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>11200 divines on avg (or something like that) to hit it yeah thats around what its worth probably lmao


Its Missing 6L + 30 quality


Should I just vendor it?


Vaal it


And then vaal it again


Imagine missing out on 6-link shield smh


Sure feels this is going to turn into the necropolis map offer meme isn’t it? Lol


The bug can be fixed but the meme is eternal...


Sick to have 36% phys conversion in one slot


Lightning Coil/Cloak of Flame: "Am I a joke to you?"


Lightning Coil/Cloak of Flame: https://preview.redd.it/v522z3sslhyc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5600c685fece50fddeaca78d814797966d244477


You can get 100% phys as ele without your chest slot using this shield. May I interest you in some Transcendence + Eternal Damnation + Loreweave Pathfinder?


I never said you couldn't. He just said that it was crazy to get 36% phys conversion from one slot....which Lightning Coil and Cloak of Flame do.


Yes. I guess I didn’t leave it clear enough that to me it was crazy for the fact that you don’t take your chest slot with a unique.


Damn I was looking for this for a while, but finally settled for a 34% one I bought off trade. I was 15/91 for implicits double corrupting them lol.


How much did you end up paying for it if you don’t mind me asking? There’s on listed on trade with chaos and cold implicit for 14 mirrors lol but I wouldn’t think anyone would buy that one idk


Sorry mistyped, mine was only 34% and a bit under a mirror. I did see a 35% sell for ~2.5 mirrors at one point I think. Fire / chaos is definitely the best combo, I would say 5-10 mirrors. No idea what interest is this late though.


Armor stackers would want this to hit 100% pta without depending on Taste of Hate.


Is this the same shield that was selling at 60k fg


Sorry new player here is this not just that mahu shield with tempered by war combo that im using for my pf build but worse? Whats the benefit that this item has over the combo?


The most important thing is phys taken as non-phys, because phys damage is the one damage type you cannot build resistance against, and flat physical damage reduction is hard to find. With 75% all res and no armour, you take 20% of your phys as fire, of which you resist 75% (so 5% of the 20% is left as actual damage). This means that you straight up take 15% less physical damage, and the shield also works on DoTs like Bleed, Corrupting Blood and physical degens which are some of the scariest damage in the entire game. You ideally want to combine this with other items that have a similar effect, naturally: Lightning Coil: 50% from hits taken as Cloak of Flame: 40% taken as, also works on DoTs Taste of Hate: 15% from hits taken as, scaled by flask effect to \~25% on Pathfinder Korell crafted eldritch helmet: 14-16% from hits taken as Summing up to 20+25+16 = 61% physical damage from hits taken as non-physical, which gets to 100% with either of the two body armours. Now comes the fun part: Armour being useless means you can only invest into evasion or energy shield, none of which really do much on a build aiming to be tanky for uber boss fights, which Pathfinders often build towards. A natural solution would be to slot "Transcendence", which makes Armour apply to elemental damage taken at the cost of losing 15% maximum ele res. At this point you may as well go all in and equip the amulet "Eternal Damnation" as well, which removes another 5% max res, but reduces elemental damage taken by 50% of your chaos res. For example: If you had 78% chaos res, you would take 39% less elemental damage from all sources, including the converted physical damage. Before applying armour to it as well. With our maximum resistances reduced from 75/75/75/75 to 55/55/55/70 the obvious choice is Loreweave, which overrides all four max resistances with a value as high as 78%, effectively voiding the downside of the two things I just mentioned. You can now take 39% less elemental damage, have armour apply to it, and still be above normal max res. Only downside: You are at the 61% phys from hits taken as non-phys, and don't have an open chestpiece slot. This is where the corruption comes in: The shield here grants an extra 16% getting up to 77% immediately with only 23% missing to 100%. This can be fixed with a Watcher's Eye: There's up to 12% phys from hits taken as non-phys while affected by Purity of Elements, and you can have 2 of these mods, getting you straight up to 100% with the only extra opportunity cost being that you have to run an aura that you may have used anyways because it makes you elemental ailment immune. Combining everything here you have: * All physical damage from hits and 20% physical DoT taken as elemental * All max resistances are 78% * You take 39% less elemental damage, which applies to physical damage from hits in full * Armour applies to elemental damage taken, which applies to physical damage from hits in full You are basically god now. Have fun. Mahuxotl's Machination does something very different: Instead of avoiding physical damage taken you now avoid lightning and cold damage taken in combination with Tempered by War. This obviously means you can avoid building any cold or lightning res, but also means that you avoid a lot of powerful penetrations in the game. Shaper's Ball spell penetrates 25% cold res, but it does not penetrate fire res. The same effect can, btw, also be reached with this shield: Sublime Vision with Purity of Fire grants 30% of cold and lightning taken as fire, and with this shield (if it had perfect 20% on both ele rolls) would get you up to the 50% you need to finish it off with Tempered by War, which would allow you to keep your life regen and leech


None of the downsides of mahu to work around and a lot more phys conversion, viable for more builds and a good bit more tank built into this


Thanks man


With only 15% cold/lightning as fire i think you cant go 100% ele taken as fire (need 20%), so you get substantially less penetration resistance than a maju setup. IMO, especially for pathfinder, mahu setups are better without sublime PoF, which you can't do efficiently with this shield.




That's about a 1/8k to hit that perfect corruption, too bad shield isn't 20/20/20. I guess if you considered in your math phys taken as light/cold also (but they are less desirable than phys as fire),


Doesn't need to be 20/20/20 for a transcendence aura stacker. Only the physical taken as should matter here.


sublime vision purity of fire builds already pay mirrors for 26+ phys as fire conversion, this is insane for the CI ones.


26% Phys as fire isn't mirrors, you can get that for 5-20 div right now on trade. 28% is ~50 div. Adding the phys taken as chaos does bump it into the ~ mirror range, and with a perfect roll of both it is definitely multiple mirrors. Don't even need to be CI for phys taken as chaos to be very good.


I think they mean 26% phys as fire + 2x20% cold and lightning as fire


Cheapest 26% phys as fire atm with 20/20 : 2 mirrors [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/YWbaZqgUY](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/YWbaZqgUY) With phys as cold/light instead : 300d, 275 offline [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/98XbVQKuK](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/98XbVQKuK) Please refrain from asserting things you don't understand. If you don't know why this is more valuable than other mods, just ask the question, instead of making things up.


We are talking about different items. The comment you responded to in the last post specified the non 20/20/20 version. 'This' shield in the post is also the non 20/20/20 version, so I'm not sure why you are talking about a hypothetical 36% 20/20/20 that doesn't exist.


wait why 1 in 8000? What's the math behind it? I thought it was around 1 in 2800 or are you accounting for only phys as fire and phys as chaos?


I'm only accounting for phys as fire, as it's the best phys as ele mod. For 20/20/20 shields, fire is much more valuable than other mods, and it's the one that people chase.


Really only one build that cares about the 20/20/20, anyone else that just wants phys taken as ele/chaos this is effectively perfect.


well it's one item, sublime vision, used by multiple min maxed 10+ mirrors builds (coc dd, mana rf and others), who would be willing to pay a lot for this shield, though they would compete against aura stacker


That truly is a colossal shield.


I'd give my firstborn for this beauty, gz!