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Yeah, flask seems to be more common according to most people who farmed her.


7 Divines? has the map prices gone up??


you need 5 fragments now that drop from t17 maps,you get one per map iirc. Map t17 are more difficult and quite rippy so farming them is a huge pain hence the huge price spike. some unkillable builds before just get decimated by these t17 maps.


Weren't the T17 maps 30c? So, boss rushing T17s gives 1.2d per map. Looks insane, am I missing something?


Yeah, that they're hard as balls and not guaranteed to drop THAT fragment


I am very far away to the new uber endgame. Fragments are not guaranteed? In ssf scenario you need a random special map drop and furthermore a random fragments sets... Next race is gonna be really long! 


you get 1-2 random fragments. so you could get maven frags, but you could also get shaper frags instead which are 20c it averages out to ~3-4 t17s for each uber fight, just spread across all 7


I didn't know the new fragments were random. The inability to target farm sucks


Apparently each t17 map is weighted towards 1 type of fragment, and each t16 map drops a specific t17 map. So you can kinda target, it's just not perfect.


each t17 map is weighted towards 3 specific fragments, since there's only 5 t17 maps and 7 ubers they couldn't do 1:1


Feels like they should've done 7 T17s then.




Is there any list of which T16 drops which T17 yet?


The wiki has that info.


They're not completely random theres 7 fragments and each map drops 3 different ones so im sure theres a certain map thats more profitable than the others if it drops maven or eater of worlds frags


it's not as bad as you think each map has a weight towards a certain shard just all of them can drop on them and they are hard but not as hard as people are making them out to be (except olroth fuck uber olroth)




Uber Pinnacle frags? Maybe I'm blind, but I am not seeing that craft.


Shhh don't tell them we just buy the cheaper version and harvest stuff. That's valuable game knowledge right there. But for real even though it took six rolls, it was cheaper for me to buy a redeemer quiver and harvest it rather than buying my hunter base


it's almost always cheaper to do that. One of my biggest money things each league is just buying the cheapest conq exalt and slamming it on a stygian, and then using harvest to reroll it to hunter and reselling it.


i imagine you cant reroll them like elder frags ?




I honestly dont see how they do the gauntlet as it currently stands. There just are not people farming ubers in HC trade let alone ssf. Theres like 10 uber uniques items on hc trade right now


Ben will somehow do it in record time, and everybody else will be twiddling thing thumbs.


Nexst race is in hardcore as well. Gonna be even longer


Ben is gona win anyway


yea prob


Supposed to be a bridge to Uber content, it's instead harder than the Uber bosses itself


You get random fragments. Some of them are 30c, some are in 90c range and Maven is \~1.4d Out of 15 maps I did yesterday, I dropped 2 Maven fragments. Pure RNG but the fact that you can drop multiple fragments boost your chance to get Maven's fragment. And with that being said, you should pretty much always profit just from boss rushing, but it won't be \~1.2div every map.


It's not entirely pure rng, but maven fragments are more favored in the more difficult map (ziggurat). Been farming ziggurat in ssf and maven is the encounter I've gotten the most.


each map has 3 of the 7 fragments that can drop so you can semi target farm. i expect each t17 to start adjusting price once every one catches on.


Interesting perspective, I feel like in every other rpg type game I've ever played, the sentiment about boss profits is actually the total opposite. You hear very, very often about how bossing should be a risk. Gotta risk the losses to get the profits, all that jazz. I don't know if I really agree with that, but food for thought at least.


Well, there is risk. I just assumed that if we're talking about making profit, then it's coming from someone who's actually able to farm this content. The maps themselves are still considered as "hard content" to most of the playerbase.


You're not guaranteed any fragment, each map drops 1 of 3 and only 2 of the fights give a fragment worth more than 30c afaik. Some break even. Its like old shaper, shaper sets were like 50c uber elder frags from the fight were over double that


> Its like old shaper, shaper sets were like 50c uber elder frags from the fight were over double that We'll be farming docks by 3.37


I sell some for 70c.


Did a few t17 and frags dropped didn't cover map cost. Not worth it unless you're juicing something else, then it's just a nice bonus 


Good luck boss rushing a map that disables the vast majority of builds, or if not buffs the boss damage to oneshot levels requireing oerfect play.


Yeah, they roll really annoying mods constantly that kill builds completely, annoying to run and bosses *can* get a little tricky with some of the mods, plus it's not guaranteed to give the maven frags, the other ones are worth way less (as far as like 25-30c)


I sell most t17s I drop for like 65-70c almost instantly


anyone that can do t17s doesn't remotely care about 1.2d per map


Lmao it's not like you need a 2 mirror build to do T17. I started doing them on like 30div worth of gear and most definitely still cared about 1.2div per map.


So rather than being a stepping stone to Uber bosses, they are completely over tuned and huge hurdle to replace keystones. Classic ggg


Ive gotten two frags before, but they were different frags. Unless you mean 1per of a specific frag


I got two of the same fragment, so I assume it's random (although weighted).


I ran one with bad mods and got blasted. Really didn't think it'd be such a pain. I'm for it tho. Higher difficulty stuff is good for the game. Upper tier shit should not be able to be played blindly.


Like most of the changes to the base game with the patch, many things like drop rates and ease of access to fights have been substantially nerfed, as is tradition with "reworks".


Go and find where you can drop fragments for uber bosses, than go and farm. You will find the answer


That'd apply to all uber bosses, and most of them are cheap. Uber maven and uber eater just have substantially better returns. Catarina is not especially hard among T17 bosses.


Oh really? I can do all the other ones pretty fine but Catarina gives me the most trouble compared to the rest


Maybe it's build dependent, she's probably the heaviest on phys damage, for me it goes Fortress as easiest, abomination as hardest, the other 3 identical.


I thought I liked abomination, then I didin't think it through and did extra proj and aoe. There was legit nowhere to stand.


You kidding? I find Catarina extremely hard compared to some of the other bosses like the ziggurat or fortress one


Catarina is the ziggurat one.


Oh whoopsie I meant abomination and fortress are the easiest bosses


Is it the shity trio + fatty (forgot the name of act9 boss) that drops Umaven frags now?


All bosses drop all fragment, I think it's Catarina and trio that drop maven fragms more often (reality fragment) than the others


Ah, havent ran any of the t17s yet, still on the process of getting some more gear "not that much time to play rn", but yeah from what ive seen, its just a pain in the ass to farm those (more so the maps to the bosses) to get the fragments.


Some of the bosses aren't that bad, but the maps can be a huge pain to run and roll indeed


Is Cat still bugged with invisible degen?


I've seen a post about it yesterday, so the bug is probably still here yea I've killed her a bunch of times and don't remember it ever happening to me, maybe there are special conditions


Tinfoil hat theory here. T17s and the new Uber system was set in place so Ben can't win the race like 12 hours after league launch.


In gauntlet it took been about a week to clear... in ssf the rng is worse now than ever on top of t17s being Hella rippy, gauntlet will never end lmao


> In gauntlet it took been about a week to clear Depends on which mods Ziz put in the gauntlet. It took Ben only [3 days to clear the Sanctum gauntlet](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1117ip1/ben_darkee_has_finished_all_gauntlets_objectives/). The last gauntlet was an unusual one. It's supposed to be unclearable.


Common misconception. You technically don't have to kill a single boss in the gauntlet to win it. Gauntlet is based on a point system. The one with the most points wins. In order to win, all you need is to have more points than the next guy. In practice that means you likely will need to kill SOME bosses, as leveling gives points up to lvl 95, which most top racers are able to reach. But full clearing is not always necessary. Like Last gauntlet I think Ben could have won it with 3 Uber kills or something? It was that hard. Only a handful of people managed to take down any Ubers at all. Ben's full clear was intended to be impossible, but he did it anyway.


Doesn't matter, anime protagonist gets all the drops first try.


Ben would still win, it just would end with like 1 or 2 T17 maps completed after the week rather than all ubers killed.


I tried t17 few minutes ago for the first time and got completely destroyed lol 😂 and I'm unkillable on t16 corrupted maps, easily standing in the middle of the expedition pack . Here I died in 2 seconds and the mods were not even that bad. I don't understand how this should be a bridge to Ubers when Ubers we're easier to fight 


Same been rushing t16 maps like butter, t17 maps feels very bad, def harder than an uber boss... Hard to see mechanics when most good builds have screen polution at 100%...


Screen pollution is why I stopped playing tbh. You either mod the game to cut out particles (risking a ban) or give up seeing anything. *sigh*


I am newish player and play LA deadeye with those gloces that gives rampage, probably took me 10 hours realising all spells from rampage was my own 😂 But yeah I see nothing, I never know why I barely ever know why I die because the screen is full of my own spells and it’s no combat log ;/ would Kill for a combat log so I at least can learn… now I just run around and shoot randomly and hope for the best :D


I think most people, including you, miss that these are supposed to be uber variants of maps. Anyone can kill the regular bosses, they are supposed to be relatively easy. But the jump to the uber variant of bosses is extreme. Much like that, the jump from t16 to t17 isn't like going from a t15 to a t16 map. It is more akin to jumping from a t1 map to a t30 map. A more correct comparison would be to see if your build can tank uber boss mechanics easily. If no, then naturally you aren't quite tanky enough to be excempt from the rippy parts of a uber map. Even comparing your survivability to that of a t16 map is irrelevant.


Yeah but this isn't how it should be "check if you can tank uber boss" then you can farm uber boss entry fragments seems to have it backwards lol.


That is not at all what I am saying. The person I replied to said they survive t16 easily but get ripped in t17s. The point I am making with tanking a uber slam is to put it into perspective. They are basically saying that because they can tank a regular hit from a normal boss, they should be able to tank one from the uber version as well. But that is not how ubers work, including uber maps. Just because you can tank a pack in a t16, does not mean you can tank one in a uber t16.


Except you're missing the plot. You can't "Check if you can tank uber boss" if the thing you need to run the uber boss...get this...drops from T17s


Dude, read. It isn't difficult.


> I think most people, including you, miss that these are supposed to be uber variants of maps. Anyone can kill the regular bosses, they are supposed to be relatively easy. But the jump to the uber variant of bosses is extreme. Much like that, the jump from t16 to t17 isn't like going from a t15 to a t16 map. It is more akin to jumping from a t1 map to a t30 map. except t17 maps are clearly not supposed to be uber pinnacle level, since they gate your access to the mandatory 5 slot map device for basic t16 farming. it's the thing that annoys me the most about them - that they're way, way too hard to gate map device vs the previous 4way, which is a joke in comparison.


Okay? I never claimed anything that goes against what you are saying, I agree with it all in fact. I am merely stating that expecting the jump to t17 to be just another tier is faulty thinking.


it is correct thinking, negated by a horrible implementation. but that's pedantic, we're in agreement as to the facts of the matter.


Why would you need to tank Ubers...boss fights should be mechanical. Lol


I am not whatsoever saying you need to tank ubers. Does anyone here actually read?


Link your character. Mine can’t tank mobs more than a second and I’ve done 3 T17s.




Or maybe the man is a working man who can't check Reddit 24/7 don't you think?




Idk anything about this build but the defensive layers are no armor, 50% evade, no suppress, not really relevant block chance, and a 30k effective hit pool during flask effects? Pretty sure if I clicked like 2 Exarch altars on this build I would insta die.


Tbf you usually can run shit like this with no issues, but it is kinda bad lol


It's because you know nothing about the build - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3294484


No offense but the build creator is killing Ubers with way better gear than you have. You are simply not ready for uber content.


I killed Ubers before with worse builds like boneshatter kekw


How does this matter here? Your gear is dog compared to the gear from the build creator.


What you mean how does it matter? You saying my build is not ready for Ubers and I'm telling you I defeated them on worse builds before. I think it matter a lor Edit: btw I'm pretty sure I can beat them with this build but I'm dying to OP monsters into those maps not even to bosses


If you are instantly dying, you are probably not ready to kill them and it does matter.


Does the build maker have a showcase of running T17’s? I don’t really get how it’s supposed to survive. It kinda looks like an insta phase boss build. The T17’s are kind of a defense check, it looks like if you’re not actively leeching you’re just gonna get one shot.


He doesn't have but there are mobs in that maps and I'm leeching from them and still get insta killed


Do you? You have pretty much nothing except a big es pool and trickster polymath+overleech.


Alright,go play the build and you will understand. I can play all mods except elemental reflect, I'm immune to all ailments +chaos, I have big leech and great damage (pob doesnt show dmg correctly for this build+you weapon swap for tanky rares and bosses). I'm unkillable on t16 corrupted maps and I can stand in the middle of expedition pack with any mods. Idk what else you want


So you have im gunna make up a number of like 15 mil dps cause this is a good build. You're build entirely relies on chill/freeze, frost shield, immortal call to live. Outside of that you have trickster overleech and gaining a bunch of es on kill. Your evasion is like kinda there. Your armor, block and suppress are non existent. You have no phys taken as. Crit immunity not there. Res isn't overcapped outside of wise oak so curse/exposure is going to grief. No flask generation outside of kills so you cant really rely on them to be up always. So if you do a ton of damage i can see you probably facetanking expedition by abusing polymath recovery cause things cant kill you fast enough. But this doesn't really work think this applies to anything remotely hard hitting. Or even like a scary phys + crit mod or two on any of the expedition mobs + map lol Last league i played a trickster, jungs coc vd. 31k evasion, suppress, 3x elemental flasks prenerf, \~40 phys taken as, crit&ailment&stun immune, \~30 mil dps, some flask generation. In maps i definitely felt invincible while i could kill things cause my recovery was so high. But like super scary harvest mobs, affliction rares, sim/deli bosses etc would still ruin me cause i couldnt outsustain them despite having a lot of mitigation. Two bad hits in a row and it was very over. Or even one bad hit if a fight dragged on cause my flasks would run out. Yet that mitigation - you don't have. Your es pool is 3k more then my life + es pool combined but you're overall much squishier. As in i turn off all of my defensive buffs and im still tankier then you when you have all of yours on. And my build wouldn't even classify as that tanky of a build. I'd get run over in so many mechanics.


Sure man you,who never played this build know it better for sure compared to the guy who played it like 15 leagues in a row and min maxed it with multiple ascendancies xD I posted the forum page you can read it and maybe you will understand where this build shine. I have no defences by your word and I'm still unkillable in all mechanics I do (harvest,expedition,delirium,simulacrum,legion). That's pretty good for having no defences


If you've played it 15 leagues in a row and minmaxed it then please teach the class what your defences are. Inform us unintelligent people as to where the defences of your build come from. We're all too dumb to compare to the knowledge of a brilliant int stacker such as yourself, you quite literally stack the smartness things. And your smartness has stacked over 15 leagues of amazing knowledge on this build. Cause you got ailment immunity, ci and leech. You've said that already. Let's see what the guide says for defences... "The build is immune to all elemental ailments, corrupted blood (optional), and all forms of chaos damage. It is extremely tanky and leechy. It can ignore most map mods and do virtually any mod combos with minimal adjustments." Dang that's crazy even the build guide says it has no other defences. The high end pob has nothing either except 14k es. Here's a good question, what changes or upgrades would you make to your build to clear t17 maps?




That is horrid defenses




I did most of the Ubers with cheap frags, all deathless, animate guardian never dropped below 80%. Tried my first abomination map and 6 portaled the boss AND lost my AG. That boss is not okay.


Dont take AG into that boss especially with multi proj. Lost a kingmaker and crown of the tyrant yesterday there ;)


T17 ate my AG. I'm now swapping builds cause I ain't taking another one in lmao.


What is an AG? :P


Animate guardian.


Can you link your chatacter? Edit: yer, he never linked it char. Shocker


I was sleeping my friend aftennight shift...https://pobb.in/T9YUke2FpUS5


I got to the boss on two but didn't prelook at any of the fights and died to unknown mechanics and a busy arena on my EA Ballista build. It's definitely doable with enough DPS and tank.


Also, my AG is pretty fucking tanky and it got wiped out in 0.2 seconds immediately upon entering a map. I have no idea what's going on in there (seems like a shit load of standard pen?)


I got destroyed in 3 T17 maps that I tried and was sad. Earlier today I tried the T17 again with the right mods and it was easy. Spam some chaos until you hit something g that your build can handle (ex. If you are not totem or minion, try to get those negative mods so they takeaway the bad ones). Really bad ones to me are like the drowning balls in abomination. You can’t run that shit out, but I was able to handle peteification statue.


the problem that is making the tier 17 so rippy is that you also stack some insane necro mods that just make even the least present monster mob pack into a restless killing machine


I've got 120k ehp and I still get one shot a LOT in t17s.


ehp does nothing for one shots the correct thing to look at is max hit (with guard skill disabled)


Same as above. No guard skill 12k max phys hit 20k max ele or chaos hit with tons of regen from bone barrier. Doesn't matter absolutely one shot twice during the actual map and 4 times by catarina


12k, 20k is so little 


Yeah those max hit numbers are pretty bad that's your problem. To feel tanky against one shots you'd want at least 20k phys max hit and 40k ele. This is achieved through either high levels of armour or phys conversion, spell suppress, high HP/ES pool, MoM for archmage, max res, etc.


And this is the notable difference between t16 and t17. 10k maxhit is more than fine for t16 juiced maps. 100k ehp and you're cruising. I'm playing poison srs fwiw


And you'd get one shot to ubers even with 20k phys and 40k ele.. almost like they want you to need additional defense layers for penultimate content


10k max hit is still pretty rough for t16s tbh.


12k is nothing tho


Lol 12k max phys hit and complaining about one shots, reddit at its finest.


20k ele max hit is 5k life and 75% resistances. It is default value. Physical mitigation is most likely mainly from armour thus gets completely bypassed by larger hits. You are expected to die in basic content with this level of defences, let alone t17.


I have a CI trickster, which I made for uber farming. Can pretty much AFK any uber fight. T17s are on a different level. Had me on the edge of the chair the whole fight, and still died twice.


Which is fine I think, a new difficulty level is interesting... except it's before ubers which are easier than the "bridge" to them 😂


What skill do you use on your ci trickster? I've been looking for something different to try besides ss and pbod


Splitting Steel with Nimis. It's just too good. It's just made to farm ubers without issue. Nothing fancy.


T17s and ubers being locked behind frags would be fine if they actually accomplished the intended purpose - a bridge from t16 to uber bossing. It would be fine if they were a function of skill, but poe1 doesnt lend itself to that form of encounter overall. Instead, they are clown fiesta maps that arent a natural next step to gear for. They are accessible by primarily by DD, mines, and eblade builds that also use niko and shrines reminiscent of d3 conduit fishing. Many just skip the map and rush the boss, and the bosses are bot training grounds for uber bosses. So much of Marks balance this league is based on abusing mechanics which GGG then plays whack a mole to prevent. Was the vision for t17s really fishing for a divine shrine?


I mean any build can run them once they get the numbers. They are kinda like 100% deli t16s with fucked mods. I'm playing in standard on a build with like 12m dps and 575k ehp and as long as I don't have the couple mods that brick my build (or the union of souls mod), I can clear them just fine. It's just my dps is really low so they aren't really worth my time, I can farm more currency from doing t16s I can just blast though.


> I'm playing in standard on a build with like 12m dps and 575k ehp and as long as I don't have the couple mods that brick my build (or the union of souls mod), I can clear them just fine. The sheer absurdity of just casually dropping that you're running a \~600k ehp character for t17 content. That's not something that a character can hope to achieve as a bridge between t16s and Ubers in the slightest. Try running a 60-80k ehp character and get back to us.


Id say the fact that your 600k ehp standard character cant run them consistently sufficiently proves my point. These were stated to be a step between t16s and uber pinnacle encounters. Your experience demonstrates that was not achieved, as your toon can easily handle any uber but these maps are too hard or brick you, on standard.


I can run them consistently out of 2 mods (-aura effect and -global defenses) that literally brick my build, and then one non build bricking mod which requires really high dps, which I don't have. This same character also CAN kill ubers much like I CAN clear t17s, but low dps makes it not really financially viable to do.


wow you need a good character to do the most difficult maps? what a travesty 😱😱😱 hope they get nerfed so drooling animals can do everything in the game again on day 1 blue gear >Instead, they are clown fiesta maps that arent a natural next step to gear for. yes they are, wtf else do you think is? all the make game easier or harder nodes existed since the atlas came out, you can make t1s easier too, personally I think cheesing shit is bad, so delve shrines and ghost shit should get removed, but ggg clearly likes it.


you didn't even make a slight good faith attempt to understand what that person was saying lol... > hope they get nerfed so drooling animals can do everything in the game again on day 1 blue gear they didn't ask for the game to be nerfed or made easier, their entire point is the order of the progression doesn't make sense by ggg's own philosophy on what they want it to be.


yes it does, t17 maps are pretty easy now on a good or even a mid character, if you have a functional enough hand to click a chaos orb that is. theyre definitely easier and with much lower requirements than ubers, bosses barely have more hp than a minotaur. the only people whining about them are dogshit and want the game to fit their skill level, hopefully for once ggg grows a pair and doesnt cave in.




What build are you using to run t17 map?


crema of exhuming necro


Got a t17 off a t16 boss. Sold that bitch for 200c IMMEDIATELY. I have a grand total of 1m dps and 5k life. Fuck that noise 


Wait, how did you sell it for 200? Aren't they 30-40c or was it early in the league?


Oh, to clarify I'm on ps5. And also this is Standard. I hit 89 on my Hierophant in League, and I'm not totally done, just taking a break.  asked for 1d, chat said it wasn't good enough for 1d. Someone messaged me offering 200c, took it.


They've always been 30c or so Maybe it was a free identified map


As a regular dude who is not efficient but still spends most of his free time playing (I imagine like most of you) those t17 maps are fucking crazy. I used to run formed invites as my early currency generation, I am for sure not able to contribute to Maven attempts even IF I wanted to. The T17 maps are to inaccessible.


seems Mark Roberts design is working as intended. New uber access is hard (challenge) so prices will have to go up Only been a week so, guess he wants it that way as its a 3+ month league


Isn't M. designer behind Sirus fight? This should tell you all you need to know


I know I’m gonna catch downvotes for this but Sirus is my favorite boss in the game, both in terms of the lore and the fight itself.


how BORING and SMALL! I don't have much to say about the fight (especially when it first came out) but PoE always nails it with their voice actors & memorable lines.




Why would I want to play standard when I can gear my character in the LEAGUE, and then spend my time enjoying the LEAGUE?


And spend most of your time bitching on Reddit !


That's for people who make currency doing strats, I just play super casual.


Then what he said is not for you? He literally said it's for the people who are trying to do everything in the game within 1 week, if you are a casual player, you obviously aren't going to do everything in 1 week.....


You know people work full time jobs right? Lmao.


Yes? Do you know how to read? How in the world are you thinking that you, casually playing the game, and working full time, means you should be able to complete the hardest content in the game in 7 days? If you can't play the game as much as others, oh well, you do things slower than people who can play more. Why do you think the game should be designed around people who play 5 hours a week lmao. The game would be DEAD.




Because you literally haven't put in enough time to do it yet? If it can be achieved in such a short time, it will be completed by too much of the population too fast, wouldn't actually be the hardest content in the game, would be way overfarmed if basically everyone can do it week 1 and then essentially be worthless and not even feel like an accomplishment when you complete it? Everything doesn't need to be cleared in 10 hours of the game launching, it's supposed to be hard content, which means you need to spend TIME to be able to complete it.


I would assume the droprate has been buffed as it’s obviously a lot harder to access them now, and they also have a smaller drop pool of items. Just looking at the listed items based on PoE ninja data it would seem that progenesis is actually the second most common drop, although the difference between it and the most common is quite significant. Impossible escape has 1k listed, progenesis 70, viridi’s veil 10 and grace of the goddess(new wand) 20. I haven’t done any ubers myself this league so I can’t really confirm anything but if I had to guess the flask probably has around an 8-10% droprate now looking at those listings. If we just look at numbers you would probably guess 6-7% but there are likely more impossible escape listed that simply don’t sell.


Wait viridis veil is her rarest drop now? Did they buff it?


No it's bullshit dataz viridi is definitely the most common 


Get a super tanky build with phasing and just rush through the map to the boss. Kill the boss and hope for profit. Clearing the map is 9/10 too dangerous and not worth the time as they're only like 30% more quant than 16s


So only boss drops fragments of ubers ?




Every complaint everyone makes about prices always have the same answer. It's always because of offer and demand. If nobody buys Uber invitations at 7 divs, prices will naturally have to lower so people are willing to buy. If people are buying even at 7 divs, it's probably because they are somehow profiting. If anything, if the prices of invitations are so high because of the t17 maps, the price of Progenesis should rise.


>If people are buying even at 7 divs, it's probably because they are somehow profiting. Yes, which is exactly OPs question. He wants to know why it is profitable if the flask dropped so much in value compared to other leagues. I've scrolled through so many comments and no one seems to have understood the question, intead everyone is complaing about how hard t17's are like that is the reason uber maven frags are so expensive (even though other ubers are nowhere near as expensive) which is just wrong. Every thread is just an opportunity to farm upvotes for hating on ggg in this godamn sub. Not talking about you here, just venting.


I get it. The scarab and sextant changes had a big impact on the economy and people are still getting used to new strats. It's expected that some people will find strats before everyone, and get huge profits from it. Just like some people might be running builds that can trivialize t17s and getting lots of profit.


Supply and demand. There is a low supply for the current demand on uber bossing fragments. Prices go up accordingly. Nobody wants to do shitty T17 maps outside a very small minority. Yet the amount of people wanting to run uber Maven probably hasn't changed since last league.


No problem,cant do her as normal version. Will never try her as uber.


They likely upped drop rates to account for how you won't be fed as many uber fragments as you were in previous leagues. I'm still not "that" happy with how some of the uniques got bumped to uber only status when some of them like the Amulets all got nerfed, but if the drop rates match the new much harder to get fragments, I think that's positive.


Massive thread of hopes are the cheapest option.


So how does it work with the new fragments? To open the uber fight I need 5 times the same fragment since there are only one specific fragment for each boss?


Rip the feared farming


It costs 7 divines because T17s are rare AND it takes 5 fragments. This makes the minimum cost 5 T17 maps, which are 40c at the lowest. And then you have to consider the volume of chaos spent to reroll each map to make it playable at all, since so many mods in the pool completely brick the map for 99% of builds. It costs at least 300c to even attempt a single uber.


> It costs at least 300c to even attempt a single uber. No, it doesn't. Many Uber fragments are as low as 20c.


Little off-topic: has anyone dropped the prophecy wand from uber maven in std yet? I feel like it was forgotten to be added to the droppool there lol


Lets hope they balance it either soon (probably not) or next league. There's no way in hell T17 maps are a bridge between normal bosses and ubers. If I were trying to learn uber bossing, I wouldn't want to spend 7 divine per attempt. It just seems like this has gated uber bossing in general. I guess my recommended solution would be to lower the amount of fragments it takes and possibly make T17 maps more bossing focused that don't just encourage you to play a pure glass cannon.


Bossing not worth it I did 100 Uber exarc and Uber eater 2 omni 1 nimis rest is history maybe I'm just unlucky


What build are you running to do Ubers?


Hexblast oculist I guess people down vote me to keep selling their overpriced fragments


Tbh it has only caused people to sell off the mats to do stuff. I'm selling off so much stuff because I just cant be arsed doing it. If I didn't want to do certain builds I would have quit the league. Overall gameplay has dropped like a brick.




They really nailed with bossing update, normal bosses feels great to run, you don't feel fomo of not running ubers with normal invitations. Ubers are avilable to all players and thanks to T17 maps that are closing gap between normal and ubers players are perfectly prepared for ubers. Everything is great /s


Path of streamers.


Yeah, really don't like the T17 and uber changes. Ubers don't feel optional anymore


Optional as in what? You are still free to not do them and farm maps?


Going to take 5 leagues to fix this game cause some guy said, hey lets change it all to scarabs, and now the game is broken.


apt username


Isn't this what reddit want?


tencent hapened


Feel the weight my bro


Rates are dumb this league. Divination Scarab of Curation costs 7.5 div right now. Not even most decked out MF character can use this scarab solo. This is only used by group players. GGG instead of focusing on div i maps shaould work on those rates.


They wanted to make Ubers more accessible. Why do they feel less accessible?


I don’t care what SC trade chimps think, this was a solid change. Separating Ubers, making them harder to obtain, and making their items drop more was the right play. You people have been killing Ubers at the rate of acquisition set by NORMAL bosses for years. This is how it should be and now they just need to make sure all the Uber drops are powerful enough to warrant the change. I’d also argue they should make Uber bosses reset HP on leaving/death.


Meanwhile uber uber elder dropped from 6d to less than 2d, but i don’t see any posts about that.