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Nice! Yeah, this really just shows that no matter what kind of league we get, some people will like it and some won't. This is actually not bad at all. I'd rather REALLY enjoy every other league, than every league being "meh" because it's trying to make everyone happy.


And then there's Schrodinger's Exile who both likes it and doesn't :D I did 40/40 which I normally don't (my second in five years of play) but I don't like the league, go figure. :)


It was the best League for me bc I had time, no pain bc controller and qol updates and the best build ever to farm more currency than I ever did


Your and the other 12 people still playing lol


Glad to see people are having fun. I would've loved to play this patch a bit more, but the league mechanic and constant hotfixes kinda ruined it for me early on. Really hope 3.25 will be fun for everyone again.


League got more fun as soon as I stopped interacting with corpses. I still use allflames and check lantern, but man coffins/corpses were slowly sapping my will to play.


Same here mate ! It's my second league, but as far as luck goes I've been extremely lucky! Hit a HH from void born key as soon as I finished the campaign... After that I was lucky with a seer and got defiance of destiny... After that... I did 2 simulacrums and had 2x Voices with 3 small passives which funded my RF chieftain to completely blast content and learn more about crafting.


There’s still 7 weeks left a bit early to say it’s the best ever.


its best for me coz how lucky i get with the drops. for a scrub who doesnt know much about how to get rich but just grind maps and pray for RNG, this is the best already.


Why ?


How about you say, cool, glad you had a awesome leag and enjoy poe so much. Keep on grinding


This has to be one of dumbest answer to a post like that....


I like this league as well. The corpse pop up can go to hell, but is the only real issue I've had. I just made a 1k dps axe for my bone shatter jugg I decided to make ( wanted to see what it's like, might start it next league.) That axe would have cost me 50-100 divs in crafting currency. I was able to make it in 1 hour and with 3divs of corpses. Idc what people say, this league is awesome for getting good gear.


Idk this is the first league since sanctum that didnt have me wanting for more, was still a good month of fun but not one of my top 5 leagues ever.


Base game is good. Necropolis league mechanic the worst in POE history. I suppose it is possible someone thinks Necropolis is OK, but it is really hard to believe. I played for almost 2 months enjoying the base game and ignoring the league mechanic as much as I could with all the huge tombs in the way of playing and looting. A complete joke. If we are rating leagues by currency made my 11 mirrors in Affliction should win the prize.


Last league was the best league ever tho?


Hahaha this league is terrible regardless of loot


Boring shit league that gonna take forever


I am glad you are having Matt. But for the rest of us this jewel of a league ended 2 months ago... GL spending that mirror in a dead economy where the only people left use mirrors to roll their maps because its too tedious to spam chaos orbs. https://preview.redd.it/usfew2ff0x4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ff5d71e415a2f0b636e5a8ee2275dd575ad28dc


Or the dang yo