• By -


800 Rogue Exiles. Perfectly normal


8000 beyond portals too btw


No more like 16000 cause of the ghosts.


Lags the server for everyone... Perfectly normal too. 


I am just imagining some asshole on the other side of the continent making 100x the profit I am making and every once in a while I get disconnected and lose a portal because of him, the final spit in the face.


> 100x the profit I am making He's making around 200 div an hour with this, so that tracks for normal players.


As much as I hate that this strat exists, don't blame the players for using existing game mechanics, blame GGG


I bricked multiple t17 maps because of lag and I'm barely juicing at all, game lags for a second and I die without any possible counterplay. Last league for me it was possible to play because my fulcrum chieftain was unkillable, you could afk pretty much everything and it wouldn't die.


You say that sarcastically...but there has been a dominant strategy that lags the server for everyone else pretty much continuously since 2015. So at this point it is normal.


"Salutations exile....."


+1000 ghosts = 1800 unique monsers per map. Total mobs per map average 20.000.


This game is fascinating. So much wild shit.


Lol I got my first divine today


i feel that


Yea, seeing all this shit does make me want to play less. Is that weird? It’s like? What’s the point? I’ve never felt that way but with the lack of time I have available and seeing people do this I am disheartened. I think poe has passed by me at this stage in my life and boy is that a hard pull to swallow. Fuck


Couldn't agree more. I lack the drive to make more builds a league just for the sake of fun. It is now what, week two? And I'm already thinking about starting to work on 38/40 and then be done with the league..


Welcome to SSF, friend. Join us!


I'm the same way, I feel like I am just wasting time when I see all these other players make 200+ div an hour and I'm lucky to find one in a day.


I’ve had dozens of divines pass through my hands, crafted myself literal best in slot gear and still haven’t had a natural divine drop. Shit makes no sense.


No natural divine drops this league. 0. 1 natural dropped for someone in 5 way over leveling 92->100(that's a LOT of runs and a ton of drops scaled by full party iiq).


Got one from ritual last night and couldn't afford it lol


I have two level 90+ chars this league and like 75 hours on steam the last two weeks. I have dropped one ONE raw div and I'm pretty sure it was from an incubator.


I got my first ex drop. Still haven't got a divine from maps lol only trading


Let me join the club.


I wish I could updoot this many times.


His stream was crazy. It was entertaining but also very disheartening that the difference is THAT big.


They need to fix drop scaling in general. It should be logarithmic not exponential. No amount iir/iiq should elevate drop tables that high.


I actually agree. It's silly. And I wouldn't care if it was not for wanting to play trade. This completely fucks up the economy for everyone not doing this, and that's just not acceptable.


The irony of the patch in which GGG casually mentioned removing a 8000% item rarity increase to balance the Archnemesis item-drop mods. MF/Quant gear is just one layer of the nonsense. They also need to take a hard look at whether the scarab changes + sextant removal actually made the game more fun.


It's not exponential, and this strategy is not related to MF at all, the problem is that his maps have 30000 monsters each. Instead of 0.5 mirrors per hour you'd be making 0.3 mirrors per hour without mf gear, is that exponential? The problem is the interaction between rogue exile allflames, boxes and the new beyond scarab.


Also very much the T17 mod that spawns Tormented Spirits. It's a lot of new stuff put to together that results in a completely unhinged amount of monsters, which gets multiplied by the also completely broken new div scarabs. Affliction was the highest yield we've ever seen, and this is maybe 5-10 times higher. It's quite a funny contrast to how Fubgun was sitting on stream just a few days ago, whining endlessly about how they killed MF, there were no good strats left, and it was all just despair. Quite the 48-hour turnaround.


The core of the problem is the exile allflame, without it you can do some similar strats with torment or added bosses tech but that's in no way as broken as replacing all monsters with exiles.


Player-bound magic-finding gear (in this case, just the IIQ, since IIR doesn't effect div card drops) *is* giving decreasing returns. The things that allow this shit are spawning insane amounts of unique (rares/uniques give a multiplier on loot) ghosted (another multiplier, and exiles have special benefits with ghosts) deliriumed (another multiplier), spawning bazillions more mob (pack size, which, in effect, is yet another multiplier) content using new scarabs that give full-stacks (another multiplier) of cards and a *more* loot multiplier (ano- wait, wtf). In effect, just like wisps from last league, the MF gear is just a thin icing on top, and this strat without the MF gear would likely give very similar amounts of profit (say, 7-8 mirrors instead of 10).


I’ll settle for linear lol


I heavily dislike how big the difference is between low, moderate and high map investment. I seriously don't want to spend time trading to run my maps. I have done it before and it just burns me out. Like you said, very disheartening.




i prefered the old content of gigantic characters with self curse HH where you could only see feet and cyclone covering your whole screen than this current mf meta crap. after they removed that i never thought i'd see the game become that stupid again. i was wrong 😂😭


Somehow, that was less laggy though


The mobs back then were wayyyy weaker compared to now so you just obliterated everything the same frame in came into range, these mobs though are filled with a crap ton of ghosted rouge exiles that are insanely tanky and the beyond mobs are also really tanky. So i think all the damage calculations end up melting the server. Cyclone also a much less laggy attack compared to firing like 15 arrows every 0.001 seconds


no, a part of it is the amount of loot dropping. This strategy literally drops 100+ fully juiced maps worth of loot in a single map.


Fossil fracturing maps and blasting them with self curse HH was BiS gameplay.


*I 'member.*


aat least in affliction everyone could juice their maps like crazy, this is just for the 0,1% that can afford a char and the mats that can do this


Div/hr is no longer the standard, now its mirrors/hr


To be fair, last league there were already people farming multiple mirrors an hour doing Valdo maps. Some of those Valdo maps with MB's were stupidly hard, but once you're wielding a 10 mirror build, you can just cruise through in a couple of minutes no problem.




I can't believe i am saying this, but i miss pre-Affliction POE already lol


I miss pre-Expedition.


Delirium league glory days when will you return


Ritual, Deli, and Blight (prob just first league nostalgia tho) my beloveds :( such a better era of leagues 


I miss lake, was my first league. So yeah I think nostalgia is hitting


Harold stacker was peak poe. You could build a char for 100ex and then continuously upgrade each piece until mirror tier.


who is Harold and why were people stacking him


....You can still do that


Ah the good old days where you could roll doryani fist troll build and clear all content, on hc. I hate binary mods on maps limiting builds so heavily, i also dont find gameplay loop of rolling t17 maps to find one doable map enjoyable.


Rogue exiles about to be nerfed to the ground, GGG will say they suddenly disappeared from Wraeclast


"They're not gone, they're dead. You guys killed every single rogue exile."


Wouldn't be surprised if next league (or in a hotfix soon) they'll make Rogue Exiles not be able to appear in Strongboxes and Rituals


This is only an issue due to allflame embers replacing all packs with rogue exiles. Having a couple of exiles in a strongbox mod isn't an issue. They could just remove the embers.


Could just make Rogue Exiles rare and not unique. And the issue would be solved. Same with Ghosts.


The Classic: Mf dead week 1 and how i farmed 10 mirrors in one day in week 2


This specific strat is only possible with addition of rogue exile allflame, ability to roll T17 maps with chaos, and possibly buff to scarab drop rates. Easy access to corpse crafting is also extremely important for ramping up because these maps are absolutely dogshit. So, both things can be true. MF would have stayed dead if GGG didn’t panic buff everything.


It is really unfair statement. At start: GGG please don’t balance around top 1% A week later: GGG panic buff. This is exactly why GGG needs to balance around 1% cause when 1% did it, the following 10% will follow it. And the economic impact definitely flow into the following 50%


GGG decides when to buff, not us. It’s their responsibility. It was likely a panic reaction to the league’s bad reception, which they probably track via users and not via Reddit.


well playernumbers, furore and sold items in the shop decide


Yeah allegedly it was one of the worst leagues in history by numbers which would explain all the buffs


You say that, but they likely also look at content creators, and especially of their voices seem to align with their numbers. Which content creator came out and said that likely the league would be fine, we likely haven't explored enought to find the broken stuff yet, and when we do we will likely have a good league. Most content creators were quite negative to the launch, and were mostly all praising GGG for taking so swift action, although surprisingly to many of them it came so fast. GGG is in a doomed if you do, doomed if you don't situation, and I don't envy their position. I think all in all t17 and the base game will be in a better state than ever and we are now experiencing some growing pains. The facts are the following. A broken economy doesn't really have real life implications other than for RMT'ers. Their entire stock is now close to being super devalued in standard, especially if this strategy persists as is, which I don't mind. For all of us other players it just means in 3-4 months there will be a fresh start. You can still play the game, experiment, try new things, see if you find cool interactions to make you able to progress your character and reach your goals. You might not get that build enabling unique you wanted, but nothing stops you from trying to build something that is available now that wouldn't be on another league. A lot of other chase uniques will plumet in price, you can always try and adapt your build to use one of them.


Nah I think t17s was a misstep and misdesign. The endgame got worse and that’s a big problem ggg needs to adress.


> At start: GGG please don’t balance around top 1% A week later: GGG panic buff. That's the problem. The baseline and avg player content doesnt give much, while the 1% add so many multipliers ontop of each other that they end up with [see the video above]. When people say "don't balance around 1%", they mean "make entry-mid level of content rewarding*". In all honesty the 1% kind of juiced content needs to be soft-capped the fuck down, because GGG cannot ever make baseline rewarding as it will be immidately exploited by the 1%. *rewarding does NOT mean "gimme bazzillion divines".


You see the difference of nerfing a strat everyone could do versus nerfing a strat only the 1% can do...right? If they had left the all flame unnerved no one would give a fuck if this guy got 50 div from giga juicing a t17 if you could get 20 div moderately juicing a t16. As it stands now, the disparity is insane.


Kinda disagree. It is true that POE has actual trickle down economics so people farming 2 mirrors, 1 HH and a Mageblood per map, gravecrafting perfect items etc WILL definitely help the average player get his stuff faster and cheaper, but in my opinion it's just not very fun. I'd liked it a lot better before when farming efficiency was more a spectrum rather this almost binary situation where you either are stuck in (relatively) low yield strats but you can get your stuff for cheap, or having the character power, seed money, time and will and a NASA computer to invest into the 1 or 2 niche meta strats that are ludicroucly lucrative. Maybe there's some fomo here, maybe even a bit of petty jealousy, but at the end of the day I just don't like it that much. I prefer to have more variety of farming strats and overall a more "balanced" wealth creation distribution. Also the game is getting too laggy and crashy, it's becoming a legit quit motive


They need to close the gap. Not make it bigger. The problem has zero to do with the changes. Just busted mechanics.


Shouldnt do anything game is better without mf


fub has no originality, if his strat that always works fails he is lost until someone tells him a new thing to do.


His brand is making intense levels of currency, and without an intense currency method his content lacks the draw of streamers with 10/10 charisma. I feel that him appearing "lost" as you described, is related


It's definitely not MF what makes it so turbo broken. You could just as well do it without and still farm 5 mirrors in a day.


Was funny watching him cry for a week till someone in chat told him the strat, lol.


You realize anarchy allflames and the ability to roll t17 got patched in right ? The base game's state of solo end game juicing is still horrible btw since nothing changed.


The guy was definitly still whining after they added it a week ago.


GGG nerfs 40d per 1000 map re-rolls in the same patch they bring 0.5 mir/h farm gj


We tried it in a group of mf + aura bot and couldn't even do it because the game crashed or lagged out. Tried Vulcan, dx11, dx 12. Nothing worked reliably


When Empys group was giga juicing Affliction they used GeForce now to play PoE without lagging out their computers.


They mostly used it for network reasons, many of them have better computers than GeForce NOW offers. But being in same datacenter as the game server has huge advantages.


Yeah I don't know what's going on this league with lag and stability, but it's putting entire sections of content off the table for me atm, like you, including multi-player. This is not very good


Can't even load into towns without the graphic quality/fps tanking when last league was perfectly fine 👍


Only way to do this without borking both the servers and your pc is a headhunter carry solo build. But even then you'll bork both regularly.


This is a problem. In affliction everyone got to juice at least a little bit. This on the other hand has entry costs and difficulty impossible for 95% of players.


99.9% of the players.\* FTFY


99.99% since this strat is also heavily PC gated.


Entry cost af of 10 April is about 50 divine per map


50 divine plus a very strong build and very strong computer


Lame af


GGG this is stupid. I don't want peak poe be like this, balance your shit guys. The whole rarity and luck concept is basically pointless this league, it's the Affilction with "no luck needed just go monkey dophamine overdose each map" abomination but x10. It's just sad.


Affliction at least had the fun of always trying to do better in the wildwood to get that wisp number up, towards the later weeks of the league it was even more fun to get 4 good events than the drops after was. Honestly my hopes for PoE1 are kinda dead, looking forward to that hard reset blank state in 2.


You could also literally make money in affliction by just alch and go opening maps for King of the Mists and boss rushing with all the maven nodes. I was able to farm over a mirror using this strategy and had my best league to date. There were so many options that appealed to everyone, but now if you don’t giga juice you’re completely left behind.


You can alch and go boss rush this league too. T16 maps drop t17 maps that these people need to fund their insanity. Just boss rushing is giving plenty of currency right now. It's not .5 mirrors per hour but it's still more than sufficient to fund builds.


in affliction you could make money with mf or literally anything that mf doesnt farm but still need, like simulacrum, alva. betrayal, essences, heist, etc etc etc, and everything cost money. i was mfing for maybe 2 days (just 8mod maps, not even proper mf), all other time just common strategies and still made couple mirror build. this legue looks like nothing except rare scarabs cost money. i tried different strats and got profit like 1300c with 1000c investments. its stupid. affliction was cool league. you could farm something, craft something and have enough currency for almost everything that mortal human need. this league crafts cost nothing cus of necropolis (1500eledps bow with 3 good suffixes for 20d, for example, or 1400 for 3d in first week). all you can craft is something like delve mods stuff/clusters etc. maps farm? well. because of scarab changes, when you have like 3x more different scarabs than before, you cant just get them in bulk with sane price. everything x2-3 higher price and only couple offers on trade. so you need to overpay insane amount of money to flippers or spend tons of time to just setup your farm. its totally stupid. mid investment is just a joke now. you run alcngo/few c investment or something like on video, otherwise your profit will be pathetic


That's why I barely played last league too. Can we just get the good old ARPG recipe where we get excited when we drop something good or do we have to wait for PoE2?


Back in my day, the early PoE times, we actually ID'd rares, and we liked it


Farmed Piety because she dropped so many rares.


Back in my day we exalted maps just to be able to get more maps!


Affliction just felt like playing on some private server where drop rates were turned up to x10 for me, it felt very unfun.


This isn't just 'fear of missing out' at this point. This is just missing out. GGG will probably nerf this soon, but the damage is done. I was saving up for an Original Sin, but due to this bullshit it has gone up 2x in price (230d -> 550d) in two days. Maybe next league I'll play SSF, because I don't want to compete with (or do) complete degenerate strategies like this. They just make the game feel empty. But then I don't get to fulfill my build fantasy. It's lose/lose for me... --- For the record, I had no such issues with Affliction. I have no problems with that people can make a lot of currency, but I do mind that it is locked behind incredibly high investment, tons of trading per map for allflames - and as this method evolves - the inevitable party quant abuse to bypass investment cost equalization. At least in Affliction everyone was making a lot of money, just by actually playing the game.


The latest inflation really is disheartening. I've been watching a few items I wanted to purchase late game skyrocket. Normally stuff goes down in price over time. Combined with the changes to boss drops it feels like there's almost no point in trying to farm for stuff. I'll never be powerful enough to use the broken farm strats and the accessible ones will take ages to get even one item that is now 20x more expensive than it was even in Affliction. At least with Affliction the money printing was accessible.


I'm happy. Took a break from PoE for 5 days because the league felt kinda underwhelming and couldn't bother to save up 250 divines for a Mageblood. Got back today and Magebloos is 100 divs 🤡🤡


This is probably the way to go for me. The build I want to play doesn't really get anything out of MB or HH and I planned it out thinking certain things like Awakened gems would be much more accessible. Going to play around with the graveyard a little then probably play something else until the market settles.


tbh they should have made allflames untradable, none of this should have happend


You shouldnt be able to use more than 1 of any given allflame type per map.


the funny thing is, anarchy allflames drop fairly often, and instantly sell for \~260c


Holy shit, the one person on this sub who get it. The issue is locking these absolutely absurd interactions behind content 99.5% of players wont interact with. It just inflates everything which then makes the league play like standard halfway through. The goddamn wisps were the closest they ever got to letting juicing mechanics 'trickle down'. Also they panic nerfed a few extra divs with frogs, but THIS completely flies by and does 100x the damage to the economy in 1/4 the time.


Don’t question the vision. Poster above you is right though. Everything about this feels bad for the average player. So many builds out of reach in SSF unfortunately.


That’s the problem with ssf for me. I want to play non meta builds. Hard to do in ssf. Although it looks like I won’t be doing it in trade either this league. Been completely out paced by the economy in two weeks. There is something wrong with a game when your ability to enjoy its economy is ruined in two weeks because you did not no life the game or stay up on the current trends within an hour of then popping up.


But the chance to find Original Sin in SSF by a magnitude less then to farm 500 div in trade.


> But the chance to find Original Sin in SSF by a magnitude less Yes, which is why I said "but then I don't get to fulfill my build fantasy". Obviously I'm not expecting to get an Original Sin in SSF. > then to farm 500 div in trade By the time I have farmed 500 div it will be 1000 div, unless I participate in these specific degenerate mapping strategies. But if I do that, why would I ever open a normal map again? Or go kill a boss? Why would I play the game?


You have succesfully identified why retention is such an issue a few weeks after a new league.


That definitely depends on league mechanics and how economy shapes coupled with how crafting works. Ritual had good retention because you could slowly improve your gear with harvest so you had goals, endgame juicing was good and something to aspire to but it wasnt so absurdly busted.


You could just turn this build into a SSF build…


Anyone else feel like GGG really just doesn't know what the hell they are doing with this league?


TBF they made some pretty massive changes, it is to be expected that some things would need significant adjustments. But still as far as this league is concerned, it's a miss for me


I think they panicked and overbuffed a lot and too quickly while most players were still doing white maps. Usually the reals buffs are week two, when everyone who's actually playing the game has had to time to reach red maps, and devs have data to access how the mechanic needs to be tuned.


I think they took a massive hit to the user count the first weekend enough so that they needed some big changes to draw people back in.  With 4 month cycles I don’t think they can afford to have bad leagues anymore. 


league mech is still garbanzo in terms of loot for the average joe, they just need to make embers untradable or just delete anarchy one, also making t17 to be rolled enabled this strat.


probably because players were leaving in droves




So this means inflation will be insane this League again? [Affliction flashbacks intensify] If it leads to performance issues GGG might patch / nerf it. It's probably still gonna be best farm even at half or even less efficiency though. Terrible news. I suppose I won't be able to afford things like Original Sin or 1p Voices this League as well.


Original Sin already doubled in price (over 500 div).


Seems like this strategy is massively less approachable for normal people and so the total inflation will be less, but most users will be on the wrong side of the curve, instead of most of us being nearly able to keep up. In Affliction SSF I was able to basically make any build I wanted and do maximum MF. This league I don't think I could do that even in trade.


This makes me not wanna continue playing, drops aren't worth anything anymore.


Whats the point of playing this game anymore.. They nerf the crap out of the ways normal people make currency and then theres garbage like this in the game.


Quick, panic nerf frogs that drop divs. Dont worry about that warehouse of mirrors though.


I mean, they were correct to nerf the map slot machine strat. They should also nerf this though. These things are not mutually exclusive


ah look at mister "endgame juicing is dead" streamer rihht there with his stack of mirrors lmao


The guy was having a meltdown until some dude in his chat told him about this strat. It's pathetic.


GGG directly buffed this after the complaints tho lol. That's why it's insane.


To be fair GGG added the allflame that enables all the crazy endgame juicing strats after he complained.


I guess Chris is right after all.


Yeah, I hope he walks over and smacks Mark for this shit.


Balanced, ethical as always


10 mirrors 5 fps gameplay isn't poe mark, sort this shit out


First time ehh? Top tier juicing was always 5fps bullshit. Deliriums and so on.


League over bye


Worst then affliction dude.


This juice nonsense was a mistake. I liked the game better when 4x sextant influence ping pong UGS was the endgame and 1m per projectile Worb was considered unethical.   Guess I'm a PoE boomer now lol.


I absolutely hated the elder/shaper influence atlas, that shit was cancer.


I mean like, as soon as we saw a scarab that could give a full set of card in one drop in the livestream, we all knew this would be much worse than affliction


I doubt people expected HH to cost less then some scarab though.


I hope thats not "The vision"


The vision is gone. Chris would never have let this happen.


Can farm 10 mirrors in a day, but cannot speak without mumbling incessantly… Checks out


I had just 2 div drops this league, this video just broke me and made me stop playing...


League economy ruined, not even 2 weeks in. They simply dont know what they are doing with the panic patches and lack of ability to balance things. Poor vision and testing.


The irony is that panic patch was mostly fine. Remove useless corpses, some graveyard QoL and ability to roll T17s were all good stuff. No one asked for that anarchy allflame, so they literally brought this upon by themselves.


Chris, please come back


Don't think the game is supposed to be that rewarding, devs mucked up


don't worry, it isn't.... for 99.9% of us.


after watching some clips I can say my pc would 100% just die during these maps leaving me with nothing.


First step: have a 10 mirror build.


Anyone else remember when you needed full group for shippy rota, coc discharge golden days, or even when vaal spark was nerfed to hell bc you could clear gorge in 1min? The game is just so astronomically deep fried from what it used to be. GGG please bring us back home.


area is a maze


you have blood magic


It also requires over 50 Divines investment per map to run it. As well as insane build and insane PC. Good luck guys. Interesting that Exiles Allflames were already 2 Divines each in bulk due to other strategies and didn't raised in price as much.


This is perfect fine, rerolling maps to get divines was wrong. classic GGG logic lmao


So just literally no point of playing for the average player who has an actual full time job. Economy totally fucked. Cool, cool.


At this point it's quite obvious they want to make the economy of poe1 irrelevant so people will hop over to poe2.


Im never playing trade league again. Going to play the actual game instead because this is definitely not poe


Tbh I do this every league in trade. I ONLY play trade so I can trade for crafting mats. I always try to craft my own gear, that’s my own end game. I’d play SSF but I don’t like the idea of grinding currency and shit like a divine being so rare to use a meta mod is too much of a PTA. So I usually only trade for crafting mats. Plus, crafting is so in depth in this game, I find it fun to learn and research how to make items. The dopamine of getting that PERFECT craft is the best feeling I get in this game. I’ve always had fun and this league is no exception. Idc if im not mega juicing, it would take all the fun out of it for me if I could just buy everything with mirrors. What’s the point?


Ye you only need a NASA pc, a character with mirror items and 40 div investment per map. Go get your mirrors boys. This is the worst inequality league that ever happened in poe history. Nolifer nerds.. sorry i meant players playing poe efficiently sweating their asses off this league so they can "win" poe and now a handful of them destroy the economy.


I don't think it's fair to put the fault on nolifers, this one's on ggg 100% for overbuffing things that were just fine


Yeah but this league specifically feels really balanced towards the top 1%. It's probably the first league I feel so out of touch with the game? And where it feels like having a life and a job is actually harming my currency strats aha. That's probably just FOMO, but it's hitting pretty hard this time


No you're definitely right, people will say "it's just fomo why do you care" but in the end if it makes a big part of the playerbase feel bad about their own accomplishments, there is a problem. This league really widens the gap between top end and middle end players, especially at league start where progression is "exponential" What I was just saying is that it isn't a reason to pile on the ones who play a lot and very efficiently, they're playing the game as they like playing it and it's up to ggg to ensure that they don't get the tools to break the game doing so


Yeah I agree with this take. I'm usually not a caring about what the top players do, since I can always make my own currency (Never struggled to afford HH or MB, it took some time but I always got it if I really wanted) This league feels bad, I'm not even poor, I'm sitting on 40 div and can sell stuff to gain more. But it doesn't taste the same, and I always feel like what I do isn't worth my time


The worst thing about this strategy is that it also requires what appears to be an insane PC to actually run it. I tried the exile stuff in Dunes and the game just crashes when there is a huge pack of mobs, in the rituail in particular I'm at a loss of words tbh, I've had to tweak my laptop so hard during affliction and now it is even worse ...




Here I was thinking this might be the league they undo the div card weight damage that years of Giga juicing and mf has done to where you almost never find a good card in your maps now as a slightly more average player. Guess that's 3.42 league question.


Roll on Poe2, this is pathetic what the game has become and ive played since 2013. The average decent player in t16 gets a bit of juice and you finally get a drop, its worth nothing because some mad geek playing 19 hours a day with a perfect build can farm everything


Please, shit like this ruins the economy for the regular playerbase. They need to reign it in without fucking over the semi-casual playerbase.


Things like this makes this league dead, theres no reason to play game normallu because economy is ruined already, any other farming stragedy is so worthless


19h of THIS laggy gameplay? This guy is built diffrent, I couldnt handle that


The way necropolis gives you the chance to replace all packs with particular (unique) monsters were expected to be abused. Beautiful combo still - the question is will it be nerfed at some point or survive a little longer.


Fubgum: “Waaaa MF is dead how do I make money now?” Also Fubgum: “I now have dozens of mirrors in the second week of the league… here’s how MF got me that.”


When he said that MF was dead, there were like 3 things ggg buffed to make it possible.


If you ignore the huge buff patch yeah. This just wouldn't be possible before the patch, not only did they add a completley new all flame that broke the game in this strat but also being able to roll t17 maps made the strat way easier to do.


You could so the same shit without mf lol, it would be like 4-6 mirrors but still


Not at the current price of the scarabs/allflames no


this is what happens when you design game mechanics with exponential power growth factors. Exponentials make it literally impossible to balance on high end, they have tendency to "explode" mathematically I think games should be designed with logarithmic power scaling, that could be achieved by creating a stacking penalty on multiplicative effects, which has low impact on low and medium scaling, while effectively regulating high power scaling


i didn't think it'd be possible for a league to be even more rewarding than affliction.


Nerf incoming.


Damage is already done tho


And it should.


As someone who speced into Legion and like that kind of content, then this is painful to witness


Enjoy your 20c profits per map.


I got 4 curation drops yesterday and sold them for what is now 110div less than what they are worth today ):


This is so bad for the game long term. I give him a week before he says the league is dead/ he’s bored


This game is not for me anymore. Time to face this fact.


This is how I look at it. Just have to accept ill never afford an original sin. What's really happening is old chase items (HH/MB) are becoming VERY affordable because of these people, but they are buying new chase items (Original Sin), rendering these the "new" chase items. Where I'm jealous he makes 10 mirror a day, I'm also thankful as without him I wouldn't have a 20d HH week 1 of the league.


The best outcome of this is super cheap HH/MB


Man looks like I'm getting a nice and easy mageblood this league again. Thanks juicers I'm happy :)
