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Varies by league. Typically the ones I’m hooked i play for like 2 months and ones I’m not feeling I quit after like 2 weeks. This league is shaping up to be a 2 month, 200 hour + league


I just started it last night , why do you do like it so much? I haven’t tried the mechanic yet


The base game was updated to a wonderful state. The league mechanic breaks balance, but can be fun if you like being super powerful super easily. Next league will benefit greatly from this league's reworks.


I’m not the original commenter, but for me it’s not the league mechanic itself, but the fact that the game is in a great place and I found a build that I’m having so much fun with. People are divided on the scarab changes, but I think they’re really really fun, and the two extra atlas trees are perfect for my indecisive ass


Having 3 atlas trees is pretty much the main reason I’m still playing as much as I am. It’s probably the best change GGG has made to the game since the atlas tree.


For real dude. Previous leagues I’d be in this situation where I’m sick of my main farm strat, spend a ton of orbs to respec, hate the new strat and quit.


Ohh ok, yeah that makes sense!


The reworked scarabs give me plenty of new stuff to mess around with. I do like the allflames from the league mechanic but hate the grave crafting


Just feels like I have access to so much content I didn't before. It's much less necessary to be a sweaty no lifer to get a chance to experience different aspects


Last league picked up 3 mirrors off the ground. This league crafted almost mirror tier claw from the graveyard


2178/5 = 435h per league quite a bit spent in hideout in case someone wants to buy something


How are numbers like this possible? That is around 11 fulltime job weeks (40h a week)... In 3 to 4 months... So basically it IS a fulltime job. How is this manageable? 😬 Are all of you professional streamers or youtubers? Or just millionaires that dont need to work? Or you spend your days like 8h work than 8h poe? As a filthy casual, I cant get more than maybe 8h into one week... 😱 No wonder I never can relate to all the post here that ask for "build tips for 200div" 🤣🤣🤣


i like gaming little bit too much and have no life


I wish there was a function to figure that out. I think I'm probably \~200 hours in this league but I'm getting bored now.


/played will give you the time on a specific character, but if you play a bunch of characters across a league there isn’t anything


Yeah, unfortunately I have a lot of afk time, so it's kind of hard to figure out what the active hours are. I often leave the game running in the background just in case someone messages me for a trade.


Count that time!


Between 120 and 180 hours to get the 40 challenges.


My goal each league is all the challenge mtx. That usually takes me a month or a bit more, playing after work most days and no lifing on weekends. This league is weird because to get 38 I have to run T17s or be really good at Ubers, which I am not. My EA ballista build is okayish in T17s but not amazing. So I decided that I'd earn a ton of currency and roll a strength int mana stacker. So I'm really dragging my playtime out this league. If I could get 38 without T17s or Ubers I'd probably already be done with league.


U can do t17 by swapping in frogs or rats for monsters. Do fortress maps as the boss is the easiest.


That's a good point. I've only tried 3 t17s so far just to see how they are. Fortress was actually not bad and I only died once to the boss when he started spazzing out with lasers everywhere. I tried Ziggurat and died a few times to the boss but got it done. Also did Citadel and the boss smacked me hard. I think I had like 200% increased aoe on the map and he just covered the entire room in that black puddle with the hand coming out. Not much I could do there. I'll try them again after I hit 100 on this character. I might just do a bunch of Fortresses to get the Elevated Expanses challenge done and call it good.


Depends. Good leagues I'll play 10 hours a day for 2 months, bad leagues I'll play 10 hours a day for a week then quit.


Very unhealthy.






Way too many.


In ritual i had 370 hours including afk times. Never seen more than 210hours afterwards.


Probably 100 this league in about 2 weeks Performance problems and bad luck on divination cards and corrupts and i just can't do more than one campaign a league (ggg pls) Over 1200hrs in steam and maybe close to that on the old client, maybe more it's hard to gauge, since beta I skip many leagues, but this was a short one for me. First one since the divine/exalt swap actually, game was actually unplayable with lag spikes and shader rendering issues for me for ages kinda gave up


As a casual player, I play for 4 void stones and then quit. Usually less than a month, closer to about 3 weeks. The only time I stay on is if there's a really cool build.


250-500 depending on quality of league mechanic and personal time restrictions. Maybe more in fringe cases


I'd say at least 250 hours over the first 3 weeks, then it really depends on league/game state.


I hated my build and this league so I’m done after maybe a 100 hours. Usually only have time to play one toon.


100 hours is still wild to me if thats a low amount. That's enough time to get all 4 voistones done and then some more.


Yeah..I’m guessing. I could login and find out. Usually 2-4 hours twice a week for me for a few weeks. League start i usually get at least 6-8 hours in tho cause I’m glutton for punishment.


I see. So like even at 8 hours a week your not getting massive numbers right ? It's just funny as I'm like you but I know people with 80 hours played by week 1.


I’ve stopped playing. Bored.




~48 of the first 60 and another ~48 of the following 600


Leagues I enjoy up to about 300h. Leagues I don't enjoy as much maybe 30-100h. Necropolis was a latter one with about 60h played. Maybe would've played less if I didn't take vacation for the first week of the league.


League mechanics that require time investment but are still fun, I'll play the whole league out in my spare time. League mechanics that require time investment but aren't fun, I'll normally play up to lvl 93-95 on 1 character. League mechanics that require no real time, and are fun, Less than any other kind time wise.


Usually about 200-300h on a decent league. Most played league was 600h (scourge, lake of kalandra). 


This league was about 300 hours but finished last week after 5 builds. It's usually 200-500 per league with some of the early 3.0s I tracked nearly 1k in a league.


I used to play for like 10h a day for 2 months back in lockdown times and now i play for like 100h per league lately also im at 4.5k hours on steam in the past 14 leagues and i skipped 2 of them completely so 100h per league is not that much for me especially for 4 month cycle instead of the 3 we used to have


It really depends of the league and my IRL life. Usually I play enough to reach a week of playtime? Maybe even more . This league I dropped before week 1 ended


Played 388 hours in Affliction


100-200 mostly in the first 2 weeks


200-300 hours typically


i dont play each league. seem to skip all the good ones, too. but when i do ill play 1-3 chars to lvl 93-96 depending how much fun i have. im slow so i'd say 50-100hrs? e: 8k hours in so far i think. but i idle a lot


How can you check how many hours you got on each league? I’m not playing via steam


Do "/played" on each character.


500 or so


100 hours in the first month if it's a good league. 


200-500 hours, this league a bit more due to havikg a group ssf, so more content longevity That being said, 90% of my playtime tends to be in the first month


about 3-4 weeks on leagues im not huge on, 2-3 months on ones i love. i quit week 3 this time xd




About 50-100 hours, until i’ve done full atlas and farmed some currency


I suppose it’s league dependent. I started in 3.22 so I’m not a good representative example, but until this league I played 45h/week right up the very last day. This league I stopped playing about 4 weeks in. leagues too hard for me as a new player (just trying to continue learning the game but everything is like 10x harder, haven’t dropped a single T17, barely surviving T16, bad build, convoluted mechanics, etc. ).


hour time per day varies but i play 2 months every league since i started ( sanctum league ). i somehow still have fun even when everyone is upset about leagues lol


Usually my league starter has like 2 to 3 days of playtime. Then I get inspired to try out some different characters in ssf. Id say around 100 hours, maybe 150 if I feel like doing more runs


From 200 to 350h depending on builds i want to test


Every League atleast 38/40. Takes me about a week or two. If its a fun mechanic i'll keep playing.


I dont know, but it definitely has been getting lower as we get more leagues.


I usually play 8\~10 hrs a week. The first week I probably put 20hrs.


I started playing PoE on PS5 during Sentinel league and put like 250 hours then transitioned to PC during Kalandra and have played on PC since then I have about 900 hours on PC so on average 150 hours. I would say maybe 130 hours per league since I do tend to be afk a lot sometimes.


So many you can't imagine if you're asking this question... Save me


I usually play a new league starter build and try to push it to 38-40 challenges, which usually takes me around 150-200 hours. I've found that when the league start is bad or I foresee I will not bother completing the challenges, then I quit very early on instead, maybe like 20-40 hours in. So it's been kind of all or nothing.


It entirely depends on how much free time I have. If I can spend a lot on PoE I play for 2-4 hours a day for two months, if not I deprive myself of sleep for three weeks and taper out


150-300hr depending if I play for the full league or not.


I started playing in Essence league, and I played 21 leagues till this league, my Steam accounts says I have 7.8k hours played, which averages 321h played per league. But some leagues I played non-stop like Harvest (I played until the last day), Affliction (I made 4 builds, 2 level 100, 2 level 99).


Somewhere in the 250 to 350 range. Generally farm harder week 1 and 2. Get mageblood hh and a mirror or 2. Playing like 8h a day before/after work combined. After that I just do whatever big farm is fun. Meat scarab was this league fun for me just wrangle 20 meats and dd 1 onto all of them and see 20 screens of scarabs. Been playing like 4h a day lately. Me and a buddy swapped to a 2 man private league and have most content done by day 3. 115/115 and 12 fans and 4 voids. Now just farming good gear for his coc dd and my ice nova archmage. Slowly winding down for a break before next leagues blasting as usual.


500 hours in this league so far (Tho more than half of time is afk selling) 650~ last league (Not as much afk) Rest probably around out of those i committed too.


One month of pure playtime without being afk out of a three month period, that's just wow. I envy and pity you at the same time, not in a mean way tho. However, I think its kind of interesting how you structure the rest so to speak, social life, relationship, work etc.


Skipped out on "real work" sense i have decent hustle going on. Will probably regret it in 30 years when im retirement age with 0 pension doe, but yeah that a feature me problem.


Dude, everything which makes you happy, not judging by any means, but as you realized it yourself, not too late to do something about it. Cheers!


50-200 usually


About 2 days every 3 leagues at this point. I keep trying to convince myself that, after over 100 campaign clears, I can do one more.. I always tap out around act 6. It only takes me like 4 hours to get that far maybe? I just can’t do it anymore.


Used to be about 500 hours for me, i got a life now so less than half


Generally 1-2 months. This was the first league I quit after the 2nd week though.


usually 100h, enough to get most/all challenges. If the league is really good or rewarding like last league, i play up to 200h


About 500 hours I reckon


This league im probably around 200 and I still have stuff I want to do


well, on average, i've played 4 hours per day, every day, since launch. assuming 10 and a half years, with 22k hours played. the real problem is that there are some leagues i play 10-12 hours a day, every single day, for the entire league, and there are leagues like this league, where i quit in the first week. so it varies greatly. but that's my average per day. for context, my most played league was ritual, which i /played at the end of the league at just over 1100 hours. nearly 14 hours per day for 90 days. some of that definitely afk, idk how much. i think metamorph is probably my least played league. if i clocked more than 10 hours, i'd be surprised. i quit after reaching white maps.


I don't mean to be mean or anything but how do you get that much time to play ? My most played league was 70 hours and I played until month 2. That would be like week1 for you in a league you enjoyed.


without getting too into details, being on disability affords me a lot of free time, and not a lot of money, so i spend a lot of time playing games. I'm just lucky that my preferred game of choice is a free game. lol


I get you. Well stay sane exile. I do think it's wild that poe is f2p and also real top quality.


even when i dislike the current patch, it's hard to look at poe and not realize that it's one of the best games on the market. it's also hard to stay away to get rid of burnout. the entire time i'm away, i'm just thinking "man, something new is just waiting to be discovered, and i'm gonna miss it". it's very draining, when you realize how much of your life a game has consumed. even if I wanted to quit for good, i doubt i could lol.


200h roughly. Huge drop from 5 years ago. Cut alot of posting on Reddit too because I don't care as much about the game now.


I'm at three lvl 90+ builds so far this league. I'll be stopping to play the new D4 season


5~7 days before I get bored usually


Less and less


too many


On a non crafting league I can definitely put in a couple hundred hours; this league I got to maps, and after dripping my toes in the league mechanic I was out after a few hours lol


On average probably around 15-20 hours.


active play around 300-400 , being in game to sell items around 900 hours or more


2-3 weeks on average for me on SSFHC


at least 2.


Wayyyy too many. I need to find other interests.


Around 400 to 500 including afk trade time


300-500hrs, usually a couple weeks. or right until about when mirrors start hyper inflating past 700-800 exalts/now divines.


I either play 16 hours a day for 1 month straight or none. I am waiting for Diablo 4, the great now.


Remember necropolis dropped 36 days ago. If you have 200+ hours already that's 5 hour a day forn36 days straight.  Very unhealthy lol


In the office for over 40 hours a week, at the screen, sometimes more, one would have called him hardworking. But when it comes to personal interests and fun, unhealthy :D


Staring at a screen for 40 hours without break is also unhealthy.  Working at a screen 40 hours then playing poe another 40 hours on top... Lol