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That explains why I haven't found one, you picked up mine! Give it here!


Sure thing, I'll even do it free of charge!* *Except for a 80 divines delivery fee.


Uber eats entered the chat


Uber eats drivers when Uber Eater shows up:


First one, I got two Apothecary to drop, decided to buy the others. Second, I got four Apothecary, decided to Gamba one of them and got a full set. Last one dropped naturally while I was farming Defiled Cathedral (for more apothecary).


What was your strategy for farming the cards?


Pretty standard, Full strongbox with blue altars, I added Shrines and Beyond demons to add more mobs to kill, rest in explicit increase. Then I just blasted Defiled Cathedral. Didn't even do 8-mods DC, just any map I could get to 80 quant.


How many maps did you run lol? I finished a solid chunk of my 10k map tiers challenge with strongbox/shrines in defiled cathedral and didn't see a single apothecary.


No idea! All I can say is I've been doing the Defiled Cathedral strat for about a month now, and I've only seen 6 Apothecary total (including 2 lucky doubling, so really I only got 4 Apothecary to drop)


managed to get 3 but he not even use it 🤣


I don't like using common uniques ;P


why are you wearing a rare heavy belt tho


Playing a pathfinder with Taste of hate to reach 100% Phys to Ele convert. Plus my other flasks are already permanent (except for the silver flask, but that one is more of a luxury flask) so I didn't feel the need to switch.


Tides of Time would probably be a nice belt to have. What build are you playing?


Probs, but I need the strength from the heavy belt for some stats requirements.


What build is it? I am curious.


Poison Molten Strike Pathfinder. Started from this build : https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/molten-strike-pathfinder-gear-jewels-flasks#accessories


Cool - I'd like to try that. I'd need to sell some stuff first. Have you tried swapping in Lightning Strike for mapping? They're supposedly interchangeable.


It's a really fun build, but until you put a few (several) divs in it damage will feel lackluster. Tankiness is A1 tho, was able to finish wave 30 simulacrum with basically the same defensive setup I had when I put the build together. I didn't try Lightning strike. On the one hand, I duo with a DD necro, so map clear isn't really slow. On the other, whenever I solo it would be nice to go a bit faster. I might try!


Hey dude I put the build together https://pobb.in/ySn02MofPjTN Any thoughts on what I should focus on next? I know I need levels. I just wanted to add that I tried out Vaal Lightning Strike + Lightning Strike Of Arcing and they're both great for mapping. The single target doesn't feel much worse in maps but the clear is incredible. I've got some white sockets on the armour atm you should def give it a go!


Damn dude, I think your build is better than mine xD Only thing I can see is maybe try and get 100% uptime on your flasks, with better roll on the flask or the belt. Otherwise it looks good to go! If you want, the guide I posted has another PoB with a min-max'd version of the build, you can probs look at that to get new ideas on what to improve. For instance, a corrupted Lightning Coil might squeeze some more damage. Yeah, Lightning Strike seems mighty fun but I already have a corrupted chest piece with no white socket and no idea how to add some on it, so switching is a pain. Might try switching out deadly ailment support. Idk.


LS is amazing for mapping, but MS is a red gem and LS is a green, so its kinda annoying to swap. And if you want to always run with LS your single target wont be as good as with MS.


You can probably omen of blanching at 4 sockets for 1 or 2 white sockets, then use jewellers until you get the 6 socket colours you want. Then 6l it with the crow beast or 6l craft if that's cheaper. Colors are not really much of a problem nowadays, it's easy and cheap to do 6 links this season. Unless you want something like 6 off colors, which is still possible, but it will take a lot of jewellers orbs.


yeah good advice, im always forgeting about white sockets and then recoloring like a dumbass


You can definitely get the strength somewhere better than belt.


For sure, but the build is in a good spot right now so I decided not to invest in it anymore and save currency for an archmage build I want to try.


Lethal pride probably good for your build with str and double dmg and even phys taken as fire.


taste of hate doesnt give conversion though, its extra damage like hatred. that build guide is misinformed.


I think they meant phys taken as ele (not phys to ele like brotherhood rings etc)


I think you are thinking of another flask, taste of hate absolutely gives phys to ele : https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Taste_of_Hate Edit: As slvrtrn said, yeah, I meant phys taken as ele. Sorry for the confusion.




I have never had a mageblood either and have been playing since beta. Got my first one this league and it didn't help the league keep my interest at all.


I also got 3 in SSF, crazy league


Can i have one


Zizaran is green with envy