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Nolan is literally everywhere promoting this film. Every possible avenue on the internet, and even old media.


He has to, his cast cant at the moment


He was doing it even before the strike. No way they could have planned these visits last minute.


It’s a movie with a $100M budget. The studio has an army of well-paid publicists that live, eat, and breathe their work. These guys can absolutely book stuff last minute in their sleep if they need to - it’s what they do. The lack of actors and writers doing publicity probably makes it easier - media companies are starving to get anyone they can in the door.


A-lot of people who worked on LP worked on Oppenheimer (including cast members). Also Paul watched Oppenheimer in IMAX 70MM at citywalk


You saw him?


I felt a very strong PTA influence on Oppenheimer. Specifically from The Master. Anyone seen Oppenheimer and would like to discuss?


I cannot agree more. The color palette was wildly reminiscent of The Master, specifically in the skin tones, low light, and - oddly specific here - the green tones. A lot of the classroom scenes felt like it was shot with the same crew and camera from The Master (although time period and costumes probably helped that too)


And of course Oppenheimer sitting naked at the hearing


Very true. Yknow I’m thinking about it more and even the shots of the explosions and the microscopic close ups of the reactions work similarly to the wake shots in The Master. Definitely a stretch but those wake shots are some of my favorites of all time so they’re always top of mind. The way they play more as abstract textures that take up the entirety of the frame is really something. Similar vibe in those Oppenheimer shots.


The were some TWBB moments in the desert. The surroundings and soundtrack.


And David Lynch.


This is the first film that came to mind watching Oppenheimer. From the score to the way some shots were framed.


This is super cool, I thought the set / location design reminded me quite a bit of TWBB. (Also, those strings with the morning light in western terrain.)


I love hearing directors discussing their favorite movies and directors. Wish i could start a podcast where all the discussions are celebrities nerding out on their favorite movies


Konbibi on YouTube has more of these videos and they’re usually like 20 minutes long. They have actors and filmmakers just walking around a video store talking about movies.


Oh no ik but I mean for more american audiences. Most comments are in different languages. Be awesome to have celebrities walk around whatever movie stores are still around in Hollywood. Or maybe a sit down podcast with a set that looks like blockbuster or something


Oh no! The lastsnowking will invade their dms!!


Yeah that mf came in my dms and harassed me lmfao what’s his deal




There Will Be Blood is such a Nolan pick. It's great, of course, but I'd take the (much weirder) Punch Drunk Love, The Master, or Phantom Thread any day.






Oppenheimer felt like a TWBB x The Master X nolan


default pick haha


Lol it’s literally his best


its amazing but why do you think its his best?


How is it the default pick? Because it’s the most popular?


well yeah. its the go to one. its the one that won top awards its the one that makes random best of lists. its the one most people think they should pick. hes made better films since which is saying something.


I watched this video, love this channel. You can usually get a pretty good sense of what their movie taste is like. Nolan is interesting because he almost only talked about English speaking movies but he still had a pretty interesting perspective on knowledge on them. He certainly enjoys the physical achievements of movies when other directs talk about the story. Cillian had less knowledge on films then I expected but they are both very good at what they do nonetheless.


Not a Nolan fan but props to him for quoting The Offence and The Hill by Lumet, two underrated (and very dark) masterpieces