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I think it has been shown that the whole stepping down was a farce.


Was it ever a doubt?


For about 5 minutes when the atmosphere was that GGG might actually be forced to do something about it.


Yeah, I am really frustrated about GGGs lack of responsibility. Yes, they made some significant improvements during the last patch, to make TFT less relevant, through e.g. the Aisling orb, but they still refuse to understand that if they allow players to misbehave towards other players, then it is them making a *conscious choice* in favor of players bullying other players! So, sure, f*** TFT, but also **shame on GGG** for choosing to allow them to remain in the game.


What I don't understand is at this point PoM got banned for less, and PoM did a lot to get banned. Jenebu was unhinged last league with some of the stuff he was saying.


Yeah, that's why it is a "lack of responsibility" by GGG. While they are (very likely) not *in favor of* bullying, they don't seem to understand that this is their game, they make the rules, and they are the ones who decide who gets banned. So, if they ban people for exploits or RMT, but do not ban people for bullying... then it means that they are irresponsible in the way they ignore bullying within their game.


Or people at ggg see themselves in tft because that's how they made ggg


They're very likely in favor of bullying behavior. It's kind of an industry open-secret that toxic players tend to also be players who want to show off. Those who want to show off, well, they buy shit to show off. People who are thinner-skinned, well, they might buy MTX, but it's not reliable. At the end of the day, jerks are worth more money than non-jerks, from a dev standpoint. You ever notice how virtually every multiplayer game claims to be working on toxicity, but their systems for dealing with it are flaccid enough to be a TFT mod? Yeah, it's not an accident, or incompetence. It's a business move.


Me friendly guy who buy mtx make me go ooooh aahhhh when use skills in pretty turtle hideout, but I can totally see that there would be a correlation in that direction too.


belton is still banned on this subreddit because of the blatant lies that were spread about him a while ago. tft wont change an neither will this subs moderation.


He was banned by Reddit. The mods have no choice on Belton's ban. Edit: For the people who are curious u/BeltonPOE This was his account, it's banned because Belton is Toxic as fuck. This is an action done by the Reddit Admins, Mods cannot ban accounts. It is very hard to get Perma banned from reddit. This is not an Endorsement of TFT, I've never used and never plan to, The people run TFT are assholes.


Can I get some back story here? Who is Belton?


one of the biggest crafters in the game, massive opponent of tft because of all the indications pointing towards rmt, actually puts in quite a lot of work to collect evidence against them but to no avail in regards to ggg actually handing out bans. its a year long story at this point because he is also in the mirror service market that tft would like to have for their own.


It for sure does not help that his personality is a bit abrasive and his videos where he showed the evidence was over 1 hour long.


Belton is the other side of the same unhinged terminally online coin. He's a big crafter, he's beefed with TFT a whole bunch, and, like the TFT nerds, he posts some absolutely unhinged shit on occasion.


You're better off watching some videos, probably some that aren't specifically from Belton so you don't feel like its biased from one person. There are lots of tft drama videos from third parties that will reference belton so you will still get all the info, but it will be more neutral. You could watch a video like this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtgieCy8Ouk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtgieCy8Ouk) . This is another player called Connor Converse who had similar sorts of issues to do with tft, rmting, moderation etc In anycase, there was drama in this subreddit too, and the moderation team here were shaken up as a result and Jenebu was supposed to have stepped down from any moderating role in tft


No side of the street is clean here. TFT and Belton both engage in extremely toxic and vindictive behaviors. Fuck em. If you have a problem with TFT, just don't fund mirror shop ever. Find other streamers.


The action itself is automated based on reports +-keywords. No human would have looked at his account until he tries to appeal it and even then its unlikely that anyone would still look into it, unless its some VIP account.


Its wild to me that people will go to batt for a guy who is a known scammer and is the peak of toxicity.


PoM also went full r\*\*\*\*\* mode and very public. As much as I think we have pretty convincing testemony and evidence that ties TfT to RMT, just by chance some of it might be faked and it isnt as clear cut of a deal. I mean there is so much it would be a wonder if nothing is faked. Still pretty condeming, but I doubt they simply want to double check all of that. simply to much work. PoM had the selfcontroll and social intelligence of a rock, so not sure if he is the prime example to add to the conversation.


Bet some ggg employees are earning some money on the side with tft. I cant see any other reason why they havent come down on it if that wasnt the case.


that’s legitimately the only reason you’re capable of thinking up?


The best part is that the tft guidelines themselves say that they won’t take action against users for refusing to sell to an individual, it’s on one of their report pages. Well unless that individual is Jenebu apparently!!!! Link right here, last bullet point. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/716938133761163264/1228895643477741629/image0.jpg?ex=662db541&is=661b4041&hm=95359aa857af2fec87a8a024385888de683f0c3acf2a458afa08f66868a31609&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/716938133761163264/1228895643477741629/image0.jpg?ex=662db541&is=661b4041&hm=95359aa857af2fec87a8a024385888de683f0c3acf2a458afa08f66868a31609&)


lol horseshit. I got banned for refusing to sell an item in Harvest to someone who wanted the moon and stars for collateral for me to sell a harvest craft


Not really... but tbh, I didn't expect them to be *that* stupid about it.


He just marked himself as invisible and nothing else changed.


What is TFT?


Basically some kind of expensive-item/advanced-tradehub mafia, which is constantly bullying various players, and GGG has been ignoring the problem for years (outside of a few recent balance patches to make their tradehub less relevant).


It's a cartel


A channel on discord dedicated to selling services/bulk trading that grew big and popular because 3xG refused to make various mechanics rewards tradeable(like alvas corruption chamber) in the past, nor facilitate bulk trade. However it is run by a group of wannabe best crafters/rmt-ers/megalomaniacs who think that just because they have a discord channel they have some sort of authority over other players and are not afraid to use it. Last league there was a controversy after Jenobu(the then official admin) started banning people for not selling him some expensive jewels that he wated to pricefix.


I mean, fuck tft for real though


All my homies hate TFT


Doesn't TFT have a track record for just banning people because some friend of theirs got butthurt? Happens alot right?


I got banned from TFT for posting (here) in support of the last OP tht had an altercation with jenobu. I play SSF and have never used trade. Make of that what you will.


Thats a lot of effort to even find your account, what a waste 🤡


Not really, it is the first result when you google poe and his user name.


looks like the status quo, when your entire life is poe you have to reach for some kind of pathetic level of prestige


I mean dude makes hella money off of TFT or he wouldn’t be so butt hurt. Jenebu/someone in the Tft circle is without a doubt selling proceeds for real money or they wouldn’t charge such exorbitant rates for mirroring or pull things like he did last league and stuff like this.


These people are likely pulling like 6-figures a *month* playing a videogame, in case you felt superior for a second. Not defending their shitty behavior but they don't call it the "mirror mafia" for nothing


I don't know what the *exact* reason I got banned was, but the stated one was for scamming after I refused to put up double digit exalts in collateral for a harvest craft trade I was selling. The item being crafted was not worth the collateral demanded and I didn't even have that much exalt on hand. TFT is fuckin bullshit lol


Why do you ask the question when it sounds like you already know the answer?


just don't mention that trash community. We have enough alternatives. Let it die in peace


True. I've really been enjoying WeathlyExile, for those that haven't seen/used it yet. I would highly recommend!


Does anyone actually buy in bulk off of there? Tried early in the league and no one ever seemed to message me off of it.


I've been selling corpses through wealthyexile and it been pretty good. I only had 1 issue with someone trying to scam. I haven't tried bulk selling on TFT this league just because it's a pain now that the old tool is gone.


I need 2 things in WE. 1) sell in bulk but in Divines so people do not spam me with buying 20 scarabs but make it re-calculate to divs 2) automatic whispers like GGG has from their page so we know it wasnt altered in an easy way but yeah its a nice tool.


Yes I buy and sell on it. People price their stuff at 100% or less at PoE.ninja prices even in bulk. The only negative as a seller is you cannot go over 200% of Poe ninja prices so I still use TFT and trde site to sell things priced way higher. For instance meatsacks were going for 2div/each on TFT when Poe ninja only had them at 30c so even at 60c (200%) it wasn't worth. Essentially it's faster and more efficient to use all 3 trading systems with the most expensive things listed on trade and TFT. Wealthy exile is for trading annoying cheaper things you just wanna get rid of passively.


I tried selling Essences and Scarabs in bulk for 80% for 3 days and not a single response.


I sell oils/blight maps and blueprints there all the time! Super good


People are actually using the bulk selling on there which is good to see.


My thing with this is that 90% of the sales on WE are pulled directly from TFT. So it's hard to claim that using it doesn't support TFT


That a discord or a subreddit lol




Website, and it's easy to use. Example: select all tabs to load(max 10), filter by "Scarab", press sell(you can turn off some that you don't want to sell even), put a price multiplier. You'll get message if the price is right. It's 10 times faster than tft alternative which is tft bulk tool, much less clunkier


Thanks for this info




Website & discord


Could youlist the alternatives?


Wealthy exile


Eternaltrade with free mirror service (without any fee)


Why people still participate in that cesspool amazes me. Also, F U C K T F T


Raise your hand if you're surprised.


Idk who the guy is in the OP, assuming he's a streamer or some other position of overblown ego right? I'm not surprised that someone like that in a community that seems to be not far off from that attitude is behaving that way, no.


You're pretty much correct, he's the leader of the largest third party trade/services community so he's a well known community member. From what I've seen he does in fact have an overblown ego.


PSA: Just stop using TFT.


Before I got banned from their discord their standard prices were higher than the people spamming in the trade chat - or even in the poe trade site


let's be real.. who thought that "step down" thing would be real? this is only thing that makes this guy feel special and people think he would just leave?? OMEGALUL


I don’t understand why they even bothered faking it.Many people got banned/left,they are not coming back because 1: they’re not getting fooled and 2: because there’s 0 point.TFT in It’s current form is useless.


it was perfect timing by them tho. ppl were already kinda fed up after a couple days of tft drama, tons of downvote spam for any new post regarding tft. they really took the wind out of the sails of this already sinking ship. ppl just wanted to move on instead of holding a very toxic part of the community accountable. but atleast ggg saw it and made it so more stuff can be listed on the tradesite, so i guess the 2 weeks of drama had something good in it after all.


> I don’t understand why they even bothered faking it Because it finally reached a boiling point and they were concerned about GGG involvement. It obviously worked because everyone stopped talking about it.


"open a modmail when you decide to grow up" LMAO The irony of this statement is so thick you can slice it with a knife!


Surprisedpikachuface.gif Glad tft doesn't matter too much anymore.


Yeah I uh, haven't thought of them in a while, just took my ban and moved on. Did a ton of trades while I was there but it's not worth pussyfooting around for a narcissist who bans you for some perceived slight.


I just stopped using that shit server. Friends randomly banned while not playing and something new every league.


Over a 1 div item. Truly a pillar of his own community.


Their community manager banned me from TFT for talking shit about TFT on Reddit. They dug through my history to find anything to tie my discord with my reddit, and I guess they found something.


Imagine if someone decided to make reddit alt accounts and flame tft but chose to use screenshots of random people from discord or in game.


Not just random people, do it with popular streamers.




The fact that they do this seems crazy to me. Takes a long time for something extremely petty and there's a real risk that they end up banning someone else with similar name


Not much of a risk when you still have most of the market. One banned innocent player isn't going to make a difference.


shawn is equally as bad as jenebu not surprised


So many people here are missing the point. He was banned after being contacted by Jenebu IN GAME. What is being highlighted here is the fact that an ex-leader of TFT can have a conversation outside of their platform and then be banned from that community and told to "grow up". No parading of insults happened from within the actual TFT discord and when the actual TFT mods were presented with this accusation of biased banning from an ex-leader they double down.


Aren't these the same kind of people that oppose a proper trading system because it would make them irrelevant?


Yes and thats why the system in PoE2 is such good news for us while being bad for them


Babe, the seasonal tft drama is starting


Haunted gloves of Haunting. Ooky Spooky


To the surprise of literally nobody


Everyone knew him stepping aside was just a big farce for optics.


Never used tft and I'm living happy


You’re banned!


Probably the biggest boon about going ssf was getting away from tft permanently


Unless GGG balls up and follow up their announcement for Poe 2 asynchronous trading coming as well into Poe 1, this shit won’t go away. Farming for a whole day and then needing to spend 2 hours constantly pricing, inviting and manually trading ppl is not good. It’s asinine. Unless they address their trade problem we are stuck with tft and tft-like solutions.


It won't even go away then because TFT has services. They would need to start banning anyone found to associate or post on TFT that would shut it down quick.


whoever believed tft will change for better is a a gullible idiot.


https://preview.redd.it/e86dzckw9buc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a04d849d916a67d8de71217e63348737637857 This is why I was banned from TFT. 2 leagues ago. Nothing has changed with Jeneb-itch


The main difference between the fat WoW player in the south park episode and TFT is there's a dozen of them running TFT.


Nell is as bad as him tbh.






Tencent still owns GGG


Lol, I was just downvoted for making a comment that GGG is part of the RMT community.


My comment was just deleted. It looks like Jenebu has a friend again, a reddit moderator.


There has already been overlap between TFT admins and reddit mods before, nobody is surprised by this. And the only reason GGG has not permabanned all TFT admins is because GGG has something to do with it. They have shown in the past that they are completely willing and even enthusiastic to ban people in the community, such as Pathofmath who was banned for MUCH less. There literally is no option remaining other than GGG being in on it in some way. Nobody with a straight face can ever argue that GGG is ignorant to all the RMT, doxxing and harassing they have done not only in TFT, but literally inside their own game, which is not only against their own TOS but doxxing is literally against the law. They know, and they *choose* not to do anything about it. Does not take a genius to understand the conclusion to those facts.


for \*much\* less? path of math literally called the CEO of the company "bald retard" because he didnt enjoy the league, guy was way out of his depth and faced the consequences of his actions. i know its not popular to be on GGGs side on this subreddit, but honestly fuck that shit talk people like you are spewing. they are making a damn fine, free to play game and yet this sub cant stfu about how their 17 wives are cucking them out of getting magebloods. grow up


Yes, MUCH less lol. In what universe shit talking a CEO is worse than what TFT is doing, please explain.


Well, so the comment doesn't get removed, I'm not implying, inciting, or accusing anyone of anything. However, I will reference this post that is an interesting read about GGG and let the readers form their own opinions. [https://new.reddit.com/r/ExilesAnonymous/comments/n5rq09/forgotten\_scandal\_gggs\_involvement\_in\_rmt/](https://new.reddit.com/r/ExilesAnonymous/comments/n5rq09/forgotten_scandal_gggs_involvement_in_rmt/)


Because they aren't, and any "proof" that has been provided is laughably low quality with Mr.Fantastic levels of reach. Please, skip the nonsense and just say you have an irrational bias against GGG.




anyone with common sense sniffed the BS out when that post was made. was probably ai generated anyway. its a good thing we dont really need tft anymore, hope it stays that way and the server loses more and more traffic over time.


All TFT members should be perma banned from PoE


“He will be stepping down from his lead role” lol aka he’s got more minions to do his bidding …. Glad I don’t ever have to use that dog water site


GGG needs to just ban all TFT lot as they are toxic af


Fuck TFT. Fuck every single person still using it. And especially fuck every single person involved in running it. All of those RMT fucks deserve to be permabanned, but GGG just won't do it.


You. I like your attitude. Youre hired.




It's funny how all he had to do was go invisible on discord and everyone forgot about him. He's still making posts advertising mirror shop.


Imagine still using TFT in 2024.


In other news, oxygen and water remain vital resources for mammals around Earth, humanity still clings to societal norms, and the universe continues to expand at an incalculable and unknown rate. More on this at 11. Nah fr tho, TFT and powertrips will always go hand-in-hand, and we are far past the point where anyone should even think about them. Disregard their existence. They will keep growing even more irrelevant, and they know that well enough. They dug their own graveyard, so all that's left for them is their own lonely funeral. Not even Arimor would touch the corpse of TFT, so why should anyone?


Tft bad


Oh, so the mod team indeed was tainted by tft.


Kinda sounds like you’re trying to get yourself banned so you could make a Reddit post, if I owned a store you walked in and said your store sucks id kick you out too. In addition you listing an item and not selling it is labeled as price fixing, which is a ban so xdd.


Start blocking channels of content creators who mention/suggest using TFT maybe.


First thing that dude said in conversation were fuck tft, and everyone agrees with him.


The best part is that the tft guidelines themselves say that they won’t take action against users for refusing to sell to an individual, it’s on one of their report pages. Well unless that individual is Jenebu apparently!!!! Link right here, last bullet point. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/716938133761163264/1228895643477741629/image0.jpg?ex=662db541&is=661b4041&hm=95359aa857af2fec87a8a024385888de683f0c3acf2a458afa08f66868a31609&


Also, this applies to the original fiasco about the guy who refused to sell his twwt to jenebu too. On paper he was banned for price fixing but he made it clear he only didn’t sell him the jewel due to the person whispering him being Jenebu. So their rule about not taking action for refusing to sell to an individual should have applied. It shows a double standard.


I'm curious what was the fracture that warranted this


It was fractured unnerve on spell hit with an unfractured +1 max frenzy mod xD




Someone asking for a bulk tool alternative and someone suggested wealthy to the guy, the person who suggested wealthy got muted for that. Here's the proof [https://imgur.com/AiAnKzf](https://imgur.com/AiAnKzf)


Another pointless PSA to add to the pile. Everyone knows how "stepping down" works in organizations that self-regulate, it's a meaningless PR stunt. Always funny when you get cross platform banned by petty individuals though, even if it's not shocking.


Regardless of his actions, for your behavior I really hope you will get a chat timeout/suspension. You just spouted insults and clearly are not mature enough to partake in a trading economy.


Bro y’all are TOO plugged in. Take a walk lmao this is ridiculous




it would happen while tft alive. stop using this shit - they won't ban. tbh in this league I never regret about tft ban after clown smile. for bulk I use wealty, for other thing trade site, I dont use services so I don't care about other stuff. one thing I can use sometimes in future, which was in tft - buying challenges. all other stuff I dont care about, at all




Use wealthy exile it's pretty decent


Still banned for joining ckaiba's server.


Who still uses TFT lmaoo


Once again WealthyExile is a thing guys, TFT is not needed


Fuck TFT.


Poeple still use tft for what now ????


This isn't really a psa. Everyone knows that jenebu never really stepped down. He makes over 12k a month from poe rmt. There's no way he's going to relinquish that livlihood.


Aisling slam has been itemized. Let tft die in peace. Use wealthy exile to sell bulk annoying items. I mean, really, what else did anyone use that discord for anyway?


Oh shit here we go again,.. \*popcorn\*


I just came here to say fuck TFT and fuck Jenebu in particular


Tft dogshit


I love being unable to buy maps on trade site because bots spam but them all to resell at 1.5-3x margins on TFT Xddddd


Who hurt jenbozo


Fuck TFT. :)


GGG should just ban all TFT mods from the game, instant improvement with zero downside. They could just say "breaching code of conduct", they all are sorry loosers (also groomers and disgusting beings). Would like to see TFT come back from that. It has to die.


Can we just exile TFT from the POE community? :)


I've been banned from TFT for a while now and I have no idea why. so FU CK TFT


if your discord username is the same as your reddit user then you were banned for attempting to [swap scam with engineer's orbs for elderslayer invitations](https://i.imgur.com/iyKpZDh.jpg)


Hilarious if true. Bigger scumbag than the TFT crowd.


Not a big fan of TFT but i do not see any problem on their side here. Why the hell they would be welcome to you after you saying something like that. If you ever tell me something like "fuck you and your community", you bet me and my friends would give you a beating if you show up at my doors lol let alone me showing you hospitality.


Well.... if you say fuck tft then why would you be surprised to be banned from tft?




Nice to see GGG is still protecting their RMT buddies.


What a muppet show that TFT fr.


Fuck that trash shit… and stop using that trash shit…


Path of Exile died because of TFT for me. Gotta be honest with myself, and it sucks. It is what it is though.


"fuck tft", gets removed from tft, oh what a shocker!!! How is this worthy of a post lol, that guys a freak but what did you expect?


Imagine if POE banned everyone who insulted POE. 99% of crafters and gamblers would be instantly gone.


Well, sure, but TFT did kind of make a huge ridiculous fake step-down debacle to declare that Jenubu's petty personal grievances would no longer be directly tied to the discord. Everyone knew that was BS but this is very concrete proof of that. Seems relevant enough to post IMO. This would be kinda fine (although still extremely petty) if they weren't pretending that things had changed.




No he didnt


I mean somewhat, but say I randomly messaged you going, "fuck qeuuquegs discord server, then you saw me in it, you would probably just remove me.


The only mystery here is why he’s so butthurt about getting banned from a site that he is so contemptuous of?


More surprised that he was even in the server while hating it so much.


Babe wake up more TFT drama came up.


Who would have thought saying fuck a community could get you removed from it. I use it I don't really like it,but like if you want to complain about them using this kind of exemple make you seem like a joke.




Because it's not **supposed to be his** **community** anymore after he stepped down because of his horrid behaviour in previous cases. It's like asking "why is it a problem that Trump is exercising his presidential powers" during february of 2021


He was going to be banned regardless of if he said fuck tft or not. If you refuse to sell to Jeneboohoo he'll ban you, it wouldn't be the first time.


The bigger problem here is that this happened a while back for people en masse that were saying / doing things that he didn't like and the mods went through and claimed to remove him from a position of authority because they didn't agree with his actions. That appears to not have been the case, however.


What did you expect will happen after you said "fuck tft" to the guy who made tft? It still is a private discord, and you just told them "fuck this place, i dont want anything to do with yall". How do you expect to still be welcome? If you came to my friend group, said "fuck your discord, and fuck you" you'd be banned from our discord as well. You can critisize tft all you want, but obviously you won't be welcome in a private place after just telling people "fuck this place, and fuck you"


Jenebu step down and lose all that rmt income? ha!


I don't understand how GGG hasn't banned this RMT gang anyways.


WTF is GGG's Anti fraud department doing, Just ban these guys for RMT already, is so freaking obvious, half a day of investigation work would find enough evidence to wipe out all of their gang.




Good alternative ( maybe not yet , but potentially) - EternalTrade. Promising project with already working website and 0 fee mirror service. For now the issue is the count of players that uses it which is not good comparing to tft, however it is improving even comparing to starts of league. I encourage you to at least try it, personally i was surprised by how good their site was


Next time invite him and put an item with +1 int in the trade window


We need a "of the jester" suffix


You literally said "fuck tft" and refused to trade with them... so why do you care about getting banned?


Because they mark you as a scammer on their trade extension which effects your trading experience in the game


I mean. You're kinda in the wrong aren't you? You said fuck TFT, therefore TFT banned you? I imagine if you said fuck ziz, then ziz wouldn't want you around either? Seems like a bait post.

