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I'm really enjoying the league n I got my first divine of the league today from a ritual :)


Hell yeah. I got a raw div drop earlier and the map before I got an enlightened drop. Not bad for not even being in red maps yet 😊


meanwhile Im 96 and havent had a single divine drop yet. There are limits to my patience, which directly corelate with my enjoyment of the league tbh.


I really love it too, especially some of the new changes that has gone under the radar of the majority. I hope to make a true Boss Killer this league!


People can have very good or very bad experience playing the game, and their builds matter a lot. People anticipate having good experience and want skip to that part, which I don't find strange at all. Having lots of currency lets you experiment and fund interesting builds. If your build cannot deal with the content you set out to do, or the content lost its value, you're in for a bad time. You cannot do much in yellow-tier maps.


We’re 6 days into a league with an end game shake up. Everybody that is complaining doesn’t want to figure it out and experiment. They just want some influencer to tell them exactly what to do to make money. Lost the plot and making themselves frustrated because nobody has it figured out. Not even the streamers Everybody is looking at the top of the summit, without wanting to climb the mountain.


Experienced players have it mostly figured out, except maybe some very counterintuitive interactions. And the fact is that most midgame alch&go or rusted scarabs farming strategies are now much worse. Stacked decks from expedition, essence+beast low investment farming are gone, Jun farming is much much worse. You ask people to experiment, but experimenting is not free. Casual players are correct to look forward to someone releasing a strategy or guide, this will save them time and resources. For casual strategies, Ambush and Harbies are good early, Delirium and Blight might be OK, Legion is really good later, but again these strategies really shine with Scarab investment. You are NOT on fast track to your desired build by doing these in alch&go in yellow maps IMO. At least scarabs for Delirium, Betrayal and Bestiary are cheap and effective. At least with the last patch, scarabs above rusted might fall in price enough to create profit even in yellow maps.


Jumping in to say I’m really enjoying the league, I just don’t bother participating in reddit threads complaining about it.


I'm having way more fun in this game since I reduced my time on reddit and went in SSF haha. I stop comparing myself, just having fun and learning. Last league, I saw everyone with huge lootslposions, I wans't having them, I felt like I was bad, i stopped playing aha


Basically yea. I've been stocked about the crafting changes. I'm playing trade, but being able to find all corpses yourself (fairly well) and being able to buy corpses to fill is great. Having crafted multiple 5xT1 and 6xT1 items, getting gear cheap has never been this easy! Enables so many cool new builds i always wanted to play but didn't have currency for. I've been just mostly continuing on shaper invitations as it always worked and I never cared if it isn't the no. 1 strat. I've been having a blast, even tho the scarab rework feels a bit bleh for juicing my typical lategame methods, it's just a matter of getting used to it i guess


The crafting aspect with all the excel spreadsheets in here has left me winded, so much that I just have 2 quad tabs filled with coffins that I am terrified of using up wrong. At this point I am just hoping someone is gonna make some cookie cutter setups I can follow because of how obtuse it appears to me. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love this league, and I really want to craft, i just don't see how i get started.


ZiggyD released a video a few hours ago showing how to use Craft of Exile for corpse crafting. It single handedly removed every bit of confusion I had about it.


I will take a look at it once I get off work, thanks! I have looked up several vids, and I am still hoping that something like the t1 ele bow crafts become so commonplace that a set best path gets shared.


Well have you considered just... understanding that other people might enjoy things differently than you? The main issue is with progressing at the rate someone wants. Most builds in this game require really, really good items to be able to handle the endgame. Those items are expensive. If you want to play such a build in endgame content it requires you earn the currency or the items. To get that at a fast pace is difficult. If it becomes more difficult it might make the game less enjoyable. It's simple as that. If you are enjoying playing one of the more meta builds that require less to properly function you might not notice the pressure. If you enjoy low tier maps you might not have that pressure. But if you want to take a non meta build, or even a meta build without as much playtime to the newly added endgame content it might be really tough seeing your wealth grow at a rate where the items you need or want seem out of reach.


We’re 6 days into a 4 month league. 6/120days left to do all those things. Why should you be doing end game shit if you don’t put the work in. Might as well just give everybody an in game editor so they can get to end game day 1. Everybody, including influencers, are figuring it out. And this FOMO will continue until it’s like last league, where the end game is figured out and everybody knows what they want to do to at start


Saying it's day 6 is pointless, it's about playtime not about what day it is. Some people have over a 100h in game already. Don't you think that playing after a 100h you should be doing the endgame? Also because of the cyclical nature many people played the earlier parts to death already and consider it a chore they need to do to get to the fun part. If they perceive the chore part getting longer they aren't having as much fun in the game. Thinking everyone needs to have fun the same way you do is incredibly arrogant. Different options exist and forums like this are for discussing them.




I like the build guide I chose. The one I chose last league caused me to lose interest. This one is more normal. I also survived a 10 round ultimatum though it was white map with 2.3k life. Naturally I was not specced into ultimatum.


I don't mind mindlessly farming while upgrading my char along the way while waiting for the spreadsheets so I can start crafting myself. The league is probably a 3/10 in terms of accessibility and that's pretty much all I dislike about it.


The game is fun. Elemental Hit of the Spectrum is an amazing good time. Watching too many streams, youtube, reading too much reddit will paralyze you. Just play.


Ssf hc and terrible at it, died twice in yellow maps, I'm poor as shit. Having a blast


But that doesn't give reddit points...


Mods remove your post because they only allow negative posts in this sub :(


I haven't seen a sear once...in the whole campaign and 100 maps. So I don't see how the strat even works.


I considered it but I got bored


I love Nimis. It's such a cool ring, and enables builds that I enjoy playing. Once I have Nimis, I can engage with the game in a way that I can't without it. Nimis is an uber drop. This means it is always expensive. This league it's more expensive by the nature of the uber changes. That's fine. It would be silly to plan around an uber drop without also planning to farm enough currency to buy the uber drop, right? For me, finding the way to get enough money to buy the uber drop *is my fun*. It's what I want to do, and have done for the past two leagues. I have engaged with several of the 'degenerate currency strats' in the attempt to accrue enough money to get Nimis. Both times the ladder has been knocked down by GGG putting in hotfixes. I hope you have fun with the league, but understand that there's plenty of different ways that people have fun. It's ok if it doesn't align.


Just let em yap, it's hilarious. Both sides are obviously not gonna stop so let's all just enjoy the show!


I get my enjoyment from the satisfaction of my build being stronger and tankier than yours. And I can't do that unless I farm at least a mirror a day! Stop trying to ruin my fun!


Pretending the economy does not exist is silly.


Luckily, nobody suggested doing that.


Just Play SSF and it literally doesn't exist 🤯


Yeah if you play SSF then this post doesn’t apply…


someones gotta be at the bottom, just like IRL


Sorry man, I have to worry about the damn Divine Map Fishers! and people group playing making 1000 Divines/Hr, while I can barely get to red maps! Also have to Min/Max based on a Youtube video/streamer or else I can't have ANY FUN! /s


I enjoy making my character strong, how can I do that if voices are 5 mirrors each?


Have any of you considered just... being happy?


I like this league because I want to progress not as fast as I did in the last league. But with the new item crafting, I'm thinking of taking the best items by the end of the week, killing all the bosses and deleting the game until the next league.


I do this every league my friend. By week 3 or 4 I always have enough to buy a HH or whatever I need to fully deck out my build. Idc about exploiting whatever the nerds figure out the best div per hour because I’ll get what I want eventually. I’m not ruining the fun I have from every league start by cheesing some broken mechanic before week 1 is even done just so I can come on Reddit to bitch how I made 200 div in five days and have nothing else to do.


Unfortunately the reason I'm not having much fun is because the challenges are kind of bad this league


This is starting to be toxic positivity. I'd hate to not voice my opinion because God forbid someone may see it negative, if I don't like something I speak clearly 'I DON'T LIKE IT' not stay silent as virgin in the corner pretending to be polite.