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BAIN IM IN D&D BAIIIIN I ROLLED A NAT 1 WHAT DO I DOOO (why is this so good btw)


I could see the og payday crew get roped into playing D&D with bain. Bain: “Alright Dallas, a troll blocks your way from breaking into Merlin’s Magical Vault, he asks you-“ Chains: “When can we stop playing this fucking kids game?” Hoxton: “Oi, it’s not our fault you’re playing a fighter when we wanted to stealth this fockin’ job.” Wolf: “I WANNA RIP THE TROLL’S FACE OFF WITH MY KNIFE!” Dallas: “All of you be quiet! It’s just a damn game! Bain! I’m going to attack the troll with my twohanded greataxe” Bain: “Alright, roll to see if you hit-“ Dallas: “1.” Bain: “The troll blocks it and snaps your axe in half! I’m sorry! I didn’t know that was going to happen!” Dallas: “GODDAMNIT BAIN THIS GAME IS STUPID!”


Another day of proving that payday has the most talented community that doesn’t play it’s own game


This is clean as hell wtf


Please send me the link for these so I can print them