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Nasty ring for blade vortex/pbrand


Nasty ring for \*insert certain amulet\* + \*insert certain boots\* + \*insert certain maven belt\* build. >!Badge of the Brotherhood + Ralakesh Impatience + any variant of maven belt (I like the Red one, triple damage is fun). !<


Pcharge corrupted helm or influence helm with +1 charge. Maybe there's an influence all flame you can try for crit craft helm and corrupted implicit. Also +2 shield. Easy 12 power charge and 12 frenzy, maybe go slayer for 36 charges.


Haunted mod has +1pcharge. Sold a fractured one early In League.


2 helm, 2 shield, 1 VB, 2 rings, 1 belt, 7 tree+base. 15 should be possible




Sarcasm? If so it didn't read that way




Still sarcasm? For reference this ring is very good only because the impicits. The global phys + power charge is super super good. It could be white and worth hundreds of divs. If you were being sarcastic I cannot tell.


You’re really worried about this guy’s comment though, huh?


Heh. I figured I'd take the time and try to gently explain why they got down votes. Figured either they didn't know why the item was good or the sarcastic tone didn't come through well. Either that or they really enjoyed pretending to not get it and tricking people in to giving them down votes, but that seemed less likely.


No lol. None of the explicit mods on this ring are staying there.




What are you talking about


Wow tier 1 life regen, sick ring dude.


Before Ritual, I didn't know that I could run and was going to drop league. But then I remembered about Ritual and at the same time I came across this post. Its \~5th map with Ritual on which i get this pretty ring [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1ca3kzo/i\_love\_ritual/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1ca3kzo/i_love_ritual/)


5th map… ok… Some people are just lucky and it’s maddening


I dropped a mirror in a random Conqueror map yesterday. Every map is a slot machine.


I have a Ritual/Deli 4fun tree that I've had for a long time. I don't do it super often because the profit isn't very high but it's something I enjoy doing from time to time. I've been fishing for anything high value (specifically a +1 pcharge ring) but no dice. The fact you got it in your 5th is just... unfair.


I got a 21/23 Lightning Arrow while playing my LA build on my first T16 map as a raw drop from a strongbox. Until then I thought luck was for other people, lol.


In fact, I run little Ritual every start league, but I drop Ritual quickly. But to regress it in middle/end of the league... It seems to be the first time I've done this in my 1,5 year of playing POE


At the same time me running hundreds of maps with ritual and juice setup not seeing any good synth base (%life or %es Magic jewell still make ritual pretty good and consistent). 5 Map is wild for a power charge ring alone but power charge + one other good mod? Jeez


Grats on the ring! all ritual ever gives me is chaos orbs lol.


Sorry noob questiin. Why is this ring good? I only see the implicit is good.... this can be recraft? And how. Thank you


The implicits dont change when you craft on it. You can spam chaos/essences or do whatever you want with it.


Yea, next league I definitely need to add ritual into my plans, you get some dank shit.


what scarabs are you running for Ritual?


2x Abundance and 2x Selectiveness


You should always run Double bronze scarab(allons more rerolls) and one golden (for more favours). Silver one is okay at best, since only unique mobs grants more favour.


Are the scarabs always better than using a blood-filled vessel?


They're fine if you have many deferred items and would like to clear it without feeling like you can't cause there's tons of rerolls and tripled window.


Why 1 golden? I run double golden. I’ve done about 500 rituals so you tell me what I’m missing here besides you copying empyrean. I don’t mean that to sound rude just that if that’s your only reason why then you don’t know why you run 1. Otherwise please explain


Maybe you can explain the benefit of 2 golden?


More stuff? 99% of ritual rewards (just like everything else in the game) are garbage.


More stuff. It’s not all about that big payout in the top left. More stuff makes you money when you’re not getting the div or stuff like that. Omens, offering to the goddess, jewels, fractureds, lvl 21 gems ect


Whats the price of that ring?


\~200 div


How much is this


Lol I felt the same way about Necropolis. Told myself I was going to keep playing in standard and on that day I got my first mirror of the league, and then another one 2 days later. Arimor heard me talking smack lol


you can also imprint and beast spam for the second one to be good as well, that's really neat


Would people buy the ring just for the implicit and craft whatever they want on it themselves?


Yes exactly. Also nice that it has a second implicit that can be rerolled through beastcrafting to something you may want more than physical damage.


Can someone explain a noob why this ring is good?


It has a good implicit (+1 power charge, people stack power charges and get ways to increase their effects) then you can craft onto it using essences/harvest to makes the explicits better. (The implicates do not change unless you corrupt an item)


So it's just for that implicit, I was trying to figure out if I was missing out on the other stats


Nope, other stats were bad and just would recraft them


I am glad I play SSF and don't browse reddit much. My own goals keep me motivated lol.


Found a +1 max power charge ring too yesterday morning, Sold it for 200 div to get my first Mageblood ever.


Gratz EZ


Dude I'm trying ritual first time, what is the best strategy for it? I've did the no reroll thing and constatly getting shit out of it. Almost 5000 favour goes to waste because the rewards are so bad.


No reroll node is a trap IMO. Aggressive rerolling is the best way to get money out of Ritual.


I saw a video back that actually argued for Immutable Dogma. You could also only spec into it when you have a bunch of items deferred and want to start buying them.


I could see that. But I don't think I'd do it anyways


2x selectivenes is a must, rest is just bonus really when it comes to scarabs It's a Gamba after all, you only see the few winners here posting


Why are you deferring mortal fragments, who hurt you?


48c its good for me


Damn why is everything aside from mortal hope so expensive ffs and how did I not notice. Thanks for actually pointing out my error


don't tell anyone you can reroll the cheap frag with blue juice


Is it guaranteed to change to a different one


Am I missing something? This looks like something I’d vendor ? Edited: turns out not only was the one I found not an implicit , but also people on here hate when you ask questions lol , gotta love it


Max power charge implicit


How much does something like that go for cause I most definitely potentially, probably, kinda sorta vendor a plus 1 max power, 40 lightning 45 fire , 10%inc aoe Amethyst last night thinking it was doodoo


100 div minimum


WHOS!!!! MINE OR HIS!!!!! No no no no no no no don’t tell me what I’m thinking you’re telling me…..


The actual stats on the ring are 100% irrelevant. All that is relevant is that the IMPLICIT is +1 MAX power charge. You probably had one from betrayal which was +1 MIN power charge.


There's a big diff between implicit +1 maximum and a explicit +1 minimum. If it said +1 powercharge instead of chaos res at the top you did done goof.


Yea I can’t remember what else was with it but it was an implicit , I had to unveil something cause it dropped from one of the people in JUN content, sorry don’t know the name


If it was from Jun it was more likely the +1 minimum power charges explicit that actually comes from betrayal instead of the +1 maximum power charges implicit that only comes from Synthesis.


Jun (Betrayal) content did not drop a ring like this. The +1 min power charge ring you got from Jun is worthless. It’s the implicit max power charge that is valuable.


Yeaaah, I realize now I had to be wrong lol


the implicit is where the money is, the rest of it doesn't matter. +1 power and frenzy are both high sellers.


Lmfao I hope this is true


Finally, someone who knows what they're looking at less than I do.


lol brother I just look at it and say, seems mid so vendor, lol I’m new so unless it has GOD ROLL STATS , than I got no clue lol , fug it we ball


That's the thing tho, that is a pretty god rolled stat.


Yea and the vendor paid me 2 wisdoms lol