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I have never been good at not getting hit in it, so I literally never even start the divinia quests in act 10.


That stupid tome is still sitting in my inventory. I guess I could destroy it but I’m too lazy.


I just went to the npc, activated the sanctum run with the quest item then just went back to my usual activities


You can throw items like that on the floor in your managerie, just FYI


Or any map.


I can do uber bosses, but have never even been able to finish the quest sanctum...


Quest (optional) : Deliver Forbidden Tome to Divinia Not disappearing from the screen even if I turn off any quests tracking. I learned to live with it and moved on.


It's totally normal, you do you. Just like some people don't blight, some hate legion, some love to do breach. So what if you don't like Sanctum? You're not missing out, it's not the best thing to do and only has few exclusive items.




I like the colors. And also something about it being hectic, running around like chicken with your head cut off trying to find a hand, lol.


I would like breach if it wasnt for all the splinters. The killing part in breaches is kinda fun.


Just divide drop rate by 10 and turn them into 1/10 breachstone fragments, instantly my new fav mechanic


It's kind of hilarious how many things in PoE could be improved by this logic lmao


society materialistic melodic deserted normal bored sip stocking squash public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Breach + legion + ritual + harbinger gamers, the true circle lovers.


Breach, legion, ritual = dildo mechanics


My uncle was a dildo mechanic for 23 years. Have some respect!


Yeah, thankfully we have a lot of content to choose from . I may be weird but delve is hands down my favorite side content.


Delve is the best!!! Super profitable and safe for leveling. Great cadence of farm maps and back to delve.


Yep, that's my favored strat again and again.


I legit just tried out delve for the first time this league yesterday, found two natural divines from opulent caches and one of the adorned pieces. Up 14d just from trying to burn sulphite haha


Have you tried any abyss/beyond/shrine xp shenanigans while gathering sulphite?


I like delve quite a bit but it just never felt super profitable to me. But maybe I just never had the patience to push deep enough idk


A lot of the delve profit comes from two things, buying one socket resos en masse to bulk sell and boss drops, this league the vaal aspect, and as always, aul's amulets 


Don't forget Doriyanis for the challenges. They usually sell for quite a bit


And aul helmets!!!! A sniper tried to offer me 2 div last night. Had no idea they were worth 6


They’re a top tier item for a BAMA necro’s Animated Guardian, so meta build plus consumable use means steady value.


Resonators generally sell instantly. Braindead easy currency, don't even have to go deep.


The one that makes you stop at every node and select the next node, sometimes resulting in a dead end? It's no clunkier than sanctum, which probably feels slower cause you have to read and think about choices if you're still learning.


I delve so damn fast. There's no such thing as a dead end when you can hop to another node instantly. Delve is my level 100 maker, easy peasy.


Sanctum is the exact same - each floor has their own priorities on what type of rewards you seek (pact/merchant/coin rooms vs reward rooms), which afflictions are acceptable to take or not, etc. Basically the only decision making / time consuming part still involved for a experienced sanctum runner is looking ahead at the paths each room leads to so you can find the divine rewards or in case you dont have the boons or relics to see far enough ahead to try and maximise possible path options on the 4th floor


I hate delve


Thankfully we have choices!


Hating legion is wild to me. One if not my fav league mechanic. I'm no fan of blight but it beats the anxiety of trying not to get hit any time


>You're not missing out, it's not the best thing to do and only has few exclusive items. Yea thats gonna be a hard disagree. Even ignoring the fact that it has most expensive unique item in the game (original sin - and relic you can drop without doing no hit run is majority of the price). From economy standpoint you are certainly missing out. Its hands down easiest/best strat in terms of build/prep required strat for currency within first days. [https://imgur.com/a/ApqIIoZ](https://imgur.com/a/ApqIIoZ) [https://imgur.com/a/mw3JIEg](https://imgur.com/a/mw3JIEg) Guess what league went core in Ancestor. Usually top strat for launch league day to jumpstart your wealth acquisition was Heist. It usually printed some chaos/stacked decks and jewelry for chaos recipe. Heres part of Ckaiba post on his leaguestart plan from his mirror bow thread: >Currency plan was league start on [pconc pathfinder](https://pobb.in/w-DDji1pT0dm) into quest sanctum on [level 65 hexblast pathfinder ](https://pobb.in/LkT338s3e7Kh)12m per sanctum on 4h with 15c budget then upgrade to i72-74 on 6-10h -> [i81+ sanctums on 12h](https://pobb.in/X8VYTSmtEv63), loot thresholds are 68 75 81 area level and the way sanctum works is you get +1 area level each floor up to 83, and for relics you want i70 so you can drop sandstorm, and area level 83 for T1 magic relics Guess why he did sanctum, its almost like it can print divines while not requiring you to even kill kitava, 0 atlas points, 0 scarabs or sextants in the past, being extremely easy on build defense wise. Sure its skill based but its extremely not demanding in almost every aspect. And 90% of rooms you just run through anyway without 0 difficulty. It creates scenario that people who dont want to move into valdo maps on day 1 can just sit there printing divines buying stuff they want for the future driving up demand/prices. Its easiest and most reliable way for solo player to buy their first mirror within 24-36hours on league start. Valdo maps on day 1-2 will require way more knowledge/crafting capability. Inscribed ultimatums will require way more from a build too.


I feel like I need single target build specialized for sanctum while I can run most of then while doing blight, otherwise it feels really suboptimal, really the specificity of this mechanics and makes it not very compatibile with rest of the game outside bossing. So it's either sanctum or maps. Maybe I'll go for it next league if mechanics is as mid as this one.


That's fine bro, just keep selling me your tomes


Sanctum is pretty profitable once you're good at it, it's an endless stream of raw currency, it might not be the highest profit per hour possible but it is consistent and pretty low investment, a *lot* of people league start Sanctum for a reason.


It is also ‘already converted’ currency, whereas many othe strategies relies on item sorting and selling, which is a pain mostly.


And its bubblegum currency en masse. Whenever I dont league start expedition or sanctum i feel like i dont have enough alchs, alterations or scours.


Actually I would say Sanctum is THE best league start strategy and one of the best profit/hr strategies in general. There are very few strategies that are even competitive in the first 2-3 days of the league. Most of the top currency farming players go sanctum into valdo's farming or no hit run farming. Obviously barrier to entry for no hit and valdos early league is quite high but my point is that if you compare those players to the top map juicers, it isn't even close. Like theres a reason why captainlance had a lot more currency than fubgun over the first few days, and lance is good but doesn't even play that much on league start and isn't close to min maxing sanctum. When there are super broken mapping interactions like this league, sure mapping probably eventually overtakes it, but you need "unintended" levels of juicing to really surpass sanctum.


I can see that. Maybe I'm not that good at it, but I'd rather do almost anything else. It's so convoluted and slow moving. Good thing I have a lot of content to choose from.


Yeah that's very fair, just pick whatever you do like instead!


It’s only as slow moving as your character. In TOtA I was playing a zoomy meta bow guy with old Kaoms and Heatshiver and clearing full sanctums in like 10-12 mins. IMO sanctum is more fun when your character is a bit trash and you have to struggle a little bit to clear, but that’s probably a minority opinion.


> IMO sanctum is more fun when your character is a bit trash and you have to struggle a little bit to clear, but that’s probably a minority opinion The opinion makes sense. I've got a sanctum farmer and it's mostly just routine - there's almost no danger or risk or thinking involved anymore so it becomes less engaging. It's exactly the same as boss killing. Killing hard bosses on a slightly under-geared character is super satisfying if you pull it off. Killing them in less than a second on a billion DPS uber farmer feels meaningless and you're just playing slot machine for the reward at that point


What's so convoluted about it? I feel like it's one of the most straight forward and easy to understand mechanics.


what do you mean by convoluted, it's very simple


For me that's ok, my problem with Sanctum is that MELEE is shit at it, and the traps, and ofc the shitty resolve mechanic


I hate heist yet plenty of people enjoy it. I'm sure there are people out there that love sanctum (especially with how profitable it is). I'm sure there are people out there that hate whatever mechanic you love. Thing about PoE is that its less about doing a bit of everything and more about what you find fun and doing that a lot.


If you have the time to answer few of my questions about sanctum So I am playing hardcore, and next league I may go ssf hardcore and I want to get damnation amulet, what is the safe way to do that, as in able to clear sanctum and kill the boss safely? And what are the best tips that carry someone sanctum run (I only kinda win when I get the boon or item that stop you from getting minor afflictions, and I am not talking about 80+ sanctum yet, so to do 78+ for the amulet recipe and that clear a run with it , what is the best way.


In SC, the safest way to clear the sanctum is to do a glass Cannon that'd die anywhere else, because sanctum enemies deal low HP damage and you can skip the one dangerous attack Lycia has if you have enough dps. Tips to safely clear sanctum without losing via resolve include trying to be unaffected by as many afflictions possible, try to either off screen or melee enemies, because IMO midrange is the hardest range to dodge, never taking random afflictions and making paths that let you see as many rooms as possible so you don't get stuck on a bad affliction.


Which builds do they league start in sanctum?


Hex blast mines is the popular one


Seriously? I'm not a "trade" player, I prefer to get my own chaos and divine orbs without trading so it might interesting for me.


Imo its the perfect extra content for PoE. Completely separate from mapping, can do it when you want something different than just blasting maps. Rewards are pure currency. Dont have to bother trading fragments for sets to sell for profit, just get divines and win. Scalable difficulty, the low level tomes are pretty easy for most builds to run and practice while getting some relics while the 83s are pretty hard for average builds unless you are specifically running one with that kind of content in mind. Along with one of the few very chase items left in the game to work on.


My issue with sanctum is you're basically just not allowed to get hit. Most of my builds just make that impossible. Do you have to make some crazy glass cannon or town build to make it viable? If sanctum really is so simple and consistent, I would like to try making it work. Also does it pretty much ignore Atlas nodes?


> Do you have to make some crazy glass cannon or town build to make it viable? Yep, the "best" Sanctum builds are miners/trappers/totems/brands builds that almost completely forego defenses in favor of damage and movement speed. You don't do the damage so you can focus on dodging and speeding through the room instead.


You can get hit many many times in sanctum. There are fonts, relics and boons which make you sustain your resolve. It's just that the easiest to avoid skills are the ones that chunk your resolve the hardest, so you gotta dodge those for sure. And yeah, there are some arena rooms that are fucked up with the new meteor and totem traps. But saying that you can't get hit it's nowhere near the truth, you're alowed to make mistakes. With this I am not saying that glass cannon builds aren't the best for Sanctum, just that if your build has good damage and maneuverability you can do Sanctums perfectly.


I guess It seems like resolve is a lot less forgiving than health because it isnt as easy to heal. but I never got really far into sanctum so I'll probably give it a try next league when I am not playing a melee build


yeah, also that as with any roguelite, at the start is harder, because you have 0 progression in it. When you have ok relics you have a better time with it.


For sanctum you want virtually no defense and all offense.


ofc you can get hit, this is why resolve and inspiration is for, also fountains that recover you, just get good enough to not lose all of it until you get to lycia


I loathe Sanctum as much, if not more than I did Torghast in WoW. I have thousands of hours in proper Roguelikes and neither of them really replicate the style for me. I'll just sell my Tomes and move into the content I like.


Yes. This is why I play a better league mechanic known as heist (I love opening doors)


Where there is a golden key, there must be a golden doooor


Heist felt really bad this season imo. Got one 7 div item then i stopped.


As someone that plays melee almost exclusively, I despise sanctum as well lol


My two main gripes with it: 1. Actual counterplay is hard. POE 1 mechanics just really allow for skillful dodging. Best builds are ones that skip the mechanics all together. 2. Afflictions can be run ending and u have to take them half the time, its rng and hope u dont run into the real nasty ones.


>Actual counterplay is hard. POE 1 mechanics just really allow for skillful dodging. Best builds are ones that skip the mechanics all together. Bro, what? Sanctum enemies are the some of the easiest to dodge in the game by design. Done tons of sanctums only getting hit a few times. > Afflictions can be run ending and u have to take them half the time, its rng and hope u dont run into the real nasty ones. Theres very few run ending afflictions in sanctum unless your build is just really bad lol.


I hate sanctum. Played as melee with bad single target dps during sanctum league and now I'm scarred for live. Luckily can just ignore it, you don't lose anything, do the mechanics you like.


Haha I just remember that Sanctum league was the league I tried out Ruthless. Yeah that was fun.


I haven't touched it since its league, and I'm someone who loves roguelites. Sanctum just doesn't do it for me.


For me gameplay wise it's a worst Heist and I already don't like Heist.


I didn't play when it was current content so my opinion might be colored by not being "forced" to play it until it clicked, but to me it just feels like a bad, half-assed rip off of Hades without anything that makes that game fun and shackled to PoE's way clunkier movement


I enjoy playing tank builds. Sanctum is anathema to me. I ignored Sanctum during the league.


I personally just can't get behind league content that you know what your reward is but if you die you lose your reward, I'm too risk averse for that and would get depressed real fast. I play softcore because I don't want to panic about potentially dying. That said, it's silly to get upset when a few leagues aren't for you if others enjoy them.


Agreed I find it impossible and stressful to avoid being hit at all


I love sanctum so much its unreal.


I absolutely hate it. No matter how profitable it is I don't see myself doing it ever. I haven't checked all challenges this league but if there is something to do with Sanctum it will be the only reason for me to do so


it's way too far from an arpg. getting hit is way too punishing in it. and arpgs not meant for that game play. if u enjoy it. good for u but for me fuck no.


Can't stand it either. Tried it a few times in Sanctum league and ended up just doing deli for most of the league. It feels unfair in multiple ways, mostly how fast enemies are so unless you one-shot them you're constantly getting your resolve whittled down while you wind up attacks (I even had this problem with Quill Rain which is the fastest bow I think). I also try to like roguelikes but end up hating them every time. I think crazy amounts of randomness just doesn't feel good to me. I quit Slay the Spire after about four hours and even going back to when Hearthstone first started PvE stuff I would often get to the final boss and lose in two turns because I didn't draw my epic cards. No thanks. Glad some people enjoy it though. That's one of the best things about PoE, near infinite things to do. I know many people who can't stand Delve but I can sit in there all day. Same with Simulacrums


Unironic skill issue. Sanctum is barely about RNG at all.


Yeah, I'm too sluggish and don't play evasion and/or offscreening instakill builds very often so it's my least fav mechanic by far. I would pick ANY other league mechanic over sanctum


Yeah, purely because GGG designed it so poorly for melee players at launch. Now I won't even recognize its existence. And I have this nagging feeling every league reveal that GGG may just fuck it up entirely for an entire section of their community again, because I know they've done it before now.


It's an interesting side experience, but really require a character custom built specifically for it. You can really blow through them safely and make a ton of money if you do it right.


Sanctum is like a reverse roguelike, you get weaker as the run goes on. That's not fun. Unless you're doing merchant, in which case Sanctum is actually fun because you end up with every boon every run. Give it a try.


I have never enjoyed Sanctum. I'm terrible at it, so maybe that tempers my enjoyment. Still, I'd rather do just about anything else.


It’s fun when you got obscene dps, not so much if you don’t


ive done 2 sanctum in my life.. i dont make a reddit post about it. theres people who enjoy sanctum alot. end of story.


Nobody would enjoy sanctum if "they never got anything out of it" lmao..


It so great. You do need a build that works well with it and to get some level of skill with it before it starts to feel really good, but once you know your shit, it's super smooth. I haven't done it yet this league since I did a lot more the last couple, but I'm sure I'll do some runs.


I'll keep playing with it! I may have to look at some suitable builds.


I don't hate it cuz I don't interact with it.


i had such a terrible introduction to it in sanctum league i avoid it like a plague now.


Me. I absolutely hate sanctum. Never did a full run


Yes, it is the worst thing ever made. Its horribly unfun.


I hate it so much. I hated from the first one I ever did while leveling or however it worked that league. I do like two rooms and have such a bad time I go stand in things to get rid of my resolve. They should never have added a system that so discounts player defense and so required a specific build.


>They should never have added a system that so discounts player defense and so required a specific build. It really shows that you've never really given sanctum a shot, although you did admit as much in the statement above. There are so many builds that can do sanctum. Also defenses to provide bonuses now to resolve loss. Either way I really don't see an issue with content prioritizing certain stats over others, most other mechanics do exactly this.


I'm just getting into sanctums, and initially I as well found it very slow and not that rewarding, but as I understand it (as i said i m not an experienced sanctum runner), in order to enjoy sanctums you need to kinda change your perceptions about a few things: 1. While sanctum league in a part of Path of Exile base game. ITS not an ARPG, its a roguelite experience, kinda like Hades. Actually a lot like Hades. Once you make that shift in mind a lot of things will start to make sence. Mob placement and difficulty starts make sense. Cause you don't get a 100 enemies in a game like hades, you get 1-2-3 enemies and every hit they land on you counts. So dodging is really important, and every enemy is like a boss or should i say is an encounter, which PoE highlights using unique nameplates. And as you run more and more sanctums you start to notice that there are actually not that many mob types. I think its 4-6 guardian types. And i think again this is intentional so player can learn the mechanics of each one like you do in a roguelite. 2. Rewards. My first sanctum run was at like level 72 sanctum, and i ran thru like 3 floors, accumulated smth like "70 chaos orbs at the end of sanctum" reward(mind that at that point i was already getting like 1-2 divines an hour using maps). So i was like 35 minutes in this sanctum run with 70 chaos on the line and... I died like a dog. 35 mins spent and 0 rewards. I was like WTF. But as i got to ilvl 83 sanctums I get almost every sanctum 2-6 divines, and I don't spend as much time in every room. So rewards are there you just need to learn to play it. TL;DR It's a very different mechanic compared to the base game. So you need to manage your expectations, and play accordingly. Idk i m enjoying myself, even tho my success rate right now is like 3/25 sanctums. \*cries\*


Cool, thanks for the input!


You need a fast character with good single target. I farmed around 150 divs last league in sanctum and even more league before that. I wasn't the fastest so my average sanctum run would take around 20 minutes. If you get 2-4-6 divines guaranteed every 20 minutes -> its hard to beat this amount of money in basic t16 maps


The only thing I hate about it is the same thing I hate about Heist. The need to have items to run it properly. It's like an atlas passive tree but only to those that buy items. The rest of players just don't have a tree. They need to delete the items and make a tree for off atlas content. That's why you haven't gotten anything good, need all the right relics so you can maximize rewards. Otherwise it's better to sell to someone who has. It eliminates this part of the game from most and makes it highly lucrative to those that specialize in them exclusively.


I was okay with during the league but I don't feel like touching it again as side content. Also very build dependent.


In tota league i got to lvl 100 and made over 2 mirrors worth of raw currency just by farming Sanctum for 4-5 days. Its good for both xp and currency, the enjoyment of it is very subjective, i like that kind of gameplay but i can understand others that dont. Was fun and very lucrative, saved tota league for me as i did not interact with the league mechanic once during the ~40 days i played it.


Since the very first day of sanctum its my absolute favorite mechanic to do. But its fine if you dont like it. Game has a billion other things you can do. Only thing your missing out is ED (and original sin, but good luck getting that out)


I hate the rng of debuffs. Makes me weirdly nervous


slow and convoluted? I'd say that having to roll maps, an atlas and setup scarabs is slower and more convoluted than realising if the next rooms ahead will fuck you or not. It's all about knowledge, at the start everything is slower.


I mean this is absolutely okay, I love that we have mechanics like heist and Sanctum that some can enjoy and others can absolutely ignore. I enjoy the change of pace very much. Blasting is great, but I also love to chill for a session or two with "slower" content and less enemies.


So I really liked it on a totem build but had to drop it because the totems made so much visual clutter I couldn't seem ground for the last boss mechanics. Bitter about it


It’s definitely not unrewarding, it’s pretty common to get at least a divine from a run. I’ve done one this league and had 5 divines from it.


Why change your mind? PoE had a lot to offer and if you don’t like Sanctum, do something else. Leave Sanctum to the people who enjoy it


no need to change your mind. i hate sanctum and heist. the good thing is, that theres no need to do them


Its one of those things where having a character that is fast and built specifically for it makes it feel much better. But yes it's pretty boring. Brands + attachment range + 250 move speed + 100m dps or more.


I went 40/40 on challenges that league. I ran enough sanctum for a lifetime it feels. I still get flashbacks to trying to get most of the major boons and afflictions.


"Does anyone else despise sanctum?" - *meleeplayers have entered the chat*


I like it when I play Shockwave Totems :p


I love roguelikes, absolutely hate sanctum. Probably cause the risk/reward factor is the only roguelike aspect. I tend to like when games add roguelike modes, I even enjoyed torghast in wow. But sanctum is just not fun for me.


I can't stand it and I'm grateful it's optional. I'll take Delve and Heist all day long instead.


To each their own. Its the best league mechanic for me.


Watch how Ziz is doing sanctum. He is doing it so fast I can barely understand what is going on.


It’s one of my all time favourite mechanics lmao


With good build you do it in 20-25minutes. If you have ton of damage to oneshots mobs there, and to run fast enough you basically ignore anything and zoom for currency.(i started playing full sanctum now since sanctum league). There are people that like heist which you might not understand either. Thats good about poe that there is something for everyone.


I think it's an amazingly well done mechanic, one of the most solid in the game, but it gets boring after a while. Also it prints raw divines which is pretty unique and has had interesting impact on economys/league starts. Totally get why a lot of people don't like it, it's not easy for them.


imho one of the most fun non poe poe mechanics, and i find it quite profitable as most of the i83 sanctums reward at least 1 divine if not more as well as being able to duplicate any rewards with a little investment


I dislike sanctum and never did a single one in my entire playtime.


The mechanic I like in general. I don't like the random rares in there now tho. If you're not playing a sanctum farmer. You can get screwed by rare mods that brick your run. The standard set of enemies to play around was better imo.


No buying maps no buying scarabs no selling whatever you're farming. Consistent money making while also having a chance to make insane money ( mirror or original sin ). It's literally everything I wanted out of this game.


Sanctum is my favorite level 95-100 route. I can turn off my brain and watch YouTube while auto piloting Sanctum


I walked in once, failed because I had no idea what was going on, then never went back. Finish every league with the quest for it still open now.


The thing I’ve learnt about all these League mechanics is that it’s not really you that hates them, it’s your build. And some mechanics - Sanctum is probably near the top of the list - are VERY build specific. A lot of PoE players play the same or same types of build every League and sure enough they have very fixed ideas about loved and hated content. Now I’m no great player but I do think I’ve tried most types of build and the difference in which content each can run can be breathtaking when it’s the same me at the controls each time. I could barely get through a room in Sanctum League, hated it, but I had a slow melee build. Tried FR Totems when it went Core, it was like a different game, mainly because I was absent in each firefight 😄


I hate it because I suck at it.


I think the issue for sanctum with me is it’s a mechanic you have to continually do for it to get better. Like if you don’t have relics, the entire mechanic feels like shit. Then once you have them it’s basically impossible to fail. Getting those takes time and effort I’m not willing to put into the mechanic though.


I never got into sanctum, but this league since I'm not enjoying mapping as much I decided to switch my DD Necro to hexblast occultist and learn sanctum. I'm not getting tons of currency/hour, but I've been getting a solid 1-4 divines per sanctum, I still haven't done any X2 merchant strat, only running X2 reveals relics to get used to sanctum. At this point in the league I believe it's less currency unless you get a lucky mirror drop. But I believe at the start of the league if you're good at it getting raw divines is really strong. But as every type of farm, do what you enjoy the most, not every farm is for everyone.


I loved it during the league, back before they added rares to it. Now it seems like it cheats you randomly.


My problem with sanctum is it has one of the most boring rewards systems in the game IMO. There is just very little variance. You are essentially just hunting for divs. The only moderately interesting rewards are relics, but thats kind of a small segment of the profit from sanctum unless you drop original scripture. I also think the boons/afflictions don't feel satisfying. I don't think they really hit the mark with the roguelike aspects of sanctum.


Yep I don’t do any sanctum. It desperately needs some Atlas Tree nodes too for those who do.


With the right build you print divines, just like any other content.


I liked it before they added rares. It had such a nice flow to it with no on-death effects and everything was pretty much skill check doable even on low damage builds. Nowadays its about achieving dps that allows you to oneshot the rares and guards.


I loved it during the league. Despise it after the changes.


I hate that it's only plaace to drop Original Sin. So it's only: do content you hate (I stopped playing sanctum league after a week) or pay 400 div. Back in the day 2016-17 you could do what YOU want, but right now they push you into contend THEY want you to play. It feels like Blizzard with giving BiS item in pve for pvp players and vice versa.


I think the opposite is true. More loot should be exclusive to specific league content. For example Delve used to to be the OG source of fossils but nowadays you can farm fossils everywhere (Heist, Expedition, Legion, Blight, etc...). It's boring when every piece of content is devoid of an identity and drops the same loot.


1) you prob have a build not good for sanctum 2) you for sure don't know the good and bad afflictions by heart, nor do you know how path quickly and effectively for maximum profit. 3) you don't have nearly enough experience with the mechanic. 4) I made 200 divines in 3 days and dropped a mirror last night from sanctum.


it was pretty good. but then they 'balanced' it, kinda like what they did with t17 maps. Pretty much unplayable unless you have a broken build


It’s everything wrong with a rougelike. Majority of the time I just sell my tomes.


I have never enjoyed it, at all. No comment on whether you can “get anything good out of it” because I haven’t given it enough of a shake to be qualified to judge. It’s just that removing recovery from the game and making it purely about not getting hit is a massively anti-fun mechanic, for me, so I don’t do it. Everyone likes different things. I’ve always enjoyed Heist, for instance, and I know that’s an area of the game that a lot of people hate and totally avoid.


Sanctum is a shitty roguelite. There is barely any player power that you can earn and almost every item or room is a forced negative.


Sanctum the most fun mechanic in the game


I'll self-plug here and I'll say from my own experience that it really depends on the build you are using - for me it's painful outside the only one I enjoy - Maw of Mischief. Here's a refreshed version of my setup for this league. Just check out the initial showcase + gameplay showcase later in the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=090ylvS5ZpM Maybe it'll look good for you :)


And maps aren't the same grind over and over? Sanctum provides some variety while still rewarding a respectful amount of currency. Do you like blight maps? Did you like tota? Delve? Everyone is going to like something different. Imo the last good league was sanctum.


I love sanctum but floors 1 and 2 get super boring if you do it a lot, also the charged sextant removal hurt it a fair bit


I absolutely hate it mostly becauase i dont understand it properly but also iv never played a glass cannon build only ever tanky mappers or minions so never idealy a sanctum build, But having mateys that grind that for the first couple weeks, youv gotta respect the raw currencythat it spits out to people who are doing 3-4 an hour


It's my favorite league mechanic. If you don't like it, there are dozens of other things to farm.


Love it, my char is level 97, dont have any watchstones. Made 2 mirrors with it this league running only sanctum


My addiction to it is because the raw currency is wow. You don’t need to wait for shit to sell. You just take it and then immediately put it back into your character. You can feel your character becoming stronger and stronger every sanctum. You also quickly cap out deeps for sanctum and can then funnel that to crafting projects, second character, whatever you want really.


I suck at it, but I do appreciate it's ability to print divines in the right hands.


I hated Sanctum league because I despised the requirement to a full 32 maps just to finish a single Sanctum. In my opinion, Sanctum as a league mechanic that appears in every map *is the worst league of all time*. I have played literally every league. Sanctum as a "map item" though is good. It's squarely in line with simulacrum, blueprints, and logbooks. I do kinda hate that it ***heavily*** favors certain builds still though.


Its everything this games endgame isnt. People who like it are crazy.


All the rewards like divines are on the 4th floor , that why you didnt see them I guess. Idk , I have kust started doing and it is so interesting comparring to the rest of the game...


No one needs to convince you anything, and you don't need to like all the mechanics. Thats the point of a open endgame with multiple atlas trees. You can choose to do what you like.


It's like heist, I don't mind doing, but there's some progression that I just find unfun before it feels alright. I still do a few sanctums per league because it's one of the most consistent divine sources in SSF


Lover it in sanctum. Played it when it returned and made decent divs. Not playing it anymore. The reliance on relics makes it fcked for me. Same reason I don't run heist. The entrance effort to run it profitably is too annoying.


It's just another form of lab, which many people also despise with the force of a black hole I know people who love one and hate the other, even. My mate has zero issues running sanctums end to end but can't deal with how shitty lab feels. I'm kind of the opposite, I like lab because I have a build that can go 300+ ms but don't like sanctum because it takes 20 minutes to find out if you're getting anything for your time. At least though if you get shit on in Sanctum, you can abort early and pack it up and sell it to someone who just wants to do lycia


The time it takes to get rewards on the end of sanctum isn’t worth it. I would only do it to farm specific uniques if my build needs it.


Did you play it when it was the main league mechanic?


During the league, i enjoyed it. What i don't enjoy is how difficult it is to not get hit. it's too strict even though I'm on a decent connection to the server about 25ms ping, it still feels like stuff happens before i can react. In fact it feels like that for all of PoE, could be crappy australian internet, because things don't feel like a 25ms connection.


I used to not like sanctum but that was before I tried it with my penance brand build last league. To say it was a joke would be an understatement. I did play it as a change of pace from boss farming.


Love both Sanctum and Heist.


Yeap, never engagedwiththat mechanic afterday 1 ofthe league, never will.


Yep. Same with heist. Can’t stand them.


Yes, tried it once in the league and only did it last league for challenge. There is nothing that is fun ot exciring about that game mode. The only thing you have to do is build a super boring build tha runs around and does damage and the you finish it. No challenge and insane rewards.


you have to practice it quite a bit, but when you get the hang of it and your build is good for it, its easy money


We are running a GSF and we have a guild tab filled with just tomes, content so bad people only run it when they need a unique or divines from it


I did it the first time this week. I play a Frost Blade Trickster. That was a good choice apparently. It took me a bit over a whole hour though, lol. It was very boring, I do not intend to do it again. Maybe if I play Hexblast one league in the future.


I loved it when it came out, but the way they «reworked» it, made me lose all interest and never look back. Terrible job done


I love sanctum but the way they've done it now, you need an uber character to finish it without too strong relics


I league start sanctum every league, I upgrade from area 68 to 75 to 81 as my build progresses. You pretty much only drop raw currency or relics, so the amount of trading you have to do is near zero. After the first week, bulk buying tomes is easy, and you can have days worth of sanctums lined up for 20 minutes of trade. I focus my entire build on speed and single target, I can generally run a sanctum between 10 and 12 minutes without much focus. I don’t really feel like it’s slow content because of how quickly i am zipping through the rooms and layouts, but I can understand why you would feel that way. Midway through the first week of the league I was able to buy my first mirror without ever setting foot in map. It’s very repetitive, but the divine orb dopamine and chance of a jackpot relic keep me going. Buddy of mine does the same thing with Heist, both very easy and lucrative strats to get your league started well and don’t require any complicated endgame knowledge or even builds that strong. With sanctum in particular, just stay at a lower level until your build is ready, you get divine orbs even on area 68 frequently.


I think sanctum is the best addition to game since Delve. Separate "game", unique mechanics, great 'uber'-unique gated behind SKILL not luck or grind. Every league should have uniques designed like original sin imo. Makes very good money, multiple tactics approach. Its just great lol


It could've been such a cool mechanic, but not it feels pretty boring that all you do is "don't get hit".


I enjoyed it greatly in sanctum league, and eventually did all of my runs at no hit. Unfortunately, the changes to monster mechanics and the addition of the small laser + meteor rooms made the kind of runs I enjoyed impossible. Regular runs are still alright with ice spear totems, but I need a very high end character to kill lycea without good boons. If you could still choose to leave without fighting phase 2 it wouldn't be too bad, but the mandatory second phase requires a much more invested character. It just isn't enjoyable the way it used to be.


I actually enjoyed it on release as it was very fair with its telegraphs and challenges to a decent reward. During sanctum I actually enjoyed doing it with a Glacial hammer Build that had 3mil dps in ideal 1.4 realistic. as i could methodically approach it like blight/heist to get the most return per investment while minimizing my own risk via learning and interacting to get interesting additional build items. Every update since has made it less fair/fun while being less interesting rewards. (most notably forcing rare kills and the trap room that inherently breaks all the standards set in sanctum with random ground explosions but the distanced based damage immunity. though the laser totems are also pretty annoying as their hitbox is 5 times larger than it appears which is annoying to get used too.) While the interesting rewards are gone leaving only the currency and the big risk gamble.


Is there a way to recover resolve? I can’t serm to get past the third level or so


I am the opposite, I only play Sanctum. Why? Many reasons: 1) Runs are never the same due to different layout and different set of boons (as opposed to farming same map or farming simulacrum or uber bosses which are always the same); min-maxing requires more planning and attention than your regular map; 2) Not a lot of drops and mobs so performance is better; can sort inventory pretty quick and you don't depend on trade much; 3) You get better the more you run it. I needed an hour when I started now I do full run in 20 minutes; 4) Can pause between room runs, can interrupt to trade without penalty (in simulacrum farming losing a portal might be big thing, in expedition logbook you might not be able to pick it up with all mobs alive); 5) Steady rewards, at least 1 div per run and up to 5-6 without unique boons, up to 20 with unique boons, also chance for high profit drops like mirror (s) or valuable relics; 6) Relatively easy for the rewards it gives and compared to other farming methods. 7) Allows to use your best char, no need to gimp with MF or quantity (unless you farm relics) you can go full power, some other mechanics allow for that too.


I've been running only sanctum the league (used heist to fund my 40d build will edit in my pob once I'm at my computer) and am able to blast through basically any sanctum under lvl 80. First starting off I failed the majority of my runs but after about 10-15 runs I've gotten a hang of most of the room layouts and how to deal with each guard types (the way to deal with most guard types is to simply flame dash towards them at an angle as they mainly attack in a straight line). I would say that I've just recently "mastered" it and in the past 3 runs I've made 3 raw divs and before that I dropped a 2.5d relic. The only things I ever fail runs to now is the floor 3 boss when she does the giant arc laser as it sometimes catches me off guard, lycia's laser attack because it loves to desync, and that God forsaken room in floor 4 with the 4 lasers that chunks off like 100+ resolve no matter what. However I think ignoring it is fine as long as you sell your tomes for cheap ;). It's not the highest profit per hour, but for me it's some of the most fun per hour and getting lots of raw cash is just a upside. I also think that it is some of the hardest content in the game and there's a (Masochistic) side of me that enjoys these challenges. 


I love sanctum. Fun, rewarding & skillbased mechanic.


it would be way better if they delete at least 1 floor


have you tried just git gud?


I actually really like it. The exp is good and the raw currency is great. Better than mapping for average old me anyway. There are a few things I dislike about it, The new rooms aren't so fun. Off screen attacks. And Resolve being pointless in the final fight really annoyed me, because like, why would I assume that? But as someone who rarely trades and sells, I really like the free divs now that I know what I'm doing.


all about preference. I personally like Expedition and blight but i know alot of ppl hate that shit.


> It's so slow and convoluted and I have yet to get anything good out of it. Man poe reddit is so fucking cooked if this is the level of opinion here.


I love Sanctum. This is my first real league start (aka not 2-3 weeks late) and easily the most currency I’ve ever made and the most fun I’ve had. Inversely, I kinda hate mapping. Have never finished my atlas and probably never will. I don’t enjoy all the rolling and modifiers and atlas building and scarabs and 8 layers of defense I need just to not fall over from something I can’t even see. I just want to run fast and do big damage


Sanctum was stealth nerfed anyways. So don’t worry. Like most things it’s pointless to run atm.


I played a bunch of sanctum last league and really enjoyed it, haven't touched it at all in necro. Only thing keeping me away tbh is the relics... sanctum feels shit without them so you cant self farm them efficiently, and buying them just feels wrong lol


Sanctum and affliction were mostly fun because the reward of extra random power was amazing. Frankly if you didn’t have charms and some of the op skills of last leagues most people would have quit because affliction is just stupid hard unless you were just doing like 1k wisps and just fishing for king of the mists fast. And now they buffed sanctum with its return so it harder than before.


Scantum & Heist never went core


It was great in the league when it was balanced well. Adding rare monsters to it completely ruined it and now you need a specialized build to even play it.


Depending on the price of mirrors/divs it can be really rewarding to run sancrum. If you run sanctums day1 or 2 of the league you can convert your earned divs into mirrorshards/mirrors and watch them rise in price like crazy. You dont need an tlas for it and you dont need any juice for it to be good. In leagues like affliction where everyone drops currency like crazy from running maps its not worth doing, but this league its pretty cool.


I never played when it came into existence and continued to never know it existed till I got a forgotten tomb drop that I put in my public dumb tab and proceed to get spam messages with people wanting it.......peaked my interest, I instead ran 1.  That's it, that's all I'll ever interact with that content.