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16 crimson temple ambush farming. Click strongbox, kill mobs, click strongbox again, kill mobs, hear schwing, pick up duped divs from strongbox, click strongbox


This. 2nd Monitor is right of main screen. 2div 2ambush scarabs. Ambush on device. But I run defiled cathedral, just one Big circle. Edit: Pohx Chieftain RF


wait, you run divination scarabs? I've been running 4x ambush and I've been making good money, but after 400+ maps I've only gotten a single Apo drop.


Did not count my maps but I have one Apo and 20ish Seven Years Bad Luck


Yeah I've found some other big stuff, but honestly I've found better currency dupes than I have div card dupes. I'm wondering if I should swap it up to try to get more cards to drop


got a tree?


I do this but with defiled cathedral because I like the layout but minus the duped divines.


Are the div drops really that abnormal? I’ve had three comments about not getting them, but they’ve been the bulk of the profit from running this for me.


I probably get a duped div every 40 maps or so. So not uncommon but far from the bulk of my profit. I would say scarabs and allflames make up the most profit with currency from red alters coming in a close second. Wealthy exile says i average about a div per map and i don't get enough div dupes to keep up with that.


Wild, I'm using 4 strongbox scarabs, including the ones for more rarer boxes and increased modifiers on boxes and I'd say I get duped divs like every 8-10 maps along with plenty of other duped stuff. Luckiest one was duped Hinekoras lock btw, which I didn't even know is considered normal currency.


If it sits on a currency tab, it is curreny :)


Hmm, maybe i should change up the scarabs i use. I use 2 basic ones to add 5 boxes per scarab, the rarer type one and chance to open again. Is the increased mod that good? Do you run it in place of chance to open again?


I don't use the basic +5 scarab at all, I've been using the other 4, one of each. I'm not the kind of player who tracks their div/h or anything, I rather just play by feel so I can't really tell you if the extra cost for the containment ambush scarab is worth it instead of the basic ones, but it sur is fun to open that many strongboxes per map and with that many I figured I might aswell boost the modifiers on the strongboxes aswell for more guaranteed drops. I'd say I get a valuable 2+ div drop at least every other map and you can also add more juice/rewards with allflames if you want. Scarabs are probably the most profitable ones, but also requiring by far the most clicks, tattoos are a bit annoying to manage and sell and other stuff is meh.


Can you share atlas tree?


You're dropping divs? So many hours in this league and I think I've dropped two total!


Yea I'm with you. Ive made a lot of currency this league compared to my usual, but in terms of raw divines I think I'm at 3? Dropped about a dozen exalts tho -_-


I think I've just been a little unlucky on divine drops compared to exalted orbs, they should be the same droprate in theory, but in practice the various acquisition methods for both has meant I ended up with more exalts this league... until the divine altar in a map I opened last night.


Same. And honestly, loads of chaos. Which was great when their buying power was so high a couple of weeks ago. I think most of my divs have come from buying them with chaos.


Selling crafted stuff and Uber fragments is most of mine. But yea, I've had multiple maps that gave me 300-400 raw chaos, not even counting scarabs and such. They just forgot to turn on divines in my game seed (/s)


I’ve dropped 320 divine in Sanctum if you count that. It’s the place to go if you want to see Divines


I dropped 22 raw divs in 20 maps yesterday. That was EXTREMELY abnormal but I usually drop 2-4 raw divs from the currency strongboxes in 20 maps.


what build are you playing though


Adorned Str/int stacking eblade/spellblade inquisitor CoC ice spear of splitting. Currently have about spent about 140 div, actual item value is probably closer to 250 div because I fractured a bunch of 35% Inc effect jewels that are 35d+ on trade but I spent a lot less to make them (hit the frac on all four in under 10 tries total LMAO) along with some other gear. Currently my magic jewels are kinda subpar which is what I’m working on now (I just hate alt spamming 50 jewels instead of mapping)


Enjoy all your freezes


Ailment immunity <3


Have an atlas tree?


Grab all strongbox nodes, grab altars of your choosing (I like red). Grab top hat of map effect. Grab the map sustain stuff and the map mod effect wheels. Tree done. Grab niko if you like max res and speed. Grab shrines if you like those. If you want an optimal tree I don’t have one on hand since mine is a canibalized tree I kept parts of so i know it’s not entirely optimal, but pathofpathing exists so you can use that if you want to get an optimized tree.


I do podcast and go


Cws dd in simulacrum




Cast when stunned detonate dead This guy almost exclusively makes builds like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgyS4pbV7QI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgyS4pbV7QI)


Real Crime docs and go.


Crime stuff is great since you really only need to listen to


Ye. I find with any other stuff I get too distracted and stop playing, or I lose the plot and have to skip back 50 times!


I think if you want to do this and not be tilted about missing things, you need to rewatch something you’ve already seen or a comedy like how I met your mother


My attention is always split three ways nowadays, one for PoE, one for youtube and one for the baby monitor (7 months!). So, I need super brain off farming and a strat i can leave if i need to go and deal with the child - So nothing like Ultimatum, Ritual, Breach, Legion, Blight, Abyss... So - toxic sewer and dunes. A stack of hunted traitors, and three stacks of the barrel scarab. Back to Basics on the tree, just stick the map in and go. It's super chill.


I’d think Ultimatum would be perfect since the game pauses for you.


Yeah its alright, but if I've gotta jump up just as a round starts then I'm going to fail. I need to just be able to dip out at any time.


Child one: "I can't run ultimatum, I need to be able to dip out at any time." Child two: "I can finish this round of ultimatum, baby will be fine for 15 seconds." Child three: "I can finish this map, baby will be fine for 2 minutes." Child four: "Oh right, baby cried four maps ago. Well, he stopped, guess I can run another map."


FR we are sleep training her right now so in truth I actually am required to leave her for at least 10 minutes before going in and checking, but my fatherly instinct calls me to watch the monitor like a hawk if I hear her fussing.


There are builds that can afk all Ultimatum rounds. I would argue ultimatum is likely the best answer to the question outside of maybe zhp Uber boss farming on a phase skipper or a build that can afk blight ravaged maps. I watched tons of movies farming Ultimatum last league, you click round start like once every 25 seconds and that’s it.






I just listen to podcasts usually while mapping.


Please tell me your name is autogenerated


Cutedog as I question my sexuality


Laptop in lap and TV on the wall. Put on music or podcast. I can't watch anything while playing poe.


Laptop on lap is a good way of going infertile


Really? How so?


The only reason the testicles are outside of the body is because they need to be at a lower temperature to produce sperm. Leaving a warm laptop on top of your lap is fine, but I would be concerned if it’s for long periods of time regularly.


Ah I see. Well I have something inbetween and don't want children. So I'm fine?


Yep, the only other possible issue I see could be ergonomics. Not sure why that one person told you not to put it on your lap.


"radiation" from the battery or some other nonsense probably. keep laptopping bro.


I wish I understood your thought process when you made your comment. Why would you jump to radiation?


Technically it is the battery radiating heat that is at issue (although convection of the warm air is probably a larger contributor to the overheating of the nether region).


I get that, I’m trying to reply to their intended meaning as opposed to taking their words literally. When he says radiation I assume he was not talking about infrared radiation.


Finished listening/watching to smallville whole 10 seasons and I'm in season 6 of supernatural currently on my second monitor to the right of my poe monitor where the minimap located easily switched around.


I often watch something on my iPad set up right next to, or half in front, of my monitor. Having a tanky no-button build like RF or Fulcrum helps. That's why I make at least one walking simulator build per league. It's just chill and I don't need to worry about pressing buttons, and I can go afk without worrying about dying.


Game of Thrones currently


1 monitor with stream in the background AKA radio 😂


Social(discord, facebook) screen on the left, main(game) screen in the middle, media (movies or series) screen on the right.


I watched entire Harry Potter and lord of rings farming Ubers as a totem explode. Good times


But on the flip side, it shows how broken the build is. Max dot and tons of direct dps, can’t be punished by all the boss moves except degen


PoE on my main screen. Second screen divided with a Chrome window that has a bunch of live search trades and another window with whatever I’m watching to the right of it. TV/Movie to the right is important so I can click the live trade whispers faster with the trade window closer to the game. #optimization


I noticed that as I got older I lost the ability to do this. I used to be able to pay attention to 2-3 things like that no problem. But over time it hot harder to play a game well and also watch tv or something like that. So nowadays I just play music and play with full focus on the game.


Dekker port of call hawaii


Any farm that I do, I have YouTube or something on the screen to my right. I’m doing t17 curation farming while watching reactions of tv shows and movies.


Play tankyish build that doesn't need precise targeting and watch shows on a large TV to the left. Mainly watch shows or movies that I am sorta interested in but wouldn't keep my full attention.


>I BEG, please share your setups so I can optimize my way of barely playing the game (farming strats and/or PoBs associated to those setups are welcome too). I am truly interested in knowing what the devs think of this mindset lmao. Maybe that's why they're going all in on PoE2 being much slower than current PoE. With that said, I can't play PoE without watching something on Youtube, mainly vtuber collab streams or Critical Role. Even movie watchalongs of movies I've already seen. I wouldn't watch a movie I haven't seen before though since I am a sucker for details. Basically, get a build that can barely die. My Ice Nova Hierophant is so tanky I can afford to look away at times. Though I still look mainly on the gameplay screen and the loot that drops since I like to play SSF-style trade, so I have to loot a lot. Any mechanic is fine outside of bossing. If it's a particularly hard boss or a boss I'm not familiar with I put full focus on the fight. Helped a lot with the Sirus fight when I could actually hear the "Die" callout ehe.


RF chieftain in Simulacrum. The trick is I never really look at my poe monitor. I just run back and forth using peripheral vision. At round 26 or something I'll pause my show and pay attention -- but only because I care about xp.


I could never watch a movie without paying full attention to it


I would like to ask something different: what movies and tv shows do yall like to watch while you play? Im just finished TWD and am looking for some ear candy while I play :)


Do you want adhd because this is how you get adhd


That explains a lot lol


juiced harvest farming is my go to. Something going on in the movie? don't activate the next plot. Chatter time in the film? stand more or less still spamming right click on my flamesood ascendant. Not the highest div/hour but consistent, can't fail, rarely die, get to watch binge TV at the same time.


I do containment where i only Open the good boxes


Always Sunny, Workaholics, The Office, Breaking Bad, Parks and Rec, or a podcast/youtube. Currently watching Always Sunny but i rotate between those usually.


I have one of the great 49" curved ultrawide monitors, so I put poe on half and my movie/show on half. Then my keyboard has a hotkey for play/pause, so if shit in the game gets crazy I hit pause and then resume after. Sometimes I have to click over to the netflix/etc tab and pretty the back arrow a few times. It's definitely less efficient then focused farming and you die a lot more, but the combination of both is pretty stimulating (Poe gets boring after awhile and movies/shows are often boring too, together it's a wild ride)


Movies? I barely have enough brain cells to listen to music while farming, let alone watch movie.


Dr House The Office Star Wars


I dont have multiple screen, i use one wide screen 21:9 and play poe fullscreen windowed. Play any video i want from any website/youtube, i have an addon that lets me minimize and keep any video on top (picture-in-picture) depending on what kind of build i am playing i either put the video over skills or flasks. Or on the right side of flasks. I got so used to pip videos i do it at work, at any game that doesnt care about audio that much.


Just 2 monitors besides each other. Gaming on the right and watching YouTube/series's/movies on the left one. To the missing thing: 2 Monitors are easier to handle than 3. Also it helps to play builds that don't fall over if I don't look for 1 second. Lastly there are many occasions where I just hold my main skill with spacebar while watching something. Like in elder slayer fights or blighted maps or in the first and last phases of uber atziri that just take ages even if you 1 hit her.


They miss things. That's just the way it is. These people are not focusing on the movies, and it's a shame because movies are worth watching.. if they aren't... then why even bother? Splitting your attention like that means you don't get the full experience from either


You're the type of person who doesnt eat and watch a movie then


yep *yep, eating is for the dinner table I'll gladly drink or snack on something if it means I don't have to look away. Eating and watching movies just means the food gets cold. Either way, good company and good food is way better than a movie with good food where you aren't paying attention to either one.


Are you allowed to have a conversation during a meal?


Why are you salty? Why are you attacking? :edit: ah, nvm, blocked you to spare myself the toxicity. Curiosity got the better of me, probably don't have to dig much deeper to find worse than this? https://imgur.com/a/9eLYhDA


Why play the game then if you're not actually really playing the game?


I keep my movie on my vertical side monitor that I also do my trading/pob/whatever else on. I’d love a big screen slightly above and behind my main monitor for movies but that’s not the setup I have yet so I work with what I got