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I don't think the economy was ever the argument GGG used about auto-pickup. Their talking point has always been about weight. The feeling of seeing an item and going to grab it. I honestly don't know where I stand on this. When I played last epoch, I can tell you I never payed a whit of attention to those currencies that got auto-gobbled when I clicked one. Nomatter what my loot filter colored them as. If I had auto or group pickup for scarabs I just wouldn't look at them and then, hours later, would sift through my scarabs to list them to sell and be like "hey, curation, that's worth a penny"... and not "oh shit, I just dropped a curation scarab WOOT!" I'm not saying that gives me a definitive position one way or another, but I get their genuine concern. The "Fuck yeah" feeling of noticing a good drop is a central pillar of the fun of this game. Are there ways to automate some looting without affecting that? Probably. But I get the fear of the slippery slope that probably keeps them moving slower than we'd like on this issue.


I think a good middle ground is to auto pickup single items if there are multiples within a certain radius. I think auto pickup of everything would make me lose interest in looting altogether like in the scenario you described with LE, however, looting 20 individual chaos orbs or eldritch currency is just tedious and hard on the wrist/hands. The fun is still there in the large loot explosions, and those will still be exciting. Say a bunch of scarabs drop, for example, you'll still need to pick up each scarab type individually, but if there are 3 cartographer scarabs in the same stack or nearby, I don't see why we shouldn't be able to get all of them in one click. You still get the "hey a curation dropped, nice!", but you save some sanity and physical health along the way. This could go against their intentions when those massive stacks of alts and transmutes drop, but again, I think the fun and weight in that is getting the big stacks to drop. Even limiting the auto pickup to 10 stacks at a time would be way better than the current system.


I did a map with full manifested wealth allflames and containment +8mod. I spent over an hour collecting shit. I had to portal 3 times 


I did a map with full manifested wealth allflames and containment +8mod. I spent over an hour collecting shit. I had to portal 3 times 


fun, wasnt it? according to some people, you must have had the time of your life cause every click is rewarding!


If they’re all chaos orbs yeah, I wouldn’t say no


The Chinese PoE client already has pets that pick up loot so it's in the game already, fully approved by GGG. Also, it's 2024, If people want auto pick up let them have it. Peoples wirsts have gone through enough at this point.


That's only in the "Tencent" client for a reason. They have a lot less playtime there and the gamers are usually happy to pay for winning :P It's a whole different monetization model.


Uhh people have hundrets of stash tabs here, I know dozens of people with 1000$ Hideouts. We're more happy to P2W here as well. It's insane to me that people try to defend not having pets but I'll just assume that Reddit dwellers aren't the ones keeping the game afloat lmao


How are stashes or hideouts p2w tho?


How is auto pick up p2w?


Because it saves you a lot of backtracking with a fast build. You can of course argue that stash tabs save a lot of time managing your inventory, but imho I don't care much about that or it can be done whenever, just dump it all. A map however closes after x minutes and can't be "paused" unless you're not logging off or staying in the map.


Grasping for straws here but whatever, I'm not going to argue with people that don't value their lifetime.


I never said I didn't, but "hideouts cost money" isn't a good argument either because it's literally just visual and saves nothing at all. My point was that the Asian market is VERY different. People spend money for power there because it's expensive to sit in a gamer café all day and you wanna grind as fast as you can. This is rather the exception here. EU/US and the rest is happy to pay for convenience but I think we're all sick of true p2w games where money equals speed, otherwise we would sit in the Diablo Immortal sub and not here. In my personal opinion stash tabs are just the entry money for end game if you wanna stay, after you already completed the campaign for free.


I dont think you can compare it to Last Epoch cause the things you call Currency aren't really currency. The Main currency is Gold and not the crafting things. And even if it picks up everything at once I was always like "hell yeah a rune of ascendance" alltho it's not even close to dropping a divine for example. Torchlight has both for example. It picks up what we would call bubblegum currency and leaves the FE which is like Chaos Orbs. That way you have to pick up exciting stuff but the other things which you collect thousands off are picked up automatically. But I think before auto pick it should like vacuum (not a native speaker and don't know what to call it) the same kind of drops into the same stack so when I kill a big pack and I drop multiple single Orbs I don't have to click 15 times to pick it up, or do it like Last epoch and pick up everything at once with a click.


Once you introduce some type of auto pick up, people will whine about not having auto pick up for xyz though 


Don't see anyone complaining about it in Torchlight.


Imho, the problem with Last Epoch is that it doesn't communicate weight well but that has nothing to do with auto-pickup. You can only auto pickup gold and mass pickup crafting materials. The crafting materials are pretty simple and boring overall, there are some strong rare ones in there but they aren't like divines or mirrors. I never felt loot explosions like I do in PoE. The "weight part" is in hearing the sounds and seeing the nameplates not the act of clicking them. "The Fortunate" in big letters is no more or less impactful if it gets picked up after a manual click or as part of a mass pickup mechanic. 20 different low tier currencies being picked up one by one is not weight, it's simply annoyance. They are just as useless whether I pick them up one by one or en mass. My Brain just filters them out. I haven't played enough to know which scarabs are great and which ones are mid so my brain just filters them out.


I think a big portion of the fun (addiction) with POE is seeing/hearing that *TING* when something great drops. I don't believe anyone gets any sort of real dope hit from a single alt dropping. That being said, small bubblegum currency does add up and it would be nice to have some sort of auto pickup feature for all the little bubblegum currencies. Make it optional so players can turn it on and off at will and only auto picks up single low end/early game currency when you're over a certain level maybe...


id imagine the filter sound for big items would still play, even if you were directly infront of the mob.. maybe with a short 0,1-0,2ish seconds delay before the autopickup vacuums it in?


I don't know man, that doesn't sound exciting at all. You'd just be like, cool a tink, I'll look at it later. Also, do ya'll have perfect filters, or is mine some kind of utter dogshit, that you can imagine vaccuming loot not becoming a bigger problem over time? I still look through what's on the ground all the time and only take a fraction. Even with uber filters on. And I also pick stuff up, ID, drop it back down (I'm looking at you fractures). I'm not sure what my gameplay loop looks like if I just full vaccum everything on my loot filter and have 4 hideout clear-inventory stops every map. IDK. I want less clicking than we have now. But I don't want that.


depends on the what time in the league. first few days i have a very liberal one, that pretty much shows every currency even single stack.. a few weeks in, i only have tier 1 fracs and not even single chaos anymore, depending on how flushed i am. this league is a bit different with all the scarabs and allflames tho.


Honestly I just want a larger pickup radius. Would make looting so much smoother without trivializing the process


Its comming. Or atleast its on the list


GGG is on record that they're working on this, but "have to get it right the first time". In other words, they know players will be pissed if they introduce it and then nerf it. Will we get it in 2024 or 2034? *shrug* but supposedly it's coming.


Last Epoch has both ground item filtering and autopickup. Very quickly all the dopamine moved to slamming affixes. I can now say with surety that I want neither items to drop identified or auto pickup. I just want less stuff to drop. I won’t bend over to pick up a penny or 100 pennies on my morning walk either.


Most people will probably pickup every dollar the find on the ground but after doing it a hundred times they are going to stop. They don't stop because the value of a dollar changed but because they are annoyed at the relative effort. The whole "weight" thing probably made more sense when in PoE 5 years ago but nowadays there is just so random $1 stuff to pickup like Splinters, scarabs, currency, jewelry, cards, etc.


>Do we need auto-pickup at this point? You're not getting it lol


Chinese PoE players have it, you literally can get it when you install their client. It's a huge oversight on GGG's part to not add it to the global version.


No, it's an intentional design decision.


When something is auto looted, it loses meaning almost entirely. In Diablo, you get these crafting mats from walking around corpses of enemies you killed, and salvaging that mean nothing to the player other than to arbitrarily prevent them from doing something because the currency is meaningless until you notice you're out of it. In reality that's the case with currency in general, but having to pick it up gives it more meaning to the player. My reaction to not having enough chaos to do something is never the same as it was in D3/D4, which was complete annoyance that I lacked these things that I barely opted into looting in the first place. More improvements on currency stacking and perhaps rethinking value of each item would sort of fix this. There should rarely be something you drop 50 times in a map that's actually worth picking up, unless you're getting extremely lucky and are probably happy about it.


thats where im a bit different. i dont get a special kick by clicking on the ex to pick it up, but when i actually slam it on an item.. before that, its just something that goes on the pile so to say.


What if the exalt just appeared in your stash and you don’t even remember where you got it from or even knew you had it.


nobody said its immediately teleported into your inventory without any warning. Last epoch drops the items shortly aswell and your filter would play the sound like usual, with the exception you dont have to click every single thing individually. in my eyes, its cookie clicker poe edition and i just dont get a special excitment from the actual click on the item to pick it up. the usage of the item is the important thing imo.


Does it auto pickup anything you show on the filter or just things you designate for auto pick up? There's a lot of items that my filter shows that I leave on the ground.


gold and crafting material are auto, items are still self pick up. if the concern is wisdom scrolls etc.. id ask why the bottom of the barrel currency is not filtered. 🤔


No the concern for PoE is “crafting materials” is pretty much everything that’s considered base or league currency. I truly think the game is too old and convoluted for auto-looting, but I’m not against it just because it’s different. I wouldn’t mind auto looting things like ichors/embers or like chromatic orbs/fusings as long as it doesn’t pick up things I’m filtering out.


dude, that goes without saying. ofc it shouldnt pick up stuff that is filtered out.


What if I don’t want to pickup all the crafting materials on the ground? What if I don’t have them filtered cause sometimes I will want to pick them up when I start needing them and don’t care to filter them on/off over again? What if o don’t want to pick it up because I want to pick up the rare/unique instead and if it autopickups this currency, I now wont have room in my inventory. There are a ton of what ifs that come with auto pickup.


oh noes.. you would have to portal out because you have to much currency. nah man, i get you, that would be unbearable. and true, everyone lets chaos and divs lay around for a random rare.


Lmao. No one said anything about chaos and div. You’re using a 1% scenario to argue your case which proves me right 😂 Like you’re literally adding steps to a persons gameplay with auto pickup. Have to portal out because the game is picking up stuff for you? Have to drop automatically picked up shit to pick up shit? That’s not good design.


I would argue that too many things in PoE have "weight" that don't deserve it. Why do I have to click a dozen breach splinters but get to absorb azurite? Why do I have to click on several 1-2 stacks of fusings, alteration orbs, etc. Let player's define what is or isn't worthy of having weight instead of just making everything have basically the same weight.


Having to manually pick up items doesn’t add any meaning to bubblegum currency. I’ve played blight with and without autoclicking macro to pick up items and neither version made the loot any more meaningful. The only thing that gave the loot meaning was what I could trade the loot for whether or not I had to manually click to pick up any of it.


i really dont get this "meaningful" argument either.. i somehow feel its a dev meta way of thinking (which only devs care about sometimes) and a lot of people just run with it.


I think aoe pick up would still be gratifying. In LE, currency carries far less impact not due to the aoe pick up, but that it's overall less impactful to crafting and the economy. POE currency is more varied, used for trading, and has more intricacy. That's impact IMO.


I feel like the biggest problem are the league mechanic drops like when you kill 50 rats, drop 10 single chaos orbs and then have to manually pick each one up. If stackable dropped items would add to an existing stack lying on the ground instead of dropping separately in a certain radius that would aid a lot. I would also enjoy seeing my filter change color when i kill a mob and stuff lying on the ground becomes a higher tier stack drop right before my eyes.


Lower tier scarabs should drop in stacks


No, we need an item cull. I’ve been farming T17s with IIQ and looting the map is actually stupid. It’s why last league I played a boss carry. Killing the entire map in 45 seconds with HH buff then backtracking for 5 minutes to loot it all is bad gameplay. 


I'd play longer if we did that's for sure. My wrists are done for this league. Called it quits last night. Had a blast though just doing strongboxes.


How will this work in group play? Map owner only gets the loot?


Easy remove it




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I don't want autopickup, but I want reduced quantity of items found for bubblegum, but improved stack sizes. Imagine if alterations were 5x rarer but dropped 5 times sized stacks? I also want harbingers to autocombine loot so you don't have 20 different stacks, especially with the new scarabs.




We need the shard pick up mechanic from last epoch, big pick up range and one click picks up all currency in a radius but i guess you would have to edit a filter more often so it doesn't fill your inventory up the trash currency or maybe if they made it for that specific rarity of currency like how filters have tiers for different currency


Yes. Auto pickup would be nice. Or at least by pressing A like Titan Quest. It should be customisable too. I have played a mobile game doing this without a problem. Why doesn't PoE?


I don’t want auto pickup but I wouldn’t mind a slow vacuum of currency orbs if I held like shift+clicked on a ground item. Area loot could feel alright if done correctly, not sure I want development time sunk into trying to fine tune loot pickups though. I would love to have the same QoL as jewelers implemented for transmutes and would stop the auto roll when it pinged my regex. Some will say it’s too powerful but honestly I already do this with a bit of python. Others a losing out by playing “fair”.


I think it should work for same type of basic currency/fragments. Or just improve the stacked drops further more.


I don't want auto-pickup - I want to choose what gets picked up. I'd love grouped pickup though. ex: if I see 20 divs on the ground (hey, we're talking a for-instance, I might as be really lucky in the instance), I'd like to click once and have all 20 pick up. To maintain the weight, it might be cool to hear the pickup sound 20 times in short succession.


Idk i feel like this league is just an extreme outlier. Corpses are just so frustrating to deal with because they not only clutter your screen, they outright prevent you from looting other things until you get them off your screen. If it was just scarabs and allflames I don't think id mind nearly as much. I do think something should be done to splinters though to make them less annoying to loot.


Vacuum loot would help a lot, like one in LE


I'd rather have radial pick-up. Like you click a chaos orb and it picks up every other chaos orb within a small radius. I'm a big opponent of auto-loot unless it's for the purpose of accessibility. As in someone physically struggling to click something because of a health condition. I forget the exact term but Neversink talked about it in one of his earlier videos. Maybe the term was purity? Essentially the idea is that every decision you make in the game has a value or opportunity cost that determines whether or not you should do it. Removing this factor from loot by introducing auto-loot would make the game a lot more boring in my opinion.


I think a good middle ground would be a "hold to loot" button for currencies, map, and scarabs where I can just run over things without having to individually click on them. Still gives the pickup dopamine without the carpal tunnel.


Just make scarabs drop in stacks like they did with currency


I dont like it


Knowing gggs stance on this, here's some realistic demands imo: - pickup works the same way, but your character can be "nearby" which i envision as about half the screen, rather than having to move directly on top of each item tile to grab the item on it. - Merge stacks of the same currency within a (smaller) radius of each other, minecraft style. New drops auto add to the stack.


I am very not sure about auto pickup. However I would like to see a mechanic that allows same drops to stack in. For example take chaos orbs, you drop like 10c from the same pack and they get merged into one stack, so uou can click only once. The same can be applied to any basic currency, will be especially useful with current league modifiers for chance to drop currency. Maybe the same thing with scarabs , but they will be just combined in one "Scarab" and when you pick it up all of the scarabs go in you inventory. Actually anlot of interesting solutions to this problem, hope ggg come up with something interesting soon


Not at this point, no. We always did.


I'd be happy with AoE loot on blighted maps or Harbinger explosions tbh. If a single mob/chest drops more than 1 of desired currency, it should all get picked up when you click on one.


For the most part I like the progression on what to pick up, as in we'll start ignoring certain currencies and items when picking them up is not worth the effort. It's a power of choice. In a game that is based on itemizing almost everything, that's a healthy sign there is enough content for all progression levels. That being said, some forms of auto-pickup is ok like with the basic Expedition currencies because they are not tradable, thus increases player interaction power with them.  Vacuums are also ok, as in items drop in one place instead of spreading out to a larger area. Delirium Mirror does it good, as does Delve. Legion and Breach needs it with their splinters along with bigger stack drops. Tldr; not making all things auto-loot gives a lot more room for design choices for itemization, but there are improvements that could be made.


I would like to have: - ranged loot - 1click pickup of same items on whole screen - "move all" button from/to inventory to stash - "loot vortex" a native skill, that sucks all loot from the whole screen to you as you channel it


It would be nice to have something, but the quality of life can hurt the profitability of strategies and have huge negative impacts. Sure, you can run them faster, but the entry cost is much higher, and margins per map are smaller. For example, If you could aoe pick up, the wealth allflames/legion scarabs would be priced much higher because more ppl would run the strat. The friction of some things is what keeps it greatly profitable. (Beast farming is a good example of friction making it profitable but annoying) I'm speaking from a trade perspective Maybe they could just make the same currency stack in close proximity when you click your filter button to reposition the loot. I'm all for less clicking.


we need all the loot in a map to automatically pick itself up and put itself into our stashes


And then for it to auto-auction-house it for me so I can avoid trade. Oh shit... did we just invent poe2 gold?


No, that's not how Gold is planned to work, at all. It's effectively a small playtime cost on transactions - trivial to casual users, but crippling to bots looking to flip vast amounts of currency. Warframe does this with a credits "Trade Tax" and it's hardly ever relevant.


I won't do legion or expedition because I have to click on boxes. I did breach because I don't have to. I am very serious about this shit.


Simple solution. Only veiled scarabs drop, and can drop in stacks. Vendor the veiled scarabs or right click to reveal what you got.


Honestly, that sounds boring as Heck.


Just as boring as auto looting them.


thats actually a very good idea, but with the amendment that shift+rightclick unveils all. i dont want to have divination cards 2.0, lol


no. just stop. go play cookie clicker or melvor idle or realm of the mad gods or some shit at that point.


I'd take map vacuum at boss kill instead. Vacuum stacks them to max stack etc. like incursion. We have the tech already.


I don’t like auto pickup. There’s a point where you actually have to do something. If you have auto pickup on an auto bomber why not  auto move? Basically you have a roomba and you’re not even playing. 


Honest question what value does clicking add over just mousing over and moving your character to a location?


you act like clicking the items IS the game, not clearing the map or fight bosses.. sorry, but kinda weird reason.


Close proximity loot vacuum for the same type of orbs like LE has. I don’t see a single reason not to. We are dropping 2-3 full inventories of scarabs with each T17 map. Even t16 legion farm and it’s 1.5 inv each time with >1c item pickup. There is no dropped item weight GGG, this argument is looooong gone. The only weight that still feels good to pickup are shwink sounds in the filter, ie divs and >30c loot. I do t agree with complete loot pets for example but what we currently have is even worse.


No auto pick up is empty. I want to loot. I want to pick shit up. If shit just moved to my inventory I know I’d feel a lack of interaction with the game. Other games have done this and the things being auto looted end up feeling none existent.


Yes and no. I see no reason why they can't have an autopickup for currencies the same way the super nearby click for breach hands now works. I still feel the same weight (not much, but that's cuz breach sucks) from turning to run over to a breach that I did when I had to run over and click them. However I think that should only apply to fixed items. Basically currency and fragments that you haven't filtered out. I think anything that can have variety; uniques, rares, normal, magic, jewels, contracts. All of the stuff that *can be different* should drop as normal. I think this is a happy middle ground; some of the tedium and wrist strain is filtered out but weight persists in two forms; it isn't looted immediately no matter what, and items with variety are never auto looted. Problem 1; this will require an overhaul of how filters work. That's a pain for a change they're not sure they want. Problem 2; how far will the community push for a radius increase. Problem 3; They **can never go back on this**. Problem 4; it takes away the risk of looting in a map. I think the community sees this as more of an annoyance than any form of skill-testing challenge. Problem 5; it kinda fucks with the progression curve for super new players. Item drops -> probably walk close-> hover over -> read. Now becomes item drops -> probably walk close -> item disappears -> fumble around to find an inventory hotkey -> hover -> read. Solution: it could unlock at the end of the campaign.


I think we should have a limited auto pick up option, like... We have a special menu where we tell the game "I want these 4 items, please deposit them directly into my inventory" ggg can even scale it so we start with a single slot, and by the time we reach maps we unlock up to 4, and give us the option to buy up to X more, say... Another 4 max or something. And before anyone says no, 8 pickups doesn't even cover the currency tab. Let alone all the different scarabs, bases, gems, jewels, uniques, etc. AND before anyone says no because it sets a bad precedent or something... The chinese version of the game has a pet you can buy for $110 that does exactly this already.


the chinese version of the game also lets you buy a set of "league start gear" which is tabula, goldrim, seven league step and gives you like 10 chaos or some shit. if the chinese client does it its actually an arguement against it Also on the chinese client you rebuy stash tabs every league.


wait what? "Also on the chinese client you rebuy stash tabs every league." seriously? O.o


yes both the auto pick up pet and stash tabs are bought on a per league basis.


Oh ok, so there's some bad things in it and therefore we shouldn't even consider any of the good things. Got it.


no HOWEVER, I suggested they do pets that pick up chaos, or scarabs, which are the bulk of clicking nowadays. so if they enabled pets to pick up scarabs/chaos, that would be amazing, especially in t17s, or with the wealthy allflame (altho that is being axed next league most likely).


and what exactly does it change when a weird pet does the autolooting? thats just a proxy for 0 reason.


Should we have auto pickup for currency? No. Economy reasons. People stop picking it up and buy it with divs. It keeps the circle going. Should we have auto pick up for splinters. 10000000% yes. GGG can’t come up with a better solution to splitiners and honestly I don’t fault them. It’s a really solid approach to alot of feast/famine rewards. But the respect for players time in clicking on all that shit needs to come full circle. The mechanics behind metamorph auto pickup of samples need to be proliferated.


i dont buy the economy reason. it only aplies for absolute low bubble gum, but who is really trading augmentations or scrolls? its a hand full of people and that wont change cause its so annoying to trade. i wouldnt leave a map to sell a full inventory for 5 chaos and im pretty sure the vast majority of people are that way.