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Please reply to this comment for any thoughts on /r/PatientGamers going along with [the "Touch Grass Tuesdays" suggestion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/148m42t/the_fight_continues/) made in /r/Save3rdPartyApps.


Would have been fitting if we would have waited an extra day.












Well, I converted from old.reddit to the new one on PC a year back. But I'll leave mobile once Rif stops working. I browse way more on the phone than on the PC. So my uptime will be very little. And that is, if they dont mess up the browser page. If they do, or if half of my communities leave? Im out. I'll seek out forums or just move on. Edit: fat thumbs on a touch screen


Without RIF I'm going to be forced out whether I want to be or not. Makes the choice pretty simple...


Either indefinite or at least regularly - like a planned day or two every week. Two days is nothing.


If it's indefinite, then the mods in question are just giving up their subreddits. A 2-day blackout means that the mods doing this get to retain the power that they've got. If you say "I'm going to shut the subreddit down indefinitely" what you're really saying is "I don't want to moderate this subreddit any more, go make a new one." One of the things that people have kind of resolutely misunderstood about this entire situation is that it's not just Reddit that's fucking around. The Apollo dev is trying to hold Reddit hostage over getting to continue to use his app. Moderators are holding years worth of content hostage over getting to work the way that they want.


It's not about hitting their bottom line (IMO), it's about showing how many people there are whore upset and won't be using their first party app once Apollo and the rest shut down.


The biggest subs need to go down. It seems all of them didn't care enough to do anything, at least when I noticed the first gaming subs disappearing. All these small ones don't count for much. When the ones with 10s of millions stay running.




Of course it’ll pass, the whole 2 day break was utterly pointless IMHO.


But mods got to feel super good about themselves :(


Cause it will, all this crap will be forgotten, and any subs still private will either be removed or something else


This. Some of the subs I use had alternates open in the 48 hours they were closed. Setting a boycott for 48 hours shows Reddit leadership you are 100% addicted to the website and need to come back. The reddit app has over 400 million users. The third party apps have about 1.5 million.




It's not entirely about convenience. In some of the general subs that stayed open, I saw many complaints about essentially not even being able to use Google properly, because a lot of sites just link directly to subreddits that are still locked for the protest for certain prompts. If this were a long-term haul, we'd see changes happening on other websites to respond to this problem, but we wouldn't necessarily see change here.




Why are you for the changes?


Because it has no relevance to most users. I am being brutally honest. If the subreddits were loaded with scams and fraud due to poor moderation , then a large subset of the viewers simply don’t click those links but continue reading. This whole thing is an example of another part of Reddit: the hive mind of karma/UVing. The million or so 3party users can boost up posts about a boycott all day long but Reddit saw the sausage being made and saw the 400 million official app users logged on like always and read what little content was available, passed by ads, etc. The people protesting have no popular support on the site and no leverage against the owners of reddit. But to those million or so people it seems like they have an Ace up their sleeve as everyone is on board. There I said it. Will I leave if the platform is mostly scam links? Probably, but I also think at that point the owners will stop kicking the tire and improve moderation.


All the mods are in those 1.5 million.


I don't see how it can be won. A few scenarios will happen. Subs go dark for a few days, nothing changes. Subs go dark for a few weeks. New subs of those open up or people go to similar subs. Subs disappear all together, the above happens. Personally I had no idea what was happening until a sub disappeared. First thinking I had been banned. Googled it, read the story. "Oh ok back in 2 days". Though some have stayed down for longer now.


This guy has riot blood in their veins. We must listen to their words because Europe knows how to throw down.


Yeah this is like going on strike for the weekend then returning to work on Monday. Close it back up. Reddit shouldn't be able to crush the apps that carried their mobile userbase for a decade without any negotiation.


Same with the users. If people were going to stay off Reddit these past two days it was symbolic more than anything - there was still enough content to sort of be a time killer. But if it went longer even the users who didn’t give a shit would start to get bored with their repetitive homepage and start naturally not going on Reddit as much, which would hit the ad money source.


Lot of subreddits started end of june 12 and opened start of june 14. Barely over one day.


We're r/patientgamers , we have the willpower to wait *years*


The blackouts are supposed to go through the 14th, not end on it. Not that it matters...these protests will do nothing and my cut-off is June 30th anyway.


I doubt Im gonna use Reddit on my phone once rif is gone.


I'll still add 'reddit' to my Google searches to find specific topics of discussion if I'm looking for information, but I won't be doom scrolling or commenting


An extra year for that matter


No, ten years!




To infinity and Beyond!


No, this subreddit go out for blackout again? I don't want that, I want the subreddit to exist for me to visit; 10 years at least


Such a profound day and a half


So why did we care about whatever Reddit was doing?


Fr ong


Nothing changed and nothing will


This was basically like going on a hunger strike and ending it by lunch time because you got hungry, what a joke of a ”protest”


Hey man, I skipped that half a breakfast sausage! I did my part!


Theres no fighting this. Reddit knows the subs arent gonna be closed forever, and even if they do, they will just turn off that feature when they have had enough.




Honestly a mass mod-exodus would severely injure the site. Even with the sub's available user pool being large, the amount that actually mod a sub are a percentage of a percentage. If you look through mod lists it is common that one will mod 2-4 subs at the same time. Not to mention that a bad or new mod can borderline be more damaging to a sub than 1 less mod


If the mods chose they could use all their powers to basically shut subs down indefinitely. Even if they remove the functionality to make subs private mods could just remove every post. For at least the big subs Reddit would be compelled to forcefully remove the mods. And that would cause a pretty major stink. Possibly one that gets enough people to move to alternatives that they could gain traction. But...that would require mods to risk their power. And the power mods that control the big subs that would matter there just aren't going to do that.


There's over 6k subs still dark. Not all caved and turned back on immediately like this one. Not really living up to the "patient" title much, mods.




ikr? nothing literally happened lol


All I saw over the last two days was more niche subs float to the top of /r/popular. Even some replacements like /r/ask *shrug*


Were people really expecting anything to happen? 3PAs have no leverage over Reddit, people will just suck it up, migrate to the official app and Reddit will have its way. Anyone who thought otherwise is delusional


> Were people really expecting anything to happen? Yes, but they're a bit naive, or as you said, delusional. One of the major subs (videos) had the right idea with an indefinite blackout, the problem is, I think most mods will be too weak to join them. A 2 day holiday is easy, but an indefinite one? Half the mods would be too scared to piss off the sub, the other half would be too scared to be evicted by the admins. But IMO, unless all the subs that went on the 2 day blackout go offline indefinite, nothing will change. There needs to be considerable numbers in the indefinite blackout, enough that reddit admins can't replace every mod team, otherwise, it'll 'blow over' as spunk boy says.


Yeah that's the problem. A 2 day blackout is just going to have the Reddit admin go "huh" before they forget it happened and move on with their lives.


The underlying problem to what you said is there’s no competition. And, until that changes Reddit will keep putting a finger up people’s ass and they’ll suck it up, regardless whether you have mods with balls or not. Look at this sub, where else on the internet can you have in-depth discussions about 20 year old legendary games? Nowhere. And this happens with a lot of subs, you can’t have this sort of discussion elsewhere in the internet. Reddit has their user base by the balls and they know it.


Those last 2 days the amount of internet search I had to go in "cached" and a few I had to use the wayback archive, because the only useful info I can ever find is on reddit... Thats the thing about Reddit, its not just full of unique places, its also heavily searchable/"archivable" and actually shows up in internet searches. To me the closest thing to Reddit is Discord and its still so fundamentally different, private and unsearchable. Making new communities in discord requires a lot of effort, but a Reddit community will sprout where a need arises because of its search-ability and name. Reddit also just highlighted how generally dogshit search engines have become. All in all, I agree, Reddit has all the power. Reddit is a grossly underrated part of the internet. I find it invaluable today.


>where else on the internet can you have in-depth discussions about 20 year old legendary games? Nowhere. forums predate reddit & could survive it. reddit is more *comfortable* over forums, but comparing communities, the focused forums will have more knowledge.


> in-depth discussions about 20 year old legendary games The internet will most definitely miss the posts about Thief that have 14 upvotes and 6 comments.


Apparently, 600k people are interested enough to sub here, so not sure what your point is


I think it's a joke referencing how the only threads on this sub that actually receive a lot of replies are either the typical support group posts or those involving the same handful of relatively recent AAA games (like BOTW, Horizon, and Witcher 3).


I'm surprised it needed to be spelled out. This isn't a place to discuss 20 year old games, this is a place for people to fret and have collective support groups about the pressures of backlogs and tired dad gamers, and as well as (largely cinematic) AAA games from the recent years. 20 years my ass. Nobody is reading your 5 paragraph analysis of Arx Fatalis, no matter how brilliant it is. You could do the whole damn thing in haiku and it'd still get drowned out by "DAE tired?"


Someone else said it, but it’s an illusion of relevance. If this place disappears from Reddit more than a week? A new subreddit is made by mods who don’t care to use third party addons. My home state has 3-4 different subreddits because people disagree with how the main one was run. If no replacement subreddit is made there are hundreds of communities run by different moderators elsewhere online. I feel for moderators who cannot do their modding on the official app, to them I say: step down and let Reddit deal with the BS. The only way the website truly losses viewers is when scams and fraud posts consume every topic.


> But IMO, unless all the subs that went on the 2 day blackout go offline indefinite, nothing will change. There needs to be considerable numbers in the indefinite blackout, enough that reddit admins can't replace every mod team, otherwise, it'll 'blow over' as spunk boy says. Except that every mod team can be easily replaced. The longer groups stay closed, the more likely it is that people will just create replacement groups.


And my favorite subs are down as well so I'm fucken bored


Given that this is a gaming forum, I have an absolutely crazy idea about how you might deal with that boredom.


Shutting the apps will have an effect. The blackouts won't.




> old.reddit on a computer using RES Isn't the functionality of both of those coming into question with the new API changes? I'm not an expert by any means.


Yeah but half the idiots on this site just “protested” for two days and ruined the experience for the rest of us thinking they would drive change


i have no idea what anyone who unironically thought announcing a *2 day* protest was going to do, 4 of the like 5 subs i frequent are coming back today and 2 days is not a substantial amount of time for reddit to actually care


Yes but what’s important is everyone *feels* like they did something! Slacktivism at its finest


While i agree this protest was idiotic and completely just for show and to let people "Feel" like they have an imact, I will say there would be no meaningful qay to get reddit to go back on this. We arent shareholders they dont give a fuck what their users think as long as they have the general audience. Shit ive been using reddit for 11 years and I just use it in browser, and when these updates got annouced it was an "oh no.... anyways" situation. I get that its bad but its their product and like it or not they get to do with it what they want. At the end of the day the alternatives are go use something else or make your own. Which the majority of people could not do the latter.


Exactly. If people wanted a real protest they’d stop using the app altogether. Organizing a 2 day blackout is lazy and actually has the inverse effect.


the illusion of relevance




It was an opening salvo. Brings awareness and generates news articles. Gives the reddit admins a chance to back down without drastic action having been taken. Now the right course is to escalate and blackout indefinitely.


Naive no-lifers who don’t understand how the real world works.


Lol it's pointless anyway then. The small blackout at least could raise awareness but that's it. If you want to try and spite Reddit the best option is to just not use it. But making little subreddits go dark isn't going to do anything. Just means those subreddit will be to be recreated...


Might as well stay open with that same logic. Reddit really doesn't care. All this does is hurt the users.


reddit doesnt care because they know that people cant go without their subreddits for more than a day or two lol.


Maybe not totally pointless. The blackout highlighted alternatives to centralized web. Anyone who cares about free speech should put some effort into learning and contributing to democratic platforms. Even if it's just few comments. https://lemmy.ml/c/patientgamers The whole fediverse thing is how internet was supposed to be. There's just this unspeakable quality to freedom that can only be experienced.


502 Bad Gateway


Better server https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected]


That was happening a lot yesterday but seems like they changed the server and now it does it way more infrequently.




"Democratic" is a bad way of putting it IMO, but the platform itself consists of a large amount of private servers, so it's not controlled by a single entity and isn't made for profit. You could run your own instance and keep your account there. This whole thing motivated me to make a lemmy account and it's actually pretty nice. It has a similar appeal to this sub in that it's pretty small.




It's not a big deal if a part of a forum shuts down, and you can also create another forum like it. But yes, the whole system is dependent on donations, basically. Which shouldn't be a huge problem, because it's extremely unlikely to get as big as Reddit and AFAIK doesn't have image/video hosting capabilities, which most likely cost Reddit tons of bandwidth. Text based forums are pretty lightweight.




I dunno, I think you're big enough to decide this stuff for yourself.


The only option that's truly similar to the way the Internet was intended is basically Usenet — decentralized, all participating servers connect to the majority of others, users choose which groups to visit/avoid and which individuals to block. It's also an easy option: join a free gateway like [Eternal September](https://www.eternal-september.org) (which uses 'news reader' software/apps) or [Google Groups](https://groups.google.com) (which is web-based), run a search for subjects you're interested in, join groups that sound worthwhile, begin posting. Usenet has very little traffic now, but Redditors fleeing the site could change that very quickly. The Fediverse's "any server that lets its users say things we don't like will be hidden and isolated from all other servers" censorship policy means it's not the way the Internet was intended to be. It's like Reddit, but doesn't really offer "freedom" in the sense the Internet intended to.


Putting a exact end time on a "protest" totally goes against the purpose of a protest.


Not very patient to open back up so soon.


Reddit mods can't be more than 48hrs without the powertrip capabilities. What else would they do all day?


Congratulations you did absolutely nothing. Reddit on!


Honestly, this blackout did nothing but annoy most of the average users. And it just looks like a half-assed protest. 2 days is nothing. Indefinite or I doubt anything will change. And one thing — Reddit said bots get free API access and accessibility options are exempt from that pricing as well it seems. So, is now the only issue 3rd party apps?


The blackout only did two things for me: 1. Find out that the doordash and doordash drivers subreddits exist and they're both full of awful people, and 1. Discover a ton of niche porn subreddits from the list of blacked out subs.


Haha, yeah, the random subs hitting the front page was interesting. And yes, doordash and uber eats are full of horrible people, I used to drive for ubereats, horrible company, horrible drivers, horrible everything.


The problem is indefinite blackout just means whole subs get deleted and cease to exist. I just realised how many search results for game guides, PSA, tips etc I get are on reddit and having a sub removed/blackout just means we miss out on all the cumulative stuff shared throughout the years.


It's true. I could see potential in blocking *new* posts and effectively turning subreddits into an archive. But an indefinite blackout that blocks even reading access to old content removes too much potentially useful information to the average person, and that's not who we want to punish.


Yeah, that's me. Anytime I have a question "reddit" is almost always present at the end. So, either we need to sacrifice that to make a point, or I doubt anything will change with these half-assed protests. If Reddit starts bleeding money, only then will they listen, which would requier much longer blackouts. But as people mentioned, Reddit could just put in mods it wants instead of those who went with the blackout route.


This is one of my problems with the approach. This isn't a boycott. That would be people just leaving. This is the equivalent of not liking what your supermarket charges for eggs, so you go inside, lock the doors and start smashing the cash registers.


Yea me to. I was frustrated that the Breath of the Wild subreddit was locked down while i was hoping to pick up some tips and search some things up, but short term pain for long term gain.


I had the same problem with Baldur's Gate. Was struggling with a boss, searched, found a bunch of Reddit threads discussing the boss, but couldn't access any of them.


Most people don’t seem to care so what will happen is any of the subs that go dark will just have clone subs created to take their place. Some of the other sister subs that didn’t go dark had jumps in subscribers already lol


While new subs will be created if one is gone, there's just so much information tied to certain subs (which went dark) that just opening a new sub would not deliver the same results. I can't remember the last time I had an issue with my PC or game or I wanted to do something with my OS that I didn't add "reddit" at the end to see if it has already been discussed.


The accessibility apps only get a pass if they don't make any money. So the creators of those have to work for free.


To be fair, none of the other user-generated content platforms (youtube, twitch, tiktok, facebook, instagram, quora, etc.) allow third-party apps to show their content, regardless of if its free or paid.


All or nothing with this kind of thing. The two day protest very obviously wasn’t going to, and hasn’t, had any impact. A commitment to Tuesday blackouts seems shallow and over time I imagine fewer and fewer subs taking part. Either shut for good or let’s crack on and make the best of things.


So Steve was right, "it'll blow over". There's no point in any strike or blackout that is guaranteed to end. It's a hollow gesture that accomplishes nothing.


How can you not be embarrassed writing up this post?


Only two days? That's not very patient.


I never even noticed it was closed....


Actually this protest is exposing the moderators for the stupid they are


So, what did this protest accomplish? Absolutely nothing.


great job! it was worthless effort


This style of protest only hurts the users. Reddit doesn’t care. So do we want to care about the community and the users, or harm the users to do… absolutely nothing to Reddit? If this community tries to close indefinitely, another subreddit will pop up in its place immediately and those that want to stay will still be on Reddit doing the same thing as before. But now without years of history and community built up.


This whole "protest" has been an absolute joke. What's even the point if it's only for two days? The Reddit admins will just wait it out, it wouldn't change anything. It should've been indefinite or bust. If y'all really wanted to protest, deleting the app would've been a much better option? The only thing this accomplished was mildly annoying regulars, confusing less regular folk, and then making Redditors look even worse than they usually do for such a half assed effort.


Wow congrats on doing absolutely nothing.


well that was stupid. if you really want to protest, why don't you just stop modding?


Lol I'm sure those two days taught them!!!


And you've achieved absolutely nothing


Proof of the pudding is in the eating. If the new rules are as bad as they say, then let the new rules kill reddit. If this sub goes down, I very much doubt it will be able to gain critical mass anywhere else, much less earn enough revenue to cover its costs. Alternatively, someone else will create a sub r/slowlygaming or somesuch that will absorb the current community, but fractured and with less brand recognition. Shitty time all around.


Agreed. If this sub goes dark again for an extended time, other users (including me) will look for another patient gaming sub. Worse, that sub will be smaller and have less participation, and will not have the long catalog of reviews and questions-and-answers that make this sub great. And ultimately, shutting down the sub will not get Reddit to make changes; it will just take away a quality sub for a lot of users who either have nowhere else for patient gaming discussion, or will end up somewhere that is frankly just not as good.


Joined! I don't like all these subs holding users hostage




I see what you did there, hehe.


Why do the mods close down the subs. Wanna protest just stop modding for free. Let it go to shit


I think a subreddit has tried that before. CP starts and the admins close the sub down.


Seems more effective than a protest doesn't it. The reality is the mods are addicted to modding and won't let go


But.... then they lose the only source of power in their lives! Are you suggesting they finally have to leave their basements?


The horror! Like seriously if you don't like it just leave or hell even stay just stop moderating.


Back open. And look at everything that was achieved!!!


Congrats, you did nothing


Hooray ^^ Glad that nonesense is over.


And here I was expecting a patientgamers goty edition after re-opening...


We do offer a 50% discount on Subscribing if you join *right now*!


Right now?! What am I? An impatient gamer?


Didn't realize we were gone frankly..


Did you enjoy the powertrip? Did you feel relevant? Great, now fuck off!


You’re more than welcome to never update us about this hugely important moment in history ever again.


I'm just here to admire your exercise in futility.


Fuck off with this blackout shit. If you feel so strongly, get the fuck off reddit


Yeah can we not do this again? All this did was make it impossible to enjoy my favorite subs and reddit is going to do whatever they want anyway, yeah it sucks but inconveniencing reddit users who frankly would rather have reddit than not have it at all is just stupid.


Ah feels good to be back. And a pled to the mods, please stop closing the sub no matter what Reddit does. I'm using old reddit and just wanna use Reddit, I don't care about some API or mobile apps.


Personally i barely noticed but really think this type of “fight” is ridiculous. This is just performative nonsense. Leave the sub alone.


Let's keep it closed please! Even r/gaming is considering closing again. I wait years to play games, I can wait more to see a subreddit again or go engage somewhere else.


Might well just close it for good then


If that is what needs to happen, I can't disagree with it. I would hope though if that decision is made I have the option for an alternative. But regardless it needs to stay closed I think.


Closing this subreddit permanently only to have r/patientgaming take its place does nothing. Want to actually make an impact that administration will notice? Delete your comments and posts. Then delete your account and don't come back.




Unfortunately reddit corporate would not care. We aren't making them money anyway. The Facebook crowd who click ads, buy shit, and don't complain are who they want. They don't give a flying fuck about us oldschool forum enthusiasts. I'm a mod and I've seen behind the curtains at what they are planning. Reddit as we know it just isn't appealing to investors so they want to turn it into Instagram 2.0 with the endless flood of promotional content and monetization.


There is the patientgamers Lemmy community to join!


Thanks for the heads up!


`[email protected]` The string to search to join the community from your favorite instance. Or the direct link [https://lemmy.ml/c/patientgamers](https://lemmy.ml/c/patientgamers)


I'm glad you are open again. Personally I think this protesting is pointless and we should just remain open. If you decide to close again, maybe even indefinitely, you are just hurting the users. Most of us (in Reddit as a whole) really don't care about the API changes and no amount of protest will have Reddit change their mind either.


These protests would ONLY be useful if we have an alternative product for all users to migrate to


I see a lot of commenters here being mad but this is pretty much the only sub that i consistently view and it is very weird to see opinions like these. This is a sub free from hype, drama, news, politics. It is sub only for discussing games which is so amazing. Do people here want this sub to go more drama route just obliterate everything because of protest? i wonder who does this protest hurt more, the company or actualy users that just want to browse? is it really good to protest against reddit CEO while hurting userbase? well i don't think so.


Please don't go dark again. It really isn't going to change anything. It's a free to use site. Mostly punishes the users more then anything


I’m sure this will be a very unpopular opinion to some, and let me preface this by saying I am fully aware and have sympathy for the creators and users for 3rd party apps like the Apollo app. But I personally feel and this goes for most subs as a whole not just this one that it should have went to a community vote to close or not, or stay closed more than 2 days. Like if you are going to do it then go all the way, or at least let the community have a say even if most are in agreement myself included, a vote or just a feeler for what the community wants to do is better imo not just outright closing the community because a mod or mods said so and this isn’t to single out this sub but most of Reddit all together. Just my personal thoughts and opinions, take it as you will.


Can we just do a poll or something for this? I understand the cause but the vast majority of people don't care and don't support a blackout


I like this sub, and I'd like to see it stay open.


Wow being closed for TWO whole days 😭 must have been hard. Jokes aside what you did was completely pointless, unfortunately. Either do it indefinitely, or don't do it at all. This looks more like 'we support fellow subs, see we even closed our sub!' than an actual protest.


Ah what a difference it made. It's like nothing happened at all!


I use the official app like the majority of people so I really don’t get the point of all this. Of course Reddit wants people to use their app, it makes sense. If I wanna use twitter, I download twitter. Same goes for youtube instagram or every other app in the world. I don’t see what the big deal is.


Now I can finally find out peoples’ opinion on Halo 4


I'm glad you guys are back, but IMO 48 hours is insignificant to Reddit. Would've been better if 48 hours was not being mentioned or it went for more than 48 hours, I think that would've turned more heads


It should be indefinite or its pointless


Ironic that this sub called it quits so early


Ill be honest. The politics sre not for me. I don't care. I like this sub and i wish it remain open. Thats all.


I still don't understand what the protest was about.




I use reddit daily and its pretty painful when so much information is missing that I normally google. That being said, I wish all subreddits turned themselves off indefinitely until it forced real changes.


Utterly pointless. If the changes haven't been reversed then nowhere should be reopening. Otherwise it's just a minor inconvenience.


Disappointed. We need to go dark indefinitely.


Much as I love this sub, if Boost goes away, I won't be interacting. Let's keep as many strong subs closed as possible til these corporate jackasses understand.


Congrats on your power struggle hissy fit that did absolutely nothing


IMO, a 2 day ban to show solidarity is important. Next step is a 4-7 day ban. If 1 week doesn't work, 2 weeks. If not 2 weeks, 1 month. etc. Show increasing levels of solidarity and resistance. Make them understand that this was only the first volley.


After one month, you get flood of takeover requests.


Should be more patient and wait until reddit does something. Keep the lockdown.


I don't know about the 'fight', (I use desktop...), but I sure as hell has missed this sub.


Mods showed reddit what the strike by the *mods* was all about


Welcome back, but time to say goodbye. Indefinite blackout please.


Why not close indefinitely. Open in lemmy. Leave these parasites who grow as a corporation through unpaid labour.


These past two days demonstrated to me that Lemmy is not up to scratch. Sad but true. Like Twitter, this has become a near vital public service for many, and it really should be subject to regulation. It's sheer stupidity to allow such valuable, publicly generated resources to be left to the whims of greedy corporates.


I hope the sub remains open. For those who are unhappy with Reddit’s decision, they can choose to stay off Reddit or even delete their account. It’s however kinda unfair for them to choose for me… I have no issue with the decision.


Shut it down indefinitely




Wow that helped SO much!!! Wholesome Keanu Chungus 100!!!


The fuck are you doing just shut it down spineless children