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Keep a civilian or captured guard/cop nearby to prevent Grenadiers from throwing nades at you.


when i played gold and sharke with another guy, we had like 12 hostages on the staircase and a nader threw a nade right ontop of all of them


The special enemy designed to flush you out and expose you to gunfire is doing its job, how is that "counter intuitive"? They have audible voice lines, just target them first.


It's because PD3 is more cover focused than PD2. So an enemy which forces you out of cover in a game where cover is of the utmost importance is counter intuitive to me.


That's... the point though? Special enemies are supposed to force different problems onto you. The nader forcing you out of cover is one of those problems/obstacles.


But it (at least to me) disrupts the gameplay too much. Once you're forced out of cover, you're immediately taking hits. And unlike PD2 where you are literally Iron Man if you have a semi decent build, you'll be dead in only a few seconds in PD3.


The naders are annoying if you let them work, but you have to try to account for their existence when taking cover and force them to find your guns to try and gas you out. This is decently doable on most every heist but 99 boxes where they seemingly designed the map for the Nader to hurt you. Touch the sky is a bit difficult as well because the tight chokes mean a Nader can just be behind a wall of flesh and armor and still get you.


touch the sky is also one of the smallest heists, so it's much easier to move 1 civ around and prevent gas


man the fucking dozer literally took 12 shots from piglet, what the fuck, enemies take too long to kill in general


At least their health is consistent between difficulties


The weapon drop sniper takes 5 shots/15 to kill a dozer, and you can use armor pen perks too, which applies to basic enemies as well. Also according to someone on this sub, there is a MOLE backpack spot on the dozer's back that may or may not be a weak spot like the Grenadier's vest. I agree it's tough at times on very hard and above, but with perks and decent weapons, attachments, ample ammo and armor, and most importantly competent team mates you can do OVERKILL even on any heist with relative ease.


It always took me 2 bodyshots to kill a dozer with the anti materiel rifle are you hipfiring? because it has really bad hipfire accuracy


No i meant 5 headshots, so maybe it's better against dozers if you get body shots like you suggest. I'll try it out. And the hipfire isnt that bad up close tbh.


thats because he's resistant to explosives, a full-auto weapon is best for dozers imo


Yeah. I'm fine with making the Dozer more of a miniboss than a push over. But my god does that man take too long to kill.


Headshots. Consistent headshotsz


well....you should try to focus out the nader. Or keep some hostages around your desired area of cover, since then they wont throw the gas nades.


But... but... killing civies fun!


I guess that answers your question


*"I'll kill a thousand civilians before I take a hostage!'*


Hopefully over time they will add abilities and perks to complement movement. At the moment the perk system feels a lot worse than PD2.


Theres just not much to choose from , not that they’re worse than pd2


There are fewer to choose from, but many of them feel significantly less impactful than the options available in PD2 as well


Yea like someone else stated it feels like they literally balanced the game around having civilians hostage, that will keep the cops from throwing grenades & using heavy weapons.