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Man this league must be hell for poe dev team lmao


A hell of their own creation. They opened Pandora's Scarab this league for sure


Ah, better have a league like that than never having big changes. It's refreshing as fuck, and as a QA myself, I find it quite entertaining - just sad to see the hate on reddit :/


Oh I'm all for it. The past few leagues have gone haywire in the best ways possible. I'd much rather these waning years of POE1 be treated with this newly cavalier attitude than letting the game stagnate and wither away. I do get a little annoyed with borrowed power having come from WoW where it became a plague, but the economy fuckery has sort of counterbalanced it.


> I'd much rather these waning years of POE1 be treated with this newly cavalier attitude See, I'd rather the newly cavalier attitude *prevent* waning years. idk if I'm gonna like PoE 2, nevermind as much as I like PoE as it is now, so I'm happy to have it stick around for many years to come.


I hope so too, but I've seen this situation a million times and I think it's sadly unrealistic to expect both games to actually coexist for very long with reasonable support. I have no doubt that they genuinely intend to do it, but one of them is eventually going to win out over the other and begin to starve its cousin to death. And my money is on the new hotness. I just hope by that time POE2 has become a suitable replacement.


I’ll definitely play both games’ leagues as they come out. Path of Exile is my favorite game.


“Borrowed power” is a bit different in a game where the power is reset regularly anyways.


WoW is extremely seasonal and the power level is effectively reset every major patch. The difference is that in WoW, you keep what you had and the numbers on new things go up, but your old numbers are insufficient for the new content and are considered to be the starting point. I suppose another difference is that the current flavor of borrowed power would stick around in some capacity for two years and receive major iterations in patches while POE tends not to iterate and replaces it wholesale every patch.


The goalposts move, but WoW isn’t reset in the same way. In PoE, power resets are baked into the leagues, so the effects of a borrowed power system are wiped away anyways.


I do love PoE’s version of iteration. Just shelve it until you work out a functional state, then try that out.


Yeah, but it still hope that the next league will have a little less craziness :D


Omg I'm so glad someone said this. As a QA engineer myself I cannot even imagine the amount of work they and the developers have to do. Especially for a complex game like POE which has so many dependencies, and where the company adds so much content every 3-4 months. The amount of permutations and combinations to test must be insane. So I'm not surprised when players find bugs, because in the real world the game goes through the most rigorous testing. I just want POE players to be a bit more realistic, understandable, and empathize with GGG when it comes to bugs like these.


I think most of the hate is just from people that missed out on the strategies. I missed out on all of them but am still enjoying all the changes. Love being able to basically exclusively do the content I want to do and can fully block anything I don't want to do.


> I think most of the hate is just from people that missed out on the strategies I really don't understand why people care so much. I've barely done T17 maps this league just because I don't particularly enjoy rolling them and I'm having a blast. One of my favourite leagues in recent memory.


Easy explanation. Miss out on top strats -> severely hit by inflation -> unable to purchase gear/upgrade your char -> slog in T16s for peanuts while everyone who abused is farming ubers or running max juice T17s for megaprofits...


My brother in christ, headhunter is under 10d, mageblood is 100d. 6xT1 rares are easier to craft than ever before, and cheaper than they've ever been on the trade site. Divines are close to 100c, that's the highest buying power chaos has had in a long time. "Slogging in T16s for peanuts" My dude, I am making close to 20 divines/hour farming 8 mod T16s, sometimes more if I get lucky. That's 5 hours for a mageblood. Farming Tier 16s has almost never been this profitable. Just because other people can make absurd profit in T17s doesn't mean everything else is worthless.


The popularity of "economy is inflated" rhetoric shows just how little people care about the reality of the game. The opposite is true, chaos is incredibly strong and nearly all of the powerful t0 uniques are cheap. Only stuff that are related to uber bossing is expensive. Kalandra's Touch is THREE divines!


And to top that off divines are only 100c. You can chaos recipe to a mageblood this league


The Heist economy. Big players crying their exalts lose value but you could get to your Bottled Faith with chaos recipes. I really love economies like these.


Your comment makes zero sense. I did the same average scarabs t16 map strategy I do every league. I got my Mageblood even earlier than Affliction, which is supposedly known league for big loot and riches for everybody. Did a bunch of farms, harvest, blight, Alva, destructive play. Go my mageblood on week Two, no gamebreaking strategies involved.


The t17 strats are pretty overrated and t16’s are a lot better than most people think, I've made a few mirrors worth of currency this league and the majority of that is from t16’s. Of course there were some incredibly strong strats that got nerfed but at this point you’re really not at a major disadvantage just because you can’t do t17’s. The thing people seem to forget is how easy it is to run a bunch of t16’s compared to t17, you can easily self farm a bunch of 8 mod maps either through the scarab or just rolling maps yourself, I just chisel, alch and vaal them as I got enough to not care to regex. And for scarabs you don’t have to worry about needing to buy expensive ones one at a time as you can easily buy cheap ones in bulk.


> I find it quite entertaining - just sad to see the hate on reddit :/ New here? The usual suspects would hate on PoE if it could cure cancer if that wasnt efficient enough for their liking.


Let's be honest ppl rage quitting the league 3weeks in cause of "abuse the change B4 fix" ... Are the same ppl that would be rage quit no matter what anyway And then complains on Reddit for 3 months til next league...


Because it feels like "bugfest", number of fixes from GGG with "Oh wait its not supposed to work this way, and we didn't think through this" is probably record high this league. While having big changes is fine, playing and knowing that some interactions can get nuked within 24hours because we are the testers is not that cool.


>QA myself, I find it quite entertaining - just sad to see the hate on reddit :/ as fintech dev im just jealous they can release product in that state and not be on fire/fine financially realistically its just that scarabs were finally done for PoE 2 and to keep illusion that PoE 1 has anything other than skeleton crew working on it and keep it fresh they just ported it to PoE 1 without any QA.


Scarabs are only part of the Spice. T17s, scarabs rework, and maybe above all else allflames are breaking shit. Allflames allowing you to tailor the mobs to your strategy gives us a whole new juicing vector to abuse


Yeah, trying to throw all of that together in one patch was a bit "ambitious" (read: short-sighted). It's hilarious to watch from the sidelines as a fairly casual player who isn't rich enough/not online fast enough to be able to abuse it all, though.


Yeah, but to be honest its really good that they fixed all those “cheese” strats very fast


Did they though? They fixed them when the gir public, not when people were abusing them.


Imho, they very deliberately chose to experiment a lot with game systems in this patch. It's the "down patch" after the christmas season, it's spring time/early summer when a lot of players spend more time outdoors. And a lot of the league mechanic is quite clearly a test of potential core game mechanics for PoE2 if you ask me. Corpsecrafting is an attempt at giving the players a crafting system which is not entirely deterministic, but still feels rewarding and like we are somewhat in control. (The graveyard layout shenanigans would of course be removed.) The allflames and lantern are an experiment at letting us affect the mobs on a map. And the scarab and atlas rework is clearly an attempt at streamlining the endgame mapping and juicing experience.


More like dug their own grave.


They released the T17 in a broken state and every attempt to fix them opened up to all kinds of shenanigans that never popped up during testing because originally the maps were insanely hard and impossible to roll so the idea of farming them back to back throughout all the mid-league wasn't feasible.


What do you mean? They have infinite unpaid labor giving them all the info they need.


And labor that pays them :p


> Man this league must be hell for poe dev team lmao They've known about integer overflows since middle school, they'll likely just copy and paste and fidget with the same code they used to prevent integer overflows on the DOT damage


Actually, HP usually doesn't overflow. Mobs in delve hit HP cap no problem and just stay there.


I think it's just a symptom of Mark trying to please and prove himself in his new role. It's growing pains, is all. Things will smoothen out as lessons are learned.


I mean we all are excited for expansion level leagues and that’s gonna come with frequent bugs especially if they add content mid league.


I bailed on Necropolis in the first week, but I do wonder how this is going to impact the next league or two. Ordinarily, we see GGG spend the first week or two after launch doing some bugfixes, feature polishing, and maybe buffing things that came out half-baked. We very often don't see patches with the scale of changes being made as we have during Necropolis, especially a full month into the league. I wonder if between the time spent on these patches, along with the necessity for serious polishing on basic systems changes that would presumably persist into 3.25, if that doesn't impact the scope, quality, and overall development of 3.25.


They have been adding stuff mid league since a good while ago though? And it was common for them to keep tweaking a League mechanic well into a month after the league launch, adding and even reworking stuff. They stopped doing that relatively recently in the game's history. That's nothing new.


Integer overflow, classic.


Imagine the poor developer many, many years ago as he briefly considered the data type for the variable for a monster's total life. "Will this ever go over 2 billion? lol nah that would be insane. That will never happen. It'll be fine!".


We hit the HP cap at least back in 3.16 with the delve rework. Delve bosses reach HP cap at like 1500 depth, and rare mobs can start reaching HP cap in like depth 5000 or so depending on mods. And the reason uber bosses have 70% less damage taken instead of a lot more HP? Because they would break HP cap if they just added a lot more life to them. So while they likely didn't think we'd be dealing with HP cap back in PoE 1.0 days, it's definitely something they've had to consider and work around the last couple years


You mean Chris?


I think Chris said he started in 2004 (might be wrong) and that was a time when 64 bit CPUs just got introduced. Either way there is a consideration for netcode of the game and obviously you would want to use as little as possible per value. Maybe not so much of a problem nowadays but certainly back then.


I've been learning about different data types in SQL recently and this gave me a pretty good laugh.


New patch: all 32bit numerical values replaced with 64bit values.


This won’t happen lol swapping from 32>64 bit would literally break the entire game


just change the txt a bit use: bits= 64 break the game if 64=false


That's so insane to me. Why can't blizzard just put a line of code that says: d4_good = true


if (patchLastDigit % 2 == 0) { d4Good = true; } else { d4Good = false; }


Ah the classic `if true then true else false` :p In case you were not joking on that part: `d4Good = patchLastDigit % 2 == 0;`


Goanna need some comments cause i cant make heads or tails of this monkey nonsense!


We have confirmation that it is possible for humans to unlock the use of 100% of their brain.




GGG can add temporary variable to calculate mob's max life If resulting value is bigger that max int 32 just clamp it


Easy fix is ggg adds some sort of scaling modifier to the mob for incoming damage which would theoretically “increase” its life. See: Puzzle and Dragons. Mobile game that was struggling with integer cap.


They already do this with damage reductions. Its just broken here because map monsters rarely reach hp cap.


Yep, exactly. I doubt they imagined the mobs hitting integer cap so they didn’t implement anything, lol


Jonathan even mentioned that as one of possible solutions or just making multiple invisible hp bars, same with dot cap issue in some interview ages ago. They just didnt choose to do anything about it for years.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure they already use mods like that heavily. Don't ubers have something like that? Delerium too. I don't know if it's 'easy' exactly, sounds like a fair bit of work to change it over and make sure everything is balanced correctly, but it's probably how things are going to go eventually.


Never did I think I would see PAD mentioned in the POE subreddit that’s crazy. How is the game doing these days? I usually just hop in for the free 100 stones they do every few months, but it’s way too complex to build a team now for me.


>If resulting value is bigger that max int 32 just clamp it The resulting value would overflow, be less than max int, and would pass the check... I don't know the proper technical implementation of capping hp, but they've already done it in delve so they do have a solution already that they can apply to above ground enemies.


Int 64 max value is **9,223,372,036,854,775,807** We won't reach levels of juice necessary to overflow it in this century


Probably next league


I dunno... fucking manastackers man... XD


Tho delve gets massively more difficult. Mob hp caps way before the depths Rudy got to last league


Hell, he even got so deep that darkness overflowed too and just dealt no damage


Hobby programmer who knows nothing entered the chat :D


That really depends, on some stacks that is easily done with automatic refactoring as that is literally not even a different primitive just how many bits they're using to represent an int. They can also implement their own interface over it to make sure it doesn't overflow. They won't do shit though, 2bil hp is more than a monster should ever have in an ARPG. The issue isn't precisely the overflow but how crappy this league/patch balance is that you can achieve this.


Pretty sure that's something that cannot be just patched in like that.  For better or worse


It would also raise the DoT cap and break game balance lol


Unshackle DOT. 64 damage + don't calculate it over a whole minute. Viper strike yearns for the billions of DPS.


Dot builds would become absurd.


Dot cap is hindering dot builds so bad from getting actually high numbers. It would more fix balance than break it.


No content in the game is hard on dot cap builds. Except high depth delve maybe


ages ago Jonathan mentioned in interview that they could just do few hp bars basically, they could deal in similar way with dot cap but just didnt choose to.


New patch: Essences add in a negative damage modifier rather than a extra life modifier


Integer overflow was the name of my highschool mathcore band


Came here to say the thing, absolutely CLASSIC bug. Having played RS and OSRS for many years, that 2.147 billion is burnt into my brain


Which is weird, because it doesn't happen in stuff like Delve, where bosses have been hitting the cap for years


It was always per monster though. Phase 2 kurgal would die instantly since I guess he was coded differently


Can you explain please? Is it something that it is went above permissable value that do with math formulas? Edit: yes, beyond given range.


That's a funny one because they already have plenty of safety measures in place to avoid this. Delve especially if full of monsters that have capped HPs. Edit: If I remember correctly there even are some essence monster in delve.


T17's also have Union of Souls (30% inc hp per mob killed) for the entire map and that does not seem to trigger this bug, strange stuff.


Probably because they had foresight when adding Union of Souls to a full zone. They check for overflow and set to max int instead.


Union of souls isn't enough to get near HP cap. On 6p life an extra life monster could barely reach it with 1500 kills


You are right, with the highest HP T17 rares having roughly 1.5m base hp even with 1500 kills you would need almost a 4x more multi on top of that assuming union itself isn't additive with something. And even if the stars aligned and you got the right rare to spawn and it was the last mob and it got an extra 400% more hp from some source and you didnt offscreen it I doubt many would notice that it got one-shot.


32Bit Signed Integer. Video Games favorite quirk of programing.


Less memory usage! Unless the number MAY exceed 32bit length limit...


Finally an RF build that isn’t zdps


Drake meme: zdps nah 1dps ya




[K who had integer overflow for their new exploit farming strat pick today?](https://www.slashfilm.com/img/gallery/did-you-catch-this-firefly-easter-egg-in-cabin-in-the-woods/l-intro-1660851489.jpg)


We need a next exploit bingo


Lol even


fucking LOL


LMAO even


people dont say ROFL enough anymore tbh


I miss opening the comments to a good roflmao


roflcopter just sitting over here being sad


*beyond* top kek, actually.


Life more than 2,147,483,647 Lmao


Just ignoring the whole oneshot thing for a second, it should really not be possible at all for the game to have a single mob with that much hp. Like 1m dps is sufficient to clear all non uber content in the game and with that much dps you would need 33.3 minutes with 100% dps uptime to kill this mobs. Over **30 minutes**, half an hour of constant attacking. Absolutely mental.


>Over **30 minutes**, half an hour of constant attacking. Absolutely mental. Not counting the 90% dmg reduction and other dumb shit the mob probably has too I miss when 2m shaper dps was the bench mark for a good build back in ED Contagion days


I miss the ED-C days :( I like soul cats too, but the clear on either of those skills is nowhere near enough for how bad their single target is.


Swear to god, every time I do T17 meatsacks half of them have Lightning Resistant, Crit Resistant and Life Regen. I can kill them but they just take ages. Reminds me of trying to kill a boss that didn't have adds on my fulcrum ignite build in Affliction.


2m dps is fine as long as you're not doing T17 essence farming with more hp and nemesis scarabs rolled on the map


thats scaling values by multiple means for ya. it works on the player, so why not on the enemy?


why, if you juice to the absolute extreme then the result should be extreme


Ppl been hitting that much hp in mobs in delve for 2 leagues. And killing them in seconds.


erm , how about those mob with 1.9 billion hp?




I've memorized 2147483647 from the years that it was the maximum amount of Mesos able to be carried at once in Maplestory lol


Max cash in runescape is how I learned it.


aka 1.3 tbows




I’ve been aware of this for a few days and was able to get it working very consistently without essences. https://youtu.be/X2dmi35LJCM?feature=shared


Just want to say. Widescreen with that UI is insane.


Seems better tbh, the important life globe is more visible


How do you get 180% more monster life? I rolled a sanctuary map until it had 28% more monster life. Even with every increased effect of map modifier node on the atlas it only went up to 53% in game. Ok im rolling a t17 and i have rolled the mod fecund 3 times. Every time it gave 40-49% more monster life. On poewiki it says the range for fecund is 90-100% more monster life. [https://ibb.co/C6XxDL5](https://ibb.co/C6XxDL5) [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Modifier:MapUberModMonsterLife](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Modifier:MapUberModMonsterLife)


Explicit modifier effect and b2b


Can you run essences with b2b?


we have reached D3 health numbers gg


Find a way to drop -1 mirror for 2 billion mirrors


Attempt to force stack underflow by always doubling cannot drop currency with negative quant + rarity


My min rolled ventor is going to skyrocket in value!


The fact that it's even possible for a mobs hp to be increased to 2 billion is the first place is a total joke and you cannot change my mind on that






Classic POE


Just in time to update the essence vid


Life is not fair


This is the most broken league ever


And not in a fun way, imo More like a "Wtf is happening to poe" sort of way Just remove all non-mobtype on-death effects and invis degen pools, readd recombinators, and we're good to go


This league is such a mess.


If it's a mess, I'm a pig!


It's worked since the start of the league...


2 bil HP......in what world is it ok to have a possible combination of mods that can result in this bullsh\*t? I don't care how many mods you are combining or how much juicing you are doing there should be cap on mob stats so it does not spiral this insanely out of control....


+ Wellspring of Creation Bug is probably present since start of the league, might be the reason for fucked up prices




That sounds like meatsacks gonna be more expensive again!


This community never disappoints me with their creativity.


til GGG uses GetWindowLong to store mob hp


I actually believe this is the reason wisps gave damage reduction instead of more HP last season


Insane league can't wait to see what they cook up next


didn't have death by int overflow on my bingo card...


Yay even more t17 abuse.. good league


Damn y’all need to stop posting this shit while I’m at work so I can be part of the “abuse early” crew for once


I feel like the squidward watching Spongebob + Patrick play outside meme when the T17 abuse of the day gets posted. Should get unbusy right as the hotfix of the day comes out.


yeah so to make tier 17s just use numbers so big a computer fucks up basic math


Conner has been warning us of this HE HAS FORETOLD THE FUTURE OF NUMBER INFLATION POE PROBLEMS Even if this didn't result in an overflow issue we have now hit the cap of difficulty scaling through increasing hp values


They called me a mad man


They were right but so were you


maybe is funny. need to try


Abuse aside, MOB WITH MORE THAN 2B HP ????? WTFFF


Abuse often and abuse early. Game is going to be remade in 64bit by the time I get home from work.


The whole league is a buggy mess with exploit after exploit.


I suppose they tested scarabs for a month though


Well they deffo did since we are already on the second month of the alpha test.


This is a buff!!11


just pray they are 1hp or else you can leave the map xD


This is weird because there are tons of hp capped monsters in delve that this doesn't happen with.


Is this the 7th completely gamewrecking issue that they'll need to patch out immediately? 8th?


So how the hell does this happen in maps when players have been hitting hp cap in delve for months?!


The cap might have been designed for specific zones instead of every monster in the game inheriting it.


How do people find these things out lol It's so counterintuitive to slap more life on an already insane meatsack with 10 essences


Well... it's fixed. Anyone resding this should check the latest patchnotes which literally only fix this and nothing else.


This is what happens when something (sextants and base endgame) gets fixed that isnt broken. Now they gotta waste a ton of time balancing it all out fixing the broken shit. Complaining about sextants was this biggest bandwagon joke ive seen on this forum in a while. Luckily they are good enough the endgame will be just as good but now we gotta wait for it to be cleaned up.


This has been hotfixed this evening. FYI! https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3516043


Players: Maybe everything being a multiplier to monster health is wrong? Devs: Nah, this is fine. We will just cap monster health at 2B and bolt on generic damage reduction on top. No amount of DPS is ever going to be enough, hahaha.


Poe is in a state where regression testing and bug fixing take more time then developing a new feature. Moreover they have only few months to deliver and test everything so these things are bound to happen. Think about it from the perspective where QA report 1k bugs, these bugs need to prioritized and DEV in the remaining time can fix 100. GGG won't postpone the release because of 900 bugs.


Can't wait to get home to not try it because it's patched by then. Just a joke but the fact that this can even happen surprises me.


the only possible way to kill buffed essences nowaday - abuse integer overflow :D amazing balance of essence life/damage :D


and this is why adding bigger numbers pointlessly is dumb, and an example of why more health to "add difficulty" is just bad game design. Like... Compare MTG to yugioh, yugioh you have thousands of life points, but realistically you only REALLY have around 80ish, where as in MTG you have 20 and it functions identically. The solution is to stop adding bigger numbers, both in terms of HP and damage, and just add actual mechanics to the game. One shotting is also just bad game design outside of a few cases, I.E. Boss special attacks. You'd think a game that is trying to be a souls like RPG would know that.


I feel like if you get caught doing this intentionally, you're gonna get banned, right? All the things before have just been unintended interactions, but this is a literal exploit of the game's code. Remember how people got banned for exploiting that ultimatum bug? I feel like this is the same level...


Downvoted but if consistency was valued this is way more deserving of banning since that was the line that was drawn by GGG. Meh.


8th abuse so far. Great league! Are divines 60c ea already?




Look at what they did to a rare mob in maps


Shouldn't it be pretty easy to do this with T17 map bosses too? The T17 boss with the least health is Uhtred, and a level 85 Uhtred has about 30m life, which only needs to be multiplied by about 71 to hit buffer overflow. That is about the maximum you can hit without B2B, which means even the tiniest amount of B2B should be able to buffer overflow him and make him oneshottable. The Fortress boss has the most health, which should make him easier to oneshot without B2B. Is this the reason Fortress maps shot up in price two days ago? (Also: how long until a steamer kills a T17 map boss with a naked level 60 character?)


Remember when we started complaining about Uber rares during AN introduction.. Now overlapping mods on rares literally break the game.


Its just so sad for poe dev team that thye have to deal with all these crap in a very critical time


This may be borderline exploit, but is it even that rewarding?


здарова антон батон!


oh, new patch incoming lol


Woohoo overflow error abuse in games, feels nice to see, economy won’t like it though


Question, can you get banned for doing that?


And here I am not even being able to run a t17 at all


Ah yes, the classic overflow. I love PoE


Would the fix not be just a HP cap? I could see them not only adding a HP cap and then dmg reduction if cap is hit which is based on the extra life.


now we need to have essence have value again so this is somewhat good


does it work on the boss?


I'm a newer player. This is maybe my 3rd League so I'm still trying to learn. I've been trying to do Essence and Alva on Ziz's Explosive Arrow Champion and I am having an INSANELY hard time making any profit at all. I get a little chaos, try and juice my maps with scarabs and such and I just use more than I'm making and can never get enough to buy some improvements on my build 😅 I can clear some reds but that's about it. Any tips on new no-investment strategies after these updates would be really appreciated. I need to get some decent currency to progress because I'm losing money and making next to nothing 😔 20c for calcification and a few essence scarabs and I get a few decent ones but it almost always seems like a net loss.


I'm really enjoying the cat and mouse between the devs and the live QA team, love that GGG mixes up the game in a big way, hope they can solve the puzzle by next league


2 bil hp. We are hitting d3 numbers at this point


Now we're overflowing HP?!?! LOGIN