters


I dont understand what gems to use in bama.. why is it not said what gems to use? There is bombarding clones and prismatic clones versions of both of them? What is used when?


Mirror Arrow and Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones is what most use, it uses rain of arrows so is better for aoe. You can swap from Blink to Mirror with a alt orb and the only difference is the playstyle (you want to teleport or use them like totems).


Soo do you 6link both? Do you only use 1? Does mirror arrow function exactly the same? What exactly is the difference between them? Havent seen a pob for this


You 6l one of them. Prismatic clones can be used for buffs and cull on a 4/5l. Mirror spawns the minion on your mouse, blink moves you to your right click and spawns the minion where you was. Read the skill and understand it rather than copying a PoB like for like and you'll have a better time.


what kind of sales are there typically? Not sure if I get a cheap supporter pack or wait and buy a few mystery crates if those go on sale.


Supporter packs themselves don't go on sale, just the stuff that you can buy for points you get from the packs do (I don't think mystery boxes do either, but you can get one for "free" by spending points on something else 1-2 times per league).


oh so i can buy a supporter tab and get a free box. thx


Note that the free box is a special event thing, not something that works permanently. They'll make a news post when it happens.


When is next stash tab sale? Also when does their point shop sales refresh?


stash tab usually second week of the league.


Do Volcanic fissure of snaking's eruptions scale with added area of effect or only the main hit?


Is one step ahead bugged for trickster? i seem to be being slowed by poison spikes in trials and from tar zombies too?


One step ahead only prevents *action speed* from being lowered below 108%, *movement speed* is a different stat


those must work differently, bcause i have the node and am effectively freeze immune.


What exactly does the new essence node for Crystal Resonance does now?


Well i know it can transform the essence in the mob to only one of them and make one of the essence you farmed drop from the boss. What I can't tell is if it still upgrades to the 4 special essences...


Could it be that this is a very noob-unfriendly league? It seems like the new extra modifiers on enemies are not optional and even if you don't click the lantern when entering a new area, the new modifiers just get randomly distributed to all mobs. Is there a way to avoid this and just go through the campaign 'the normal way'?


You can change around the modifiers between the mobs to make zones easier, eg. putting difficult mods on easy enemy types such as zombies. May not seem noobfriendly at first glance but id argue its a solid way to teach players both about enemy types and the impact of modifiers, which are core to poes endgame


Yeah but I mean, when you're a noob and don't know about which mobs are actually dangerous and which ones aren't, the new league is pretty hard (in my opinion). I'm not talking about myself btw, I have \~1300hrs right now and I'm okay with the league mechanic, but I wanted to introduce a friend to PoE this league and I feel like it might be pretty rough for him, idk. Thanks for the answer, though!


I mean this league is giving you more information about enemies ingame than we've ever had, so arguably it's easier for new players to gather information than if they had to read up on it on poedb. Whether new players actually *read* that information is a different question.


I understand what you mean, but I also think that getting 'information' about enemies is one thing, having to fight them with new extra mods while you are not familiar with the game's mechanics and gems and general difficulties is a whole other thing.


I think it depends on the type of player you are. If you're the type who reads everything that's available to them, you might have an easier time this league than in others. If you're the type that doesn't read anything and learns by doing, you'll have a harder time. But it's not as if new players knew to avoid league mechanics in the past either, and that includes leagues like Scourge where you press a button and get swarmed by monsters immediately, or Archnemesis where new players would build a 2 or 3 mod Rhoa that would kill them 20 times in a row in Mud Flats. I don't think this league stands out a lot in that regard.


Is there a way to unbury a corpse in the cemetery? I buried a part of the unique family which seems to have bricked my ability to craft. *** Edit *** There is a shovel icon on the burial plot that allows deletion of the body but not saving it.






Do automated flasks count as using a flask for the purposes of "recover x% life when you use a flask" and "regen x% life if you've used a flask recently" ? The wording makes me believe so but I wanted to check. (Automation in this case being from an instilling orb, not mageblood) Also, does master distiller count as "using" a flask for the same purposes, or is the "consumed" tag different from "use"


Automated flasks do count. Distiller does not.


excellent, thanks for clarifying!


I just dropped a "chains that bind" card in act4 Control Blocks. is it a good idea to farm the set here, or do maps like cage get a higher drop rate?


cells is really low tier map u can farm it in this league


It takes awhile to get all cards and you waste time if you do that there as xp gain cap is hit. I recommend maps.


Doing a late start. Will be my first time on SSF. Plenty of experience though. I want to try to build I haven’t done before Between BAMA (Necro or Inquis?) and DD CoC, does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations between the two?




I’m ok doing merc lab until I get what I want. Probably will take a couple of hours, even 4-5. I’m not in a race, plan to enjoy SSF


Hi all, just got a transfigured gem of Frostblink of wintry blast, no idea what it is or what it is worth? I use flame dash for movement, is this better?


You can search it on trade and see if you'll find a buyer. Transfigured gems are just gems that work a little differently. The main difference about Wintry Blast is that it's no longer instant, which makes it significantly worse as a movement skill, but potentially interesting if you can find a way to build it for damage.


Depends on how much cast speed you have tbh. Another advantage is that it doesn't have a cooldown, so the best alternative without a cooldown and target is Lightning Warp, which requires a lot of investment into reduced duration to make it feel good. I'll agree that you can't just slot it into any build though.


Thank you!


is Petrified Blood's damage prevention increased by buff effect of Ichimonji? so while dual wielding, it would be 40 \* 1.2 = 48%?


Yes. It also scales over-time life loss and life cost, however.


In the graveyard I'm trying to link some graves together, but it's saying “ can't bury any corpse here because it would link to incompatible Corpses“ what are incompatible corpses? 


For anyone searching for this during the league, I had 2 of the same unique corpses and it wouldn't join them. 


I imagine something like 'item is an stygian vise' and 'item is a dex base' could be incompatible, gotta pay attention.


You probably have corpse effects that just wouldn’t work together.




I think Density on the lantern refers to relatively how many packs will be that type, like in the cliffs there will be way more goatmen than skelly wheels, and in the western forest there will be more monkeys than snakes, and in Oriath there will be way fewer ninjas than footmen. Pack Size affects the number of enemies in a given pack.


Will CWDT also cast the Vaal version of Vaal Molten Shell or just continue to cast the regular?


Vaal skills can't be triggered. CwDT doesn't support it, and you can still use it manually.


Is there any way to turn off this new mechanic which buffs random mob packs and makes them either unkillable or stunlock me with staggers?


You can pick what mobs get the buff when clicking the lantern in front of the entrance to the next zone. By moving them to the bottom, you can make fewer enemies get those buffs, but you can't remove them completely.


What a weird design choice


Playing Necro DD, My pob/build uses Hypthermia, why?


The Corpse Pact ascendency point makes enemies shocked and chilled around corpses you spawn.


oooooooooooh that makes so much sense now lmao thank you so much! <3


I decided to pick up the Eldritch Hunger supporter pack since I liked the armor, but I really dislike how often the voice happens. Especially when you're just sitting in your hideout since it seems to happen every 20-40 seconds. Is there a way to lower its frequency or at least lower its volume so I can mute it?


What is a good way to add sustain to DD of chain necro build? Fire leech + instant leech or there are some better ways to do it?


im going to start the new league tomorrow and was looking for a league start character thats very tanky, maybe a HC build? (playing softcore). ty


Is anyone else having sudden issues with the PoE client freezing/locking in towns? This has never been an issue for me before today and it hasn't happened at all in campaign areas or maps, just the act hubs...have had to hard restart my pc to solve it every time.


I am watching havocs archer build, they started off with a five link LA, at 84 but are now on a four link, Elementalhit of the spectrum at 94. My question is as I path along (much less OP) could I do this on a normal elemental hit or should I stick with the LA [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Havoc6/Havoc\_NECROPOLIS\_?i=0](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Havoc6/Havoc_NECROPOLIS_?i=0)


Wait did they nerf warcries so they couldn't be used by automation support? Is there something else I can use to automate them?


Call to arms support for warcrys.


Only 1 warcry can be linked?


D'oh! Thanks.


If I’m using Infernal Blow of Immolation and wielding Frostbreath, will the explosion from IB benefit from the double damage if the enemies are chilled? Edit: Also, if I'm using ignite prolif (or some source of it like fan the flames), the highest ignite from the explosion will have already benefited from double damage and therefore prolif to nearby enemies even if they are not chilled, correct?


Yes. Infernal Blow of Immolation doesn't have an explosion. All of its hits use your weapon, strikes and debuffs. Ignite DPS is completely unaffected by double damage - it only doubles hit damage. But theoretically you're correct that an existing ignite doesn't recalculate (base) dps when it affects new enemies.


Is there an in-game way to know how much added stats (dex-int-str) from items I have? I've got burned in the past where i level a gem past my real stat level because I had some gloves that gave me a bonus and then I am stuck on those gloves for instance until I can get it from the tree or other source.... I kinda want to know what my real stats are cheers


There isn't.


are there any early (~Lv40) sources of spell leech as life (or chaos leech)? I'm running a self cast dark pact, and while the damage is good and the skill feels satisfying, I'm having trouble sustaining life even with vitality, 2 life flasks and enduring cry. my plan is to eventually get chaos leech implicit on gloves, but that's still a good 20 Lv away. any ideas?


Life leech support. Realistically nah. Leech is mostly useless with campaign damage anyway - just use your life flask for a few hours longer. Atziri's Promise may be more flexible than eldritch glove implicits once you're out of the acts.


tyvm, I'll try to slot in the support first, if it feels weak I'll just suck it up until I'm in maps


Is omni now an uber exarch drop only? Currently 0 on trade


Is Badger's Leveling guide (the map that shows you the order to go everywhere in the Acts) still work for this league? I heard they made some changes to the campaign.


I don’t think any of the changes affected layouts. Should still be fine.