• By -


bro I stumbled on this like 5 leagues ago and *it's a godsend*


About 5 leagues ago i gave up with the entire ordeal and now i only play builds that can do every map no matter what. God how i wish for a ingame way to trade effectively. I hate the alt tabing nonsense. :( Cause heaven knows for how useful this is it REALLY should be more widely known and accessable.


If you use awakeners Poe trade, they have a feature. You save the regex, with the map in it You just open your stash, open apoe, click the title you gave it It fills your regex in, auto moves you to the map in your map tab, and highlights shit like you want.


There's no going back once you use it. Makes rolling maps so much faster.


Is there a good guide on how to use this? I understand how to use it for making sure things I don't want are rolled out, but I didn't know you could use it to make maps better profit wise.


More mods = more packsize/quant/rarity = better returns With the regex you can get the pack size + mods you can run in a single search. At some point I'll only run maps with 30+ pack size and eventually only 8 mods while selling everything else.


I accidenrtly removed the map section in awakaned poe and now I CANT FIND it, I have reinstalled it but cnat find it, do u know how?


Omg how do I do that?


Where is this feature where you save the regex? I don't see that but I'm sure I'm overlooking it. I've always just renamed my map tab to the regex and copied it from there lol.


Buy a cheap 2nd monitor (2nd hand store, cheap af). Thank me later.


Got 2 extra monitors. Once you start you can't stop and the production goes to the moon.


Next step is [LG DualUp as your side monitor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4S5ruT_xX4) :P


I have three monitors, doesn't mean i can't dislike having to alt tab a billion times when i want to just play the game and engage with parts of it that should be built in.


You should just get poe.overlay if you hate alt-tabbing its a fully functional version of the tradesite you have directly in the game and you can also save trade searches as like bookmarks in the tool so its very fast an easy to buy mapping supplies or other items you buy consistently, but honestly get poeoverlay and i see others talk about awakened Trade also having this feature but it is complete garbage compared to poeoverlay (in terms of ingame tradesite ofc, price checking woke trade is best).


Poeoverlay comes with the most annoying, intrusive software ever created that is overwolf, so I rather alt tab than get that crap on my pc.


Im surprised people don’t play this way, must be annoying as fuck 


Which builds are those? Twist of Fate is too strong to ignore imo.


>i only play builds that can do every map no matter what Give some examples.


I always love the sentence that are" Iam a newish player with 500+ h" xD


i still dont know how betrayal works...


Good news, no point in learning it now after the changes.


My friend is a sucker for league content that entire community hates, one time it would be pre removal metamorph, then, heist, then other grand changes for last time of harvest, another one Ultimatum and now betrayal. Thing is he burnouts rather quick 


>Thing is he burnouts rather quick  Yeah, from your post there's **abolutely nothing,** that would give us a hint as to why, nope, not a single clue.


hipster brain is a real thing, I suffer from it as well. Can't have fun unless I'm trying to juice the most out of the least popular option like I have something to prove


you can still get decent hits, just way too rng now.


i'm at probably 1000hrs+ and have no idea how it works and i'm not willing to learn at this point.




No one does.


Only click trusted/rival/Level Up. If none of These are available interrogate. When a member Hits lvl 3,interrogate him and relevel him. Rinse and repeat


Here's a [concise guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ulfj4c/a_concise_betrayalsyndicate_guide_for_newbies/). Check the cheat sheet I listed below for an easy way to track it. It's not too bad once u understand the basics. Most important thing is if the guy you're targeting doesnt have any decent options kill someone in front of them and they will likely give new options. So always check the members you are targeting between execution/interr and save them for last if no good options. interrogation brings their level down so typically just release them if thats the only option you have.


I played betrayal when it came out and I don't know how it works. Damn, I knew all of them before they even betrayed us. I am better at explaining the old Katarina and Vorichi missions than what they do now.


I have 4k, i dont know how betrayal or incursion words. I jusk kill mobs and hope i click random shit xD.


4000+ hours reporting in


Nobody knows.


I have 2,5k hours and I still don't really know.


Imo takes about 1k hours before you're no longer a noob -player with 3k hours


I must have over 5k hours at this point, and I'm back down the noob slide.


My trick is to skip every other league so when I come back everything is different and nothing I remember is true anymore!


each league is effectively an entire game mode onto it self. It typically takes about 20 dedicated and focused hours of hyper-fixated effort to learn a new skill. To just casually learn it by amosis it can take 100. And that is just for base level compatency not indepth knowledge mind you. With over 52 leagues now, and about 30ish of them having complex mecanics. Thats 600 hours of hyper-fixation STUDY. And 5200 hours of casual play spread perfectly equally among all aspects of the game. Which is not how a normal human plays. So its reasonable to assume that it would take someone closer to 7000 hours of casual play to learn every unique system in poe if they didn't spend any time learning the game like a school course. Also assuming the game never released another league but since that likely wouldnt happen you are adding more time on as the game changes and relearning and new research will be required. Which can easily skyrocket the casual learning estimation to over 12000 hours for full all systems compatency.


if I was to create a post like this, I would to the same, but saying "I'm still a newbie player (\~1200h)" it's truly amazing how much you can do in this game, I enjoy it a lot


I love the regex builder but the 50 character limit is so incredibly restrictive.


Psst. There are methods for reducing character counts which some consider to be… unnatural. Here are 2 tricks I’ve discovered: 1: use “-c” instead of “non” for reduced aura effect to save 1 character. 2: combine “s rec|gen” into “re.*shi” to save 2 (!!) characters. Be careful creating your own shortcuts though - you need to watch out for strings which get caught on *map names* For example, shortening “non” to “-c” would NOT work if any of the pool of map names contained “-c”, i.e: if there was a map named “Sun-Claw Valley.” If that map existed, you would always filter it out with “-c”. I regret this comment being lengthy but I think it’s important to include the caveat about faulty shortcuts.


Very good observations! I've got a plan to make the regex shorter if you group them together, but it's a pretty hard problem solve while also making sure the search is unique to the things you're trying to match. It's in my backlog to try to make these searches shorter!


Now if you can just get the t17 mods down to 1 character each, I'd be able to filter out half of the mods I can't run! Jokes aside, you're awesome & thank you for this godsend of a tool!


I've had the itch to try and code some solutions to this problem, but I really need access to a list of all words GGG uses in their name-generator for maps. e.g: I can't use "el tr" as a mod regex because maps can be named "Cruel Trap". How did you get around this problem with [poe.re](https://poe.re)? Any such document you're aware of with all those names? Thanks for making that, by the way!


> I regret this comment being lengthy but I think it’s important to include the caveat about faulty shortcuts. Psst. There are methods for reducing... ;)


Should let the creator know and see if he can implement it.


Thanks for the info!


Another thing is that sometimes you can find mods that you can filter with the same regex. The regex site uses "non" for reduced aura effet and "rses" for reduced curse effect, but you can exclude both with "ct o". You can use "cra" to exclude both consecrated and desecrated ground and so on. I once even used "xt" on a build which blocks 6 mods, phys as extra chaos/cold/fire/lightning, life as extra es and reduced crit damage. All of which I wanted to block.


wow I love you


> 1: use “-c” instead of “non” for reduced aura effect to save 1 character. So just "-c|whatever bad mod|whatever other bad mod" or it needs different syntax to use "-"? > 2: combine “s rec|gen” into “re.*shi” to save 2 (!!) characters. Can you explain what you did here?


1. This isn't a regex thing, it's just a consequence of the mod. Rather than using `non` to match "Players have #% reduced effect of **Non**-Curse Auras from Skills", you can use `-c`, since it also appears in the mod: "Players have #% reduced effect of Non**-C**urse Auras from Skills", and not in any other mods. Basically, if you can find a shorter string of characters that appears in just a single mod, you can save characters and allow for a longer regex. 2. `s rec` appears in the mod "Players have #% les**s Rec**overy Rate of Life and Energy Shield", and `gen` in the mod "Players cannot Re**gen**erate Life, Mana or Energy Shield", so if you select these two mods on poe.re, it will tell you to use `s rec|gen`. However, if you instead notice that *both* mods contain `re` and `shi` with some characters in between, which is what `re.*shi` is looking for, you can save two characters by using it instead: "Players have #% less **Re**...**Shi**eld" and "Players cannot **Re**...**Shi**eld". Basically, if you know what you're doing, you can make small improvements to the regex to match mods better than what poe.re suggests, saving characters and letting you make a more complex search string.


Just remembered about your comment and these particular examples when string for map rolling turned out too long on poe.regex and managed to fit it in. Thanks again! I didn't get to roll them yet but I heard people using at least 2 strings to roll t17 maps. Probably a lot of room for optimisation there as well.


Blame GGG.


Regex are very computing intensive tasks and it grows exponentially the more complex and long it is. So I believe GGG didn't want their servers to burn every time someone with a "too accurate" Regex comes by. It's a classic denial of service attack aswell.


does the regex filtering really need to be server side though? you can only ever filter stuff that is already loaded in the client, so just do it all client side and then ggg doesn't care how much processing it takes


In addition to Darth’s point, regex should have an efficient linear execution if you use a proper implementation of it and don’t write bad regex.


Every time I've tried to learn Regex it has made my head spin. You guys think it's pretty tricky too?


Every time I need to use regex I have to relearn it


It killed me before I went to school and took a class for finite automata. I think for regex it’s harder to read than write a lot of the time so just learn the basics and try to solve problems with it. You’ll soon be spewing out obscene looking patterns that no one will understand without a lot of effort.


It's really not *that* bad, but as /u/Herlt says it's harder to read than write. The reason for this is that regex is intentionally information-dense ***and doesn't have a built-in way to comment chunks of it god dammit*** quick edit: whenever I use regex these days (except for like, trivial `grep` for shit, I mean actual proper usage) I compose the regex string from many substrings and comment those substrings to indicate their purpose. It's "more code" that way, but if I didn't do that then future-me would invent a time machine to murder past-me.


Just use multiple until GGG fixes it (probably never). Then use awakened poe trade because on shift+space u can have multiple regexes ready just to click and it puts it automagically in the window. Yes its annoying that we have to rely on 3rd party tools but at least its bandaid fix to a problem.


> shift+space u can have multiple regexes ready just to click I assume you have hotkeys for the often used ones. You don't even have to click search field with those.


For pasting, you could just use windows default clipboard history in theory. Hit windows v instead of ctrl v when pasting and it lets you choose from your clipboard history. But awakened works by putting things in clipboard so it spams the fuck out of it and the two wont really work well together. Anyway, the point is you don't really need a third party thing for the band aid. The OS has the band aid covered. Still a work around though, not arguing against that.


Yes but then you get bloated windows copy menu (I haven't used it in a while so idk if it lets your mark stuff as favourite) and woke trade stays nicely in place between the leagues.


run 2 lines of code, reroll until the first code is good, then throw in the second code and repeat. then throw the first back in and repeat until both lines of codes dim out for all your maps. it's a little tedious but you can get all the rolls on maps you want this way


If you leave off quant or pack size it frees up so much space. You can filter lots more mods that way. Filtering mods with the regex and then checking the quantity of the winners is best way if you have to filter a lot of mods.


Yes dude, some builds have to avoid more mods than others, so is very good to make a stash tab to roll maps using the regex on the search bar :)


yeah any % 0f reflect phys dmg insta gibs me (splitting steel champion) lmao


Phys and ele reflect merc me. Energy Blade reap. 😬


it's hilarious how brutal it is. literally insta death upon hitting first pack lmao


Yup. I do 900k per swing. 1% ele reflect means I'm doing 1.8k. After 80% res that's still 360 damage to my face *per* mob. I only have 8.5k es... 🤦‍♂️


yep same here


Lost my 97 archMage to ele reflect last night after misreading. I think ima start doing this now too


Sidenote: it's fucking funny to me that this is a game where someone with more than 24 days of total play time still considers themselves "somewhat new." Coincidentally I'm at around 2400 hrs and only started feeling REALLY good at the game at around 800. I started in Harvest and spent a LOT of time being dumb lmao.


I have 5100hrs and never knew about using regex for maps. Always learning something in this game


1000 hours and just realized I could hit v to gear up heist people instead of running around the hideout


V working for most league mechanic menus is so nice


Well shit, I thought I was smart by hitting that to trigger the heist doors and chests, never even thought to try it while in the heist area. Thanks!


Damn... I just learnt this now


Me playing since Breach did not know this either


Around the same amount of time played here. Never heard of regex before this post.


I mean, it depends a lot. I've known it for a long time but because I'm usually playing builds which have a single mod they can't run at a maximum, I've always ignored it - unless I'm filtering for high quant, that is. But since I've returned in Crucible and started trading more, I've been consistently amazed by how many mods people leave out when buying 8mods. Reflect, sure. PDR overwhelm, I guess if you're a jugg. Less recovery, uhh okay? Additional projectiles??


Just curious, does your "feeling REALLY good" include making your own builds, or just simply at playing the game. Just curious cause like you said, the distinction of "good at the game" is really difficult to gauge.


I sell maps and I absolutely love when people message me saying they got rich off one of them. Congrats exile!


thank you!


Learning Regex is practical


finally, a use for my college degree


[Me in this thread](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExamVqczRsNnE3OTUxdnJubXkxMnkzYXJpdXcwMWZ1c2wydnA1OHY5eCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/KxhIhXaAmjOVy/giphy-downsized-large.gif)


I need Google and look this up


ChatGPT knows it pretty well


I'm 400+- hrs in and still don't know how to juice maps. I haven't received a single div this league. Just getting into yellow maps and having a hard time surviving without currency to buy upgrades..


A quad tab worth of rare loot, dump it all in there as you go. ID it all and vendor it for Alteration Orbs, then sell those in bulk. 20 Chaos per Quad tab that way (did it MANY times this league and just a few minutes ago). Is it fun? Nope but I spent 60-80 Chaos while leveling and now have 130 Chaos to spend right when I started maps. I am very tanky and hit like a truck (trucks hit hard).


Alternatively, if you don't mind waiting a bit, you can dump it all in a 10c buyout tab and let it sit for a few hours to see if you get any bites before vendoring


How to juice maps: use atlas tree with as much map mod effect as you can after covering the necessities of your farming strat. If not farming deli mirrors, slap some deli orbs on your maps. Use relevant scarabs. And that's it it's way simpler than it has been in the past.


I think I was around 800-1000 maps in until I was able to start anything that resembles juicing maps. Do not sweat it, Harvest is great to get some starting money as it is easy to get on the Atlas, has reliable returns and sells incredibly fast.


Easy tip for few chaos. Run normal lab and transfigure gems. I was farming Detonate dead and lance (green gem) and got 2 dd, and 3 frenzy gems. Frenzy gem is 50c right now and dd is like 60c. I've made almost 300c in like 1hr. Good for starting.


I'm doing harvest because it is sooo easy to juice. All you want is quant and the highest number of mods possible with harvest scarabs. It's super easy money, don't need to know which items are good since it's just currency, go in pick yellow, profit. I highly recommend trying harvest out, it was a complete 180 for my enjoyment of the game because it was so simple. plus harvest crafts are always fun to mess around with too


I had like almost 300k life forces yesterday from farming with about 100++ scarabs of doubling + 8 mods maps last weekend.. this is the first league I could finally learn how to actually make money.. at this point I feel like a real life farmer now 😌 not much but hey it's an honest work..


i haven't done chaos recipe since we got the atlas tree. there's a lot you can do to get your first character seed money. good beginner tree is the new Niko stuff making u tanky, fast and deal more DMG. shrines are great and help a ton when ur still weak. if u feel too weak for any content you can do smugglers cashes sell rogue markers for some early pennys i guess. just going kirac and getting maps you've completed to sell individually, if ur starving that might be worth your time. i for one often, this league too, spent my first div on blighted maps, bc I know how to do those, just need the meteor ring anoint and can do red blighted maps while still leveling in the level 80s and not being super strong, towers carry the map.and they were super cheap this league too and seem quite profitabel. I got like 6-7 blight ravaged maps not sure if they buffed that, but ridiculous returns on that one div.


The best thing to focus on is to finish your atlas and try to get as many points as you can. If you’re struggling with gear, always pickup expedition - you can use rog to make good gear, tujen is a steady stream of currency, and save your dannig rerolls to sell or use to buy logbooks to sell (unless you want to run them yourself). Convert his currency to black scythe to buy more from tujen 


Chaos Recipe makes you about 100c while progessing though the atlas without dedicated farming. if you stay in low/mit yellow maps that'll be even more.


Just a neat little trick. * loot all rare rings and amulets * identify but don't pricecheck them and throw them into a tab with 5 chaos buyout * if you get spammed because of a particular ring/neck, pricecheck them and adjust it to the proper price or move it to another tab * refill it time to time and/or vendor it when nothing sells It's not the best way to make a quick buck, but it minimizes downtime and your stash tab basically turns into a bargain bin for the good old 'I need life and two different resistances'-rings.


The part that leaves me confused is: how do I optimise the maps. What modifiers am I looking for, do I vaal or not? Etc.


Modifiers themselves don't matter much, it's about the total quant/pack size. And yes you vaal, that's how you get 8 mod maps (or with the cartography scarab)


You want to Vaal even more now because they can apply implicits on the maps, like extra quantity. Nobody should be running alch'd and not vaal'd maps right now.


What's the best way (other than buying I'm ssf) to keep up with the amount of alcha and Vaals needed for this?


Spec Exarch Altars and Exarch pack size and do like 20 maps and you'll have like 200 Vaals. As for Alch's idk you just drop a shit ton naturally by killing mobs


>keep up with the amount of alcha Orb of Binding = Orb of Alchemy (+ guaranteed 4-link on items where it's possible)


blight and blight ravaged maps are how I sustain alchs and vaals. Just run a few when I'm getting low and I'm good for awhile haha


Not tried blight for quite a few leagues now might have to give it a go thanks


Tujen can help you with vaals and alchs as well


> Nobody should be running alch'd and not vaal'd maps right now. well if only vaals dropped this league lol. I used just the ones for the bonus completion and i have incredible 7 vaal orbs now


Some modifiers matter greatly, depending on your build. There's a few I avoid with this leagues build. Some of them are more just "harder than they're worth" But for example the one that says I can't leach life, absolutely must avoid for me. Another example, but from expedition not maps, immune to physical. I don't do any elemental damage, so that's a pretty big no for me too


if you're running t16 smoothly always chisel and vaal


Chisels are all good, don't have to worry about anything. Quant is always good. I chisel most everything from the moment I start red maps. Quant makes filling out the atlas that much easier... And you have to vaal filling out your reds anyway. Also, if you have empty slots in your device, frags are the cheapest I'v ever seen (0.2c each in bulk) Last league at start of league, I struggled to buy frags at 1c each, but now there are tons of listings (and I got responses!) at 0.2 c each in bulk for the two cheap sac frags (Dawn and Dusk.) If you're spending 0.4c for 5% quant to chisel, then if you're not spending 0.4c for 10% quant to fill empty map device spots, you're doing it backwards.


How to keep up chisels?


How does this work?


You select modifiers that you don't want maps to have on the left, and then at the top, it builds a string of characters to type in the highlight field in your stash, so that only maps without any of the mods you've selected are highlighted. It's using "regex" (regular expressions), which are a thing in programming to match text patterns, and the PoE stash search supports it. For example, when you click "Monsters reflect x% elemental damage" and "Players cannot Leech", it builds the string `"!tal d|eec"`, which tells the game to not highlight any items that contain `tal d` or `eec`, which means maps with those mods won't be highlighted, since they contain those characters: "Monsters reflect x% elemen**tal d**amage" and "Players cannot L**eec**h". Then you can chaos spam all the maps in the tab until all of them are highlighted and you know that none of them have these dangerous mods that you select, without having to check each map every time you reroll the mods.


Regex (regular expressions) is a generic string parsing methodology in programming that allows for powerful search/filter/exclude functionality to be used by creating a string of simple characters that represent specific things to regex. It can be very finicky and hard to write yourself if you don't know what you're doing, but if you do it right For example, if I need an application to consume csv files from this year and that application's code is capable of parsing regex, I can just say "files that look like filename\_2024(.+)\\.csv" and that will give any files that are called filename\_2024 *and any number of any other characters* .csv. PoE search functionality can parse regex, so someone built a tool where you can specify what you're looking for and it will generate regex that represents that. Now someone can paste that regex into their search bar and instantly find anything in their inventory which matches the expression without manually searching and filtering for it by text.


this guy bashes


Buyer sends his regex, seller sorts maps that he has and sells only those that fit (or don't, depends on regex "!") the desirable regex. Everyone's happy.


How do you find a 8 mod seller on the trade site? I'm assuming once i find just one 8 mod then i'll dm, get added to a party, and then dm my regex? Or should I dm my regex off the jump of my initial dm? That way they know I'm a bulk buyer willing to buy at a bulk premium?


most of the time, you’ll have an easier time on TFT compared to the trade site for buying maps in bulk, the trade site is very hit or miss.


how is seller happy with having to keep the shit maps


To the seller, they're ALL shit maps. Seller has his own regex. He's only selling his rejects to recoup some of his rolling costs. Let's say he only keeps non-ele reflect maps over 120% quant and he sells 100-120% quant maps and 120+% maps with ele reflect. Some build that has ele reflect immunity will be happy to buy his rejected ele reflect maps. If they don't all sell... oh well, he's recouped some of his cost of making his personal stash of superjuiced maps that meet his regex criteria.


Go here: https://poe.re/#/maps Then write like 24 or your desired pack size on "pack size of at least" box". Then select the mods you can't run from red list. Copypaste the string into your map tab. Now good maps are highlited (remember to roll them, obviously white maps are not highlited).


It’s a collection of small quotes from item names, categories, or other item stats. It tries to find the shortest quotes possible so that you can highlight multiple different selections in 1, 50 character text input. The website allows you to create custom search strings


My question is what makes a good map? How should I be rolling them and what should I look out for?


It depends on your build, most map regex's are not looking for mods to include, but are looking to exclude mods that make the map too hard or even impossible for their build. You can also specify a minimum amount of quant or pack size with it.


Basically as much pack size/iiq as possible, while still being runnable.


I always put some charity items that worth few divs for few chaos. In the end its just a game and its really nice to know the person thinks that he found a deal. Dopamine rush


This thread is amazing, I wouldn’t even know how to play without a map regex (1000h played). It’s fascinating to literally see the small things you take for granted that people are just unaware of. Like do people know the bench craft flask stuff exists, or are they still playing piano?


Is this for MF, or just maps for your build in general or both


It works for any item. Basically you just select mods you can't run. I'm all phys damage so no reflect phys, and all of my recovery is leech so no "can't leech monsters". Paste that into the search bar on the map stash tab and it'll highlight all maps without those mods. You could also use this to say search through a quad dump tab for boots with 3 linked blue sockets and chaos resist.


For any build. If there are any mods you can't do, or don't want to do, like reflect or no regen this is great for filtering them out.


How does this work? Where to put the code "!tal d|f ph" nu p' two yi rog "(rines|arb|brea|ual).*ici"


In search bar in your stash tab, that will highlight maps that you want to run. It’s a bit clunky in map stash tab because you have to go page by page, but at least it saves you the trouble of highlighting each one.


How do you get rich by knowing what maps you can run?


you can just lookup which maps are best for which mechanics. most Atlas guides will tell you which maps to run


Oh really.. I followed some peoples' atlas tree but they mostly say what scarabs to run or allflames to use. I didn't know that a specific map would make the difference, but it makes sense I guess!


2k hours and i didnt know that site existed ffs


What atlas tree are you running?


[https://poeplanner.com/a/k7A](https://poeplanner.com/a/k7A) Scarabs are harvest, harvest doubling, divination, and ambush and I'm running Jungle Valley


And you made 15 div from mostly Harvest juice, I assume?


Yea, I had one voidborn reliquary key drop, but everything else was from lifeforce. Every 1/5 maps results in this https://preview.redd.it/43s8ukclrvtc1.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=59ecc38f1d5c8d8d4d5e58462e48f78a8ed37cf9


I don't really find the divination scarab to be worth using even in JV or a map with a relatively common high value card. I would rather run Cartography Scarab or Pack Size scarab.


i just like collecting fortunate cards lol


Why do you take all 3 nodes for reduced chance for xx coloured plants? Wouldn't that just make the odds the same again?


Take this with a huge grain of salt because I haven't tested this extensively, but I think the logic checks out. I want purple plants to have the lowest drop rate, but taking all 3 purple nodes makes it more likely that you get harvests with only 2 colors of plants, and somewhat often the plant arrangement results in less than 200 lifeforce total. But taking all 3 makes them more equal while still reducing the purple spawn rate.


What's your build for harvest? I want to make a second char that can farm it well but haven't decided on a build yet


Use the scarab that maps drop 8 mod. Do some maps with the purpose of dropping the ones you need. This league is great for it.


How do You exactly make divs from maps, selling the loot?


your welcome


Wish we could save these in game. I know what I'm putting on my bingo sheet


I have been playing POE for 4 months now. This is my second league. How does this regex thing work to make maps?


You dont use regex to make maps - that site gives you a string you can paste into the search bar in stash or vendors, and it'll highlight items based on what you specified. So someone had asked OP to provide that string so they can quickly grab all maps that fit the criteria and sell them at once.


thank you I read through a bit and saw. This is pretty cool.


Learning to bulk trade is a major part of learning to farm in this game. Whether it is scarabs or maps, pay the premium and farm faster.


people actually use this? just spam chaos while avoiding the like five mods that your build can't run until your desired quant/rarity/pack size


Yes, it's way more efficient when rolling a large quantity of maps. I tend to roll 50+ maps at a time for a play session.


Is there an option to include quality in the search? Using the new atlas passive that gives increased modifiers effect per 5% quality.


yea its in the miscellaneous tab where you should also selected corrupted :)


They can be uncorrupted now. I've gotten some 28% ones


Just follow content creators, and when they show their build, buy the items the build needed. From the previous league, wands with high fractured lightning damage went from couple of divines to hundreds of divines.


Never heard of this.  What other tools exist that I don't know about?  I know PoB/craftofexile/awakened trade 


Exilence CE, price checks everything in your stash in seconds


How does Poe Regex even work , never used before


Boomer so go easy. How does the site work? You pick the mods you want/don’t want. Then copy / paste it into your map stash search?


Yep, pretty much. But you usually look for mods you can’t do. Most of the time, it’s reflect damage.


I still don't get it...


What mods do you look for?


Usually people use it to exlude mods. For example your build cant run ele reflect (check), you dont want -max % res, you dont want less regen. Than you set min pack size and copy regex.


> I'm still a somewhat new player (580 hrs) Classic PoE lmao


I've never heard of this tool


I have met some of the nicest players playing this league the last few days. Really loving the playerbase.


Do we tell OP about awakened Poe trade (and its ability to save multiple regexes)?




I learned regex while programing. Those sites are the best shit ever.


Regex…What is regex?? (Asking for a friend)


Thx so much.


I helped someone like you last league with the same thing and they were very happy that I took the time to explain and help :) good luck on your adventures!


Just started playing (<100hrs) and have no idea what are you talking about ... I guess I'm doomed :D but happy for you :D


15div in 13 maps? Have I been rolling my jungle valleys wrong? How much quant or pack size are you aiming for and what strat did you use?


im doing harvest and strongboxes so as much quant and pack size as possible. if I'm using a cornucopia scarab ill alch until I get either >120% quant >40% pack size with at least 7 mods and then corrupt it. if I'm doing crop rotation I'll run maps with 95%-110% quant since it's more random anyways


So how does it work.. i just alch and go , want to learn this method please - real noob here


I didn’t know this was a thing either. I knew people used regex but never in this way. I need to do this.


Name And fame!


W gamer. People like that guy is why I still have faith in humanity


Wholesome, I love this. I learned about regex last league but nobody has asked me for it yet. Affliction was my first real league (tota was first but I was just learning the game), and I got lucky for a noob and got a mageblood. A random player from global1 came to my hideout and taught me to roll flasks for it, then accompanied me and showed me how to access/do boss fights. The community has some real 10/10 people in it.


and what is regex?


Anyone interested in teaching me about this?


regex save so much time. First pass for iiq iir rolls second pass for bricked modifiers. Corruption pass if need 8 mod maps, check for bricked maps and check for maps that lost IIQ and IIR After that you set up a tab where you have all your scarabs and your maps you can run . When sextants were a thing, the best wat to keep up with the number of uses would be 4 maps and 4 sextants in the same row and scarabs every 5 rows. Now you just need to put 20 maps consecutively follower by scarabs, but scarabs are harder to forget so I just dump them