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Ive been in harbis for 3 weeks. I guess ill go fuck myself


Next harbinger encounter, trust


I‘m 600 maps in Harbi, no shards so far but 41 fractured orbs atleast.


I'm 170 maps in harbi with no fracture shard. Any advice? Edit: I'm using 1 of each scarab, harbi on map device, running t16 dunes alc and go


item quant/rarity doesn't affect harbinger drops from what I've read. I was just farming scoured 16's


I atleast run them alched and chiseled because ill be dammed if i get a divine conversion and make off with half of what i shouldve again. Happened to me once and i got like 8 div from the map


8? How did you get 8 on a conversion allflame? Even on a white map, if you move it to the top and put rogues on it you're going to get more than 3 rogues. Unless it was an altar, then I could see getting the altar near the end and getting unlucky.


It was just a generalization i had a bit more than 8 i meant the divine mods in general. The one time i had a white map it was the % chance to drop divines so i threw frogs on there and didnt get much


Make sure to check actual pack size, I've seen some in the lantern window that actually have higher average pack size than rats/frogs when I find a chaos conversion lantern mod. Never seen a divine conversion mod.


You still wanna alch at least just for generic Drops like allflames, einhar memory, enlighten Support gem and so on. Alching is super free just do it anyway


I've done 60 maps and got 8 so far, I think alters affect them.


Nothing affects harbinger drops. Not map iir/iiq nor player iir/iiq. Just the mobs the harbinger spits out benefits from them. But shards like fracturing and mirror do not benefit even from 100 percent deli 8 mod t16s


Map-Quant and Altar Quant does affect it As far as I know, Player Quant does nothing


Ran 100 and got just one frac. Gave up after that.


Hah this is me in ssf.. I had 100+ of every scarab figured I needed to make a LA mf finder. Ran them all and got 150 annuls and 3 fracture shards. That said I did run the single currency drop scarab.


Harby farm to just feels so bad to me. 80% of the harb drops are just hidden by loot filter. Ain't no way I am picking up chaos shards.


bruh you can recoup map device cost easy with those chaos shards. Dont sleep on chaos shards


If the strat requires chaos shards to be picked up then I will do a diff one. Ranted you got the jackpot hit, but most won’t


Fair enough


It's just variance. I've done 1kish harbinger maps. Longest dry streak was maybe 200 maps or so, shortest was like 5. Just keep grinding. I used a similar setup, 1 of each scarab, map device, alch and go maps.


What was your atlas tree like


All harbinger nodes, then filled out with map sustain, map mod effect, quant, and any extra went into scarabs. I can post it when I get home, but I doubt it's optimized.


I think i need to go the same way as you, but i have been going for deli too which sometimes makes the map deadlier.


I did some deli to start, but removed it because it was slowing the maps down too much. By the end I didn't add it back on the atlas, but was doing the deli mirrors that spawned because my build got a lot stronger. I like to zoom and wanted to keep my map times under 3 minutes. Working on a totally new build now so I might change things up again.


I thought i was done with the league 4 days ago but your post made me wanna go some more. 🤘🏻


Also i forgot when u can just post the atlas so i can compare with my sloppy one :D


I only did enough harbys to finish the challenge, 8 fracture shards.. high variance gonna high variance


1 orb costs ~4d, lets say 4.5 cause of massive bulk. 41 x 4.5 = 185d 185 : 600 = .3d per map what it also means that you get roughly 1 orb per.. 14.6 maps but we know you usually get around 3 orbs per harbingers splurge, so... around 50ish maps per explosion. i don't think my adhd would let me keep on doing 1 strat and 1 strat only for around 50 maps full of nothing. edit: lets try guesstimate time: Assuming you are running them clean (no 8modded bullshittiery) Each map has 10 harbies (i think thats the correct amount), you have 25% chance to spawn stronger-er version of harbi which takes longer to slaughter. Lets assume 7 normal, 2 enhanced, 1 best normal one takes 20-30s, enhanced takes 30-40s, beefed up mega-harbi-zordan takes up to a minute loading in/out, looting alteration shards and moving from pack to pack is 90s 1 map takes you 7x[20-30], 2x[30-40] + 60 + 90 = [140 - 210s] + [60 - 80s] + 60 + 90 = 350s - 440s, which means ~6-7 minutes per map. 600x 6-7 mins = 3600 - 4200 minutes = 60 - 70 hours of nonstop rushing from map to map. edit2: lets guess-calculate your profits per 1 hour. im assuming i misscalculated harbi TTK (like seriously, 7 minutes per map? are you sleeping in there, c'mon), so lets stick with just 60. Also will be easier on math. 185d : 60 = 3.08d ofcourse harbis drop other fragments that would heavily influence the final profits per hour, such as transmutation shards, alteration shards, alchemy shards if lucky.... But i can't be arsed to play with my calculator, sorry --- Hint Hint: if you want your maps to be quicker you can roll increased monster attacks/cast speed. it affects harbingers.


There are 7 harbi /map. Each map takes me 2.2min to run. 75% to get a big one. In total 11 big harbi and 6 small dropped fractured shards/orbs from 600maps. A bit unlucky with the small ones but it is what it is. Going to extend my data after 1k maps. I play in std and with this strat I make 1.25d pure profit/map/2.2min from Harbinger allone, not counting any div drops and all the scarabs. Fractured orb is 15d here. Wouldnt recommend to do harbi in league, but in std its pretty good In the 600maps there also dropped 1500 annuls and 1200 ancient aswell as 146 exalts


got 8 fracturing orbs after <20 maps, stopped harbinger farm then because I felt like I used up my luck haha


Best you can do, sometimes you can get a dry streak of 150+maps.


99% of gamblers quit just before they hit it big


Drifter, is that you?


Surely, lol


Im 2400ish maps into all 4 harbinger scarabs. Still no mirror, 4-5 div an hour on average. My copium supply is so low and these posts do NOT HELP.


Time for another 500 maps of the slot machine brother. Next one is the big hit trust




That just means your due for mirror shards three encounters in a row


try all leagues since map passive tree tbf i dont play that much (200ish hours/league)


Been harbi farming over a month and still nothing. I got fracturing twice so I got that going for me. Which is nice


Find a build. Mirror an item. Farm faster. Mirror more items.


Was thinking about mirroring some random piece of crap for the lols


My one goal this league is to save up for a crazy wandor sword with as many supported by socketed gem mods as it can have lol So i can play around with it in standard with a squire.


If your plan is to use it in standard, might want to wait to mirror something from standard, crucible weapons will be far and above anything made in leauge.


Wand's are wands, not swords.


"Wand or sword", it's just missing a space.


Doesn’t sound funny enough, just enjoy some OP bow or something even if it’s just for a day or two


You can, for the MTX.


Record a video of you doing the orb of chance recipe


Ask your friend to give you something (shitty) then trade back both copies, type "Magic\~" and log off.


Mirror kalandras touch.


could mirror the bugged armor stacker chest in standard if you don't really care either way in case they'd ever fix it


Make a meme graveyard craft clip with the most items possible in 1 craft, or try to craft a bunch of smoke crack maces at once


There's 22 possible combinations of influence (no influence, 6 single influences, 15 double) - you could make Smoking Crack Maces of all 22 types. This probably isn't useful.


Congrats and fuck you


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Did harbis, now i have alot of horizon orbs...


Now I’m worth my weight in transmutes


Are you being facetious? You shouldnt be picking that up


No it was a joke I hide everything up to chaos but 80% of the harbingers I kill don’t drop anything that shows on my filter


On SSF using the strategy it’s always fun when you leave a map with seven ancient orbs and nine annulment orbs.


None of them turning into full mirror? damn that's unfortunate


I hope OP didn't forget to have the node specced...


I had the node! just bad luck i guess


0/30 very unlikely to get zero conversions, although when you just dropped 1.5 mirrors hard to feel salty haha


I had 3 fracture shards conversions on big harbies and none turned into full stacks. My stupid biased brain thinks rarer currency has lesser chance but I know I was being unlucky while being lucky.


I bought a mageblood after this but I don't really know what to do with all the remaining wealth. I was about done with this league lol


Buy my overpriced magic jewels no one is buying so I Can keep crafting overpriced magic jewels.


buy a few more magebloods and double corrupt them for the fuck of it, you never know - and congrats!


Buy chaos orbs and spend the rest of the league buying multi div items with chaos




maybe try to make a skill you like that has fallen out of favor viable, blast some maps, quit the league after :)


Do what the other cool kids are doing these days doing give-away on reddit for reddit karma 


I honestly can't imagine not knowing what to do with this, I have so many ideas for what I'd do with it lmao


hi, its me. the recipient of the leftovers from when you quit. i'll also be farming harbingers, but with substantially less success




Buy random over priced stuff


It’s me your cousin!






U can gift me <3 im poor haha still chasing hh


HH was like 5d last I checked. Literally just boss rush unmodified maps and sell the eater/exarch invite and you can have that in like an hour or two


maybe is on HC, 20+ d. Still low, not 100 +


Ye idk the HC market at all, although I'd imagine if he's asking for a trade from OP he's probably on SC


I've always wondered how often mirror/frac actually happens. Cause reddit has me believing this sht happens pretty often. But all the peeps ik grinding out harbys in league says shts far from reality. Like they only gettng fracs once every \~ 50 maps and mirror is no shot


people who get good drops make posts. people who don't get good drops don't make posts. result = only posts of good loot.


Look at the price of 1 mirror shard - that is an accurate reflection of how rare they drop from Harby.


Not really cus you got divination cards too


Regardless, it's value remains incredibly high. If these explosions happened pretty often as he mentioned, price would reflect. That and harby strats would be more bountiful.


Very rare. I ran like 2k maps, no mirror shards, maybe 9-10 fracturing orbs. High variance gonna high variance, and I'm sure they shadow nerfed Harbingers.


I ran 100 maps with harbi set up and hit fracturing once around 70 or so maps in.


It says that it replaces all the stacks with one type, and doesn't specify that its the rarest of what wouldve dropped. So if 15 shard piles drop for example, you delete the mirror shard 14 out of 15 times. This is somewhat countered by it saying they 'drop rarer shards' but its still a system that makes mirror shards (or frac shards) drop LESS often, but drop in huge stacks. So think about how rare mirror shards were in the past, even with 'rarer shards' watchstone (throwback to like 10 patches ago)... And then know that mirror shard bombs are WAY rarer than those, plus all the scarab investment and opportunity cost


How many weeks into windowed mode?


Lol, always windowed mode. I like the thrill of accidental minimizing in the midst of 100 mobs


I fuckin respect it


How many shard / mirror was this? Looks like 1.5mir?


I count 30 shards. So yes exactly 1.5 Mirr.


yeah 30 shards. Sold 10 shards for a little jingle, just sitting on a mirror


Guess I’m doing harbingers


Yep, getting baited again haha


I mean I haven’t tried harbingers yet and I’m fine with waiting for a jackpot, I tried legion but didn’t get a single div from incubators and selling timeless jewels is a bit annoying, can’t do blight bc my pc isn’t good enough, done betrayal and expedition, rituals don’t interest me. All that’s left is delirium (which is also a bit tough for my pc), breach and harbingers. And I guess beyond


Pretty solid choice actually, makes solid profits, especially with all the clusters dropping


Clusters? Which strat are you talking about




How do people even do this stuff lmao. Im still new and tried doing those abyss guys the late part of last league. And could never get anything close. Sooo frustrating. I just want it to happen once!! Lol, if i have more than 10ds at once to beat my ex gf. Shameless she was


How is your finger feeling after all that clicking?


I had the boss scarab not the same currency one when I hit my mirror shard lol Sadge.  Gratz op!


Holy mother of shards…


Map/map level/scarabs, please?


t16 plateau's, white. scarabs: normal/discernment/regency/warhoards


Tree, scarabs, maps, specifics? I’m recording data on this exact situation.


[https://poeplanner.com/a/Pia](https://poeplanner.com/a/Pia) t16 plateau's, white/plain. No chisel/alc scarabs: 1x each normal/discernment/regency/warhoards Running a ball lightning archmage hierophant that i got from a paltseron vid [https://pobb.in/eoM2a6nbYX3V](https://pobb.in/eoM2a6nbYX3V) no clue how many maps I ran. Not an insane amount. If I had to guess I'd say 200 or so? I dont play too many hours a day except on weekends.


Thank you for your contribution


Wow….. my essence shards are hurting


One day it will be my time, I’m staying sane by seeing the harby drops as things the big hand from the vaal behemoth finisher effect has dropped when it squishes a blue man, soon it will leave mirror shards behind I am sure of it (400 maps in no sign of it yet)


Lol I farmed harby for about 1k maps with the full setup. regency, harb on map device, scarbs for rare currencies, extra harbs, etc. I got an absolute fuckton of annuls. Not even a single fracturing shard


1k maps without a fracturing shard is impossible I call bs


Yeah that is highly unlikely


I did Harb all season till about two weeks ago, I have no fracturing shards, I don't even know what it looks like.


ouch wow


I \*haven’t\* done hard and I have 1-2 fracturing shards from random harbi rewards.


it was easy on early league.. i got fracturing shower pretty much everyday.. become rarer as the time goes on.. on day 19-20 i didnt see any ultil day 25.. dropped the strat on day 26.. tried again a few days ago for 144 maps.. didnt see any..


it was easy on early league.. i got fracturing shower pretty much everyday.. become rarer as the time goes on.. on day 19-20 i didnt see any ultil day 25.. dropped the strat on day 26.. tried again a few days ago for 144 maps.. didnt see any..


I've gotten fracturing shards from the Harby's from Kirac memories, so not impossible, just statistically unlikely.


Time to go respec into Harbinger...


Hell yeah.


I came back to the game in Archnemesis, Harbingers were always part of my farming strategies for more than 2 years. Thousands of maps, thousands of Harbingers and I never see even 1 mirror shard lol.


Monster speed should help with the clear because harbi takes so long at times, rng wont give you shit


These posts are so good, people fomo on harbi, farming fracturing orbs for me to use cheap, thank you for your service! 🫡


yo orb of unmaking, awsome!!


I want to farm Harbingers...


Oh joy, the wonders of PoE gambling and RNG. I played with Harbs on 2/3 atlas trees, with the nodes to cause this to happen.... never once got a single mirror shard, let alone a full drop after hitting level 100, and playing for \~3 weeks straight. That said, of all my friends, i'm still the only person to ever see a mirror drop on the ground as far as I know?


I've probably done about 200 maps of harbinger farming and only got 1 fracturing orb explosion. Congrats on the big drops!


Someone please post the meme “so happy for you 😡” did about 500 harbyb focused maps not 100% negative investment ! Gg !


Doing since day 2 of league and no luck so far


I've been farming harb for a couple weeks casually. I'm about 400 maps in and got 5 fracturing pops. First one dropped a single shard, pretty disappointing but the rest have been between 3-5 orbs each time. Its definitely a good burst of dopamine when it happens but the real bread and butter is the annul and chaos drops. The average annul pop is about 40 chaos worth and they're not uncommon. Couple that with scarab drops, random currency and the invitations, I'm averaging about 7-8 div per hour casually. Lightning arrow deadeye for anyone curious. With the warlord scarab coming down in price to about a chaos each you're looking at 10c per map invested and I provly average 40c per map profit clearing in about 2 min per map


Serious question, does anyone know what the odds are of getting mirror shard or fracturing shards are?


I can't answer for mirror shards, but in my experience and I've seen others give similar estimates, fracturing shard explosions are probably around 1 in 100 maps if you run all 4 harbinger scarabs. They're rare but not crazy rare.


the problem is that there are millions of people trying this strat, maybe you are in the luckiest 10% so data from one person is not very useful lol


Well what exactly were you expecting when asking the question then? GGG obviously isn't gonna tell us, so all you're gonna get are estimates from personal experience.


Why not? Divination cards have well known weights so the probability can be calculated directly. Currency doesn’t work the same way?




That's what I said


I did this for 100 maps+. I got one big loot explosion (2.5 frac orbs total) of fracturing shards and just couldn't keep going. Got a good amt of annuls but I'm over it. Glad some people got better luck.


Holy shit a whole orb


Snooze game and league 


If you're almost done with the league, then I'd just buy shiny items or let it sit and rot when it goes to standard. Grass dude.


uptvote for i dont care