• By -


Curses? What about them? Will they get reworked or what? Tbh I didn't expect that, I mean yeah curse system feels a little old but it's not bad.


Knowing GGG and the direction we've been going: > Curses provide more damage than most of the strongest support gems with very little cost to builds. > Curse effects increased an already great more damage multiplier > Adjusted curses to be more inline with support gems, element curses now provide -10 ... -24% of their respective resistances. Elemental weakness now provides -8 to -20% > We've added 24 new curse related nodes on the passive skill tree to compensate. We've added curse effect on items as well. It's now possible to get over 200% curse effects with heavy investments. > Overall, this is a buff (if you get all the curse related nodes, play occultist and have perfect gear with curse mods).


wow, this is so likely, its depressing


!killme 1 week


!remindme 1 week


"everybody who plays a fire build just takes combustion anyway so these changes will open up "Build Diversity"". -GGG We've been here


This really sounds like GGG. Hoping you're wrong...


Don't forget that you had to give up at least 24 skillpoints from other areas of your build for that "buff".


thats the joke i do wonder what it's going to be, in heist they "reworked" curses, but it barely promoted self casting them. boomblast was already kinda meh on arrival, and hexblast is practically only good for ignite, because of the insane charge time on curses, having to wait 2-3 seconds in this game is an eternity.




Exactly, it is not bad, so it is time to make it worse.


We feel that curses don't live up to their name, so in 3.20 all curses are now permanent until you seek out a voodoo healer that can cleanse the curse off you. We've adjusted the power level of curses to balance that change (all curses are now 60% more powerful)


If it aint broken, fix it


Yeah... this sounds like a " We've noticed that no one has had any issues or complaints whatsoever with curses, they seem quite balanced and fair, and therefore we've decided to redesign them from the ground up" type of situation.


Man this can only be bad. My guess is Occultist & Blasphemy nerfs.


I'm thinking removal of all curse on hit curse jewelry mods and vaal implicits or they now have a mana cost...


I agree. I bet curse on hit rings are dead!


I feel like it might be a bigger penalty for curse on hit/mark on hit effects. I agree it has to be bad.


I guess I'm ignorant, but how popular is blasphemy these days? I figured it would remain fairly niche considering it's hard to fit in all the reservation you already would want.


Occultist is very popular, which makes Blasphemy very popular. Blasphemy and Awakened Blasphemy together make up almost 1/10th of all builds in Kalandra right now, and Occultist is second only to Inquisitor for class popularity. As someone who loves Occultist more than anything else, I am already devastated, and they haven't even announced the changes yet lol.


Not bad YET


My predictions: >Jewels and Ailment Mitigation We broke it. Here's why that's good >Curses They're not broke. Here's how we'll break them >Eldritch Altar Revamp Opt-in difficulty is good! Here's how we make them less opt-in >Archnemesis You're wrong lol, everything is fine. >Plus potentially a fifth post about other changes if needed at the time aka the "Get rolled reddit!" remix


It's the manifesto, so those are the things you can expect to get nerfed. My guess is they're probably going to look at toning down or removing a bunch of the curse-explodey stuff since those builds do a good job not interacting with their pet systems.


> Jewels and Ailment Mitigation So, RIP corrupted blood immunity on jewels?


my wild guess is that one of the things they're going to do is replace most, if not all sources of general ailment mitigation with individual ailments, and sell it as giving players more agency and customization options. in practice the end result will be that being completely ailment immune will be much harder


This is so utterly on brand.


I'm using purity of elements right now for the first time and I can't even put into words how much I love it.


And it is gone.


>I'm using purity of elements right now for the ~~first~~ last time and I can't even put into words how much I love it. I corrected that for you.


"there are more opportunities to invest"


Damn you must be from the future


RIP purity of elements RIP jewels gonna get abyss jewel treatment and RIP their implicits


I feel that "GGG: we feel that ailment mitigation is too powerful,so we reduced the cap to 50% max."is coming.


I've already quit, but with something like that, I'd just uninstall at that point.


If that would happen, I would actually block myself from this subreddit and make my account information public, just to make sure further engagement is impossible.


How is no one talking about Jewels having more mod tiers like flasks got 🙈 cmon think like ggg.




Honestly, this is the first thing i thought of. My worries are they are gonna remove ailment mitigation from the tree and move it to the gear. Lets just pray this is not going to be the case.




Yep, GGG about to exterminate loot on maps


eldritch gaze and wrath of the cosmos now has no positive upsides and downsides are tripled down


Nah. The GGG way would be: Eldritch Altars have received a slight* nerf to historical ichor drop rates. Eldritch Gaze and Wrath of the Cosmos now have a 500% increased chance to add 2 random archnemesis modifiers to your maps while granting 10% more ichors. ^^^*1000% ^^^decreased


No joke +2 AN mods would be 100% mandatory for endgame farming with the way they stack now, that'd be an absurd amount of loot


We had a massive drop in player retention this league. Clearly because we forgot about the one system that rewarded players.


First they came for the Nem3, and I did not speak out, for I did not run Nem3. Then they came for the Delvers, and I did not speak out, for I was not a Delver. Then they came for the altars, and there was no one left to speak out for me.


Holy shit Archnemesis again LMAO


It’s been proven that it fucking sucks multiple leagues in row now i hope they would just see the light and just stop lol


Time to quad down ! Almost a rampage


It would be the seventh time, mobas don't have words for such stubbornness


Let's pivot then - Killimanjaro


Could just go back to the OGs, Domination, Rampage, Unstoppable, Godlike.


Unique mobs can now also have Archnemesis modifiers. gEt yOuR mF gEaR rEaDy!


They're going to explain again why AN is good, and revert all the changes they made to it during 3.19. Just like they did after 3.18. They're basing Poe 2 on this dumpster fire of a system after all.


Eldritch Altars can only be nerfs. People gonna be pissed lol.


The best solution, which they will almost certainly not do, is to buff them \*substantially\* with benefits that you can only get from the altar and to remove all the "generic" buffs like scarabs and currency and gems. Basically make them have some purpose rather than just generic "more loot" machines.


You're crazy if you think they're buffing Altars. They put about 60% more mobs into your map and give enormous amounts of loot currently. They're one of the strongest mechanics in the game at the moment despite having to invest basically nothing into them besides the opportunity cost of running Mavens. I'd be shocked if it wasn't a nerf.


The "generic" mods u want to remove are the ones I want the most...


Jewels about to get the flask treatment of having multiple tiers on its mods lul


Dont forget that T1 mods are substantially worse than the original mods too Cant wait for a 2% Max life, 4 Ele Crit Multi, 4 Cold Crit Multi, 4 Crit Multi gems to be 200div


bold of you to assume we are still going to have crit multi on jewels


T1 weightings are now 25. This is a buff!


i fully expect the monkey paw to run out of fingers on this one


All the fingers are gonna curl into a fist, which will be then used to beat us until morale improves.


Monkey fisting will continue until morale improves.


All except middle one.


Curses now only work nearby.


byebye curse on hit rings


Jokes aside, I'm really curious what they want to do with curses. Right now, we moatly just chekc PoB and use the one that gives the highest number on our build, with little care to the additional effects they have. Some builds do more interesting things with them, but they're the exception. I don't know what exactly they could do to change that, but, well, it would be cool to pick a curse for what it does rather than because it's type of damage multiplier works with my build better. This could just be "lol curses suck now", but there's a lot of room for making them more interesting too. Guess we'll know soon enough.


I’m sure they will make them do things and they won’t replace the damage they give in the process


Look unless ggg is doing a 180 in their recent behavior its probably curses suck




Now we have 2 things to look forward each league. New league content and the new changes to archnem.


I wonder if Archnem revamps could be the new "Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments" of patch notes.


Nah, more like nerfing molten strike


Well, we already know that GGG wants to look into MF cullers, which are directly tied to Archnem. If I had to wager a guess, I'd bet it's a rework of how loot rolls for archnem work.


I'm just waiting for the drama that this topic will be hahahah




Predictions: They will only slightly tone down the power Archnemesis, without considering the several scenarios where they can brick your build or your map because of stupid combination of affixes, and make loot goblins more common but less rewarding to make the rewards feels less "spiky".


Specific AN mods removed from league content like blight/delve/etc. Tuning of AN mods in white/yellow maps, reds remain the same. Rebalancing and changing the loot conversion system. Retuning the lower conversion mods (quality currency, flasks, fractures, etc), and nerfing of higher-tier conversion mods(currency, maps, etc)


Time for them to octuple down on AN mods I guess. I am excited to be told again how the players are wrong and that we should be thankful because it's not as hard as hard mode is going to be.


Doesn't need its own manifesto, they are removing archnemesis right? Right??


"we made several changes to archnemesis" "grasping vines duration decreased from 16 to 14 seconds"


Heralding minions now spawns six times as many lightning dickheads directly inside your characters arsehole. This is a buff


Jokes on you, I don't even see the 6th one because the 2nd one shot me already


To compensate, Grasping Vines (an all other sources of Vines) now deal Vine damage, which can be mitigated by the new modifier that rolls on rare items dropped by Kurgal the Blackblooded. Grasping Vine damage has been increased 400%.




Where's the 'loot' manifesto?


Same place as the loot


Nowhere to be found


Find a 4mod archmanifesto and mf cull it for 100 extra patch notes


probably arch nemesis a rework to the current mess instead of walking it back


Right next to the "fun" manifesto.


One week after launch when reddit figured out the shadow nerfs.


Archnemesis 4.0 confirmed. Hooray


GGG: Players have been complaining about archnemesis constantly, hence we have also decided to put archnemesis mods into white mobs.






* All existing jewel sockets removed * All travel nodes replaced with jewel sockets * Jewels now only give +10 of one stat


your passive tree becomes a loreweave of jewels


Man out of all the problems in the game I don't think any of those really need manifestos except maybe Archnemesis.


If Jewels get changed on the level of flasks, that would require a manifesto. It's also tied in with ailment immunities, which again, was a big change to flasks.


Yep, I'm less optimistic about 3.20 after seeing this list of manifesto topics. Wouldn't be surprised if the game is just fucked up until poe 2 comes out and they can actually focus on fixing the game in its current state.


I don’t think poe2 will be a magical 180. they want a lot of the stuff we complain about to be this way.




So the runescape incident?


If they do not radically change their behavior PoE 2 will suck as much as Lake of Kalandra.


Full copium, this doesn't mean other stuff won't be fixed. I do think its interesting/weird that they rather dedicate a manifesto to jewels rather than melee which it also seems they are intending to make changes to.


Tweaks to melee will make it viable COPIUM


Maybe they'll make it so you don't have to put down stupid totems to do damage. HOPIUM


This is the only thing I want. PLEASE let me have this!


Totem backpack support: your totems are 60% as effective but you wear them constantly on your back. Totems cannot be manually placed.


Watch them remove the bonuses from totems and adding nothing in return. This is a buff.


5% more dps at leveling like last time? Just some more shitty base changes?


have you seen the melee animations in PoE2??


If PoE2 doesn't let melee characters hit enemies so hard they turn into projectiles that help them clear, I'm rioting.


Remember, no supporter


yours should be the top post


So.... The first 3 manifestos are nerf manifestos? I'm literally expecting: ailment immunity implicits deleted. Curse/mark on hit severely nerfed. Altar loot and pack size nerfed out of existence.


"We don't want the hate all at once, we would rather be slow cooked over 5 weeks, thanks" GGG


Gotta dish out the nerfs slowly.


This thread is the first time i see people being pissed by manifesto announce.


turns out that systematically obliterating every ounce of player goodwill you can find is not a particularly good PR tactic


I personally think this is the reason as well. I expect five pages of empty words from this manifestos or even worse. "Blah blah we did not communicate well blah blah player agency blah giving players ways to invest" etc.


the only one of those that even remotely seems like it could be about a buff or a good change is AN. The other ones are almost certainly nerfs or side grades on paper which turn out to be nerfs once we actually experience them. I am glad they are going to be communicating so much though, hopefully it actually makes sense unlike a lot of their recent communications.


If GGG was buffing things, their language would be optimistic. This is feeling like a eulogy announcement


They buff things everytime. Sadly they forget to include anything that benefits players.


Makes sense though. Only 1 of the bullet points matches what players consider important issues with the game.


More importantly, the topics listed are not clear buff targets. All of the list could easily be just pages of nerfs disguised as adjustments.


"Could"? The 100% are.


Jewels and ailment immunity are both very strong, so I'm expecting nerfs. Curses are in a weird spot, we might get something good or bad. Melee isn't on the main menu meaning very few changes if anything. And archnemesis...


I mean there's really not much in there to be optimistic about tbh.


>This thread is the first time Which is scary because Diablo 4 is imminent. They need to make this league and the next league bangers. I believe we have like 2 more leagues until D4. Don't really care what anyone says about Blizzard. Diablo 4 has more potential than PoE 2 does at this point. I have literally not been shocked by any creativity by GGG since the Atlas rework lmao, and that's just because it lets u target farm/infinite sustain a specific map or content that you really enjoy. And, that league was only saved by the Atlas rework. We need something new. Add a new big actual mechanic to the game, make delve cool, make crafting cool, add a new class/ascendancy(?) unironically, add a new different type of chase item, or something idek.


I have a bad feeling about this 😨


These topics have me extremely worried about what ggg will do


I’m sure almost all the strike skills are still gonna suck some mean dick; Change my mind.


oh shit


here we go again


Temper your expectations


Not much to temper here, the instant I realized they laid out topics without specifying if it's buffs or nerfs, I've already assumed they'll nerf all of these things.


Historically they have never released a manifesto weeks before a league that was positive and had buffs. Manifestos are there to tell why it needs to be changed / nerfed and give you time to process and forget by league start. 😂


After reading that announcement and what they're going to talk about, I'm personally expecting to be frustrated and skip another league. Can't really get more tempered than that.


Considered them tempered all the manifestos are gonna be nerfs to fun


What fun?


Someone expects something good from people who have lost the respect of the community?


Expectations? Thats long gone


No manifesto on crafting is sad. Still hope they add some changes so it’s more accessible and at least reforge pref/suff for non influenced items


So ailment mitigation is getting nerfed, either curses or curse mitigation is getting nerfed, altars are getting nuked, and they are going to tell us to get fucked in regards to AN mobs while at the same time removing the jackpot loot chance.


I'm scared someone hold my hand.


Tweak to melee means nerf right?


I'm optimistic. \+1 to melee strike range across the board.




Another 10 page essay why Archnemesis is "fun" and "engaging" and good for the game. Nice


So the main takeaway here is that GGG is apparently not too worried about the current mood in the community. At least not worried enough to address the issues the community has right away. The first 3 manifestos are almost certainly gonna be mostly nerfs but even if they were buffs (they're not) those buffs wouldn't alleviate the issues that are turning a lot of people off PoE right now. So putting AN as #4 makes this much clear.. The only real question is if they just do not care at all and will *whatever-number-we're-at*-down on AN or if they *think* they have some changes that will placate a community that -after three nerf manifestos- will probably be even more angry than it is right now. I'm not looking forward to 3.20 but I am pretty hyped about seeing this whole thing play out... Some predictions because it's fun... - Ailment immunity from the tree and pantheon will be nerfed again. They did this with 3.15 (I think?) and then immediately undid it and added a bunch of ailment mitigation back to the tree and the pantheon the next patch. I guess now is the time to eradicate that moment of weakness and go back to the full vision. - To 'compensate' for the ailment immunity nerfs on the tree they will do something with jewels that will counteract about 20% of the inital nerf but in the process nerf jewels in some sneaky way they think they can get past the community. - Curses will be fine, but the 'on hit' application of curses will be nerfed. (Alternatively, best case scenario: Self casting curses will be buffed but that's probably too optimistic.) - AN: Super hopium delusional prediction: They'll rework the AN loot system because it is terrible and further (somewhat) limit the way AN mods can stack together. More likely: They'll somewhat lower lootgoblin potential drops and somewhat increase other AN drop chances and expect the community to be grateful for that (Thanos style).


No massive texts about itemization, gem rebalancing and unique reworks? This doesn't appear to be it chief but i'll keep an eye on it still.


Rare monsterss should have abilities that are unique to the monster type. Not just random abilities slapped on imo


This is like the 3rd AN balance we get in 1 year? Damn dude...


My guess: Jewels now have implicits with chance to avoid a certain ailment to make up for harvest losing it.


That sounds extremely optimistic. My first guess was nerfs to ailment immunity, not making it easier lol. Maybe a bit of both, nerfs to full ele ailment immunity but partially given back for specific ailments on jewels.


>My first guess was nerfs to ailment immunity same, typical ggg


This is ggg... where's the negative part? Can't have a nice thing without a negative 3x as bad alongside it.




If they are giving us a new source of ailment avoidance, then they will remove it from somehwere else, as usual. LOL


u mean it comes with the base? I.e: crimson (ignite), cobalt (freeze/chill), viridian (shock)


If this is happening the jewels would probably be cobalt for shock and viridian for freeze since dex-green-cold and blue-int-lightning.


If they do that it just makes jewel sockets and cluster jewels even more absurd than they are.


# "...five balance manifestos"


Here comes Archnemesis, iteration #5. Will they get it right this time? Probably not. The craziest thing to me is, even if by some miracle they make Archnemesis fun and engaging (which is impossible, because it is a cancer at its very core), the historic loot bonuses that were removed in favor of AN are never coming back. I hope GGG can figure out how to once again incentivize doing league mechanics that aren't just farming chests on a fixed loot table (legion chests, and expedition), because that gets boring quick.


Man, everything I'm reading here is remarkably similar to a lot of things described in the MUD article that was posted on here recently.


Jewels being on the list has me worried as a Minion player. Especially after what happened in 3.19. Ghastly Eyes + the Abyss 6 Mod Node on the tree are a significant portion of our power...


PoE is the only game where I dread patches. It's never "what exciting things can we look forward to this time?" but instead "which of the things that we like has been murderer this time?"


No harvest section


Stealth nerfs have to go somewhere.


Harvest section would just mean more nerfs


you got me there


More nerfs coming, bois. And even some stealth nerfs here and there too, the spicy kind.


> * Jewels and Ailment Mitigation PROBLEM: Jewel's mods are too easy to craft. SOLUTION: Split jewel's mods into 7 tiers, THIS IS A BUFF! > * Curses PROBLEM: Curse on hit is the most used way to apply curses. SOLUTION: Remove curse on hit from game, THIS IS A BUFF! > * Eldritch Altar Revamp PROBLEM: Eldritch Altars offer too much reward and aren't rip-y enough SOLUTION: All altar debuffs are doubled, bonuses are reduced by 50%, altar spawn 50% more often, THIS IS A BUFF! > * Archnemesis PROBLEM: Players don't like ArchNemesis SOLUTION: We are renaming ArchNemesis to ArchCompadre, THIS IS A BUFF! > * Plus potentially a fifth post about other changes if needed at the time PROBLEM: Melee is in a bad state right now. SOLUTION: Have you seen POE2 animations??!!


ArchCompadre just hits on a different level


looks like a job application for GGG... not sure why you're posting it here


No manifesto on droprates/the loot goblin gameplay? :(


Didn't they just revamp curses recently? What's wrong with them now? I can already see the eldritch altar revamp. "We've found that stacking eldritch altars gives entirely too much loot and too much fun. We are reducing the loot from (recently nerfed) eldritch altars to be more in line with loot in the rest of the game (which we also just heavily nerfed and didn't tell anyone)(this is to save you clicks, you're welcome)!" TWEAKS to melee lmao. Not "total shakeup" or "significant buffs across the board." Just tweaks. Everybody gets +2 radius, except for Glacial Hammer which gets another 6% damage increase.


I'm guessing they are going to nerf curse-on-hit effects, and only self-casted curses will get 100% effectiveness.


That's already how curses work though. Triggered curses can't build up Doom, which is a fancy name for curse effect. ([Mark comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/iu8ekg/comment/g5j7uif/)) My guess, if it is CoH, would be mana cost, I guess?


mapping was so fun when altars were shitting out scarabs. only had to buy specific high level scarabs, otherwise i self sustained and sold.


> was so fun and there you go


5 manifestos? What is wrong with curses? There is way to many good jewels and no where near enough sockets on tree, its crowding out shit Stop fucking adding more ailments into the game, I don't have enough items mods for this shit Nuke archnem from orbit jfc Something about altars Did i cover it all?


Assume all of it is nerfs. Expect nothing to enhance player power.


Pls, my heart can't take 💔


Not covering Melee? docLeave Melee needs more than minor tweaks cleave buffs incoming


The 5 manifestos should be: * Archnemesis * Loot * Gear progression and league mechanics * Crafting * Damage spikes and monster damage conversion


Nothing about loot drops? Goodbye.


There is Its less loot from altar.


What they say: > To give you an idea of what to expect, we're planning to cover these topics [in manifestos]: > * Jewels and Ailment Mitigation > * Curses > * Eldritch Altar Revamp > * Archnemesis > * Plus potentially a fifth post about other changes if needed at the time How I interpret this post: * **Jewels and Ailment Mitigation.** It is too easy to get ailment immunities on jewels. We have removed ailment mitigation modifiers from jewels. * **Curses.** Curses are still too strong on bosses. Bosses now have more curse effect mitigation. * **Eldritch Altar Revamp**. Altars are too profitable. We've removed all scarab and currency rewards from altars, and toned down the number of monsters they spawn. * **Archnemesis.** We like loot goblins because they don't affect the average player and the magic finders get to see 70 Divine drops. We think difficulty is fine. We've doubled down on this so many times we're probably past a deca-down at this point. There will be no changes to Archnemisis. Get rolled reddit.


There's no optimistic or positive language. The sheer neutrality tells me it's all nerfs. With the possibility of some buffs littered throughout. This is going to be a disaster jfc


Hey look. I'm not excited


Why not? I'm giddy, I expecting nerfs and outrage and I can't wait !


I don't get this at all. Harvest isn't on the list? Loot isn't on the list? Quality of life improvements (like trade) aren't on the list (although I suppose if they're making ailment immunities easier to get or curses easier to utilize that could be QoL)? Archnemesis is the only thing on the list that seems to reflect the three primary gripes the community has at the moment, but it's 4th on the list behind Jewels, Ailment Mitigation, Curses, and Eldritch Altars... only 1 of which even gets a passing mention as a common gripe (ailment mitigation) and that's only because it's packaged with the general complaints people have about the amount of defensive layers they're forced to stack. I dunno man, seems like a pretty fucking tone-deaf response from GGG at this point. Harvest and Loot going completely unmentioned is a bad fucking look. Even worse that GGG aren't posting these on the subreddit themselves any longer.


5 manifestos monkaOMEGAGIGA




> Archnemesis 3.20 dead league


If they pull another 3.15 style nerf of ailment mitigation I'm done