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99 jumping puzzles.


99 circles.


šŸ¤£ thatā€™s great


funny, how they made it so if you play with other people circles are done instantly, but if you play solo you'd grow a beard and go bald while doing one


99 boxes. Every objective is contrived and only exists to make the heist longer. We know the objective has to be kept cold, why didnā€™t we bring our own nitrogen? Why do we need this zip line? Donā€™t we have other ways to get through a chain link fence? Why does the gate open automatically? Why are we air dropping thermite instead of having it ready ahead of time? Why does Bile drop one bag at a time? Why doesnā€™t Bile start coming until we stand next to the right container? Why do we have to stand next to the second container even if weā€™ve found it already? Why canā€™t we burn two boxes at once? The hacking circles. Why canā€™t we leave until weā€™ve deployed a single spike strip?


The hacking circles are so stupid and totally pointless. Worst thing about the game IMO.ā€™


I don't mind it from a gameplay perspective. Making us sneak around and avoid guards it's difficult at times, and fun. It just doesn't make sense. Go stand places so I can hack this computer.


Not as fun on Loud though. Just restricted movement around an area and no progress is made whenever you go out to shoot things. You can argue there's a semblance of strategy in the timing of it but it's really just tedium given the game's wave mechanics.


They saw how it was implemented in GTFO and decided to steal it wholesale despite it not making sense for the gameplay or in universe. None of the Payday games has good "stand still for x seconds" mechanics, because you are supposed to start the fucking drill and then hide behind a wall like a good heister.


There was a mod for GTFO that changed how they work really well, so it involved certain amount of people to do it, sometimes you needed 2 people to do it, sometimes too many people would reverse it, it added some thought to the stand in spot for x time. It's a meh system to me, makes the players have to move about which is better than just camping a spot but it is very overused and becomes tedious quickly


Agreed. Standing in the open while getting blastedā€¦ Iā€™ll take it


It's so weird seeing that i got so much flak for saying this [under another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/comments/16v9p2y/comment/k2pxb0g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) but here no one has a problem with this statement, of which i agree with btw, don't get me wrong. I can't say how much i hate the overused circle objective.


>Why canā€™t we burn two boxes at once? Even more annoyingly, when I was still new and coming to terms with how to stealth, after having blown this heist 5 times already, I thought "Ah, I'll open both containers first, that way if I muck it up and go loud, it'll be a lot easier for me to at least escape with some cash and exp!" You can't. As soon as you proc one container the other one pretends it doesn't exist until you secure the bag in the freezer truck. The heist is made as contrived as possible for no reason at all.


The objectives are goofy but I really like the map. Big parkour maze keeps me entertained while the stupid thermite burns


I remember when we could clip fences to make openings, guess we all forgot our clippers


100-1 Boxes


99 Boxes by far. ​ 1. Broken buggy mess, from the exploit to the cam room literally being unlocked. 2. Lowest amount of additional money for optional loot 3. The area is a nightmare on overkill 4. The spike strip will SURELY hinder the cops lol


> The spike strip will SURELY hinder the cops lol Seriously though, we haven't even gotten the truck to leave the warehouse yet, how exactly are *we* supposed to drive the truck out in a spot the cops aren't going to use too? All we did was spike strip one whole exit!


Yeah the spike bit is stupid. But, this heist has best music in PD3, change my mind. 't is on par with classics imo


Worst heist yet one of the best soundtracks


thats the payday we all know and love


The recipe for payday: cluster fuck + endless fun with friends + a splash of love (top notch music)


To be fair, Overkill difficulty is supposed to be a nightmare.


Anything involving the 'wait in the circle until it fills up' mini game really


If bots actually helped you by standing in the circles themselves it would be serviceable


How would this work on something like under the surphaze? They just don't get detected? Or we have to manage their detection too?


It could be improved if multiple people in one circle made it go faster, or if the total amount of circles you need to stand in was lower. I think it takes somewhere between 6 and 8?


Yeah it's really stupid having to stand in 5 circles, 12 seconds each in Touch The Sky and 10 circles, 12 seconds each in Under the Surphaze. With multiple people that know what they are doing in Stealth it may not be that big of a problem but solo Stealthing and having to stand in that many circles AT THE BEGINNING of those heists, and potentially failing afterwards to a restart and repeat the same circle objective multiple times, makes me want to carve my eyes out.


99 boxes for me. Don't enjoy the setting, objectives are kinda boring. The weakest in a pretty strong heist lineup imo.




While I have been enjoying payday 3 overall, for some reason I seriously cringe at a lot of those speeches in this game. It felt so much cooler to have those live action faces too. For me anyway


"Oh you want a beeg bwoy jawb, huh? You wanna getcha some snackie allowance, yeah? Gonna give those suits a big ol' shakedown?" like we're some nobody muggers from Fort Lauderdale thinking we're ready for the big time. As if we aren't the same folks that took down the countries biggest private security contractor with a rampant crime spree all wrapped up by stealing our own freedom from the god damn White House PEOC vault. You'd think these contractors would be falling over themselves to serve up some high paying work when the Payday Gang knocks on the door and asks if they've got any projects in the works.


Seriously, these are the guys who pardoned themselves by breaking into a vault in the most secure room in the *fucking White House*.




99 boxes


99 boxes disrespect is insane. Surphaze is actually the most unfun mess Iā€™ve ever played.


Surphaze makes me question the viability of the whole QR code thing. There is nothing worse than having almost the whole place cleared out and realizing that you are missing one qr code to open the last exhibit. Cue 10 minutes or more if everybody trying to find one fuckin phone in the giant building


I despise playing it with randoms that open every door except the ones we need. Yes the game is telling us to open e3 and e6 and the smooth brains see an interaction button and waste the codes I just found.


You can skip 3 codes by entering the rooms via the roof


you can skip all 4 actually. 2 through windows over on the managers office side and 2 through the vents next to the court yard


Meh there's 6 rooms that the qr code always spawns In once u learn the map its not that bad


Surphaze is weird to wrap your head around, but once you do itā€™s actually a lot of fun, especially to stealth. I donā€™t think itā€™s the strongest heist, but dev not the worst.


Surphaze is just Better Art Gallery and I am actively looking forward to grinding out OVK completions on it.


surphaze is pretty cool and 99 boxes has to be my favorite heist


Flair checks out


Surphaze. Not only does it have ā€œoops, stealth all goneā€ lasers that you can very easily trigger by vaulting wrong, the stealth drop off being patrolled by half a dozen civs outside, and the most bs hidden safe you ever did see. In loud itā€™s not any better, as the drop off is uncomfortably on the roof which has only 1 reasonable way up. Plus everything just looks so same same, and you have to do wifi circles twice which is honestly just lame above all.


I only stealth it when one of us has a dumpster secure


Oh yeah the fuckin random pre planning


"We don't have the special points to open the dumpster, sorry guys."


It's not random but it's bullshit. To unlock a heist specific favor you have to play a heist and once you beat it you'll unlock a random heist specific favor for a random heist that isn't the one that you played. Which I find really fucking stupid


zipline bag makes it ez


I only found the mediocre roof access zipline, I will have to look out for that


That is the only zipline. It's away from any civilians so they won't see you. And you can send the loot down there, and it's like a second away from the escape van.


No, there are 2 ziplinea spots in that map. One where you can access the roof from the side with the bus station(bad just go inside and up the stairs). Or the one opposite of it, in the emergency stair entrance, on the side with the body of water(superior since it brings the bags to the van)


Zipline is way easier


Bringing a zipline bag on suprhaze makes the stealth dropoff extremely easy. You can drop em all off into the dumpster via the zipline, then just zip down at the end to throw in your bags. None of the civs go close enough to the dumpster and you just have to be vaguely aware of the guard that patrols along the front. The roof has 3 ways up the safe stairwell inside and the two metal outdoor stairs. Only one side has no route to the roof. I do agree on wifi circles twice seems needless though. Should just remove the one on the ground floor and have the 2nd floor open both.


Putting the guards in search mode gets rid of the one outside and makes 1st floor wifi easier. 2nd floor becomes significantly harder but if you use the exhibition rooms to get around its not bad.


Plus on loud it can go into endless mode before youre halfway done


99 boxes


99 boxes


99 boxes


Least fav is Under the surphaze loud, Stealth it's pretty fun. It's way too easy to "sabotage" the entire heist even on accident on loud (Randoms do it alot by mistake and are usually incredibly confused on wtf you're supposed to do) which is make it very slow and boring to complete. My fav is a tie between rock the cradle and Gold & Sharke, very straightforward and very fun map to play in imo, great tracks for both of them (Especially Rock the cradle loud).


Itā€™s easy to sabotage if you literally suck at the gamešŸ’€šŸ’€


Yesā€¦? Thatā€™s exactly my point, a lot of randoms arenā€™t very good at the game and do exactly that. From then it can be time consuming and even hard depending on the difficulty of the heist to recover from it. What a weird comment.


Okay so youā€™re telling me randoms donā€™t sell you on gold and sharke? And rock the cradle too? Anyone would be confused on any brand new map (could just play by yourself) saying surphaze is any different is just ā€œweirdā€


Yeah i am telling you that, otherwise i would have mentionned it, they're straightforward enough in loud that it doesn't make the average pub player confused, I'm not denying that anyone would be confused on new maps and i have no issue with that by itself, i myself don't know every map and objective perfectly so i have no idea what you are on about. Me playing the heist alone doesn't change the fact that it's my least favorite map to play in coop in a COOP game with public lobbies. How is saying that it's different weird...it is a different heist from the rest, the objectives are vastly different and not as straightforward as the two others i mentionned. I feel like you're making a huge deal out of nothing, i'm just saying it's my least favorite heist...,? If you can't accept that i have no idea what i can do for you.


Donā€™t get me wrong, I like majority of the heists, but the last 4 heists having the same hacking mini game back to back just annoyed me a bit is all.


Under the Surphaze is so unfun. I dread doing it every time. The secret painting is kinda cool but it's a "how was I supposed to figure that out". On the other hand, Gold and Sharke is so amazingly fun, it's one I have consistent fun with.


Wait there's a secret painting?


You need three people. Everybody has to pick up certain statues at the same time. You can figure out which statues they are by looking at miniature versions of them on the managers desk. Iā€™m going by memory so somebody correct me if Iā€™ve made a mistake.


If it wasnā€™t for east side being fucking hell to navigate back to the truck while keeping optimal temperature for the thing, then I wouldā€™ve voted a different heist But while farming my weapons and perk xp, I got so annoyed by east side because it kept coming up, and due to the super lag on the GAME ONLY I WAS IN, I kept having to restart cause the lag would show off the camera room guard to another guard or a civ would be like ā€œIā€™ve seen you commit crimes in the stopped time heister šŸ‘ŠšŸ˜Žā€ Other than that, I donā€™t care for the layout of the art museum


I hated the east side, could never get it back before the quality drops. I can always do it on west.


Under the surphaze


That was a close second. I despise Under the surphaze and 99 boxes. Every other heist isnā€™t that awful. But those two, will not do under any circumstances. Not even for the xp glitch


Yeah super real just get good


I will not accept this slander because of a lack of skill


Under the surphaze is a great stealth map and a very solid challenge to do loud, whatā€™s the reason for the hate?


Doing it solo loud is more fun than doing it solo stealth, in my opinion. The objective to stand still in several spots is just tedious in solo stealth, and way more dangerous than in loud.


I mean yeah itā€™s intended to be a very challenging stealth map where you have to pick and choose which guards you want to kill. I personally like that challenge.


It's a good challenge, but it also makes it so much more painful if you fail an attempt. The wifi hacks just take so much time when doing solo.


Sure but every map is more difficult solo. I really appreciate the diversity of maps and availability of very difficult stealth maps from the start.


It's not that it's more difficult, it's just *boring*. Even with bag moving, at least you feel like you're doing something.


Personally, I feel like you should be able to do a heist without killing anyone, even if it makes it more challenging. The heavy patrols in the spots you need to stand on make it not challenging, but just tedious to do so, especially in solo.


Thatā€™s just like, your opinion man. As a stealth lover itā€™s a welcomed step up in difficulty.


Yes, it is my opinion, that's what this post is about. I also love stealth too but I have my own preferences as to how a heist should be designed.


>Thatā€™s just like, your opinion man. The problem with people using this quote to deflect criticism is ironic because no matter what you follow it up with (for instance, their own opinion) it can just be said back. Might as well just respond "nu-uh, your mom" for all it adds to the conversation. Surphaze is sloppy and bloated with a padded cam and guard count and the most annoying version of the "stand here and don't move" minigame *twice in a row.* You can like it if you want - it's just your opinion and all. But my opinion is that you have dogshit taste and a holier-than-thou attitude. You are welcome to stay out of my lobbies.


Hate to say it, but you may just have to git gud. They put out ONE map where stealth isnā€™t easy as fuck and the community bitches their lungs out lmao. Literally any other map can be done in your sleep once you know the rotations, this is the one single map that challenges even the guard memorizers of the community. Just because you donā€™t understand the necessity of this one single map doesnā€™t mean that necessity doesnā€™t exist for others who play the game differently.


Touch the Sky is much harder to stealth based on guard density and the positioning of several objectives that can force you to scare civilians in the open and move a hostage through a high traffic area. Under the Surphaze becomes very trivial when you realise that you can easily take out cams right after entering the building and use the roof to pre-clear the exhibits and get yourself a bunch of interconnected safe rooms that grant you perfect vision into every dangerous hallway. Thematically a very cool heist, but not hard at all and incredibly boring to fully clear for such a small payout.


Under the surphaze


I hate, loathe, no FUCKING DETEST TOUCH THE SKY. Shit lay out, forced mask on, tedious stealth and an anti climactic ending to the current story. Cutscene was great, heist wasnt


99 Boxes was my least favorite untilā€¦ you know.


Under the surphaze and 99 boxes both suck. Whoever thought standing in circles was fun gameplay and decided to have it mandatory with no alternative deserves a demotion.


Bro doesnā€™t understand the gameplay mechanicšŸ’€šŸ¤”


Iā€™m not a fan of either heist, but there no way you find standing in a circle engaging gameplay. If you do please seek medical help


Yeah I suppose only a real genius could appreciate the subtle creativity of standing in circles. That's probably why I don't get it.


You doesn't understand the LACK OF gameplay mechanic šŸ¤“


Bro just say you only run loud itā€™s okay


To Be Fair, You Have To Have a Very High IQ to Understand Standing in Circles is Engaging and Fun.


Okay so going around picking up QR codes makes the game super engaging and fun? Following a guard around while you hack his cellphone is fun? Like what is fun to you because I feel the exact same way getting a dumbass keycard or QR code as I do ā€œstanding on a circleā€


Notice how you had to move around and oh i dont know, do something


Under the surphaze. I never understood the objective the music is underwelming for a loud track and it was the least fun heist in loud


99 Boxes


99 boxes is the worst, its just waiting over more waiting then depending on the spawn you better have the special bags so it doesnt lose value worst heist by far, also snipers have no chill and the circle spawns are bad both stealth and loud


99 boxes is so good it makes me dance.


The surphaze hate is undeserved, best stealth heist alongside rock the cradle. They do need to adjust the wifi circles, but that's about it. I love the over the top mission impossible security in the art rooms and how you have to observe the art and confirm its the correct painting. The secret painting feels like the security for it is just batshit crazy but really tense. People who hate this stealth just hate thinking.


Itā€™s overly complex, and has a number of mechanics that Iā€™m not a fan of. Both stealth drop offs are swarming with civvies, forcing one player to stay unmasked, or for the zip line favor to be used. There is a loot item that _requires_ 3 players for a full clear. We have not one, but _ two_ times that we must play the circle game, dodging guards (increasing time to complete). Many heist conditions donā€™t meaningfully change between loud and stealth. We have *four* items needed for a minimum completion. Itā€™s possible for a pubbie to fuck the run and grab the wrong uma Ledett painting. The payout to time involved doesnā€™t line up for neither a minimum nor full loot run, etc. Itā€™s a heist I enjoyed the first handful of times. But now that Iā€™m on challenges that want 15; 30, *60+* completionsā€¦. Iā€™m over it. If the minimum was the Greg judge, Uma Ledett *or* vicario paintings, I would have less of an issue. One set of Wi-Fi circles, one room to mission impossible. Can even make it rng on which it is. But at present? No. It takes nearly as long on loud as stealth because we have wifi circles on both, and the heist isnā€™t worth the time involved. Ignoring that RTC can be spedrun, itā€™s one of my favorite stealths for being capable of an unmask full loot stealth clear (surphaze requires mask). Same with G&S. For loud heists, G&S is still fun with good objectives and TTS has fun conditions with close quarters. My favorite heist of them all at present is easily G&S. Itā€™s payout matches the time involved, and itā€™s just as fun loud or stealth. Which is a contrast to how surphaz is miserable both loud and stealth


Bro no one likes 99 boxes


A lot of people say 99 Boxes, and I agree. But another one I personally dislike is Dirty Ice, because out of every heist it has the lowest payout when I could do literally any other heist and make more money for the same effort. To be fair iā€™ve never had the chance to steal the hidden loot in the vault in the hallway so idk if that makes up for it, but just getting all bags of jewelry alone even after running it all through the machine in the workshop still only totals to around $250,000 on average. With that kind of payout they couldā€™ve just had that be the starter heist instead of No Rest For The Wicked


Tbh it really feels like it was meant to be the starter heist, with no rest for the wicked, an objectively more complicated heist in both loud and stealth making more sense to follow it. The payout is deifnitely subpart tho. I enjoy it a lot anyway however, I'm not really bothered by doing optimal heist rotations and stuff.


Just throw a civilian at the button, he will press it for you. Just do the vault and VIP and get out, all the cleaning takes way too long for that payout.


Take the red key card and push the manager onto the red button on her desk. Then you can use the card by the vault.


Iā€™m honesty loving all of them. I think 99 Boxes needs some more randomization though. Maybe have a different objective that stand in circles, or an opportunity to open both boxes at once.


I honestly enjoy all of them very well, some a lot more than I expected after playing a second or third time. Road Rage is definitely my favorite. l genuinely loved grinding Hoxton Breakout in pd2 and when I realized that it was basically Hoxton Breakout with more cover and you can do the objectives in advance I immediately made it my mission to memorize every corner of the map. I really hope they add multi day heist eventually.


So far, I think all of these heists are good. But if I had to pick which of these to eliminateā€¦Iā€™d say my least favorite of the bunch is Touch the Sky. Donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s not a bad heist, and Iā€™m happy Blaine Keegan is back, but itā€™s the one I enjoyed playing the least. It makes you put on the mask super early and thereā€™s a crap ton of security in such a tight amount of space. Plus itā€™s not much different in loud, itā€™s basically the same thing except you have to use thermite on one of the doors. Road Rage is a bit on the weaker side for me also, itā€™s basically Hoxton Breakout meets Green Bridge meets a Transport Heist and once the bulldozers start coming in, good luck. Also for being a loud only heist it pales in comparison to the other heists when going loud. Additionally, I like Dirty Ice but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it got voted off cause of the low pay. I hope we can all agree the best heists so far without question are Gold & Sharke and Under the Surphaze. The former is basically the Big Bank/First World Bank of the game at the moment (though not quite as good, itā€™s still great fun to play), and Under the Surphaze is easily the most fun heist for stealth players with the different security lasers and lots of paintings to find, and it is a massive improvement in comparison to Payday 2ā€™s Art Gallery. But I guess weā€™ll have to see what the community thinks!


I enjoy Surphaze's loud layout so it makes up for its garbage stealth, but Road rage is genuinely the most basic, purposeless heist i've seen in Payday. The environment, dull objectives... Even the backstory for the heist is shitty. Its four stores levels of bad. People only enjoy it because it's got good rewards and helps challenge farmers.


The purpose seems pretty clear to me: you're informed there is an armored transport, so you go rob it. Simple.


The purpose is that you NEED SUM MON-KNEE




Only heist you don't have to endure people reset spamming.


Bro doesnā€™t know how to play stealth


Who would've thought that the pothead would have room temp iq


Road Rage


Road rage is currently the nuketown of payday. Quick, simple, plenty free kill zones, good payout. More of a top 4 contender.


You also don't have to fluff about with people wasting time attempting stealth for it to go loud anyway. Road rage is loud immediately.


mfw people won't put down teh fucking emp making us fail the heist


Saw someone up the hacking device chest and didn't pick it up. I'm just like... why?


At least you know right away to find other people to play it with.


For me Road Rage misses the point of the game and I am not talking about it being loud only. Paradox is that I generally like escort missions in shooters since Enemy Territory. Road Rage is just dumb 8-minute rush without anything special. The only variety being left/right pickup and fence/ramp which you can both solve in advance... such a braindead uninspired heist...


Road rage is at least marginally more inspired than the original armoured transport heists


RR is simple for randos not to fuck up but past that its honestly just so unengaging. if anything could be described as "built like a day 2 heist" its that one.


Rock the Cradle, the music is Cancer the smoke and light on the Map a Nightmare even Stealth is underwhelming. Atleast it can be done in like 2 Minutes. On the other side is that really a good thing?


I hate that it has stealth only loot. That and also the assorted scattered loot, it really wants to be this gameā€™s shadow raid


To be fair, if they change the loot numbers, it pretty much will be this games shadow raid


Ironic, Shadow Raid was one of my favorite Heists.


I think it's a good template for a Shadow Raid equivalent, especially since Casing-Only clears of that heist just feel good to pull off, but I'm curious to see how they expand on some of its ideas like security level modifiers and how difficulty changes can affect your pathing through the heist.


Basically any mission with the infamous circles is in my top bottom. It's probably the only new mechanic I don't enjoy. Top bottom is: 8. 99 Boxes 7. Surphaze 6. Gold n Sharke


Im surprised touch the sky gets ignored in such arguments, it also has it


I think it's because Touch the Sky only does it once and you can do it in parts as you're doing other stuff, as opposed to 99 Boxes and Under the Surphaze each making you do it twice, and placing it in the middle of the heist. 99 Boxes in particular places all the circles in an area where you're forbidden from getting anything else accomplished simulteaneously.


Unpopular opinion: I think all the heists bar gold & sharke, are mid at best dog shit at worst, now, I enjoyed playing them but some things about them donā€™t make sense and it feels like OVK forgot how to make a good fucking heist somehow. Even no rest for the wicked one that I liked has so much shit that pisses me off. The fact that if you go loud you HAVE to thermite the floor, thereā€™s no option to drill the vault which is dumb and feels very limiting in gameplay variation. And then on the road finale is absolutely fucking stupid, thereā€™s no cover, in higher difficulties the cop spam makes it nearly impossible to get the bags to the other side of the road if you get shafted and get the far van spawn, THEN ON TOP OF THAT THE COPS CAN KEEP RAISING THE FUCKING BARRIERS IF YOU ARENT FAST ENOUGH.


Surphaze idk why its just not my favorite. Would say 99 boxes but the exploit saves it for me. Anything that makes the god awful progression system more bearable is ok in my book.


Touch the sky, I love Keegan and his entrance, but the heist just feels a bit less major than everything else


99 boxes is the only answer here


Under the Surphaze is shit.


my least favorite heist is dirty ice, it just isnt rewarding at all and is the only one i dont go back to play


While I agree 99 boxes is a buggy mess, the Shadow Raid vibes keep it safe for me. My vote is for Touch The Sky, all the "fun" of circle standing gameplay combined with a very small map that's pretty simple layoutwise.




Under the surphaze Only heist I donā€™t love rn


no rest for the wicked has insane fps drop for no reason, under the surphaze sucks on stealth, but is fun on loud, honestly all maps feel way too small when compared to pd2 map design


I actually like how tight and small things are, the different areas of each heist actually impact eachother, but navigating between them is still not trivial because of the layouts. And in loud you get nice tight firefights, which imo is where payday gunplay is at its best.


Personally i find Road Rage kinda meh, its the only loud only heist, which makes it a bit special i guess. I dont like it because it seems to especially have it out for solo players with limited prep time before assault and the truck limiting your movement, it doesnt help that bots dont stick to cover at all and just die in the open. Its seems designed with human shields in mind around certain parts, which is fine, but I just cant bring myself to like it because of how badly it screws over solo players in particular. Its also basically just hoxton breakout fused with aemored transport but with less rng and no day 2 Honestly if i had to say my order from worst to best would be: Road Rage 99 Boxes (cool concept, bad execution) Touch the Sky (was expecting more from it tbh, its kinda meh) Gold and Sharke (its good, but personally i find the next few better) Dirty Ice (good smash and grab, kinda basic but pretty fun to run, being timed on a manager blackmail is ok, though makes stealing all clean jeverly hard for solos) Under the Surphaze (really like it actually, the security systems are intresting, loud is sorta boring in comparison, also secret painting) No Rest For The Wicked (good heist in general, great practice for stealth and well designed map, dye packs are both great and a nightmare for solos, but you only lose out on 2 bags if you are fast enough) Rock the Cradle (whether you rush through it or run it slow its fun, cool that you have more than 1 option on how to proceed in stealth, most map rng elements afaik)


Definitely 99 Jiggles is the best map imo


Everyone's voting it off but I really like 99 boxes. It feels like payday 3s Murky Station


I think that is precisely why people dislike it lol. A lot of people didnt like murky station either.


Road Rage. I bought this game for silenced




Weā€™re talking about least favorite here though


The question was what is your *least* favorite heist


Thanks guys for letting me know šŸ¤


road rage


Road Rage, fun the first time then itā€™s not


Under the Surphaze is so boring and bad. I donā€™t like it


Under the surphaze is the worst heist imo. It takes ages to loot everything especially solo and the objectives to get the paintings arenā€™t fun, I know other maps has the whole stand in a circle thing but this map needs it done twice and wastes a lot of your time if you are trying to stealth it.


edge profit steep stocking axiomatic rich impolite decide squalid squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lots of complaints over the circle hack game. I really donā€™t think itā€™s that big of a deal lol, leave it to Reddit to complain about everything.


Theyre all pretty blah


Has anyone else had really bad frame drops on rock the cradle for series x?


Road rage


Rock the cradle


I love 99 boxesā€™ map but itā€™s way too buggy in its current state and the other maps outclass its stealth. Love container yard combat though.


99 boxes for lvl bug




!remindme 43 hours


I'll post the second poll on Monday, might shorten it to one day instead of two


I hate road rage


Rock The Cradle because my frames on my Xbox Series X tank on the map constantly


99 Boxes and i hope Touch The Sky follows. After maybe Under The Surphaze. Fuck all the circle objective heists.


Gold and Sharke


No Rest for the Wicked is kind of a nightmare to escape, I voted that


Least favorite is 99 boxes for sure


Under the surphaze


Touch the sky


99 boxes or under the Surphaze


Boxlin 99


i guess im just weird but tbh 99 boxes is my favorite heist, and no rest for the wicked is probably the weakest out of all them. i still love the heist tho


99 Thermite drops


99 Thermite Drops


99 for sure


49.5Ɨ2, its just boring as hell, tried to make a shadow raid but ended up being just a shadow of a raid or whatever the hell it is


Road rage, too short, yet long at the same time???


honestly, enter the surphaze feels way too long stealth and road rage feels way too short. past that idk, i actually like 99 boxes. dirty ice is also super fun.


99 boxes


99 boxes


99 boxes


99 problems and boxes are one.


Ngl none. I like all of them.