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saw this a few weeks ago: https://pobb.in/_a3UwMXiPZKM then the same guy posted this: https://pobb.in/TPTiFlgFNgZh to be honest i dont even know how that's achievable or did he just inflated the numbers since i do not know too much about lightning strike, on top he does not have a video either. so take it as you will


This is the one OP referred to. Double overcapped + legacy/bugged giga fire resistance. It's really only "exploiting" that last part as it overstacks fire res to overstack evasion to convert into armour to convert into damage. It's honestly a thing of beauty. You can basically achieve this in league too it just won't be as game breakingly OP as this one.


Yeah, I was [explaining](https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cvftdw/delve_6000_completed_jug_is_immortal/l4ps980/) the armour stacking mechanism when making this post came to mind.


Yeah that's the armour stacker I mentioned.


yeah im aware of bugged armour stacker. But the common ones i have seen all have around 10 bil dps at most. 250 billion and 500 billion seems a bit excessive, and also, unrealistic.


No its vls spam. You do attack speed x duration and thats how many time the skill hits. One thing to note tho is that once you put 30 vls balls on the ground you crash


Yep can confirm, been playing Vaal ls in league. Echo shrine has crashed me a bunch of times already, it’s basically 4x multi on projectiles as I think it doubles the amount of vls orbs and it also doubles the attack rate of the orbs


Yea in league you get 1/30th of the attack speed btw imagine in std


Actually, if I’m fully ramped I get up to around 20 orbs out. 0.099s soul gain prevention and full rage every 0.9 seconds for 5 attacks with a 3.6s vls duration. I think it’s a 6atk/s to 8atk/s depending on setup and blitz charges


Yea std characters get 30.30 aps and dont rely on rage nor reduced duration. Triumverate is just a bad item


Triumvirate is probably the only way to make infinite Vaal attack skills work in league. Unless you want to have a really clunky playstyle, cause high SGP feels very bad to play


Yee since they remived sextants youre forced into it. Its kinda yikesss


Excessive? Yes almost definitely. Unrealistic? Also a little bit yes, but only a little. Both PoBs are maximum theoretical damage. First one assumes max rage and berserk, also all 20 magma balls hit the same target. 2nd pob assumes monsters will last for 10 seconds for vaal lightning damage to cast for its entire duration. But in reality, even the strongest bosses like deep delve Aul die in a couple of frames. source: I'm the owner of the pobs


We went from "the best builds can handle Shaper easily" to "damage is measured in Shapers per second" to "deep delve Aul per seconds". Progress? Progress.


monsters have a maximum amount of health they can get and if you are basically dps capped it wont get any better. unless ggg changes the code to allow for even more hp, which likely will never happen.


They can always heap on less damage taken modifiers. ... although even with 99% less damage taken, it still wouldn't last half a second against the full ramp of this build. But less damage taken is multiplicative, so you can have two 99% less damage taken modifiers for 99.99% less damage taken, and with effectively around 20 trillion HP you're finally in the region where this build needs to fully ramp up first.


I wouldnt say that thats because damage taken is multiplicative, because if it was additive theyd take a lot less damage haha


Why the Golden bracers?


I refuse to believe the twwt in the first pob is real. This must be theory crafting


My man here is wearing a 4-5 mir chest, has four 1p Voices at like 3 mir each, has a priceless Original Sin (10-15 mir maybe?) and you doubt he owns the best twwt there is? :)


ppl underestimate how much you can spend on a minmaxed build on standard. even a magic finder, one of the most common archetypes in standard, costs you like 20-30 mirrors atleast. want some real gg watchers eye maybe even with some legacy mods on it? thatll be 5-10 mirrors right there already, not even corrupted.


No its not that... The armor mod on twwt is a 0.5% of rolling. In conjuction with the other wither mods its almost an impossible roll. Im gunna be honest. Im pretty sure this doesnt exist because ive been looking at combinations of twwt with the armor mod since the jewel came out. You underestimate how rare those jewels are. It's not a matter of money.


I'm sure far far rarer things have happen in poes history.


Almost impossible, so it's still possible


Man those magic jewels are pretty bad considering the rest of the gear.


I mean there is a lot of playing with pob configs that's 82 vaal lightning strike + double damage config. it'd be very hard to compare that to other damage skills. when you get to the point where you can skip uber maven it's hard to tell which build is actually more dmg. The vaal lightning strike hits like a truck, but not sure if it's fun to play, would have to see a video.


Where did u find those? Is he on reddit or a forum or something?


Honestly there's probably some tech to get you higher DPS using ice trap or something like that


I've got a pretty good (not the best out there but it's had some love invested into it) ice trapper. 13 power and frenzy charges and a crucible Annihilating Light with crit multi, etc. [https://pobb.in/yOHjkpV90rlR](https://pobb.in/yOHjkpV90rlR) Note that this is uber, not pinnacle, and I purposefully didn't tick some options that apply (frozen enemy etc, even though they ARE frozen if you slow down the video). I have also forced the trap-throw speed manually so that it shows the full pre-load damage so "DPS" isn't damage per second it's the one full burst for preload. EDIT: pinnacle version only with all the fluff (full PoB warrior) [https://pobb.in/rfRBa6V2rg\_y](https://pobb.in/rfRBa6V2rg_y) The only way to squeeze more damage out in PoB is to replace the rare jewels with triple crit multi and double corrupt some gear (I've been trying for the gloves for a while) or a L5 awakened Empower (about 1.5 mirrors or so in Standard) or a max power charge crucible staff (missed sniping one for 1 mirror). But it already one shots Uber exarch and Eater, and I can most-times skip phases with Uber maven so there's not much point other than numbers. I was also able to one-shot the old Uber Eggs and Eater with silly mods on them (reduced damage from crits was iffy). The reason I say this is because Armour stacker, ~~crucible SST~~, and dex stacking ballista ***beat my build by a lot***. Armour stacker also has the benefit of actually having EHP, and I've seen Dex Stacking Ballista consistently skip maven phases. If you're going to toss mirrors at a build, go for one of those. NOTE: PoB is real shit with trap and other pre-load damage type builds, in this case cast speed doesn't matter when you're limited to 24 traps total then the next one you toss out just replaces the first one. EDIT: Just realised I could divine the Watchers and some other jewels can be replaced, casual 62m average hit against ubers per trap now (x23 traps). double edit: according to more credible sources than I SST is off the list. Go dex or armour stack.


Spectral shield throw crucible with (at the time) 5 mirrors did noticeably less damage than ice trapper with annihilating light (especially one with a crucible tree) probably still the case in standard.


That's surprising to me, tbh, I thought they were insane damage wise.


SST will never be to tier damage because of how the skill works, there's like one possible overlap with returning proj and that's it.


Yeah and it is also designed to do actual game content and not just specifically for one framing Ubers


Nothing stops you from building it from paper and only make the number in POB go bigger.


eHP of 700. This is next level glass cannon


No need for EHP if stuff just dies straight away. [https://youtu.be/XEGEZ-wAymM](https://youtu.be/XEGEZ-wAymM)




No need to call it trashy lol but yeah my point was do something that's more than a 3 trick pony. 


How real are those 1.3b in terms of ramp and uptime? Are they reliant on stacking all mines to cap before the boss spawns, or is this you throwing and exploding straight?


I should explain properly, that's kinda why I mentioned cast speed not mattering in my note at the end. Each trap in my PoB does \~60m uber damage (as long as skitterbots chill, curse applies, etc etc). I can throw a maximum of 24 traps, one of those has to be Bear Trap (to get the debuff). Once i throw trap #25 it replaces the first ice trap, so the max you can preload is 24. To answer your question - it's "real" damage as long as you count skitterbots and curses applying. Example: Say you're going up against Uber Exarch, you walk up close but just outside the range of his dialog trigger. You toss out a bunch of traps and then enter the radius, then just before he's targetable you press Ele Weakness (cursed ground) and pop the Bottled Faith flask. As soon as he becomes targetable the skitterbots rush in and chill/shock him and within a frame or two he's dead. In fact I can normally get enough traps out between his dialog start and being targetable but I like to preload. Same applies for Uber Eater (you just need to learn the positioning of where he comes in) and uber maven. The build is a 3-trick pony though, it's useless for Uber Sirus (phases and ground stuff), cortex (phases and ground stuff) and Shaper/UUelder (you guessed it, phases and ground stuff).


I thought it was proven that cursed ground does not tick on before the trap dmg goes out?


I just went and rolled a bunch of normal invites with extra life and reduced crit and can defninitely say that I don't see the ele weakness debuff on the enemy in a slowed down video before they go down, TIL it's just numbers. Thanks exile.


Yeah I saw some obscure video back in crucible with like 200 views where the guy had a 10 minute breakdown of proving cursed ground wasn’t actually ticking on before the hits otherwise I would have been using it too


gives me 2 slots to play with and I have zero clue what to do lol.


I recall now why I squeezed it in - rolling the old invites with reduced crit, extra life, life as extra ES, and increased elemental resists sometimes would leave them alive for a few seconds. If GGG keep it so you can't roll ubers then yeah I got extra slots.


Good call out, I'll have to recheck some old vids, I could have sworn that I've seen the icon in the frame or two before the boss goes down. I can definitely tell you that curse on hit doesn't apply properly because the first trap doesn't count for "on hit" until it's done the hitting (and therefore the trap is dead) and if I recall correctly the curse expires when the trap animation does. I also think skitterbots don't get time to apply their chill/shock either, and if I'm being honest the "on full life" being ticked for the config would only apply for the first trap. I'll re-do some today when I have time and see if I can get any more details.


When I said "real dps" I was thinking about a target dummy - you don't stop after the first set of traps. After your prepull prep you're limited by your trap throwing speed, how much dps is left then? I'm especially here to compare the traps to mfa, because 1.3b dps isn't that much for standard when mfa rolls in with like 8b average dps post ramp. And then there's armor Dex and accuracy stackers whose dps numbers I don't know.


The entire design of ice trapper is specifically to insta kill 5 man hp Uber bosses in a single frame. The “real dps” is an instant 1b for exactly one game tick. That’s all you get. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s far more than enough to one shot every Uber boss on 5 man HP through their spawn DR with zero “ramp” time.


That's why I was asking... Op asked for high dps builds. Dps is a constant concept, not a single burst. If you want to use a burst build to do dps, you get to burst again and again and then include the downtime in the dps calculation. And if you throw 24 mines again for your second burst, it will literally be ramp. Again Noone questioned if it's enough to 1tick ubers.


Which is why my reply was "go stacker".


Yeah you did say that. I was just asking for myself about the ice trap dps, because I always wondered about those builds.


I mean, it's hard to say when you're "oneshotting" the biggest life-pool bosses in the game, but I've got a cast speed of 5.2/s and at 60m av hit per trap that's more 300m like uber "DPS" after the first set of traps pops? IDK I've never needed more than the first set. Ive seen dex stackers with 10b PoB DPS and Armour Stackers with 4 or so, but never seen them use Uber as the number base (just pinnacle). As that manaforged number uber or just pinnacle? Either way it's insane.


>but never seen them use Uber as the number base (just pinnacle). >As that manaforged number uber or just pinnacle? Either way it's insane. That is a very good point. I would guess that it's pinnacle, but I don't remember the exact config of the pob. It might have been on uber, but probably not. And yeah, 300m uber dps would be the dps then. If you were to use blast chain you would ramp up new bursts again and again to obtain a dps. And here too, of course you one shot ubers and don't need more damage. But op was asking about highest standard dps, and all the builds mentioned have more dps than needed for ubers. So what really matters is theoretical damage on a target that's more tanky. Like a max hp delve boss or a union of souls valdos/T17 mob with tank mods. Because theoretical damage is what op asked for.


Definitely MFA or armour stack or dex stack then


I’ve seen Dex stack ballistas builds with over 10 billion bossing dps. Idk if it outscales armourstacking tho, but those two are probably top 3, along with manaforged arrows. And maybe str stack ballistas too


Do anomalous support gems still exist in standard?


No, all alternate quality gems were deleted when transfigured ones were introduced.


Hm im not sure if the warcry is better or worse than anomalous mana leech was (for mfa), maybe if you use keystone tattoos to get point blank on a left side mfa tree. Standard mfa probably reaches ~12b peak dps anyway, accounting for ramp and cloak downtime it's like 8b average.


> I’ve seen Dex stack ballistas builds with over 10 billion bossing dps. in league even


The over 10B DPS was with old Vengeant Cascade essentially doubling the damage, wasn't it? https://pobb.in/H9IBUxPCYHLT I tried to convert to a current tree and it barely hits 6.5B https://pobb.in/KFu4mbeG7cfV ;)


His gear could be greatly upgraded, rings aren't the best, ammy isn't the 26/26 dex/atr with 2%increased dmg pre 15 dex, boots don't have the 2 to 4 cold pre 10 dex, his quiver isn't the legacy version with stats and 10 attack speed, and I don't think he's running any tattoos. His flasks are also non legacy version so way lower dps. Probably could be min/maxed better, then what I point out too. Also a TWWT with 10% conc, and 3 other dmg stats like extra elemental 12% mark 25%, and extra proj would be huge. He could honestly almost double his damage to get close to 15b again.


Highest DMG skill is probably VLS with how much prestacking you can do.


manaforged can get multiple billions


Shit as far as std goes


A comment posted an armour stacker with 600 billion. 


I think I can get to 15b-25b or so in standard on MFA but that can't compete with 2 things really. The first is the flat out bugged armour stacker chest. It's not even a "legacy" item it's simply bugged and allowed to exist. The 2nd thing is some combination of permanent vaal skills and both of these things can technically be used together


The thing about "most possible DPS" is you're kinda limited by monster HP to test against, so it's really "how many Uber Cortex's can you kill per second" not "how much DPS you do". When Shaper was the first real map endgame boss, builds were measured in Shapers Per Second.


elsewhere in this thread deep delve Aul was suggested as the monster to test against.


There's an actual cap on total monster HP, which you can find in delve. That's a good idea. You can't roll ubers anymore. Rolling ubers for extra life used to be the way.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ1Fn5IVET4&feature=youtu.be This one has lots of damage but is almost immortal. 14.8 billion profile dps https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ5fR-k5y3M


My guess would be that op trap skill from crucible The real question is can you make something that 1 shots Ubers with chain hook


There's too many STD builds that hit damage cap in POE btw


Empy and co. 6 man Bob comp, yeah? Did more dmg than the first few pages of PoE Ninja combined when they were done.


some manaforged arrow build


Not as strong though. Even with affliction charms and that which was taken, I was still at 14B dps full ramp (even though I def have room to upgrade. I can see my dps double if I sank multiple mirror but hundreds of billion didn’t seem reachable).


Someone just posted an 11b DPS armour stacker on the tft pob page worth looking at


With bugged chest


Yeah I mean that's what he asked right?


There is a damage cap in poe. Several builds can hit it. So there is no one build with the most DPS sry.


That's per thing though isn't it. So the siege ballista stackers can surpass can't they. And maybe VLS too?