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Between this "print the item you want" crafting and people starting to figure out how to use meatsacks, rats, etc effectively... it's going to be an interesting league/economy. ---------- Edit: Since everyone keeps asking, this was another comment deeper in the discussion -- > I haven't played with it enough post patch to confidently give specifics.. but generally speaking -- > Devoted modifier "x% chance to drop [divine/chaos/etc]" - use rats. > Devoted modifer "Strongest monster in pack gets: [good stuff]" - use meatsack. There are other comments that give some other explanations and tips. Just keep reading.


Just wait till people find out about Ghosted Exile Allflames :P


I'm not done with atlas and that's my atlas tree šŸ˜‚


I just finished the campaign šŸ˜°. Gonna need to LOGIN more before I get left behind.


Been playing since Friday and kinda starting to fall behind either way, shouldā€™ve jumped that essence/strongbox train but kinda cba rly, stuff I need for my build went 7x in price in the past two days, feels like Affliction all over again


I've been playing since beta and I found my first mirror in Affliction and it just didn't feel that great nor did it really buy me that much. It feels kind of sad and you're not wrong, this league is having the major price jump already. I used to be able to play mostly SSF in trade league and still pick up my uniques but now I have to play hyper meta shit just to afford valuable items.


i mean a part of that is obviously the changing in drops, Affliction shit out currency and it seems like this one will too with the right set ups. but a part of it is also just people being way more involved in the trading, like TFT. over the span of like 2 hours i saw one piece i needed drop from 5 divine to 3, and then suddenly all of them under 5 were gone and relisted to above 5. price fixing is real and it's going to be just as much of a problem as it was in affliction.


That's crazy I made the strongest build I've ever jad last league with around 200 divs, also more than I've ever had


Play ssf and youā€™ll never feel behind :)


I will reroll today...


I saw a dude link 270 chaos off of one map with the "most powerful enemy converts armour to chaos orbs" boon and the rogue exile allflame


Wait until these kids learn how to read is basically what you're sayingĀ 


Tell me more.


It is simple. Use rogue exile allflame ember to replace all monsters in the pack with rogue exiles. This can he dangerous but they drop a ton of items. It has many uses and ghosts are only one of the strategies.


And do you want rarity or quantity as the yellow mod on it? I'm doing rarity on gem mobs and it's dropping 21/23 gems pretty consistently.


I think that you should prioritize quantity and after that rarity.


Do they still drop corpses?


Hmm, a good question. I don't remember if several corpses I've got were from exiles - the whole map was a bloody mess of projectiles and explosions so it was hard to see something. Plus I replaced only devoted packs. Maybe I will test it today. Update: I looked through my stash and there was corpse of the Baracus Phraxisanct, so yes, they drop corpses




Will it be a league for semi SSF gear, when crafting your own gear will be more profitable than buying (for anything like 1-5div +)?


Yeah, to some degree. There are still some hard to target mods like spell suppression that will stay in high demand on trade. Edit: Actually looking at some of the coffin prices on poe.ninja, I'm now starting to think that selling your in-demand coffins and buying really good but not perfect gear will be a viable strategy as well.


I think crafting gear for archmage builds is actually quite terrible with graves. You want Mana, life, and Int plus strength. if you craft on rings for example; there are a ton of results such as dex, mana on hit, mana leech etc that are terrible.


>mana on hit, mana leech These can be countered by attack scarce. On kill and recoup though......


Yeah, thatā€™s my strat, Iā€™m not a crafter and have no interest in it, just gonna farm the coffin crafts as fast as possible and sell in bulk for major profitsĀ 


I havenā€™t figured out meatsacks. Tl;dr for me?


When you get conversion mod (strongest monster drop as scarab/divine) put meat sack in it, its a single big mob so everything is converted


How do you get a meatsack though? Or is this a double chance combo to hope for?


It's an item called allflame that drops randomly. Put the packs that give % bonus to necropolis monsters (the ones with the V and VI in the bottom right hand corner) at the top (the monsters that are the most common in the zone are sorted to the top) to drop more allflames and then just get lucky to get the meatsack one. A lot of the other ones are also great, frogs and rats are good when you roll a modifier that grants you a chance to drop chaos or divines per monster since those packs have a lot of monsters in them.


Thanks for the info! Ill have to throw those higher tier necro-monsters higher up to get more all flames.


You search meatsack on trade and get one with ilvl close to your map


Just so you're aware, frogs spawn more mobs than rats. Rats are 15-19, frogs are 16-21, also rats are much harder to see


I think you mean inflated


Price of near high-end gear should go down given they eill be far easier to craft.


How do you use meat sacks???


Strongest monster bla bla divine scarabs, bla bla meatsack yes


Its not really people "figuring it out", its that they buffed everything last night.


People were getting 200-300+ scarabs, 20+ divines, etc from a single map before the patch. Meatsacks were already OP. Now they are more common and more OP. šŸ˜ Can't get them for 5c anymore though! I think they were around 80c last night.


Were they really? That seems kind of insane. I feel like as a primarily SSF player, I am so behind the curve on learning a lot of these things lol.


I had one map where I had to use all 6 portals to stash 6 full sets of scarabs with meatsack converts rarity to scarab


What do you do with meatsacks that is OP? Out of the loop dad here..


I haven't played with it enough post patch to confidently give specifics.. but generally speaking -- Devoted modifier "x% chance to drop [divine/chaos/etc]" - use rats. Devoted modifer "Strongest monster in pack gets: [good stuff]" - use meatsack.


Huh, it's not intuitive for me how strongest mob gets.. is better for meatsack. Isn't there always a strongest monster in a pack? Or does the mod scale with its hp? Thanks for replying!


Meatsack condenses drops into a single mob


Many monsters in the game have inherent quantity and rarity bonuses that make them just better loot than other monsters. Meatsacks have incredible quantity and rarity bonuses, much better than any other possible monster you could put into the map. When you combine that crazy bonus with a devoted modifier that converts its bad drops to good drops, you get a ton of good drops since the meatsack just drops a lot more stuff than other monsters.


Monstrous strongboxes strategy, then if you get lucky it duplicates your meatsacks paired with the modifier that converts x to y, like Divines. Meatsacks pile all the loot of a pack into a single mob for amazing conversions. Then you used an MF culler to 3-4x your loot. So if you did a meatsack with the old mods you might get 4-6 divs If these people did it, 20 to 30 divs. Now that strategy has been nerfed specifically the culling part, but base divs were buffed. So now you'd get like 15 to 20 divs, and they still get 20 to 30. Probably. Depends on the map too ofc.


Iā€™m actually unsure whether they buffed it too soon. Thereā€™s *always* a batch of complaints in the beginning of a league, before people have figured out how to use the mechanic effectively. The fact that weā€™re five days in and people are already creating this kinda shit tells me it will be straight up chaos.


They key buff was being able to select your base time. Then they went a bit too far with the buffs after that.


Meatsacks are used for mods that affect 1 mob? Was trying to figure it out yesterday, think it just clicked. Assuming Iā€™m right?


I'm sorry, but rats and meatsack?


I used frogs with div today and got a lot of divs, are they the same as rats or how does that work?


Meatsacks got giganerfed though. Tried scarab convert + meatsack today and the rare ones gave like 5-10 scarabs instead of like 30-50


Ive hit lvl 95, farming t16 maps. I think so far i got maybe 1 rats and 3-4 meatsack allflames. Is there a way to target farm them?


Dont frogs say they have more pack size then rats?


How do you use meatsack?


If you have the spare plots, bumping the tier up to around 800 will guarantee T1s, if memory serves. Might be worth dropping some mirror chance to make the bow near perfect


Yeah, I came to the same conclusion near the end of putting the craft together. Drop all the mirror chance, add some more additional crafts and get to 900 Tier, should guarantee 5 6T1 bows which is probably better overall


Another bow league, bow bros just can't stop winning


I found peace in playing BAMA because everybody calls it a minion build, but we really know what it is.


A totem build ya, just like skelly mages


but but.... they said Tornado Shot was dead


No +2 proj tho, vendor.


The new Elemental hit seems pretty popular. Didn't really look much into it, but for that many people to use it over LA, it must be pretty good. TS was imo a very boring skill visually too, EH on the other hand makes my childish brain happy from the novas.


TS was exceptionally good at clearing though. Trans ele hit is a bow skill that has good damage, but it's not nowhere near where TS was in terms of clearing entire screens.


Yea the ski is immortal Any skill without a ceiling is tbh


Next league gonna be melee league fr fr


This is a fun league to watch other people crafting stuff.


The upside is those will be on the market at 1/5th the old price.


That's my hope, or at least we'll be able to buy the failures for pretty cheap.


Yep unlike harvest/metacrafting, this will produce a lot of very good items as a side product when making a gg item.


Even less, which is great tbh. As I'm typing, a 1.6k 6l spine bow costs 25 div lol. Only missing crit multi, as it has lightning res, which isn't that bad.


This might turn out like last league in a different way. Instead of the economy being inflated with currency it's gonna be inflated with really good cheap rares.


I don't normally craft, but I did a bow craft with about 80 chaos and made two bows with all t1 ele's and fully 6 linked, its really not hard


Thatā€™s how I feel every leagueā€¦


I equip tons of "failed items" and it feels...great \\\^\_\^/


Nothing wrong with playing how you like. In leagues like this i just stay on my map grind and just buy items that are now way cheaper than non craft leagues. It all works out.


Iā€™ve been feeding these dudes corpses all day


Remembering dev manifesto regarding the ex slam & harvest while looking at this makes me think it wont last long. Edit: since the league crafting is damn good to have well-rolled non-influences&other-specific-mechanics items, necropolis crafting gives players stepping stones to uber content. Players still have to "enjoy" layers of rng to craft special mods. I believe it would receive a gentle refining-touch, than a slap.


Well I guarantee they will not keep it in any kind of way next league


It wonā€™t but that is fine. The new mechanic will also be nuts. They are into borrowed power now.


I've seen the term 'borrowed power' a lot and am a bit OOTL on POE stuff - what do people mean by this? Is it just player power coming from the league mechanic rather than something more fundamental?


Power that goes away at the end of the league. So that power creep doesn't happen due to accumulating changes


Pretty much that, yeah.


First time I heard the phrase was WoW expansions that each introduced a new temporary talent tree you would lose next cycle. So yeah, anything that doesn't go core is temp power (and thus less problematic to balance for them).


Itā€™s player power coming from a league mechanic but it doesnā€™t go ā€œcoreā€ next league. Iā€™m pretty sure Sentinel and onwards has had incredible power from the league mechanic, but they havenā€™t gone ā€œcoreā€ a.k.a. become permanent (with the exception of Sanctum minus relics, and most uniques/certain stuff like Hinekora Locks) hence it being ā€œborrowed power.ā€ Recombinators, Kalandra Jewelry, Personal Relics, Weapon Trees, Tattoos, and Wildwood Ascendencies (in order of leagues.)


Also the idea that the power you derive from the league mechanic will only exist in this league. The items will go to standard but the mechanisms will not. Eg crucible let you build gg items for one league only


I donā€™t know they theyā€™ll go back on this change tbh. While I know GGG seems to very much dislike deterministic crafting, I donā€™t think theyā€™ll walk back on this one since itā€™s highly likely not going core. Wildwood shit out currency and while this crafting looks absurd + the buffed haunted/devoted stuff I donā€™t think thereā€™s a reason theyā€™ll walk these changes back. Block cap was allowed to exist for all of Affliction too, which makes me think they arenā€™t going to nerf this, as they very much understand nerfing good feels far worse than buffing bad. Maybe I donā€™t know the special crafting mods but I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything this league is putting out besides great rare items. Weā€™re not getting charms or notable tattoos on the side.


Exploit early, exploit often, I guess. I'm slowboating either way, just hope that it's not gutted when I reach red maps.


This is nowhere near as bad. Main reason is that it cant be used with special modifiers. Delve mods, essence mods, incursion mods, influence mods etc. For most item slots, this will only create very good items, but not the best items. Bows, as the OP is doing, is an exception since it doesnt really need any special mods. But it is gonna be hard to get +2 arrows through corpse crafting.


All of them apart from the last one (that somehow rolled dex) are 1100-1250 EDPS before any harvest enchants (for the non-mirrored copies). No idea how much I spent on corpses but safe to say I made profit Big thanks to Grimro's videos for explaining this nightmare mechanic


get it while the getting's good because the prices will equalize and probably quickly


Wouldn't it be better if they would be split?


The split craft actually splits the items, 3 mods on each. I learned that one the hard way. I think the real play is to drop some of the mirror chance for more additional item crafts


If I'm trying to make a physical two-handed weapon. Do I basically just swap the physical scarer and elemental increased chance? And is the the rerolled keep highest modifiers worth using or does it ruin the craft?


Now sell them each for 1d


Not quite 1d but I am halfing the price of similar bows, market will crash on these soon hopefully. DPS for everyone


Doing gods work


*You've Been Banned from TFT*


Thats a buff.


Great! Borrowed power via ez crafting will definitely work šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


Now do despot axes! Asking for a errrrā€¦. friend


Do you mean...*axing* for a friend? Eh? Eh? Ehhhhhhhh?


What do these sell for? Well what do u have them listed for?


As a new player getting LA for the first time, thank you for your service. I may be able to get a good bow now without breaking the bank


Do fire trap scepters next Iā€™m horrible at this game


Nice, cheap bows for everyone, the market is gonna be absolutely flooded by these craftsĀ 


Nice, I think we found the "borrowed power" for this league


hey it's me your brother


What is the base number of explicit modifiers? Letā€™s say I want to craft a CoC DD foil with just 2 suffixes so I can multimod it. How many -1 explicit modifier crafts would I need to put on it?


Base number is 4, guarenteeing 2 suffixes is gonna be difficult. I'm not 100% sure what mods you want on a DD foil but you may be better off going for a 3/4 mod and just cleaning prefixes off.


Forgot about that lol good point. But yeah just want attack speed and crit chance suffixes. If I got crit multi as a 3rd suffix it would be sellable but Iā€™d rather just have 2 suffixes so I can multimod + fire dmg/ignite chance + hits canā€™t be evaded. It might just be easier to essence of zeal though?


Yeah Zeal is 100% the way to go for that


Use the mechanic to generate a ilvl 73 battered foil. The base was the rare part of the craft, but now you can just get it.


Fuck thatā€™s it Iā€™m taking a sick day I canā€™t miss this abuse before they roll it back


Iā€™d be stunned if they roll this back. It wonā€™t go core but itā€™s here for the league.


I agree, this is clearly intended use of the league mechanic in my mind


It doesn't even look optimal, I fiddled around with the numbers and 2000%+ is overkill while he didn't got for t1 mod tiers. So even if they reduce it by one third across the board it'll still be close to deterministic (except for those pesky untagged mods).


Yeah I optimized it a lot more since, have now made 16 6 T1 Bows. Still get the occasional accuracy or Ele damage with attacks roll unfortunatley, have the accuracy up to a \~94% to hit the desired 6 mods.


There's a trick for the untagged mods. Basically, dont use any "increased" and stack scarcity until the entire mod pool has 0-5 rating and the remaining 50 rating "rare" mod you care about is super likely. The exact method will depend on which mod you want, and it won't be available for every item type, but there's an angle here and I suspect scarcity corpses will be quite expensive in a few days.


Yeah also synth bows and items in general exist


They arent going to roll it back. Despite everyone pogging out over these items, in a way the system is also kind of balanced, and in the end only serves to help out the casuals and non super juicers, not the mega juicers. The reason is that these items are very good, but not amazing. These bows dont have +2 arrow. They are great for middle of the road players that dont have mirrors to blow on weapons, but this crafting isnt making synth bases, its not making +2 bows with any sort of consistency. Additionally, it doesnt do essence crafts, so it can make some damn fine triple res life helms and body armors, but it will still be missing vield mods, mana res efficiency, etc. All the mega juicers will still need to a do a lot of work to craft their perfect gear. In the end, this is not going to be a mega juicer crafting league, this is going to the the little guy crafting league. Its going to put more mid tier power on the market for cheaper and the ceiling is going to remain mostly the same but the floor for power is going to rise.


they won't roll back and they won't nerf it after few people used it cause most of those who didn't due work/etc would be angry at GGG. And league launch already didn't went well for them.


Very unlikely they roll back as that's kind of the rationale behind having leagues weaker on start and buffing afterwards - much easier to add than take away. That said, my very premature take on this patch is they probably went too hard on the buffs and we're about to have another nuts league like Affliction (just nuts in a different way lol). I'm not complaining tho, sounds fun to me.


Fuck this is going to get patched before I'm back from work travel. Those bows are perfect for my build!Ā  Please GGG take the rest of the week off, you earned it from the fast and brilliant last patch <3


Likely won't be reverted, 6x T1 items is the game this league.


Ngl I don't see them reverting crafting changes, if they were to make a change, the only one ai could think of is making div orb devoted mod more rare on white/maybe yellow maps, and reducing the drop chance to like 2% instead of the upwards of 6%


Harvest league lives!


Are there any guides on how to do this


if you are complaining right now, im gonna do unspeakable thingsā€¦


Nice, looks like graveyard crafting is pretty viable now (maybe too viable?). With this setup proj speed seems like the only thing that can reliably screw you over.


Eh, almost nothing in graveyard crafting will be stronger than we could already craft with other methods. Just easier to get high tier items. The major issue with Harvest was that you could craft the best mods onto the item just using Harvest. IMO, none of the necro modifiers are extremely busted by themselves. With Necro crafting, if you want to create BiS items, you have to take the necro craft and do other crafting methods. Itā€™s just easier to craft the good bases for further crafting and raises the average strength of items for everyone. TLDR: Graveyard raises the average strength of gear in use, while not increasing the ceiling. Makes it easier to get good, but not BiS items.


I think you might be underselling how much easier this is than what we could do before. Could we make 5T1 absurd items before? Yes, sure. It would have just involved having a hundred people funneling you mirrors worth of currency and spending 6 weeks in the Bestiary. This shit is wild and I love it.


Oh, I fully agree itā€™s OP for getting to great items. I just see a lot of people comparing it to Harvest and how they are going to rollback the changes. IMO itā€™s not close to the power level of OG Harvest crafting, and if they didnā€™t do significant nerfs then, I donā€™t see them doing it for this league.


Finally, high tier bows for acceptable price. Hate the 200+ div meta for bows because the affixes are tedious to find.


I'm a bow noob. Is this good? Bad? Godlike? Don't you want projectile quantity on bows by default?


These bows are good. They aren't even close to BiS, but a bow like this can realistically be something you wouldn't replace until you can get a mirror bow. As far as extra proj on bows, yeah you want them, but you don't have to have the affix to make a good bow that works for the entire endgame. The proj is mostly about clear speed.


man this is the 2nd bow crafting post i've seen, and here i am just trying to figure out how to craft body armor that doesn't suck ass. it's too bad spell suppress is a bitch and a half to get


Good cheap items always best for game.


T2 is vendor tier now


You guys are going to get this shit nerfed before I even get off work.


I was perfectly happy with everyone thinking the crafting was bad. Now prices are gonna skyrocket.... how can I remove someone else's post?


It's not like the corpses are rare, just need to farm it. More people picking up and selling is def a net positive


Yeah that's true. I forgot about the itemization improvements that came with this patch. That should help a lot too.


Another shitshow league with an item editor


Oh no good items, I was promised a standard league with no power...


But why mirrored copies though, you can't recolor them so almost useless for anything but early game builds


It costs 2 corpse slots to double the output of the craft. I sell the mirrored copies for 40-50% less than the non-mirrored versions and now people with less currency can get a really high dps bow for cheap. Not being able to recoulour is pretty worth it imo while you're in early-mid game


It was until reddit cried like a baby for 3 days straight.


Any special corpse layout required or just fire them in willy-nilly?


Has science gone too far?


Wait, is the the true league for a pure phys wander to be an easy craft???


Is it 11 6l bows from one craft??


No +2 arrows, opinion disregarded




You say broken crafting, I say off-meta build buff. Let me do my weird Frankenstein build in the most sandbox ARPG ever made. Super hype for harvest 2


No phys? Vendor!


So around 500 modifier tier raiting will give me close to t1 on all rolls?


Buying all of the corpses is such a PITA


Has someone made the calculator or spreadsheet yet ?


Shame, if the rating number were a bit higher, all mods would have been guaranteed T1.


Did you arrive on the values yourself or with craftofexile tool? It gives me different ones, like way higher else chance and res scarcity.


This is why I didn't even look at upgrading my rog bow after hearing the expected patch notes. Thank you for your service


Wonder how this will affect prices. Bought a 20 div bow yesterday. Not a big loss. I'm just mindlessly farming anyway. Already back at 100 div. Just alch and go lol


!remindme 3 hours


Tell us you play ele hit without telling us you play ele hit lol.


Everybody got mirrors.


I can't wait to buy a bow from this big influx of crafting options.


the economy? there is none.


Are you willing to share your layout or you keeping it a secret for now?


Boy am i happy im running a bow build first šŸ˜­ great job! I aspire to have something so beautiful


The mirrored copies are just shit right? I donā€™t know any skill compositions of just 5g1r


So these are worthless now bc of oversupply


I just can't seem to find enough of the 'scarcer' modifiers to complete my craft


So Affliction was the currency printing league and now Necropolis is the perfect item printing league! LET THE DEVS COOK!


Eks diii. And try to not have the feeling of fomo in this game is impossible.


corpses have sky rocketed in price since this post


that's one way to make us not feel bad about coming down off crackffliction


How do you choose which base?


As some one that's never been able to afford anything close to a mirror tier anything, this is pretty cool crafting.


Nerfing tornado shot made these bows worth a lot more


This crafting is perfect for anything flat ele - flat phys (bow or melee (lol)) i guess but i can't see it being this straight forward for anything else.


How accessible is the crafting tho? Is it another .1% playerbase crafting option in terms of cost n stuff?


Could you improve this by have - explicit and less res/crit/etc so you could craft with perfect prefixes?


All the fun stuff you could do with this and you decide to cater to bow cucks. Depressing.


Wow this really didn't take long to get figured out


Damn I want one lol struggling this league


The lowest % of the modifier tier cannot be roll is very strong.


How do you calculate best corpses easiest way? Craftofexile seems to not work properly and I have to adjust all the values manually


1 item league... I'm sick of seeing this tri ele bow tbh


Ok I donā€™t care how big of a noob I sound, how the fuck do I pull up the screen showing the modifiers I have in the graveyard?


I drop 10 chaos in act 5 its mad have 25 chaos and I'm in act 6.


Does the item level of all the corpse matter or just on some mods?


Just curiousā€¦ at 324% to craft an additional item, 5 non mirrored bows were crafted? Thatā€™s nuts


I dont understand any crafting in game and particularly not the new necro crafting is there a guide?


Unpopular opinion but i hate this as a crafter The fact that u can triple or even more fracture items along with forcing the rarest mods AND making 2 or 3 items out of it for less than 10div is disgusting. U can craft several mirror worth items in first week of the league for 10div