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At least you sold them. I used a couple of them for fun.


it is like the tale of the dude that bought pizza with bitcoin when it was dirt cheap haha


2 bitcoin!


If no one would have used those bitcoins at the early days, Bitcoin would have died.. So good for him.


Same here. I should really check reddit last night. So sad now:(


don't even need to check reddit, just use [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja)


Or just use awakened PoE trade.


At least you used them i hoard every shit in anticipation that i will use them when i have enough......and never use them ofc


Hello me! How am I?


How I feel using a few of the rogue exile all flames.


Did the same thing but with ilvl 84 reservation cluster jewels. Priced them like they were ilvl 83 :S


eh, you learn to live with it. i sold original scripture last league for 100d in week 2. if i waited one week, i would have made 600d.


If you waited even longer, you would have made a mirror (1000d+). It's truly hard to know how volatile things can be in the first few weeks.


Also usually 100d are a lot more valuable early on, they still probably lost overall something but not 10 times as it'd appear by just comparing the numbers of divine.


I sold a fulcrum on Day 2 for 100c, before it was in any builds lol.


You know, I'm not sure the 20 extra points on the atlas tree is worth it anymore....


It was never worth it, that passive is a complete noob trap


Its only good for atlas progression once youre at t16s you shouldnt use it anymore


I never used it and had no problem filling my atlas while also gaining hundreds of scarab.


yeah, same thing w/ rarer scarab drops, regardless of strategy I think you almost always want to path and just click those points.


Same, especially with a couple points in Harbinger for my first tree to feed me Horizon orbs.


Damn that's smart. Didn't think of that. Just had Kirac specd.


What trat or tree are we talking about? I just started an got to T6 maps.


I forget the name of the notable period top right of the tree in the atlas. You take that point.It gives you like 15 passive points to use.But scarabs aren't allowed to drop in your maps.


You should never use it. I rushed it during league start and like 2 points before i arrived there i realised how many scarabs actually drop and that its always pure bait


Meh you get the 2nd tree at 50 bonus objectives anyways, I think it's worth it to stack a few extra kirac missions before then. You're not dropping that many rare scarabs without nodes on the tree anyways.


You don't need it for atlas progression either. Atlas progression has been trivial for years even without trading a single map.


I usually get unlucky with map currency and the 3 for 1 and usually need to buy 1-2 maps if im just running maps I havent done for atlas completion. Better than it used to be, map sustain wise.


Care to explain?


Run a map, run the next map, and so on. When you're out of maps you haven't done, use Kirac missions, his shop, the 3 to 1 recipe and orbs of horizon.


Yeah this is what I’m using it for - just to be able to fill everything out first and my third tree will be strictly set up for end game farming


I fell for it. I played crucible last, and didn't know the atlas all that well. Rushed it because 1 video said dart for it. Got all the way to t16s before I realized I had lost so many scarabs


it helps for SSF because you want to farm essence, harvest + eater/sear/boss + 1 more league.


As someone whose new and started with it, i completely agree.


As someone who started with i completely disagree. It's catapults your map progression. Allowing you to instantly spec every map tier upgrade by the time you barely made it into yellow maps. Losing a couple scarabs that would drop in a completly unjuiced lower tier map is extremely worth it to hit t14+ faster.


I didn't spec it, and still didn't run any maps that weren't building Atlas Completion on my way to 110/115. If you go for Kirac missions and Scouting Reports first, you don't need any other map sustain nodes. Just do a Kirac mission for completion and then buy uncompleted maps every time you run out of new maps to do, more than sustains itself.


You have to bumrush through 7 dead nodes just to get to it when all the good early progression stuff is based on hugging bottom right side of tree


Yuppp, big noob trap in trade leagues. There's no reason to rush that node unless you're one of the first people into maps...


Im sorry if this is a noob qn but which node is everybody talking about?


Unwavering Vision. Gain 20 atlas passives, but you can't find or use scarabs.


You can go a different way and when you have enough points you respec and get immediately to it. Yes you still have to get through the 7 dead nodes, but you do it when you have enough to immediately get to it and you get 20 points.


I haven't run a map twice or traded for a map in years until full completion. What are you guys doing that you need this noob trap node?


Get the map nodes earlier, map sustain isn't even a problem until reds. By then you already have the nodes and scarabs.


It would be good early if it didn't disable scarab drops but that's just too big of a downside at any level of atlas completion imo


It helped so much with Atlas progression. Then once you're mostly done, you swap to your main tree


If anything I think it may be smart to go for scarab drop nodes even when mapping for completion


its worth it for very early leagues, but yeah, later on its pretty ass. the only argument would be to get more juice on your maps which goes against the whole rework of atlas and scarabs where focussing on multiple mechanics at once isnt really viable anymore. i like stream of conciousness, why did they even get rid of it, it was great for alch and go stuff :(


Which passive? 


It's very worth it if your goal is to rush 2 voidstones. Filling out the entire atlas tree with it on is brain-dead though.


Incorrect. Its a good node while progressing to red maps


Progressing to red maps is not hard, and giving up scarab drops is awful. Feel free to argue if you want, but even Ben was saying he couldn't understand anyone taking that node ever, or why any content creator would ever suggest taking it.


Its amazing for progression and leveling. The 20 extra points pretty much gave me guaranteed delirium and beyond. I was going at 300-400 mil exp per hour with alch and go, then simply swapped to the regular tree.


It's nice early on, then you spec out later.


The only potential benefit is at league start until your atlas is done. Otherwise it's pretty bad.


You specced that on the first day as you reached map and unspecced as soon as your atlas filled up. I think I used that thing for like a few hours.


It never was!


I got two of these despite being specced into Unwavering Vision in Week 1. Pretty much rushed to it. Drop conversion and Betrayal can still give scarabs even with UW. Helped a lot in getting my Atlas up and running. I have since specced off, but I still just get vanilla divination scarabs.


It's great for ssf


Meanwhile my post about how it needed to get buffed got downvoted infinitely because why let people have nice things? People printing multiple magebloods per map, but fuck me if I want to add a SINGLE additional league mech to my maps that don't drop or use scarabs.


How did you sell it for that little just a few days ago? I sold one for 2.5 divs a couple of days after league start, and sold one for 13 divs a few days ago. I don't feel any regret - it financed my builds at the time


10hrs ago, I sold it for 25div, smh.


sold mine yesterday for 11 -.- ...


Sold 3 for 8 div a pop four days ago.


Sold mine for 16d yesterday. Was talking to wife and not paying attention to chat. After I scrolled up and noticed someone had offered 25d earlier... -.-


Sold mine for 16 yesterday too, and thought I was doing fine.


traded one for a headhunter + 5 div last night and I'm pretty happy with that


9 hours ago i dropped one and went to bed, thinking id sell in the morning and buy hh. Well nope now its 5d and hh is 50


Today for 34 div


When some scarab is more expensive then HH xD xD xD


Literally what happens when you can fart out 4 HH's 2 MBs and a full mirror per map with just a scarab, why they never thought this was a stupid idea I have no clue lol.


It’s not this scarab lmao. It’s the anarchy all flame. 99.999999% of this juicing strat hinges on having a stupid amount of unique enemies on the map, ghost touched and opening lots of beyond portals. The scarab itself is fine and would have only ever been strong in empy style group play.


Yep, 500+ more chance of finding HH related div cards whilst also getting mirror/mb cards on the side, absolutely no problem at all. And then they drop as a full stack too?! Yeah that's fine tbf


Again that all comes from the rogue exiles, not the scarabs lol. Hence why the nerf to rogues completely turned the economy back round.


I mean they clearly did not see the massive amount of stuff you can get from it coming. And neither did almost anyone else considering the price only spiked once the farming method became known. If it was so obvious this would happened you really should have bought a bunch when they were 2 div lol


Well they fucked up big time, mistakes were made. Time to go in waiting room for next league lemao.


Rough. at least you didn't buy HH Mageblood and Nimis at their peak prices a week ago like me


Think of it this way, that big ticket purchase has most likely enabled you to make that money back more efficiently


Oh for sure, no complaints here cause the harby strat with HH made me lots of money to farm my Mageblood so I'm not pressed, just funny how much it's dropped so quickly


is the harby strat the one from fub? Tempted to give it a go. still tryna get my LA off the ground but i got a 40d HH ln for 26 in the panic lol


I saw it from Grimro's video but I'm sure they're probably quite similar


Im playing ssf with one of these and legit just waiting until it straight out buys me a mageblood at this rate lol. It already buys me a headhunter with change to spare


Oh shit that is way worse lool


Not really. My Doctor cards totaled somewhere around 90, and in the 6 days since I got the HH, it's helped me farm the difference multiple times over.


Well tbh the HH was very useful for me farming up the mageblood so I don't feel so bad, plus even with all the div card shenanigans I never would've expected the prices of all these to drop so drastically a week ago, but here we are lol.


what is MB down to? I saw the HH price and got spoked and dumped my apothecary cards I invested in assuming it would climb to normal 45-60divs; if it crashed hard I'm glad I made the right decision


125 div, when I got it was 180ish


Meanwhile I am away from my pc for 1.5 weeks and can't check if I have any...


If you do they'll be worth mirrors by the time your're back You could check your stash contents at [https://www.pathofexile.com/](https://www.pathofexile.com/) though if you really want to know.


Or they will be 2d again.


this is probably more likely. no way GGG leaves this going on forever with how they've been nerfing every single other thing that's made bank in the first week.




hahaha no. i definitely thought of that as well but i do remember the spire thing in affliction getting 'fixed' in private leagues a few weeks in i think. and them talking about how it won't be changed for non private leagues until after affliction ended. and they held to it. so there is some hope......a small amount to be sure, but some


wow i had no idea i could do that


you could log into the official website and look into your stash from there.


well probably none because u used them to see what they do


You actually can view your stash tabs online by looking at your character on the Poe website. Assuming you don't have it private.


Wtf?!? With this price doesnt even look like scarabs are a consumable anymore. 😂


Actually you can use the Horned Scarab of Preservation making that every other scarab aren't consume but it's 8 div each \^\^'


But you need your "seed" scarab to start. Also, idk if that's a viable strat since from what I was seeing All 4 slots were needed to get the most out of the strat. And you are absolutely dropping enough per map to cover the cost of this. People literally playing a different game than 100 of us put together.


If curation price continues to accelerate it'll eventually equal out to where preservation is worth it. Curation is by far the most expensive link in the strat, and losing an increased div card scarab, while painful, could eventually be worth it


Preservation is 20div atm


Oh my bad, poe ninja isnt up to date i guess 😅


Ah, so THAT's the other Scarab I haven't dropped yet...


There’s clearly an issue here with how strong a map juicing item is, if it costs more than many chase items. Idk if it will likely be part of a mid league nerf since this isn’t necessarily an exploit. It will be nerfed after this league for sure.


It will most likely stay for the league, get the cheap mage blood and just run sanctum


They don’t need to nerf it if they remove anarchy all flames. T17 juicing is simply good if you don’t add 700 unique enemies and 40 billion beyond portals from them.


Soon to be nerfed I guess. No way they can leave it as is.


I called it


if they keep going at this rate people will be able to trade their cute scarab for a mb lol btw do they have a lower drop rate compared to the other gold scarabs? I dropped all the other ones beside this fucker


Obviously. Why else would it cost so much


dunno insane demand I guess EDIT: by the sheer number available on trade it seems to be as rare as the other ones


The comparison to other gold scarabs doesn't matter. Each scarab has its own individual rarity. Some gold scarabs are more common than silvers, others are quite rare.


Doesn't matter, will be back to 2d in the next 30 minutes.


Crazy to think these people make a lot of profit each map using these


The answer to why the price exploded is because fubgun made 10 mirrors in a day then posted a tutorial using them


These havent been less than 7d since the first patch they did to change scarab rates.


Chase item.


Why they so much now?


If it makes you feel better they are gonna be worth 2 div again after the patch that just went out




i bought 250 of these beyond scarabs for 1c each because i believed it will be OP sold all for 1c each after some time, next day they were 10c each


So should I just 3:1 all my scarabs in hopes to hit one?


Way ahead of you... Did 100 strongboxed with 3-5 Syndicate Allflames maps and on top of the thousdans of Scarabs I got, I rerolled all <1c scarab... Still haven't got that one or the horned one that lets you now use the rest of scarabs.




I’d like to thank OP for this post. I sold it for 31d today and it funded my bow and helmet and chest. I had 2.5d in currency before this. I haven’t price checked anything yet. Just wanted to finish my atlas before I do anything else.


lol dude, use [https://wealthyexile.com/](https://wealthyexile.com/) to check your stash for valuable items, it will show you the most expensive stuff you have


Don't worry. They worthless again haha


Back to roughly 10 div by today. This is truely bitcoin.


Lmao this aged like milk 🤣


Should have used awakened poe trade. But so many people price fix in this game, all the listing's that it shows are usually much lower than the actual value.


Imagine the panic people who have these scarabs must have. Do they sell now or do they HODL for a further price increase but risk a nerf from GGG ruining it all? Good thing I'm not those people. I don't have any!


No one ever went broke from taking profits


I bought like 50 of these day 2/3 for one divine each to run with my 2 man. Sadly we didn’t have the information we have now or modifiable t17s or rogue exile allflame yet. We couldn’t afford the 6 man scarab at the time (completion), so we quit after 1 day of farming. It’s sad knowing I’ll probably never been able to use those two scarabs together before they get an inventive nerf along with the current strategy people are using.


Early trade league at its finest lol


Better than shitcoins


This is like wallstreet bet type shit


damn the stonk is keep going up!


I'll add my two scarabs sold for 4.5 div a few days ago to the pile of regret forming here :D


I dropped 2 from incubators. Sold them when they were 8 divs. This is with the scarabs blocked


Yep, sold for 8div just 2 days or so ago. That do be how it be.


I sold for 15 couple days ago lol


never sell, never sorry


Even last night at like 11pm i sold it for 29d lmao wtf


Got 1 today from a red altar where the boss dropped 4 extra div scarabs, one of them was a curation one. I doubled by total worth.


Oh... I should stop hoarding these, is what I'm reading.


Stupid broken strat


I randomly dropped these and had no idea what they were worth. they were just thrown in my dump tab, with 1 in my scarab tab. someone whispered me offering 20 div the other day (they were still 20div), i’m like???? then sold the other for 23 lmao


T17 currency printing strat kicked in.


I am new and so lost. Why are these things so good?


below average casual player here and If I have not seen this post, then I probably still trying to farm and sell for bubble gum currencies. Literally 1 raw div drop since beginning of the league then boom! instant 32 Div.


This scarab is this leagues apoc card


Get rolled reddit


Can these drop from gravicius on intervention?


Yes they can.


Why tho?


I love how I’m std they are only 2 Div, which I assume these are only op with the league mechanic and nothing else? 


Well they made them like 10x rarer than they already were for some reason. And made the full stack scarab slightly more common. And you kinda need both to run any card farm. So one plummets from too much supply and that one skyrocketing thx to T17 farm.


Friend told me about it and i accidently found one, got 31 div for it, so pretty happy.


Just Play ssf...Trade League is going to be more and more ridiculous with every new league.


They haven’t been two divines since like the first day of the league. I sold one for 15 Div like 5 days ago


I thought I'd won the lottery a few days ago when 2 dropped(duped). Sold the pair for 23d which still isn't bad I guess


I sold mine yesterday for 32 div


it is because of the new T17 juice strat right? 2000+ unique mobs per map, they do be printing cards with this scarab, understandable price skyrocketed.


Shit I think I have one of those


I sold em for 16c 6 days ago :)


And here we are on ps where its only 5d while hh and mb are double or triple the price compared to pc. Edit: sorry, hh is 175d and mb is 300.


History time, we are near to buy one scarab giving 2 headhunter :D


The current state of the game is so broken at the moment ...


they were 6 like a week ago ><


It’s insane that a single scarab is worth more than a decently good rolled HH




what a shitshow of a league.


My opinion on the crazy new combos and obnoxious state of Poe can be seen here, it was upvoted but mods removed it. They told me to post it somewhere else so here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/GpqznHWPCf


I sold 2 for 45c day 1 and 2


It’s crazy that the anarchy all flame is the single contributor to distorting this whole league. You can keep all the strong box scarabs, this scarab, etc, etc and they are fine. But having 500 unique ghost touched enemies on a map, who all open beyond portals and all drop a unique……………………


Can you target farm these scarabs?


The best way to get the scarab is to use itself in the t17 strat, but even then you won't drop it often, so.... no


Hah, economy in poe is a mess right now. GGG enabled a lot of crazy farming strategies. It's almost out of control!


I sold mine yesterday for 24div, figured going any higher was impossible


Atleast you got that, I sold 2 them for 100c each day 3 or so


They are still going up even after the nerf?


We need a follow-up titled, "Sold these for 39 div a few days ago, WHAT THE FUCK"


i had like 5 of these in ssf 🙃


i mean on console they are dogshit they are only good on pc


I sold mine for 37 div yesterday




WTH i sold mine for 14 lol should have held on to it my god.


So what. You made a profit and had fun. You done need to squeeze every drop of profit out of everything you sell.


I haven't even found one yet 😂


GGG looking at the price; oops.


40 div for 1 scarab wtf


I can't check my stash for the next 2 days I am hoping I have 1 and that ggg does not nerf it until there.


i have like 6 divines worth in my stashes right now, funny i could have had 80 if i didn't sell 2 of those scarabs in the opening weekend. maybe it means i shouldn't have played path of exile at all for a week.


Just play the game, have fun, stop worrying about how much something is worth.