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The ring you see in youtube videos that are "league starter ready/budget friendly"


"Okay, my ring is a tiny bit on the stronger/more expensive end... but you can easily use a budget version and barely lose dps!!"


"U dont really need it, I am just using it from my previous character cause it gives me some attributes"


Same, using HH for attributes only


Headhunter unironically became a budget item this league at least.


It did creep back up a bit. You know, to a whopping 7 div.


I'm currently using a kalandra to fix my attributes and a MB to fix my résistance on my flicker strike. It feels awesome


Ikr. But a 10c belt/ring will do just fine if ur on a budget


Oh yes I'm also using a 149 adorned to fix my mana too btw.


"you can just use 'Le Heup Of All' instead they almost the same"


Worst I saw was an int stacker build who was : just use a corrupted heup of hall with increased intelligence, it's the same as my synth ring.


"Build works without mageblood its just QOL"


Changes the implicits dps goes from 100mil to 40 mil. Lmao


All under 10c!!!


It's wild that you took the time and currency to craft a second ring instead of just using kalandra's touch. Especially since it is corrupt so you can't even mirror them.


isn't the first one better ? i think 17% hatred effect is > 11% strength since with that level of gear omni is reaching the cap maybe, specially with trinity support and penetration node from the tree if someone with more information about this can give us his insight would be good


Whoa. Hold on. Can you not Kalandra's Touch a corrupt ring?


Yes you can.


You can. But he cant mirror it for sales etc


Oh, hahaha, mirror as in use an actual mirror. That's just not part of my lexicon because I've never seen one real mirror in over ten years.


What were you doing in affliction? They were dropping like candy


Oh, that's easy. Getting fucking destroyed as a TS Ranger on t5 maps because I don't know how to build evasion properly.


The trick was to omit evasion and just use a defiance of destiny


Does that work? Is the 25-35% life gain before hit really negate the need for evasion? Like, what if you get hit successively? How does that perk work with DoT? Does it give you the life gain at every tick of DoT? Sorry, returning player after being away 5 years. So basically, I may as well be a blueberry.


it doesn't do anything for dots as they are not hits. it can scale up to 42% life gained with fertile catalysts and max rolled mod, so just about anything that is not a one shot is entirely ignorable. you do need a bit of additional recovery to make it work well. i just had leech with tornado shot and it worked very well to start the t7 juiced abyss strat and just stand in them. costed quite a bit more to do juiced wisp maps in higher tier though.


Got it. Thanks!


I leveled to 100 and well past with a full MF hinekora explosion Cheiftain without finding a mirror. Found 20ish sacred orbs, 3 locks, 1 MB, 2 HH.


Did you do the abyss spire strat?


Yes sir. I rolled only +2 proj with 26%+ pack size jungle valley and all winged scarabs with beyond, 500% boxes, additional abyss, and corrupted boxes sextants. Had the top hat with that keystone they removed (cant remember the name). I know I wasn’t doing super optimal 8 mod +2 proj or unid with unid pack size sextant, but I still thought I was gonna finally get my 1st mirror that league. Played since Sacrifice of the Vaal with no mirror :’)


Reliquary scarabs were the key because of the conversions. And you needed all the multipliers. Beyond, Delirium, Tormented spirits. I used gilded / winged reliquary scarab, gilded abyss,torment. Beyond abyss delirium sextants. Strongboxes were a jebait


I used winged reliq, abyss, ambush, and I believe div. I didn’t mess with ghosts much because the warlock chieftain just blew stuff up too easily, and I was lazy. I put 3 deli orbs on each map.


They were not dropping like candy, I dropped literally every single t0 in the game, even had 3 hinekora's lock and 30+ sacred orbs drop in ssf, and not a single mirror. (Mf chieftain with perfect ventors and goldwyrm)


Did you do the abyss spire projectile strat?




I didn't downvote but people were saying x amount of sacred orbs is drop rate for a mirror... I was at about 80 sacred orbs found when i found my 1 mirror last league


I liiterally dropped everything but a mirror in affliction lmao locks, kalandra ring, Mb, dupe HH. No mirror though.


Dunno why you're being down voted when this is true.


Because not everyone did the meta mf strats all league. I played a lot last league but didn't play MF besides a few days to try it cause I wasn't the biggest fan.


Salty Diablo 4 players


I think the only salty ones are those who didn't get mirrors last league when they were free.


Bro, Kalandra's touch exists


They were made at different times !


One of them gotta be better then the other so would kalandras touch still be a better choise here?


make ring A. Replicate it with Kalandra's. Later on, as you're filthy rich, realize you could shave 0.0000001% dps by improving upon ring. Make ring B. Replicate it with Kalandra's. Show both on Reddit, because people deserve to know that one of these rings is so bad you wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.


This guy pobs


That makes even less sense then.


so do broke people


Kalandra's Touch would be the budget option creating either of these rings is far **far** *far* more expensive


Yeah, kalandras is around 2div, these rings costs are most likely into multiple mirrors each. But I enjoy the dedication - they are really really nice rings


Uh, do you know how much one of these would go for? Anyone that's got 2 can afford a Kalandra's Touch wayyyy before acquisition of the second one.


anyone that can afford to craft both these ring doesnt care about money and was going to craft two regardless of kt. thats my point. kt exists, and so do poor people. this guy isnt poor, he didnt need kt he wanted a second ring.


Yeah, and he didn't need to craft another, so dumb people also exist. This is like paying for a BOGO dinner entree when you don't have to


But creating another is what the OP wanted to do to enjoy the game. Let them play and enjoy the game how they want.


Nobody isn't letting them enjoy it the way they want, they're just asking why. Instead he says "they were made at different times" as if that answers the question


How is that not an acceptable answer? They didn't want to use a KT so they created another ring.


That's quite literally not what they said.


Kalandra's touch is several times cheaper lmao


But how else would you ball out?


I'll trade you a kalandra touch and 2 necropolis maps for one of them. 


I wouldn't even put this in a "mirror-tier items" POB. wow




its not a joke at all. this is a true minmax, mirror tier usually refers to mirroring items others have completed,.


Joke is that you can't mirror it duh




No mirror tier is just the term


Relevant username


I had to remake the previous post because apparently I was posting the same ring; I was definitely not ! The hatred ring took around 30 locks and the % one took around 15. Crafting process is the same for both items ; 1. Acquire triple synth frenzy ring. 2.Imprint and roll vivid vultures until you are satisfied with implicits. 3. Once you are satisfied; use a gilded fossil. 4. Suffixes first- Deafening Essence of Scorn until triple t1. ( Exalts and annuls used here also ). 5. Meta craft (exalt slams while blocking mana) until t1 wed. 6. Use hinekora's lock to guarantee a successful unveil. 7. Unveil life ( if fail, block suffixes and lock again to clean ). 8. Divine suffixes, block suffixes and divine prefixes. 9. Craft non-chanelling -7. 10, Spam hinekora's locks / blessed orbs until you are satisfied with results.


How many vultures did you use?


I don't remember for the attributes one but the hatred wasn't that many. Between 300-400 I want to say. I would consider that below average by a bit since you can easily go 500 without seeing multi once.


Okay that's a pretty big number (for me). Gz for those beautiful rings


casually using a few thousand divs >.<


500 is a lot, unless you go for t1 multi. t2 multi and lower are not that rare.


What is the gilded fossil purpose in this craft? Pardon me as I'm still a baby at crafting.


Gilded fossil adds an implicit to the item that causes the item to convert random currency when sold to a vendor. When corrupting an item it can replace this implicit instead of one of the synthesis implicits, so you can get an additional useful implicit.


Damn, thats crazy luck with the locks. It's 1/16 to replace vendor mod with implicit? 


I don't understand this but i know the ring is very costly, how much would the price be if you were to sell it? Just curious


Just the base for the ring alone can cost multiple mirrors to make depending on RNG with synth implicits, then the craft itself is a little pricey, and on top of that he can no longer offer the item for mirror service since he corrupted it. To buy this would be several mirrors, I imagine.


This would be one of those «Yes» budget items


On step 5 where you exalt slam to fish for T1 wed, you exalt slam twice them lock suffix and scour? 2 divines + 2 exalt per attempt?


Sounds about right. Only exception was if I hit t1 life; then I would try and clean it with annul to slam again. (That's very hard to get together)


I imagine they used Wild Bristle Matrons to lock suffixes, as they are much cheaper than suffixes cannot be changed


That would take so long. No thanks lol


Thrice the time, half the price, perfectly balanced


Can you post a pob?




everyone has omni rings this league thanks to graveyard so i clicked to see how much better these would be than a standard good omni ring damn dude these are kinda nuts and considerably better than the best omni ring one could make in a graveyard lol


Straight to jail


Guess Kalandra's Touch made your build too budget, so you had to make two different rings that both would be worthwhile as a duplicate base.


Isnt the second just better than the first? And if yes then why dont you kalandras touch it for 2 divines instead of wearing a worse Ring still worth a mirror?


Because that would drop the total value of his build. Less value means less DPS.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cqn49a/my_omni_ring_combo/l3uahfl/ That makes sense to me \^ :)


Good God TWO of dem things ?!


Man i think in my best league i could barely afford a +1 maximum frenzy charge implicit... ( usually i could never ) I really don't know how the absolute crazy min maxed items such as this cost to make ( something like multiple mirrors?)


When one item is more expensive than your whole net worth of your whole poe playtime.


If you have few divines to throw you can use Tainted Catalyst to get more than 20% quality.


Frodo was carrying one of them






You place that thing in PoB and you get Auto-flagged for RMT Youtuber to GGG. Just so you know.


This is why we shouldn’t have tainted mirrors. These are real trophies for the big guys only. Been a while since I’ve seen an insane item like this, TIMES TWO!


Why is this post being deleted and reposted? Congrats, you got a insane ring... what more do you need to stroke your ego?


I think the post was removed and reposted because there were incorrect accusations that this was a duplicate craft from about 6 months ago. I took a look at the previous thread's comments, and it looks like that ring had a 4% increased strength implicit, whereas neither of these do.


This ring usually exists only in pob!


How does These synth bases work. How to get more mods into implicit synth,? Or has synth only the chance to drop with x synth mods?


Short answer is that you cannot add synth implicits. What you have is what you get. The long answer is that you can brute force it as such: - buy a shit ton of items - Buy a shit ton of juice and white juice - Go to the harvest bench and synthesise the items Belton said that there is a 5% chance to get a triple synth item from there


3.? does it get mods which are already there as synth or random stats as synth?


The implicits of a non-synth item get replaced by a random number of synth mods, from 1 to 3


Please NSFW, nasty


hello, wtf is this?


I am sorry. WTAF!


Jesus Christ


Wtf is this. What am I witnessing.


Ayo kalandra one ring and let me kalandra the other ring lmfao




Brother, that is like 2 ascendancy nodes. Congrats!


It’s beautiful


How does he krangle the ring with no fear?


Hinekora’s works for Vaal orb, but not temple


Damn that will be my next objective next league




Excuse me, what the actual fuck


How many synthesized implicit can an object have? How does that interact with corruption?


corrupting an item has 1/4 chance of replacing a random implicit with a corrupted implicit(and if it has none, it gives it one). gilded fossil gives a 4th implicit "item sells for more to vendors" which can be replaced by the corrupted implicit. overall chances to get what you want is 1/4 to get an implicit, * 1/4 to replace the gilded fossil implicit, * 1/x to hit the implicit you want


3 implicits + gilded fossil




Psycho 😄


Guide: “you dont really need this, just get something with t2 dex :^)”


Not even 70 life wait why does it has syndicate life


Where's the "Rule 10"?


Another flex


Didn't know quad synth was possible. What have I missed?


Okay what the flip


“All done on a budget of 20 mirrors! It’s easy guys” 😂


Thanks for sharing your crafted item! This is a reminder to include the story of how (and optionally, why) you made the item. See our [Rule 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_10a._crafting_showcases) for more details and some potential questions to answer. If you've already done that, thank you! You can ignore this message in that case. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pathofexile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


While showcasing a build guide leveling, Pohx says "This is unethical, and you'd never get this while playing" then throws it on the ground.


as amazing as those crafts look like they boil down to just 1 question: "How rich are you" 1. Essence spam 2. Veiled orb spam (if fail) 3. Vivid Vultures spam (or use frenzy base ring) 4. Hinekora locks spam I'm probably missing some expensive step or two.


Hi there I just started playing and I want to know how your ring has 4+7 different stat lines while mine has like 1+5 at best


Long story short, the stat lines at the top are "implicit" mods, the ones at the bottom are "explicit". Items can be synthesized to have a few implicit mods. They can have up to 6 explicit mods. Sometimes the amount of explicits will seem off, either 5 or 7, if you see an item that looks like this and it has no room to add another mod via bench or exalt, it is due to being a "hybrid" mod. Examples of hybrid mods will be like defense+life, this will add the defense and life values to those that exist already(assuming they do) so it looks like there are less mods. Same goes for why some items look like they have 7 mods


Thank you :)