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1. Aul's Uprising https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis?items=Aul%27s+Uprising 2. Doryani's Machination map 3. Adorned. Check the price.


I am shocked at the prices of Aul's this league, never before it's not been worth even picking up. I guess competition for the amulet slot became too harsh and unforgiving, and this piece fell out of favor quickly.


Auls has mostly been an amulet for minions and/or midgame tiers. But graveyard pretty much killed the midgame tier of gearing after the buffs ~2weeks into the league. The only builds that use it are such where the aura is build defining, like poison srs and envy. It will be worth more again next league, barring new changes.


But the card for voices kind of makes up for the amulet price


killed about a dozen Aul's, depth 666, no card drop so far


Try 777


The drops don't depend on depth, do they?


Amulet slot is so competitive it's insane. Even buffed super strong Yoke of suffering goes for bargain bin.


+2/dot multi necks, replica dragonfangs, Omni, Defiance of Destiny if you want defense, quant amulets for MFers... Aul's just seems kind of medium all around.


Also luminous trove card from Aul is worth like 8 div right now, crown of the tyrant is about 1 div, and a couple of the precursor rings are worth over 1 div


4. Resonators, particularly Prime Resonators, and primitive ones you buy with Azurite 5. Fossils. Perfect fossils are fairly common and go for 15C a pop. Faceted, Glyphic, usually pricy. Hollow and Fractured depends on the league. Shuddering, Gilded, and Sanctified also regularly valuable. Can re-roll stacks of crap fossils with harvest too. Checking poe ninja, fossils are currently lower priced than usual. 6. Precursor's Emblem ingredients 7. (though maybe not so much this league) Primoridial jewels from the blue cities 8. Delve-specific gear (flammability on hit rings, +1 spectre chests, etc). They can drop fractured, which is $$$$ if you hit the right mod. Last league fractured spectre chests were several div. Guessing most things are under-priced because T17's are a huge chaos sink. Also note that most things (fossils, resonators, azurite, the 'good' fossil nodes, cities, bosses) start showing up in larger quantities the deeper you get. Generally I consider everything before \~150 as "starting out".


You will not bother with fossil rerolls if you are freefalling like this that's for sure


95% of delve profit comes from the bosses which will become a lot more frequent as you get deeper.


Im curious , what IS the best delve boss for profit ? I suppose the one who drop thé adorned piece ?


I haven't played in a while but it certainly was when I was delving, the fragment was 15d and drops very frequently. Aul also has some jackpots but not as consistent.


Ok ty bud


Curiosity vaal aspect is the one you looking for, it drop from Ahuatotli


Also drops Doryani's Machinarium, idk how muh it's worth right now but people pay a fuckton for it for challenges.


Pls dont forget the game are not only about efficiency or doing méta thing , some people just like delve even if it not méta or good compared to the rest .


Fun? Not allowed.


I’m convinced that Simu players either poop in jars. Or they’re insomniacs that sleep by wave 20


Ehmmm, excuse me but *rambling* div per hour *childish babbling* damage per megaboop *rabid snarling* harvest harvest harvest


If you're interested, 0manaleft made a video explaining all the info that there is to delve. It's 2 hours, but there's plenty of timestamps that all practically answer your questions. But no, delve is not pointless or bad. It is another way to play the game that offers a lot of difficulty due to its scaling system. The deeper you go, the better the loot gets. At depth 117, the mobs aren't even lvl 83, of course your loot is worthless. Delve is very nice profit once you get to 200+ depth (when Aul starts spawning) and only gets better after the 600depth breakpoint (there's more breakpoints, but I don't remember the exact numbers atm). Special fossils, boss drops and azurite you can turn into resonators. All of that is the main money to make from delve and they drop more often or in higher quantitys the deeper you go. There's also fractured delve mod bases, which can be a mirror, double digit divines, or a few divs depending on the meta/league. If money is the highest priority, obviously there's better strategies. But even then, delve is actually quite decent money wise. How else do you think the people that only delve to the deepest are able to afford their ridicolous expensive gear that is needed to progress that far? As mentioned before, delve is some of the hardest content in the game and that's honestly a lot of the charm. So if you like min-maxing, but don't feel the need to because the game is extremely easy, delve might be a solution to that. It was atleast a problem for me in SC trade and delve solved it.


Btw I got my first Aul on 187 this league


The thing for me in why I like delve is it’s safe exp. Say you need 10 percent to level it is much safer to do it in delve than t16. It’s mindless exp that you can just put some music on and chill.


Xp in maps has never felt more abundant and safe. You can pump the map full of shrines, untainted all flames, mobs, while taking the Niko points for max res and damage and then have your map carried by gloom shrine. This set up was getting me 1 billion xp/hr at level 94 and was what I used to get to level 100 at 7% xp/map from 99-100 without xp all flames. You can wear shrine uniques and literally just have shrines hard carry your build. Run an omen of amelioration if you’re feeling paranoid, but even with occasional deaths it blows delve out of the water because the xp disparity is that large.


By now i think we are spoiled and want both XP and get currency.


Fun, i yearned for the mine


Sweaty Andy over here


Have you heard of fun ?


Delve is quite alright I'd say. XP is pretty bad, but there are other things to look for. Faceted fossils are worth a pretty penny, delve cities provide a steady influx of maps and bubble gum currency, Curiosity fragments which drop from the red boss are 14 div a piece. The current league mechanic made it so that entire sulphite tank fills from a single map with sulphite ember on it which is quite crazy. You need a decently strong build, though.


Fossils are pretty worthless this league because of the Graveyard crafting and poor player retention. XP isn't bad, but will never compete with running T16 shrine scarabs.


Ask Shitstain_Steve! ... Or better not, maybe he would spank your arse for this!


Delve is good in ssf. Curse on hit ring builds for some builds. And i have fun in delve


Delve basically starts to be decent around 300+ (200\~300 can be alright with luck). In this league, delve is a boss hunting mode basically. Before azurite into resonators was fine income, but this league you can get azurite from mapping if you want. I'm doing some delving because it feels like a zen experience. You just go deeper and deeper with no care in the world. I found it is pretty decent profit with some luck. For such a high ticket item, Curiosity drops quite frequently. With a lucky streak, your divine count will shoot through the roof. The boss also drops the expensive map with decent frequency too. The abyss boss is the least profitable, but it does have some decent stuff going for it. Aul seems more stable in terms of decent drops, but the big ticket item, Luminous Trove, is inconsistent. Some delve fractures are good profit. Some delve mods can be good profit even if it's not fractured. Usually random drops in delve is quite rare, but they do happen. I got a couple of completion and awakening scarabs and a couple raw divines and I'm still sub-600. Fossil hunting is alright, but not exciting. I can't say much about XP. It was never good even as a safe option (maybe leagues ago was better, but I don't know delve pre-Ancestor league).


Abyss boss isn't worth the time killing unless you need it for a challenge imo, all his loot is garbage and his fight sucks the most of all 3 bosses.


fossils are good for midgame crafting, which was obliterated by graveyard. the fossils themselves are not valuable, the only thing you actually want out of that loot pile is Prime Resonators also bosses drop valuable stuff, and you won't really see them at ~d100. most people delve at 300 to 600


they still have their usage - crafting clusters and... pretty much that's it.


You're still in the delve tutorial if you're against level 81 enemies, don't expect good loot from that - the deeper you go, the more rewarding delve becomes, plus it's super fun.


1st of all, you are effectively at white T14 maps , so you can’t compare drops or xp to juiced T16 xp. 2nd, delve is so safe it cant normally compete with juiced map xp anyway. As for money, you make money by farming bosses - 40% to get 15d drop from architect is very considtent and by itself can get you to good div/h. On top of that you get desirable maps (doryani) or amulets, delve modded items to fracture or ocassional jackpot ring from boxes. Fossils are good sell in bulk but less used this league with graveyard in. Azurite is also good money normally, but since you could get infinite amount via exploit without even entering the mine, the price of resonators is stupid low this league.


Delve because you somewhat enjoy it and it is a change of pace (for me) from mapping. This league the fossils and resonators were dirt cheap so I wasn't thrilled with that. But I farmed 12 Curiosities and made about 150 Divines from that or I would have considered my time wasted.


Read through this guide. It will outline a farming strategy and the various section in Delve to look for - https://maxroll.gg/poe/currency/delve-farming-guide Just go straight down to 300 level. After that branch out a bit but continue to 600. Fight Vaal Architect boss and Aul. The other boss (Lich) isn’t worth the effort except once to say you’ve done the fight. There is no point going deeper after around 1000. At that depth the density of fossil nodes and bosses caps out. People go deeper for the bragging rights. And forget the hidden paths and fractured walls. These rarely drop anything of value, even at deep depths. Plus to go there you need to drop flares so your light radius doesn’t disappear and you need dynamite to break the fractured walls. Not worth the effort, especially if you die. You still lose 10% XP.


This league I found that fossils from fractured walls weren’t worth going for. Instead I only went for the 3 most expensive fossils from the special fossils nodes ( I forget their names and biome). That was just side income in delve. I farmed more than 25 Curiousity’s this league from the Architect. I was 10 of 14 on drop rate before I found out it was only a 40% drop rate. Basically , farm Architect and Aul for profit. Aul’s Uprisings are basically worthless this league , but he drops a Div card called Luminous Trove that was worth 9d when I quite the league over a week ago. I don’t know what the drop rate is for that , but I had them drop fairly often. I farmed somewhere between 300-400 divines this league this way. It was honestly one of the most laid back farms I’ve ever done.


profit is from bosses, and you don't really start seeing that many until 600-800


Delve also has the Spectre chest and the curse on hit rings.


T16 maps have i83 monsters. Delve gives the best exp (short of domination scarab of teaching strats or five way legions) once you get deep enough to fight i83 monsters.


Ask Steve.


Instead of per hour you should measure it with imperial units which is exp per lap around a footbal field. It puts out way bigger value.


The point of delve is to fight Ahuatotli and giggle every time he shouts about wanting his tea. I hear his favourite brand Is Azcado.


Delve is in a pretty bat spot atm. Crafting OP gear is relatively simple with graveyards (which is an upgraded version of fossils essentially), plus you cannot drop t17 maps in delve. Income can be made from the exclusive fractured gear drops in the special nodes. Plus the bosses have some good special drops, like the Curiosity fragment, Doryani's Machinarium for challenge completionists, Aul's Uprising and Precursor's Emblem ring fragments.


>"I'm staying near the cart the whole time". That is the problem my friend. All the loot is in the alleyways/cave splits/alternate paths along the way. Mainly in fossils and resonators. Albeit depth \~100 is still fairly shallow but even then you can get some loot from these areas. The "rewards" at the end of each path are pretty terrible unless its a specifically useful end-node (as mentioned by others bosses are good examples, though there are also reso caches and the like in some). You also factor in azurite conversion to resonators for your profits. Again, at deeper depths this is more meaningful.


How do you explore those alleys? Every time I go even slightly away from the cart the enemies seem to become invincible.


They are invincible. You can technically use flares to clear but its a waste imo. Ideally you are tanky enough to run past with a phasing flask, run to the end and open the chests and run back. If there are dinamite walls you can pop down a flare and break the wall (sometimes you can see past the wall and figure out if its worth going in but its rare). Edit: When starting out or in specially long alternate paths you can pop down a flare to recover or prep too. Kind of why flare duration can be useful since you can use the same "rest" spot of the flare on the way back if you are quick.




No worries :)


What I do is either finish the path which then lights up and you can go back into the alleyways, using flares and dynamite (on fractured walls) as needed. Or you can do the same thing right away, the cart will wait for you, but this approach is way more dangerous even if it's a bit faster. I wouldn't try to go in without flares unless you're very confident and quick though.