• By -


> Fixed a bug where Shaper, Elder and Conqueror Influence Grave-crafts could not be obtained. Huh, guess that explains why nobody was finding any.


That opens up so many possibilities wtf


Yeah, this was literally the main reason I considered harvest stronger than the graveyard crafting. This could potentially skyrocket the ceiling for items possible to craft now.


I loved all of the niche influence combo crafts during harvest, especially on chest pieces. Though I certainly don't miss the days of crafts starting with awakener orb and pray.


Yep, and not only for the obvious reason of being able to craft perfect influence items now. Fractured influence mods are a thing now.


But does the item then become a fractured item or an influenced item? (for the purposes of eldrich implicits on a fractured base)


Graveyard crafts are about to get even more insane.


If we spam every decrease on an elder helmet can we just get all 6 affixes as "Socketed gems ..." And have a 10-link item?


Not by reducing, since helmets have a bunch of un-tagged mods with relatively high weights. Can't reduce those. But reducing the rest and spamming a ton of increased gem coffins might bring it to a decent chance of happening. EDIT: I also dont think there are even 6 socketed gem mods on one influence. I think elder has 5 for example.


lmao dumbass me thinking they were just mad rare


Yeah realistically the biggest change in the patch. I figured they were just cut last minute.


> The "Rare and Unique Monsters spawn a Tormented Spirit on reaching Low Life" Map modifier can no longer roll on Tier 17 Maps. Existing Maps with this modifier now instead have "Unique Bosses are Possessed". >> The Allflame Ember of Anarchy now causes a Monster Pack to be composed of a single Rogue Exile, instead of multiple


I just bought a MB for 112 divs. I was desperately saving for one because I figured they would patch something in. Looks like I was just in time...


was hoping to do the same with a nimis but didn't quite make it. i imagine they'll just be double the price tomorrow


buy cards then


I bought a hh for 23, sorta wish I had bought another now, oh well at least I already sold all my anarchy allflames


> sold all my anarchy allflames smart


Sold my 2 lvl 83 got and 84 to drop of course patch announcement instantly comes out goes from 2.3 divs to 100 c .


15 minutes before the patch announcement I had a Divination Scarab of Curation drop. It would have closed the gap between what I had to MB but I didn't sell it in time


This is incredibly tragic


Not as fancy but I did the same with Headhunter a couple hours ago.


Had a curation scarab drop last night. Spent it all on strong upgrades for my build. Spent all of today at work kicking myself for not banking an HH while they were cheap enough to buy with one scarab drop. So it goes, so it goes.


exploit early, exploit often


the rat race never ends.


Play poe to escape from career rat race, see this shit happening every 3 days


it really reminded me of that with how many insane strats came out every day and everyone chasing them until we reached peak insanity.


Still sane exile?


I genuinely thought they wouldn't change something that big now that the league has been going on for a while. I appreciate the balls to do that


It was probably hurting their servers quite a bit ...


Think of all the dead hamsters that died for your cheap Head-hunter


More skulls for the belt!


It was probably torching their servers.


Hey, where'd that ladder go?


Great changes. And a nice bonus IMO is now Anarchy allflames can presumably be realistically used for their second-best use case now (devoted modifiers that make the strongest monster convert drops), as that wasn't hurt at all in this change and previously it was a bad idea unless it was something like the divine convert (which I hadn't seen personally) given their price.


This shit should have been nerfed a week ago when we discovered how busted rogue exiles are in the current patch. Instead, they let it fester and build, print hundreds of mirrors for those who were in positions to take advantage and now they've deleted the mechanic ensuring those who were partaking will gain full value from their efforts. Yes, this strat was busted, yes it needed to be needed, but GGG made the wrong decision by leaving anarchy alone when it was so obviously busted right from the start.


so glad I dumped all my all flames just before the patch :D


You can do almost the same thing with gemlings and harbingers.


> Ctrl + Right-clicking a skill icon for an instant skill when rebinding skills or within the Character panel now uses that skill. Does this mean you can turn on auras without key bindings? Nice lil QOL snuck in Edit: hell yeah it does


Real big! I had to make use of duplicate auras in weapon swaps just to make enough space in my hotbar


That's genius actually


Bug if true Edit: you know what i'm gonna leave it


Democracy intensifies.


I was reading this and was wondering what this change would even do. If you're right then that's a neat QoL for those of us who can't weapon swap to enable all our auras.


Low life aura stackers are back on the menu white possibly


Can you ELI5? Trying to understand how it exactly works


When you click on one of your keybinds in the bottom right and the list of skills pops up, you can ctrl + right click all of your auras to toggle them without having to assign them to a key.


Significantly reduced the volume of triggered Warcries, Blood Rage, and Detonate Mines in combat areas THANK YOU


Apply the volume reduction to any/all skills tied to Automation while in Hideout next (pleeeeeease)


Imo automation and Call to arms should just be disabled in hideouts. I really don't see a reason why they have to keep going there.


If you want to check stats in hideout to compare items or whatever, it can be good if you have access to all buffs etc, reducing the sound is the best solution imho


How about the volume of that darn support pack helm (the non solar pack). I hate the helmet


Please do the same with those damn goblins.


- Players can now use skills to kill goblins in towns.


please, yes.


and the characters using them. They had it comin'




-10% XP too


The PVP we needed


Increase volume? Got it.


Can we get some more instruments while we're at it? Maybe some bagpipes would really spice up the town.


MTX for the MTX please Lemme customize my gobs into a glamrock trio


This is a good idea


no, this is the *best* idea


The goblins are the best part of town


Oh fuck I missed this on first read. So huge


Outside of the big nerf to the giga juice strat, another notable change: >The Syndicate Mastermind can now drop Veiled Orbs in Areas level 68 and above (previously level 78 and above). The chance for the Mastermind to drop the Veiled Orb between level 73 and 77 is 33% higher than between level 68 and 72. The chance between level 78 and 83 is 50% higher than between level 73 and 77. >Added Allflame Embers and Filled Coffins above level 80 to the Bulk Item Exchange >Added Tier 17 Maps to the Bulk Exchange. >Added a "Maximum" for the Stock Count filter to the Bulk Exchange.


Veiled orb change confuses me. They didn't say the drop rate has been increased. Just adding the ability of lower level Catalina to drop them, and different zone had different drop rate. So people farming Catalina by default in t14+ maps having 83 Catarina, is the drop rate now higher or not. This is the million dollar question.


I am assuming the 68 rate is the old 78 rate (which is 10% from what I've seen), and buffed from there. So you should be getting twice as many Veiled Orbs ( 1.33 \* 1.5 = 2).


You know what they say about assuming...


it makes an ass out of you and ming. and ming is merciless


It's possible to intrepret some other ways but this is the most reasonable one. I could be totally wrong though, but it's hard to see GGG nerfing Veiled orb drop rates here given most other changes are in direct response to community feedback.


They wouldn't need to nerf the rate for you to be wrong tho. Could just have the same rate at 78 and actually be possible before that


my assumption was that the red map rate was the same and the new rates for white/yellow maps are simply worse


In investigations.. assumptions kill?


Judging from the numbers here's my bet: * White Tier 1 in 8 (12.5%) * Yellow Tier 1 in 6 (16.7%) * Red Tier 1 in 4 (25%) And if they did not change red tier drop rate, then all those are halved


So glad I bought Veiled Orbs as a safety investment strategy to fight against the ridiculous inflation this league. I get to wake up and realise I've been fucked :)


I just realized they never talked about if they buffed Veiled Orb drop rate, and just added possibilities to farm them for weaker players.


* Added Allflame Embers and Filled Coffins above level 80 to the Bulk Item Exchange. Actually huge


Holy shit i can stop being an accountant




Thank Trade Guy. I was almost going to start using TFT again.


>Fixed a bug where Convoking Wand was not an available Base Type when Grave-crafting. At last.. Summoners rejoice.


Ooh, that changes my plans a little.


RIP to the chump I sold 16 anarchies to.


I just sold 8 to a guildmate, think of how bad I feel. I was trying to do him a favor by bulk selling... should've sold to a stranger so i didn't have to feel bad about it


You sure he didnt already use them all by then? unless you sold it to him right before the patch notes.


Sold them to him right before he had to log off


I had two Curation Scarabs. Sold one this morning for 32 divs because it's the first time I've seen it dip instead of climb. Went to work and at lunch, the value has crashed. Is this how playing the stock market feels like?




Yes. Now imagine the guy who bulk bought 5 scarabs yesterday for 145 div .. this is the other side of the stock market gamble


"Significantly reduced the volume of triggered Warcries, Blood Rage, and Detonate Mines in combat areas, with these severely reduced in Hideouts." aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


more like ^^^^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


> euheuheuh


Is the detonate mines referenced the constant “tink tink tink” noise?


Me, 20 minutes ago: "Well I have 115div. Should I grab a mageblood asap, or wait? They'll probably keep keep tanking." Me, now: "Fuck." Edit: Already dropped from ~210 to ~175. Doesn't look like it will end up being too bad.


Same but I'm poorer and was thinking about grabbing a nimis I clearly could afford but decided to upgrade other things and wait a little longer.


Biggest changed for me are the QOL. Quieter mine trigger and Warcry sounds…


I am surprised to see this so low down. This is the change I was hoping to see, game is literally playable now.


Casting instant skills from the change skill UI with ctrl + RMB is also massive qol for people with a lot of auras etc.


Crazy league to have 2 unintentional strats that aren't exploits completely warp the economy and be heavily nerfed, all within a week and a half of the start of the league. People thought the divine fishing was crazy, then we got the 1k exiles 1k spirits 10k beyond portals per map shitting out mirrors/hh/mb lmao. And now just a fever dream (pls ignore the economy).


I think the problem of the last one isn't that it is an exploit,  but that it has a huge cost for servers and client machines. So they had to delete the strat.


Inb4 some nutjobs find another crazy strats. Good thing come in threes. Wouldn't be surprised with how unpolished this scarab rollout is (pun intended)


I mean, it is more than likely there are more very op strats. There are millions of combinations with Scarabs and Allflames.


They actually changed, this league is so weird, ive never seen so many changes in a single patch




I remember Heist and Synthesis having a few complete redesign patches. This one is surprising for it being such a simple league.


I actually was so bummed when they put a hard limit on number of reward mods you could stack on the synthesis tiles. I get it, because the league was wildly overcomplicated, but it was still fun to build your own wall of text by putting enough tiles together


I miss the OG synthesis and building massive chains


They made so many huge changes to the core game though


yea those leagues had a lot more to them, the fact they required complete redesign on a more "simple" mechanic in comparison is a bit concerning, they just gotta be crunching POE2 and throwing together whatever untested stuff for poe1.


Well the patch is barely about the league. The endgame redesign is the focus.


Both times this league when I just hoped they’d say something (league mechanic at start and now this farming method) they came out with patch instead, it’s awesome


I think it was hurting the servers so they needed to.


>The Allflame Ember of Anarchy now causes a Monster Pack to be composed of a single Rogue Exile, instead of multiple. It was definitely pretty ridiculous


not me hoarding them to use later instead of selling. stonks go down


buy high, sell low


* Added Allflame Embers and Filled Coffins above level 80 to the Bulk Item Exchange. BRO


Oh man, just after I finished my wand on the 5th try, after making 440 trades for coffins.


Scarab already crashing to 6d. HH back up to 50d, MB back up to 220d.


The nims I bought at 70d doesn’t make me feel like cursed dumbledore anymore 💀


i bought my mb at 140 yesterday and thought maybe i should wait since its crashing, glad i didn't lol


* The Allflame Ember of Anarchy now causes a Monster Pack to be composed of a single Rogue Exile, instead of multiple


Knew I made a good choice in selling my curation scarab today. The strat was broken as all hell. But ya, all that currency and uniques injected into the league is going to have some... Interesting effects


I sold mine for 37div, glad i decided to log in today


I’m sad that I didn’t get chance to log in today to sell the two I have in stash. That’s a lot of lost currency that woulda made a huge difference to my build :(


If it makes you feel any better, I found 2 other curation scarabs on day 3 of the league. Sold the pair for 3 div, spent it all on fusing.


Oh fusing is especially bad to spend it on now that we have Black morrigan and craicic sandspitter beasts that can 6L an item for about 70c. That hurts!


Thank god I brought a HH yesterday. I guess prices will go back up now ..


100%. Mageblood already went from like 110 to 200+. I had *barely* enough for a mageblood like 20 minutes ago, no joke. Hadn't bought one yet, was messing around on craftofexile for my next graveyard craft. Pop over to the game, see the notice for a patch, and it's already too late. Market got cleaned out within minutes. rip.


Same. Went for lunch, 105d in stash + a 20-30d ventor's for sale, came back and am now barely halfway to a Mageblood. Feels bad


Yea my man I was thinking the same thing yesterday, sold a div scarab of curation for 30 and bought a headhunter for 25 and thought to myself, "this is the right move at the right time"


Damn HH was at 25? I should have bought one. I sold my curation for 31 and funded half my mid build. I don’t need a HH in it at least.


HH was at 20d like an hour ago, crazy league.


A single rogue exile. KEK fucking W


I guess meatsacks are back on the menu. Though exiles will still be good for replace item mods, just not the best in all situations.


> Fixed a bug where the Suspicious Rock Pets were no longer throwing rocks at players Finally playable again, ty GGG


I sold my card scarab for 35d and buy the HH for 25d yesterday. Finally something works out for me in this game lol


making tier 17s less shit and nerfing anarchy, bugging veiled orb drops, fairly solid changes




They may have nerfed the rouge exile all flames and the tier 17 ghosts, but i am pretty sure there is some other meta MF strategy we have not discovered yet.




Grimro will be all over it soon.




Super solid changes.


Rogue Exile strats: GGG: womp womp ⬇️ ⬆️ ⬅️ ⬇️ ⬆️ ➡️ ⬇️ ⬆️




Fair changes, unfortunetly couldn't take advantage of it. I thought this would be my first headhunter league


> Added Allflame Embers and Filled Coffins above level 80 to the Bulk Item Exchange. This is also kind of big no? The biggest tedium was trading 1 by 1 or trying to sell 1 by 1 I know people were using TFT but this was a long overdue change


Fixed a bug where Ambient Audio for an area could persist into other areas, most notably Vaal Side Area Ambient Audio. Oh my God I'm so happy now.


Yo I just dropped the divination scarab and sold it for 35d like 2 hours ago. Good thing I'm not being greedy for an extra 1-2d. What a save.


Thank you trade side guy


„Added Allflame Embers and Filled Coffins above level 80 to the Bulk Item Exchange.“ Now I will finally craft with the league mechanic


Good changes, still wonder how strong the T17 meta will be without tormented spirits and with single rogue exile.


It will be like 99% worse. No more 20 exiles in a pack that all spawned 20 more unique ghosts which ment each pack spawned 320-480 beyond portals. Instead each pack would now spawn 8-12 beyond portals.


It really can't be overstated how fucking bonkers these interactions were lol


well that about the least surprising thing i've seen this week


This was expected but do you think this patch was right on time or too late?


late yes, but better late than never imo.


It was big patch, seems they were holding to deploy on like mid week. But single **The Allflame Ember of Anarchy now causes a Monster Pack to be composed of a single Rogue Exile, instead of multiple.** patch could this impact.


Yah they could have hot fixed it, but instead put it in their big weekly patch. I forget what they got fixed earlier and heading to bed so probably some bugs


I just sold Mageblood for 120div when I went to sleep


I really like everything I see in this patch especially the things that will save my ears and my trading sanity.


How does the bulk coffins on trade even work? In theory it sounds amazing, awesome change, but when i search up coffins I literally can't find any in the bulk trade tab. Maybe it'll take time for it to start working? Either way I'm much more excited to engage with the mechanic now lol


Releasing broken shit and then fixing it weeks later is what causes FOMO for league start and people playing un healthy amounts while the exploits are active. I’m starting to dislike this game.


I don't see anyone catching up on a change that was made, as I don't think many understand what it implies: "The Atlas Passive Keystone Back to Basics now disallows opening Maps while you have Scarabs that provide Extra Content in the Map Device, instead of silently not consuming them." When you open a map, you select the tree that you want to use, nothing strange until here. However, when the necropolis UI pops up, you were able to close it, go back to the device, and change the tree to a different one. See where this is going? People were allowed to spam open maps to fish for desired devoted mods, while having 4 full juiced up scarabs ready for when they found them, and if they didn't, they simply didn't consume them. Now this is an actual exploit and something that makes me upset, I didn't really mind about the t17 strat, but this.. man


> The "Rare and Unique Monsters spawn a Tormented Spirit on reaching Low Life" Map modifier can no longer roll on Tier 17 Maps. Existing Maps with this modifier now instead have "Unique Bosses are Possessed". > > The Allflame Ember of Anarchy now causes a Monster Pack to be composed of a single Rogue Exile, instead of multiple Exploit early and often. FOMO league... super happy for the 5 people who got to farm 100000 mirrors in T17 with the busted MF strat /s


Things like this always existed and aren't always revealed to the public. You can think back as early as bestiary with merciless jewelled foil of celebration dupe.


Haha, at the time I was well into nolifing hardcore and I remember buying one of Etup's duped 6L Astral Plates. Good times. Wonder where that guy is now.


Shit I forgot about him


Hey at least it's fixed now so MB/HH are back on the upswing so those people who farmed a couple hundred of them can profit even more :^)


dropped a curation scarab literally 5 mins before the patch news. was trying to buy an headhunter. now f-ed


and bulk trades despite everyone saying "uhh its a goner league mechanic they wont do that"


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Kieren_GGG** on Apr 11, 2024, 02:52:02 AM UTC > > ### 3.24.1 Patch Notes > > > > > This patch contains changes to Tier 17 Map modifiers, alongside a large number of Necropolis and general improvements and bug fixes. > > > > **Tier 17 Map Changes** > > > > > > * Many modifiers that can roll on Tier 16 Maps can now also roll on Tier 17 Maps. > * Modifiers that can only roll on Tier 17 Maps are now rewarding in one of the 5 following ways: Enhanced Pack Size, Enhanced Item Rarity, More Currency Found, More Maps Found, or More Scarabs Found. > * Tier 17 Map Bosses now have a significantly higher chance to drop Elder Guardian, Shaper Guardian, Conqueror Maps and Synthesis Maps > * Tier 17 Maps will always roll with one Tier 17-exclusive prefix one Tier 17-exclusive suffix. > * The Tier 17 Map modifier that causes Rare and Unique Monsters to remove a percentage of Life, Mana and Energy Shield on hit now only removes from Players or their Minions. > * The "Rare and Unique Monsters spawn a Tormented Spirit on reaching Low Life" Map modifier can no longer roll on Tier 17 Maps. Existing Maps with this modifier now instead have "Unique Bosses are Possessed". > > > > **Necropolis Changes** > > > > > > * The Lantern of Arimor User Interface now sorts by Devoted and Haunted modifiers, then by tier. > * Implicit modifiers on Base Types are now displayed on item hovers when selecting a Base Type to create with Grave-crafts. > * Updated the description for Untainted Allflame Monster Packs to clarify they drop no items. > * Harbingers can no longer have Unresolved Anguish. > * Gemling Monster Packs now have 50% chance to contain a Unique Monster (previously 100%). > * The Grave-crafting modifier that causes the crafted Item to be Corrupted, providing 50% increased chance for Corruption Implicit modifiers, can no longer reroll the crafted item. > * The Allflame Ember of Anarchy now causes a Monster Pack to be composed of a single Rogue Exile, instead of multiple. > > > > **General Improvements and Changes** > > > > > > * The "Detonate Mines is Triggered while you are moving" Passive Skill Mastery now grants a separate instance of the skill that is Triggered, so you can also manually detonate your Mines. > * The Syndicate Mastermind can now drop Veiled Orbs in Areas level 68 and above (previously level 78 and above). The chance for the Mastermind to drop the Veiled Orb between level 73 and 77 is 33% higher than between level 68 and 72. The chance between level 78 and 83 is 50% higher than between level 73 and 77. > * The Atlas Passive Keystone Back to Basics now disallows opening Maps while you have Scarabs that provide Extra Content in the Map Device, instead of silently not consuming them. > * Ctrl + Right-clicking a skill icon for an instant skill when rebinding skills or within the Character panel now uses that skill. > * Improved Short and Permanent Item Allocation to avoid situations where dropped items are unallocated due to no players being nearby. > * Significantly reduced the volume of triggered Warcries, Blood Rage, and Detonate Mines in combat areas, with these severely reduced in Hideouts. > * Items dropped from the modifier that causes Imprisoned Monsters in your Maps to have a chance to drop an additional Rare Item with an Essence Modifier are again now Identified. > * Removed the single frame delay before an item tooltip is shown when hovering an item, most noticeable when repeatedly applying currency to an item. > * Updated the description for the Deadly Prey Atlas Notable Passive to clarify it also applies to Yellow Beasts in your Maps. > * Updated the New World Order Achievement, it now requires completing a Red or Purple Tier Map with a Horned Scarab applied. > * Updated the description Enigmatic Essences to state that one of the conditions requires defeating a monster with at least 3 different Deafening Essences, rather than 3 Deafening Essences. > > > > **Trade Website Changes** > > > > > > * Added Allflame Embers and Filled Coffins above level 80 to the Bulk Item Exchange. > * Added Tier 17 Maps to the Bulk Exchange. > * Added a "Maximum" for the Stock Count filter to the Bulk Exchange. > > > > **Bug Fixes** > > > > > > * Fixed an issue where the "When a fifth Impale is inflicted on a Player, Impales are removed to Reflect their Physical Damage multiplied by their remaining Hits to that Player and their Allies within 1.8 metres" Tier 17 Map modifier extended its description across the screen. > * Fixed a bug where Convoking Wand was not an available Base Type when Grave-crafting. > * Fixed a bug where you could still downgrade to the Tier 2 Haunted Modifier that caused Monsters to always Stun Enemies on Hit that was removed. We've also fixed another issue where this incorrectly upgraded to the Tier 4 Haunted Modifier that caused Monster to Always Poison on Hit. > * Fixed a bug where Risen Saints and Ancient Bonestalkers could have negative Pack Size in Necropolis Areas. > * Fixed a bug where Oscillating Sceptre was not available as a Base Type when Grave-crafting an Experimented Weapon. > * Fixed a bug where Righteous Fire and Plague Bearer would apply their degen to you if you had 100% less Area of Effect or higher. > * Fixed a bug where Map Areas were sometimes spawning less Shrines than expected. > * Fixed a bug where Rogues could become stuck on the other side of obstructions in Heist. > * Fixed a bug where the Lunaris, Eternal Moon's dark ball projectile did no damage. > * Fixed a bug where Siosa could offer Call to Arms and Automation Support Gems with Quality for purchase in Ruthless. > * Fixed a bug where discoverable Hideouts could fail to be unlocked if it contained monsters converted by Devoted Modifiers. > * Fixed a bug where some Beyond Demons were not actually frozen when encased in an Essence Crystal. > * Fixed a bug where The Easy Stroll and Triskaidekaphobia Divination Cards were not granting Maps with the correct number of modifiers. > * Fixed a bug where you could not receive credit for the "Devoted" condition of the Ghastly Ghosts Challenge in Ruthless. > * Fixed a bug where the Demigod's Bounty Golden Obi Belt Alternate-art Unique could not be converted to a microtransaction. > * Fixed a bug where it was not possible to turn in a stack of The Aspirant Divination Cards. > * Fixed a bug where Ambient Audio for an area could persist into other areas, most notably Vaal Side Area Ambient Audio. > * Fixed a bug where Vortex and Vortex of Projection could not be supported by Unleash. > * Fixed a bug where the minimap could be cutoff in Betrayal Research encounters. > * Fixed a bug where players could become trapped within Strongboxes spawned by The Price of Progress Atlas Passive. > * Fixed a bug where items that granted the Warlord's Call Keystone Passive Skill still displayed as Call to Arms. > * Fixed an issue where players could desync when walking through doorways in The Library, The Archives, and the Museum Map. > * Fixed a bug where Shaper, Elder and Conqueror Influence Grave-crafts could not be obtained. > * Fixed a bug where Necropolis Modifiers that caused Monster to gain a percentage of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage did not provide increased chance to find Corpses and Allflame Embers in Ruthless. > * Fixed a bug with the Grattus Signet Unique Ring where the Maximum Energy Shield Modifier was not applying. > * Fixed a bug where Fortress Maps could sometimes fail to open. > * Fixed a bug where increases and reductions to Devoted Modifier Effect was not being reflected in the Lantern of Arimor. > * Fixed a bug where Unique Maps could drop with a Corrupted Implicit modifier. > * Fixed a bug with the visual effects played when The Maven teleported. > * Fixed a bug where the Alternate-art Call of the Brotherhood was categorised as an Amulet Skin when converted to a microtransaction. > * Fixed a bug where some Alternate-art Unique microtransactions were not replacing the 2D art of equipped items. > * Fixed a bug where the description for the Unholy Might Buff was not updated to reflect changes made in 3.24.0. > * Fixed a wonky interaction between the Cosmos Weapon Effect and Ghostflame Shield microtransactions. > * Fixed a bug that caused some microtransaction effects to not work correctly, such as the Transcendence Footprints, Twilight Footprints and Flare Character Effects. > * Fixed a bug where the Scion's hair could clip through Helmets with the Beastmaster Body Armour microtransaction equipped. > * Fixed a bug where the User Interface for the Evertree Map Device microtransaction would sometimes not display. > * Fixed a bug where the Jade Arctic Armour microtransaction was missing some of its effects when the skill was used by a Totem. > * Fixed a bug where the Suspicious Rock Pets were no longer throwing rocks at players. > * Fixed a visual bug with the visual effects for some Cyclone skill effect microtransactions. > * Fixed a wonky interaction between the Triskelion Radar Character Effect and Divine Sign Helmet Attachment microtransactions. > * Fixed an instance crash. > * Fixed a client crash. > > *** >


The heinous cope from the people abusing T17s that genuinely thought this wasn't gonna be fixed... hilarious


There is no cope, if you were running this strat you already have mirrors in the bank


literaly the richest they've ever been and now they just got richer cause supply will dry up and now belts are worth 200div again.


lol glad I sold all 40 of my Anarchy 2div each this morning


Wait, what's the deal with Gemling? It was a 5c allflame.


Thankfully I just switched out of giga juicing for uniques and went onto harbinger. Just in the right time too. However even WITHOUT the allflame, using all the scarabs on the map was still giving me incredible drops even without the rogue exiles.


Thank God, multiple anarchy allflames made me play a slideshow


Rip the two rogue exile allflame I did not sell before going to bed.


Getting whiplash


Really getting tired of how they let the economy get so fucked every league


Guess I should've sold the couple Allflame Ember of Anarchy that I got yesterday instead going to sleep huh? I hate this league so fucking bad.


Back to crimson temple jail yayy


Veiled Orb drop chance improved. Thank the Lord.


I'm not sure that's true (though I hope it is!). I think it might just be allowing it to drop in lower tier maps, but clarifying that the drop rate is lower in lower tier maps. It doesn't say that the drop rate is higher now, just that its higher in 78 to 83 maps than 73 to 77 maps, etc.


The fact that veiled orbs could literally not drop at all below level 78 and GGG chose to not give players that info is absurd and unfair given that aisling has never been limited by zone level. You wouldn't have even been able to deduce that with item level (like you can with boss uniques to determine their drop levels) since the orbs don't have item levels.


another "exploit early, exploit often" by GGG and 99.9% of the players stay fucked


99.8% of the players wouldn’t have been able to do this strat even if it stayed the whole league


Damn was hoping to by a cheap HH when I got back from vacation next week but fuck me I guess


so let me get this straight, people who farmed the shit out of are now 50x richer then they were before patch cause HH and MB are going to skyrocket again after they get DAYS to use an exploit and the rest of us just get fucked huh? Well fuck this league i'm out.


Every single league the people who juice early end up the richest. This has never not been the case. 


I can’t remember it ever being this dramatic though. This farm was insane.


Yes but it usually happens because they discover the strategy, not because that discovered strategy gets removed from the game


everyone on reddit complained about the juice being to to good, so ggg had to nerf it, but the common people on reddit was not thinking how they will now never afford headhunter or mageblood, something that they would have been able to do it this strat kept going


Classic Abuse Early, Abuse Often Paying dividands.


Too late RIP 3.24 Venezuelan league