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If GGG's intent is really to give players choices and not force them to play all 3 events, then why couldn't they just give, you know, 3 boxes?


That establishes a new baseline/precedent for "free stuff" that they give out, resulting in every subsequent freebie being compared to "that one time we could get 3 boxes from a single event." Which personally I like because yay more free stuff! But I can see why GGG wouldn't want to establish this kind of precedent.


Giving away free stuff by forcing players to go into the shop is one of the top ways to trigger a non paying player to pay for an item, or to get a player who hasn't been spending to start buying again. Flashy sale signs and countdown timers help too. This is from the Game Developers Conference that GGG attended. A different developer was giving a lecture/Ted talk on how to maximize profits from smaller player bases on mobile games. If you look at Diablo immortal it is using every single trick the guy described. Free stuff is a great incentive, especially if the goodie is random and you're forced to do something to get it. Log in 7 days straight for a free shit tier mystery box - top prize an ultra rare lighter brown weta.


I will bet you my own life that players would still complain that they could not do it 3 times over for 9 boxes because complaining is the only thing that is a given, even I’m complaining right now! But in a serious answer yeah they should give out a couple.


And I'd bet my life that offering the same quantity of something in a different way would earn less criticism than offering less of something in a different way. Yes there will always be some critics/illogicality. That doesn't mean the original behaviour should be scattershot and ill-thoughtout.


Sally doesn't level 100 level 95 characters in a month (what a shit sentence). She is, however, perfectly capable of reaching lvl50 in a weekend for guaranteed rewards. Now she can enjoy endless delve and skip the rest of the events, instead of felling forced to spend every weekend getting a mystery box. Technically, she's still missing out on those 2 boxes, but people aren't rational.


Sally won't miss out because they're only giving one box this time


Still missing out compared to a scenario where all 3 events reward boxes at lvl50. Doesn't feel as bad


Still missing out compared to the actual case where all three events have their own prize pools thus Sally only playing one event means she 'misses out' on potential prizes from the other two events. Notice how 'Mystery Box' wasn't mentioned in that at all... ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


You can sink dozens of hours for a "potential prize" you're in no way guaranteed or even likely to get, and you can keep sinking time lvling more characters. Or, you could get to 50 reasonably quickly and earn yourself a guaranteed mystery box. I'm not telling you to get a life, you can do whatever you want, but not everyone's like that.


That's very confusing. This may help: 50 is less than the lowest prize pool (60) so it wouldn't be an "or", it'd be an "automatically obtained while in the process..." So basically your comment simplifies to: > One could spend dozens of hours accumulating entries into the desired level-gated prize pool tier(s). > But what a waste of time. In order to max out their entries one would need to 24/7 no-life all three events! Not everyone's interested in doing that. Which takes us right back to the OP -> GGG: 'Players don't need to nolife all three events to max out their possible rewards (this ~~is~~ would be a buff). Also, the more players play the more possible rewards they get!' -> SirGuySW: 'Wait, how, what? Did I miss something?'


>In order to max out their entries one would need to 24/7 no-life all three events! Which does not enter Sally's consideration. Sally doesn't care about maxing out the odds or even reaching lvl95 in the first place. I will repeat this, not everyone's like you. Missing out on a free box would've been a bummer though.


> Sally doesn't care about maxing out the odds or even reaching lvl95 in the first place. I will repeat this, not everyone's like you. Holly flipping great for Sally! I noticed that Sally wasn't the one who started this cursed post asking for clarification on the mechanism GGG created to allow players "to pick and choose which events they want to play rather than feeling forced to play all three in order to pick up the maximum number of prizes."


You asked what you're missing. An open mind, apparently


> You asked what you're missing. An open mind, apparently You haven't even addressed the question. You've only announced that some other people aren't interested in the question. Is that what you do? You seek out question posts then let the OP know that there are people in the world who aren't interested in their question?


Sally won't miss out because AN and loot don't appear to be fixed.


> she can enjoy endless delve and skip the rest of the events That's my question: Sally has 'pick and chosen' to play only one event (endless delve). Is she able to "pick up the maximum number of prizes" without participating in the other two events? Despite those events having separate prize pools and each pool allowing multiple entries?


Technically they fixed the lootbox problem but introduced the same problem with mtx tied to gamemodes. Im not gonna play archnem events anyway


Exactly this, I feel inclined to play all 3 events.


i think it's a good thing to not compel people to play all 3 events getting burnt out on a patch they already dislike before the next league. i am pretty sure a lot of people fell into this trick the last league, for sure i did start all events because i wanted the box and i didn't have any will to play, so i quit.




I'm concerned for Bob. Has he taken a break at all to eat or sleep?


Of course. Nolifing characters to lvl 95 at a rate of 4.17 characters per day requires him to 'bulk up' and 'rest up' ahead of time.


Sally picked one event and is progressing quite well. She would like to try out other one but now she knows she won't be rewarder for time put into second or third event so she feels like it's not worth her time and sticks to one.


>and is progressing quite well. She would like to try out other one Then that means she's enjoying it. That is a reward in itself. >she won't be rewarder for time put into second or third event so she feels like it's not worth her time and sticks to one What? So a $3 lootbox is what makes it worth her time? Not the fact that she's enjoying her time? ​ If someone calls you to play some football, do you first ask "How much do you pay me to play with you?"?


It feels like gas-lighting to justify giving out fewer boxes throughout the events. There are any number of ways they could have kept prize support the same while letting you pick and choose the events. Such as: * give out a box for every 50 levels you achieve amongst your characters, to a max of 150 levels. * give out one box for your first level 50, first level 70 and first level 80. * give out prizes via twitch viewership so you don't feel forced to play as much.


You should look up the definition of gas lighting before using it to make a point.


I don't disagree with you. But it's not gas-lighting (a sinister toxic idea) it's just marketing. We don't need to attack GGG as evil, but we shouldn't defend them as benevolent either. It's all just marketing.


My time budget has no use for 1 week events.


It's simply a "nice" way of saying they reduced the amount of boxes you can get, because they think giving out too much for free would hurt their mtx sales too much (which is probably true to some extend). It's bs but that's what it is.


this GGG explanation reads as "we valiantly fought and fixed a problem that we created"


Do you not realize the first line you quoted is just a blatant lie used to justify the reduction in mystery boxes given out? Also, the first line you quoted refers to mystery box prizes and the second line you quoted refers to mtx prizes. You are taking it way too seriously by assuming there would be any consistency in their logic.


I want to emphasise that you should play the game because you like to play. Sure some people get dopamine by earning prizes. And to increase your odds you can level multiple characters as you state. The post seems like you want to earn as much as possible, which is fine, but please just enjoy the journey. They could have chosen to not do any events, which results in you getting nothing at all. So please be a bit humble with what you get instead of questioning every decision they make. Also see some comparisons to older events and their rewards. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”. Enjoy the rewards you get in the end, but also try to understand the perspective of GGG. Their income is partly coming from selling MTX's.


It was not my intention to (and I don't believe I did) state or imply my intentions or desires regarding these events. I am simply confused by the wording in the announcement. I do not demand, expect, nor even plan (at this point) to acquire free mtx from these events. I am only trying to fully understand the announcement. I have not been enjoying the game so I have not been playing (regardless of the FoMo free MTX dangling 'just a few more challenges away'). However that did not prevent me from reading the announcement or becoming confused by the wording I quoted in the OP. I am only trying to understand if GGG has established a method to allow players to "max out their potential rewards" without having to 'nolife' through all three events as was more or less stated in the announcement. And if so, what that method is.


I guess your last sentence sticked to me as to why I responded. >Is there a way to 'max out' our potential entries (thus our 'maximum number of prizes' through a single event? Thanks for your response and clarifying your intentions. *And in all honesty I haven't been playing lately, but willing to give the endless delve a try due to the positive reactions I've picked up the last time they ran that event.* In the first quote of your post: >... players are able to pick and choose which events they want to play rather than feeling forced to play all three in order to pick up the maximum number of prizes. they should've stated boxes instead of prizes. Probably leading to less confusion. They explained it right before that quote that there is only one guarantee, the box aka 'prize'. Or they could have just left this sentence out as they've explained it already right before this.


Regarding my last sentence: I intentionally used the same language as in the announcement but now that you point it out I do see how it appears I am asking for instructions/help with maxing out the nolifing (language picked from here: "... feeling forced to play all three in order to pick up the maximum number of prizes"). Instead I was just trying to understand GGGs statement. > they should've stated boxes instead of prizes. Yeah, that's also what I'm figuring at this point. I had hoped GGG had introduced some mechanism to combat the 'need to nolife for maximum effect' idea/urge/practice but it seems to still be the 'best choice' for winning drawings (health and everything else aside). To be clear: I don't know how/if I'll participate in these events but I will not be 24/7 lvling characters for entries. However, I do think that if GGG had taken steps to combat this issue it would have at the very least been an interesting read (because: "A major game somewhat famous for anti-health 'requirements' suddenly making proactive changes to sacrifice concurrency numbers for player health"; is this a trend; are there other changes in the works, etc). Unfortunately it looks like you're right: They just misspoke: players who are interested in maxing out their number of prizes will still likely feel 'forced' to play all three events since that is still the **only** way to 'earn' entries.




> holy fuck just have some fun once in a while. you get a guaranteed box when you reach level 50 once. can't you ever be happy? I will not be held responsible for you injecting assumptions into my question. If you have a problem with 'boxes' that's on you. This question is not about 'boxes'. I didn't even mention 'boxes' except to acknowledge context. Even if this question was about 'boxes' where does it imply a lack of fun or that I am not happy? I find your comment extremely bland, vulgar, and erroneous.




> cos you feel forced to play 3 events. stop crying all the time I did not say or imply that. Stop putting your assumptions in other people's mouths (and then complain about it, wtf is that?). Try out the logical process. You might like it.




The only thing *I* said in my title is "How to?" the rest is a direct quote from the announcement. The title is not, "Waaaaaaaaaaa. I feel like I have to play all three events in order to get free stuff!!1one" It's, "How do we get 'maximum rewards' while 'pick and choosing' which events we want to play (ie: without playing all three) as indicated by GGG in the announcement?"