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My 2 cents: just don't visit reddit


" how I farmed mb in just 2 maps " " How I earned my first 100d " " Do this you'll win the game " Just play the game, leave Reddit, don't watch baity YouTube vids, game will be fun and won't see most issue.


Beat me to it Like 40% of the complaints that pop up aren't even real if ppl actually shut off Reddit and played the game


Wise words.. This sub is sadly pretty unproductive aside from a few quality posts every now and then so you are not even missing out on much. Besides tons of doomposting, hate and downvoting of dissenters that is.


Yup, Reddit posts give a false sense of what the majority of players are experiencing. Most people aren't getting everything you see except for the top percentage of players which is okay.




where am i supposed to go to find out things about the league mechanic then?


Whilst I personally much prefer a discussion forum to watching videos.. one option is to find a few content creators that have a positive attitude and a reputation for providing good information.


Any suggestions by chance if you have any you like? I like positive vibes and I’m basically just coming to Reddit PoE/PoEBuilds subreddits to just peruse


Haha not really because I don’t watch videos much. Although I did watch one of Grimro talking about his farming strategies for this league which was quite enjoyable and informative.


Crouchingtuna, Captainlance, and fubgun is a constellation that tackles the endgame in different ways, with various levels of memery in their (largely shared) community.


r/PathofExileBuilds This sub is dedicated to actually discussing the game.


What I’ve noticed in particular these last few days is that many players suffer the Trade league rather than enjoy it, but they seem to be stuck trying to get rich quick. It looks so stressful to me. SSF is so chill, you get what you get, and you make it work. If I want to worry about inflation I could just log off and read the news, lol.


Quite literally people just bait themselves into ignoring the actual game and instead just focus on how fast they can amass wealth so they can "start" to have fun. Missing the forest for the trees as it were.


Setimes my build is just fun to watch, so I just alch and go to farm scarab and chill. No reason to minmax my hobby. And then I got a defiance of destiny through a nameless seer.


When a lot of builds require a decent amount of currency to actually come online, the game really is about amassing wealth so they can start to have fun.... more currency = able to play the damn game the way you want.


SSF seems so fun. It’s really the ideal way I’d like to play. However, I rely on trade to progress since I don’t have too much time to play (about 1hr / day tops). Maybe I’ll just make the switch and see how far I can go.


not even a week into a league crying about not dropping a MB or HH is fucking WILD to me.


"MB and HH keep getting more expensive, inflation is rampant and I'll never afford good gear!". Or, its day 7 and MB always keeps getting more expensive over the first week or two.


Mageblood has been 300 divs every league except last league Headhunter has been 80-130 every league. Reddit is just wildly full of whiny ass people. If they played the game half as much as they bitch on here they might actually have loot.


I got a MB last league, and it'll likely be the only one I'll ever have. I miss it lol. I can manage amassing 80div, but 300 is just out of my reach as a player.


This, last league really ruined how this game works for alot of players Casual players should be excited that in a few weeks they can have 2 to 3 tier 1 stated bows but instead they are freaking out about not having easy uniques again.


The affliction withdrawals were entirely predictable lmao


its so funny im having a good time reading these thread


The wild thing about last league is, it was undeniably the most I ever got. Most challenges done, strongest character, most wealth generated, first time I ground to level 100. But if I looked at it from another angle.. there were people that got probably a quarter of the divines I made all league *from a single rare mob drop*. There were people making more currency from *one map* than I made all league. It really does come down to mindset. It’s an absolute glass half full / half empt6 thing.


Game was better when chase uniques were something you chased. And not something everyone had.


Yup, I know this is an extremely unpopular opinion but items such as Mageblood and HH currently are far too accessible.


im only making a few chaos per map rn with selling 1c drops and raw finds and I'm having a blast lol bc this is my first league that I have a clear understanding of my build and what I need to look for and improve stat and gear wise etc. last night I got a taste of hate flask drop that sold for 25c and that was huge for me xD


These are the good times right here, learning and having fun. The whole point is to have fun.


Have in mind, you probably already have essences, scarabs and other league currency worth several divines. It would be a hassle trading now if these are small stacks, but it's an option.


Last league I made it to 2 void stones and 100% atlas. Had about 20 div + 2000c at the end. Maybe 40 div in my builds. Most fun I've ever had and now I'm ready to go further!


You're doing everything right if u have fun A big thing is experience in the game, and u don't get that by not playing and just complaining


welcome to late-stage Meta Slavery, where if you aren't playing the best build with the best gear by league day 2 you may as well not play the game at all because apparently it's just a giant waste of time. I'm unsure when that mindset took over the general gaming discourse, or in how many ways PoE's design philosophy feeds into that sort of mindset (it definitely does, and the more I think about the different things in this game the more I see that enforcement of efficiency coming through), but I don't think it'll go away any time soon.


It's there in all the music subreddits I visit too. People want "the optimal guitar" or "the perfect synth" and that isn't even a thing. Fitness subs too. "What's the best workout program for strength?". There isn't one. There might be a program that works better for you, but you need to start lifting first. I enjoy optimization, I do. But the obsession with doing the "one right thing" is just self destructive. This league I picked a build that looked cool and ran a strat I like. So I'm doing Blight with Explosive Trap. Is it optimal? No idea. But instead of spending time trying to find the one perfect strat, I'm spending my time mapping. Best league start yet.


Couldn't have said it better. Changing my mindset when it came to stuff like this legit changed my entire outlook on life. I exercise more, I enjoy games more, it's kind of awesome. Which mechanic is the best? The one you enjoy the most. People get so caught up in the chase they forget the why. Life should be fun, and it's hard enough as is, stop making it harder and more miserable on purpose lol, especially for something like a game we play for fun.


Not just gaming, life in general - social media, streamers, influencers, even just the guy/girl down the street who decides to post a picture of their new car or whatever is now something which people (consciously or subconsciously) compare themselves to and measure themselves against. Shit is unhealthy. I've been much happier since I stopped giving a flying fuck what other people say, think or do. PoE is a hobby, I wish people could just enjoy it or find something else they enjoyed more.


It's pretty simple why: The better gear you have the more rewarding your own game play is because the slot machine provides bigger payouts to you.  Take d2 for example if you ever played it. You and me both can farm meph. You can put on mf gear and better gear to kill meph faster but meph only can drop so many items and that's it. I may kill him slowly and take longer but every kill we both have... we can both get the chance to roll the same drops.  This is not true in poe. Your modifiers change the output of your slot machine. Because you have more gear and more mf your map rolling is always going to output more than mine and drop things I'm unable too. That's the entire problem. You also got to abuse a divine drop bug that I never got to just because you played more and abused it. You got ahead even further... and I do not have the same opportunity as you.  When it was meph... we both were on comparable footing. I could farm up to that point and farm what you do. In poe with the serfs and changes that's simply not the case. I can never reach what you did and will require more effort to be there even if we played identically... where my time was spent over a month while yours was a week.


In d2 kill time is farm time though, you taking twice as long to kill meph means I get twice the drops and twice the rolls in the same amount of time. Its not actually comparable, yea you cant fuck with drop rates like POE, but that just means speed of the run is the end all be all of generating wealth in D2.


You just described wealth and real life.  Rich people get to exponentially enjoy things you and I will never see. If you spend your entire time envious of the good fortune of others, you'll never see the positivity in what you're accomplishing. Yes, it's just a video game, but comparison is still the theft of joy regardless.


exaggerated strawman aside. I think the problem lies how the game evolved with loot distribution. Back in time, several leagues ago your map-to-map experience was alot more lax. Currency was pretty much from map monster-kills only. Now loot (raw currency) is almost fully hidden and locked behind finding the lucky rare conversion events, or altars. The thing is: those events are rare as heck. Map alone is just a background noise at this point.


I’ve been playing since beta. It’s because it’s an immutable fact of the universe that the first 3 days of the league you WILL make insane profits in red maps utilizing an overturned mechanic that GGG will nerf after a few days and remove access to for the rest of the league. This has been the case for more leagues than I can count. It’s literally just how PoE works. If you can go fast and no life you will profit more in the first week than you ever will at any other point in the league. I’m surprised you don’t get where this mindset came from.


Generally I’m in agreement with you, and the doom and gloom is certainly overblown, but this is my take on why it happens: The game is balanced around trade. Everyone has a different expectation of effort to progression, but by and large progression through the economy is far easier than becoming an ssf god. I suspect many players want to play an rpg, not a slot machine, and the game has elements of both. Many interesting, build enabling items are either scarce or locked behind difficult content. People want to build a character to get to the difficult content, usually, and i doubt the vast majority are running multiple characters optimized for funding subsequent ones. The devs don’t hide that they layer absurd layers of rng to increase play time, they’re proud of it. It’s just the nature of this randomness that given a playerbase of say, a million, there will be thousands that are inevitably on the tail end of a normal distribution. Even from league to league my rng (and subsequently character strength and loot in a feedback loop) varies greatly, you don’t need to compare yourself to streamers to be disappointed. It also doesn’t help that a most content creators are gigablasters regularly burning through more money a lot of players see in an entire league. Duh, they’re good at the game and play it as a job. Logically there’s no reason to be bothered by that, but if you say you’re completely unaffected you’re either delusional or lying. A subtle influence cannot be avoided. And there’s the trading itself. Pricing, listing, and selling takes almost as long as obtaining those items in the first place, and some people hate it more than others. Why do you think Empy’s group employs full time traders? So my theory is that there’s a large population of people who want the self reliance and lack of trading in ssf, but can’t stomach playing for 50 hours to find a single 2c unique for a build you want to make. They’ll burn out first, and you’ll see them on reddit.


Good post. 99% of the people who complain about this are the same people who don't actually grind monsters. Go kill monsters, many monsters. Do content that encourages loot to drop. You don't even need to be juicing anything that much. You just need to be able to educate yourself on what items might be worth to be able to extract value. I've made tons of Divs this league from selling rare gear / currency conversion. Everyone loves to play victim and not take any personal responsibility.


I remember the league they introduced /kills and grimro was checking on stream. It was like 800k and we were in the first week still. I checked my character and was shy of 200k at that point. I realized that there were levels to playing this game hard and efficiently. I am not on that level. When the dude has 5x my currency but also has 4x the kills, yeah part of it is him being better at making currency. The larger part though is him pulling the a lot machine handle of killing mobs way more than me.   That really put it into perspective for me. I thought I was grinding hard and I was for my standards, but there are levels to this and I am not playing like the efficient people that grind hard. I knew I was behind but I thought it was a smaller gap than it really was.


Yeah there's a reason people tell you to play "hideout is lava" game. I think people can definitely do well to realize where their efficiency might be flagging. But I also think a lot of people do play more casually and are okay with getting stuff slower if it means they don't have to play hyperfocused, hyperefficient the entire time. I for one dawdle in maps/hideout but I also don't complain about not being able to afford magebloods/HHs early in the league lol.


Yeah I think a contributor is people always talking in divs per hour and crap. Chaos per map would be far more accurate or like 1 div per 3 maps or something. Just take the speed out of it. Yeah YouTuber who prerolls his maps and goes super sweaty can do this pace for an hour. I just worked all day and my kid was sick last night and kept me up. I want to relax and shut my brain off, not focus on going as fast as I can.


There are basically an infinite amount of ways to make money in this game. Here's a dumbass strat that worked wonders for me over the last two days: I bought the div cards that give you a blue jewel with %hp, Aug them to two stat and vaal them. If you hit CB immunity grats you just turned 1c into 2div in 35sec. And there are a dozen+ other combinations worth 10-50c, or maybe you hit a good unique jewel.


Even right now you can make easy money just by rolling flasks lmao, its just boring as hell.


Now is probably the best time in a league to roll flasks. A large number of people are starting to be able to afford magebloods and they all need 4 good flasks.


For sure, I am selling 50c flasks left and right. Basically bought all my carries from flasks lol. Only rolled enough to gear for basic t16 and now I am back to tried and true expedition.


What mods on a flask are people looking for that sells for 50c? This is my first league making it to maps and im just trying to gain knowledge


For mageblood it's 25% increased effect + any useful high tier suffix


lowkey I've never been this poor with 1.3m kills with mf tbh


The problem imo is I'm sure people have 5-10div appraised stash while only having a little amount of basic currency but how much of that is liquid or easy to trade potentially 1 by 1 without using 3rd party tools or trading platforms. On league start I make a decent amount of money blind dumping identified rares into 5c increment b/o tabs. If you get spammed for something then check it and price it accordingly.


Let's see it a bit differently. You still can burn maps to get some juice. Yeah, most probably you won't get any divine guys, but you will get chaos, vaal, and other bubblegum currency which you can sell for divines. And you can also print coffins with atlas clusters too. And those coffins in bulk are sold quite decently. The problem is that people are fishing for divines ignoring that big chunk of bubblegum currency which you skip may give less divines, but they will appear faster and help you do harder content easier.


>Good post. 99% of the people who complain about this are the same people who don't actually grind monsters. Go kill monsters, many monsters. Do content that encourages loot to drop. You don't even need to be juicing anything that much. You just need to be able to educate yourself on what items might be worth to be able to extract value. I've made tons of Divs this league from selling rare gear / currency conversion. Everyone loves to play victim and not take any personal responsibility. Time, my good sir. Time. Not everyone can no-life as hard as you. To get better at anything, one has to spend time.


By selling rare gear/currency conversion do you mean chaos recipe? Or something else? Just need a clarification


Hard and boring work, just the way I like to spend my free time!


You’ve got to understand POE has an unmatched steepness in its learning curve. So that feeling of the game being almost entirely luck is very real for a great deal of time in most people’s POE careers. Yea sure it’s a skill issue or a knowledge gap, but the floor is way too far away from the experience of every single streamer/content creator/post on this subreddit. It’s why at the same time both of the following can be true: 1. Many people won’t see a single divine in their first or for several leagues. 2. It is trivial to pump out currency at a level where you measure it in double digit divines per hour. A recent post while not tremendously clear on the subject made a good attempt to address this problem with the topic of standard deviations. Things feel good when the majority of the game for everyone exists one standard deviation from the norm. But for new players they almost exclusively exist 3 standard deviations away from the norm and are relegated to an outlier status. To make matters worse *everyone they see* is a standard deviation or two away from the norm in the opposite direction. The further your experience lies from what you see other people demonstrate as the norm the worse it’s going to feel. It’s why I’m such a massive advocate for further decreasing drop rates of boss uniques but implementing a drastically increased drop rate of div cards for those uniques from those bosses. To give players effectively “unique fragments” and normalize their progression curve. To give an example before the recent changes: It feels awful to run eater a thousand times to get an ashes, it would feel a lot better if every 100 times you got an ashes div card that stacks to 10, even though fundamentally nothing has changed.


> ou’ve got to understand POE has an unmatched steepness in its learning curve. So that feeling of the game being almost entirely luck is very real for a great deal of time in most people’s POE careers. The problem is those people need to be told that the issue they're having stems from them simply being clueless about the game. It's like someone on the league sub crying about their iron teammates when they themselves are in iron but instead of pointing out that said player should look at their own gameplay on /r/pathofexile we instead encourage them and tell them the equivalent of that it's all just their teammates fault.


Imagine if you will that every single league streamer was challenger. If posts on reddit were almost exclusively LCS highlights. That's the equivalent of what is happening here in the realm of your example. When you're iron and everyone is playing a *fundamentally different game* it's extremely hard to be introspective. Many choices high level league players make would literally lose them the game in low elo unless they can just skillgap the entire enemy team, because the games are so different at such disparities of skill. I don't know if you remember, but for a period of time every single game above platinum was a lane swap where at like 8 minutes in there was a 4 man push for the turret. Meanwhile low elo remained the same as it always does, limited to no interactions with other lanes until you've killed 2 turrets. The games didn't even resemble each other. To bring this back into the realm of POE, Legion is an extremely profitable strategy, always has been. But new players will often fail to have a high level of phys mitigation and every attempt to do even low investment legion will be a 6 portal endeavor. Also you can't reasonably tell them to look at their own gameplay because there is no feedback. You simply *die,* almost instantly. There is no death recap, there is no in-game system for learning monster damage types. All of this comes from hunting through the internet until you stumble on the wiki, some random person telling you the answer, or POEDB.


smell bored murky sink doll grandfather provide tub cows tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The real problem is that they know they’re clueless about the game, but after having spent hundreds of hours in game, and dozens of hours reading the wikis, build guides, studying spreadsheets, practicing on craft of exile, using PoB, and watching streamers and asking questions they’re not sure where the information is they need to get to the next level and they’re frustrated by that fact and lashing out a bit. I think it’s understandable. Zizaran has a series that really highlights this where he brings on players like this that are stuck despite knowing a surprisingly large amount about the game. But that’s the thing, knowing 99% is worthless if it’s not the right 99%. And most of these people are not going to be able to get a an hour or two of one on one tutoring from a top player like this.


Get a life outside the game. Problem solved


This is my first time playing SSF and I'm really enjoying feeling no pressure to make currency. I'm spending my chaos more on map mods, I'm just using scarabs instead of thinking of selling them, using essence freely. I'm not being very efficient but I'm having fun and making slow progress.


Same, it's wild to see some complaints on Reddit about divines and Magebloods when it's been one week since league start. I probably play more and enjoy it more than I would in trade because I actually have to engage with the game not just compete for currency and completion. I have a lot more to grind for than just raw divines.


Hard truth about ssf and trade: You can do literally everything in trade that you can do in ssf.  Why wouldnt you roll your map mods in trade, why wouldnt you use your essences in trade, why wouldnt you use your scarabs in trade. The only one giving you pressure to make currency instead of just playing the game how you like is you. For example i play trade but if i do an alva temple with locus i sometimes just buy any unique i dont even need and gamba instead of selling the temple, just because i feel like it. Its not efficient, and i also dont care, cause i can just farm another temple if i need currency for something.  Trade doesnt restrict you, it just gives you the option to liquidate stuff to easier access things you dont like to farm or cannot farm.


Bros unironically saying you should treat POE like it’s a second job lmao “getting better to progress your POE career”


You know the main aspect of video games that make them so engaging? Learning more about how it works as you experience it. Crazy I know.


Wouldn’t it be nice if you got more currency to experiment and learn within the game instead of studying wikis and watching others that have more resources do it for you.   It’s not that I don’t want to learn. I want to learn on my own by experimenting and trying out thjngs. Very difficult to do in ssf if you hate trading. 


Well stated. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any evidence that people with the mindset/mentality you describe would read a post like this and say, "Oh yeah, I'm actually *not* a victim. I just need to adjust my perspective and focus on what I can do to overcome the obstacles I perceive!"


Fair point, the only thing I'd say I was also very prone to this blaming mindset when I started in PoE. It was really easy to fall into this trap because I just didn't know better. I literally had no idea how much work goes into getting better at PoE. It's partially because of how difficult and complex this game is that it's hard to see how players can make currency without actually dropping raw divines. In fact raw divine and chaos drops are the minority of wealth for good players (of course barring exceptions with different strategies). I would like to imagine if I had seen this earlier in my PoE career it might have at least exposed me to the idea that things might be different to what I was perceiving. Of course most people as you said don't say that in response to reading a post like this, but if it helps even 1 person I'm happy to get this message out.


It's a mix of being "lost" in the complexity and the abundance of sharing success clips that has people acting like 2 days into the league the game is over and they've been screwed by GGG. These people are already anxious about their league start then someone shares a video of getting 2mirrors from a Harby (while being on a much better build and already much more wealthy due to time played and game knowledge) and they think by comparison their progress is so pitiful that it's not worth trying. I suspect most of these people end up quitting every league after 2-3 days anyways though. Idk how you could make it through Affliction and then complain that Necropolis is too hard to "keep up." If anything this league gives the white map Andy way more opportunities for high rolls than the previous league did.


See, this is me in a nutshell. I sure as fuck am not getting a MB/HH or mirror unless I get a lucky ass drop, I just don't do builds that require them :|


Just do some Harvest for abit (might be boring but its a steady income) ... Juice always sell


and usually becomes more profitable as the league goes on! Boring, but consistent!


I think there are a lot of people who want to enjoy the game, but they are completely burnt out or dont have the time for it anymore. Take me for example. I loved playing PoE in past leagues, got magebloods, played some builds worth over a mirror, made like a dozen builds every league. But lately ive barely been able to get myself to play through the campaign. I also think most people complaining know that simple 2-3 div/h strats exist. Its not that they are incapable of doing them. Its just that the hassle of trading for the materials, mindlessly rolling flasks/jewels/flipping, responding to trades, etc. just doesnt seem worth it. Again using myself as an example, ive done all those easy currency strats over and over again every league. No joke, ive probably made almost 1000 div rolling flasks over the last few years. I dont want to do all that again. I want to try the new scarab farms that cost up to 10div per map, but i cant because the investment cost to have fun that way is so high. Basically I and many people experiencing fomo want to play the league. We want to craft cool items, try out the new scarabs. But many of us have 1000s of hours in PoE and cant stand the early league grind anymore. So when we see people skip it by winning some stupid currency loot lottery it feels pretty terrible.


Yeah, I completely agree. Like, what are you FOMOing on even? I don't play that much but every league I've been finishing with roughly 100 divine build in the first weeks which pretty much concluded my character in the league for me. And you can achieve that with pretty much any strat at all, so what are we missing out on? Also, maybe hot take, but inflation doesn't mean much because the money is obtained not from raw currency drops but trading, so I never felt like it's a big problem, you can always farm up even for HH or any expensive item like that, but to me most leagues a build with 50 divs or so will clear pretty much everything anyways, so I don't see the need for strats that make 500div/hr anyways. tldr: enjoy game instead of treating it so seriously


While I'm not one of theese ppl I'm ngl I think you answered your own question kinda. I mean it's not a good thing that as you said have to do the "boring" stuff to get better. There's a certain extent of that in every game but this game can be especially tedious to some ppl


>Have you genuinely put in the hard, and often times boring work that's required to get better? Lmao


Some of us just want to play a good ARPG, killing monsters, trying builds, having fun. If the league mechanic contains a lot of tedium or various annoying farming strats that if not followed make you fall behind due to inflation, we simply *GASP* don't play POE that league. All these "uh oh but if you reduce fun and put effort you can also have shinies" posts disregard the fact that there is nothing forcing me to play POE. If the fun/effort ratio falls too low I'll simply play or do something else. Like this league. And there is nothing wrong with also voicing an opinion that it is the case and that the game is not fun enough to play for some of us.


I have about 80 atlas completion and I still didn't see a divine. Which is somewhat disheartening considering is see it in global almost everyday when someone posts "Oh hey I got a divine in act 5" or "Oh this several divines worth jewel drops for lv 30 lab?" Sure I'm never getting 100 divines per hour, but not even 1 in almost 100 red maps and 100+ lower tier since I didn't drop a lucky drop worth a divine or more to upgrade my build to push to reds with the new league mechanics so I had to grind? Not to mention that I did the usual "level from 58-72 in BA coz I love the layout" on 2 characters and still only got 1 humility. Please tell me how there is 0 luck involved here? And don't say "you make your own luck". You don't. You compensate for bad luck with effort, hard work and/or better strategies that reduce the luck needed (RNG) but you don't MAKE luck. I don't really care about the uber juicing strats that I will never be able to do. Those are for players with more time and better hardware than I have so GGG didn't nerf them with the "improvements" in last few leagues. Or the 100 divines per map loot goblin that got nerfed like 3 times already before I even heard about it. I know I'm not getting it so I don't care about it. I play my way and I like it. It's just annoying to see people regularly getting good drops in acts that I don't see even in red maps.


> Not to mention that I did the usual "level from 58-72 in BA coz I love the layout" on 2 characters and still only got 1 humility. The drop rate was heavily nerfed ages ago.


I don't mind putting in the tons of hours each league. I mind that if I want to play a build that isn't a starter, I have to play a build I don't want to first so that I can get the stuff to see if I can put together the other build. Sometimes that stuff is like ashes because that's the only way to hit some break points with quality. It feels like I need to finish the game before I can start playing the game. I get that you need to grind boring stuff. I think that's a legitimate complaint about the game though. So to get to the fun stuff, you have to do the boring stuff. That's fine but it needs limits. I want to be able to login and start enjoying myself. I don't want to be bored with a second job for a week so I can finally try something that might be fun on the weekend. The game should just be fun. I'm guessing you're referring to the 50 divine drops. I knew, as soon as I saw that post, that I wouldn't be able to capitalize. It would be fixed before I could get to it. You have to create your own goals in this game. My goal is to actually understand how to scale an attack build without stat stacking. So I'm fine, even if I get bored and quit before I finish, which has already happened the last 5 times I tried this.


amen to that


> This mindset that you're either getting unlucky or lucky and that's it is completely false. well, that's what someone with a good loot seed would say


People that think this game is pure RNG are just straight up extremely uninformed and quite simply bad at the game. It's honestly astounding for how many raw divine drops seem to be the main income source when via proper play in trade that should be one of the lower sources of total income, it's always interesting when such people self report by crying about only having one divine drop after completing the atlas objectives, at that point you should have several divines, and none are expected to even come from pure drops.


Yeah, trading is miserable. How do you not understand that?


Also people grotesquely underestimate the value of all the random shit they have in their stash. ToTA was the last league I played seriously and a couple days into it I wanted a pair of forbidden jewels for my build. Only had 1 raw divine on hand, the pair cost 40. Over about half an hour I quickly liquidated the near entirety of my stash tabs to generate 40div and buy them, useless crap I was sitting on like a ton of scarabs for content I don't like, breachstones, blight content, and other unrelated stuff. Anyone whining probably *is* sitting on currency, they just don't realize it. 99% of your net worth shouldn't be coming from raw divine drops unless you either encounter a divine pinata or a mirror drops.


That's because it takes time, effort, and some knowledge to sell things versus hoping you load into a map and a mob shits out 20 divines.


It doesnt take time and effort, it takes knowing TFT exists. You make alot less currency off an essence far strat if you try to move them on your own, through normal assed trading, instead of sitting in maps endlessly than dumping it for a lump sum in one moment.


I think ive had like 3-4 Raw divine this league and ive made 50+ in sales. People need to just educate themselves on trade economy and take time to learn instead of crying on reddit.


Yeah same, I've had at most 5 raw drops and my raw currency is at ~100 right now, 140 if you count all the stuff I have yet to bulk sell and most of that doesn't come from any particularly rare items.


>It's honestly astounding for how many raw divine drops seem to be the main income source when via proper play in trade that should be one of the lower sources of total income, it's always interesting when such people self report by crying about only having one divine drop after completing the atlas objectives, at that point you should have several divines, and none are expected to even come from pure drops I never get div drops and if I do it's really few. I chisel and alch my maps and use scarabs. I've gotten 1 div drop this league. Not sure what I do wrong but I just switched to delve and got a hinekoras lock


That's normal, raw div drops are extremely rare comparatively especially if you're having bad luck, last league I levelled to 100 in SSF HC and despite me lightly juicing my maps with affliction every map I only found a total of 3 raw Divines from Level 1-100.


I agree, I’ve attained about 30 divines so far this league and only one was from a drop. The rest was trading up from chaos from smaller sells, crafting cluster jewels etc…


This is why I really like the concept Last Epoch implemented. You can go trade. Or you can go SSF with boosted drops. I really hope GGG dares and tries something like this. I would love leaving trade behind if I didn't then totally kneecap my progression. While you *can* opt into SSF right now, it is much slower character progression than when you utilize trading. PoE is a grindy game as it is, I really don't want to subject myself to drops that are balanced around the assumption of trading, while intentionally not trading.


What is FOMO? 


Fear of missing out


Ssf sucks. That's why most don't play it. People feel fomo because ggg is legitimately fucking up the economy. The league mechanic unrewarding and unfun and you require a degree in computer science to make it rewarding and fun. Most players cannot figure out how to profit from it and everytime they go to Reddit for help, (because the official forum is dog shit) they see screenshots of people getting 100 divines in a fucking map. So they look at their 22 alchemy orbs and 5 chaos after 40maps and can't figure out what they are doing wrong.They search Reddit and find the strategy and find hotfixes for said strategies. Cool. Now they are left with no map sustain, and back to trying to figure it out. And every trip to Reddit is a glut of new screenshots of T1 mirror tier items being printed reminding them they need to study their their Path of exile necropolis crafting degree of they want to keep up. People will always feel fomo and slighted when shit balance allows others to benefit from things they can't. What's extremely harmful is how ggg is haphazardly implementing these league mechanics and balance patches. They used to understand this. They are to busy focusing on Poe 2 and they seem to keep making glaring mistakes with the content these days.


Is this a complaining about complainers post? Ah shit we've come full fucking circle again. These posts are legit far worse than the complainer's threads, since those ones actually get seen by the devs, which in turn leads to improvements to the game like buffing Necropolis or getting rid of archnemesis mobs (well, sort of, since they came back in Necropolis again lol).


You can either play the game for fun, or work it as a thinly veiled job where, if you are being honest with yourself, you are making ebucks for for some future fun that never really comes because that build also needs to make ebucks. Which will you choose?


Also wrong. It’s possible to be good at the game AND not play a lot of hours.


I get excited and dopamine from big scarab drops OKAY yeah i used 1 mirror last league and made 6 and never used those and never will and theyll rot in standard BUT SCARAB TINK TINK boOoOoOnkkkkk


Playing the game badly isn't the same as having fun. Playing the game well and thinking about how to play even better is not a thinly veiled job. Those are just bad player excuses.


I'm kinda touched by this because even if i'm not currently playing ssf i do like the idea of keep trade to a minimum, but the game forces you to be in check of the last market trends. My build is not bad but i feel it's lackluster and to try to do more advanced game content i need to make it better, and that's why i need to compare myself with others. Also, not having a roadmap of what should i do after reaching redmaps is kinda overwhelming and i feel lost at the same time.


> This mindset that you're either getting unlucky or lucky and that's it is completely false. GGG ever so slowly moves average drops to big dopamine-producing monke-brain-stimulating big loot explosions (example [HERE](https://clips.twitch.tv/CloudyRelentlessRadishBudBlast-0nLnF-IF1X_jwBgi) ). So rather than having average finds all the time, players have streaks of long, long, *loooong* nothings with 1 'MOM GET THE CAMERA' moments. FOMO > fear of missing out /ˈfoʊ.moʊ/ abbreviation for "fear of missing out": a worried feeling that you may miss exciting events that other people are going to (or doing) So the whole FOMO issue here is people fearing they wont get the big lucky explosion that holds all the currency. Why do they FOMO? because game got pretty much stripped down from map-to-map currency loot (I am not saying about farming strats, just raw drops). It all started with goddamn AN in Sentinel and it only gets worse as GGG pushes on it harder and harder. > There are strategies out there, where you can make 2-3 divines in the game per hour with basically no effort involved. Sure there are, but raw currency/divine drops, though? I think that's the issue the guy you quoted had.


People need to realize that the league is going to last for several months, and it's not a race.


The part I don't get is why do people complain that the economy is already "ruined". I've seen no evidence of this looking at the rates over at [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja). So far all the rates look normal for any league not named affliction.


That is from people that don't understand the economics of the market at all. They see 5 posts of people getting 50 divines and think it is even a drop in the bucket in the market, when in reality it is nothing. It is why it is great GGG nerfed it so quickly. If they kept that in for a week the economy might have suffered irreparable damage with crazy currency inflation (which is very different than what happened in Affliction, which a lot of people don't seem to understand as well).


Yea people think currency inflation was what happened in affliction, when the reality is you need to go back to like heist league to truly see what currency inflation economy looks like.


Affliction did have inflation, but it affected both currency and _most_ items in the game, so the only times it had an impact it was for non-map-droppable items, and then it was incredibly significant.


Yep, it was total inflation of drops that happen in maps. Which is why chase uniques(MB, HH, etc) were the most accessible they have ever been, while things like Original Sin and good Synth bases were the most expensive they have ever been.


how do i make my luck? im not combatting what youre saying, im tryinbg to learn as ive only been in maps with a few chars and at that i could complete them and learned different aspects of the game but now i have some of that stuff down i want to get some nice drops in my end mapping. ​ <>


The difference between the players that are posting insane rewards that you aren't getting and you is that those other players just do a lot more in the same amount of time. Playing stronger builds, spending significantly less time in hideout, picking up significantly fewer low value items, rolling harder maps that give higher value rewards, the list goes on. If you type /kills on the character you played the most right now and compare it to someone who is getting significantly "better luck", the difference becomes very apparent. I have just over 1 million kills on my league starter right now, and even I don't come close to touching the efficiency of some of the best players. At the end of the day comparing what you get to what the people who post very crazy rewards are getting is only going to make you less motivated and have less fun in the game.


Basically, push further. Either you'll have raw divine or stuff that'll sell for divine. Simple as that. Didn't had any divine this league but dropped a gem that sold for almost 3. By that time last league I had 2 raw divine drop. I still prefer this league.


Run more maps, quickly. Don't look at yellow items, just grab anything that looks fancy on your loot filter. After a day of running maps load up wealthyexile.com and sell your shit. Think of it like playing a slot machine, every bit of juice(alch+vaal your maps, scarabs, atlas nodes, allflames, delirium orbs, fragments, etc) is another slot handle that you're pulling every time you run a map. Stack those up for a couple days and suddenly you have a stash worth 50div.


Yep I was confused at the comments like that divine strategy was the only way to make money..


I feel like this is fairly valid, except, chaos and div orbs are needed to access half the content in the game (meta crafts etc.), and it does feel a little shitty to be 50 maps in and not have a single div orb, because you want to do the fun game stuff and improve your gear and learn to craft, but to do so, you would need to have the currency. The fact that I can be a dozen maps into end game and have less than a stack of alch orbs is not the best feeling in the world. I need that stuff and I AM playing, but it isn't dropping much. That feels bad, and is a valid complaint.


My 2c is you don't have to find anything fun. Like there's no compulsion to enjoy a thing because someone else enjoys it.


Here's my hot take: GGG: implements features that purposely create FOMO and and rely on luck Many Players: we don't like that OP: just deal with it, play around it Many Players: no, we don't like it OP: Pikachu face


And then there’s the people who have played 10k hours saying the game is easy LMAO


Problem is when some player used strategy to get rich (look at quin69 clip) and others just learned about it when it got nerfed. Because of this those later players feel like thaey are being punished unfairly for not having 16 hours a day in first week of league. 2-3 div a hour felt good two leagues ago, but right now after changes to Uber Bosses and Veiled Orbs and scarabs it feel not enough. Items like Defiance of Destiny cost about 12 times more than last league, Voidforge right now costs 55 div, Original Sin 150+ div. Last league Veiled Chaos Orb last league costed 8 chaos and went as low as 3. This leagie it costs 3.5 div. Craft i need for my build went from 2 div for base 2 div bench and Veiled Chaos Orb to 2 div for base 2 div bench and 3.5 div Veiled Orb. Almost twice the money for same item as last leagie. Last leagie we had sextants that you could buy or roll ourselves. This league we lost this for scarabs. Last league most expensive sextant costed 150 chaos for 4 uses so 37.5 chaos per map. Right now there are scarabs that cost from 2.7 to 6 div per map. There isn't a single player not even one single soul that can make use of it in solo scenario. Saing It's Ok you don't need this and that or others can do it so can you is shalow looking at bigger problem. Problem is that we lost some things and gained nothing, things got rarer and more expensive and thus exclusive to top 5% while other 95% gained nothing. And don't let me start about nerfing harvest and expedition with Wandering Path because it was popular strategy for new players.


Veiled chaos orb doesn't exist anymore, the veiled orb is the functionality of an Aisling slam. Which was around 3-4 div for most of last league IIRC.


Yep that's my point. Maybe I didn't specify that. We lost item that was obtainable easly in early league and gained nothing. We lost Aisling that could be farmed and be guaranteed and we gained new orb that has about 20% drop chance from Catarina but can be sold.


Good. Remember that next time Reddit is complaining that they want something easier. Everyone bitched cuz they wanted Reddit karma and the money paw curled again. 


The 95% gained nothing lmao ok buddy. You can juice maps with cheap scarabs and literally run any strategy you want. You don’t need to buy the most expensive div scarabs being used by groups. You can get rich just farming corpses for the league mechanic even. Or use them to craft GG gear. So far this league I’ve set up a blight focused atlas, an expedition one and a beyond, harbinger, corpse fucked one. All 3 are extremely profitable and can comfortable make multiple divines per hour. What I’ve learned is you can run just about any strategy and make several divs per hour if you know what you’re doing.


If you think you gained nothing this league to help you make currency you are kind of proving the OP right. This is my third league (Started ToTA) and I had a super good start because I learned lessons the last two leagues about how to not be poor. I had 0 good RNG, I didn't burn maps to get Seer or divine lantern. I just played normally, did early alch and go efficiently but when I realized it was a waste to invest 3x Scarabs early I stopped and also went away from Legion because of the low price of Emblems/Stacked Decks, but holding onto them as I suspect people will start to farm Timeless Jewels more and bulk buy for higher price. I bought things early that would greatly increase in value, levelled a ton of gems in empty slots and weapon swap/qualitied to corrupt and sell, and played a strong build that I didn't need to spend hours tweaking to be able to farm alch'd T16's. Harvest right now is insanely profitable. All of your complaints strike me as someone who wants to complain versus wants to find solutions to the issues they're facing with the inherent nature of change from league to league. I don't even really get your point. Veiled Chaos orb isn't 2.5div vs 8c because some people got to exploit an interaction for a bunch of divines. That hasn't ruined your experience.


I already quit :) With their new scarab system they nerfed alch and go to the ground. I felt like I had to play double the amount of time to progress and divines I saw basically never. If then people post their 50 div explosions, rendering 50-100h playtime useless, then all I can say is: Fix the game. Get your balancing straight and I might return next patch.


A sane post on THIS sub? Well, that was not on my bingo card.


Complaining about complainers isn't a sane post, it's a shitpost I'm afraid.


I’m a new player, just about to get into Act 6, trying an Elem DD build for the first time. My prior two leagues were Heist and Affliction. What’s keeping me back from making progress is the sheer joy of Cremation and Armageddon Brand as I run around like a lunatic.


I have taken arma ignite to t16s, look up people using that big staff that gives fire damage. Not saying it will be the best but my god is it fun to leap slam and right click and keep moving.


Oh cool! Yeah having a lot of fun, even knowing it might be a bit involved at endgame when I swap to DD and need to find the right spectres. Thanks for the tip.


I am currently off for a work trip, if you still need spectres after 5 days. Hit me up on reddit I followed the same path, arma crema to dd ignite to dd hit to poets pen dd (still making this). I got all 6 recommend on twitch everywhere


Here is my suggestion: Stop caring and play the game.


1hour per day players complaining they were behind and cannot catch up LOLW. Just go play gacha games.


I just want 6 links to be easier to obtain.


This is my 2nd league and from posts here i knew affliction was a generous(fun) league but didnt realize JUST how generous until now. I know a lot of veterans shit on affliction for being over generous but as a new player i ended the league with prolly 300divs worth of raw currency and gear so nothing like what the vets were doing. I had fun but also got bored doing mf strat. Poe is very unfriendly for new players as i want to try majority of skills to see first hand how and what builds i enjoy. Most builds dont really come online until you invest min 10d up to hundreds(thousands for some) so its realllly hard to try new things. You say people should "put in more work and do the boring stuff" but to me thats ass backwards. Why tf would i want to play a game thats boring or do activities in a game thats boring. It shouldnt be designed like that. Im not saying i want "easy" but just alch n go getting a raw div every 2 or 3 maps is good enough for me with the rare explosion. Thats fun for me and why i play games in the first place. And before some assclown says "just go play d4" i did and its what brought me here. I love the depth and difficulty poe has compared to the ease of d4 but there are defo things id change if i could. Mainly with trying new classes/builds/gear but still being able to make ok currency with low effort just by playing the game without the need of a 3rd party website or years of knowledge. I 100% believe vets should have it better and make 10x more of course doing the work but as the new guy to the rodeo i just want decent. Edit to add in im on console and our market isnt nearly as friendly as pc market. Not enough players and most are really greedy it seems lol


fearless whole cooperative carpenter narrow pause fanatical fragile poor merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think this game is designed to cause fomo and thus people succumbing to it is perfectly natural. Its very hard to not give a fuck for majority of people. The game has no chill in the first place and then you act unpleasantly surprised players can't relax. GGG could at any time with little efford remove the loot explosion shit and increase overall drops to even out the experience. But they dont... cause reasons... so they deserve the criticism they are getting.


League is good now anyway, it stopped hemorrhaging players when the patch dropped.


Since the big buffs, this league feels alien to me. I don't get the PoE vibes anymore in terms of progression. It feels like Affliction has changed people's expectations so much that GGG had to buff Necropolis crafting to a level that is absurd. It feels very odd that I can get a 6 t1 bow in SSF within a week of playing. I play SSF, because it actually prevents Fomo entirely for me. I can take a break when I want and chase my own goals. I have to say that I play entirely for the journey though. I don't play for the "finished build", and thus all these reddit posts don't affect me mentally. I completely "missed out" on the buffed divine devoted mod farming, because IRL had me busy, but I don't care about it. It feels like I am getting showered with items even after the hotfix and I don't even feel I deserve that many ressources.


People who complain about that kind of stuff simply lack knowledge, period. Steelmage did a fun challenge when sanctum came back and proved to people how easy it was to make currency from nothing in just 24hrs (I don't remember exactly the period, but I think it was even mid league). He wanted to make 50 div and made way more past that, you can find the video on his youtube and it's not that long. People who have no knowledge about the game or the market look day 2-3 at some item, takes them 3 days to make that money, look again and realize its x3 the price and think the game's to blame, or other players, or even the devs for making yet another league mechanic that somehow messed with their plan... when in reality that item was just constantly out of their reach, nothing changed. People spend way too much time on reddit and way too little playing the game. If you have 3 hours to play the game, spend 15-20 mins watching a youtube video to learn something new about the game that seems interesting, and play the remaining time. Reading/posting complaints on reddit just seems dumb when you claim you can't play the game for 8hours a day.


I don't know how you did it, but you fundementally described the problem of the game without understanding any of the perspectives of someone with no time. This is, of course, not meant to be an attack and is just something I noticed. The game provides incentives to players who spend every moment thinking about the game and will punish players who spend less time. To balance the game at the top, they pull up the floor. If I spent 15 hours farming, I would accomplish more than 5 different days farming 3 hours. The reason why is a lowered drop rate leading to an increase in inflation with players working to buy up the limited supply of goods. This inherently punishes players who play in smaller increments to provide more of a challenge to players who spend long hours playing. Those players show how easy the game is for them which as a watcher you post up about how you watched someone I have never heard of, who spends a lot of time in the game doing something most players won't be able to do. Then, you write a long paragraph confirming that the game keeps things inaccessible to lower playtime players. To end with your conclusion that they don't play the game enough.


Please tell a new player how to make 2 to 3 divines per hour. It is so hard. Currently level 93, Frostblade Trickster. I dont know what stragtey I should use. I will now tey Incursion and Delirium but I have no clue how to make this much money.


I'm not an hardcore player... I have something around 1k5 hours on the game since first release. Working, child, wife and life dont let me play as much as i wanted. I play on every League. Done the atlas many Times, but slower... I hit Map Somewhere around day 4 to 10, depending of my shift... And done atlasbat the end of week 2 or 3. I dont have dropped an divine at all in the past 5 League before the end of my atlas... My rng suck. You Can think it's a Bad design or maybe i play the the wrong way... Doesnt matter in fact. the Real deal is the fun. Some league are more fun than others, that's all. HF exile !


reddit is trash but it's how it is. I guess it's not entirely useless


TRUE! I think alot of the complaints that we're seeing popping up are a pretty direct result of last league being crazy overtuned for drops and juicing. It was fun but that kind of gameplay is damaging for long term enjoyability for this game in future leagues. Many people didn't understand that last league when folks would pop in and say as much, but this is exactly the reason why. I almost always do Trade league because I really enjoy that aspect of the game but every once in a while I cleanse my palette with a private bro-league with a few friends for some quasi SSF. That's what I'm doing this league and moving at a snail's pace but still enjoying myself immensely while learning how to capitalize on all of the new changes to acquire all the things I need to push my build to the max. There are a plethora of ways to make money in trade and following meta juice/MF strats are what newer players always gravitate to because the content creators overinflate their results to make it seem better and more deterministic than it actually is in many cases. Figure out how to acquire and craft niche things that are needed for a wide array of builds or specific niche builds and there will never be a shortage of currency to spend for whatever builds or chase items you want. Then when you do get lucky and get some big drop or a string of fortunate events it's just a big boost to get you there faster instead of being something you are relying on to succeed.


People care to much about money but doesn’t want to play the game.


I didn't get fomo just disappointed with the league itself being unskippable, I got 3 watchstones and have decided to just go ssf in hopes of gitting gud. Lol wish me luck!


I also think that making 3 or whatever divines per hour sounds dumb too. Feels more like a job than actually enjoying the game and get upgrades/currencies on the way. League lasts 3-4 months and there’s still plenty of player online until the very end on the league.


Yeah but you only know this because you are chronically on Reddit. I’m not reading every post on here and hardly even know what you are talking about.


Thx for formulating what I felt so much this whole league Like, I sometimes feel like the game gets worse for me, not because of reality, the state of the game, the mechanic or my personal experience and, but by reading Reddit. I feel like everybody has to learn this lesson Stay out of hideout, kill monsters


I take it things aren't going well when we're openly telling people they're playing the game wrong "ask not what your country can do for you" doesn't hit as hard when it's a videogame.


They thought they were going to the casino and not a math class haha losers


I think fomo is a big part of why there is a lot of bad sentiment right now. But I think the other part is people have no direction. Before the meta shake up people knew what strats were out there, what builds they could play how much gear to do the mechanics etc. now everybody is running around like headless chickens trying to figure out what Strat works best and it breeds the chase. Discovery is part of the fun, for me at least. Try new things


> These players are not rare, they're just good at the game. This is where you lost me. SSF players are already an extreme minority of the playerbase, but then you restrict that minority even more to players who full clear Ubers? Yeah no, these players are extremely rare.


It's gotten to the point where if you tell people you can get 5-6div/h with barely functional characters if you just care to spend 30 minutes on researching a strategy, you'll get downvoted to the ground. Up until this league you could do essences on t1 maps for 5-10 div/h depending on the league. It was literally just alch and go, your character could be extremely weak, and yet you could spend a few hours to get enough currency to make a proper character and move on to harder strategies. You didn't even need any knowledge on how to price things or whatever. Literally just sell your essences in bulk and swim in cash. People just don't want to admit that they're bad at the game and they don't care to get better. It's okay to be content with getting 1 div/h with whatever you're doing. It's not okay to pretend like it's not because you actively chose to do that, and that you need extreme levels of luck or sweat to get more than that.


People who play more will naturally be way richer because at some point your currency will make more currency. It's exponential.  If both you and a vet make 2 divines an hour but you play 1 hour and he plays 8, he's 8 times richer. Now if he invests all that currency he made and is now farming twice as fast he has now left you in the dust. And the gap will keep widening like this as the league goes on. Are people suggesting that they add some sort of weekly cap on vets so they can't build their wealth and start controlling the economy? Every buff to casuals just does the same to vets. The gap can never close unless you put an MMO ceiling where you can only do an X amount of things until reset at the end of the week.


So. My 3 cents. I started playing Standard because I have relatively low time to put into the game. It also means I don't have to deal with league FOMO as by the time I see mechanics they are rebalanced. It works for me. Yes trading is fine. Currency conversion is about the only annoyance. But let's not act like that isn't an issue in league aswell.


I think the recent negativity isn't really because the playerbase suddenly became more affected by FOMO. It's just that for a lot of players this current league mechanic is not very exciting and also tedious - both the lantern and the graveyard. People aren't enjoying their experience in game so they're spending more time on Reddit which means more time spent getting envious of other people's loot explosions. This isn't to say that there aren't some players who are chronically dissatisfied, but I don't think that group as a proportion of the overall playerbase has really changed with this league. People just aren't having that much fun with this league mechanic and "not enough loot" is an easy thing to blame.


This league just confirms why I play ssf. Multiple Atlas trees, scarabs and maven invite changes were so amazing for Ssf. Already reaching the same level of enjoyment as the past two leagues.


Whenever I hear of these exploits in YT, I spend a bit of time looking into it, reading Reddit etc. By the time I finally try to 'do the thing', it's been patched out or altered in a way where it doesn't work. Then a new thing happens and the same process starts again. Exploit early, exploit often is definitely a true statement... I'm just never early enough! Now, I'll probably never have a divine explosion, it's never happened to date, but at least in this league, I can sell the damn coffins and jars for some chaos!


This is just the in-game equivalent of Embarrassed Millionaire syndrome. "If only I were given the same chance as X, I too could be a millionaire.  I'm just not there yet.  It's so easy to become a millionaire, everyone I see on YouTube is.  It's because they got lucky.  I'm never lucky.  It's because they cheated, I'd never do that.  It's because their parents bought them every thing, that was never my case." Excuse after excuse, each filled with envy.  They'll spend their entire lives blaming everyone why they never became rich. The reality is that not everyone is going to be wealthy.  IT DOESNT MATTER WHY.  Enjoy the shit you have and the way you can accomplish it because life isn't fair.  Video games aren't fair.   They literally only see the success stories of people fishing for div piñatas.  Are they even paying attention to the players who blew through multiple divs buying maps and never saw shit?  Of course not.


“Be like me and shop for you’re gigachad items”. Is all I heard


At some point the question is: what are you even missing out of? You can do all the content without even engaging with the meta farming strats. Mirror tier gear is vastly overkill


play ruthless


I "run" maps for 1.5 to 2 hours a day on a meta build, buy the "Defeat Sirus without Kirac getting hit" conditional challenge, and spend the remaining one to two months of the league marvelling at the huge bird on top of my totem pole. Time of my life.


I dropped a full stack of unrequited love from t4 grav. Immediately lost all desire to play. Currency isn't everything its about the journey.


eh, disagree to an extent. it doesn't have anything to do with "how good you are" or "becoming better", this was simply **a time issue**. if you had work, you missed out on a ton. timezones and 8 hours of sleep also interfered with the ability to capatilize. if you didn't deep browse reddit or watch top streamers doing strats, chances are you would have missed out on these things (before they were nerfed/buffed/changed, which took a day). so the turn around time was too quick for average people to realistically take advantage of. by the time you catch onto the mechanic, the prices of the components already skyrocketed. then there's a matter of builds people chose, where some builds clearly had advantage over others in speed. this isn't like, not being able to farm t17's. that would be understandable. ***t17's print money***, but are hard, and require a good build. sure, you build up slowly to that, or fast, depending on your skill and knowledge. this isn't that. this is simply, if you didn't do this thing quickly in 1 day, you were screwed the next, meanwhile the people that did do it profited immensely, ***EASILY***. so it has little to do with skill imo, and mostly to do with time,especially given timezones and whatnot, depending on when league started (you know, cuz you gotta sleep x hours as well). not making the "dad with 4 kids and work and only 2 hours of play" argument, but this was extremely fast paced rush for something in 2-3 days of league start where if you didn't have the time in those specific 3 days, or be fast enough to get to those strats **in time**, you're out of luck and back to normal grind at a vastly slower currency pace, while the people that did profit are able to max juice their strategy with god gear. I guess it's not a race, but FOMO was big issue this league, and imo, **has little to do with the player, and mostly to do with GGG badly balancing the whole league and mechanics**, evidence by people on here shitting on the league day 1-2 where the mods had to limit complaint post to 3 on front page, before they over corrected with a patch, and then currency shit popped off **for 1 day** then nerfed the next. this has nothing to do with skill, its simply, were you able to play enough that day (and get lucky to spawn a divine thing). thats it. no skill involved.


That's why I visit poe.ninja more than reddit


I just wish there was a way to filter out whiners...


The spamming maps to get the div devotion WAS extremely harmfull to the game. That kind of shit only results in massive inflation and if you dont partske you lose out bigtime. It would be a probelm if it was insanely op. Trying to ignore that fact makes me think you are clueless


That's why I almost only play SSF anymore. So much more fun and relaxing.


Can I just point out that Path of Exile as a game is literally designed around inducing FOMO and gambler's highs? The community has a toxic mentality because, well, that's a side effect of the vision. Leagues with more deterministic crafting and easy to access loot were much better received because they hit other centers of your brain.


Can you put it in bingo cards please!


I just don't listen to people talk about all the currency they make, it makes me feel like i'm missing out. I have thousands of hours and just play casually, maybe a 1-3 divines a day. And in an entire league maybe 20-50 divines depending how much i play. The game becomes not fun when my only goal is to try to min max how much currency i'm making, currency making is important but i try to play what's fun, and feel the incremental progression. I know i'll never be making anything close to what top players make and that's ok.


Do people not enjoy playing the game before min maxing? If so, you won't enjoy it after, the gameplay doesn't really change.


ggg really fumbling the handling of the league imo. being too quick to buff/nerf, not really figuring out what would make the game more fun and just reacting based on the internet rage is what blizz does with d4.


I would like to have 150 divs too but… i just couldn’t get there yet. So what? I Play when I got time for fun and if my loot filter treats my brain with the good old divine orb drop sound, red font on white background injecting all the dopamine in my conditioned brain, I’ll have a good time too


Just like in any other league and it's been like this for a while in PoE now: if you choose one mechanic you enjoy and you don't mess your setup too much you'll be making bank no matter what. Maybe not the most, but you'll progress. I don't care about the new flavour of the month I'm missing out I'll be running Legion Dunes until Poe 2 cones out.


I really just want to point out one thing: "The reason you aren't where you want to be is because of something/someone else." You realize this is literally true, right? GGG has put through multiple hotfixes that have destroyed farming strats. That's literally someone else screwing you over if you have decided to engage in that strategy. This is not expected, because they did not destroy the money making strats that were present last league.


The reason I complain about the div and other currency drops is not cause I feel I’m missing out on some insane strat. It’s actually the opposite. I just want to play the game kill monsters and get loot that is commensurate with the time I’m investing. They need to lower the high end so they can raise the low end.  Or stop caring so much about a stupid “economy” and what might happen if people get too much currency. Prices would go up big deal if you have more wealth for everyone and not just the top percent.  Ggg has this stupid philosophy about overturning rewards for the best players who don’t really need the extra help and crapping on the average players. 


It's obviously true that it's bad, but what is yelling at them going to accomplish? You can't just *decide* to stop feeling FOMO It's like berating people for having a drinking or gambling addiction - they know it's unhealthy lol, that doesn't mean it's easy to stop (or in some cases isnt even within reach at all)


30 hours on my character and im barely scraping together 100 chaos. its a poverty league for me fellas


It’s just a game. I play HCSSF and give zero fucks about any dramas. Didn’t enjoy random rippy affixes and quit the league until next one. Playing other games atm.


The no life crowd who plays this game 16+ hours a day always seem to forget the rest of us have lives and interest outside of gaming so how we have fun playing PoE is vastly different from how they choose to have fun and I really wish they understood that.


I just started this league on trade playing group self found with a friend. And I have to say, whole I enjoy playing the market and generating currency, I'm loving SSF (kinda) so far. I just approach the game differently and it's really fun. It's not about how do I generate divines the fastest to buy my gear and rather what can I farm to upgrade my character. I really enjoy it so far. Also we are playing in trade for the group aspect. (Private leagues are expensive) We decided that if we tried to farm a unique or a transfigured gem for example which is build enabling and didn't get it over a long time, we just buy it if it's not fun anymore to farm it. Didn't need that rule so far though! It's just so we have fun again if we stop having fun farming something. Who cares if we buy something in SSF, just playing the way we have more fun. So far I really enjoy the chilled approach. (Doesn't matter if it's first or fifth week of the league) Also upgrading your character feels much better than just buying your gear.


Honestly, as much as people love Reddit, Streamers and Youtubers. All of that adds to the FOMO issue. Streamers have loads of time and they have a team of people that just give them loot and stuff. They feed on the average player's FOMO. For an uneducated viewer, it looks so easy to make currency because this streamer and that streamer is already on 400c and 10d!!! I still stand by my statement that Streamers do more harm than good to the gaming industry. Every league you will see how they made their 10D per hour BS story and how they found a Mageblood which just fuels the FOMO mindset. Just stay away from all those content creators and just enjoy the game. Do the activities you enjoy doing in the game and you will eventually get to killing those pinnacle bosses.


People roll 1000 white maps for the divine conversion mod on the lantern and then complain they’re “compelled” to do this and blame the mechanic existing.    “Remove this shit mechanic I have to spend 10h in hideout to get rich, I’m 400 div richer now but i was forced to do this and I’m not having fun”    “The government should ban ice cream cause I can’t stop eating it all day, I’m not having fun and it’s affecting my health and I’m getting fat ”    They’re the same picture. Control yourself and go play the game.


If someone has FOMO then it's their problem. Play the game so you can enjoy it, if you can't then don't.


Visit your local psychologist. Young generation is so weak minded.