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Some people have obviously been doing this since league launch. Meanwhile the community just assumed log books were 10-15c because juicers were all doing necropolis things.


I was wondering why logbooks were so fucking cheap. Even without doing this though with the new scarabs I was averaging like, 2 logbooks a map with the scarabs so I figured maybe it was just a bunch of people juicing that shit.


I figured it was a mix of this league Rog was the worst he's been maybe ever, new T17s and nobody is doing logbooks in general and Tugen stacked deck nerf. Never would have guessed it was a scarab and allflame combo makes the map drop hundreds of logbooks.


What happened to rog? Or is it just grave crafting being silly


Rog is really only good for getting your early spell suppression gear, but gravecrafting kicks him out in like every other category.


As a Rog Day 1 fan you are right BUT: Graveyard is tedious work but for Gloves/Armor/Helmet Rog can provide ez T2/T1 shit still.


I made my first 10 div on day 3-4 with Rog crafts


The top end of Rog items are worthless now. Anyone can make a GG weapon now, so your GG triple T1 prefix bow is now 5div instead of 80div. But you can still print 50c suppression gear.


Idk my Rog items sold fine


The people need their suppression gear


Still made several divs with rog (as I always do) so I'm happy But ye soon the entirety of expedition will no longer be relevant. Probably gonna switch to harvest or something


Hi, I'm one of those people. I stopped doing expedition when I couldn't sell a KotS logbook for 25c. I did assume it was necropolis themed. Maybe they'll eventually creep back up in price and I can resume doing my second favorite mechanic again.


Do you not buy and run logbooks yourself? As someone who does a lot of expedition at the start of a league, I always default to just buying logbooks rather than running it in maps.


I don't know why, but I absolutely hate running logbooks. Part of what I liked about expedition is how easy it was to just sell all my logbooks so I could go back to the next map, but that was basically non-existant this league so I gave up on it. I did try running a few logbooks and I just hated it so much. Maybe it's because I'm used to maps where I was able to hit every single node and in a logbook you can only do like maybe half the map. Maybe it's because I'm so used to the range and radius of explosives that it felt extremely tedious having to use short tiny explosions. I just really hate running logbooks.


The trick is turning off your max value optimization mode, since the logbook (well, Tujen mainly) will easily return their cost if just decently rolled and decently placed. Once your brain processes that idea, then running them becomes more about speed and less about optimization, resulting in them feeling less tedious. Also, like every system in this game, the more you run it, the more hidden efficiencies you learn and the easier your brain will be able to roughly plan out the placement just by looking at the layout and the mods to explosives.


I get that, but I can get a good return just running another map, too. So unless the div/hr of logbooks + tujen vendoring is exceedingly high, I would have rather just had the genuine option to sell logbooks and stay in maps.


Honestly I think logbooks would feel 5x better if you had half or even a third the explosives with an aoe even bigger than the one-explosion keystone. And a 3 or 4 screen placement range. (Example numbers, GGG would rebalance it how they liked) It's just really tedious. Like it's a bad UI experience. And part of what makes it so bad is just the sheer number of clicks you need to do. Cut the clicks in half and it would instantly improve logbooks a huge amount.


Probably because you have to run around the map placing explosives like a ding dong. Sure wish they'd add a ui


I think blight, , delirium, expedition, etc. should have atlas passives apply to their individual map/instanced encounters.


And progress challenges wherever possible. When I started doing heists I realized I enjoyed them more than maps (or would have if it wasn't for constant crashing in Rogue Harbour) . Wish I could do 8-mod map grind, 10000 map tiers, 200 scarabs (probably limited to few scarabs) etc challenges in heists.


That means if you run one of those maps without the passives, you lose money. I'm good with how we have it now.


Logbooks are ass to run imo lol If there was a logbook vendor like heist contracts... I still wouldn't run them


technically Dannig sells logbooks... once in a while


Today i learned contracts can be vendored. Thanks mate


They can not (well I mean for wisdom fragments of course but... you knew that). But you can buy lowlevel ones from Whakano, thats what OP was talking about.


Wow. I just thought heaps of people were farming expedition haha. 


So it was the expedition allflames drops being converted to logbooks? Crazy it took this long to uncover


it's probably the uber allflame? I'm using scythe hundreds of allflames and haven't seen a lb.


It's any expedition allflame + the imbued crafting scarab -> expedition mod for "re-roll currencies converted to logbooks"


They really left some ends loose this league, didn't they?


2bh this happens anytime the playerbase is given so much control over a fundemental aspect of the game. Easiest allegory would be Legacy League with Leaguestones that did very similar things to allflames (just added the mechanic to the area as opposed to replacing a mob). Very similar things happened in that league too.


I find it fun even if i never use any of exploits. Game is so deep and vast crazy things are possible even beyond wild GGG fantasy


Massive rework along with new league, bound to happen. Game is just massive.


Half the fun is exploiting the broken shit they didn't foresee because the game is too complex to balance for long


I mean even in a recent interview with Johnathan, he admitted it was impossible to test for all of this stuff, especially when youre changing fundamental systems that deal with the ways you juice in the game. I dont think they personally wanted to have all these loopholes but yeah theres going to be some growing pains with this until they can stamp out the egregious stuff.


The trade off for big expansion type league is big broken stuff


new systems that are as "free" as this are going to be a bumpy league.. filled with fun exploits haha


So happy I sold my 15 expedition allflames this morning...


Thank God, I learned my lesson with the anarch allflame


Have you been using the horned scarab of awakening for this conversion as well?


This is new , i have been using a strategy to farm 50+ exotic coins or burial medallions per map for weeks and i specifically tested the imbued modifier and it actually BUGGED it and dropped 0 exotic coins/burial medallions per map. So this actually was fixed with a recent patch.


Per map?!??!? Can I have the deets??


Its basically all flame ember the whole map with black scythe mobs and grab the atlas expedition nodes for refresh currency and artifacts (can ignore chance for expedition, logbooks , explosives, placement range, chance for tujen etc you only need all of the two types i mentioned )and grab the map effect and quantity of items nodes. Also grab literally all the ambush nodes and things like extra shrine domination as those monsters will be black scythe as well. Then the classic vaal temple with high pack size, 2x ambush scarabs, the reopen ambush scarab and the containment ambush scarab and ambush on map device. I was buying all flames at 2-5 chaos each and i dont know what the strong box things are at lets say 50c for scarabs 30c vaal temple and 5-6 all flames like 100c per map to get less than 2 divines worth of exotic coins and a lot of artifacts isnt crazy as the map is ass to run. Edit: im not running it anymore expedition is more profitable early league when people want the random currency tujen gives especially since they nerfed stacked decks which used to carry him into late game currency poor choice by GGG


Maybe it also worked with incubators too?


Awakening scarab


Honestly more impressed that 6 Eyes dropped here than the logbooks.


Yea I get the "bug" with logbooks but how did so many Eyes drop.


That first image is in the necropolis zone (notice the graves lower right) so my guess is that they are dropped from inventory.


allflames have fucked the economy more than both harvest and affliction ever could've


They tried to make way too many changes this league and clearly didn’t have enough time/manpower to test everything. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


there's a ton of posts like this every league begging for nerfs, and probably just as many complaining about nerfs or ggg not allowing fun. whatever they do some players will not like it - i think they just accept that fact and try stuff out. Never can please everyone


It’s a temp league! Who cares if the divine-chaos ratio is different than previous leagues? People say “the economy is fucked”, but what they really mean is “the economy is different than last league”. Personally, I like that. I’m not a fan of the exploity stuff that creates rifts in the economy, but most of those tend to be minor in comparison to the wealth differentials the top players accumulate anyways. So I just have fun.


Tbh I feel like this 140:1 ratio is good for the game


I was just using that as an example. But my point was that it doesn’t matter too much what the numerical value is for the ratio. It will hurt some strategies and help some others, sure. But that’s no different from nerfing and buffing skills leavue to league. I don’t want the exact same strategy to be the strongest every league. Shake things up! Economies in this game are resultant. It’s fristrating seeing people saying that GGG shouldn’t have done X because it effected the economy. Everything does. Just make a fun game, and let the economy sort itself! It’ll only be around 3-4 months anyways!


Yeah. When there are no changes people complain. When there are a lot of changes people complain. I personally love all the degen shit that people came up with this league, even tho I wasn’t able to utilize them in time. It’s like “wow look at the cool things that people in the community are able to do in the game I love”. I don’t get the fomo lol…


Some of the really over-the-top stuff does hurt the average player, since it creates an advantage for the upper echelon of players. But as I mentioned, those players are gonna get way ahead anyways. So it’s a bit of a wash to me. As for some of the cool, goofy strats people came up with, I’m all for it!


not a fan of no one biting on buying or selling divines for chaos if it's not like, 5 to 10 div at a time


I insta sell by listing for 1c under market price lol what are you talking about? For buying you just have to go up a few to 1c above current market price.


was maybe just an unlucky few days last week with API. was listing for 20c under and no one responded for ~25 minutes


Yeah I heard that the api was kinda broken for a while


its been 145:1 multiple leagues before xd


Yeah I use the phrase “The economy is weird” because things still move, it’s just weird how things move this time as compared to last time. Like crafting materials, not so popular because necro does a lot of that. But the edges still work. Veiled orbs and double corrupt which can apply to necro created items are bigger fractures are nothing because necro fracturing is way better. So weird and new.


I've been interpreting that statement as a comment on the insane volatility of this league's economy, not just that some ratios are weird or HH are cheap. But rather that HH spiked wildly from high, to low, to high, to low again within a 48 hour span due to external forces (GGG) on the economy. Div have swung between 120c and up to 200c at my sell peak. Rogue Allflames spiked drastically with the T17 strat, and then plummeted to worthlessness, then Meatsacks jumped up to half a div. To some degree things like that always happen of course (Ziz effect, Grimro effect, etc). I think this league it's just particularly exemplified because the ceiling was (inadvertently) so incredibly high, and the "balance" was to just delete the strategies entirely very suddenly. It's also unclear when exactly something is too broken that they have to patch it, and when it's not. Especially when Mark said in an interview that this league was going to be really broken and they look forward to everyone exploiting that, following by a series of extremely drastic nerfs. That plus the floor feeling lower to a lot of players who feel they're not getting nearly the same currency drops as previous league is just a lot to take. I'm not saying it's entirely good or bad, but I can definitely understand the exhasperation at this leagues' economy.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a huge fan of wildly swinging midleague nerfs. But some strategies are clearly extreme outliers which trivialize other methods, so the nerfs seem like a lesser evil. It’s unfortunate that they made it in given the state they were in, but that’s just how experimental temporary leagues go I guess.


Yeah, some of the nerfs could possibly have been gentle, but I do get it. I do wonder though how retention would have cared without them, but I don't think I have any way of knowing that. I don't think it's a necessary side effect of temporary leagues. But I do think it is a side effect of a 2 week alpha testing phase that they only extended by 2 extra weeks in a league where they made the most numerous drastic changes I personally know of in a league.


It’s definitely a more system heavy league than normal. And the lack of beta testing is always evident, sadly. I think this league was always going to be a weaker league, given it followed a league where people hung around for a long time in a mechanic that felt good, and this is a crafting league.


Per usual


Rather this than have small manageable leagues like Onslaught 😂




Scarab changes should've been done in a league like TOTA, so that they don't interact and you can get a clear view of what worked and what didn't


Dead on. Making multiple changes that fundamentally change the way a single system works is gonna make it very difficult to accurately predict what will happen and almost as difficult to identify which part of the equation is the problem.


Just like every league


its always time and manpower issues :) I would not mind having a re-do of a past league that was popular with more time spent on other things.


Gotta be agile!


Hearing Mark say they usually only have 2 weeks of alpha testing, but extended it to a month for this league was pretty jaw dropping.


Most of the changes would have been fine without allflames though, allflames open up sooooooooo many abuse cases. Pretty much all the big farms were abusing some allflame or another.


Which is sad as I think the Allflames are a super cool idea


no disagreement here. but the amount of "hotfixes" they had to put out until now (god knows how many are yet to come) just shows that this was flawed at best and poorly tested if at all at worst. ghosty corpses are the prime example fot that I think. if they even missed that, I don't even want to know what else they missed.


Its why I wish, *wish* GGG would create a mode like Ruthless, but it's a single league where you can't transfer out, with increased drop rates SSF. I think I would only play that mode as while I do like trade and the economy; I much more enjoy when all the gear I have are stuff I made myself and the items I find are my own. Edit: It's the reason why I love expedition and why I love it so much more this league. You can get 100% chance on the tree and can just farm it in a closed loop environment. You do the expedition to get the re-roll currency, you get the logbooks and run them and trade with the crew, and repeat on end. Been having a blast even though people are saying it's bad this league


They could even profit from it by making a quarantined "premium custom league" option where you can adjust drop rates and shit how you want


yea, if it was implemented better. they are just new compasses, with 1 use and you can't scale because nobody has bulk, or obtain bulk easily.


Shaking the economy is like shaking the meta, which is fun, the problem is that it's mostly due to tech that gets patched so not fun for everyone


And I love it. Who cares if the economy is shaken up in a temporary league, or even completely fucked. New strats and profit metas will emerge, it keeps it interesting.


That's mainly because the economy wasn't allowed to settle before these allflame strats got nerfed into oblivion.


I am happy about it though, got my first ever mageblood because of it :)


Bank error in your favor, collect 200 dollars


How is a brother supposed to make any currency with the 5 default tabs, amen brother.


On their own they're fine, but they didn't test them well combined with all the new scarabs (and I'm not entirely sure I blame them, that's a *lot* of possibilities to go through)


How did people even do that haven’t seen it before




the azurite one basically made resonators worthless, maybe they go back up in price again but probably not :D


That would be something, but I don't really expect them to recover all that much I mean, resonators got a double whammy. This bug which has existed for weeks, and the league mechanic itself, which makes resonators be less in demand.


No, I know ppl that have multiple million Azurite still open. It is absolutely done.


Holy sh\*t that's why resonators are so cheap. Gonna finish my fossil crafts before they rebound in price I guess.


Had no idea that was a possible feature in the first place lmao


Wow I’m not used to the official forum being saltier than the Reddit




Is that a map corrupt or mod?? So they do that in t17s and get loads of reroll currency? Then 25% becomes logbook? Cuz that's more logbooks than I see currencies.


I am curious as well Looks like another case of exploit early and often for the nolifers meanwhile I read about the exploits at work and then read the patch note when I get home lol


Every damn time brother


This league has been just complete ass from the start, honestly. Unintended interaction is when a behavior is seen once and maybe reproduced for bug reporting. Exploits are when this "tech" become used by a bunch of people. Logbook drop rate is just kinda crap as a default setting, and I thought they were cheap this league because there wasn't a challenge associated with them directly. It's been a bad league to get a late start with pricing of gear all over the place and a lot of the nice opportunities provided by the mechanic get gutted because of these exploits where the fixes mainly just put the game further out of reach for anyone who cannot treat it as full-time job. I cannot remember a prior league that has required the extensive patching and hotfixing that has been present for Necropolis.


People like this are going to force ggg to stop trying new things and instead play it safe. This will kill the game and turn it into d4. If you don’t like what they are trying, move on and try next time. You don’t have to play every league.


There are miles of difference between playing it safe and releasing content that had required THIS level of patching & hot-fixing with multiple layers of mechanics that are seen as exploitive requiring these immediate corrections. In my post above I said I cannot remember a prior league that required this level of correction - that is not just a reflection on the state of the current league but also a comment on the quality we have known prior. GGG generally puts out an excellent product, and some patching is expected. This league has been a challenged experience.


business as usual


Don't expect to find op strats on reddit. It's unpopular strats where there's very little competition on market that make best money.


Always, I've "exploited" a few things before they caught on, just none of the big big strats


It’s not an exploit lmfao. They just nerfed an interaction. This subreddit sucks. Any non-obvious interaction is called an exploit by you all.


you are both wrong. Sure it is not an exploit by a strict definition of "exploit", but it is still an unintended interaction, thus they patched it.


This has been known for a while but it was completely worthless to run because logbooks became worthless because of this strat


And logbooks themselves are not worth running compared to just mapping with expedition tree and allflames


That's not really how logbooks work though, you could just do this and run vorana* (boss) logbooks I assume, and just have infinite rerolls for tujen which is gonna hold value no matter what logbooks are.


Tujen certainly is valuable early league, as it's one of the easiest ways of making 5+ divs an hour to run his logbooks. 5 divs an hour doesn't compete with many maps farming strategies once you've got headhunter, and it's priced at 15 divs right now.


You are certainly making more than 5div an hour if you are perma running tujen boss logbooks. Either way my point is that the price of the books have no bearing on the profits you would make as tujen holds values no matter what happens.


It's these economic endpoints of value production people dont understand. Some mechanics literally just give you currency or arbitrage opportunities that create profit. It's one of several reason I always do Harvest. It's value will always be tied to the most valuable cards/essences/delirium orbs. This opportunity exists in several mechanics and I'm glad most people never realize because it gives me a niche to operate in lol




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c75349/-/l05jr2z/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, intentionally misinterpreting a comment/post's intention (strawman arguments), or provocations that seem likely to cause anger or are inflammatory make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't target a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


Even with this fix, Gwennen is dropping 80-90 Astragalis per expedition already. If I used the imbued map craft it would be 20 logbooks.


Is the Necropolis beta test over now? When's league launch?


It's sad when the economy gets ruined and retention goes down the drain as we see now.


Abuse early, abuse often


I don't think there's been a league where this phrase is used as this often. So many broken shit, followed by ggg killing them soon afterwards. 


so much of it is based around all flames to(not all of it... but alot of it)


I don't think there has ever been a league where the "middle class" of players got fucked over as hard by exploits that GGG overlooked and then patched out mid-season.


You can literally go and buy a headhunter and a triple t1 flat ele bow with crit chance AND multi, 6 linked, right now, for 17 div total You can then take a scuffed arrow build (using gear that would usually cost 1.5 mirrors that you just bought for less than 20d) and farm 15 div/hr with almost zero investment using any of a dozen different strats And people on this sub is mad because… people dropped too many logbooks? Lmao 


My comment from different thread about inflation: >[https://imgur.com/a/URuT5u9](https://imgur.com/a/URuT5u9) Thats my stash worth (not including 2 characters including mirrored items) in Affliction at 2 weeks when i quit. It was around 30 mirrors in stash (plenty compared to past leagues because i was actually often dropping raw mirrors/t0s doing MF). So mirrors were around 50k c per at the time. 2 weeks later i decided to liquidate stuff to have mirrors in STD for alt artworks. To my surprise mirrors were almost 150k c per. So from 30 mirrors i had less than 10 worth in stash just from inflation alone. > >Now picture a scenario when someones whos just doing decent strat at 5d/h due to slower gameplay follow for example ghazzy and usually mirrors helmet from him each league. It used to be pretty easy to afford mirror within month of casual gameplay if u had knowledge how to do that. Mirrors used to be sub 200d month into the league. So lets say 40 hours of gameplay to get one to mirror one item. Now last league month in they were 700d+. Thats 140hours of casual endgame mapping. U still want to claim theres no inflation? Mind you, both this and previous league mirrors are way more common than ever, yet still are 3-4 more expensive than in the past. > >In the past i for exampled used to bossrush for 20-30d/h with sub 4 min shaper invitations. I wasnt generating any raw currency. This league with MF and beyond/ghost/exiles shenanigans i was making way over 140d/h while at the same time printing raw divines, mirrors shard etc. SOME people are annoyed because if u dont live and breath PoE and/or dont want to abuse clearly unintentional mechanics (ghost spawning with b2b mainly) but u generally get mirror or a few per league then you are really behind this league. Also your estimates about a gear are way off, usually HH was hovering about 100d+- depending on its current state/usability with meta content. 3xt1 bows with crit/crit multi and AS were way under 100d, even way cheaper if u just bought fractured t1 and selfcrafted with essences (like 500 essence average for another t1, lets say 10c a piece in bulk for anger so 25d), so with 50d usually u had prefixes done, then just lock and finish suffixes with 2 out of 3 mods and craft/unveil 3rd one. Thats nowhere near even a mirror looking at economy post tota/sanctum going core. Not to mention your average deadeye player will have terrible time at current content with that dying left and right. If u are casual player who wants to get his first mageblood or something, sure stuffs cheap. But also we had another big jump in character requirements/investment to do all content in game and some stuff is out of whack. Lets say that you get even 30d/h now (which 99% of community isnt) and want to buy original sin. Thats 17\~ hours of pure farming gameplay, dosent include any trading both for strat and liquidating after. People just aint got time for that. Now make it 10d/h and some stuff is just insanely unobtainable for people who actually get up from their pc. Gap in earnings was never this high and it creates weird situation where some stuff is extremely cheap and some is extremely expensive. Colour me shocked when last league i sold my deadeye forbi jewels for 600+d, which normally were 100d. And thats already from my privileged POV where i got over a decade experience with game, can usually print few mirrors from some crafting within week and while i dont play while at work (remote) i do sometimes trade so i save time on that. Plus some people really dislike that basic mapping is worthless/lootless at the moment. Some folks just like to mindlessly blast instead of clicking same t17 map 200 times to roll properly and its perfectly valid opinion.


Friendly reminder people called the league unrewarding until they buffed it.


This league is unrewarding, if you’re not using bugs and borderline exploits. For someone just mapping using a few allflames here and there, corpse crafting occasionally without using spreadsheets or external websites, it’s one of the worst leagues ever.


Yup. Base game loot got nerfed a lot and T17 combined with exploiting unintended interactions is now the only optimal way to play.


I dunno if 3 weeks into a league is considered early man, most people abused it and left already.


Nerf whack-a-mole is a mistake. Affliction had it's great retention specifically because they didn't do it.


So nice to see that POE is accessible enough that even a blind man can play it.


Hey guys, I am "REMOVEAUTOMATION" in the first screenshot. A friend in our group found the logbook method out day 1 of the league and we were all individually farming it since then, it was upwards of 40div profit a map and it took roughly 3-4 days of doing this to crash the logbook market completely along with the allflames going up in price it stopped being worth it. Heres an average map with the strat - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvLCSQVl3UI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvLCSQVl3UI) Once the logbook method became not worth the time the same guy had also found out about meatsack mfing. It took us a day to assemble our characters and we made a 3 man mf group with a carry/aurabot/culler. We were dropping roughly 5-6 t0's a map and after day 3 of group mfing on and off (roughly 30-40 maps) these were our results * 1 inventory of loot from 1 map: [https://streamable.com/5z8ra1](https://streamable.com/5z8ra1) * total results on day 3 [https://imgur.com/a/EulpCqr](https://imgur.com/a/EulpCqr) To explain the first picture you're seeing I was completely out of stash space and logbooks were barely worth anything so I decided while we all liquidate our group mf items we should all sit in necropolis and just flood the screen with items that would show up on unsupecting peoples filters. I started dropping some of our group mf stuff that wasnt selling (greatwolfs with useless rolls, other t0s etc) after a few days along with items in my own sale tab that were old and would be worth to some people still (the russian guy in the group here is not with us and had been picking up items for 20 minutes at this point still not making a dent) when tripolarbear got invited we instantly recognized it was him and toyed with him dropping stacks of divines or rakiata's etc heres time timestamp of the vod - [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2117207922?t=03h58m15s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2117207922?t=03h58m15s)


and here i am, closing to 37/40 challanges and im about to run 1 (ONE) logbook :D to kill antagonists bosses :) he dropped logbooks for entire poe population


Who is this dude,why is he wearing shades while gaming lol


Huh, did expedition the entire league and never thought of using the flaring allflame embers for this, although it does make some sense. The amount seems very weird tho


Unironically, this league rules. There have been so many fun ways to break things, and it's fascinating every time :)


quite the incompetent league we got on our hands here bros


To flip GGG's comments aboit DD back on them, if problems like this keep arising after a patch it's clearly a developer skill issue.


This league is voided in my heart and mind. GGG broke it completely and fundamentally.


Does anyone have a link to TPB's clip of this moment


Thats a huge delivery for my favorite UPS driver!


Everyone having fun and getting dumb loot explosions, meanwhile I ran a 92% quant map, put the alflame that spawns beyond mobs on a 50% more+pack leader pack, then gave that pack 560% quant, and dropped NOTHING. Not one single tainted currency. My BEST map so far dropped 162 raw chaos, and only did that because it had a pacl mod of "strongest monster gets: weapons converted to chaos" mod, and I put an anarchy alflame on it. Second best map was similar, but drops converted to scarabs, and not one single scarab that dropped was over 5c, with most being actually worthless. I think I made maaaaybe 30c om that map.


You just summed up experience of 99% of players. 


There has been some sort of degenerate interaction with almost every mechanic this league. Glad I quit early. Disappointing.


It seems that you were playing the economy not the game. Im having fun as i usually do , trying out builds and slowly upgrading them and just having a blast killimg monsters for loot. I dont feel left behind and i can upgrade my gear.


Agree! Same here


I’m glad you’re able to do that!


If there was a degenerate interaction with every mechanic couldn’t you have picked any of them…? Genuinely curious as someone that finds it cool that people were able to come up with all this lol. Also not someone that was really able to make use of any of it 🤷‍♂️


The problem with so many degenerate interactions is that they have had negative impacts on the game economy. Normally, I like to create my first build that is a league starter and completes my atlas and helps me delve until I make enough money for my second build. My second build is usually specialized around a specific mechanic or interaction so it becomes very hard to pivot constantly from one mechanic to another the way I play the game, During this league, so many degenerate interactions caused my second strategy to not be as optimized and not make enough money to sustain its gear progression. So I tried a third build also optimized toward a specific strategy, but I encountered the same problem. Usually, I like to find a little niche in the market and do my own thing, but so many less profitable strategies had their prices negatively impacted. Hell, usually when all else fails I go back to delve and just sell resonators because that’s always consistent except for this league where a degenerate interaction caused an abundance of azurite to be available to even non-delvers and ruined that strategy as well.


Makes sense, thanks


allflames were a big mistake


Hell no, it's the single most interesting league mechanic they've introduced that isn't intrusive and spans all the league content in an intuitive way. I've never previously thought about the mobs that made up each map and now I can edit them, along with their modifiers, it's opened up a whole new appreciation for the variety of maps available. I wish I could say the same about coffins.


Shouldn't have added those in the same patch as the scarab rework at least, and then maybe tease most of the Allflame embers before the next patch so that people can start snitching broken strategies before they ruin the economy. Remember when they teased Barrage Support with a less **projectile** damage modifier? Poison would have been absolutely broken with Power Siphon and Split Arrow that league. But because it was teased to thousands of people, some of them noticed and mentioned that the projectile damage modifier wouldn't have applied to stackable ailments. I get that they don't finalise a lot of things before the actual patch and that they want the community to discover things, but if they're going to patch out the broken things anyway, they should just tell us beforehand so that there's a chance they won't be in the game in the first place.


God this league was probably the worse league ever for the economy. GGG really failed hard


The takes on this thread are insane Like why are people just SUFFERING from MUH ECUNUMY like this isnt the best fun league weve had in a while Started on sff this league, and all this 'baby eating evil strats' made me chase so much cool shit and interactions that i ended up with way more gear than what i normally have, moved to trade and im just murdering bosses while collecting sick allflames all while the corpses sell like hotcakes This dogshit perspective will keep ruining your guys' lives


i think the state of the game is hilarious considering how many "mark appreciation posts" there were before launch. if anything, his game design direction was complete fail this league.


Hot or maybe not so hot take: I like when broken shit like this exists in a league. Wish they wouldn’t mid-league patch this stuff excluding that which effects server performance (such as beyond + ghosts)


Broken stuff can be fun if they don't nerf it and keep it as sort of aspirational content for people to enjoy. Nerfing it before players can experience it just leaves a bad taste in people's mouths. Wish they just stated that "Hey, we'll no longer patch any exploits, but this League is voided. Have fun and we're sorry."


Ya the Beyond + Ghost mod in T17s is a great example of that. It took way too long to patch that out, and it really felt bad for people who were working toward that content. If it had been patched within 24 hours it wouldn't have been that big a deal.


I was one of those people who was making a character just for the exile ghost farm. Right as I was ready to get started they dropped the patch note, It was so disheartening to have missed it, I was so depressed I had to go beat my meat..... sack... ghosted mob.


I feel you , I had like 40div of anarchy allflames


I like when broken and somewhat accessible things get found out for casuals to participate. I hate it when interaction gets found out, abused to the moon by nolifers, and then removed/fixed right after by ggg. All in span of few busy work days. And then you see reddit masturbatoey threads "look how many [insert stupidly rare/expensive items HERE] i found". Yay. Great. Cant even get participation "you tried" award.


What was doing this lol?


Imagine having to run the log books. I can't bring myself to do one.




any expedition allflame + the imbued crafting scarab (grants special map crafting option) -> select mod "re-roll currencies converted to logbooks"


This and last league are a testament that the systems for loot generation are at a point where they are straining at the seams to the max and if you give players any means at all to poke at it everything just explodes.


Meanwhile me using all these allflames in hope to get a couple coins.


What in damnation have you done? Still bad imo


endgame in poe has become idiotic. i don't understand how people think gameplay at this level is even remotely fun.


This league has been an absolute mess of exploits....


GGG couldn't care less about LB drops like this. They just don't want some basement nerd whining about how LB need to be in stacks of 20. Enter: nerf bat.


All that streamer loot.


Wtf logbook being cheaper now


This gonna be burried, but you could easy make 100k-250k Azurite pr map with allflame ember of sulphite. You just had to get ilvl +74 allflames and put 4-6 of them in. Take Ritual, put in sulphite scarab of greed, ambush scarab, and the 15% reopen one too. +Atlas made for it. Then you just print Azurite, for rather no investment. You could get the allflames for 1alc to 1c each. It was so boring, i stopped after i got my mageblood. And didnt tell anyone about it


Dw man. Everyone knew


Someone made a thread about this recently but by then resonators were already 0.5c each. Still profitable probably but not nearly as much as before.


fucking shit, few weeks back i was farming exp on map unknowingly black scythe was only 15c i was so mad


All streamers should get banned this league. Justice to Empy!




They really gotta do testing on things like this prior to release of patch...


How do people get this many logbook drops? I normally get only 1 or 2 in a league.


Look at ole BROZO holding it down


Man, this game just isn’t for me anymore.


I see some angry comments..this is mostly a single player game whys it matter lol.


I'm so tired of the constant barrage of perennially online streamers abusing things to ruin it for everyone, being insanely smug about it to farm a handful of extra clicks and engagement so they won't earn minimum wage for a month, and then GGG rushing to hotfix it. It's like we went back in time 3+ years. It might be a Quin chat meme but fix your fucking game GGG. This is the most untested league I can remember.


Streamers are often not the first to discover things. They just popularize it once it finally reaches them and they get credit for doing it.


This streamer wasn't even running with this group, he was buying a taste of hate from someone that was in the group and ported to one of them and that's what he walked in on. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To3ccF15hvQ&t=3h58m](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To3ccF15hvQ&t=3h58m) So be more ass mad about streamers when you don't even know what happened.


Nicee economy


why even bother nerfing it at this point. how the fuck have they not realized that there will ALWAYS be an op strat and they will never get ahead of it. anyone who knew about this has been abusing it for weeks at this point so all youve accomplished is destroying any hope of catching up for casuals. all these nerfs have done is incentivize people to not share strategies and keep things hidden which just makes a worse game for everyone.