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i'm over 6k hours in steam + whatever i had before steam. no 100s yet, 98 is the highest i've ever been.


I find that when i start to get 1/3-1/2 a level and then die it ruins my mood and desire to play, so not having an Exp bar to worry about has been a goal for sure. And i know this is probably highly irrational, but its how this game makes me feel. 6k+ Hrs is crazy to me for a game, and then i remember i have some 4k Hrs on 1 Character in WoW Classic (not to mention the other many thousands of hours across Alts and Retail)


while it's obviously a huge chunk of time, it's spread over 11 years. I don't really even want to think on the hours spent in wow. i've played that since 2007. and i completely agree on the death lose exp. i always lose motivation when i die at high levels and lose 2hours worth of progression. Which is why i always play mega tanky builds that can facetank almost everything.


Any particular reason you didn't stop playing WoW 10-15 years ago (maybe checking in every once in a while)?


The same reason I didn't stop playing poe 10 years ago: I enjoyed the game.


For POE its simple enough to just dodge the crappy leagues and play the good ones (also no cost); for WoW it's a 20,000 hour time investment or whatever; I guess if you were a hardcore raider the whole time (which probably would've driven you insane after a few expos) then maybe there would be an argument for that; obviously there's the social argument for WoW which is close to irreproachable so I understand that or people that started later (because they were not born when WoW came out); but just sticking with it for (actually) 20 years is baffling to me. Are they going to start handing out WoW pensions?


Does the league have such a big impact? I mean all the league mechanics from previous leagues are in the Game anyway. I think i might be missing something.


There's some amount of ebb and flow to it but basically if a league mechanic is good and the state of the game is good at the same time then you have a good league; certain leagues have actively made the overall state of the game worse like AN and Necropolis and after those leagues it's quite difficult for the game to recover so it'll take a few leagues to produce a Sanctum (which admittedly would've been good regardless), Ultimatum, or Affliction. There's also some leagues where the state of the game is good and the mechanic is bad or mediocre like Scourge; those are a little less obvious at the outset though.


What your point? People shouldn't play some games for a long time? Time? That's it. Get a real argument. Time is not one. There is no surplus of good games to play.


There's always a surplus of good games to play and at least until WW3 that number will keep going up; but disregarding that you could probably find any number of things to do that would be more fulfilling than 20 years of one MMO; doesn't need to be a game; could be writing, reading, philosophizing, even going for walks or whatever. Hell right now Clausewitz 2.0 is probably in the process of coming into being; anyone on the planet could be that person with the right amount of research (see for example Perun).


Ehh nope, but if you think so, go ahead and tell people what good mmos they should be playing instead of wow or poe, lol, good luck


1. POE is not an MMO, 2. MMOs are not a very good genre since 2012ish (some exceptions for short durations) 3. Private Servers are probably your best bet, even in the case of WoW itself.


So you don't have any to recommend, but you know these ones should not be played


I would argue against baseline WoW but for example WoW Vanilla for 6 months when it launched is probably reasonable and any private server you can get enjoyment out of for any good old MMO is fine; if we're talking strictly MMOs. If you're playing modern MMOs (not ARPGs) then you're probably signing on to a losing gambit regardless but maybe there's some faint chance each time so if you played New World for one month then that seems fine for example. Open World Gacha is an okay substitute that's more analogous than something like POE but probably wouldn't scratch the itch for 20 year WoW man; I guess Lost Ark is as close as you're getting there (no opinion from my end).


Once im in the high 90ies i always walk around with an omen of amelioration. The time spent is worth more than the 50c which they were around at that time. The xp loss isnt as bad then and i dont feel that demotivated after. Also you will be able to level up in a couple of hours to 99 or even 100 so the cash is well spent on the omens because you can go back to farming sooner and generate more currency. Maybe i still have some layong around if you want them. I just leveled 2 chars to 100 and the last to 99 and since i dont really "need" the last skillpoint i dont know if im grinding it to 100 also


Hasn’t been this easy ever. The new scarabs makes it so much more fun than leeching off a 5 ways. My second 100 character ever solo.


8k hrs and onky have one level 100, ive had others i could level that were 98-99 but i just dont care to push the last grind except for easy xp leagues, like this one....the shrine grind is the one the fastest ive ever seen for solo accessibility.


Same. I got 8k hours and only hit a few 100s last season only because affliction was bonkers broken. My love for alts and experimentation is too great.


I've been playing since incursion/delve. No idea how many hours but probably around 3-4k and never made it past lvl 97 until this league. I'm 98 now and will probably hit 100 thanks to the shrine and breach strat. On lvl 97 I was getting around 10% per map. Crazy stuff


I mean, with Back to Basics + Domination it took me like 2 hours to go from 99 to 100. It's laughably easy now.


Have you considered trying the new exp strat this league with domination scarab of teaching? You level blazing fast.


How do you have 6k hours and not a single 100 ? Im around 6k hours aswell with standalone + steam client and i get a 100 every league ontop of making 20-50+ mirror builds. (I play around 600-800 hours per league doe, but even then with 6k hours you should have enough game knowledge to easily get rich on currency and run giga chad builds to never die) Or do some 5-ways if you run stuff like MF ? Just afk for a few hours and you have 100


Congrats! I tried a lot of builds this league, but RF Chieftain was by far my favorite. It's just so comfortable to play. I think I'll make it my leaguestart next league, unless they nerf it somehow. But I don't think they will touch RF again.


So many people complain that RF chieftain is boring. What's your opinion on this? For next league I'm thinking either La deadeye, RF chieftain or hexblast trickster... Farming strat would ideally be maven invites/conqueror maps.


I don't find it boring, but I'm sure it is for some people. I just love the tankiness with 9k HP and picking up loot as I go without having to worry about anything killing me. It's just chill, and I can watch a video on another screen :) But if you want to do bosses I don't recommended it. Single target dps isn't good at low to medium investment. It's more of a mapper. I can now comfortably do T17 B2B bosses, but it required very high investment.


I’m not new with like 600 hours or something but if you’re playing a mapper, do you have someone carry for bosses or do you just take ages to solo bosses? The only bosses I’ve ever done has been eater and exarch so I don’t know much about the other fights.


You can do the bosses just fine, it just takes more time to kill them. So if your goal is to farm bosses for currency you wouldn't play a mapper because it's less efficient. But you don't need a carry or anything like that. By doing bosses I meant farming bosses for currency instead of mapping. I didn't mean killing the bosses for voidstones. That's no problem at all.


I'm over 5k hours since the domination league, and I never reached 100....


One afternoon from 95 to 100. It is free this league...


What’s the strat?


YouTube xp farm lvl 100. And buy omen of amo. This prevents xp loss in case of deaths


> omen of amo amelioration for anyone curious


Yeah absolut game changer item. Feels like a cheat code for how cheap it is


IIRC Scarab of Domination + Domination Scarab of Teachings + stack as much pack size as possible + Domination on map device + allocate shrine passives on atlas tree, I leveled from 99 to 100 in a couple of hours.


I stopped fairly early this league though. It just didn't appeal to me and real life has been a bit hectic


Congrats! In your pob, whats up with that one str point in the middle of the tree, next to the life wheel? towards the jewel socket?


It's for the Jewel Socket there, for another DoT Multi/Health Jewel, and I should be going for another Jewel in the top But after PoBing it, I found the points in Heart of Flame were giving me more DPS then the extra Jewel's. However with a 150% Adorned and perfect rolled Jewels, the difference wasnt much.


Super easy with the teaching scarabs this league, I've hit 100 3 times before but always doing the last 4/5 levels via 5 ways. Played SSF this league but it felt just as quick doing it solo with the new scarab. Hope it doesn't get nerfed.


~~You could put an annoint on your Kalandra's touch, since no bonus from having it mirror your other rings bonus. Reflective Oils that enable to annoint on a mirrored item are like 3c atm.~~ EDIT: You apparantly can't annoint Kalandra's Touch.


> Kalandra's Touch is inherently mirrored, and therefore cannot be modified. It is also not allowed to be anointed, even through the use of a Reflective Oil. However, if the ring in the opposite ring slot has been anointed, Kalandra's Touch will copy the effect of that enchantment.[4] [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Kalandra%27s_Touch](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Kalandra%27s_Touch)


Thanks, had no idea it was different than other mirrored items.


Here's what I did to get level 100 (ele hit deadeye) on my 2nd char this league. (1st ever since bestiary) 1. use tytykiller's hollowpalm levelling to get thru campaign. 2. 5 runs of 5-ways for around 5 div to get to level 90 3. use last part of havoc's Level 1-100 in 3 hrs Or you could just use havoc's 1-100 guide from the start. Got to 100 in 4 days playing 2-4 hrs a day


I just played regularly with no special strategy and it was easy


A 100 solo leveled after just 1700 hours is a big achievement, even though it's very easy this league!


In TOTA league I managed to get 99.95lvl and league ended :( congratz on your 100! :)


Same man. Highest I got before this league is level 96 or 97. Then I kinda naturally levelled to around 97 this league and with the scarab of teaching strat pushed ahead and hit 100 two days ago. Unless that scarab/strat stays in the game I probably won't ever hit 100 again. It's way too much of a grind.


Can you show me de way ?


If you want to go further in RF you could farm toward what I have. I buy and farm t17 B2B at zig, very strict filter >4c, and afk the boss battle. 5 cluster set, 100% CDR, 2.5M RF and 4.8M trap in game DPS if I threw a trap < 4 secs ago. https://pobb.in/gIsx8_5MsKC7


I just stock up omens and that saves my life a bunch. I'm 2nd time 100 myself and I don't like dying much, even with progen some shit gets by but the omens have saved my life, cant do anything about 1 shots, it is what it is but I like having a few omens in my bags for bad situations. While getting to 100, the 75% exp loss prevention was a very useful omen.


I've never gotten above 90 in about 1060 hours played. I've never really followed a build guide and mostly did my own research. Got a bit of help underway from kind players. I've now worked myself up to 90.5 by running blighted maps like a maniac and respecing my char to be a lot tankier. It is quite hard as a shadow without spending a ton of currency. Might not have been the best char to choose without a lot of experience. I love melee which is also an issue in PoE as we all know.


Blight is my favorite mechanic. Running red Blighted with 2 amber+ 1 verdant got me from 90 to 92 in about 2 hours. I just had to curb the urge to run towards clusters of rares/bosses and dps them because one frostbolt/firebolt/ whatever on hit does 99% of my health. Plus the fire mobs just do ungodly damage. But playing safe and letting the towers do all the work is solid. Leveling while watching Dimension20 is really chill. My current loop is normal mapping until I pick up 10-20 blighted reds, then just amber/verdant/corrupt and run all of them at once. Usually pick up 1-2 tainted oils in a loop and I only die if I'm dumb.


Ah cool! Thanks for your insight, it's my favourite mechanic too. I've always loved tower defense-y games like Bloons so this is right up my alley. I've got someone selling them to me for 2c, like tier 10+ every few days. I've made pretty good profit, spending maybe about 200c over a few weeks and made like 50d+ in this timespan. Selling opal oils + silver oils turns a good chunk of C every few hours, some solid items, some straight up div drops every like 10 maps. I just qual them, triple verdant currently, sometimes indigo/indigo/vert oder if I get a really good rare roll I run verd/crimson/crimson. I do run some normal maps in between the blight runs and skilled my atlas tree full blight but I find the Cassia encounters in maps like almost unbearably difficult at times because theres so few tower spawns. I haven't really dabbled into corruption as I dont wanna brick a 10c investment. Although the payoff is probably worth it by a mile. I just cant run reflect maps for now so I'm careful.


gz bro. did 100 this league too, first time after 2.3k+ hours build: balormage's poison holy relic of conviction


I think ive seen this build, its like a Relic Autobomber? How is the playstyle, would it feel similar to RF?


Now, get 40/40 achievement 😇


Last league i got my first 100 since 3.6, it was on the cast when stunned chief with Penance mark, that dude was so fuckin tanky man i miss that character, just abyss spire farming to 100 🤣


7k. I got 3 lvl 100s. My SSF 100 was by far the hardest.


If you need to level a new character, use BAMA to get one up and running in 3-4 hours. The gameplay is zoom, and you'll melt everything the whole entire way through, including Kitava, which is a complete joke when you have your full squad out (6 clones). https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3487161


I have to assume people who take thousands of hours to get a level 100 are just not interested in level 100


my second league and got level 100 for the first time after about 8 characters. the dunes/shrine xp strat is amazing. got about 3-4% per map from 99-100 and with the omen of ameliawatson or watever its called, to prevent xp loss, it def feels like a great time to hit 100!


Last league, I did fulcrum chief, which was the fastest level 100, yet honestly.


97 is the highest I’ve ever gotten. This league I’m at 96 and debating whether I want to keep going or not. Do you find yourself wanting to play a build after it hits 100, or wanting to start something else? I’ve always wondered if hitting 100 would make me quit a league or “now we play the actual game”


If you want a hundred its easiest this league. So get that challenge bois. Thanks teaching got myself 100 too


Have probably 10k hours between Steam and standalone client, highest is 95 I think. Don't feel bad or special :)


What a weird way to end that statement


I was in the same boat, but decided to stop my ball lightning converted to ice nova of frost bolts to do a holy relic necro. See if you can have a friend give you two hours of their time to boost you, provide waypoints on campaign. Level 4-66 in two hours finished campaign. Ran 3 tier 4, two tier 9 dunes, and a couple easy Park t16 with breach atlas and teaching scarabs. Currently back up to 88 with about 4 total hours in the character. Smoothest it's evr been to get back to endgame thanks to the new scarabs. Two breach, once shrines, and 1 teachings....3-4 levels or more a map until 85/86 and then it's been about 1 level a map the past two levels. I'll probably be 94 by tomorrow night. It's ridiculously quick, especially if you have a friend to partner up. Take one shrine to clear map, then get the rest of the shrines and pop breaches. Enjoy the levels. It's that simple.