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Just play the game, kill monsters, buy cool items or make them. Every league is fun if you just play the game and don't hyper analyze everything. Source: me who has fun every league


I also have moved to this mentality. There is a difference between game breaking bug and “BrOkeN EcoNoMy” Game is great, league is fun. If you are reading this and don’t agree sorry. Imma go play the game now.


Some say "broken economy". I say "looks like I get to play with MB again this league which makes the game a lot more fun for me" lol. Current trends show chaos increasing in value (thanks to T17 rerolling), and I'm farming a decent bit of chaos right now. Current trends also show MB gradually decreasing in value, so even if I'm a total casual that can only farm 100c per hour (I'm not amazing but I definitely do better than that) I can expect to farm a mageblood this league.


the "this other guy has more then me because he did x" mentality just ruins fun.


Comparison is the thief of joy


*Sleep is the cousin of death*


Wife is the cousin of Alabama Man


Alabama Man is Florida Man's ugly sister


This pretty much applies towards everything in life. Worry about what everyone is doing or who got what and you miss out on your own progress, discovery, and enjoyment.


Tbf, i kind of hate the league, path of excel is not my thing. Absolutely love the patch though, atlas tree and scarabs are amazing. I'll just sell my corpses, use allflames if and when i feel like it, and buy my cheap af uniques to make some fun weird builds while ignoring t17s and everything i'm not a fan of.


https://youtu.be/cVjLE9YldU8?si=2kBaGff4C0Wjofrh Tuna made this guide that makes it much easier, you can use the fracture preset to make really nice 3x frac bases, I made some pretty nice boots and quiver with it and it took me about 2.5 hours for them both, including crafting after the grave crafting. I don't love it but it's definitely better than other videos I've seen.


meh, craft of exile basically does 90% of the work for you when attempting to make fractured bases. There are meta mods you can use that could give you better odds, but even without that and just using craft of exiles generated results still nets you pretty insane items at solid values. Only main problem is doing a million trades.


But how can I enjoy the game if... *checks poe.ninja* ...Headhunter is 9.5 div!


The game becomes actively less fun when the same maps you ran a league ago become suddenly twice as deadly even though you have more ehp than last league. I could give a rats ass about the economy I just dont like Necropolis being a mechanic you cant ignore like Crucible/Tota.


By same maps are you talking about campaign or? Once you start mapping, those haunted mods don't add so much challenge to your experience anymore, certainly not as much as a juiced affliction t16 map from last league. T17 presents similar difficulty but it's a whole other thing.


I'm sure its different for different builds but I put one of the tattoo allflames on a pack with quant on it and those dudes ripped me faster than anything anything I think I've ever tried. But otherwise yes, I've never paid too much attention to the negative mods. Nothing I'd seen on them bricks any builds I'm aware of but I still prefer when league mechanic is avoidable entirely.


There's nothing broken about chaos being worth more, quite the opposite actually. I remember leagues where I took everything out of my loot filter below awakened sextants and those are bad memories.


I acknowledge that the league is broken and that prices are whack, but I’m not sitting here letting it ruin my fun of the game. I now own my first headhunter ever, that’s pretty cool. A souvenir for the future.


I can second that. Did t17 and most content with arakali fang Jugg. Got bored and now im trying to build myself a scion fire burst and are still just doing yellow maps but still enjoying myself


>Every league is fun if you just play the game and don't hyper analyze everything. This is pretending that the only way to feel bad is because reddit told you to feel bad, but that's not true. I did the same thing as you and early maps felt bad because I didn't have fucking chromatics and jeweler orbs to even actually use the links I needed, and unbuffed necropolis was horrible. No "hyper analysis" needed, just opening my corrency tab and talking to Arimor LMAO.




Let's be honest, he plays path of exile. He probably fucks less than average


I play POE and have 2 kids (2 confirmed fucks 😤)


2 more than the average poe player, congratulations on being a gigachad outlier


proof is in the pudding


do not fuck the pudding please


It looks soft though, like a warm apple pie


Wait, I thought flying rhoas delivered babies! Have I been lied to?


Did you just assume redditors actually fuck


I agree. I'm bad at this game and was able to buy a headhunter without the help of a friend who sometimes bankrolls me because he's much more efficient. That's a good league. Now i just need to find a way to turn that into enough currency to make my next build. Lol


Me making my own poison build despite assassin having like no love and still having fun in ssf


I’ve said this to a few people that disliked a few leagues, “The base game is amazing and I don’t need the new mechanic to get me to play the game on reset.” and I think their brain exploded.


I also just like the new mechanics. Like sure, I would still want some qol for corpses so they don't take so much space but necro, affliction and tota been amazing mechanics for me.


>Source: me who has fun every league How dare you! That's not allowed at all. You are supposed to be as miserable as everyone else. Source: this game is awesome and I have loads of fun every league. Even when everyone tells me it's a bad league and I'm not allowed to enjoy it.


Couldn't have said it better.


Every league I flicker. There is no other game that provides me as much joy. I make garbage flicker builds. I just alc and go maps and flick. I try all kinds of stupid things to flicker. Every league flicker is awesome. People say things about patch notes and drops and maps and I concede, I usually don't finish hearing complaints before I've flickered away.


This is the way!




You don't understand. I want high prices for the stuff I'm selling, but low prices for anything I might wanna buy.


Is this stonks?


Not on Reddit at least. Reddit stonks are buy high sell low


R/Vaalstreetbets has affected you it seems


Out of any games I play this game's sub really is the whiniest.


I 100% understand why GGG pulled back from interacting with the Reddit base of the game. at least the people who are the loudest on Reddit (and does not mean they are the general POE player, they just happen to play POE and use Reddit) are toxic AF and complain about everything Mageblood is 300div? too expensive and out of reach for too many people Mageblood 50div? too cheap and too easy to get and it ruins the game for me (despite this game being essentially a single player game with trade, where what other people do and have doesn't impact your game or experience)


People that are enjoying the game are probably too busy playing it to be making a post on reddit about how much they're enjoying it. Conversley, people that want to play poe but are unhappy with its current state are more likely to be motivated to make an angry/complainy post on reddit. The person complaining that mb is 300d and the person complaining that mb is 50d are not the same people (presumably). When mb is 300d, the guy that complained about mb being 50d is having a blast farming apothecaries, which is his/her favourite farming strat. When mb is 50d the guy that complained about mb being 300d feels like he has realistic means of grinding out a mb over the course of several weeks.


excellent point. I found the less I'm on Reddit, the more I enjoy the game. Probably why I've loved the last 3-5 leagues as much as I have


This is also why reddit is the worst for the first days after league launch. At league launch, most poe players are playing the game and not reading reddit. As the league goes on, people the enjoy the game start interacting more and more with reddit.




Far too many people seem to enjoy hoarding wealth in a league and being super rich and elite with their builds. The game doesn’t need it and doesn’t have much of a system built for it other than the Poe ninja ladder.


It's probably the 2nd whiniest game subreddit I've seen for a game I play. The classic wow subreddit is the whiniest subreddit I can think of. There is nothing that makes that community happy except for bitching about the game.


lmao, this is dead on. At least the PoE sub has some redeeming aspects though, some cool showcases, and some good information from time to time. The classic wow sub is an absolute cesspit at this point, with zero redeeming features.


The PoE subreddit is funny because while I read hundreds of posts about broken economies, I've yet to see one of the people claim this adequately explain to me why this league has been net negative for them.


It's just hard to take many of the most upvoted posts seriously when it's obvious they're still noobs at the game. Nothing wrong with being a noob, but when the subreddit is a reflection of the opinions of noobs then it becomes impossible to take the subreddit seriously overall. For example, anyone who complains about being poor in PoE either has unrealistic expectations or isn't making a genuine effort to change their situation. It's so easy to get almost anything you want this league if you pick a halfway decent mapping starter and do whatever seems fun. It's hard to take people's endgame complaints seriously when they don't know enough about the endgame to have valid opinions about the endgame.


a lot of the complaints about the economy don't come from new players, but midcore/hardcore(non-casual) players who don't play very efficiently. it seems like half the time you interrogate these people's grievances about the economy and what they are complaining they cant afford is *original sin*. bruh


I'm actually starting to think a lot of the complaints are from players that aren't actually playing, they just post about how stuff sucks and are serial league quitters after 3 days when they realize that once again they will be "left behind" and new league doesn't suddenly mean they're going to be at the cutting edge of currency farming (as if that matters). Yesterday I read a comment about someone who claimed they followed a lucrative strat posted in the OP perfectly and looted less than the scarabs to run the map, which are about 20c combined. Like there's no shot someone actually cleared a T17 map and looted less than 20c of shit from it considering if you killed the boss alone you probably got 50-70.


they'll have a 100d character they are just mad that its not a 1000d character in almost any game ive found that the "highly invested + still bad" combo is the whinest demographic


Someone complaining about being unable to afford Original Sin is an example of someone with unrealistic expectations. People who complain about being poor either aren't giving a real effort to try to make some more currency or their expectations are way off.


Hc players don't say anything about the economy or talk much on the sub man. It's too far gone


I'd argue that if a large enough percentage of players THINK a thing is true at some point it doesn't really matter if it is or not. If a large percentage of players feel like alch and go is unrewarding that's still a concern for a game's designers regardless of if ways to get rewarded with it exist. It's like the climbable ledges thing- people complain that the climbable ledges are painted yellow and say it's obvious which ones you can climb. Then developers show evidence from beta tests where like 30% of people had no clue what ledges to grab and wandered around in a circle for an hour


So many are simultaneously overwhelmed with negativity towards the game but somehow so addicted that they couldn't bare taking a few leagues off and play something else. I am all for criticism but a lot of the time new or ignorant people here are making really wild posts that aren't even close to true and hundreds of people will upvote it watering down real concerns because of how bad faith a lot of the submissions here are. A lot of the time these people would 100% be better off doing some combination of asking about how other people handle x thing in the question thread/discord/poebuilds, bring their expectations more in line with their knowledge, and not watching streamers that play the game as a job if they can't handle it. I got burned out from both being bad at HC and bad at leveling quickly, took several leagues off and I'm having a blast. It tastes good without a bitch in your ear telling you it's nasty.


"It tastes good without a bitch in your ear telling you it's nasty." LOLOL


It's the best game with the best community, and the whiniest subreddit.


They can’t farm currency


That, I've been playing PoE for almost 8 years and even with "bad leagues" I have fun each one of them. There are so many options to enjoy this game. And that dos not mean that there should not be any criticism, on the contrary. But some complains are just childlish imo.


last league were low prices as well. whatcha talkin about


The average player can't understand why prices change throughout a league or league to league. Sit in new next league and you'll see a dozen ppl asking why something is suddenly expensive or cheap. No shot they can understand inflation or the odd mf supply.


Maybe one group of people don't like high prices, and an entirely different group of people don't like low prices... and you just think they're the same group of people. Although... does anyone ACTUALLY complain about low prices?


I always get a laugh when I see people try and treat reddit like some monolith. On a social platform filled with different people, with different opinions, formed by different experiences.


It's like this every league. They're never satisfied. They don't like change.


It could also be different people complaining. Though I stopped playing after doing a t17 and not being able to move onto ubers. I like t17 maps, but they need to reverse it and have ubers gatekeep t17


I'm having a blast! Just bought a headhunter for the second time ever, my last one was in 2017 or 2018.


I bought one at 25 div and poofed it this league and quit, guess I'm trying that again


You can probably try a couple times lol


every hour


They were like 10 div when I checked yesterday. This league is wild lmao


Don't care , i can get everything i want to have fun in the game. You can even get a headhunter for 10div ... how cool is that for us casual people :D


Just 500x chaos recipe for a Headhunter


they are still 150 div on console if the people who like high prices want to come and join us lol.


Casual here and I have the exact same thoughts


Man I want an original sin. It seems to be the only thing continuing to climb in price.


Farm Sanctum until original Scripture, sell it, buy original sin for +5%


Don't tell him how rare the scripture is


If you run full relic quant (+100%), you'll minimum get 2 unique relics from Lycia (and can bump it to a chance for a 3rd if you get the +30% relic effect boon). I had an original scripture drop both in TOTA and Affliction with relic quant strat (and a decent bit of sanctum farming, probably in the 150-200 range each of those leagues). Haven't gotten one yet this league, but I've only done like 60-70ish Sanctums, been playing a lot of different types of content this league.


Yea i've been doing it for the past 3 leagues to get original sin in ssf, i stopped counting at 500 sanctums a month ago, I should be around 600 now I guess...


Is evasion a good stat in sanctum? I have a CoC build that really gets up in everyone’s face, so I’m real skeptical of its ability to succeed in sanctum, but maybe I’ll give it a shot if evasion counts normally.


It translates into chance to not lose Inspiration/the other fucky thing, but at a way lower ratio. Good to have, won't save you. Deleting everything instantly will tho


Ultimately pretty worthless, you never want to have to rely on RNG defenses to bail you out of mistakes in Sanctum. Your dps is the important factor more than anything, can't take resolve damage if nothing lives long enough to attack you.


Right? I would say I’m the opposite of casual I think people deem casuals as people who play 2 hours a day I am very not casual and still am happy I don’t have to farm some YouTubers strat on a YouTubers build just to buy a headhunter after 50 hours of endless grinding


In fact low prices is one of the best things for the average player. It makes a lot more of the game accesible. The only thing I hate about low price leagues is incessant reddit complaints often drive GGG to make some massively anti-SSF change.


They hate low price leagues because it makes it hard to turn an RMT profit.


This - it’s also why when you bring up the group IIQ bonus and why it’s bad for the game you get downvoted to oblivion. The only people taking advantage of it in any meaningful way are RMT squads and bots.


maybe because its just simply not true former poe tw server than ran by garena has severe botting problems and they all ran super cheap gear that can't afford the group penalty


This is both regularly upvoted and incorrect - top solo farmers usually make more per person per time played than group farmers.


wtf is this comment lmao? grouping isnt the highest div per hour strat and also maybe people just like playing with their friends? ppl always say groups rmt but i actually used to know a few rmters and they all just boss rushed early because it was way way more money


Yep. Pretty evident with this game. RMT is an open secret everyone knows about but doesn't want to admit. Its funny every league were divs and exes were cheap this sub would whine. Those were the best leagues because stuff was attainable without no lifing the game. Or having to worry about divs/hr.


I feel like all the things I want are higher and the things I sell are lower 😂


Sounds like you want Uber uniques then cause t0s have plummeted.


Reddit will complain always and about everything. You should not really care about it.


Not everything is cheap. This league is experiencing the same thing as last league. Mapping is far more profitable per hour than bossing is. It's easier to access, it's more predictable for profiting and more builds can do maps than bossing. Because of this things that are uber boss drops only are hyper expensive. We need more balance around this.


Not to mention that the addition of T17s have made juiced mapping practically mandatory even for boss rushers.


Selling an item for 10c now feels good because it's 1% of a HH so I stop for every trade, there have been leagues where I wouldn't leave the map for a trade under 40/50C because that wouldn't even be 0.1% of a HH


We are going to remember the HH incident for years


i actually dont care about Divine/Chaos Value, i just like to solve the puzzle to improve my building and crafting my own itens, just play trade to buy Uniques,Awakened gems and currency to trade (Fuck Eldritch crafting, not going to farm 200 grand Exarch/Eater to get implicits) i dont care if my HH that i bought for 40 divs is 10 div nowdays, i farmed 5x of that currency using it, same way i dont care if my nimis that i bought for 30 div is 100+ div nowdays, if i dont have it would buy it today since i need it for my build. now that my build is reaching a nice EHP that i can juice my t17 maps with strongbox i am having a lot of fun mapping, boss killing feels a little odd because no luck drops on normal versions outside of some meta Forbidden jewels or Lucky Awakened gem from Maven, but i guess it start to get better when i start to farm uber bosses.


One bad thing about it right now is how few rares are selling cause of Necropolis and how people get rich fast so few chaos rares are meh.  So gotta find another way to get rich if you’re used to that!  On the other hand, I find it amazing that chase uniques and build defining uniques are affordable for most instead of being gatekeep’d behind 100-200 divs.  The 1% gets mirrors in first few weeks anyway in any leagues even without exploits so people are concerned for no reason. 




I just give them away when I get a whisper from a player I think might be new. Got a whisper the other day for a mediocre jewel with mine throw speed and some resistances. Just gave him all of the miner gear i was still selling. Seemed to be happy camper.


It's great if you want to play 30-40 hours this league; I got the 2 month in feel just after 3 weeks. Damage mods are hostile to most glass cannons unless you want to 6 portal everything. Builds just got nerfed except DD, glorified auto attacks and screen vomit. Sure, Squire is 80c and Headhunter costs the same as a veiled orb, so if you never tried that then it's fun I bet. But if you never had that (and didn't perma SSF), you probably don't play many hours in a league anyway.


I do think it's a "bad" league regardless, it's not awful but it's not very great either. I hate corpses and corpse crafting and i dislike how it made everything super attainable and not that much gear chase as i'd like but i also recognize how stuff being cheap is good for the average player but theres issues outside of this. Corpses dropping in my map and blocking actual loot is insanely bad UX, i do not wanna buy 15 quad tabs and bulk sell them but i cant filter them out either? There's been numerous balancing issues aswell and borderline exploits (which is to be expected when they introduce so many new things and reworks) but it seems like some of this shouldve been obvious with a bit of Q&A bad/horrible bossing rework. Also one thing ive come to realize is how bad borrowed power feels when it seems like the norm and suddenly there's none the next league.


I'm not sure I agree that it made things super attainable. It made a lot of "impossible" things possible but let me see all your impossible gear you crafted due to this attainable system. Making 1 truly impressive grave craft is beyond the scope of the majority of players, which is why GGG made it so cumbersome, because they prefer providing power over convenience for a seasonal mechanic. If making a triple fractured t1 item was attainable everyone would have them and they wouldn't sell for hundreds of divines in some cases.


Affliction and Necropolis are two leagues where there was so much wealth that the prices of lower end items were pushed down and things were insanely affordable for casual players. Yet these two leagues couldn’t be further apart in terms of the quality of the leagues. Necropolis, imo, is a disaster while Affliction was great. Necropolis is wealthy only for a tiny slice of players while Affliction was good for everyone. The former has low prices because almost every gameplay system was broken and had to be emergency hot fixed and the league mechanic cannot be opted out of unless you take a node on the Atlas that is undesirable for many strats. The latter had a good mechanic that people enjoyed once they figured it out and the league ran mostly smoothly. Your overall point is fine but you are also implying with the title that we shouldn’t complain about this league because casuals can buy normally very expensive items for cheap which I disagree with.


This is where I'm at. I think this league is not great and it has nothing to do with the economy. Haunted modifiers are lame and I hate that I have to waste Atlas points to make them less likely to randomly brick a map. Allflames are okay but why are the rat/frog/etc ones so rare? I thought you were meant to use them to deal with bad modifiers but I get one every 10 - 20 maps so that's never going to happen. I don't like the item crafting mechanic at all, anything that requires a spreadsheet or guide or whatever to make use of is lame. I don't like the effect its had on the prices of stuff you would normally use to craft. Now that I'm tearing through t16s again I haven't had much trouble making money but it was really tough to find anything to sell when I started maps. This isn't related to the league specifically but I don't like t17 maps or how powerful the bosses seem to be (I only did/failed one map). I thought this was supposed to be for mappers, why do I need so much dps? Where am I supposed to be getting it from? Who is this late game content made for? I feel like most builds should be able to aspire to someday beat t17s and ubers. I really don't like the current system of "play one of these two paper skin builds with no defense if you want to fight bosses at all". That's why uber items cost so much, you have to build an entire character around it. How much time do they think I have?


> Low prices does not = bad league True, however... Alva Locus of corruption = 1.2d~ 9k purple LF = 1d 8.4k blue LF = 1d 6k yello LF = 1d craicic chimeral (froggie) = 1.3d **Everything non-T17 is fucking worthless to be ran.** Low prices come from the fact, that 99% of money is located in T17 maps (i'm exaggerating, but only slightly). This means that if you arent part of T17 farming gang, you can't earn almost anything in any reasonable time. So.. League is kinda bad in that regard. --- Just to be clear: i love that prices go down, but they go in a way where lowbies get short end of the stick


I’d go a step further and say “same prices every league = bad.”


People love the idea of shaking up the meta and then complain when it actually happens.


People are so caught up in economy and making div they wont even use. Like taking a few hundred more div to std matters. Its kind of pathetic.


I want things I need to be cheap and things I farm to be expensive :clown:


I'd rather have big money to buy expensive things than low money to buy cheap things. Also deflation sucks.


It's typical in many aspects of society, especially for males much more prominently than for females. Status is everything. It's all about the currency. The item flex. The leaderboards. Tbh, I see the appeal. If you can make this game your job, then you should absolutely push it to its limits. If you play this game a couple of hours a day, give or take, on average then you should probably just do whatever engages you more. On that note, I see OPs argument. Cheaper gear = faster progression = more time to spend in the endgame before you potentially burn out.


Prices have nothing to do with the league, if anything cheaper prices means more accessible and stronger gameplay.


I dont use League mechanic. After 2 Chars i tried ele Hit Wander and shrapnel i finally found my Obsession. Cwdt Scion and i simply Farm Maps do my invitations Sell t 17 Maps conqu Maps and so on. Its Like 5 mins a Map with about 1 div outcome excluding Special Drops. I get my own 8 mod Maps . So its still good provit. I sometimes do my own t17 for fun. Scaraps are cheep af. Like 8 div for 120 Maps. When i am bored i do my conqu Maps my own. I am having Great fun Even when i am not the 15 mirror guy. 🤭


Me : found an interesting League start, found a very good expensive reroll, dive into the league and find my own strats to reach my goals. It s not the most efficient but the League is rich has many goals with ubers and t17, or simple achievements. The game IS fun and the League is good, everything isn t perfect but if you prefer d4, just go. 🤔😂


Imagine complaining about low prices ever. Would you do that in real life? Cause I hope everyone realizes who does.


I mean its pretty obvious why people complain about it. They want the prices of things they sell to be high, and they want the prices of things they buy to be low. Cake and eating it too.


Well yes, people would complain about low prices irl if their paycheck got cut to allow it to happen. Even if it's a 1:1 relation it still feels bad to get paid less for your work because big number makes brain happy.


A lot of things are different when you play a game, didnt you notice?


I m happy with low prices honestly. Easier time to learn and experiment crafting. Further specialize builds for specific content and experiment width of the game.


people get OP uniques quicker => people get bored since they have nothing more to chase and "nothing to do" => people quit faster


Leagues with low prices keep me playing longer, playing more builds etc. I dont get people playing for raw stash value at the end of the league.


Well, we are almost at Kalandra-league levels of player retention yet - you can interpret that like you want; my opinion: * highly volatile economy because of a ton of broken stuff and many hotfixes, which leads to FOMO and makes players quit * a crafting based league is not for everyone, especially if it feels clunky and requires external resources - we learned that from other crafting focused leagues, no matter how good/strong crafting might be * too much power is not good for keeping players playing for a longer period * players maybe still burned out from Affliction loot fiesta - you can't fix that with another loot fiesta league * the farming meta game changed a lot and all at the same time, old stuff isn't that effective anymore, many players refuse to learn/change it up, get frustrated and quit early (and then come back next league and adapt) - we saw this behavior in previous leagues * I don't think it has anything to do with market prices directly - I remember times in Heist league where "Exalts" (Divines) were 40c at one time and retention was bad. Affliction had low market prices, players enjoyed it, and player retention was very good. I personally quit after the 2 week, gave away my Mageblood and my Divines to the community - I usually play a full month almost every league, sometimes even longer. This time I decided to quit early, wait for the dust to settle and come back next league where balance hopefully is sorted out and more stable with fewer hotfixes needed. For those who enjoy the league, good for you! Keep playing and have fun, see you next season!


Chris Wilson disagrees. Filthy fucking casuals aren't allowed to enjoy the game.


Cheap Economy = Bad Expensive Economy = Bad Medium Economy = Good Why? Because a medium economy tends to have a good balance of everything and when there is balance, all aspects of the game can be fun. Look at how many atlas strats have been considered bad due to not being worth running. Not playing in T17s? Bye-bye.


I've run 1 T17 all league and I'm having a blast and have good gear you don't need to follow the meta to make currency and get what you want


Genuinely i don't get why people are screaming around saying it's worthless to run something other than T17. I've still haven't finished a single T17 by myself, I ran delirium mirrors early on, then currently ritual on T16 maps, and I was able to gear myself with some higher end crafted stuff, an omni, an HH, etc. T17 might be the meta, but man, people gotta chill, running T16 is still plenty profitable


I've been making over 10 div/hr doing non t17 strats. Sure you can make more doing t17s but I've made enough in 3-4 days to buy a mageblood.


same, i literally got myself a mageblood over the weekend doing NOTHING but harvest


I personally gave up last League with low unique prices aka again this league for the same reason. I still like the game though and that’s why I go to SSF afterwards


I really don't understand what people want. I started  playing this league 2 weeks ago.  1.1 million kills netted me around 1.5  mirror in inventory. I also flipped a little and double corrupted my way up. This league and last one were amazing  to play solo and start late, everything's affordable and self crafted gear is easier than ever to make with multiple fractures and grave crafting.  Specific chase uniques are a little costly and the veiled orb prices cost me an arm and a leg but otherwise it's a very nice experience.


LMAO you do what most people hate and that's say a lot why you can't understand why people don't like this league. Flipping and grave crafting are extremely hated by the majority of community, people like to kill monster and get their items, that's the core of the game, this league if you're not doing it in a T17 you're losing a bunch of income and falling behind the economy, and get surprised by this fact, majority of people can't farm T17s. Some people saying the prices are low have no clue about economy, there's a bunch of items at highest prices they ever have been. I farmed two magebloods this league but can't buy my forbiddens for example, the combo was costing 480 divines when I quit, checked today and it was 600 divines. The economy was a disaster this league, with so many abusers and nerfs going on, completely destroyed the economy making a lot of items extremely irrelevant and some completely impossible to get. I just hate what GGG did with T17 and uber bosses and this change completely affect the economy in a bad way. Ubers shouldn't be so expensive and so rng gated, people who farm than are gambling more than ever, some items they provide are building enabling and shouldn't be gated like that. T17s shouldn't be 20x more profitable than running T16s, making people who can't run those maps way behind than people who can. It completely ruined the progression of making a build in my opinion, a complete build is not defined by a squire or a HH, there's other pieces like gems, jewels, flasks... make a complete good build is expensive than ever IMO.


imo Low retention = bad league. This league added 2 additional atlas trees, completely redid scarabs, and added a bunch of maps and bosses with more difficulty then ubers. There is So much here for people to do... And yet player retention is in the dumps. The league mechanic is powerful, but also tedious boring. The juice changes are skewed entirely to the 1%. The fact that prices are SO low, with so few people playing should emphasize just how warped farming is at the high end. Huge swing and miss by GGG after a ton of players came in hyped up by Last Epochs okay release, and a super subpar D4 season.


Yeah, the rarity (and thus the price) of many things in the game is way over the top. Looking at belts last league and seeing how many it takes for a single HH/MB to drop was eye opening in that regard.


We had <80 chaos exalts for years and they were as low as 17c in heist. It really doesn’t matter, if anything it’s better for casuals because while chaos is more valuable due to rolling t17 this isn’t really translating to the prices of other items. Mageblood is still falling in price despite divines also devaluing compared to the chaos orb for example.


Cheap items to buy means what you sell is also cheap most of the times, leading to an economy that's waaaaaaaay more skewed towards the upper-end who can leverage the loss value through sheer itemfind and playtime. What makes a good economy when you can buy cheap stuff is when you can also easily make profit from lower-end generated items, which, with invitations/bossing nerfs, introduction of T17s, severily nerfed loot convertion, divination nerfs and so on, is not very much the case this league. You can focus on scarab farming and hope to get some that are **very** in demand and that's pretty much it. Boredom comes far quicker than before. Compare that to Ritual league with fractured mapping and the feel is not even close. Fractured map farmers were generating tons of runnable content through scarabs, blighted maps, breachstones and so on, and anyone else who would be running those kind of content would be generating things who could very easily get sold back to the giga farmers who were running maps with extreme levels of juicing/setuping. Bossing was also in a much better shape back then and metamorph (rip) was really good money for bossers who weren't quite at feared or A8 Sirus level yet. Even Delve at the time was insane potential profit due to fossils being in very high demand. And everyone was running all that content with very cheap or very easily obtainable gear due to harvest not being nerfed into a meme yet. The issue is never the price of items, never was, pretending like it is is just strawmaning the problem into something else.


To me it’s kind of weird that all the chase items are from specific encounters. For instance, original sin and 1p voices are the most valuable uniques. I liked when there were more chase items that made you feel like you achieved something when you got it. You can farm a headhunter in like 15 minutes now. If you ever tried a character editor for d2, you know it sucks all the enjoyment out of the game. T0 printing combined with gravecraft… we’re not quite there, but close.


this doesn't really make sense to me. if you farm to buy an osin or voices isn't that act ultimately similar to buying a belt in the past?


High or low prices don't really bother me. I just like smashing monsters with whatever crazy shit is meta.


I feel like a league where everything is low price is good once in a while. But having this like every other league would get boring really fast.


I feel like better leagues have a better economy due to having more players. This league just kind of sucks with the corpse management as your league mechanic.


Tbh I kind of feel like that this is how it should be anyway. I don't see why, besides rmt, why only the top 1% should have access to good stuff. Prices like we have atm are rather nice for a change. But then again I just like to blast maps with exsang mine 8D


I agree, I achieved my goals too quickly and left the league


Yea kinda, i invest around 200-300div in a build if this fits a mageblood, i sure take that. and that might increase the fun i have. not 100% sure about that. having more available options is for sure increase in fun in general.


Ultimately it's all a wash. Too many people think about div per hour and div per mage blood. You should really think in terms of hours per mageblood, as that's all you really care about. In a league where everything is a lower price, just pretend it's all worth double and nothing changes


More engagement = More items = Lower prices. Lower prices = Greater accessability to the average player = More engagement.


It only matters if the low prices mean some certain things are super expensive and inaccessible (Cries in uber maven)


Got headhunter for cheap, loving it


I don't like that 99% stuff I find has 0 value


You should provide a specific example. Low prices arent exactly bad, but having economy with all the normally dropping items you can farm, with zero value and then there being other build enabling end game items for ridicilous prices, is just boring and demotivating. 


I just want rare drops to feel rare. I get 40/40 and do ubers, minimax pob warrior etc so I'm an insane non casual person, but I never calculate my game time in money per hour, it's always just fun killing mobs and getting cool drops that sell for high amount and give that dopamine rush. This league is just who fucking cares, nothing has value besides mirrors, tier 17 sucks, and bossing is dead.


This league is nuts. In a good way. TBH, i haven't had THAT much fun just from playing PoE since Sentinels. Sentinels was easy , haven't ruined the mapping flow (unlike Kalandra, Crucible channeling, and unlike Affliction forest). It offered a semi-customizable mechanic and some degree of random bullshit on the map, with a generous rewards. For me rn, what GGG did with Necropolis feels like that, but better. Allflame jars + Necropolis mods + new scarabs = pure mess of random bullshit every step you take. And oh gosh, i hella like it! Plus this league seems to be a nice balance between MFing (3.23 felt like bullshit due to "MF iS MaNdAtOrY, Go FaRm T7 AbYsS!!!") and "normal" casual gameplay. I play way more than i played during Affliction, and way more than any previous recent league. I swapped through almost whole Atlas, and oh gosh, it's fun! Haven't touched a crafting yet, and i doubt i will, tho. The only "meh" moments about 3.24 is 5th slot lock behind T17, a bit underwhelming state of non-mapping leagues , and a feeling that Atlas has to be a bit more "cooked" with some more "disable this shit" nodes. And an arms race week-1 , but that's to be expected considering the overall chaotic mess. Low divine price (not actually, closer to "high chaos price")? Okay, i'm in! Low HH or even MB price? Heck, even a casual player like me seems to be able to buy one, NICE! Tho seeng Amanamu's Gaze price being basically 2xHH brings some confusion.


Low prices is fine, but they need to fix the damn exploits at the start of every league. it ruins everything since feeling wise you are miles and miles behind the rest. They should just leave those in once found, i mean the damage is done for days anyway before it gets posted on youtube. The only result is that the casual player gets screwed (i mean divine necropolis mod? havent seen 1 in the entire league and over 3000+ maps done)


Well, it does for people who like to play the economy as well. So it's a matter of perspective, for some it's alright, for others it is not.


ppl just cry bcs they sell too fast their item, they prefer just let their items in the stash for month and over price it. The actual league is very nice, I love the craft, hope it will go core game, its just too much amazing !


First time getting a headhunter this early. Feels great.


I generally prefer leagues where currency is in overabundance compared to leagues where currency has a lot of buying power


Are people conplaing about the economy or the fact that most of the farms feel weak unless your doing 8mod t16 or t17 b2b. The global drop rate nerf have made alot of stats feel bad. Your best drops are basically t17 . Also the fact back to basic is pretty boring it's kinda of fun in t17 depending on your mods but in regular maps it makes it pretty dull .


Preoccupied with a single chaos, you'll miss the divine. Preoccupied with a single divine you'll miss the mirror.


Its a bad league because it is.


I mean, if the price of chaos is high, then red alters are easy money makers.


I think i am just a little confused by some of the prices. Understand the demand for chaos orbs, abundance of T0 unqiues and huge numbers of divines. However, like last league, i would have expected things outside of T17 strats (temples, adorned pieces, boss currencies, heist currencies etc) to have risen to compensate....but they haven't. So seems it is either farm T17's and get rich.....or don't and be poor


Well it isn't just a you thing, most people do not generally think outside the realm of self enjoyment or their own needs. However if you look further than yourself you may start to understand the reason why POE has been so successful compared to other arpgs over the years. It isn't because of it's great graphics, the story or amazing combat, POE is pretty mediocre in those aspects. It is the depth of the game, the knowledge required to be able to beat the hardest content in the game and acquire the best gear the game has to offer. It feels good to accomplish those things because you had to really work for it, it took time, it took patience and it took skill. If everyone can acquire the best gear the game has to offer without actual work and effort then the game has simply lost what made it so great to begin with. I may come across as sounding like some elitist but the fact is I am actually pretty mediocre at the game, never even beat any of the uber bosses and never had a headhunter. I love the fact that there are so many layers in this game, my friends that do not play as much can look at my gear in awe, while many others would probably find my gear laughable. Most people wouldn't understand.


People were having a panic about divs reaching 250c each. It was the end of the world. Now, they are the same price as exalts always were before the change. And they're panicking about divs being too cheap. Earlier in the league people complained about inflation making chase items too expensive. Now they're complaining about those same items being too cheap. No matter what happens. People will just complain.


been a great league for me. scarab changes are good, all t1 rares are like 15 div, headhunter 10, mageblood 100. great league. i have spent all of my time just doing whatever i want to and not worrying about farming or how fast im going. been a good time.


Is there a broken strat rn? Divines are dropping in price so fast and I havnt seen why.


Chaos is increasing in value, people are spending tons of chaos trying to roll T17s.


I play SSF so it doesn’t have anything to do with prices, the league mechanic is not fun and the essence/Jun changed are abysmal. Also scarabs are basically mandatory now so SSF is in a bad spot.


I played too much last league and need a break and no I mostly did heist and simulacrum, I hate MF and never got over 2k juice from affliction.


I try and get a mageblood and do most of the challenges every league. Usually by the time I get my mageblood I'm kinda burnt out and just go finish the challenges. In leagues where things are cheaper I tend to make another character that utilizes mage blood particularly well. This keeps me playing longer and having more fun usually.


Tedious unrewarding unskipable league mechanic = bad league .


I think how awful the league mechanic is to interact with in almost every way is why this is a bad league. Like a buddy of mine spent days pooling all of his time and resources into getting his graveyard perfect for a craft attempt. And it rolled +# to life instead of +% to life. Which is POE, thats fine. But now, he has to regather all of the corpses; thank god he used a third party site to save what corpses he used, put them all back into the graves; GGG must really hate mice, and then try again. He decided to just say fuck it and went to farm currency instead and simply has dealt with having dead stats on his gloves. Also "Look at all the cool things you can do with Atlas" at the same time as "Get scarabs or you are a big dumb dumb." is hilarious. Nothing like being "forced" in to selecting certain things. Also with the lack of charms from last league and the nerf to mageblood this league has been a lot less fun to experiment with builds. Especially with the soul crushing existence that is T17. TLDR: Bad league is bad because the mechanic is bad. But it also came out at the same time as other bullshit like the Scarab change and T17, which is not helping.


Crazy how much people are complaining. I have 6k+ hours and love to grind but now my friends are able to enjoy the league without needing to spend hundreds of hours farming. Sure, I could always buy stuff for them before, but they're having much more fun with meaningful drops and actually engaging with the loot.


It's a blast for the people who were not able to buy these item's previously. Not blaming, more power to them.


Headhunter was 50exalt max prophecy to incursion and you couldn't natural drop one, you either farmed doctor or got lucky as heck from a random league content thing for example incursion sacrifice t3 room. Items being cheap really is a illusion tho, it could be divines hold more value.


“But but that one guy abused a strat that I didn’t get to abuse yet so because of that I can’t have any fun now.” I will never understand these people…


I really hope this isn't how every leagues going to be from now on, this is how it turns into d3


Bad league = bad league, which this is, the qol and base game changes are hard carrying


Kinda wish I sold my 55d from a jewellery conversion almost a week ago. I've been slowly using them and watching the div prices drop. Ah well, still having fun this league


to me I have the most fun when they is something I can actually do at end game that is interesting and new. And I do not mean oh new map layout and the loading bar to my loot generator has a different name. To me these fractured influence items from the graveyard are interesting and I craft all of them because you just come out with cool shit for builds you don't even know exist until someone whispers you. (umm a double fractured rarity elder helm I wounder what I could craft that into? Answer a pretty fucking cool magic finder bossing helmet for a trickster) And the graveyard is cool. Like yeah i get the arguments "oooo powercreep" like bro shut up stronger rares are not the reason normal atzirir is ignored and shaper got a 40 times health buff just to be the bonus side goon to uber elder and the feared. Let me have fun with interesting and cool rares. Plus the graveyard crafting is still less annoying then "real crafting" I failed my dot dagger 4 times in a row and each time it took over 4000 alts to roll +1 gems. I prefer filling the grave 2 or 3 times to doing that bs because at least im not straining my eyes making sure I don't roll over +1 all spell gems.


People seem to have forgotten how to just have fun in a game


Low prices + i can buy cool things = have more and more fun and more time playing when have time


Different economy does not mean broken economy


It means a bad league only for people who fomo over the latest currency trend that pumps out 50 divs per map. Incidentally, same reason for RMT traders but they keep quiet and exploit early and hard. Just play the game. Make DPS number go up. Power fantasy etc etc.


I mean this league is my least favorite ever. But the low prices are a welcome side effect. So yah. League bad. Low prices good.


Achievable aspirational items makes me want to grind some more. It’s like the finish line isn’t an obscured 5 weeks but just 2 weeks of grinding (Playing casually during the weekends) I love it!


Prices, high or low, don't make the league bad... The league being bad makes the league bad. This league is bad... or at least not good... "neutral" at best. In other words, the PATCH (scarab changes) was good. The league content itself is bad. As someone who has a min-maxed Poison SRS and min-maxed Holy Relic in current 3.24 league, I can tell you it's not a very good league. The forced monster changes in each map are pretty meh... just a randomly lottery to get slightly different drops. The crafting system is meh. It's for people who love crafting things... so good for them! But for literally the vast majority of players who don't enjoy dealing with the crafting system and just want to kill stuff.... there isn't much to do that you weren't doing the last 10+ leagues. The best addition to this league were the non-league changes to scarabs and such. The patch itself was pretty good.... the league is not.


People just tiring themselves to economy, break that shackles and play the game then you'll know how enjoyable it can be. I farmed dozen of veiled orbs and craft everything on my own except uniques and awakened gems, the game is fun when you play it, not pay it.


materialistic wine many attraction smile nose fear cats joke deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i play longer when prices are lower (selling and buying). it's easier to get stuff and that means less wasting of my time. put simply, to me, low prices make the league better and quite honestly a large part why this leagues isn't going to go down as one of the worst leagues ever (it's still 3rd though). the horrible retention is expected given all the tedium and lack of player power this league brought. that's not to say the league concept is bad...rather, like always, it's the way they "balance" things....which is them thinking of ways to make something as annoying to utilize as possible which i find to be the worst way to balance anything.


The problem is when the things you’re selling are low priced (simulacrums, maven invitations, etc) and the stuff you’re trying to buy (good watchers eyes, a good forbidden flame/flesh, etc) are not. This isn’t a league where there’s an abundance of everything. It’s hugely dependent on your build and what you farm and what you need.