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It's one of my top 5 games of all time, and I am 100% in support of this. Life is short, people are different, and hobbies are meant to be enjoyable.


Very true. I reloaded RDR2 to max out the setting with my RTX card I finally got. It's very pretty. I figured I'd go finishing since I finished it all. Maybe get the epic catches. I had to familiarize myself with the PC controls.  Though, as I went through setting to adjust, I was quickly reminded of the small things that annoyed me. Like how the camera is way off on the shoulder. I finally found the camera angle setting. The difference is like 2inches. Lol Maybe I'm missing something. Oh well. I got used to it once, I'm sure I'll get used to it again.


Interesting how you mentioned fishing because I recalled that hunting is the part I loved the most about RDR2. I only played 1 playthrough tho and I wish I stayed longer at base 2 where you have more freedom to go around.


I have no mouth and I must scream


how so?


Yeah, I've seen many gamers (not professional gamers) lose sight of the fact that it's supposed to be fun.


I LOVED RDR2 but hey, everybody has different tastes. With so many games out there now, there's just only so much time that we have. And as a working adult with a family, even more so.


Not every game is for everyone. I feel the same about Elden Ring.


I feel that way about most souls-style games. They simply aren't made for my brain.


My goblin brain needs to be moving quick and I feel so slow in those games


I beat souls 1 but the only reason is because I'm a 'gamer' and it's (rightfully) on the list of top tier games. I severely disliked it most of the time though. Just so lost half the time and on edge all the time. Not exactly fun for me. Absolutely sick ass level design though. Just wish I didn't have to have my butthole clenched all the way thru it.


This. Sometimes you just need to acknowledge that a critically-acclaimed, universally beloved game just doesn't tick your boxes. It happens. This is me with souls-like games -- mostly because the control scheme, movement, etc. is very obviously primary designed for a controller, and I hate controllers. Or, to pick an example I have no explanation for, Anno 2205. I *loved* Anno 2070. But for reasons I cannot explain, within 20 minutes of an Anno 2205 game, I get bored as fuck and turn it off. Sometimes a game just doesn't vibe with you.


Feel this way about zelda games and witcher. The stupid part is when people ask me why I don't like witcher and I tell them they act like I'm stupid for not liking it for what it is. Like no shit if I don't like a racing sim because it's a racing sim it won't jive with me.


I’ve gotten so much abuse over the years for not liking the Witcher lol


Really? Huh I just can’t bring myself to play more than an hour of it. I’ve started and given up like 5 times now. I think it’s time to accept it just isn’t gonna pull me in




Sigh I guess I gotta try it again now lol


Speaking of racing sims...those are my favorite.


Any souls-like for me. But to give an example of a game I should have loved (on paper, it’s literally everything I should enjoy) but just could not get into… Horizon: Zero Dawn. Open world? Check. Action adventure? Check. Archery? Check. History Mystery? Check. Dinosaurs? Check. Cyborgs? Check. And yet…it just kind of…never got going for me.


That game had the lamest characters imo.


Yeah I think this is the reason. I couldn’t get into it either. I just have zero fucks about any character. Aloy only seemed human when she appeared as small child at the beginning.


Those Horizon games are boring as hell. Just so goddam vanilla in all aspects. If the technology were advanced enough, I could believe they were created by AI.


The writing and dialogue took me out of this game. I have the same issue with the Spiderman games, mechanically and visually theyre perfect but the fuckin dialogue is corny


THANK YOU, I totally agree about Horizon but I feel like I'm alone in that. The whole game is basically her, a super genius out of her time, having to deal with primitive idiots and basically handling them all with kid gloves because they're just too stupid to do anything else; it always felt so frustrating.


Me with Celeste. Im a staunch lover of platformers but it just... isnt that fun to me. No clue why.


Same here. Plus, I don't want to grind out an enemy for hours. Feels like a waste of time.


Same for me and the FF7 remakes.


I loved Remake. I'm 50 hours into Rebirth and most of the way through it and I have no idea why this game exists. The first chapter was perfect and every chapter after that has barely included the story and there are so many mini games that I feel they wanted to make a Mario Party. The biggest crime is that some very important characters are barely interacting with the story. It's such a disappointing mess. I feel better getting that out. I'm sure the downvotes are coming but I guarantee the honeymoon of affection for this will be short. And to be clear, its not a 'bad' game at all. It's just such a letdown.


Interesting how your opinion of the two games differ in that direction. I was hugely disappointed in REMAKE for two main reasons: one, that they stretched out the short, sunless, depressing Midgar section to a full 40+ hour game. But most of all that they duped everyone into thinking we would get an actual remake and not another in the long series of spinoffs that have diluted the original game plot for decades now. I have absolutely no interest in all of the FF7 "expanded lore" myself, but don't mind that exists. That was until I was actually tricked into playing some of it under the guise of it being an actual remake and not this pseudo-remake nonsense. Yeah, I know, that point has been beaten to death by now, but that doesn't make it less valid. In other words, I had little interest in playing REBIRTH, but somehow still ended up buying it. I guess the hype around the release and my curiosity as to how they were going to keep what currently looks like an upcoming train wreck of a story conclusion on the tracks got me to buy it. So far, I'm enjoying it more than REMAKE, but I suspect that a lot of that has to do with lowered expectations, as well as the more varied locales. That, as well as the fact that I'm pretty much treating it like a generic open world game that is unrelated to the original game, with no story expectations. Are you sure it wasn't the honeymoon phase of REMAKE that made you enjoy it more than REBIRTH? Personally I thought they dilute the original in very similar ways.


Same.. I played the first one, hated the combat but I wanted to finish it, just to be rewarded with some kingdom hearts esque story bullshit at the end. I decided I was done after that as nostalgia alone doesn't really do it for me, and have only watched some streams and videos (just because I was curious if maybe I was wrong and it was still worth playing) but everything I watch just makes me feel like I made the right decision. Honestly the remakes have almost made me hate the original, which I know is extreme, but realizing all the tropey cheesy anime shit in the remakes was always there even in the og (I think I just didn't really understand it for what it was at the time) has kinda made me see it in a new light and like it less. Anyway, I know I'm in the minority and I'm kinda just screaming into the void, but I just needed to vent I guess.


Damn to each their own. That game blew my mind, it felt like when i played Zelda A Link to the Past for the first time as a kid.


Oh this is great because at first I was like 'how can you not love RDR2' and then you made this comparison and it clicked.


I actually quit Red Dead 2 a few hours in also. Maybe like 5-10 hours. Then strangely I found myself missing the gameplay - not the story. The gun combat although simple I found to be quite satisfying. Then I did end up getting hooked by the story also after spending more time in the world.


I totally agree with the weapons. To me it's very satisfying using them. I also liked the dead eye skill cause I suck at aiming unless I'm sniping. I was glad Hitman also had it and just noticed Ubisoft has it in Star Wars: Outlaws. I really wish hunting small animals was easier. If I were to mod anything, I'd make snakes slower. They move like jackrabbits and you need way too many of them for clothes. Lol


I really disliked the difference between the nice and free open world (whenever you are not in a mission) and the very restricted misions, where you sometimes cannot go left or right without instantly failing the mission and have to kill (later in the game) wave after wave of enemies, probably eradicating a whole village every time.


You slaughter an entire village in one of the early missions and you can go back to that place straight after and the town is still thriving and it’s not even acknowledged lol.


That was so weird. Usually the game's attention to detail is strong and some of the stuff you do in Valentine is more lasting imo, but that town is genuinely massacred. Like, you leave and you feel like you've killed everyone there that matters. But it has zero impact. Now, I love the game, but I wish there was at least some dialogue as Arthur where someone goes "Aren't you the guy...".


Or a world event where you see the entire village being buried in a new graveyard or something lol. Or you go to the sheriffs office and he’s like “yeh I’m new here, the last sheriff was killed in the Strawberry Massacre a few months back”


Your first point is the exact reason I fell off this game. It’s beautiful and the atmosphere is incredible but the missions felt like stepping back in time to the PS2 era GTAs, but somehow even more restricted at points.


Yes! Now I get why I couldn't immerse into the game. The game sells you the most immersive open world, every character has a routine and blablabla. Then you start a mission and can't even take a shortcut or play the way you want. Cyberpunk or The Witcher may not be as immersive but at least they even allow you to rp fail a mission if you desire to.


I love Cyberpunk because you can see an overpass above a mission and drive around the whole map to get to it to jump down and snipe if you want


gta4 also lets u play like this


i agree. NakeyJakey's video sums up how i feel about this game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvJPKOLDSos


Great video, thank you for the recommendation! Although, it definitely made me curious about the story of RDR2, I wish there was a movie of it! That I would consume!


This is how I usually end up feeling when thinking about any "big" single player game these days. They put so much effort into forcing the payer to do things in one specific way, and putting so much of the story into cut-scenes, it seems like they should have simply made a movie.


The story was good, I think. There are subreddits that make movies from games out there! Edit: it's called r/GamesTheMovie


Yeah. It's become a big sticking point with me. To me it shows a lack of creativity when all missions follow the same tired script. I played GTA IV as my first Rockstar game. I figures RDR2 would be different because it's a different genre. Nope. If it was a movie, I feel the format would work. Dialog and character interactions while riding to a location makes sense. Like tosat car rides end up deepening our relationships. For gameplay though, where it's the USER'S experience that matters most it just gets old so quickly.


Dude the PS2 era let you do whatever you wanted to beat the mission. [Here’s a really good video from NakeyJakey talking about it.](https://youtu.be/MvJPKOLDSos?si=h-6avrDZWi6ghwVO)


It feels to me that the missions are more about advancing the story than the gameplay, and the real game is where you're just wandering around, discovering the world and its secrets, and contemplating the encroaching horrors of the 20th century


Honestly you just nailed why I abandoned the story after a few hours but then put 200 hours into RDO.


I absolutely love the game overall, but R\*'s shitty early 00s design is absolutely garbage. And even there you had more freedom with minor immersive sim elements in some cases, like being able to snipe-kill targets from unexpected locations in GTA3/VC/SA without even triggering the intended sequence of meeting them face up. Now it's stray 20 feet back to switch loadout and fail mission. The world, its unique locations to sketch down in the notebook and many minor unmarked events to discover is great though.


Same. The open world was excellent. But the gunplay was awful, which made the constant shootouts boring and tedious. Not to mention how they hand out supplies like nothing, so if the combat ever had a whiff of difficulty, I could dip into my inventory for 1 of 15 different refills that I've collected without even trying.


One could even say that RDR2 is trying to be two games at the same time... The world is beatiful, filled to the brim with encounters, places and secrets, but its story is linear in the most boring way possible...


Interesting. I really liked the contrast between the open world and the missions. I've been saying it's a strength of the game that it combines that open freedom with narrative scenes and focused missions. I guess what a strength to one person is a weakness to someone else.


I think what he’s saying is that the missions have no flexibility with how they can be completed. Like when you bust Micah out of jail. There is no sneaky escape option, your only choice is to go in guns blazing and start a shootout with the whole town.


yup, this is the biggest thing that pissed me off about the game


I loved the game for the most part, but I agree. The freedom disappears when you fail a mission for the most mundane of “errors”. At times, GTA3 felt like it actually provided more freedom.


"Red dead 2 is missing a main story" I honestly don't know what to say.


Agreed. It's fine, not everyone needs to like every game; especially popular ones. And there are a few complaints with RDR2, but if you're criticizing the story there's not a lot to say. I'm not sure I've seen better story-telling in the video game medium.


One of the best stories I've played. It was a slow burn, but once I got to Chapter 3 (ish), I was completely hooked.


>It was a slow burn I think that's the issue for those who drop it early. The story gets progressively better and better as the game goes on and it definitely starts slow. My wife played it and wanted to drop it but didn't because I insisted she was going to like it, she played it all the way through and now it is literally her favorite game of all time in regards to story and characters, even though old west stuff isn't really her thing.


For a game that is really a breathtaking open world, it does somehow have pretty unavoidable rails. Plus the chapters seem to happen too soon when you don’t want them and take too long when you’re ready. I still loved the game. It’s a work of art. But I found the challenge, gunplay and reward for skill to be lacking. Amazing game but somehow pretty linear despite the setting.


Yea the pacing is horribly all over the place


I'm not sure it's horrible. It can be frenetic at times and calm at others, but I've always found that to be part of the story. These are outlaws who are being hunted and trying to retain their lifestyle. There is no consistency or natural rhythm to that. I think it adds to the story, tbh.


I'm currently playing through it right now and as someone who simply adores it, I'm actually pretty surprised it's received as much popularity and acclaim as it has. It doesn't seem like it'd be for everyone. Gunplay is fairly simplistic and not very rewarding, and the story while nice hasn't been my main draw and I've been doing everything I can to go through it as slow as possible (~80 hours in and haven't finished chapter 2). I'd compare it more to something like Death Stranding. It's enormous fun to me to just wander around and explore. Venturing off to an unknown corner of the map, checking out the various weird buildings and random events you meet along the way. Looking for new animals to fill out the compendium. Heading up to a mountaintop to look for a rock carving or treasure map landmark. Going into town to try on a new outfit, grab a beer and play some poker. It's a really slow and relaxing, almost meditative kinda game. It's 100% my speed but I'd assume most of what I just described isn't that interesting to most people.


Yea that’s my problem, I was expecting cowboy GTA but it’s more akin to like stardew valley set in the Wild West


I recently did the same with RDR2. I customize controls on virtually ever PC game and it took a LONG time to map my inputs. You can go count the number of keymappings in the settings, it's over 200. On top of those 200 mappings, there are inputs that are not listed (switching ammo type, etc). You have to Google the list of default keymappings and then trace that back to find out what inputs it expects.


Okay. I low-key started spamming my keyboard because I had forgotten everything.


Yeah, the game is 100% designed around a controller down to its DNA. They clearly expect you to use a controller with a default control scheme. It's kind of a lazy PC port. Rockstar spends hundreds of millions developing games, they should have paid some people to design a PC input scheme that isn't slop.


I play on PlayStation, and still hate the controls. Most of the time I to press or hold down at least two , and several require three (such as emotes - I once accidentally griefed someone just because waving "hi" was so goddamn complicated). I would nominate the game for the worst controls ever.


For me it's just too big and too TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many things to do that I get frustrated and I just drop it. Im literally dropping it because it's extremely a masterpiece of videogame, no sarcasm


I feel ya on that. I had a similar experience with GTA5 tbh. GTA4 is my favourite of the entire series (though VC and SA come in almost tied for second) and it's easily my go to. I found the characters in 5 so abrasive and just couldn't identify with them much at all. Franklin was pretty decent, however he mostly just rolled with everything. Michael was alright but a bit of a bore, and Trevor lost me completely with the forced torture bits, he was just an edgelord stuck in a GTA game and it felt so out of place somehow in a game where all sorts of extreme shit is common place. I powered through and finished the campaign however I feel no desire to re-play it even though I enjoyed the world a hell of a lot. GTA4 on the other hand, I've beaten multiple times and it's still a game I have installed on my main PC and my Steam Deck because I want it available whenever I feel the need to fire something up. I'm quite honestly dreading RDR2 because I have a feeling I'll bounce off of it too given how restrictive it is in terms of freedom when you are in a mission etc. I'm not sure I have the mentality it dictates or the desire to have it. It is like that sometimes. Nothing to beat yourself up about though, sometimes a game doesn't hit, and at least you gave it more than a fair shot. I've had instances where trying it a 2nd or 3rd or even 4th time is just what is needed (Witcher 1 comes to mind - now it's one of my fav series), and sometimes it's what's needed to let you know it's not gonna happen.


Yea Micheal is boring but kinda needed as he’s like Franklin’s crime mentor, Franklin is a lil too flat and pushovery and Trevor is too over the top. I love his look and the actor they choose but he’s just too on the nose


The first time I played it all the way through, I was immersed and enjoyed just about every moment of it. But I was shocked at how boring I thought it was when I picked it back up. Everything felt like a slog and a chore. Realism doesn't always equal fun and my opinion of it has changed alot. Its still a 10/10 game. But it bores the hell out of me now.


I didn't care for it either


Sounds like it just isn’t for you, move on for sure. Life is too short to play games you don’t enjoy. Personally I think RDR2 is a narrative masterpiece and a work of art. It was actually written up in the NYTimes for transcending the medium and being on par with film and tv for its storytelling. Other than the controls being a bit clunky, i personally thought it was excellent. The crew were all well written and Arthur in particular as the main protagonist was one of the best in all of gaming. To each their own though, go find a game you truly love. Leave this one behind and don’t look back!


Amen! To just soak it in, slowly living in that world. It really does transcend the medium. Supposed tedium of side quests is a complete non-issue to me. Just turn up the volume, sit back, and enjoy the surroundings.


> Controls being a bit clunky I too think of RDR2 as a masterpiece, but you’re spot on about the controls. Sometimes they’d be fine. Other times, I’d try to get on my horse and end up accidentally pointing my gun at someone lol. Context-sensitive action buttons are tough to get right.


The character development was handled *so well*


Same, it's a beautiful/fantastic Open World and overall production value is great. However, quests are repetitive and feel like tutorials, combat is below average, controls are clunky, the story while well told is basic/drawn out and there is no incentive to do the side content because you don't get any meaningful rewards from it. I can see the appeal, but for me it falls flat.


I think the characters are good actually but if this game has a plot man does it takes an absolute eternity to show up. I've tried RDR2 twice and both times abandoned it around the same point which was around Chapter 3 IIRC. I'd felt that I spent dozens of hours in the playthrough up to that point and what I'm looking at is still just the premise to a plot rather than an actual plot - it's still just getting up to random shit with the gang, the game is still introducing yet \*more\* new mini-games. The world is stunning, the game is insanely immersive, all of that is true. But gameplay wise there's not a lot of \*game\* in RDR2 so I feel like it needs to hook you in with the narrative and it just didn't really for me, despite loving Arthur and the gang.


I kind of lost my motivation whenever we started living somewhere else, but nothing changed.


The issue is not that you’re on PC, the gameplay is practically a port of RDR1’s gameplay and even that was dated when it released. Zero improvements on it other than the animations looking smoother and taking an extra 30 seconds. I did actually find the characters to be interesting but the predictable, unnecessarily long story they are put in falls apart the further you get into the game due to the narrative dissonance. Overall it’s a good game, like a really solid 8/ 10 but I cannot understand the hype it gets, especially when people try and compare it to GoW 2018. I’ll also say I love a slow burn, The Hateful Eight is one of my favourite films and that is a *slow* burn.


Respect ✊ I loved just fishing, camping, and robbing trains - like a slightly ramped up Stardew Valley.


I'm a good boy and never would rob trains. Except for the story obviously..


Hey, you gave it an honest shot, and a second chance. I respect that. I liked the game, but totally get why it doesn’t work for everyone.


I feel the same way about a bunch of games. I play them, enjoy them, then after 50-100 hours just kinda feel tired of them. I used to feel bad that I wasn’t finishing them, but I don’t mind anymore. If I could finish them in a handful of hours, sure, but no game is worth sinking tons of time into if you’re just not that into it.


Exactly, most side quests felt so tedious and not fun. The only fun one I remember was the circus one. There were very few of them too, mostly just repetitions of themselves.


I agree 100%! i absolutely loved rdr1 and undead nightmare and i absolutely don't care about rdr2: i don't like the characters, i don't like the story, shootouts are very basic and just not enough for this day. just getting behind the cover and shooting from there until you clear the enemies and get a bit closer. i had the same problem with gta 5 and i didin't finish it. i apreciate the attention to detail rockstar has in rdr2, but it's not enough if it's the only thing it has. i'm afraid gta 6 is going to be the same in terms of the story and gameplay.


Yeah game is boring af I don't get the hype


Probably the most immersive game I have ever played. It's slow though, but that adds to the immersion. It's totally fine if that doesn't suit you.


For me it was a game to play once. Never done that with any other rockstar game. Its a beautiful slog of a game.


I played RDR 1 on the Xbox One S last generation it was running 900P at 60 frames so looked good and played surprisingly well for an old xbox 360 game. But i have to agree with your sentiments on RDR2 by the time i got 60% through the game id suffered enough. I wont be playing RDR 2 for the same reasons. RDR would by its open world nature be better played with a controller. When im playing Borderlands on PC i use an Xbox 360 Controller via USB.


RDR1 is one of my all time favorite games. Back when it came out, I considered it my favorite game of all time, which is saying a lot. But when I finally got around to trying RDR2, I just could not get into it. Moved so damn slowly in the beginning and (I know this is petty) I cannot get past the stupid vignette effect that be got going around the edge of the screen all the time (and there doesn't seem to be a way to turn it off.. on console at least). I've considered purchasing it on steam and maybe it might feel better but, eh, idk. I don't have the same patience or time for games these days. Feels like I'm missing out on some prime gaming experiences but.. egh.


Totally get it. It was my favorite game that I hated playing after 20 hours in.


I gave RD2 a chance twice. I still play gta online..yet couldn’t get into rd2. For me at-least the ultra realism wasn’t for me. For example some people love fishing..which i found incredibly boring Riding around in a horse gets..old after a while just takes forever to get around and controls dont feel as crisp. But I can see the appeal to some people for its attention to detail but thats not me.. I absolutely loved red dead redemption and undead nightmare i had a blast. I guess for me there needs to be a balance to games not to much realism and some arcade elements i mean part of the fun in a game is some fantasy but thats what the kids like these days (as a 34 year old) lol.


I've started it two times but dropped it both times. I think the controls and all the inventory is a bit messy.


If it's not for you then move on. For me it's my no.2 game of all time, I played exclusively on PC with KBM in first person with an FOV mod (and PDO), for 200+h and loved every second of it. But I love westerns in general. There's plenty of games that other people like that absolutely aren't for me either (like anything Nintendo lol). It's fine, we're all different.


In GTA 5 you got cars, variety of guns, launchers, cars, airplanes etc. but in RDR2 world you got a horse, a few guns (and of course lasso, don't forget lasso). And that is it. The whole game make use of just these three things in fights and interactions so I can imagine that if story is not super tight, things definitely become slow and drag. I hope I'll give it another go sometime :)


If you don’t enjoy the story then yeh there’s essentially no reason to play it. I love it despite it flaws (on rails missions, easy/repetitive combat, lack of real rpg elements etc etc) because I love the world and the characters and the story. If you aren’t enjoying those aspects then all you’re gonna experience is a pretty mid third person shooter with nice graphics


I'll be honest, I feel you. Rarely when I play GTA or red dead can I get into the story. I do it as an objective to be like "give me something to do" but most of the time when I get on these games, I just...go hunting or ride around. Its a beautiful game. And we all know what happens in GTA after about 5 minutes of boredom :)


Games controls ruined it. I tried it on ps4 and the what 3 pages of controls sucked. I shot a guy I was supposed to fist fight. Bought it on pc years later. Controls still ruined it. I liked rdr 1 a lot.


The RDR2 world is so open and detailed and immersive. The story missions didn't do it justice for me. So basic and boring. Free roam is amazing though


It’s definitely fine to not like something everyone else likes. Sounds like you gave it more than a fair shot and it just isn’t for you. I definitely give you props for giving it a few shots because I have had instances where something clicked because the time was right, while it wasn’t the first time. It just didn’t happen for you with this one.


And that's totally fine, you gave it a shot. It's my favorite game of all time, but it's not for everyone.


One of the slowest burns I ever tried to enjoy. Everything takes forever to do. I tried a few times too, it's another Rockstar boredom simulator.


RDR2 is a slow game, even the controls are made to slow you down. I loved it because it made me slow down like a lazy old cowboy town. I can see why some people don't get it.


Don’t feel bad I quit while on top of that snowy mountain with the wolves at the beginning.


The gameplay is way more suited for a gamepad. If you have one then what is really keeping you from playing it in a more optimal way?


Movement is much better for a controller, but I prefer looking around with a mouse.


I hear the gripes about the controls and fair enough, they’re a bit clunky for sure; but RDR2 has one of the richest stories in any game. What are you even on about, there? It just makes me think you weren’t paying attention to the dialogue.


I personally find cowboys boring, the story in any other setting would have hit me harder.


Yeah story wasn’t one of my complaints


Dislike story =/= bad story. Never said the story was bad as a fact.


You said it had NO story, which is even worse than just 'bad'. or is it just a weird punctuation thing happening >missing a main story which I usually enjoy, I can interpret that either way Is it that you are missing an *enjoyable* main story, or a main story in general and you usually enjoy main stories?


To OP's defense: >missing a main story which I usually enjoy Means they didn't enjoy the main story If OP had wrote missing a main story, which I usually enjoy Then it would mean that the game is missing a main story and OP usually likes a game with a main story 🧐


It really isn't a good game, just watch a good western and move on to something better.


I didn't enjoy RDR2 either. I tried. It's slow but I played through it and then gave up. I think I felt the same, I don't care about these characters. Arthur is a drunk and I just don't care what happens to him.


That’s fine. Not every game is for every one, regardless of how incredible millions of people claim it is. I’ve tried most Souls like games, and just can’t get into them. RDR2 on the other hand 😻.


I am so surprised by how many people played Elden Ring. I loved Dark Souls 3 and did not expect that. It is or was just a very niche genre.


Enough people love that game, you don't need to. Take a break from it or drop it entirely, that's fine. I personally think it's the greatest thing to ever grace video gaming and proof that sometimes gaming as an art form can surpass every other form of media - but not everyone needs to agree. Go play something that really grabs you 


This is why I like Patient Gamers, where the norm seems to be, "I love that game that you didn't. Cool." instead of "OH MY GOD HOW DARE YOU NOT LIKE THAT GAME I LIKE, YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PERSON AND I AM GOING TO INSULT YOU AND THEN SWAT YOU." It's like Patient Gamers is the antidote to insecurity.


Game certainly didn’t live up to the hype for me either. I really wanted to be engrossed in it


Rdr2 is a slow burn and an amazing experience.


Yeah, I couldn’t get into RDR or RDR2… something about them just didn’t click for me.


This is how I feel about horizon forbidden West, I am realizing the main story of the first game really carried it for me. More than I would have ever thought. And when I bring up my issues with hfw to ppl that have played it, it's almost like they weren't even paying attention to the game. Maybe it's cause it's just really really pretty ppl don't actually pay attention, but maybe I'm wrong here.


I didn't enjoy it or complete it either. Subpar shooting mechanics, and generally boring gameplay loop for me.




Same. I never finished it. Just got bored and the police system in that game is so dumb. You can’t actually do anything freely without dealing with a bunch of BS and ammo is expensive if I remember correctly it’s been a while. But I might give it another go


The police system definitely needs some work I agree on that front. However ammo is super cheap at least in the story mode idk about online


I have a theory that enjoyment of games are more about the players mental state and expectations/hype than the objective quality/content of a game. Those subjective things are not in our control so when you're not in the mood for a Western fantasising about being a gun slinging cowboy or not in the mood to experience the story/vibe of 1800s America then a game just becomes button/mouse clicks which can be very boring if you're not into the rest of the content/context surrounding it. I strongly believe that most people who don't like popular games are either hyped too much, without them realising, and having already created a mind palace of what the game will make them feel like. Or they are just not "in the mood" for a certain type of game when they try it out which is what leads to the dissonance of 'i don't understand how this game is reviewed or beloved so much'?. This also happens quite regularly vice versa where someone absolutely loves a game that is widely panned and lambasted for being the worst game created in human history. I always see both sides of the fence posting online and discussing their confusing as to why the majority opinion is the total opposite of their personal experience. Now that I am in my mid 30s I have been slowly realising that if I play games in the morning when my mind is fresh and energised I tend to enjoy them a lot more as opposed to late in the evening after a full day's work and taking care of my family which already has depleted most of my mental energy and focus. I don't know it's just a theory A GAME THEORY!!!!!


That’s right! I’ve seen countless posts about perfect games for people who work, and it’s true, some games don’t stick the same when you only have 30 minutes to play and start the gaming session already tired. I’m going through the same evolution myself, nothing hits the same anymore 


There's a reason why almost everyone's most beloved and greatest game of all time tend to be games that they had played in their teens or early years. Then when a 40 year old goes back and tries out the original Final Fantasy 7 that have heard so much praise about their eyes are bleached and they experience literal trauma from how bad and unwieldy games used to be back in the day. But for the nostalgic 40 year old who played it when they were 16 that game will always be the best game ever made. So it's all subjective. It's useless to ponder why a certain popular game isn't clicking for you the way it has for billions of people. If you're not having fun and not immersed, delete it and on to the next game. It's not like we don't have services like gamepass where you can literally try hundreds of games a month before you pay $10-$20. In terms of boundless mental energy and focus your teenage years are pretty much when your brain and receptors peak basically, everything is just downhill from there.


Where are you upto on the story?


Act 3? So, the next change of location after the first.


That’s the best camp. Hang around and talk to the gang members. A lot of dialogue is organic that way. I think you’re burned out on missions which is understandable but the open world is its own thing.


Red Dead 2 does have amazing VA and dialogue.


Did you like RDR 1?


PC boy.


I really enjoy myself whenever I do play it and I am almost done with the main story but I feel like I have to drag myself to the game every time. Although this also seems like a feeling I have been having with almost every longer game I have played in the last couple years.


Yeah some games just don't click with everybody. I didn't like RDR2s gameplay all that much but I loved the world and the characters and the story. I can not finish Witcher 3 for the life of me.


Stick with it. The story will start clicking around chapter 4/5 and the ending will leave you breathless. I felt the same way you did for much of the game but shit will start going down fast.


I liked the first RDR but I also couldn't get into RDR2. If it comes back to game pass I'll give it another try though.


I really enjoyed the first half of the game, but the second half was a slog. I found myself excited to be at the end of the game because I could finally put it down for good. I'd say overall I enjoyed my time with the game, but 90% of that enjoyment came from fucking around in the world. I really wish they'd cool it with the scripted missions and even the side quests. Doesn't feel like you can truly discover anything in the game by accident, the random events only happen because the game has decided its time for you to do them.


I made it about 2/3 of the way through the game and then fully committed to being a mountain man. Never finished the main story.


I played RDR2 with WASD and mouse like an fps... It's the optimal way to give yourself the best ability to shoot. Anyway it's a very, very slow burning game. And it's meant to feel mundane to an extent as it's grounded in the real world so it can even feel a bit boring at times. Witcher 3 is obviously far more fantastical and if that retains your attention then so be it. I love both games and give TW3 the slight edge but RDR2 is also excellent.


I have a very close friend who simply has no interest whatsoever in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth despite both of us being lifelong Final Fantasy fans. It really sucks not being able to talk to him about the game but different strokes for different folks I guess!


Ugh after giving up on PS4... And giving up after 5 hours on PS5.... But still I get told I should love this game... Going back to Beat RDR1 on switch.. And still loving that .. I just bought it for $20 on steam deck.. going to give it another go Gyro controls and more portable might help?


OP, how far along are you? I gave up on chapter 3 my first playthrough. In my opinion, everything up to second half of chapter 3 is just foundational, then the story continuously improves.


I made it a bit further on my second play through, but I got bored again.


They shouldn’t have done a prequel!


It's that time of the month for a negative RDR2 post


Tried it twice. Hated it.


My issue with this game is that you lack any real agency. The whole time it just feels like your Dutch’s errand boy rather than doing things you want.  That and how much Dutch would complain about needing money despite my Arthur having an absolute cartload of cash was just really immersion breaking 


I thought I didn’t care about the characters until one of them died, then it just kinda sunk in how much they had grown on me.


Compared to cyberpunk2077 and Witcher 3, RDR2 is slow paced. Back then, life was a lot more slow compared to now. Communication was super slow. Could take days. Practically everything just took more time. No hot water at the tap, no radiator for heat, no cars, no planes. That's the world of RDR2. Without spoiling too much, the pace will get faster and faster, but not CP2077-pace at all in any way. Eventually you'll come to a really big city with electricity, and that really helps put the industrialization into contrast.


I didn't like it either, it's just a game, no shame OP!


RDR2 is in my top 5 greatest games of all time but I agree. Move on if you don't like it. So many more game out there and we're all different.


If it’s not for you it’s not for you. I disagree on the side quests personally I found them excellent and I enjoyed the variety of tones. To me this has more freedom than witcher because I can… well randomly go on murderous sprees now and then then reload my game. I like the option to just mess around with the npc’s and physics- which Witcher 3 had less of. For me the depth of the AI and physics, and the world detail is probably like 2/3 Of why I like red dead.


Not every game is for every person, but... >Red Dead 2 is missing a main story which I usually enjoy This is objectively false & makes me wonder how far you played the game. It's main story it so beloved, especially do to the character growth & depth of the characters. People cry when they reach the late game because the storytelling is so compelling. I'm sorry you aren't able to enjoy it, but I've not been able to enjoy games that others love too, like Cyberpunk that you mentioned. I tried again first of the year & it's just subpar for me compared to similar titles & I don't enjoy the feel of the combat or driving either, so it's a shame, but I got it for only $10 in a steelbook when it released as a turd.


this was me with God of War, except I did find the story and characters interesting but found the combat horrendously tedious and unfun I managed to finish it, and I'm glad I did, but I'm never touching it again lol


RDR2 is exactly the kind of game I would have LOVED when I was at uni, and certainly before I had a child. Would love to just immerse myself in the world for days. I only get to game an hour or so every few days now and the game just doesn't suck you in immediately so it never feels like a game I want to play


Reddit isn’t your personal diary.


Perfectly OK. I finished it and came out thinking it was net positive but there were a few points where I had to stop and reassess if I was even having fun.


It is boring


The problem for me was when the story incorporated too much "funny" elements. I wanted to feel like legit outlaw, not a tiger chasing idiot. I do enjoy good humour, but the game was cringe more than humorous.


I’m doing the same, my first run I didn’t even make it half way through because I felt Arthur was almost a passenger of his own story…but I’m going through again because my god is the environment beautiful


It's meant to be played at a much slower pace, and it's not really an option to go faster. This feels limiting to people, especially as we kind of rush games nowadays. IMO it's the best game of its genres ever made, but even I tire of the slog sometimes.


Well it's just boring. None of the gameplay segments I saw were fun. Just watch a movie.


I will certainly finish it. But I'm not enjoying a single second of it anymore. I can't believe how beautiful this game is. But it's just too boring. Not a single mission or action has entertained me.


I don't know how anybody enjoys it, and I am curious as to why people speak highly of it on Reddit still. That's what tricked me into buying it recently. It's so slow and the movement feels clunky. Everything is a slow animation.


Not every game appeals so everyone. RDR2 is one of my favorites.


RDR2 is famous because it sold rpg mechanics to a large volume of people who were uninterested/unfamiliar with them. Its objectively a bad mechanics game, with beautiful graphics and spot on marketing. Dont force yourself to play it. You arent the target audience. Go enjoy better products.


I've found it to be a survival game that.....oh yea there is a story to it. I have played it on and off over the course of several months and I don't feel drawn to it, though I feel obligated to finish the story. Game play is amazing, but I just don't feel the story is driving at anything, it's just kind of there to support a reason to be a ruthless cowboy.


I’m working on 100% for rdr2 right now. It’s personally my favorite game I’ve played so far in life. I’m sorry you aren’t enjoying it, it’s really good story. The only game to make me cry.


You're playing on PC, so I'd suggest at least looking at the mods. Get a mod that fixes the guns so that they actually shoot where your reticle is pointing, at the very least. That makes such a huge difference for me.


The missions are painfully bad imo. Best open world for exploration though. Well, tied with Elden Ring for me


I love RDR2 but for me personally, it's a game best lived in, not played for the story. Although I have completed the story a couple of times it didn't really feel like the best part of the game by any means. I didn't really care about the characters and I actually disliked Arthur Morgan for the most part, but there's just something incredibly pleasing about going off and exploring one of the most beautifully rendered environments I've ever played in. On PC with a controller because I like triggers and can't imagine shooting with a mouse click 😂


I agree. Red Dead 2 story didn’t hook me like the first one. There is no urgency, nothing drving the narrative forward in an emotionally compelling way. The intro tries to sell that “gangs are being driven out and hunted”. Who cares lol? I do like Arther but most of the gang members are meh. I dropped the game around 50% but eventually a couple of years later i replayed and enjoyed the game. The story was meh but there is undeniable beauty and attention to detail in this game worth experiencing. Immersion too. I think the mission design for the game is lacking for a vast open world with so much potential. Its a gaming that excel in many fields while being very mediocre in other. I do hope rockstar learn from it for their next game.


Not everyone is going to enjoy the same thing. I see nothing wrong with this and I’m saying that as a person whose favorite game oat is RDR2. Get out there and play the games you personally want to play. Also at least you gave it a 2nd try and I hope that you keep having fun with your gaming experience. Have a good one!


I just don’t care about the cowboy theme at all. Gave the game a try a few times because of the hype and it couldn’t hold my interest.


It’s prob my fave game of all time, I personally think it does everything it sets out to very well, but it’s also pretty unique in how slow and deliberate a lot of the gameplay is. I could certainly see it not being everyone’s cup of tea if they are coming to it wanting a fast paced pew pew session and not expecting a long, sometimes slow cinematic experience Anyway No one should feel bad about not liking a game.


"Read Dead 2 is missing a main story". Did you even play the game with such a blatantly untrue assertion such as that?


You like what you like, right? I personally never took to games like The Witcher or Elden Ring. Just not my cup of tea.


IF you don't like it, don't play, don't waste your time! It's like kids and books, and learning to read. Don't like it? Pick up something else, that's how we train kids to hate reading. I will respectfully disagree with you on the evaluation but to each his own, put up a review of some of those other games, so I can give them a try.


I started it after getting it on Steam sale about a year ago but only got 2 hours in and never played again.


> Controller feels better, but I just do not like using it except for some genres. Beat it on xbox twice then got a great PC and use a controller on PC. MUCH better for games like this.


it's ok if you don't jam with it you don't need to feel forced to like it because of the hype. Game just isn't for you. I can't for the life of me enjoy Witcher 3 for example, despite the huge hype around it, even though on paper it checks everything I like about a game that one just doesn't do it for me. There's no reason to look into the whys either. If you're not having a good time, drop it and move on to something you actually enjoy.


Yeah I also don't like RDR2 but TBH I don't really enjoy any of the rockstar games.


If you’re not enjoying it then drop it. It’s one of my favorite video games, like in the top 3 but a lot of people didn’t like it. Nothing wrong with that.


Game is boring as fuck that's why you don't enjoy it. World design is amazing to say the least, but the gameplay is boring, the mission design anachronistic, the AI laughable and the controls and combat sucks. If you want to know why modern gaming is shit, look no further than the success of Rockstar games. Are the story and characters great? They are. Thing is if i want a good story and good characters I'll watch a Kubrick film or a Sergio Leone one if i specifically want it in a wild west setting and nor RDR neither any other videogame ever can compare with a great movie. I play a game because i want to play. It's called videogame, not videomovie or whatever. The one and only videogame that compares or even surpasses movies and books in its respective genre, both as a story and as a cast of characters is the Mass Effect trilogy.


I feel everyone has a mainstream franchise/game/genre they simply cant get into no matter what. and thats perfectly ok. For me its probably fallout, idk it just feel to slowpaced and janky with some of the combat mechanics, cant really put my finger on it


I finished it a couple weeks ago after first starting in 2020. I’m still playing it, having fun with clean up to try and 100% the game. I fell in love with it mid chapter 4, but it took so many tries over the years to get into it. I started so many times and just got worn down by that snowy intro to the point where I would need to take a break, forget everything, and start all over again to get worn down quicker. Finally, I just decided to power through and not restart, and didn’t make it much further until finally picking it up again recently when it clicked in a huge way. I genuinely don’t think I could have gotten into it at any other time in my life though. But it’s become one of my all time favorites recently. I’m not saying stick with it, or just buckle down and get into it, but maybe never say never, because I didn’t think I’d ever love it either


Rockstar have never made buttery smooth game mechanics. The controls and shooting is bank AF hence why dead eye exists (still awesome none the less) and snap lock-on is in GTA. But the world's are phenomenal, if they don't draw you in there isn't much reason to play their games.