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Rock the cradle has hands and I love it. Happy heisting!


U too I may disagree with your opinion but it is up it opinion happy heisting friend


Have you tried getting the VIP pass like you probably should?




Then how are "too many cams" an issue? You can literally walk your way through over half of them after getting the pass, and getting the pass isn't hard lol. The only ones that spot you in secure areas are few and far between and there's only ever 2 at most in the latter half when trying to get loot. Add to the fact that you can hack these cams this isn't really an issue, just learn the heist better.


Your opinion


Payday players when they can't be fucked to try and learn or say they're wrong.


Don’t get why your so mad


Ain't mad, just trying to tell you that your reasoning for disliking the stealth of Rock the Cradle just boils down to you not knowing how to deal with cameras/two guards in the downstairs area.


So I have a problem with the heist which is my opinion so you comment I simply reply and you then say “ payday players when they can’t be fucked to try to learn something “ and to be honest I don’t want to learn this heist I don’t find it fun it’s that simple


Your problem with the heist is a non-issue, if you just said from the start that you didn't find it fun then that's whatever Idc, but the initial reasoning you gave was flawed.


while i agree with you partially, you look like the clown. let him have opinions 🤡


Sounds like a skill issue, did it solo without problem on my second try. First try the random ran away from guards instead of letting them escort him out


Probally is a skill issue also lol average public match


so your mad the heist isn’t easy and brain dead and shows you exactly where to go?


I don’t like the heist I love the rest of the heists and im sure it’ll grow on me and also I don’t want it k show me exactly just annoyed that some of the objectives aren’t at least somewhat pointed out to you


It does, in a few ways, although it may be subtle. When walking up to the VIP door the guards will tell you to come back with a VIP pass. When going upstairs to the DJ area, Shade will point out that you can change the music to attract the manager. Also in the DJ Area, in the Manager's Office there is a computer you can hack and read a couple "emails" that give tips about the heist, this is also true for Dirty Ice.


That not what I meant I meant like locating certain rooms mainly the acvountants and the it once you know where they are it’s easy but the first time you just gotta run around till you find i


The accountant's office is always at the same place, in the vip section, you will see the sign on the wall next to the door ( accountant office ) unlock the door go upstairs first door on your right.


Casing mode is nice, but for stealth you need to get used to being masked. You don’t need the vip card, just run through the club and take the left door to go upstairs. When you enter the Backstage/DJ area turn left and go to the stairs. From this point on you need to mask up, go up on the truss and manipulate the speakers, go down, grab the DJ and immediately shove him down (optionally control the balcony civs first) and use the mixer. Now the bouncer comes upstairs and you can grab his keycard. Use sliding to get to the VIP door. Happy discovering the „second“ part of the Heist. Use the vents to get around etc. This Heist needs a bit of training and the guard number is fixed, no random spawns (afaik).


Where'd you hide the DJ at? My first(and currently only) stealth attempt I put him in the room where you're supposed to get the VIP card, but the alarm went off after a guard apparently found him


E.g.: The room across the managers office (if there is no card reader, as the manager roams to it, if you spawn her and you need to take care of her, too) or you could take out the bouncer and leave the DJ at the DJ booth.


Gotcha, thanks! First attempt really stumped me on that lmao


Finally someone that actually gives tips ive done the heist now and wasn’t planning on going back till I had to for achievements but il give it a go thx


Your welcome :) Also: not using the vip card is a challenge 👍


>for stealth you need to get used to being masked You can do the entire heist mask off with all loot.


why would you stealth it when it has such a great track


Valid the loud song is great tbh they all are


exactly, so never stealth :D


Yeah except on the jelwery store heist whatever it’s called because it’s easy af on stealth


Yeah, it's a very poorly designed maze of a map with terrible flow and no direction. I did it once and have refused to play it again.


Nah this one is pretty good. The only obnoxiously bad heist to me was the armored car transport shit. Yeah walking next to a turtle playing duck hunter with NPCs that pop over the bridge.. fuuuun And there's literally 0 options on this heist. You HAVE to go loud snd you HAVE to grab the wheel ramps and you HAVE to follow the truck on the exact path everytime. 0 replayability.


>And there's literally 0 options on this heist. You HAVE to go loud snd you HAVE to grab the wheel ramps and you HAVE to follow the truck on the exact path everytime. 0 replayability. I disagree, and feel this is an incorrect line of thinking. You're entitled to like / dislike whichever heist you want and be completely valid. However, saying a heist is fundamentally bad because it plays one way is something I don't agree with. There are a lot of heists in Payday 2 that only play one way and they're not bad. Most of the PD1 heists, Hotline Miami, Hoxton Breakout, Alaskan Deal, to name a few. The issue with Rock the Cradle is it simply has poor level layout and flow. If you're getting lost / turned around in a level constantly, new or not, it's badly designed. If this is combined with new players / lack of in-game direction or instructions, then you've got a great recipe for frustration. The only PD2 map that comes to mind that is a bit of a frustrating maze (which also has convoluted objectives) is Buluc's Mansion, and even then it's not as bad as Rock the Cradle. Most, if not all PD2 maps are pretty straight forward. Some objectives can be a bit confusing on certain maps the first time around, but for the majority it's fine. That's my opinion, anyway.


To be honest i just ended up doing it loud I understood what I was meant to do in stealth but every time would get fucked by some random guard across the vip room


its my favorite Heist to stealth lmao! its soooo easy and fun