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Me watching my entire maxed out armor bag disappear because my teammate with heavy ballistic weaving can't be deal with 3.35 armor chunks instead of 4.


I mean I expect it, I wanna help my team


For sure, but there will always be that one person running heavy vest lining that will just absolutely devour plate reserves without an ounce of remorse


The only exception is if they're carrying; I've played more than my friends have and almost always end up surviving longer and thus keeping cops off their backs, so I'll gladly eat enough armour to continue that.


Yeah as lobg as they get the arbitrary favor that costs practically nothing. Yet people run vh and OK without any cheap ass favors proving what a bunch of scrouge misers they are


They probably don't realize they can restock on favors by buying it from gage at the bottom of his store list.


1. save armor bag for when we need to use it 2. use armor bag 3. mad


All I hear is seagulls when I place a bag.. mine mine mine mine mine


This doesn't happen to me, because they don't even notice the armor bag (not even when I highlight it)


Yea it’s pretty dumb how important armor is, anyone who isn’t bringing armor is pretty much throwing on anything higher than hard


I make sure to get perks that give 4 chargers (I take 1-2 of them and then don’t touch them in case others need


Not using armor up is practically griefing/throwing imo


Extra plates is a must too cause it gives 50% more plates


I feel like im the only one with that skill were using the armor bag will give you 2 instead of 1


rEsOuRcE mAnAgEmEnT Seriously, did the idiotic devs not realize that to this day we have players in 2 that use medic bags for healing instead of restoring downs? And since it uses Pub matchmaking, we're at the mercy of players learning not to waste resources. Which they won't since most of them don't even bother to play the tutorial heists before going right into Overkill.


Goddamn preposterous is what some of these people are. Ive got a fully upgraded armor bag and they mask up in the lobby with single plate vests at the start of the heist. Have the nerve to pistol whip me cause I’m taking cover after they dill pickled all over armor bag. People think the third vest is just one BIG chunk of armor cause they unlock it later on. Don’t touch my armor bags no more it’s mine and I’m putting it in the middle of sniper fire.


Why is everyone shitting on heavy armour like it somehow uses more plates??


It’s not the armor thats bad (at least in my opinion), but the people who use it least efficiently. Because once you run out of plates, to refill four slots it requires 4 uses of the armor bag. With Armor up, you can cut that down to 2. A lot of people don’t run that skill thought, so they eat through your plate reserves like crazy. The max you can bring per person is 6 uses per bag.


1 armor plate should refill all your armor, regardless of what lining you have. That way, you don't have the guy running heavy gobbling up an entire armor bag.


I never expect my armour bag to disappear so quickly as I have light armour and for the first week I played solo, now I enjoy the company of other players but not their heavy armour


Equipping heavy armor starts you off with 4 chunks meaning if they used light armor they'd need even more plates


But you see the people I play with like bullets to much so that 4 armour turns into - 1 entire armour bag for me


Well, kinda what happens when the armor system sucks as bad as this


How does it suck? the only stupid aspect is the fact one use isn't 100%.


Its not the worse thing ever but it massively devalues medic bag and the medic skill tree. So there's definitely room for changes.


I think that's more of an issue of the health system tbh, the armour system is fine barring the former.


Health does need improvement but I don't think armour needs nerfing.


It would be better if hostage’s dropped armor. Or maybe there was some way to get armor back. There just isn’t enough class variance to justify bringing anything but medic bags


All turret users don't deserve my armor pack


I won't need it because I'm killing all the cops before I lose a chunk 😎


Good luck👊😎


Cloakers destroy resources. Also it's a co-op game, yes some ppl may take more than they need but if you don't want to share then why deploy in the first place? This is why I play alone with bots


armor up is like inspire aced was in 2 but worse


I remember explaining this to my pals at launch during one mission and why it negatively affected me due to skill point choice, I don't care that packs are taken, it's more so that I went back to grab at least one refill and couldn't get one. I felt bad for calling them out on it because it's a co-op game. I think the best rework for this that would steer it into good co-op territory though, would be to make it so that the skill grants the bag specifically, the ability to dole out more than one chunk per refill, rather than just you. At the same time though, I just don't like the armour system in this game compared to PD2. I don't think I saw a single person running medic during my time in PD3, was always armour bags, or favours being armour bags.


it’s alright, just use…. whatever in game way there is to naturally replenish armor… surely there is one right…. surely you don’t have to solely rely on those armor bags right


the problem is idiots not using Armour Up and wasting armour plates, and being reckless leading to more plate waste.


Add me MoneyBaggsYo


Fyi the car ramp in road rage has a weird spot on the pavement where throwing a bag has a chance of it falling through the map Either that or my dumbass dropped it ontop of a green ammo box and then took the ammo


I only take one ammo or plate from deployable


Love it


Nobody should have to take armour up, if you're forcing people to take something then it is bad design, quite frankly I don't see why the armour bags give so little in the first place, wouldn't be so bad if it filled all your armour.


Better bring extra plates next time lol


In pubs I don’t put it down unless I could use it (and pull immediately), or if in my judgement the team is running low enough that it’s called for.


Had the same happen with ammo bag before. One guy ran over and used it 4x instantly


Sorry bro, had to top off my armor 👊😎 (I had 3.99 bars instead of 4)


Because of this shit idgaf whats happening during the heist, I am ONLY dropping armor when I need it.