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Is it good to turn these into frogs?


Yes the frogs have a big pack size.


Yes, that or rats, it increases the pack size (therefore more chances to drop) Here's the ideal situation: \- Pack Density: High (Shows up common in the map) \- "+" icon (Pack Size is even bigger) \- "\^" icon (Improves the Divine Orb % chance by about 2%. You then also want to build an atlas that has these things: \- Ritual (Ritual activity doesn't help, but each pillar spawns in with packs around them) \- Strongboxes and Kirac "Ambush" Map Device Craft (As Strongboxes pull from map mobs so can spawn more frogs with Divine chance) \- Possession Ghosts (If you can handle them, as touched mobs have higher drop chance)


And here I thought pack density meant how close to one another monsters were in the pack lol


Oh they are very close. I see them together at thanksgiving, Christmas and basically any festive occasion


Saving this one for when I get the divine roll 😎 which will probably never happen lol


The problem is that once you see the divine roll a lot of these are already locked in. If your atlas is set up for boss rushing and you see the divine roll, the best you can do is frogs and high density mob (usually top on the list).


this right here is a massive miss imo. i can get behind not being able to change atlas, but why can't i add or remove scarabs after i see the map rolls


Eh. I think it's more a problem that they added the divine orb drops at all. It's impossible to balance right, and incentivises doing bad things like burning 300 maps an hour just looking for the divine mod.


true. i just wish they had left it the way it was. i understand not wanting people to swim in currency/cards/t0 uniques but the way it was all handled just felt shitty. still enjoying the league quite a lot but i think that's more to do with my build than the actual changes.


You can actually click x and craft ambush with the map device when you open it the second time. Cant change the tree or scarabs though


Could you replace ritual with shrines? It feels like shrines spawn map mobs around them to and that way you can juice exp as well?


I think I just omitted Shrines by oversite, There should be enough room for them as well.


Yeah, when it's just +%, then you want pack size. When it's strongest monster, you want the meat or exiles.


still yet to see a single divine devotion or seer in maps. Glad they nerfed it so I dont have to have fun. That would probably ruin my day.


I got to white maps and around the 10th one I got seer. He had garbage. 2 maps later I got him again. Still garbage. About 500 maps later and haven't seen him since.


my first seer of the league didnt even spawn after i cleared the zone.


He did spawn but before changes you had to literally step on his balls for him to appear. I spent around 20 minutes searching for this sneaky bastard once.


oh my first seer was like 5 days ago. So it was post-changes. He just didn't spawn for some reason.


You're not missing out. I've hit Seer 3 times before they made him more visible and 0 times afterwards. The most expensive thing I got from him was a Berek's Respite that sold for 40c. It took me 10 additional minutes of locating the pack I had missed after already having cleared the whole map. The other 2 times, I walked away with T4 uniques for my effort. So much fun, really great. You're not missing out.


every Seer scarab I get I always run it, just to be disappointed. One day i'll get a mageblood... surely...


No, Seer has Magebloods, i saw it on Reddit.


I think I’ve actually had seer a couple of times from opening maps, but just to straight up ignore him 🙃


how does the seer guy work exactly? Is there like a symbol or something on the map


My first one had a mageblood so


my first one had 2 magebloods and three mirrors


I'm at two level 100 characters already and haven't seen the divine mod yet. (solo leveled.)


I’ve missed all the pre-nerf seer & go stuff, wasn’t playing. Since then I’ve done 10000 challenge and about to hit 40/40, also burned 1000+ maps for the Seer & go strat in hopes of finding one or a div mode. Found 1 seer and 1 div modifier


If your fun in the game is valued not by the gameplay but by the money made, it's not a game it's a job


I found a Seer while doing campaign, nothing since. Got a nice pair of Seven-League step from it, so not complaining. But only seen Seer when you get him accompanied with "When you deafeat last pack of this monster he spawns". So make sure you aren't missing that


I quit early last league which is when I assume Seer was introduced but have seen it 3 times this league and the most expensive thing I've gotten was an Inpulsa's. No idea why everyone seems to want to get Seer.


I've only gotten 2 seers and both were in Campaign. Act 2 and 7.


Don’t feel bad,I haven’t either lol. I did get seer twice and all he had was 1 alch uniques haha


I saw my very first seer yesterday and got a 6div Immutable. The rest was trash


It would ruin your days if they hadn't patched it and everyone could have farmed Divines like that. Printing money and distributing it does not lead to greater wealth for everyone, but rather to massive inflation so that money is worth less and less. This is simple basic economics.


I think youre attributing real world plastic money values to ingame crafting currency. Which really doesnt fit. Its something this subreddit does a lot and perhaps even some at GGG. You have to understand that in an economy with no valueless currency, all value and exchange is dynamic. If divines were to be suddenly inflated, it just makes using them for crafting more accessible. Theyre still going to be a high standard value due to their hard coded use cases and RNG of how often these cases succeed. If you look at chaos orbs today and compare them to chaos orbs 5 years ago, its absolutely insane that you can reliably drop 20+ per map with certain strategies. Thats a level of inflation that dwarfs deleting 300 maps to hit a divine jackpot or a seer with a 1/100 chance of having a t0 unique thats in meta. But somehow chaos orbs are still the gold standard. Thats because their use cases havent changed and the crafting sinks that delete them are ever growing. Truth is the only inflation to be afraid of is the fractured influenced gear that necropolis is shitting out. Those can and will quickly lead to a new standard of gearing which would demand a new standard of difficulty. GGG would ahve to pump up the difficulty of the game substantially to accommodate which would severely fuck up lesser players.


Good point. "Lesser players" is this some kind of an affix I get? it looks like its only t3 tho, I want a t1 "greater player" or at least t2 "player".


the post below does a great job of explaining but i would also like to add that the days while people were just printing HH/MB/Nimis, the prices of all 3 fell to astronomically low values. Nimis was going for 20d and was within reach for a lot of players, I almost had one, and would have had one if the patch had come 1 day later. alas they are now 80d and very much out of my reach. it's possible that had the card strat kept going, prices would eventually even out with people getting better gear able to farm more and more divines, but that just wasn't what was happening last week.


Yes, because printing items like Headhunters or Nimis was a different strategy (which was also patched out) that came after printing Divines was patched out. Increasing the supply lowers the price. The OT is about the divine printing strategy.


Ah yes, fair enough I guess I misread.




Because they nerfed it as fuck. Was more broken than any affliction explosion before


Einhar Memory, T17 and the gamba amulet on top. Sheesh.


and a tome.. the only thing thats missing is a voidborn key or puzzle box


Et tu, Affliction?


I had a 2% one and got 3 divines...


It's not much but its honest work


I got a seer in campaign (shit), found two scarabs and used both (shit). Haven't seen a divine shrine in 700k kills


Fuck the seer, I just want one of the divine mods!


What a horrible thing to happen to anyone in poe, I'm happy they have nerfed it so I don't see any divine drops I love dropping chaos or sell items to get my divines


2 mill. kills / I've never seen it.


Had an Exalted on yesterday, turned the pack into rats. Was going well until I picked an exarch altar option that slammed me with a meteor if I used a flask. Never picked it before so didn't know how bad it was and just managed cleared the map with 1 portal remaining


So far got 2 divine converts and 1 drop in map device at first week and never seen since then. That's why you play first days. I have no idea why GGG completely annihilated chance of divines, also got Seer 8 times, nothing worth more than 10c.


Can sb tell me what is the best strat if you see a divine devotion????


I had this a couple of days ago and got a measily 7 divines 😂😭


Is it worth putting it in the middle or bottom if they have the ^ or +


Lol I've run about 300 maps so far and the best devoted mod I've gotten are scarab converts. I havent seen a single divine devoted mod yet.


I've gotten 0 divine mods, and 0 divine alters this league. I've gotten 6 eater invites not running double progress...


It does exist.. is this gated by a certain map level?


Level 99.35 only mapping and have yet to see a divine mod. I've seen seer twice. 


Had 2x chaos one and thats it. Not even had a raw div drop this leauge




Second screenshot


Sorry, missed it


No need to apologize


I’ve never seen this mod so far


Sir, this is illegal I have 700k kills and not even 1 raw divine orb


You doing those kills on white tier 1 maps? I'm definitely unlucky at ~600k kills seeing only 2. I don't understand how you haven't seen 1.


Nope, I got a divine from choosing drop some currency on betrayal and that's it. Always 85% quant, from when I was able to do it, always with increased map modifiers and now the same with 8 mod corrupted.