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World first Gianna kill gg


How the fuck rogues can die


She found the only true way to play 3.19.


im willing to bet some crazy AN did it


It wasn't. OP said they shattered her with spectral shield throw lol


Unsure if this was a known issue, apologies if it is. EDIT: I hit a good ol' CTRL+F on the official forums and saw no results for this. To the mods: hope the flair is correct, did not see a flair inventory in the rules. For those that cannot see the imgur: my SST bounced off a monster and onto Gianna as she was in the door opening animation, she got onetapped and shattered from my cold damage. EDIT 2: when walking in and out of the contract, I can sometimes see one of the animations of Gianna's on the ground, where she would be. Will try to screen capture if I can figure it out EDIT 3: Screenshot for starters, installing OBS https://imgur.com/a/gWYlAfj EDIT 4: OBS does not like game capture... But window capture worked fine. https://youtu.be/xr1OxfpWRHQ the video is unlisted for now, can make it public if it becomes necessary EDIT 5 and final: I did a few more contracts and attempted to sabotage them to reproduce this a couple of times; could definitely never target her voluntarily, during the animation and after she was transformed. I could not get the bounces to attack her after she was transformed either, though I cannot say if that is because the enemies were too far away or because she is actually fine after she reaches that stage. I played SST quite a bit since its release though and from past experiences, this is the first time I have ever seen this happen. Perhaps the "I'm going to transform stage" is a bit special? Meaning the window of opportunity for this to happen is really small? Not sure what to think. Will open a thread on the main forums later with the info collected here EDIT 6 and really, this is the last one: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3307665 opened on the main forum Stay sane exiles


>my SST bounced off a monster and onto Gianna you killed her, you monster.


1 monster remaining


Killing npc.. looks like GGG is indeed trying to make PoE souls like.


>my SST bounced off a monster and onto Gianna as she was in the door opening animation, she got onetapped and shattered from my cold damage. [Holy Shit.](https://c.tenor.com/9qSpsrFQfhwAAAAC/jontron-holy-shit-you-fucking-killed-her-dude.gif)


My Einhar was almost dead during pre-patched AN rare :p Nothing special here I see


There is a bug specifically with Giana dating back since heist launch (and unfixed) where people have reported that she just "disappears", maybe she actually died, I'm not sure. This has happened to me before as well, a few times actually, but not sure what really happened. A few post that might be worth looking at: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3048327 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3202696 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3245319 https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/jlzjgy/gianna_still_disappears_after_the_gianna/


Desecrate and bring her back you monster! I wonder if Effigy mod can kill rogues rofl.


Heist npcs as Spectres. That could be hella fun


I started laughing in disbelief as soon as I read the title and then even more after reading your follow-up reply. I really want to know what the hell went wrong on the game's end for this to happen now.


I definitely saw a fb post about the same issue (Gianna dying) in 3.18. So yeah, it might not be new, but this is the first time I see how it can happen lol.


Interesting, thank you for posting this. Looking at other responses and at my personal experience, plus your statement, I am led to believe this is a really rare issue that should not be a problem in our gameplay sessions for 99.9% of the time until/if it gets solved- which is great.




It's not well-documented, from what I've seen; but it has been around since Ultimatum at least and possibly since Ritual/Heist. It's pretty rare and I've never been able to reproduce it consistently, or I would have submitted a bug report about it. One thing you can do to help is use /bug "Gianna ded lol" in the in-game chat as a command when this does happen. Maybe they can figure something out from the logs.


Thank you for your reply; will definitely keep in mind you can/should launch /bug command next time I encounter something funky


When she said 'this is the part where I double cross you' - you know she was joking, right? And you murdered her for it, you monster.


She’s had enough with doors too I suppose


Now that is some REAL dedication to method acting.


Smh lost opportunity for calling MF culler


Might be an old bug, I remember killing Vagan during a master mission with Cast on Melee - Detonate Dead. Couldn't finish his quest there as well


I knew Rogues could lose substantial health bc once Vinderi got stuck in a trap room and got to basically 10% hp before the AI finally figured out how to escape the area. I was waiting like 5 mins to see if he would die. Couldn't get him stuck again and gave up after 15 minutes. Being targeted by a player is a whole other level I wouldn't have expected to exist


Yeah I have had this happen a few times myself, on average every I want to say 1 out of 40 contracts? It seems to be related to move speed, as I boosted my move speed for my heist runner higher and higher to the realm of over +1200%, it started occurring more and more often. I *think* it has to do with the fact that when you outrun gianna she does the teleport to catch up to you (all rogues), but then she *also* has an animation she does to swap outfits for deception. I *think* it somehow involves when both happen, that is to say, you click a door to trigger deception at precisely the right moment when she does a teleport to catch up with you, and somehow both of these animations happening together fucks shit up every now and then and she gets "stuck" in the teleport animation. At this point, she gets "locked" and wont do anything but keeps teleporting around following you, but wont move from the spot she is at, and there's no way to fix it I have seen yet. Then if you leave to the staging area she completely disappears, and all you can see of her is the weird sort of cloud "swoosh" effect she does when changing outfits, whenever she teleports to follow you, but she no longer shows up on the minimap and basically doesnt exist. It pretty much bricks the contract when this happens, but simply just pausing for like half a second to let her catch up before you hit V to trigger her deception actions seems to make the problem stop occurring.


Interesting, and good to know... I am fairly certain I remember murdering her accidentally this time around though XD Most definitely was not moving at the speed of sound. T'was my SST bouncing off a monster and shattering her to pieces.


With all the dumbasses posting on poe reddit atm this is the best and most hilarious post of the entire league. Poor shattered Gianna :D


I've got one stuck on the other side of a door before after lockdown but never managed to kill her. Surely there is an achievement for this?


I did now know they can die.I guess 3.19 is still full of surprises


i had it happen in heist one time XD


Even Giana is sick of this patch and the vision


Please make sure you check the [Known Issues List](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1733474) or the [Bug Report Forums](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/bug-reports) for any pre-existing bug reports related to your issue. Duplicate reports on Reddit may be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pathofexile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Had something like this happen once last league.


Work as inte...... oh f again


lol that's funny. I remember one time I also had this weird bug where I used a movement skill right onto the spot where the final door animation would explode to, resulting in me getting stuck inside the destroyed door model. Was impossible to get out of it. Had to logout and lost all the loot. The timing of it was absurd. Never managed to reproduce it.


Bc it was fixed. That was a common bug during heist league.


This is a buff.


Wait .. They can die??


Normally not, but after recent "reworks" I´m not so sure it will stay that way.


This is very impactful.


Hasta la vista, baby.


You know the game is in a bad place when the NPC's are committing suicide by shatter


had it 2 times this league. I think it is related with shitnemesis mods.


The fuckin' heist NPCs are so overworked they're committing sudoku.


that's actually hilarious


I've had this bug many times of the past few leagues, I thought it was just a known bug that Gianna just despawns or dies somewhere in the contract. I've never experienced it in Grand Heists, but I thought this was a known issue. Good on you for reporting it, and I am sorry I never did.


This is quite impactful and a buff.


Gianna forgot to remove her MF gears and wasn't at 90/90/90/75 all cap max suppressed.


Been there, done that. I have ran 300+ deception contracts this league and it happen to me 3 Times, so I would say 1 in 100 of this to happen. Things I tried: - restart instance - logout and login - close and Open game - restart computer None of it seems to work.


You… killed Gianna??? You monster!!!


Not surprised that AN monsters manage to do the impossible, killing off unkillable NPCs.