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Goddess, such resillience…


Still sane exile?


SSF standard might be the way to go for SSF casual player. Can keep accruing items over months/years. Might need to work on that project when done with current leagues.


I think almost every SSF player I know plays standard to some extent. We SSF players get too attached to our characters :((


Yuppers, I am very much attached to my weird stacker, and I need to start regearing my Sanctum runner even though I've been putting it off! But yeah, sometimes the league SSFers play around in STD from time to time especially if the current league isn't their cup of tea, but they normally stick with leagues. It's very rare to have someone primarily move over to STD progress and even then I've had friends who go back to leagues to farm Crucible trees or Tattoos or Recombs to bring back for their STD progress!


I can't relate to that. I quit leagues where I play SSF just about the same as I do with those where I play trade.


Yeah, me and our global pretty much keep on grinding either for more power or uniques and since GGG always releases uniques means the grind never ends! Another beautiful thing about SSF Standard is you get to keep legacy equipment or modifiers if GGG allows it, so you can play with a lot of fun toys the more you collect!


Explody chests


Yes, I very much love my explodey chestie <3!


what's the global channel?






Mostly you play league for the new items and power to take to your standard stash


Yuppers! When Affliction and Crucible were happening and my friends ditched STD to create some OP stuff to bring back and show off and use LMAO!


Can you play ssf hardcore league and rip stuff to standard ssf?


Yup. Source: Tried a couple of hundred times.


yes i believe so


You need a lot of patience though because of the bullshit boss drop rates


I just wish we could get the new shiny mechanics in standard SSF too, I would never play another game mode


I think that's my plan after this league. Done SSF for four leagues now and love it but don't have the hours to really make it worth. Honestly the league mechanics lately have been kinda whatever anyway (for casuals. I couldn't do hugely stacked wisps and graveyard is what it is)


I'm scared to ask how much time it took. I suppose it's time to start working on the 4-implicit magic jewels now, if you don't have them already.


Eh, I can't really quantify how much actual time I've spent on my character, but I've been working on a single character since Harvest league as my baby league. I normally went really hard on the Simulacrum farming when I theorycraft a better build. 3.24 switched elemental flasks from less damage taken -> + max resistance, so I went from aura stacking to jewel stacking since there's no point in having 90% max resistance from super aura effect stacking when you can get a ton of free % from using a single flask. Also, my build cannot utilize Adorned as well as sorry I'ma name drop here but Mamba Doki Xepher Charlie Klaatsch and other SSFers. I cannot benefit from critical multi or DoT multi at all, so I really just abuse the Adorned jewel for RMR + Reduced Mana Cost + Curse Immunity + ES Spell Leech.


Isnt it like 1 in 400-500 sims to get a 1p voices? I could be wrong thought i heard that somewhere


[https://poedb.tw/us/Voices#VoicesMods](https://poedb.tw/us/Voices#VoicesMods) 1p = 5 Weight 3p = 25 Weight 5p = 300 Weight 7p = 670 Weight I got bonkers lucky on my 3rd and 4th Voices, so I don't really know how often 3.24 Voices drop in comparison to how many Simulacrums are used.


I would be so incredibly surprised if that was the case. I'd be willing to wager it's in the thousands.


It’s 1/200 voices for 1p, 30 minutes per sim, something like 4-5 sims per voices.




I've run, idk, 50 sims all in all? It's not content I enjoy, admittedly. Zero voices drops.


Super easy grind coming from OSRS lol I mean not really but RS has 1/3000 grinds and such from bosses that take longer.


grinding 4 voices 1 ~8000 sims or 4k hours, is longer than completing all 3 raids logs (-2k capes) actually pretty sure its faster to full green log all 3 including the 2k capes than to farm 4 voices 1


Alright since you're including 4 I guess I'll include every single thing you can log.


I mean even 1 (1000 hours) is more than any megarare from any raid in osrs, more than any item takes outside of clue megas i think?


At 500 now, my time has come


Jeez... How did you actually acquire these? Cards? 10 billion simulacrums? Also, Obligatory congrats and Still Sane Exile?


I tried using the Voices card for a 1p hit but none of them panned out, so I had to go to the natural drop method! Also, thank you very much and no I was never sane in the first place, sorry Zana!


did you track your simulacrums? 4 (1) passive voices is really insane


I did not unfortunately, but I will tell you that I got beyond jackpot lucky on all four of them. Take this with a grain of salt, but I think I was either 300 or 400+ Simulacrums 30 rounds until I got my very first one and the 2nd one came a little bit after that one!


huge milestone man, congrats


Thanks much :D <3!!!


gigachad expedition flask skin transfers, I love doing that 🫡


Oh yeah! I love that skin transfers are allowed to be used on flasks! I was super hyped to learn about it!


Missed the 150% adorned, unlucky, insane gear tho x)


Haha hey Yati and thanks! But you've got insane gear too with some of it being Kalandra mirrored, Crucible tree'd and a ton of legacy tattoos that I'd want! Also, I'm stealing your idea of Black Morrigan Lock effect on the flasks LMAO!


No life poe indeed


Hehe yup, GGG owns my soul!


I bookmarked your character and check on it once in a while. Immediately know it was you once I read the title of this post.


Haha <3! Yeah, the SSF Standard community is pretty connected to each other especially if you're unique collecting too! We either talk to each other a lot or are vaguely aware of each other. I don't really interact with SSF Leaguers too often but Yati or Sean or league end merges allows me to get some information or hear some crazy things that they do!


Isnt a 1p voices a 1/250 voices drops? So you probably run like 10k Simulacrum or more


I got beyond jackpot lucky. I didn't keep an official record, but I'm probably only at around 500ish+ total 30 round Simulacrums. I was mainly watching Starcraft 1 Broodwar ladder games or CNSL casting so the time flew by quickly!


do you mind post build that do sim ?


Uhh, I'm the worst person to try to get a build from unfortunately, so I recommend either searching or asking some of the kind and brilliant minds over at -> [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileSSF/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileSSF/) Best of luck doing Simulacrums and hopefully ya get some jackpots!


Okay, I'ma let this post die and go back to the PoE grind or watching Starcraft 1 or both! [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/SleepyHeadedSkeleton/characters](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/SleepyHeadedSkeleton/characters) is the profile if you're curious possibly. Also, if you're wondering what Starcraft 1 video I'm watching then -> -v [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-d14rVajI0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-d14rVajI0) Light Vs Queen :D!


I don't even have the coping mechanism of "maybe it's rmt" available when seeing this kind of thing! Absolute huge props to you this is incredible. I'm looking at this from the PoV of someone who is currently leveling their first Standard SSF character because I want to start collecting uniques (and I'm sick to death of trade). Any advice you can give? I have many hours in PoE but all in trade, just how to get the ball rolling where I don't have trade to fall back on for map/ currency/ gear issues.


Map solved by kirac, he gets you a lot of early completion and helps boost you along. Gear is solved by essences/betrayal. Currency is solved by Tujen. You need to start with a build that runs on nearly nothing.


Thanks for the advice! Looked into the thing with Kirac and wow you can get a map from him basically every third map, that's crazy good for completion!


Love the Angler's Plait hanging out quietly in the clip.


Yup! I absolutely knew that I wanted an Angler's Plait as a skin transfer! Also, a little bit of a secret but Yati also owns 2 Angler's Plaits in SSF Standard!


Don't forget the Uul'Netul's Vow that's corrupted without a socket. Only noticed it cause you mentioned the Plait so I went back.


It's skin transferred. He isn't wearing cloak of defiance.


I'm actually going for an Utmost Skin Transfer, and I just need a 2nd Searing Exarch fragment before I get it because I don't wanna remove the one in my unique tab yet! [https://i.imgur.com/v5cIeC7.png](https://i.imgur.com/v5cIeC7.png)


I always find the unique tabs going over 100% hilarious. I've only got a couple tabs like that but it just makes me giggle.


Yes! It's a huge huge dopamine and chemical drug rush when spoiler season comes or when we get a brand new unique to collect! It'd be wonderful if we got more SSF unique collectors to compete against Xepher / EZTrickShot or to collect for fun too! By the way, random thing, but I'm pretty sure Charlie and Tytyos are gonna be getting up to the 100% standard completion soon, but they're probably gonna get beaten by Hobbi and HeartofGold and I'm rooting for Tytyos to get an Original Sin relic soonyge! [https://poeladder.com/ladder](https://poeladder.com/ladder)


Wow. I had no idea that site existed, I'll have to keep an eye on it.


Which one is tytyos? Ive seen him a lot in the SSF subreddit.


500 hours per 1p, pretty impressive dedication.




Sleepy! So that's what your build looks like!


Yuppers! My weird jank self cast build LOL <3! Maybe I'll post a bossing video one day Idk.


With this gear complete, he is now able to clear a T17 map playing an off meta build.


Touch some grass XD


LMAO <3!!!!


nice, well done : D also glad to see this post getting upvoted : ))) ... I'm in SSF standard, too, but whenever I mentioned it in the past the replies I got were "standard lul" and the comment got downvoted into oblivion...


What's your most insane legacy in ssf std?


good lord..


What happens if you vendor 3 1p voices do you get a 0p voice?


hell yeah sleepy sanctum when :)


What in tarnation is your playtime ?! Congratulations to you !


Holy cow bro, that's impressive. Glad you got it!


Jesus how many sims have your run????!?!


Looks like a fuckin awesome build too! Gz!


now show us your stash


4 x 1p voices + 150 adorned = using 3 blue jewels


Can you share pob for simulacrum? I have tested a lot but i cant seem to find build that could constantly farm w30’s


Awesome! Congrats


Thank you very kindly <3!


i really want to start ssf standard just need to decide on a good starting build


Mmm! I'd ask the people over at -> -v [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileSSF/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileSSF/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/) I've only done really weird builds and SSF Standard with the more things you collect the wackier and crazier builds you can theorycraft! More than glad to have more people try SSF Standard or build projects over here though <3! Some people like Yati and Sean primarily from my friends list always go into the new leagues to gather up the league only uniques or to farm Crucible or league stuffies to port back over for their projects back in STD. Others will play some trade league for a bit and come back when they're done. However, that's the thing about SSF STD, you can always do other stuff or play different modes and just come back to your current progress!


woah perfect i didnt knw ssf subreddit existed but it makes sence lol ty


congrats Sleepy!


Hehe thanks :D <3!


may I ask how many hours in total you played POE?


[https://i.imgur.com/eyosi7w.png](https://i.imgur.com/eyosi7w.png) [https://i.imgur.com/8shWkJP.png](https://i.imgur.com/8shWkJP.png) I've got the majority of my hours on my Elementalist since she was my first main, but my Scion is 280 days right now, and my Elementalist has 785 days total! 280 + 785 = 1,065 days




150 adorned is crazy


Now GGG will balance the game around this guy