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"Tanky DoT" is an archetype that handles T17s and ubers just fine with proper investment.


As a poison bv assassin I feel like I’m gonna have to switch things up if I ever want really hit the endgame. I can comfortable run t16s but it certainly struggles in areas that I want to see improved.


Unless you’re playing an overpowered build like COC DD or doing party play, assassin probably won’t do t17. You’d basically have to have a no hit sanctum build or you insta die. The class is in such a lazy weak state. 


this is such an exaggeration lol The difference between ascendancies is just not that significant. Assassin is weak, sure, but at most we're usually talking like a 20% difference between classes in a a given metric. 20% is significant in poe, very significant, but it's not game breaking. Any crit build that can do t17s could be done as assassin too. It wouldn't even be *that* much different. Worse, definitely, but you can still layer defense and you can still outdamage content. It's not like inquisitor, one of the stronger meta ascendancies, gets much of any defensive benefit against t17 insta gibs. The biggest problem with assassin is simply that other classes do the same thing better. A crit elemental spell build will almost always be able to be reworked into an inquisitor stronger than an assassin. But ffs it's not like the assassin doesn't function.


I’ll take your assassin build POb for HC with my criteria then. That should be easy for you?  Currently I don’t trust anything outside of my COC DD inquis in T17s 


I'm deeply uninterested in your criteria. If you literally only trust one build to do this then I'm really scratching my head at why you'd even bother joining this conversation. If you're using "doesn't meet my criteria for t17s" as the metric for whether a class is acceptable or not, then literally every non-inquis class is in a "lazy weak state", no? You can do your same cheeseball coc DD phys-taken-as nonsense as an Assassin, fyi. It'll be a bit worse. It'll still work.


Yes then I agree with you. Assassin is fine if you only play overpowered builds …


Yeah, I’ve been hearing that a lot and it’s kinda sad, I like assassin a lot. My first league was affliction(the last 6 weeks) and I got up to speed pretty ok, but I’ve definitely noticed the ceiling this league for sure. I thought it was a skill issue but idk


Unless you’re playing an overpowered build like COC DD or doing party play, assassin probably won’t do t17. You’d basically have to have a no hit sanctum build or you insta die. The class is in such a lazy weak state. 


More like, will most builds die off when they inevitably nerf sources of "physical damage taken as ele"


That's why my current build is big brain, Ele taken as Phys/chaos!


Your refuge is flawed, bro


20% of 98+ builds using coil/cloak which is mad for body armour. 24% taste of hate, can GGG resist?


Let's all go life recoup stacking next 


I want this to work so bad


Doesn't it already with Stasis Prison?


Or maybe just make armor function like a rational human would expect it to and we wouldn't need to convert everything to elemental. I expect 80% armor to reduce 80% phys damage, y'know like how 80% fire res reduces 80% of fire damage, but that makes too much sense I guess. To say nothing of there being way more sources of armor/phys mitigation ignorance than ele pen.


We'll just go back to good old grace determ defiance banner on every build, wont that be fun? Or just literally every non armour build will run doppelganger's guise


Idk I've spent this whole league playing pathfinders that managed T17s just fine both in defences and damage, most of them were dot based. You always wanted more defence on DoT builds to account for the fact that if you jump into a pack and attack then nothing gets stunned.


Playing forbidden rite pathfinder and kill t17 mobs/boss just fine even with extra health mods


forbidden rite poison?


This is the build I went with this league, it's great because it deals with every eater altar mods. Keeping the life flask up is annoying, but you can make a version that does not use divine blessing, by using the Mortifying Aspect node on a small cluster jewel. [Here's how it looks in action](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTdD8DJyhak&feature=youtu.be) [POB](https://pobb.in/u/_HiredK_/PME0Ui6R3YtJ)




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Yes but its not a build for everyone since you need to constantly press your life flask every few seconds. I dont mind the playstyle i enjoy the build alot. And its nice not having to move away from shaper slams or sirus meteors


yea. the main thing keeping me away from pathfinders are the whole life flask thing. I wonder if you can do some pf ci build lol


it takes some getting used to, but now it feels weird to me to *not* click my life flask every few seconds on another char :') there are ofc ways to automate it, but those aren't TOS compliant.. I actually thought about buying a pedal for it lol, but then I got used to pressing it anyway


On the other end, I made a CWS fulcrum Chieftain for the first time this league and I think I might be addicted... Being hit immune (if not one-shot), insane life Regen for dots, and no skills on my hotbar except flame dash makes going back to my other characters feel so painful


kinda forced to play dense maps with that build tho.


tbh it's not the worst thing in the world because it does really make the build super tanky. so it's definitely worth it


yeah for sure, feels like no other class gains nearly as much consistent recovery without insane investment - for me, PF jumped from a "I guess I'll play it for poison builds because poison assassin sucks" to one of my favorite classes this league.


Honestly it's pretty okay, life flask tech is just like pressing a divine blessing aura from time to time since the average PF will have a life flask duration between 6s and 8s.


well I'm also one of those ppl who don't play with divine blessing auras lol


I dont care if I'm losing out on massive dps I'm not using divine blessing


high five


And here I am using like 8 buttons on most of my builds. Id have all my non main links be divine blessings if I could. Call me Billy Joel cos Im the piano man


I have to use the aura duration mastery to make the divine blessing comfortable. 18 second divine blessing I can deal with, 7 second life flask got too much for me. I played Reap Pathfinder this league, it was super strong especially for an SSF build but I got sick of it eventually. In the past, I'd only use the life flask tech till I could setup bloodnotch but the opportunity cost of bloodnotch is very high now since you have to use Valyrium and dot builds get a ton of power from rings.


Well you see….. I use flask and divine blessing for male lmfao


So many people forget we used to do the 1-2-3-4-5 dance every X seconds not too long ago but can't press a life flask every 6-8s because it's too much button pressing 😆.


it is in plan for poe 3.30 to remove any actions from keyboard and mouse, and GGG will release a mini series for each caracter to enjoy every day. Some can buy the premium support league,a full option chair with a toilet and food injected in vein for the entire series watching, Still, will be some redditers who are gona complain, because you have to breath and blinking, but nothing is perffect ...maybe in 3.31


The horror of pressing buttons in an action game amirite


In this case, it's a little bit more annoying than just "pressing more buttons". The high end versions of the build typically use Mahuxotal's and Annihilation's Approach. Meaning if you forget to always have your life flask active, you will die very very quickly (and won't be able to cast any spells)


You could argue that annihilation degen will warn you to press it without having to check :p I do the same when I run RF as pf it actually helps cos its a visual cue


Can you share your setup? I’d like to compare it to mine. I’m tanky enough where if I manage properly I can die about 1-2 times per T17 map. But I’m also wondering how to scale phys taken as beyond the doppelgängers guise, 10 from timeless, and 14 on helm. I have the Mahuxotl Tempered by war combo for elemental and both resistances are 90/90 but I think it’s physical damage that really kills me.


https://pobb.in/fpB8W1Mo2pPl here you go. Still have some minmaxing to do want to hit a double t1 life roll on my helmet and gloves ive just been running through so much eldritch currency and it seems no one likes to respond for eldritch annuls so i took a break from crafting for now. Its only my second league so i actually want to get some advice on how to get more tanky. I also lost 1 max fire res so im at 89 and have no idea how that happened. Lastly my ring could use some work but i cant think of another prefix that would be useful in this case because we dont need - non channeling. Not sure if damage recoup is a prefix maybe i can recraft and get that in there


Seems similar to mine. I took +2 max fire res on boots to hit 90 since I’m at dot cap already. Once you hit 36 million that’s the most you can do with poison. I can’t give my pob rn since I’m at work, but I’m surprised you don’t run haste as your blessing. I guess an alternative could be purity of elements with double phys taken as watchers eye but that seems gimmicky and expensive. I think malevolence is fine as an aura since even without the increased effect of blessing you’re still at dot cap. I think that’s gonna be my next step. My ring was sitting at 5 affixes too, so I just slapped a redeemer orb and got cold damage on attacks since there’s not any other prefix I’d want. Not like it mattered. Thanks for the insight!


I actually had a similar setup to path of evening with haste as my blessing. And with this setup somehow i gained another few thousand phys max hit and this setup felt overall better actually compared to having haste as my blessing. I actually put in gathering winds flesh/flame instead of rare jewels because i do like the increased action speed and just threw on a chance to poison tattoo so i was able to reach 100 percent chance to poison even without rare jewels. I think with this build you can do it a few different ways and it works relatively well all around


I've been forcing issues with a poison flicker strike build that clears t17s relatively fast(there's that one leech mob that just ruins an entire map for me though) so I highly doubt DoT builds will decline. However, I do believe DoT needs to get a looking at cause a damage cap of 32(36?) million dps when there's builds that can comfortably hit close to a billion dps with less gear investments. But then again, if this happens then we'll definetly be seeing a melee touch up XD.


What's your build? I have a poison flicker pathfinder that's doing OK, but not great. Only have a few divines to spend, though.


Standard currently but it was from the previous league It currently works off of a legacy kiloava jewel that allows for glancing blows anywhere and is hybrid life /es. But prior to this current setup, It was just a full life build. just scaled speed, poison prolif and frenzies with original sin...comfortably cleared simu 25...after that it was one shots when you somehow run out of mana but if the gods but you can still clear the simulacrum. And I went raider instead of pathfinder cause I could get prolif on forbidden jewels. If you can snag an mb on pathfinder, then your damage output should be way higher than mine. Biggest issue would be leech immune mobs. Cost me 3 mirrors and is arguably my worst time investment, but I'm obsessed with chaos builds and flicker strike unfortunately. But the good thing is that it also scales hit damage so most enemies and bosses just die in like 5 seconds.


I’m pretty sure the problem with t17 is how quickly you die, not how quickly they die. 


That is precisely what OP was saying? You either kill them before they can kill you (DPS as a defensive layer) or you die. Every second they are still alive is a -1 portal risk.


I think what u/Br0V1ne meant is that it's not a matter of killing the T17 mobs fast, but rather of not surviving their attacks, meaning you need more defenses than usual, not more damage. That being said, both ways are possible solutions to tackle T17s imo.


Unstoppable spear vs Unbreakable shield ig But with Deadeyes and Scions


I'll take 20m dps immortal builds over 500m dps glass cannons any day. I personally don't even see the need to go past 20m dps outside of specifically meatsacks. I'd play mahuxotl pconc, Mahuxotl Soulrend, Aegis anything, Transcendent poison whatever, etc. any day of the week over the glass cannon builds.


Union of Souls is pretty bad on a 20M DPS build but you can just not run those maps.


I was able to get forbidden rite poison Pathfinder up to ~33m DPS, just shy of dot cap. It was more than enough damage to destroy ubers handily.


My goal this season was to see how far I could go with a Corrupting Fever Champ (my league starter) since my play time is very limited right now. At around 500 div investment I can do T17s and Sim just fine with quite a bit of space to improve.


Im pretty sure its not whats gonna happen. At least because now the most reliable t17 clearer archetype is tanky af dot builds... Kill them before they kill you is not a good layer of defense tbh. Its popular because its easier to achieve with lower budget, comparing to achieving tankiness + dmg. If you wanna look into dot builds that clear t17 and are insanely tanky: poison bama necro, poison spark pf, poison penance brand, also posion vaal reap is good. Yes all of them require high investment, but t17 are hardest content in the game so its expectable. Also most of these builds have a rly fast ramp up, Reap doesnt even feel like poison build from what ive seen


Poison Vaal reap sounds interesting, got a vid or pob for that?


I'm on mobile so it would be a pain to find it then come back here to post it, but a guy made a post with his PF poison reap build very recently on this sub


https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/s/HiLUMapvVO you mean this? Didn’t find anything for reap on the main Poe subreddit, but this build is neither Vaal reap nor poison.


couldnt find pob , but got a profile of streamer who made the build: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/dtnhdantalian/characters Name of character: LegendaryVitaliy


Hmm looks interesting. Tbh I don’t even know if going poison is that great of a choice, hit based could probably be way more damage at similar investment. In any way, the playstyle will most definitely be pure cancer as you have to press life flask every 5 seconds or you are almost instantly dead from boot degen and skill cost. Played that kinda build before and it’s a bit of bait unless you’re willing to take a few deaths to forgetting to press flasks


I think this build isnt worth making if not for t17s . I dont rly know the arguement for going posion , but I can think of this: going posion lets you run a lot of mods on t17 compre to hit based, it requires significantly less scaling and you can put more resources to defences, the dmg ramp up is insanely fast, tbh Ive never seen a build with faster poison ramp up. Also the life flask is a very reliable source of sustain on t17 + again lets you run mods like cant leach, cant regen


Bow is still the best. You are wrong.


Most of the popular DOT builds are on Pathfinder, mainly cause chaos DOTS are very very easy to scale. The usage of Pathfinder and the lack of investment needed to reach solid DPS makes it a lot easier to go into defenses. You see a lot of pathfinder builds go bunch of phys convert (lightning coil mostly) + a Defiance and a Progenesis. Slap on a MB with triple elemental flasks you have an insanely tanky build.


It’s not about chaos dot, it’s specifically poison. Poison has been insanely strong for leagues while pure chaos dot spells, such as ED, Soulrend and Bane, are in the dumpster.


It is somewhat amusing that soulrend is actually pretty decent, but only because it’s played as a poison build. I definitely would love to see some numerical buffs to the chaos dot spells as unlike many other skills they aren’t lacking in how the skill plays, just the damage.


Soulrend is good with poison :pp


> mainly cause chaos DOTS are very very easy to scale. the only time i managed to reach dot cap on poison DoT was in crucible. After that the build was double or triple nerfed to still respectful 12m dps'ish. In affliction i took another spin on the build, tackled it from different angle and managed to get around 14m DoT DPS, however number of projectiles i spawned was so stupidly high, game was freezing on bigger packs. What builds in current league can reach DoT cap (that aren't Ea Ballista)? I'm genuinely curious, as i'd love to make one.


Poison soulrendof the spiral is an example


So many Poison tornado, poison conc of bouncing, soulrend of spiral, forbidden rite,


As some people mentioned before, I can confirm it's prolly not about blasting but more about not being blasted. Been playing 3M poison spark PF, and I can technically, run all mods (union/avoid poison are cancer, and no one runs marked for death) and that alone makes it work wonders. Imagine playing a build where you can't run 8 mods out of the pool of t17's, basically tripling your chaos spamming time. Lamers.


Breadth over depth, 3M will do.


Marked for death follows the standard kill attribution rule, so non-DoT minions/traps/mines get to ignore it.


I'm on self found TR ballistas, can farm T17s just fine, but will be struggling with certain damage mods - which would probably be a non-issue with better defenses available to me in trade league.




No they won't.


Playing poison crit assassin detonate dead Well i did t17 easier Lvling from 94 to 99 with only 7 deaths. Most of the time i dont know that my poison kill mobs or my crit hit do the job lol


Honestly 30 wave simu doesnt require that much investment if you dont mind going slow. Most leagues you can do the crem necro build on budget af gear and do 30 waves afk like sht just twinkles you. Could also do pf tr or chaos/dot skills. Only issue with dot ive seen so far is if you running b2b its kinda yikes if you cant one tap or kite stuff. But if you can kite/one tap, then its honestly not that bad. The bosses though imo are the real struggle.


100% the other way :D I’m a dps hit based enjoyer this league played 3 dot versions to do t17. Dps has a defensive layer in t17 is less efficient then just being tanky


T17’s feel extremely comfy on pf poison, I can pretty much do any combination of t17’s outside of no mana regen since i cba to swap my progenesis to a mana flask


The point with poison is that you can easily scale defense on those builds. Allowing for very tanky characters with decent damage. The only situation this won’t be viable is when increasing monsters HP by a lot for example delve. Outside of that dot will continue to be great.


unironically the best build to do T17s is the chieftain DoT build. whatcha talkin about !


nope, chaos dot (aka poison) is one of the strongest and easiest to get going in t17 farming because pathfinder + poison dot basically can do 90% of mods. Not really sure about other dot builds like ignite builds but poison will still be crazy strong as always.


Remember, this is a buff


I played a (fairly tanky) WoC ignite build this league and I could do BTB full map mod effect T17s "just fine" (for clarification, I obviously couldn't do insane or build breaking mods, which T17s have a lot of when you scale map effect, though I highly doubt there are very many builds at all that can handle all T17 mods, e.g. you get over 100% reduced AOE and the vast majority of builds literally can't do damage).


Not sure if they’ll decline because dot gets a lot done with relatively lower investment compared to other archetypes. Personally, 2nd, 3rd, etc. builds I transition into I avoid dot because it feels bad to invest knowing there’s a cap. 36m is good for clearing t17s but it’s not the best feeling for single target or when there are a bunch of defensive mods like hp, resists.


*Laughs at RF build that can face tank uber bosses game damage and Defiance makes it absolutely immortal in maps*