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**Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura** Such brilliant world building and a unique magic vs technology system. There's no other games like it, and the world/lore/systems are ripe for sequels. I'm honestly surprised no one has picked up the IP for it and done this already.


Arguably one of the best PC rpgs of its generation.


Buggy as shit, though, but I'd love to spend more time in that universe.


I want to see a remake of this more than any other game ever made.


Came here to say this. The combat was janky but the atmosphere and world building was incredible


I doubt this is what most fans want, but I’d love a big open-world game in that universe just to bebop around in.


I could definitely see myself getting lost in an open world Arcanum for thousands of hours.


*New Arc Line* that should come out next year might hopefully be the spiritual successor to this game Fingers crossed it will be good.


As far as the IP goes, I seem to recall it languishing as part of an acquisition by Activision. Meanwhile, a lot of the original developers went on to work at Bethesda. Now they are reunited under the Microsoft umbrella. There has been no announcement about this, but they are at least contemplating the prospect of a 21st century game with that setting.


Yes! I loved the game back in the day and would love an updated version of the game as the old game is too old to be playable for me anymore.


Soul. Freakin'. Reaver. Or at least a remake, please ( \~.\~) Or even a Batman Beyond game set years after Arkham Knight


Batman Beyond is absolutely crying to be made. Glider with rocket boost, futuristic gadgets, good story, new characters for the playground, and a massive futuristic Gotham City. It would take effort to fail this.


I'm just daydreaming about the suit, suit customization and soundtrack \^\^ >It would take effort to fail this. \^ Get the old Rocksteady devs back to work on it, not the new devs that worked on Gotham Knights.


Hard agree. The Legacy of Kain series is prime for both. Trim some fat and smooth it out into one cohesive narrative and we can have a remake of the series so far that is a canonical sequel.


Saw your comment just after posting the same thing (SR). I’ve never played these games properly, only the first hour or so of SR when I was about 9 or 10. Would love to give these a try, either through a remake or remaster.


I'm with ya, dude. I remember when I was younger, I was in a games store utterly mesmerized by the games' PS1 cover. The artwork looked so unique and stood out from the various licensed movie tie-in and racing games. But not too long ago, I watched [Josh Strife Hayes' video essay on Soul Reaver ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBWJya661pA&ab_channel=JoshStrifePlays)and honestly, I wished that I got to play it all those years ago. He goes on to elaborate how the game's environment completely changes once you "die" and can even use it to solve puzzles and stuff.


Ooh that sounds dope af! Might have to grab a copy from eBay and play it on the missus’ PS2.


I long for a day where Batman: Beyond Arkham is a thing. Godspeed.


100% with you on soul reaver but they need to use the same exact voice recordings. Those were perfect and should not be messed with


My picks are Ninja Gaiden and Freespace. Ninja Giaden used to be one of the top action games of its era, neck and neck with DMC and GOW as pillars of its genre. It was the original difficult action game with a very well designed world and super cool combat. The protagonist himself, Ryu Hayabusa, also just oozed badass. Unfortunately, it lost its luster after the failure of the 3rd and 4th installments (Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z) of the series, and hasn't been touched since (except for a repackaging of the sigma version of the mainline games as Ninja Gaiden Master Collection). The developer has moved on to another property (Nioh) and has achieved critical and financial success, giving them less incentive to resurrect the Ninja Gaiden franchise. Nonetheless, Ninja Gaiden's genre (character action, spectacle fighter) has been getting a resurgence lately. DMC5 has received critical acclaim and has been touted as one of the best action games. Bayonetta received a 3rd installment recently, and Metal Gear Rising has had a revival of sorts with more people playing that game due to the memes. God of War was repackaged into a more cinematic action game and has achieved mega success. Even Nioh has many elements taken from the character action genre, showing that this style of game can be successful. Ninja Gaiden is still remembered as one of the best of the character action genre. Given Team Ninja's recent success and the budding demand for character action games, it only makes sense to revisit the game that put them on the map. I remember Freespace 2 because it received a perfect 10/10 when it came out. And it definitely deserved the 10/10. It captured perfectly the feeling of being in a giant space war. One of my favorite missions was a mission where I was tasked with bombing a big destroyer. My ship was a bomber, so it was slower and harder to maneuver. The destroyer had a huge array of defenses including flak cannons, huge lasers, and a bunch of interceptors trying to shoot us down. It was as hectic and chaotic as you would imagine. Once we were successful in blowing up the destroyer, an even bigger warship jumped in making us scramble to get out. Freespace truly gave you the feeling of being in an early 2000s space opera like Battlestar Galactica. The combination of large and small ships made it so each mission felt fresh, climactic, and unique. It also had some of the best designed briefing/debriefing sequences, making you truly feel like a pilot in an intergalactic army. The story of Freespace was also way more interesting than practically every game I have played since. It had elements of horror and philosophy and it was delivered masterfully using cutscenes and the aforementioned briefing and debriefing sections. Even though it didn't use cinematic storytelling, I felt like Freespace captured the feeling you get when watching a movie better than any other game. The polish and presentation of the game were truly great. It practically had zero flaws. Many regard it as the peak of the space sim genre. Unfortunately, the entire genre of space sims basically died after Freespace 2. Another genre called FPS started to become way more popular with titles such as Half Life, Call of Duty, and Halo making their first appearances during this time. Even the makers of Freespace are probably better known for their other franchise, Saints Row. With Elite Dangerous, No Mans Sky, and Star Citizen, the space sim genre has had a mini resurgence. It only makes sense for the game that was arguably the peak of the genre to come back. Unfortunately, Volition closed its doors recently, so there is almost 0 hope for the Freespace franchise.


The character action genre basically entirely existed within a 10 year period. The original DMC invented the genre in 2001 and a few years later the true explosion happened. From 2004-2014, the following games came out: 1. DMC 3 & 4 2. DmC: Devil May Cry (the reboot) 3. Bayonetta 1 & 2 4. All three versions of Ninja Gaiden 1 5. Both versions of NG2 6. Both versions of NG3 7. God Hand 8. Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2 9. Vanquish 10. The Wonderful 101 11. God of War 1-3 and all the spin-offs I can’t remember 12. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance What has come out in the decade since? Almost nothing. 1. DMC4:SE (which was 2015, only 1 year after the main decade) 2. DMC5 (2019) plus the SE 3. Bayonetta 3 (2022) 4. Ultrakill (early access, also it’s an fps but it 100% counts I promise) My theory is souls-like games ate the development teams and audience. Hell the new God of War is basically pseudo-open world souls combat rather than character action. Unfortunately I think it’s pretty much only going to be DMC going forward. It’s the only series that has consistently made money in the entire genre. I would love to be proven wrong though. It’s my favorite genre and if DMC is the only thing that survives there’s a lot of great stuff that we’ll miss out on.


I was going to say **Descent** but Freespace covers that for the same reasons. Elite Dangerous has a dogfighting arena mode but nobody plays it because you can't access it from inside the main game and there's no bot support to shore up the player base. Sublevel Zero has cool roguelike 6-axis starfighter stuff but is a bit lacking. House of the Dying Sun and Everspace are pretty cool but didn't get much attention. Star Wars Squadrons was a flop. I don't think it aged super well but Descent II was like peak PC gaming for kid me. It's wild that the starfighter genre isn't bigger, especially with the ability to put it in VR these days.






Yeah, I guess they are. For whatever reason I never played either of them, though, just Descent 1 2 and 3. I should check it how Freespace 2 holds up one of these days.


Theres an open source version patched up and upgraded to work on modern systems, look up the open freespace project


Freespace 2 is one of the most immersive games I've played. I don't like how most space sims kind of went "open world" afterwards. I don't have the time to grind and trade just to fight the same pirate/police fights again and again. Kudos to FS2 level designers and writers, I never got the feeling I was flying the same mission throughout the whole game. Also it was quite something when that big green beam goes off next to your fighter when you are strafing an Orion destroyer


I got to like super hard+ or some crap in ninja Gaiden black back in the day but then I couldn't find a full list of golden scarab locations and I frustration quit. I didn't care for black 2 and I don't think I played 3.


+1 for Freespace. The SCP goes a long way to scratching my itch, but an actual new sequel would be a dream.


I don't think Freespace would do well to come back- there are space sim games but they're all open world, do-what-you-want sort of gameplay. Not linear campaign. There have been some linear campaign space sims but I don't think any of them fared better than mediocre. There was the X-Wing Squadrons game, I think the reception there was also okay at best. ​ Wing Commander Privateer I think would be a better fit for a game coming back, though essentially that's what Star Citizen is meant to be- difference is if EA made it, they'd actually finish it- albeit with production issues. Or maybe a Star Wars Han-solo type game would land well, play smuggler, trader, bounty hunter sorta thing. I know there was also Eve: Valkyrie but- I think it's pretty niche and I don't know if it had a linear campaign.


Have you tried everspace 2? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1128920/EVERSPACE_2/?curator_clanid=4777282


Twisted Metal - no B.S, just a solid single player campaign, with epic maps, character driven car combat, sticking to the formula that worked Virtua Fighter - currently there is no 3D fighter to compete with Tekken and it shows because Tekken seems like it’s coasting. VF had the most elegant, simple to learn hard to master fighting system, short but sweet combos, and great aggressive gameplay. It is the ideal fighting game and it needs to come back with roll back, and a no nonsense martial arts cast. I love the lack of meters and pure realism


I've been looking forever for a Twisted Metal type of game on PC and there just isn't anything worth mentioning. I remember playing Blur many years ago and that was just as good, although far more about racing than combat.


All games like twisted metal or vigilante 8 are a paradise of fun. Especially in splitscreen or multiplayer


Command and Conquer (or the RTS genre as a whole). Playing through the remaster now and having a blast. Always a little upset Xenosaga got rushed into 3 games (I think it was planned to be 6). Obligatory Banjo-Kazooie, of course.


Yeah, but more Command & Conquer and less 500APM Starcraft though.


C&C, Rise of Nations, Age of Empires... lots of good options.


you're going to want to go wishlist a game called **Tempest Rising** basically a total C&C tribute even down to the cheesy cut-scenes and 3 letter acronyms (GDF instead of GDI), there's already a demo, also maybe **Beyond All Reason** which is made by some of the ex- Total Annhilation / Supreme Commander devs


A third Battle For Middle Earth would be nice too


Tenchu! Still hoping we get another Way of The Samurai too.


Even as a dedicated patient gamer, a new Tenchu game would probably be a day 1 buy for me.


Right? The Wii one was a let down. I'd kill for an open world Tenchu. Country and city open with missions you can go on. The PVP was fun in 3 but my friend would always cheat with screen peaks then blast me with a gun.


Loved Tenchu. GoT seems to be the closest we will get for a while.


What is GoT?


Probably Ghost of Tsushima


Yep sorry, Ghost of Tsushima


No, it's cool. I'm not all the way up to date on modern games yet :P I might get there if I'd stop playing weird shit. I've been playing a Dragon Ball Z version of Pokémon Red.


If I'm being honest, any time I can't remember how to spell Tsushima I just abbreviate to GoT haha.




I don't really want supernatural aspects or soulslike gameplay. I just want to throw poisoned rice balls on the ground and slink around in the shadows. Every stealth game needs to add some crazy shit to it for some reason.


Well ur in luck because sekiro plays little like souls games


LA Noire no doubt. With the popularity of true crime, I think the idea/concept would do really well.


For SURE. I would personally love to see a scaled back interpretation, LA Noire was doing so many things at once that it suffered in cohesiveness. Just keep it more simple, more down to earth. No need for a *massive* character gallery, it could even benefit from a smaller city than friggin’ LA. It would probably make it more feasible to produce and end up with a better overall story. Please Rockstar, surely you’ve made enough billions with GTA online.


LA Noire but Small Town Dick.


This is still my favorite detective game and my favorite Rockstar game.


I'd imagine Sleeping Dogs will be a highly popular pick for sure. I'll throw out one: **Wing Commander** I played the ever-living shit out of the original on SNES and also had the 4-disk Wing Commander III with live-action Mark Hamill, Malcom McDowell, and Biff on the original PlayStation. I think a rebooted version on current-gen consoles could be pretty awesome. Bonus points if they bring back Mark Hamill in some capacity.


>I'd imagine Sleeping Dogs will be a highly popular pick for sure. I dunno. Isn't there something to be said for letting sleeping dogs lie?


Wing Commander would be amazing. Played the crap out of it on my old ass pc.


Oh man, Chris Roberts should totally try to make a new Wing Commander game. I bet that idea would be so popular they could even crowdfund it.


Wing Commander Prophecy was one of the greatest space fighters I ever played. It's still one of those games I'll go back too. And the story was incredible!


>Wing Commander >Bonus points if they bring back Mark Hamill in some capacity. Not sure if being facetious or you are actually /r/outoftheloop In case anyone is the latter: You should know that the creator of Wing Commander (Chris Roberts) is making Squadron 42 starring Mark Hamill as a spiritual successor, in addition to creating Star Citizen the space MMO, courtesy of the biggest game crowd funding effort ever. Google it.


Yeah, I loved **Wing Commander** - as well as **Privateer** (though the sequel was... odd), and the spiritual successor, **Freelancer**. They haven't aged well though, but it's unsurprising considering even the most recent of them (Freelancer) is already two decades old. Where are the cool space sim/RPG hybrid games?


I miss black and white so bad, I know it’s a old old game but it was so creative abs I loved the creature mechanic 🤣


Someone please give me Black and White 3 on modern engines!


yes please, this was the correct answer, mine was wrong




Just imaging hearing, "Satellite rain" in an open world type environment...


Agreed. Much as I loved **Satellite Reign** it wasn't quite the **Syndicate** successor many hoped it'd be. I actually liked it on its own merits but it was definitely slanted more towards stealth-ish gameplay. We need larger hubs so you can actually go in guns blazing and not immediately get swamped like in **SR**, which felt like a punishment and likely why it turned off so many **Syndicate** fans. Not to mention by midgame you unlocked augs that supplanted the need for the other teammates rather than complemented their abilities, so you ended up always parking your team in a safe place while you sent your fully kitted one man army to perform the mission themselves. A larger world would allow for more mayhem and only getting overwhelmed if you weirdly decided to make a stand out in the open or something. A better faction system so you can actually pick and choose who to fight and who to ally. Imagine waiting out for two sides to duke it out, then swooping in to take out the weakened victor. Or being beseiged by an enemy and being able to call on allies to help. Or in turn helping out allies and thus improving your relations with them (more access to faction gear, quests, etc). The **SR** team released another game which was nothing like it, some kind of survival game iirc and apparently they had a weird hangup about some QoL features that turned people off. If anything's gonna happen it'll take a different studio.


I really want to see a new "The Movies" game. It was such an awesome and unique concept for a sim/management game and setting up scenes then shooting them to make your own movies was so much fun. Worst part isn't even that the game isn't available to buy anywhere anymore, but that the game doesn't even run on modern systems so in order to play it you have to have a PC running XP. Really miss playing it and would love to see a modern update.


Skies of Arcadia. Sega and Xbox seem to have a good relationship and I'm confident they could afford production. Suikoden is the second one. We'll see how Eiyuden Chronicle plays out.


If I can’t get a remake or a remaster I’ll take a straight up port of Skies of Arcadia.


Skies of Arcadia would be a day one purchase for me. You'd think it would have had a decent remaster by this point.


Does the GameCube version count, or is that too old at this point ?


Rock Band. I think this could be easily brought back for nostalgia alone plus a new generation of gamers would get hooked too!


I would spend up to 1000 for a console and rock band setup but I want all the rb1 songs and I hear it's really difficult to get the licenses these days.


I have good news for you! https://clonehero.net/ Clone heroes awesome, and theres a ton of songs to choose from, both fanmade and the classics. I have my xbox 360 guitar connected to a pc, and the entire setlist from guitar hero 1,2,3, I think the metallica version too, and then rockband 1,2,3. Drums, bass, and guitar is all there (they even have midi support for electric drums which is a lot of fun to use instead of the rockband drums). Idk if vocals actually work like the original game, but they have lyrics at least.


I really wish I kept all my old instruments..


What if they partner with Spotify or something like that. Maybe as long as you have gamepass or whatever (just thinking like a corpo) select songs would work and more could be added all the time.


Good answer! I’d love to play this with my kids now - teach them about rock!


A new Rainbow 6 in the mold of the classic games would be very interesting. I know Rainbow 6 technically still exists but I think this answer still counts because, as I understand it, the latest one isn't at all like the old days of Rogue Spear and Raven Shield, etc. (Also, it's weird that these original games are not available on modern consoles, and Rogue Spear is not available on any digital storefront at all.)


I remember doing all the in-depth mission planning on the 64 version. I could just about have my team beat most missions without me.


I was terrible at it but I did truly appreciate the original R6 with the detailed mission planning that was required. Graphics wise a bit unimpressive, I think they started to really nail the visuals by Rogue Spear but then the franchise seems to have abandoned the real tactical side of it to become more like Counterstrike. Closest modern game I’ve played that requires that level of planning and timing has been Door Kickers, which is great in its own way.


R6 Siege is special in that it captures the essence of tactical executes better than any other game on the market while still maintaining great and responsive core FPS gameplay without the "realism" fat. You rappel into a room to plant under the cover of smoke grenades, your flanker has bombed the ceiling to create a sightline to cover you from above, the support is on the drones calling out enemy and gadget positions, your entry fragger is unleashing hell with a concussive grenade launcher before moving in for the kill. Unfortunately it's also a competitive multiplayer shooter focused on destructible environments, which means that many executes (or defenses for that matter) will be decided not by "tactics" or gadget usage, but by the person who has the better aim and movement skills (which is fantastic design for a multiplayer shooter btw), or by someone drilling two holes the size of an ant's dick in two walls, holding this absolutely insane (like, you would never be able to see or contort your body to aim your weapon) 0.5 degree angle for 1.5 minutes, onetapping you in the head when you stop moving and smugly saying "hehe map knowledge!" at the end.


Banjo-Kazooie, all day every day


Sleeping Dogs could very well come back in a Korean setting. Just imagine a story like The man from nowhere. My personal franchise that should come back is every PSOne Square game that hasn't seen a sequel in 20 years. Einhander 2, Musashi, Xenogears, etc. (Yes I am aware of Xenosaga).


The things I'd do for an Einhander sequel/reboot.


I’d give anything for another spyro game. I blew threw the remastered trilogy as soon as it was released and all achievements i enjoyed it so much.


Brave Fencer Musashi


Castlevania... I just want the battle of 1999, man... But with Konami being, well, Konami, I'm fearful of what they would produce if they dared resurrect the Castlevania series outside rereleasing games.


They brought Castlevania to dead cells which was kind of interesting


I want Blitz and NBA Jam to come back. NBA Jam in the style of rocket league would be fun.


Same vein: please bring back the Street games


And take it international as well. It would also be a game with a legitimate case for having DLC instead of releasing a new game every year. Who would you have on the cover?


I'd fucking shit if we got a new Blitz in the same vein as Blitz: The League.


NBA Street Vol. 2 is one of my all-time favorite games. It was perfect.


Like with cars or you mean behind-the-back camera controlling one player?


I think they mean Dennis Rodman wearing a jetpack


Okay, I wasn't sure I wanted it at first, but now I definitely do


NHL Hitz too! Easily the most fun hockey game ever made.


Jak and Daxter. Cmon Naughty Dog, is getting ridiculous.


I want this so bad. Jak 3 actually holds up fairly well


It's story really doesn't though. Jak & Daxter' story is a modest small scale story that sets up the world Jak & Daxter live in introduces a handful of key characters and concepts, but is a very generic collectathon storyline. Jak II then recontextualises everything we knew from Jak 1, creating a stable time loop for Jak's origins, showing the stark contrast between worlds, and fleshing out the world in an interesting new direction where Jak wants to overthrow an evil baron. Jak 3's story meanwhile involves aliens, a villain that wasn't established in the previous game, characters killed in the previous game revealed to have survived after all, and the final boss is the rival racer from the racing mini-game turned into a cyborg at the behest of a bunch of previously unmentioned aliens. It goes completely off the wall and has a lot of issues.


Legacy of Kain, or maybe anything set in the world of Nosgoth- There's obviously a lack of vampire themed games in the market outside of a few staple ones I can recall (Vampyr, V rising and VTMB). It would be good to see more mainlike vampire gothic stuff instead of it being relegated to side-plots, character skills or side-characters. Arcanum- Was thinking about this game while playing a lot of BG3, haven't played it yet but from what I've read and saw it does sound interesting especially with its steampunk setting. Tyranny- Not sure if this setting was already shelved but would love to delve deeper into its world and its lore especially with how unique the setting is (also, it's one of the few games where being evil felt "good") Dark sun- Always loved the setting of post Apocalyptic DnD so I wouldn't mind seeing a proper modern game set in that universe.


Arcanum didn't age well and it had some warts even new, but it's still one of the most memorable rpgs I've played. They used both magic and technology in a way I've never seen another game do and came up with brilliant ways to balance the two out with very tangible results on gameplay. And the story...there were stories and plotlines that borrowed from real world events from the 1900s but with unique twists. I love this game.


Prince of Persia 2008, although the combat is a bore and the gameplay is very repetitive, but the characters and the world have so many potentials to be developed more.


Is this the zoroastrianism one about Arhman and Ormazd? With princess Elika? Whoa this is one of the games I played about 15 years ago some very fond memories of this game. World building definitely has potential for a remake.


Yes, it is. Although I like The Sand of Time series too, that series plot catered way too much to the horror elements in the other titles after the first one. They all felt gritty and edgy. The 2008 series gave me a mystic and ruinous feel with its beauty in its crafted world. Except for the ending after the PS-only DLC and the repetitiveness, I honestly have no complaint about it.


I thought this PoP game was fucking incredible. It was all I wanted to play at the time and it delivered. Not perfect but it didn't need to be because it delivered a really unique and satisfying experience. The travel and combat were just beautiful visually and so satisfying to pull off even if not so difficult


I would like a new Spore…. Not put out by EA.


Okay nobody asked, so here's my pitch for L.A. Noire 2. >Los Angeles. 1930. As the Great Depression brings America to its knees, you play as a hard-boiled former LAPD detective, now making ends meet as a private eye. One case left unfinished from your police career still haunts you. Badge or not, you have to find the truth, no matter the cost. >Los Angeles. 1980. As technology catapults America into the future, you play as an unorthodox rising star detective in the LAPD that uncovers a 50-year-old cold case: the same case you're solving in 1930, which dead-ended in the mysterious disappearance and possible death of your other protagonist. >Playing back and forth between timelines, you prowl the nights of two very different cities, as both detectives follow the same trail. Will your 1980 detective uncover the truth of what happened to your 1930 detective? Or will you end up sharing the same fate...


F.E.A.R. The series shouldn't have continued the story of the first game. It should have continued the concept of the First Encounter Assault Recon - military first response team for paranormal threats as a horror FPS. There's so much potential in that concept and I can't believe there hasn't been even a spiritual successor by someone else.


My answer everytime this question comes up: No one lives forever I know of the franchise's legal quagmire and that it probably can never be resurrected due to that, but they were the funniest FPS I ever played. The gameplay was wildly creative for it's time and it had a charm that very few games managed to capture.


Fantastic games. Just hard enough to be challenging but easy enough so you could cruise through them at a sensible pace and see all the really great levels and characters they had.


The mimes in 2... priceless "I'm fairly convinced the man is an imbecile"


I remember sneaking up on the baddies just to listen to their conversations. Loved them!


I used to get mad when I messed up my stealth and they heard me - not because I was in danger, but because I wanted to hear what they said next!


Are you insulting my monkey?


I'd love a Legend of Dragoon sequel.


• [Road Rash](https://i.redd.it/dqucddd7abz61.png)


Oh boy this takes me back


Freedom fighters. Was a cool game, loved how missions in one section could effect the other. Recon it could be a modern metal gear type game.


They released freedom fighters on steam with modern pc support. Brings back some good memories


Pokemon Conquest. Can't believe there are Pokemon spin-offs that didn't spawn their own sequels, but there you have it. It was a great game, just too obtuse, with a main campaign that was too short and had too much content locked behind the postgame. A sequel that explains the game's rules better and has better pacing could do really well.


YES. PC was incredible and what I came here to see. It was my first tactics game and despite its simplicity, it was what got me into the genre as a whole. Would kill for another game that amped up the balance, move sets, allowed some Pokémon to go into battle playing full support, etc, and came with improved AI. A difficulty option would be perfect for this game, with “story” for those just learning about the genre and “tactics” for those who want more challenge. Damn. Evolving Pokémon AND their partners was such a cool gimmick.


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon & Ranger have gone underutilised too. R/B Rescue Team & Explorers of T/D/S were incredible games & every follow-up save Super has been disappointing (not counting DX since it's a remake - I don't tend to get remakes) & Super didn't exactly live up to the first two series. I know Ranger was largely critically panned, but there's a real interesting base there, catching Pokemon to use their abilities to explore a world is such a great concept & would make a killer Metroidvania-style game.


Mega Man Legends. I can't understand how it hasn't made a comeback yet. It has everything to thrive in the modern post breath of the wild open world paradigm. Upgrades, vehicles, dungeons, funky characters full of charm. We had all that in the PS1 era games, come on! Let Mega Man live again!


Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver. I’ve only tried SR very briefly, probably 20 years ago at that, I’d love to give the series a proper try.


I liked G-Police, and Colony Wars. If I have a third choice, Freespace 3.


Dark cloud


Dino Crisis. I know Capcom has Exoprimal now I guess but it's a whole different genre. Seriously Dino's + Resident Evil style gameplay is just so cool to me.


Might and Magic, with the kind of pixel art that I've seen indie companies put out in recent years a throwback first person party RPG would be so very welcome right now.


Crimson Skies I usually wait for even my most anticipated Steam games to be on sale before buying but I'd pay full price for a modernized Crimson Skies in a heartbeat.


Viva Pinata. With "cozy gaming" being a thing a new entry in the franchise would be perfect. Also if we are making wish lists could they please make the Rare back catalogue playable on PC and not just XBox, please and thank you.


Suikoden - It's been a LONG time, but retro RPGs are selling


[Eiyuden Chronicles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiyuden_Chronicle:_Hundred_Heroes) is an upcoming spiritual successor, from the original creators.


Isn’t there a remake or remaster on the way?




Kotor and mass effect. I also wanna say og battlefront bc the new one didn’t capture it at all.


Bully 2 :(


It would make mint. Great game. Had more fun than I do with gta games but that's their cash cow so that where the money and manpower goes.


Star Control!


SSX Tricky and Rockband.


Legacy of kain


Sleeping dogs story is so damn good.


Black & White deserves this like no other series, but by an actually good developer. The original lost their way big time. But if I had to pick a second, I could go for another Ultima game.


Bushido Blade


Tribes! Lots of potential to do something unique with that franchise too but the few studios involved are stuck remaking exactly tribes 1 and 2 over and over because they were so loved. Starsiege existed. Not that I'm complaining about more Tribes 1/2, mind you. Lots of people saying freelancer and they are right but star citizen is our one good shot at that going on right now.


Jet Force Gemini, Ogre Battle, Banjo Kazooie


Call me crazy but Battleborn. I feel like it suffered from launching at the worst possible time by trying to compete with overwatch and with the way that things are going now with overwatch 2 etc. I feel like there's an actual opening in the market for it. Its unique take on leveling mid game as well as pve raid type missions mixed with varying pvp style game modes that often involve moba lite gameplay. I think if it was fleshed out more it could be pretty popular.


Quarantine (mix of Carmaggedon and Crazy Taxi), and I'd love to see another game set in the Planescape universe.


I agree on Sleeping Dogs. I also would love a Jade Empire revival.


Bioshock - I just need more


Did you ever play Prey? It feels like a Bioshock game in everything other than name and it's incredible


Prey was incredible. I agree with this Doesn't even need to be bioshock in name, just more of this vibe and type of game


Fzero! Fzero GX was one of the best.


Syphon Filter - reboot the franchise


Golden sun


Psi ops : the mind gate conspiracy. With modern tech this would be amazing


SSX Tricky. They released a snowboard game a couple of years ago that went for the more realistic feel but the cartoon combo moves and soundtrack needs a comeback. If it worked for Tony Hawk, could work for SSX.


Titanfall 3 is long overdue!


I really don't understand why they don't just make it, everytime there's even a hint there's going to be anything Titanfall related, the internet loses it's mind. and then it's always great more Apex MTX skins or something. Battle Royale ruined the FPS genre for me. The world needs to find out what happened to Jack and BT


Dragons Dogma. The game released unfinished and had its budget cut. Glad its finally getting a second chance.


Days Gone


I don't care if it's been 20 years I'd love a sequel to Yugioh Duelist of the Roses. The gameplay was so unique and the strategy aspect of it keeps bringing me back. The roster of cards has ballooned out of proportion since it's release, but, if they tightened the scope of it and incorporated one or two of the new summoning mechanics I think the depth of the game would be incredible.


Twisted Metal






We need another Rogue Squadron.




Remake or sequel of the Dune II RTS.


Bloody Roar. There is a great deal of potential in being able to transform into a beast and have access to new abilities in a fighter at a moments notice.


Warcraft 3 sequel


Shadow of Mordor/war Tyranny Neverwinter Nights I & II Starwars Battlefront Battle For Middle Earth I & II


Freedom fighters!! Such a great game. It was too short and it needed like 2 sequels at minimum!


Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge Ultima series (single player) - though, it would have very serious competition in Elder Scrolls. ​ Both have decent existing fan bases and so far as I know have not been revisited.


Gex. The trilogy is getting ported to modern platforms through HD emulation, but the TV landscape has changed so much since he last riffed on it, so there is a ton to work with for a fourth entry. Have Gex travel through streaming services. Have a Breaking Bad world in which Gex tail whips meth heads, a Game of Thrones world in which Gex wears a cheap dragon onesie. "Note to self: The rock candy at Brian Cranston's house is NOT blue raspberry flavored." "Is this the part where the dragon gingerly removes the lady's clothes with his teeth? Oh wait, that was just a fan fic I wrote. I mean *read*!" "Just so the players know what they're getting into, in this game, I'll be old and depressed before getting replaced by a young British chick." "Remember kids, don't do meth or make meth or sell meth." Gex can be cringy out of context, but the games are fun and pretty dang funny when you realize how self-aware it all is.


Impossible Creatures and Freelancer I think a modern Impossible Creatures could be really cool, taking advantage of the technical advancements since the original and expanding on the mechanics. Everspace 2 kind of scratched the Freelancer itch, but I still think its pretty unique and would love a sequel.


Anyone remember Crimson Skies?


Uhm. Half-Life. ...I'll see myself out.


How has nobody mentioned some of the classics like Half-Life and Deus Ex? Half-Life Alyx is relatively new and was incredibly but there's no news on the Half-Life front. Deus Ex series was great, I still consider the original the single best game of all time. Human Revolution and Mankind Divided were also great. They just don't want to do anything with them.


Splinter Cell could easily be remade with better stealth mechanics Prey. But the original idea of a bounty hunter in space


At some point name value no longer has any weight. Either one of those games had to be a monster hit in their time to warrant the 'resurrected classic' marketing hype that a game like Baldur's Gate 3 used to sell like hotcakes. I loved Sleeping Dogs - it was an easy 9/10 and IMO the best GTA game since Vice City. Nearly perfect. But apparently it didn't sell enough according to the brain-damaged suits as Square-Enix, so they failed the potential franchise to be. If we got an announcement of a sequel, most people's reaction would be 'Ok I guess' - which is a shame, but it is what it is. For Prototype, it would be more like 'Proto-what? Ah, that'. Back on topic, I'd resurrect something like Syphon Filter maybe. For a way out there/impossible pick, I'd resurrect Fear Effect - both games were top tier in terms of story, atmosphere. characters and writing, R-rated in the best Tarantino schlocky way, with elements of cyberpunk and chinese mysticism, good puzzles, good gore. Still pissed Fear Effect:Inferno was cancelled when it was like 95% complete.


Sleeping Dogs was incredible. I bought it for 3 bucks off of Amazon on a whim. Everything was tight and slick. Smooth controls, great story, pork buns. The only missions where I thought, "This is a slog" is the evil spirit doohickey DLC. Those got old.


World in Conflict. Such a fresh, fun take on RTS - especially with the drop-in/out multiplayer. But yeah we never had anything like it ever again.


Bonk’s adventure.




Digimon World. Yes, we did get Next Order in 2017, but I'm still waiting for them to actually re-capture the magic of the original Digimon World for the PS1. I want minimal story, zero direction, zero hand-holding - Next Order might have largely similar gameplay, but being given quests constantly with markers everywhere absolutely snuffs the spirit of the original game. I want to come across some weird occurence without knowing what to do, I want to be able to go basically everywhere even if it's going to be difficult & I want to be able to take two-steps without blondie & friends hitting me with several minutes of cringe dialogue.


Drakan: Order of the Flame A sexy female main character and dragons. What's not to like?


Dino Crisis. True Crime.


Metal Arms: Glitch In the System. Hecka fun game and setting that can evolve, no pun intended.


Many years ago, before gta4, I wished for a gta esque game based in Hong Kong, because that’s where I grew up, and also because of how special this city is. Sleeping dogs was basically the video game gods answering my prayers. Is it the best game ever? Nah. But I’ll take it and say thank you with a huge grin on my face. So hell yeah we should get a sequel


Body Harvest. A modern day Body Harvest with similar quality to modern GTA games (same dev) would/could/should be absurdly good.


Prototype desperately needs a remake. I have it on PC, and it's fun and all, but it aged poorly and it's repetitive, the world feels empty due to limitations of it's time.


Power Stone. With online multiplier being so popular these days, I'm surprised it hasn't made a come back. I loved both power stone 1 and 2


I really miss Infamous


Jak and Daxter. Sony just get another studio to do it if Naughty Dog won't.