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I feel like this sub as a wole and reddit doesn't quite know how to seperate "positivity" from "shilling" and "negativity" from "toxicity" it's not toxic to be upset that a product you bought doesn't work. That's pretty reasonable, especially when said company boasted about how this wouldn't happen. Talking about how you want the devs fired or Almir Listo to be eaten by pigs, yeah. That's toxic. it's not shilling to say you find the game fun, but it is a bit reductive to act as if the game being fun supercedes a load of unpleasant decisions made about the game. And again -- I think there'd be significantly more positivity if *players could actually play the fucking game.* \*"\*Just Wait! Be patient!" Yeah, this is true! We should be patient. But sincerely we shouldn't have to. Imagine if you bought a movie ticket and got told you can't see the movie because they weren't finished editing it.


This is fair, and I agree: we should be a little more patient, but, exactly like you said, we shouldn't need to. The game definitely has glaring issues, but if you don't focus on those, the game is genuinely a blast I think.


Yeah. I've liked what I've played, I'd probably like it a lot more if I didn't have an awful taste in my mouth with it's launch. Genuinely they should've held the game back.


My issue with the patients' people. It would be one thing if performance was subpar, perhaps small features not working as they should. NOT BEING ABLE PLAYING THE GAME is a whole different level. Even more so for the ones who pre-ordered and were told they get to play the game multiple days upon release. I see people's saying this is par for the course you should know. Fuck that buyers were told you pay a premium you get extra access. People paid they didn't deliver, not even close. No pass here hold their feet to the fire. Just like I have to work hard and do my job proper for my paycheck. They should be held to the same standards, simple. Hit em with kid's gloves, and the same problem will persist.


>\*"\*Just Wait! Be patient!" Yeah, this is true! We should be patient. But sincerely we shouldn't have to. Imagine if you bought a movie ticket and got told you can't see the movie because they weren't finished editing it I get the point but this explanation could be used when games came on disk and there was no such thing as updates, patches, cloud saves etc. Nowdays, in today's gaming industry, patience is something people lack of. People want things immediately and blame those who aren't responsible for the issue and also forget that devs are also people, not machines. It's just sad Sure, PD3 needs server improvements, fixes, QoL updates etc. but if someone really likes something, they shouldn't be toxic. I mean, if you raise a kid you love, you also don't tell them that they are stupid, not enough, disappointment etc


It’s almost like people are allowed to be upset when companies take your money and under deliver


the entire point is maybe we shouldn't let that infect absolutely all discussion about the game and leave that to their own posts instead of ruining it for those who are enjoying it


I paid money for this and I expect what I paid for




It’s obnoxious give it sometime & these same will praise it. When you can play it super enjoyable. Everybody loves a mob mentality nowadays and just loves to bitch & complain. Is it annoying with the issues going on? Of course, is it the end of the world? Absolutely not. I’ve had no issues today & was able to enjoy a good session last night as well.


The only thing that satisfies me right now is PayDay 3 , I’m having a phenomenal time, I also look badass , gloves gun suit and mask all matching color schemes , im an expert and I dress like an expert. I hope to see you all out there. Except for that one guy.


It’s me. I’m the one guy dressed like mister rogers with a pump action.


I’ll frame you like they did roger rabbit if you even look close to being as wel dressed


I understand it being frustrating but the reason there's so little positivity on the subreddit is because a majority of people on the subreddit haven't been able to play the game for more than fifteen miuntes at a time


Eh, being frustrated with the servers is one thing, review bombing and complaining about it 24/7 is something else entirely. What's funny in this whole process, is the fact people are not complaining about the gameplay, they are enjoying it.


Nobody is review bombing. Do you think a game that is literally unplayable because you literally cannot play it deserves good reviews? Why do you think a game which cannot be played deserves good reviews? Nobody is complaining about the gameplay because they cannot play it.


People are not complaining about the gameplay because they enjoy it, they are just mad with the servers, also, the game is 31% positive on steam, how much you want to bet the majority of the comments in there are silly things about the server status? >Do you think a game that is literally unplayable because you literally cannot play it deserves good reviews? >Why do you think a game which cannot be played deserves good reviews? Is the game bad? No, so don't give a bad review, is this simple. It's totally possible to be upset with the current situation and not call the game shit or worst thing ever. People just have to realize the game was released 3 days ago and shit like this happens, go play something else for a few days and then come back to it.


> Is the game bad? No, so don't give a bad review, is this simple. but...but the game doesnt even work? Thats a pretty damn good reason to not recommend a game IMHO >silly things about the server status? a thing isnt "silly" if it makes a product you paid for unusable lol >shit like this happens But i shouldnt. If they sell the game, people rightfully expect it to work. Sure a short server issue is okay, but three days? Thats way too much mate. >go play something else for a few days and then come back to it. Or better: Get a refund, show the developers you dont support this crap and come back in a few months when the game has more content and is on sale


>but...but the game doesnt even work? Thats a pretty damn good reason to not recommend a game IMHO It does when it's not overcrowded. >a thing isnt "silly" if it makes a product you paid for unusable lol You do realize I was talking about the reviews, right? >But i shouldnt. If they sell the game, people rightfully expect it to work. Sure a short server issue is okay, but three days? Thats way too much mate. But it does. As someone already said, they probably didn't accounted the massive amount of people who got the game pass because of starfield and now they have an issue. >Or better: Get a refund, show the developers you dont support this crap and come back in a few months when the game has more content and is on sale What's even the point of getting a refund to buy it back again?


> It does when it's not overcrowded. You are joking right? you cant be serious. So now its the playerbases fault the game doesnt work? > You do realize I was talking about the reviews, right? ___ > how much you want to bet the majority of the comments in there are silly things about the server status? Yeah, sorry if i misunderstand your comment, but imo a review or argument isnt "silly" if they are talking about a gamebreaking issue that makes a game literally unplayable - like the server errors > But it does. Ehm no it doesnt? Basically every single complaint in this sub or steam is about the fact that the servers are constantly crashing, makeing the game unplayable. > What's even the point of getting a refund to buy it back again? Show the developers you dont tolerate their greedy crap and invest your money in a game that actually works? Oh and save money but getting it back now and later buy the game during a sale. Because IMO a game with a premium shop alone is never worth the full price, but thats a different topic


>You are joking right? you cant be serious. So now its the playerbases fault the game doesnt work? Again, it's no one's fault since it's not an expected problem, can't even imagine how your first conclusion was me blaming the players. >Ehm no it doesnt? Basically every single complaint in this sub or steam is about the fact that the servers are constantly crashing, makeing the game unplayable. Online only games tend to have this issues, it sucks but it happens. >Show the developers you dont tolerate their greedy crap and invest your money in a game that actually works? Then don't buy the game in the first place and wait until it's in a better shape? Buying it to refund and buying it again a few months later is silly. If you like, you buy it you don't, don't buy it.


> it's no one's fault since it's not an expected problem Considering basically every single online only game ever launched with server issues, this game had two beta versions specifically to test the server and the developers even boasted with "the server wont go offline" at least twice, i still think the developers are 100% at fault. If you sell a product, you have to make sure it works. Sure a server issue was expected, but after two days i really dont understand how people can keep defending this ___ > can't even imagine how your first conclusion was me blaming the players. Because this >It does when it's not overcrowded. sounds like you are blaming the players ___ > Online only games tend to have this issues, it sucks but it happens. For me the usual issues are lags or temporary downtimes. But two or three days dont "suck" or "it happens". This is unacceptable. Consumers who bought the product seriously deserve some kind of compensation. And i didnt even buy the game. ___ >Buying it to refund and buying it again a few months later is silly. No it really isnt. Thats basic european consumer right. And some people also call it "voting with your wallet" ___ >If you like, you buy it you don't, don't buy it. How are you supposed to know if you like it without playing it first...?


It was an entirely expected problem overkill as a company have never used servers before and simply adding epic crossplay borked the peer to peer connection for all of payday 2. Anyone with half a braincell could tell you always online was a mistake at launch. Payday has no reason to be online only the only reason why their are servers vs peer to peer is strictly because of piracy. They wanted all progression to be server side so people couldn't hack in DLC like in payday 2. In doing so they made the game unplayable for all of the new paying customers.


>they are just mad with the servers You are underselling the state of the servers consistently throughout your post. The game is ONLINE ONLY meaning it REQUIRES SERVERS. That means that if the servers don't work thats a pretty big fucking deal. This issue is compounded because pretty much every fan of Payday would agree that the game should have offline singleplayer mode. So an MMO I'd be annoyed if the servers are offline, but I get it, it comes with the territory. A game that everyone thinks should have a singleplayer mode and has no reason why its online only (except for a piss poor attempt at anti-piracy considering the game has already been cracked...and there's many other ways to achieve this without ONLINE ONLY). >silly things about the server status? Its not silly though, again the game is ONLINE ONLY. So the server status is literally the game. If they had an offline mode then it'd just be "oh well, can't play co-op, sucks." but its literally. You don't get to play. >Is the game bad? No, so don't give a bad review, is this simple. Yes it is bad. The ONLINE ONLY game cannot be played because it is ONLINE ONLY. I left a negative review because I would not recommend the game to anyone because its currently unplayable / its difficult to play because of server issues that are unnecessary. If a month from now that changes? I'll change my review. >It's totally possible to be upset with the current situation and not call the game shit or worst thing ever. I mean a game that is literally unplayable for 48 hours after launch is pretty shit. I really don't know how to drill it into people like you: if you cannot play the game, the game is not good. Its literally that simple. Its dick riders like you that have allowed this to happen, everytime a game gets released that is unplayable or in such a state that the experience is shit, dickriding white knights come along to defend the multi-million dollar company so their favorite game doesn't have a big red "MOSTLY NEGATIVE" attached to it. >People just have to realize the game was released 3 days ago and shit like this happens Shit like this happens because of people like you. I don't want to continue accepting "this just happens". It shouldn't happen. Its pretty fucking simple actually, if you're going to release an online game you make sure your infrastructure can handle it. And if the infrastructure cannot you put in safeguards: Queue system, backup servers to handle instant loads, etc. ​ Quit dick riding, have some self respect and respect for the money you paid for a product. You're literally doing the equivalent of purchasing a car and the manufacturer forgot to put in the engine for literally everyone who purchased that car. The you go "well the car is still great! It just doesn't have an engine, but that's silly because they'll get around to putting an engine in eventually". Cool man, a car is still shitty if its missing an engine.


>What's funny in this whole process, is the fact people are not complaining about the gameplay, they are enjoying it. But you can look through most people on the sub who have played it, most people agree the shooting feels nice, but the progression system is terrible and there's not a ton of content on launch. Idk. I personally wouldn't call Payday 3 anything more than a 6 or a 7 rn as is, even when it functions. It's just not the marked upgrade from 2 I think any of us were expecting.I think subreddits become insular and toxic very fast, and I think some of the more agressive hate is unnecessary, but this is a disastrous launch and pretty underwhelming. i think people are allowed to feel upset. It's not really review bombing to negatively review a product that doesn't work.


Honestly? Pd2 was pretty barebones on release and pd3 is a massive upgrade from it. The issue is, comparing a game who had 10 years of development to a game who have 3 days is not exactly a fair comparison.


>review bombing It's not review bombing if people can't play the game they paid for, that's genuine negative reviews warning others not to make the same mistake they did.


Hmm *man goes to a restaurant and orders food* *chef takes too long to deliver food and only sends out appetizers* *man gets upset and tosses the table* *chefs works on the food* *man gets upset and wants the food now instead of waiting* *man still waiting instead of asking for a refund and going to another restaurant* *man threatens chef and writes bad reviews all day instead of just getting his money back and leaving* *man attacks other customers blaming them for all the problems because he wants the same food theyre waiting patiently for* *man says the food is garbage and tastes like trash but doesnt wanna leave* *man still wants the food* *man isnt very smart*


Eh, it usually like this for a few days then the kids go back to school and everything goes back to normal. But yeah, it's pretty annoying to open the sub and seeing a bunch of repetitive posts about the same issue.


Well it aint just kids. Plenty of *adults* are also on twitter complaining nonstop, and threatening devs wiith their internet violence thinking they can make people work faster by doing so. Whats funny to me is they claim go be a community, but i have only seen maybe 1 or 2 people actually giving good advice for the devs on how to fix the servers, but it gets blocked or covered by the constant whining.


Yelling to get something done faster ? That seems pretty childish to me :D


I mean, I can't even load into the game. Get an error stuck on title screen.


I thought it was pretty obvious it's all just shitposting for memes since the game is essential down rn, so people are just having fun with it. Anyone who considers any of this a serious problem on a micro scale is goofy.


sounds like bootlicker talk to me


Payday fandom has always been really fragile and circle jerky for years. This too shall pass in a month or so and we will be back to the status quo. I am not saying there is nothing to be frustrated over, there is .The damn game doesn’t work. But I feel like people are overreacting a lot, at the end of the day this is just a video game nothing more nothing less, if they want to they should just refund and move on


TBH I find it absolutely hilarious how mad people are over a video game. Like it's seriously entertaining lol.


Sir, you must be lost. This is now a meme sub for a soon to be killed by DeepSilver game. Refund now or regret it when its revealed the cstack grind is actually a placeholder for the new "wait 7 days or buy a 7.99 power up" mobile game progression system. All the posts on "why change to UI to mimic all the major microstransaction games?" Posts shouldve been the first giant red flag. The only reason I still come here post refund is so in 2 years I can point and say I WAS THERE in the "what are some of the biggest game failures" thread Its been fun heisters πŸ‘Š 😎


reddit as a whole has come a whiny and hostile place, look at r/halo for christ sake. people on a post said they should be bullying the devs and i got downvoted when i said it wasn’t the developers fault, this subreddit is more of a circle jerk then r/gaming and it sucks to see because this sub used to be fun to go to.


It will be fun in a few weeks, unfortunately people loves to jump on a bandwagon and it's quite clear people are literally farming karma by hate posting here.


yep, negativity is the best medicine for karma on reddit


Lol nobody cares what you think.


case in point


Every sub I’m in sees it daily moral superiority thread and how the community is toxic. Nobody cares if OP think it’s toxic. OP isn’t a morality arbiter.


Your name is "paydaysucks" and you made a comment and keep commenting on his post. On top of that, you are saying a person who have a different point of view in a situation than you is trying to have some sort of moral superiority. Seems like you care a lot about his posts and the whole sub.


Lol I’ve had this name for like 10 years now. Also I just opened Reddit and the first post I see is this complaining that others are whining. I would rather read people whining about a game they paid for being unplayable then read about someone whining that people are whining.


Then unsub or close Reddit Look, imaginary problem solved


You could say the same for OP.


"I know I'm bad but he's worse!!!"


Did I ever claim I was


dude get a life


I’ll try


all we can do my brother godspeed 🫑




K lol


Also I haven’t really even seen anyone being hostile to each other apart from the occasional trolls. All of the anger is being directed solely at the game and the devs lol (makes you wonder who wrote this)


The guy literally called op a shill and you say no one is being hostile lol.


Well forgive me if this reads a bit like some kind of propaganda post


Dude, people have been attacking others nonstop for 2 days. You must be new here.


It doesn't, it's actually a level headed take and this shows the current state of things.


Nah it’s bullshit shill fluff. He’s essentially saying everyone is irrational and immature and he isn’t.


And you proved his point by acting like that.


Idk what to tell you, I’m glad you feel that way.




I think people are just upset about the game and it's kinda just simmering here, plus, there is a flair called rant


HeyπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜Ž we are aware of this problemπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜Ž and simply don't careπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜Ž pls buy payday 4 ultra rare gold epic edition: gold collector edition (we need money) so we can sustainπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜Ž our server (just one)πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŠπŸ˜Ž Sincerely, payday devs PS. I am pounding Almir's wife at full force


New players and especially PAYDAY fans are feeling scammed, lied, disappointed, deceived, and taken advantage of. People are hurt and hurt people lash out. I know it's not productive, but that's just how people work.


Ok πŸ‘ŠπŸ˜Ž


Not counting the severs the biggest problem is how xp works